showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Involvering i gruppearbeid
Forskningsarbeidets formål er å undersøke hvordan elever arbeider i grupper med utforsking- og problemløsningsoppgaver. Gruppearbeid som undervisningsform stiller flere sosiale krav til deltakerne, som for eksempel å kunne lytte, stille spørsmål, korrigere og kritisere hverandre underveis, noe som er krevende for flere elever (Simensen, 2022; Sjöblom & Meaney, 2021). Til grunn for forskningsdesignet og analysen lå Louis Radfords sosialkulturelle teori om objektivisering (Radford, 2021). I teorien er involvering i felles arbeid («joint labor») en betingelse for tilgang og utvikling av matematisk kompetanse for eleven. Involvering er derfor et utgangspunkt i forskningsspørsmålene som stilles:…
Unveiling species assemblage rules in gypsum plant communities
Plant communities are not merely snapshots of species located in the same area. Instead, they are dynamic entities connected through complex biotic interactions. Understanding the interplay of processes that bind species within a community is vital for comprehending species maintenance and may assist us in predicting how communities respond to the perturbations of a changing world. This Ph.D. aims to unveil how abiotic conditions, plant strategies, and biotic interactions shape plant communities growing in stressful environments. Plant species can thrive in stressful environments through contrasted strategies, either showing species-specific adaptive strategies or reliance on facilitative i…
La historia de la educación a través de las revistas especializadas: temáticas, producción científica y bibliometría (1961-2022)
Durante las tres últimas décadas se ha producido un importante aumento en cuanto al número de investigaciones en el campo de la Historia de la Educación. Esto, a pesar de favorecer la internacionalización y creación de redes transnacionales de investigación, también aumenta la complejidad de la comprensión global de la disciplina. Debido a esto, junto con el reducido número de estudios al respecto, la presente investigación realiza un análisis bibliométrico de 11 revistas relevantes internacionalmente desde 1967 hasta la actualidad. Se ha analizado la evolución de la producción a lo largo de los años, citaciones, autores y colaboraciones, países de afiliación, instituciones y colaboraciones…
Meeting the 24-h movement guidelines and health-related outcomes among youth with autism spectrum disorder: a seven-country observational study
Abstract Background Meeting daily guidelines for physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration is associated with a host of health indicators for youth. In this cross-sectional observational study, we investigated the associations between adherence to the movement guidelines and health-related outcomes among youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods Parents of youth with ASD (10–17 years) from seven countries and regions were invited to provide online proxy-reports for child’s movement behaviors (i.e., physical activity, sleep and screen time), and health-related outcomes (i.e., body mass index [BMI], general health, and quality of life). A series of multiple linear regression…
A difesa della democrazia. Pensiero politico e visione storica in Sheldon Wolin
A Sheldon Sanford Wolin (1922-2015) va riconosciuto il merito di aver posto la comprensione della democrazia contemporanea lungo le direttrici di un’analisi elaborata per metterne in risalto i principali snodi critici. Gli eventi politici americani remoti e recenti sono da lui ripresi come il sottofondo alla cui luce giudicare le caratteristiche assunte via via dal potere e dal consenso popolare, soprattutto nella versione elitaria che contraddistingue sempre più marcatamente l’esperienza democratica degli ultimi decenni, ravvisandovi il progressivo indebolimento della partecipazione e dello stesso concetto costitutivo di cittadinanza.
Bivalve mollusks shells valorisation and recycling: market potentiality and novel building products
Construction is a fundamental driver of the world economy, recognized as a sector that generates a great contribution to the social and economic development. At the same time, it shows an enormous environmental impact through an unstoppable consumption of non-renewable resources, a high energy consumption, and an associated atmospheric emission of pollutant. Consequently, the research and development of novel and green production processes and sustainable building materials is of paramount importance. The sustainability of materials and production processes could be improved by enhancing and reusing wastes from various industrial sectors. In this paper, the fishery sector will be analysed, …
Comment les interactions entre un service de soutien à l’enseignement et des enseignants participent au développement professionnel pédagogique de ce…
New Materialist Explorations into Language Education
This open access book analyzes language education through a socio-material framework. The authors revisit their position as researchers by decentering themselves and humans in general from the main focus of research activities and giving way to the materialities that are agentive but often overlooked parts of our research contexts and processes. Through this critical posthumanist realism, they are able to engage in research that sees society as an ethical interrelationship between humans and the material world and explore the socio-materialities of language education from the perspectives of material agency, spatial and embodied materiality, and human and non-human assemblages. Each chapter…
An approach to map nitrous oxide emission risk by soils at regional scale based on soil properties
For "Most" People
This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis of FrP and party leader Sylvi Listhaug’s use of right-wing populist discursive strategies and rhetorical tools in Facebook posts between 08.05.21-08.05.23. This approach is used to understand how they are using populist discursive strategies on social media and to which degree social media as a platform can enable populist rhetoric and function to influence and manipulate the masses. The theoretical approach to populism in this thesis bases itself in the discursive approaches of Laclau and Wodak and emphasises how the homogenising effects of empty and floating signifiers appear in the discursive strategies characteristic of right-wing populists…
