showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
We sequenced a legume genome: so what (for breeders)? Video Youtube.
Lompakolla äänestäminen ei riitä – myös tuotteiden ja palvelujen tarjoajien on tartuttava luontokadon pysäyttämiseen
Kuluttajilla on valmiuksia ja halua toimia luonnon kanssa sopusointuisella tavalla, mutta myös yhteiskunnan sekä kulttuuriarvojen, normien ja ihanteiden tulee tukea nykyistä kestävämpiä kulutustapoja, professori Outi Uusitalo Jyväskylän yliopistosta kirjoittaa. nonPeerReviewed
Ressurser for sirkulær forretningsmodellinnovasjon En casestudie fra tjenestesektoren
Denne studien tar for seg en casebedrift fra tjenestesektoren for å forske på hvilke ressurser som er nødvendige for å drive med sirkulær forretningsmodellinnovasjon. Det er lite forskning på dette området i forkant av denne studien, da CBMI-litteraturen hittil har fokusert på innovasjonsprosessen i vareproduserende sektor. Det er en del ulikheter mellom tjenestesektoren og vareproduserende sektor. Kunnskapshullet som denne studien adresserer, er derfor at det er få studier som sier noe om CBMI-ressurser i tjenesteinnovasjon. På bakgrunn av dette, vil studien ta for seg hvilke ressurser som benyttes i ulike stadier av CBMI-prosessen i en tjenestebedriftskontekst. Funnene fra empirien peker …
Highly-parallelized simulation of a pixelated LArTPC on a GPU
The rapid development of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is allowing the implementation of highly-parallelized Monte Carlo simulation chains for particle physics experiments. This technique is particularly suitable for the simulation of a pixelated charge readout for time projection chambers, given the large number of channels that this technology employs. Here we present the first implementation of a full microphysical simulator of a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) equipped with light readout and pixelated charge readout, developed for the DUNE Near Detector. The software is implemented with an end-to-end set of GPU-optimized algorithms. The alg…
Approximation problems in linear and non-linear analysis
En esta tesis estudiamos problemas relacionados con aplicaciones de varios tipos que alcanzan su norma u operadores que alcanzan su radio numérico. Tras un capítulo introductorio donde se comentan las notaciones, los principales conceptos, y un resumen histórico del estado del arte, hay 4 capítulos de contenido matemático donde se estudian diversos tipos de problemas. En el capítulo 2, se estudian clases de operadores entre espacios de Banach tales que cuando casi alcanzan su norma (respectivamente, su radio numérico) en un punto (respectivamente, un estado), necesariamente la alcanzan en un punto cercano (respectivamente, en un estado cercano). Se obtienen resultados positivos para dominio…
Iodination of antipyrine with [N–I–N]+ and carbonyl hypoiodite iodine(i) complexes
A series of iodine(I) complexes, both known and new, were synthesised and the dependence of iodination reactivity on the identity of the Lewis bases and anions present was investigated. Using a previously established screening protocol based on the iodination of antipyrine to iodo-antipyrine, the capability of the iodine(I) species to perform the iodination was tested and compared, especially in relation to Barluenga's reagent, [I(pyridine)2]BF4. The results indicated that the identity of both the Lewis bases and the anion influence the iodination capability of the iodine(I) species, and that the less efficient reagents can deliver favourably comparable percentage conversions with longer re…
Dental implant failure and bone augmentation: A retrospective study
To retrospectively assess the failure rate of implants placed in augmented and non-augmented sites and to investigate whether the time of implant and bone placement are associated with the risk of implant failure in a university setting. In this retrosp
Phylogeny, epidemiology and microhabitat preferences of lungworms (Pseudaliidae) in cetaceans from teh Western Mediterranean
A pesar de tener una cierta reputación negativa, los parásitos pueden ofrecer una información importante sobre sus hospedadores, habiendo sido reconocidos como herramientas valiosas en varios estudios que investigan el comportamiento (Balbuena y Raga 1991), la salud (Aznar et al. 2005; Gkafas et al. 2020), la dieta (Dailey y Otto 1982), la migración (Ten et al. 2022), la estructura social (Balbuena et al. 1995) o la discriminación de stocks de cetáceos (Aznar et al. 1995). Los helmintos que parasitan a los cetáceos se pueden separar en cuatro grupos distintos: acantocéfalos (20 spp.), cestodos (38 spp.), digeneos (54 spp.) y nematodos (62 spp.). De éstos, los nematodos son los más diversos …
Two-dimensional magnetic behaviour in hybrid NiFe-layered double hydroxides by molecular engineering
Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are a class of two-dimensional (2D) anionic materials that exhibit remarkable chemical versatility, making them ideal building blocks in the design of complex multifunctional materials. In this line, a NiFe-LDH is probably one of the most important LDHs due to its interesting electrochemical and magnetic properties. However, no direct magnetic measurements of exfoliated NiFe-LDH nanosheets have been reported so far. Herein, we synthesize a hybrid NiFe-LDH family through anion exchange reactions using surfactant molecules in order to increase the interlayer space (ranging from 8 to 31.6 Å), minimizing the interlayer dipolar interactions. By intercalation with…
Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions for exclusive J/ψ photoproduction in oxygen-oxygen and lead-lead collisions at energies available …
We present predictions for the cross sections of coherent J/ψ photoproduction in lead-lead and oxygen-oxygen ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs) as a function of the J/ψ rapidity at the LHC in the framework of collinear factorization at next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbative QCD. Taking generalized parton distribution functions in their forward limit and using the EPPS21, nNNPDF3.0, and nCTEQ15WZSIH nuclear parton distribution functions, we update our recent results for Pb-Pb collisions, make detailed predictions for O-O collisions for several beam energy configurations, and examine the ratio of O-O and Pb-Pb UPC cross sections. We show that the latter observable allows one to significan…
sj-docx-1-ldx-10.1177_00222194221150230 – Supplemental material for A Register Study Suggesting Homotypic and Heterotypic Comorbidity Among Individua…
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-ldx-10.1177_00222194221150230 for A Register Study Suggesting Homotypic and Heterotypic Comorbidity Among Individuals With Learning Disabilities by Tuija Aro, Reeta Neittaanmäki, Elisa Korhonen, Heli Riihimäki and Minna Torppa in Journal of Learning Disabilities
The Task of History
Batallons de Treballadors a la Província de València, 1936-1948. Treball forçat i control social. Una aproximació a partir dels Caps de Partit Judici…
La tesi tracta de contribuir a l'estudi del treball forçat del franquisme, les seues interrelacions amb els camps de concentració, el sistema carcerari i altres àmbits repressius, rellevant historiogràficament per ser una matèria encara poc investigada i de gran importància per al coneixement de la repressió franquista, que tan encarnada està en la construcció i duració de la Dictadura. Per això aborda el procés de configuració i evolució de la repressió articulada pel franquisme en unitats de treball forçat durant la guerra civil i la postguerra, per a sotmetre i aprofitar els presoners republicans i els considerats desafectes al nou règim sorgit d´ella, procedents de la província de Valèn…
Measurements of second-harmonic Fourier coefficients from azimuthal anisotropies in p+p, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
Recently, the PHENIX Collaboration has published second- and third-harmonic Fourier coefficients v2 and v3 for midrapidity (|η|<0.35) charged hadrons in 0%–5% central p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV, utilizing three sets of two-particle correlations for two detector combinations with different pseudorapidity acceptance [Acharya et al., Phys. Rev. C 105, 024901 (2022)]. This paper extends these measurements of v2 to all centralities in p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions, as well as p+p collisions, as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and event multiplicity. The kinematic dependence of v2 is quantified as the ratio R of v2 between the two detector combinations as a funct…
Prefazione a: "Metaversi culturali" : nuove frontiere digitali per le imprese e la cultura
Preface to the volume by Claudio Calveri "Cultural metaverses. New digital frontiers for business and culture"
Activation of Stainless Steel 316L Anode for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis
The increased emphasis on renewable energy has resulted in a surge of R&D efforts into hydrogen and battery research. The intensive electrochemical environment surrounding the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) has plagued both the activity and stability of the catalytic layer, substrate and porous transport layer, ultimately affecting both these industries. Herein, we report the benefits of potential cycling (PC) a 316L stainless steel felt porous transport layer (PTL) for use in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. The PC increased surface roughness and created a CrFe5Ni2-OxHy layer through the oxidation of iron as shown by SEM, EDS, XPS, XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Post-PC tes…
Integrated Reporting and Strategic Decision-Making
Abstract Senior executives are faced with more difficult strategic choices as a result of complex, dynamic markets, increased climate risk, and a shift in investor focus toward sustainability issues. The idea of "business as usual" is no longer appropriate, and businesses now need to consider a variety of factors when making decisions. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how managers' strategic decision-making can be aided by integrated reporting and, more importantly, integrated thinking. The existing literature regarding integrated reporting and its impact on strategic decision-making is carefully evaluated in order to identify areas where more research is needed. Ultimately, a frame…
