showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Teachers’ pedagogical leadership in early childhood education


Background: Although the contexts, structures and administrations of early childhood education (ECE) may differ internationally, effective pedagogical leadership remains an essential component in supporting young children’s development and learning. This paper reports on a comparative study which considered ECE in two different settings, Finland and Florida, providing insight into teachers’ perspectives on the characteristics of pedagogical leadership. Purpose: This study sought to investigate and compare the perspectives of ECE teachers and directors in Finland and Florida via their discourses about teachers’ pedagogical leadership. The goal was to provide an overview of the ECE teachers’ …

education policyearly childhood education (ECE)varhaiskasvatusteacher pedagogical leadershipanalysis of discoursescurriculum516 Educational sciencespedagoginen johtaminendistributed leadershipdiskurssianalyysiopetussuunnitelmatkoulutuspolitiikka

Les techniques et référentiels disponibles pour le diagnostic microbiologique des sols : offre de service, application terrain, futurs outils


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Tutela dei crediti di lavoro e responsabilità solidale nel “contratto di logistica integrata”


Il saggio esamina la nuova disciplina dell'art. 1677 bis c.c. in chiave giuslavoristica, soffermandosi sul problema del regime di responsabilità solidale applicabile ai lavoratori impiegati nell'ambito del cd. contratto di logistica integrata

Settore IUS/07 - Diritto Del Lavorocontratto logistica integrata appalti solidarietà crediti lavoro

Increasing human environmental footprint does not lead to biotic homogenization of forest bird communities in northern USA


Studies have shown negative impacts of increased human pressures on biodiversity at local (alpha-diversity) and regional (gamma-diversity) scales. However, the diversity between local sites (beta-diversity) has received less attention. This is an important shortcoming since beta- diversity acts as a linkage between the local and regional scales. Decreased beta- diversity means that local sites lose their distinctiveness, becoming more similar to each other. This process is known as biotic homogenization. However, the mechanisms causing biotic homogenization have not been fully studied nor its impacts on different facets of biodiversity. We examined if land- use change due to human actions c…

gamma-diversitybeta-diversityhabitat lossmonimuotoisuuselinympäristöhuman footprint indexluonnonsuojeluluonnon monimuotoisuusalpha-diversitybiodiversiteetti

Digital 3D tvilling


Denne masteroppgaven forsøker å utforske hvordan offentlige kartdata kan konverteres til en digital 3D tvilling på CityGML-format ved å bruke FME. For å svare på dette har FME blitt brukt til å utforske om og hvordan konverteringen kan gjøres samt hvilke mangler og avvik som kan oppstå ved konvertering fra kartdata til 3D-modell. Det er også blitt utforsket hvor detaljert en CityGML-modell konstruert fra kartdata kan bli og hvilke fordeler og ulemper bruk av digital 3D-tvilling har. 3D-modeller av forskjellige områder er kommersielt tilgjengelige fra forskjellige leverandører. De er imidlertid dyre. Det betyr at kun de største prosjektene og initiativene vil bruke digitale 3D tvillinger. Me…

Production et circulation des épées à poignée métallique de l'âge du Bronze en Europe occidentale


Âge du Bronze[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryArmementAlliages cuivreuxMétallurgieArtisanat

Exploring the impact of projectification on organizational agility: A qualitative study of Norwegian firms


In recent years, the use of project work in organizations has had an increasing trend. The use of project-work offers a structured and effective way to manage complex tasks and achieve desired outcomes. Working through projects offer a range of benefits, including enhanced efficiency, collaboration, strategic alignment, higher level of flexibility and agility. For the success of project work, organizational agility is particularly crucial as it enables organizations to respond rapidly to changing circumstances. Projects empower organizations to respond to new market conditions, customer demands, and emerging technologies, demonstrating a high level of agility. With the increasing adoption o…

Elevers motivasjon i arbeid med virkelighetsnær matematikk


Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan arbeid med virkelighetsnære matematikkoppgaver påvirket motivasjonen til elever i matematikkfaget. Vi ønsket at elevene skulle lage sine egne problemstillinger basert på virkelige situasjoner og løse dem i form av en oppgave. Hensikten var at oppgavene skulle oppleves mest mulig virkelighetsnære for dem. Med utgangspunkt i en pilotstudie vi gjennomførte i 2022 valgte vi å utføre et undervisningseksperiment i en 9. klasse, hvor elevene jobbet med slike oppgaver i grupper. Problemformuleringene elevene utførte kan ses i sammenheng med en modelleringsprosess, der elevene “matematiserte” et problem fra det virkelige liv. Forskningsspørsmålet vå…

