showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Fossilized Bronze, Invisible Bronze
The systematic field surveys carried out since the beginning of the 2000s around the fortified site of the Camp du Château at Salins-les-Bains (Jura, France) have led to the discovery of 74 Bronze Age hoards, a density rarely observed in France. Dating from the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age to the Late Bronze Age, this dataset is unique as it provides detailed information on the composition of the hoards and their distribution within a defined territorial and chronological framework.These hoards are mainly made up of fragments, as around 90% of the objects are broken. This is deliberate and seems to correspond to a codified ritual of destruction which could be related to the notion of …
Choisir une filière scientifique : l’importance des « role models » pour les lycéennes
The impact of dental metal restorations on the oral oxidative stress level
Dental materials may influence the equilibrium between production and destruction of free radicals, thus creating conditions for developing of local or general oxidative stress. Metal ions, emitted from base dental alloys, may cause changes in cell struct
Il processo civile telematico. 1 Origine, evoluzione, struttura e funzionamento
L’autore, dopo una breve disamina storia, esamina le novità in materia di processo civile telematico, introdotte dal d.lgs. 149/2022, inteso in una sua accezione ristretta, evidenziandone il funzionamento e le criticità.
‘Georges Duthuit’s Le Rose et le noir : Disseminating Walter Pater’s The Renaissance in the 1920s’
My proposal presents a lesser-known study of Walter Pater published in 1923 (?) by a young undergraduate named Georges Duthuit (1891-1973). Hovering between different subjects, arguments, portraits, and disciplines, Le Rose et le noir was the first book-length publication of Duthuit, at the time having just obtained his Licence d’anglais (BA) in 1921, and about to embark on a career as a distinguished art historian specialized in Byzantine studies. Duthuit soon stood as a distinguished Franco-British mediator in art matters, a committed scholar and administrator and, later in the 1940s, an editor of Transition. He remains arguably an outstanding art historian but I would like to focus on hi…
Anisotropic flow and flow fluctuations of identified hadrons in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Information security culture: An investigation into the impact of a large-scale cyberattack
Cybersecurity and cyberattack have been mentioned significantly more in the news in recent years, which has caused organisations to give higher priority to information security than ever before. Today, many organisations are vulnerable to malicious attacks like ransomware. These attacks can significantly impact an organisation's operations, especially given their reliance on technical systems. This has led to organisations emphasising technical security measures significantly, often overlooking one critical aspect of information security, namely information security culture (ISC). This empirical study examines how an organisation's ISC changes during a ransomware attack and how it has conti…
Systematic review on the effects of the discontinuation of the anticoagulant therapy and the postoperative bleeding, in patients under new oral antic…
The present systematic review compares the effects of the discontinuation of the anticoagulant therapy and the postoperative bleeding, in patients under new oral anticoagulants after dental extraction. The purpose of this study is to determine the postope
Detection of NOTCH1 mutations in paraffin samples in patients with potentially malignant lesions
On certain occasions, oral cancer is preceded by potentially malignant lesions. The degree of dysplasia in Guinea pigs attempts to determine the risk of developing a malignant lesion. The search for genetic mutations, biomarkers, as a more truthful and re
Yhden kielen taitoa vai monikielistä toimijuutta?
Väitöstutkimuksen aiheena olivat yliopisto-opiskelijat kielenoppijoina. nonPeerReviewed
The Rewilding Approach in Urban Design. The Case Study of Budolfi Plads in the Historic Centre of Aalborg (DK)
Dwelling on Earth responsibly means guaranteeing global environmental well-being, within which the habitable environment for human beings must find a new homeostasis. At the turn of the second and third millennium, tackling environmental degradation and halting the continued loss of biodiversity became a global policy goal. In this context, new approaches to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration are emerging, such as rewilding, an approach that aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of ecosystems by restoring natural processes and minimizing human management. The article analyses urban rewilding as a design approach aimed at restoring natural processes and reintroducing natu…
Quo vadis, internal auditing? A vision for internal auditing in 2030
We aim to respond to calls in international auditing (IA) literature and to the current changes in the IA field by describing the driving forces and vision of the future for IA in the year 2030. The goal was to prompt in-depth discussion informed by the divergent views of experts. As a contribution, we identify three key driving forces: prolific data and its application, globalization and new value chains between organizations. Further, the study reports a vision for the future of IA. By surveying a wide range of stakeholders, including the board, management, internal auditors, teachers and a legislator, we expand on the views in earlier literature regarding IA, IA developments and the appl…
„Comparing“ American and South African literatures (through Afrofuturism): methodology and challenges (online seminar)
My original thesis project was ‘Representations of monstrosity in afrofuturist American and South African literature’, and it was meant as a follow up to my master’s thesis which consisted in analyzing monstrosity in short story collections by an African American and a South African author: Friday Black (Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, 2018) and Intruders (Mohale Mashigo, 2018). I had used afrofuturism not as my main focus then, but as a subchapter in my work, When I started working on my thesis project, I took the term ‘afrofuturism’ for granted when applied to South African works, but the texts I have read and the (South African) encounters I have had have led me to rethink my work and my appro…
Le codesign en santé : un outil de légitimation ?