Demokratia elämäntavaksi opettajankoulutuksen ja koulujen yhteistyöllä
Jyväskylän yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos otti vuonna 2014 käyttöönsä ilmiölähtöisen opetussuunnitelman. Käyttöönottamisen yksi keskeisistä tavoitteista oli entisestään vahventaa opettajankoulutuksen ja koulujen välistä yhteistyötä. Yhteistyöllä on ollut vuosien aikana monia muotoja, mutta sen keskeinen idea on mahdollistaa opettajankoulutuksen opiskelijoille osallistuminen koulun kehittämiseen yhdessä opettajien ja oppilaiden kanssa. Erityisesti yhteistyötä on kohdistettu koulun laaja-alaisen osaamisen ja keskeisten yhteiskunnallisten tavoitteiden, kuten demokratiakasvatuksen, kehittämiseen. nonPeerReviewed
Exploring the impact of projectification on organizational agility
In recent years, the use of project work in organizations has had an increasing trend. The use of project-work offers a structured and effective way to manage complex tasks and achieve desired outcomes. Working through projects offer a range of benefits, including enhanced efficiency, collaboration, strategic alignment, higher level of flexibility and agility. For the success of project work, organizational agility is particularly crucial as it enables organizations to respond rapidly to changing circumstances. Projects empower organizations to respond to new market conditions, customer demands, and emerging technologies, demonstrating a high level of agility. With the increasing adoption o…
Mecanismos Bioquímicos y Moleculares de la Neurodegeneración en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer
La enfermedad de Alzheimer se caracteriza por la presencia de placas amiloideas, hiperfosforilación de la proteína TAU e incremento de la inflamación cerebral. El uso de modelos animales de experimentación, como APP/PS1 (proteína precursora de amiloide/presenilina 1), permite observar los cambios producidos tanto a nivel de bioquímico como de biología molecular. Las células encargadas de intervenir en el proceso inflamatorio cerebral son los astrocitos y la microglía. Los resultados de esta tesis nos indican que los cambios en las quimiocinas y los receptores de quimiocinas son importantes debido a la implicación que podrían tener en la inflamación relacionada con la enfermedad de Alzheimer…
Estado islámico: la cultura corporativa del terrorismo. Nuevas narrativas y medios a la conquista de Internet
Tras la toma de la ciudad iraquí de Mosul en junio de 2014, el grupo terrorista Estado Islámico se convirtió en un enemigo público mundial, pero también en fuente de admiración para el mundo yihadista y de fascinación para el ámbito académico por sus novedosas y burbujeantes formas de comunicación. A través de una retórica victimista secular —nada nuevo: el patrocinio de yihad contra los enemigos del Islam y la comunidad islámica— y un uso de la tecnología sin parangón, el Estado Islámico superó las fronteras físicas para instalarse en el debate geopolítico global con un discurso que juega con los sentimientos de los seguidores de la religión de Alá y Mahoma. El presente trabajo examina, ad…
Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun seurannan ja arvioinnin tuloksia 2021–2022 : Osaraportti 3: Tuen järjestelyt ja toteutuminen
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön toteuttama kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilu käynnistyi elokuussa 2021. Tämä raportti on osa kokeilun seurantaa ja arviointia. Osaraportin tulokset perustuvat kahteen keväällä 2022 toteutettuun kyselytutkimukseen: kuntakyselyyn ja opettajakyselyyn. Kyselyissä tarkasteltiin lasten tuen tarvetta ja sen järjestämistä kunnassa ja lapsiryhmissä sekä kokeilu- että verrokkikunnissa toimintakaudella 2021–2022. Kuntakyselyyn vastasi 120 kuntien varhaiskasvatuksesta vastaavaa viranhaltijaa ja opettajakyselyyn 872 kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun kokeilu- ja verrokkiryhmien vastaavaa varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa. Tulokset osoittivat, että keskimäärin joka viidennell…
Video calls as a nexus of practice in multilingual translocal families
This study explores how daily video calls were used by two multilingual family constellations to keep in contact with members located elsewhere. A three-stage data collection and analysis protocol was developed together with the two main participants, two single mothers each with a 4-year-old child. The results show that active collaboration among all members of the family was needed to get the activity going. The families employed a de facto family language policy where the focus was on successful communication and nurturing emotional bonds rather than developing language skills. At the same time, the regular video calls added a significant amount of time spent together and increased the a…
A major shift in Late Bronze Age metalwork production around 900 BC