Gestion du fonctionnement des communautés microbiennes du sol pour réduire leurs émissions du gaz à effet de serre N2O


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Preoperative oral practices and incidence of postoperative complications in hospital medical-surgical procedures: A meta-analysis


 Oral decay prior to a hospital medical-surgical procedure is a risk factor for the development of postoperative complications. However, perioperative oral practices as a protective factor have not been studied. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of perioperative oral practices in the reduction of risk of developing postoperative complications in in-hospital medical surgical procedures. This review and meta-analysis was conducted according to Cochrane guidelines. Medline, Scopus, Scielo, and Cochrane were consulted. Articles of the previous 10 years concerning adult patients undergoing perioperative oral practices prior to hospital medical-surgical procedures, were included. Dat…

meta-analysisoral lichen planussystematic reviewOtorhinolaryngologyhepatitisSurgeryhepatocellular carcinomaGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASMedicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal

Biozins lokaliseringsvalg og mulige ringevirkninger for Åmli-regionen


I denne masteroppgaven undersøkes bakgrunnen for Biozins valg av den noe perifert beliggende kommunen Åmli som lokalisering av en fabrikk for produksjon av biodrivstoff. Videre sees det på hvilke ringvirkninger denne etableringen muligens kan få, og hvordan aktører kan legge til rette for økte ringvirkninger. Regjeringen har satt et mål om å nå FNs klimamål, et av flere virkemiddler er å redusere klimagassutslippene fra transportsektoren. Biozin kan være et svar på utvikling i en grønnere retning, der avfallsmaterialer og liknende fra skogen blir tatt i bruk og omdannet til biodrivstoff. I henhold til dette ønsket jeg å få svar på følgende forskerspørsmål: "Hvorfor valgte Biozin opprinnelig…

Internet Governance and Cultural Diversity: An Intimate but Conflictual Relationship


Correlation of age and skeletal effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion


To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) and their correlation with the age of the patients. Settings and sample population: Sample comprised 19 patients with maxillary atresia and posteri


Activity Monitoring Made Easier by Smart 360-degree Cameras


This paper proposes the use of smart 360-degree cameras for activity monitoring. By exploiting the geometric properties of these cameras and adopting off-the-shelf tracking algorithms adapted to equirectangular images, this paper shows how simple it becomes deploying a camera network, and detecting the presence of pedestrians in predefined regions of interest with minimal information on the camera, namely its height. The paper further shows that smart 360-degree cameras can enhance motion understanding in the environment and proposes a simple method to estimate the heatmap of the scene to highlight regions where pedestrians are more often present. Quantitative and qualitative results demons…

Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle Informazioni360 camera Activity understanding Distance estimation

Base-Controlled Regiospecific Mono-Benzylation/Allylation and Diallylation of 4-Aryl-5-indolyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione : Thio-Aza Allyl Rearrangement


The regiospecific S-benzylation/allylation of two 4-aryl-5-indolyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione precursors was carried out using Et3N as a base. Allyl group migration from exocyclic sulfur to the triazole nitrogen (N3) was successfully achieved in a short time via thermal fusion without the need for any catalyst. The allylation of indole nitrogen, along with exocyclic sulfur or triazole nitrogen (N3), was carried out using K2CO3 as stronger base. S,N-Diallylated products were converted to N,N-diallylated analogues using a simple fusion approach. Structural analyses of the two newly synthesized hybrids 2b and 5b investigated via the X-ray diffraction of a single crystal combined with Hirshfeld ca…

124-triazole-3-thioneX-ray single-crystal analysisthio-aza allyl rearrangementheterosykliset yhdisteetallylationorgaaniset yhdisteetröntgenkristallografia

Bounds on the number of maximal subgroups of finite groups


In this paper we obtain significant bounds for the number of maximal subgroups of a given index of a finite group. These results allow us to give new bounds for the number of random generators needed to generate a finite $d$-generated group with high probability.

Mathematics (miscellaneous)Applied MathematicsFOS: MathematicsGroup Theory (math.GR)20P05 20E07 20E28MatemàticaMathematics - Group Theory

Gaining or losing PhDs: What are the effects on firms' linkages with universities?