Pacjent nadużywający alkoholu etylowego –badanie podmiotowe i przedmiotowe
Un rempart paternaliste à l’ochlocratie : le droit de vote des pères et chefs de famille. Regards franco-portugais, de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à nos …
Autodeterminación de género y familia en Derecho italiano
Il contributo illustra la posizione dell'ordinamento italiano vigente in relazione all'autodeterminazione della persona con specifico riferimento al tema dell'identità di genere e delle conseguenze del cambiamento di sesso sul matrimonio e sull'unione civile tra persone dello stesso sesso, ed alla questione della procreazione delle coppie omoaffettive. Le tematiche analizzate vengono affrontate sia dal punto di vista del formante legislativo, sia da quello giurisprudenziale, evidenziando un certo disallineamento del diritto vivente rispetto al dettato normativo e l'esistenza di questioni ampiamente dibattute in relazione al riconoscimento in Italia della omogenitorialità realizzata all'este…
Historia jako element systemu komunikacji polskich parlamentarzystów ze społeczeństwem w XXI wieku na przykładzie roli okolicznościowych uchwał ustan…
Refugee Hierarchies in Poland: between Legitimizing and Resisting Injustice amid the Reception of Ukrainian War Refugees
Laser-induced tuning of graphene field-effect transistors for pH sensing
Here we demonstrate, using pulsed femtosecond laser-induced two-photon oxidation (2PO), a novel method of locally tuning the sensitivity of solution gated graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) without sacrificing the integrity of the carbon network of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown graphene. The achieved sensitivity with 2PO was (25 ± 2) mV pH−1 in BIS-TRIS propane HCl (BTPH) buffer solution, when the oxidation level corresponded to the Raman peak intensity ratio I(D)/I(G) of 3.58. Sensitivity of non-oxidized, residual PMMA contaminated GFETs was 20–22 mV pH−1. The sensitivity decreased initially by 2PO to (19 ± 2) mV pH−1 (I(D)/I(G) = 0.64), presumably due to PMMA residue remova…
Continuous play : leisure engagement in competitive fighting games and taekwondo
In order to better understand the development of play and games in modern lives, this article examines two competitive leisure groups: digital fighting game players and traditional taekwondo practitioners. Drawing on qualitative offline/online interviews (n = 56) and close reading of externally documented life narratives (n = 14), we explore how the modes and motives of engagement fluctuate in competitive players over time. The study provides a new developmental approach to continuous competitive play as leisure. Our results show rather than making linear progress from ‘casual’ to ‘serious’ leisure, individuals in both groups perceive their lasting relationships with these activities gradua…
Aerobic exercise training and gut microbiome-associated metabolic shifts in women with overweight : a multi-omic study
Physical activity is essential in weight management, improves overall health, and mitigates obesity-related risk markers. Besides inducing changes in systemic metabolism, habitual exercise may improve gut’s microbial diversity and increase the abundance of beneficial taxa in a correlated fashion. Since there is a lack of integrative omics studies on exercise and overweight populations, we studied the metabolomes and gut microbiota associated with programmed exercise in obese individuals. We measured the serum and fecal metabolites of 17 adult women with overweight during a 6-week endurance exercise program. Further, we integrated the exercise-responsive metabolites with variations in the gu…
Video calls as a nexus of practice in multilingual translocal families
This study explores how daily video calls were used by two multilingual family constellations to keep in contact with members located elsewhere. A three-stage data collection and analysis protocol was developed together with the two main participants, two single mothers each with a 4-year-old child. The results show that active collaboration among all members of the family was needed to get the activity going. The families employed a de facto family language policy where the focus was on successful communication and nurturing emotional bonds rather than developing language skills. At the same time, the regular video calls added a significant amount of time spent together and increased the a…
Compte-rendu de Les inscriptions de Paphos. La cité chypriote sous la domination lagide et à l’époque impériale, Jean-Baptiste Cayla – Lyon, Maison d…
Identifying Influential Nodes: The Overlapping Modularity Vitality Framework
This paper proposes an Overlapping Modularity Vitality framework for identifying influential nodes in networks with overlapping community structures. The framework uses a generalized modularity equation and the concept of vitality to calculate the centrality of a node. We investigate three definitions of overlapping modularity and three ranking strategies prioritizing hubs, bridges, or both types of nodes. Experimental investigations involving real-world networks show that the proposed framework demonstrates the benefit of incorporating overlapping community structure information to identify critical nodes in a network.