Our traditional chronology systems hardly ever reflect cultural changes accurately and may even mask real moments of discontinuity. This is particularly true for the second part of the Late Bronze Age Urnfield Period where a radical change in iconography can actually be noticed around 900 BC. Within a very short period, the famous solar bird-boat iconography, which had widely developed over centuries and given rise to the elaborate and sophisticated ornamentation known on solid hilted swords from the 11th/10th century, takes a back seat and we can see a single new symbol coming to the fore, concentrating figurative representation in form of a singular vase-shaped build (Wirth S. 2021, 652-6…
Developing an in house vulnerability scanner for detecting Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-XSS vulnerabilities
Web applications are becoming an essential part of today's digital world. However, with the increase in the usage of web applications, security threats have also become more prevalent. Cyber attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to steal sensitive information or take control of the system. To prevent these attacks, web application security must be given due consideration. Existing vulnerability scanners fail to detect Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-XSS vulnerabilities effectively. To bridge this gap in web application security, a customized in-house scanner is needed to quickly and accurately identify these vulnerabilities, enhancing manual security assessments of web …
Autodeterminación de género y familia en Derecho italiano
Il contributo illustra la posizione dell'ordinamento italiano vigente in relazione all'autodeterminazione della persona con specifico riferimento al tema dell'identità di genere e delle conseguenze del cambiamento di sesso sul matrimonio e sull'unione civile tra persone dello stesso sesso, ed alla questione della procreazione delle coppie omoaffettive. Le tematiche analizzate vengono affrontate sia dal punto di vista del formante legislativo, sia da quello giurisprudenziale, evidenziando un certo disallineamento del diritto vivente rispetto al dettato normativo e l'esistenza di questioni ampiamente dibattute in relazione al riconoscimento in Italia della omogenitorialità realizzata all'este…
Finnish Quality Evaluation Discourse : Swimming Against the Global Tide?
AbstractThis chapter discusses Finnish quality evaluation in comprehensive education, recognising that it frequently differs from that used by the Global Education Reform Movement (GERM) in most countries. Instead of high-stakes testing of pupil achievement, monitoring or school inspection, Finnish quality evaluation (QE) rests mainly on sample-based national testing and self-evaluations conducted in schools and municipalities. The argument presented here is that, although reform of the Finnish education system has often taken a different path from other countries, at the level of discourse, the Finnish system is increasingly caught between the more usual approach to QE and the Finnish vari…
Southern civil society organizations as practical hybrids : Dealing with legitimacy in a Ugandan gender advocacy organization
This chapter explores the ways in which Southern civil society organizations (CSOs) navigate between diverse audiences and logics in relation to which their legitimacy is negotiated. Drawing on the notions of practical hybrids and organizational legitimacy in hybrid organizations, the chapter explores the legitimacy audiences and logics relevant to a Ugandan gender advocacy organization, Action for Development (ACFODE). The chapter identifies five influential legitimacy audiences – central government, local government, project participants in the communities, international development partners, and other Ugandan gender CSOs. Further, it establishes four significant logics in alignment to wh…
Utvelgelse av enkeltprosjekter i porteføljeledelse: En casestudie fra bygg- og anleggsbransjen
Porteføljeledelse refererer til den overordnede styringen og koordineringen av flere samtidige prosjekter for å oppnå organisatoriske mål. Bygg- og anleggsbransjen står overfor utfordringer som påvirker effektiviteten og suksessen til komplekse prosjektporteføljer. Porteføljeledelsen må balansere mellom enkeltprosjekters unike behov og porteføljens ressursallokering, usikkerhetsstyring og aktivitetsprioritering. Denne studien tar sikte på å adressere hvordan innføringen av et beslutningsverktøy påvirker praksis i porteføljeledelsens prosess for utvelgelse av prosjekter. Gjennom en kvalitativ tilnærming har forskerne gjennomført et casestudie for å analysere hvilke effekter formaliseringen a…
Minimum contrast for point processes' first-order intensity estimation
In this paper, we exploit some theoretical results, from which we know the expected value of the K-function weighted by the true first-order intensity function of a point pattern. This theoretical result can serve as an estimation method for obtaining the parameter estimates of a specific model, assumed for the data. The only requirement is the knowledge of the first-order intensity function expression, completely avoiding writing the likelihood, which is often complex to deal with in point process models. We illustrate the method through simulation studies for spatio-temporal point processes.