PhD graduates can help companies transfer knowledge from universities to firms. Scholars have analysed the determinants of PhD recruitment by firms and its effects on their innovation activities. However, little is known about what happens when a firm loses employees with PhDs. The aim of this paper is to compare the effects on the relationships of firms with universities when these firms lose PhDs versus when they hire PhDs to work in R&D. These effects may be symmetrical or non-symmetrical depending on the abilities of firms to retain the connections and knowledge acquired by hiring PhDs. We consider four types of relationships: collaboration with universities, universities as a source of…

CISUniversitiesPhDsUniversitatsUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASDoctorandsknowledge transferAcademic-industrial collaborationhuman skillsDoctoral studentsManagement of Technology and InnovationCol·laboració universitat-empresaBusiness and International ManagementApplied Psychologyuniversities

Interdisciplinary dynamics and generic conventions: the case of Clinical Ethics Committees


In recent years, Clinical Ethics Committees (CECs) have become increasingly istitutionalised by way of a growing belief that they play an important role in successfully helping health care professionals to address ethical dilemmas. The majority of members have a medical or nursing background, with an increasing number of legal members, lay, and religious representation, and discuss a variety of issues that might arise in clinical settings, from Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment and Do Not Resuscitate Orders, to Advance Directives and Confidentiality, to name just a few. In this regard, the UK Clinical Ethics Network (UKCEN) was established in 2001 to provide support for the growing numb…

Interdisciplinarity discourse analysis medicine law Clinical Ethics Newsletters

The Role of Anticipated Guilt and its Neutralisation in Explaining Responsible Online Shopping


Although responsible consumption has been the target of growing interest in academic research, the antecedents of responsible online shopping remain poorly understood. In this study, we address this gap in prior research by focusing on the role of anticipated guilt in explaining responsible online shopping. By using data from 479 Finnish consumers, we aim to answer two research questions: (1) how strong an antecedent of responsible online shopping intention is anticipated guilt in relation to other potential antecedents and (2) how efficiently can consumers regulate their resulting feelings of guilt by using different kinds of neutralisation techniques? We find anticipated guilt to be a str…

kestävä kulutusostokäyttäytyminenneutralisation techniquesverkkokauppavastuullisuussyyllisyydentunneresponsible online shoppingkyselytutkimusanticipated guiltonline survey [theory of planned behaviour]structural equation modellingkuluttajakäyttäytyminenFinland

Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjon av bygg


The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. The use of 3D laser scanning to collect as-built data on construction sites have been given increased attention over the last few years, with numerous potential areas of application. The aim of this study was to investigate how 3D laser scanning can be used to streamline the production process of buildings. This also includes existing buildings with rehabilitation needs or missing/lacking as-built documentation. T…

Anthropic impact, bioactive molecules, sustainable development, my keyword? Biodiversity!


Biodiversity is my main research focus and that of my research group. We study a range of different aspects concerning biodiversity, such as the impact anthropic activities have on biodiversity and how to improve its preservation, its use as a valuable resource for the extraction of bioactive molecules, and the study of its distribution. The research group has over twenty years of experience in the study of zoology, and, more in particular, the immune and behavioural responses of aquatic invertebrates and fish. For many years, the group has observed the effects of various anthropogenic activities, such as the acoustic and chemical impacts on the physiological and behavioral responses of inv…

fishstrebehavioural responseinvertebrateSettore BIO/05 - Zoologiamolecular responseSettore BIO/06 - Anatomia Comparata E Citologiabiochemical responsebiodiversity

Postulat de lege frenda w zakresie przestępstwa obcowania płciowego z małoletnim


Treść artykułu dotyczy problematyki regulacji przestępstwa obcowania płciowego z małoletnim z art. 200 § 1 Kodeksu karnego. W tym zakresie stwierdzono pewną niepełność w aktualnej regulacji, identyfikując ją oraz podając rozwiązanie w postaci propozycji, tj. znowelizowania art. 200 k.k. przez dodanie do niego § 2, który opisywałby to przestępstwo w ramach quasi-typu uprzywilejowanego jako wypadek mniejszej wagi. Sformułowanie niniejszego rozwiązania stanowi ocenę aktualnego stanu prawnego przez zwrócenie uwagi na potrzebę zmiany uregulowania prawnego w tym zakresie

quasi-mitigated formnadzwyczajne złagodzenie karysexual freedomextraordinary mitigation of punishmensexual intercourse with a minorquasi-typ uprzywilejowanyact of lesser gravitypostulat de lege ferendawolność seksualnaobcowanie płciowe z małoletnimconclusions about desirable legislative amendmentswypadki mniejszej wagiPalestra

We sequenced a legume genome: so what (for breeders)? Video Youtube.


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Estimation of the photon production rate using imaginary momentum correlators


The thermal photon emission rate is determined by the spatially transverse, in-medium spectral function of the electromagnetic current. Accessing the spectral function using Euclidean data is, however, a challenging problem due to the ill-posed nature of inverting the Laplace transform. In this contribution, we present the first results on implementing the proposal of directly computing the analytic continuation of the retarded correlator at fixed, vanishing virtuality of the photon via the calculation of the appropriate Euclidean correlator at imaginary spatial momentum. We employ two dynamical O(a)-improved Wilson fermions at a temperature of 250 MeV.