Estudio del remodelado eléctrico cardiaco producido en un modelo experimental de síndrome metabólico y su implicación en la génesis de arritmias
El síndrome metabólico (SM) afecta a aproximadamente un cuarto de la población en los países industrializados y a más del 40% de la población de 50 o más años, habiéndose convertido en los últimos años en una de las principales preocupaciones para la Salud Pública debido a su relación con la enfermedad cardiovascular. Se trata de una entidad nosológica frecuente y compleja, que representa un conjunto de alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas como la obesidad, la hipertensión, la hiperglucemia, unos niveles elevados de triglicéridos y una reducción de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL). El impacto y los riesgos adversos en el sistema cardiovascular aumentan en consonancia con el n…
Kieli on muutakin kuin puhetta : ei-äänellinen merkityksenvälitys ja viittomakielet osana kieli-ilmiötä
Tämän artikkelin peruskysymys on: Mitä on kieli? Kysymystä ei jokapäiväisessä kielentutkimuksessa välttämättä ajatella, saati mahdollista vastausta problematisoida, sillä usein on helpompaa vain ottaa jokin valmis kielimääritelmä ja elää sen mukaan. Mutta kysymys ja sen aktiivinen pohdinta on tärkeää meille kaikille, jotka työskentelemme kielentutkimuksen alalla. Viime kädessä jopa ammattiylpeytemme vaatii, että osaamme vastata kysymykseen kielen olemuksesta jollakin suhteellisen yhtenäisellä ja ennen kaikkea todellisuutta vastaavalla tavalla. peerReviewed
Deconstructing Gendered and Colonial Violence in the Re-Imagined Nineteenth-Century: Domestic Traumas in Neo-Victorianism on Screen
En esta tesis, examinamos el colapso del concepto idealizado de familia nuclear en las sociedades occidentales a través de la (mala) representación de los traumas de género y coloniales en el neovictorianismo audiovisual. Para ello, analizamos cuatro textos audiovisuales neovictorianos producidos en la última década: Crimson Peak (2015) de Guillermo del Toro, Penny Dreadful (2014-2016), Taboo (2017-presente) y Carnival Row (2019-presente) a través del marco teórico de los estudios de trauma. Nuestras hipótesis de partida son (1) estos textos audiovisuales neovictorianos aparentemente proporcionan una representación feminista de los traumas de género dentro de los confines de la familia nucl…
Size selectivity of standardized lobster traps used in long-term monitoring and their ability to catch large European lobsters (Homarus gammarus).
Harvesting the resources of the ocean has been an integral part of both human settlement and advancements for millennia. In later years, the effects of unsustainable harvesting have become clearer, and several management regulations have been sanctioned to preserve populations that are being threatened by overfishing. One of these management regulations is Marine protected areas (MPAs). In Norway, the Flødevigen lobster reserve was established in 2006 to study the effect of protection on the local European lobster (Homarus gammarus) population. The population has since increased in both numbers and size, but lately the maximum observed body size of lobsters within the reserve has been stagn…
Memoria y calidad de vida en pacientes con epilepsia farmacorresistente: utilidad clínica del EpiTrack y la politerapia como predictores
La epilepsia es una enfermedad neurológica que afecta a 70 millones de personas en el mundo, caracterizada por una predisposición persistente a presentar crisis epilépticas, además de sus consecuencias neurobiológicas, cognitivas, psicológicas y sociales de la recurrencia de las crisis. Dado el grave impacto de las crisis en la vida del paciente, los tratamientos priorizan su control, aunque no están exentos de efectos no deseados. La investigación en farmacología de la epilepsia es incesante, aunque la amplia variabilidad individual en el tipo, número y dosis de fármacos antiepilépticos (FAEs) administrados supone un reto para el estudio de los efectos cognitivos de los fármacos. Por ello,…
Potential Carcinogens in Makeup Cosmetics
Facial makeup cosmetics are commonly used products that are applied to the skin, and their ingredients come into contact with it for many years. Consequently, they should only contain substances that are considered safe or used within an allowable range of established concentrations. According to current European laws, all cosmetics approved for use should be entirely safe for their users, and the responsibility for this lies with manufacturers, distributors, and importers. However, the use of cosmetics can be associated with undesirable effects due to the presence of certain chemical substances. An analysis of 50 random facial makeup cosmetics commercially available on the European Union m…
L'open-badge : un outil au service de l'évaluation et de la reconnaissance de compétences transversales dans l'enseignement supérieur ?
Sexual Satisfaction: Pornography Consumption
Exploring current and desired teleworking frequency in the Paris Metropolitan Area
Dai popoli alla τέχνη. Il motivo delle «opere grandi e meravigliose» tra Erodoto e Galeno.
The essay analyzes the reuse of the motif of 'great and wonderful works', already present in Herodotus, within the Galenic corpus.
Biozins lokaliseringsvalg og mulige ringevirkninger for Åmli-regionen
I denne masteroppgaven undersøkes bakgrunnen for Biozins valg av den noe perifert beliggende kommunen Åmli som lokalisering av en fabrikk for produksjon av biodrivstoff. Videre sees det på hvilke ringvirkninger denne etableringen muligens kan få, og hvordan aktører kan legge til rette for økte ringvirkninger. Regjeringen har satt et mål om å nå FNs klimamål, et av flere virkemiddler er å redusere klimagassutslippene fra transportsektoren. Biozin kan være et svar på utvikling i en grønnere retning, der avfallsmaterialer og liknende fra skogen blir tatt i bruk og omdannet til biodrivstoff. I henhold til dette ønsket jeg å få svar på følgende forskerspørsmål: "Hvorfor valgte Biozin opprinnelig…