Motiverte vinnere og demotiverte tapere: En kvasieksperimentell studie på konkurranse i kroppsøvingsfaget
Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvordan de to motstridende konkurransetilnærmingene competition og decompetition, og utfallet av konkurranse påvirket elevenes motivasjon. Opplevelsen av motivasjon ble målt etter grunnleggende psykologiske behov, som er en subteori innenfor selvbestemmelsesteorien. Prosjektet er en kvasieksperimentell studie, hvor det ble benyttet et 2x2 faktorielt design. Prosjektet består av et utvalg på 164 respondenter fra to ungdomsskoler i Sør-Norge, fordelt på 53% gutter og 46% jenter. Det ble benyttet et undervisningsopplegg med forskjellige konkurranseaktiviteter, der aktivitetene var like i begge tilnærmingene. Det ble benyttet competitiontilnærmingen på halv…
Leveraging Sport Sponsorship with Digital Marketing Communication : A Conceptual Model
Despite the demonstrated importance of social media platforms in leveraging the effects of sport sponsorship, surprisingly few studies have investigated this issue. The current study aims to broaden the knowledge of how major corporations could apply their marketing strategies related to sport sponsorship and utilise social media and digital channels for leveraging activities to meet their corporate goals through sponsorship-related digital marketing and public relations (PR) communication. This conceptual paper will contribute to the understanding of how sport sponsorship could be leveraged in social media and discuss key factors for creating a desirable leveraging effect. The main outcome…
Development of New Bio-based Materials Derived from Sicilian Agri-Food Industry Waste
La necessità di soluzioni di materiali da costruzione a base biologica e sostenibili è aumentata drammaticamente nell’ultimo ventennio. Questa ricerca esplora i possibili modi per riutilizzare materiale di scarto a base biologica (come i gusci della frutta secca), derivati dall'industria agroalimentare, per la produzione di nuovi materiali da costruzione sani in linea con i principi dell'economia circolare. L’analisi di alcuni casi di studio precedenti e le attuali ricerche dimostrato la possibilità di riutilizzare i gusci della frutta secca per la realizzazione di nuovi componenti edilizi. Le attuali tendenze mostrano che le resine sintetiche sono sempre più usati come legante per incollar…
Modelling Nonlinear Propagation of Periodic Waveforms in Optical Fibre with a Neural Network
We deploy a neural network to predict the spectro-temporal evolution of a periodic waveform upon nonlinear fibre propagation and demonstrate efficient probing of the input-parameter space for on-demand comb generation or significant spectral/temporal focusing occurrence.
Les projections d’orientation en STAPS chez les lycéennes : entre attractivité d’autres filières et cohérence d’habitus féminin
Cette contribution montre que, si les lycéennes évoquent l’existence de représentations stéréotypées particulièrement présentes parmi leurs camarades (masculins en particulier) et plus encore parmi les médias (internet, réseaux sociaux et télévision), la formation (ou pas) d’un projet d’orientation en STAPS ne semble pas en premier lieu influencée par une représentation particulièrement masculine de la formation en STAPS et des métiers qui lui sont associés. Elle permet de souligner que les lycéennes qui n’envisagent pas de s’orienter en STAPS se caractérisent par des choix scolaires et sportifs ainsi que des goûts qui s’organisent autour de pratiques, de compétences et de dispositions assi…
Restructuring of the electoral competition in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (2011-2019)
Electoral competition in the Valencian Autonomous Community has long been articulated through the left-right and national identity divides. Although voter identities have generally remained stable over time, some shifts between 2011 and 2019 indeed seemed to be connected to the breakthrough of new political parties. The aim of this article was to show the electoral spaces occupied by new and mainstream political parties in the Valencian region through the last three regional electoral cycles. This, in turn, allowed us to trace the evolution of the main political areas dominated by each party, as well as to highlight spaces in which the electoral competition was more demanding. This Valencia…