Computation theoryPhotonsHigh Energy Physics - LatticeLaplace transformHigh Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat)Lattice theoryFOS: Physical sciences

Functions of the translation factor eIF5A in cellular metabolism and transcriptional control


El factor de inicio de traducción de eucariotas 5A (eIF5A) es una proteína esencial y conservada con funciones en las tres fases de la traducción. eIF5A está codificado por dos genes parálogos, TIF51A/TIF51B y EIF5A1/EIF5A2 en levadura y humanos respectivamente. eIF5A es la única proteína que contiene hipusina, una modificación esencial para su actividad, y se une a los ribosomas para facilitar la traducción de motivos con prolinas consecutivas o combinaciones de prolina con glicina y aminoácidos cargados. eIF5A participa en otras funciones y procesos como exporte de mRNAs nucleares, proliferación y apoptosis. Su asociación con enfermades como el cáncer es de interés. En esta tesis se han u…

mitochondriacollagenUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAtranslationgene expression regulationtranscriptionmetabolism

Ecophysiological processes underlying mineral nutrition of soybean under individual or combined heat and water stresses


In a context of climate change, with more frequent drought events and heatwaves, it is predicted that soybean yields will drastically decrease in the near future. Soybean being the most widely grown legume crop in the world, there is an urgent need to improve its ability to sustain its growth under such conditions in order to guarantee high levels of productivity. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of heat and/or water stress on soybean growth and its water and mineral nutritions. Two soybean genotypes, displaying contrasted root architectures during their vegetative stage were grown under controlled conditions in the 4PMI high-throughput phenotyping platform where either op…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]climate changeGlycine maxroot architectureionome

Motifs d'inscription et assiduité à un semestre de réorientation en première année universitaire : une analyse exploratoire


Cette communication veut initier un débat sur la réorientation à l'université accompagnée par un dispositif institutionnel de réorientation, ce type de dispositif étant considéré comme favorable aux parcours des étudiants (Demuynck, 2011 ; Dozot, Piret & Romainville, 2012 ; Cattonar & Verwaerde, 2015). Il s'agit ainsi d'évaluer la pertinence de tels dispositifs sachant que les recherches pointent les difficultés de participation des étudiants dans les dispositifs d'aide à la réussite : dans quelle mesure sont-ils assidus à un tel dispositif dédié à la réorientation ? Quels facteurs peuvent contribuer à expliquer leur assiduité ? Cette recherche est menée par le biais d'une analyse explorato…

[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDispositif Enseignement supérieur Étudiant Étudiant de 1ère année Inscription Motivation Réorientation Université

Extracellular vesicles from a renewable natural source: development of new biomaterials


Le vescicole extracellulari (EV) sono nanoparticelle membranose derivate dalle cellule che mediano la comunicazione intercellulare trasferendo composti bioattivi come proteine e RNA. La scoperta delle EV come nanotecnologie naturali e mezzi di comunicazione tra cellule e persino tra specie ha suscitato grande interesse nel campo della somministrazione di farmaci. Le EV possiedono intrinsecamente diversi attributi che le rendono un buon veicolo per il rilascio di farmaci in organi e tessuti bersaglio specifici. Infatti, queste particelle: i) sono ben tollerate nel corpo, ii) hanno una lunga emivita circolante, iii) vengono internalizzate dalle cellule riceventi e iv) sono capaci di attravers…

nanoalgosomes.biogenic nano‐delivery systemEV‐based therapeuticmicroalgal extracellular vesiclemicroalgaeextracellular vesicles of non‐mammalian organism

Climate Change Impact on the Hydropower Potential in Agder County


Climate change poses significant uncertainties for the future of hydropower, both in terms of challenges and opportunities. This study uses an educational version of the HBV model to investigate climate change impact on the hydropower potential in Agder County over the next century. The results show that the model tends to overestimate the observed values, but results in a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 73.4\% for calibration and 77.7\% for validation with a correlation of 89.0\%. This indicates that the model's simplicity does not surpass its accuracy. For annual discharge the study found that the RCP4.5 scenario predicted a 9\% increase close to 2100. The RCP8.5 scenario projected a more si…

Oggetti quotidiani ed estetica dell’abitare. Riflessioni sul design anni ’50 e ’60 in Italia


Il saggio prende in considerazione alcuni oggetti presentati alla mostra Design! Oggetti, processi, esperienze, di cui il volume costituisce il catalogo, per dimostrare come oggetti, suppellettili e accessori costituiscono un indizio delle abitudini di chi abita la casa, testimonianza di memorie e affetti, espressione di un’identità. Di conseguenza, gli oggetti, intesi in senso etico-estetico e antropologico, assurgono a chiave euristica per ripensare, in termini non cumulativi ma relazionali, i modi in cui viene elaborata l’estetica dell’abitare.

Settore M-FIL/04 - Esteticaestetica design oggetti quotidiani estetica quotidiana design italiano

Diving into the uncertainties of open innovation: A systematic review of risks to uncover pertinent typologies and unexplored horizons


The open innovation paradigm has created substantial new opportunities for firms in various sectors. However, scholars have long expressed concern that open innovation also entails a dark side, which can result in value co-destruction. This concern highlights the importance of devoting attention to the perils of pursuing open innovation. Existing scholarship has given due credence to these perils by examining various associated risks and uncertainties. We observe that the extant literature is siloed and unorganized, which impedes future research. Positing that an endeavor to organize existing studies may enhance the pace of research in the area, we attempt to address this gap by reviewing t…

EthicsOpen innovationValue co-creation:Samfunnsvitenskap: 200 [VDP]Systematic literature reviewSociology (excluding Social Work Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)General EngineeringEtikUncertaintiesManagement of Technology and InnovationVDP::Economics: 210RisksSociologi (exklusive socialt arbete socialpsykologi och socialantropologi)VDP::Økonomi: 210

Cross‐sectional associations between physical fitness and biomarkers of inflammation in children : the PANIC study


Background Systemic low-grade inflammation has been proposed as an underlying pathophysiological mechanism for cardiometabolic diseases. We investigated the associations of physical fitness with systemic low-grade inflammatory state in a population sample of children. Methods Altogether 391 children aged 6–9 years were examined. Cardiorespiratory fitness (maximal power output, Wmax) was assessed by a maximal cycle ergometer test and neuromuscular fitness by hand grip strength, sit-up, standing long jump, 50-metre shuttle run, static balance, sit-and-reach, and box and block tests. Body fat percentage (BF%) and lean mass (LM) were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. High sensitivit…

paediatricsobesityfyysinen kuntomatala-asteinen tulehdusinflammationphysical fitnesslow-grade inflammationbiomarkerslihavuusbiomarkkeritlapset (ikäryhmät)fitnesskehonkoostumus

Kurt Vonnegut and the Postmodern Satire


A broad look at the reformative qualities in Kurt Vonnegut's writing, through the analyses of three of his novels (The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, and Slaughterhouse-Five).

Quo vadis, internal auditing? A vision for internal auditing in 2030


We aim to respond to calls in international auditing (IA) literature and to the current changes in the IA field by describing the driving forces and vision of the future for IA in the year 2030. The goal was to prompt in-depth discussion informed by the divergent views of experts. As a contribution, we identify three key driving forces: prolific data and its application, globalization and new value chains between organizations. Further, the study reports a vision for the future of IA. By surveying a wide range of stakeholders, including the board, management, internal auditors, teachers and a legislator, we expand on the views in earlier literature regarding IA, IA developments and the appl…

internal controlinternal auditingcorporate governancedriving forceschangeorganisaatiotmuutostulevaisuussidosryhmätDelphiarviointiauditointi

Efecto del método de cálculo y de la presencia de falsos positivos en los umbrales de percepción


El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido demostrar que, a la hora de calcular umbrales de percepción, el método de cálculo elegido y las respuestas que son falso positivo (es decir, aquéllas en las que la respuesta positiva no corresponde a la detección real del aroma sino al azar al elegir la respuesta), tienen un efecto significativo sobre el valor de umbral calculado.

[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutrition

Investeringsanalyse av anleggsmaskin med grønt hydrogen som energibærer for reduksjon av CO2-utslipp.


For å nå målene i tråd med Parisavtalen er dekarbonisering gjennom å ta i bruk ny teknologi i bygg- og anleggsbransjen en avgjørende faktor. Regjeringen publiserte den 3. juni 2020 en hydrogenstrategi som et bidrag til arbeidet med å utvikle lavutslippsteknologi, hvor bygg- og anleggsbransjen var ekskludert. I denne oppgaven vil vi dermed kartlegge hvordan grønt hydrogen, som en energibærer gjennom brenselcelleteknologi, kan benyttes til å fase ut bruken av fossilt brensel, og dermed redusere klimafotavtrykket til bygg- og anleggsbransjen i tråd med Parisavtalen og FN`s bærekraftsmål. Målet med masteroppgaven er å utarbeide en investeringsanalyse for å danne et beslutningsgrunnlag for hvilk…