Profiling the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma after long-term HCV eradication in patients with liver cirrhosis in the PITER cohort
Background and aims: Severe liver disease markers assessed before HCV eradication are acknowledged to usually improve after the SVR. We prospectively evaluated, in the PITER cohort, the long-term HCC risk profile based on predictors monitored after HCV eradication by direct-acting antivirals in patients with cirrhosis. Methods: HCC occurrence was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Cox regression analysis identified the post-treatment variables associated with de-novo HCC; their predictive power was presented in a nomogram. Results: After the end of therapy (median follow-up:28.47 months), among 2064 SVR patients, 119 (5.8%) developed de-novo HCC. The HCC incidence was 1.90%, 4.21%, 6.47% a…
El convenio colectivo aplicable a empresas de mensajería, paquetería o reparto de la última milla en vehículos de cuatro ruedas
Resumen Este artículo analiza el convenio colectivo sectorial aplicable a las personas dedicadas al reparto de paquetes. Este convenio determina el precio de la mano de obra necesaria para el funcionamiento del comercio digital y es un elemento de competencia de este con el comercio físico. En el sector de la mensajería existen convenios como el estatal de mensajería, que es del año del 2006 y finalizó su vigencia en el 2007, pero existe un pacto extraestatutario sectorial denominado 'convenio estatal de mensajería'. Por otra parte, la actividad de mensajería ha sido incluida en los convenios de transporte. En el reparto de los paquetes se pasa de un transporte de mercancías en vehículos má…
From Herder to Strecker: Birth and Developments of the Anthropological Notion of Culture in Germany
Austrian and German anthropological traditions are considered in view of the influence they had on global anthropology. The chapter is built around the centrality of the anthropological notion of culture and cultural dynamics. The particularistic and relativist notion of culture is in fact believed to have emerged from Germany from the eighteenth century, where intellectuals have juxtaposed the term Kultur to Zivilisation. Within German anthropology, universalistic perspectives on culture have continued through the nineteenth century, as in the evolutionary approach of Gustav Klemm and Johann Jakob Bachofen. A different form of cultural universalism was introduced by Adolf Bastian with his …
Investeringsanalyse av anleggsmaskin med grønt hydrogen som energibærer for reduksjon av CO2-utslipp.
For å nå målene i tråd med Parisavtalen er dekarbonisering gjennom å ta i bruk ny teknologi i bygg- og anleggsbransjen en avgjørende faktor. Regjeringen publiserte den 3. juni 2020 en hydrogenstrategi som et bidrag til arbeidet med å utvikle lavutslippsteknologi, hvor bygg- og anleggsbransjen var ekskludert. I denne oppgaven vil vi dermed kartlegge hvordan grønt hydrogen, som en energibærer gjennom brenselcelleteknologi, kan benyttes til å fase ut bruken av fossilt brensel, og dermed redusere klimafotavtrykket til bygg- og anleggsbransjen i tråd med Parisavtalen og FN`s bærekraftsmål. Målet med masteroppgaven er å utarbeide en investeringsanalyse for å danne et beslutningsgrunnlag for hvilk…
Prefazione a: "Metaversi culturali" : nuove frontiere digitali per le imprese e la cultura
Preface to the volume by Claudio Calveri "Cultural metaverses. New digital frontiers for business and culture"
Approximation problems in linear and non-linear analysis
En esta tesis estudiamos problemas relacionados con aplicaciones de varios tipos que alcanzan su norma u operadores que alcanzan su radio numérico. Tras un capítulo introductorio donde se comentan las notaciones, los principales conceptos, y un resumen histórico del estado del arte, hay 4 capítulos de contenido matemático donde se estudian diversos tipos de problemas. En el capítulo 2, se estudian clases de operadores entre espacios de Banach tales que cuando casi alcanzan su norma (respectivamente, su radio numérico) en un punto (respectivamente, un estado), necesariamente la alcanzan en un punto cercano (respectivamente, en un estado cercano). Se obtienen resultados positivos para dominio…
Disinformazione nelle città
Nell‘ambito della Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3), strategie di innovazione nazionali o regionali per la crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva nell’Unione Europea per il prossimo decennio, finanziata dall’Unione Europea, la Regione Siciliana ha promosso il progetto Fake News in accordo con la finalità di sviluppare strumenti di scambio informativo e confronto in rete. L’obiettivo è di concentrare le risorse europee in settori tecnologici emergenti che realmente possono svilupparsi nella stessa regione puntando sulla costruzione di saperi locali, piuttosto che sul trasferimento di risorse tecnologiche esterne. Si sperimenta un’applicazione di tecnologie ICT al fenomeno della di…
Multispecies coinfections and presence of antibiotics shape resistance and fitness costs in a pathogenic bacterium
Increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a challenge for treatment of bacterial diseases. In real life, bacterial infections are typically embedded within complex multispecies communities and influenced by the environment, which can shape costs and benefits of AMR. However, knowledge of such interactions and their implications for AMR in vivo is limited. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated fitness-related traits of a pathogenic bacterium (Flavobacterium columnare) in its fish host, capturing the effects of bacterial antibiotic resistance, coinfections between bacterial strains and metazoan parasites (fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum) and antibiotic exposure. We quantifie…
Highly-parallelized simulation of a pixelated LArTPC on a GPU
The rapid development of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is allowing the implementation of highly-parallelized Monte Carlo simulation chains for particle physics experiments. This technique is particularly suitable for the simulation of a pixelated charge readout for time projection chambers, given the large number of channels that this technology employs. Here we present the first implementation of a full microphysical simulator of a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) equipped with light readout and pixelated charge readout, developed for the DUNE Near Detector. The software is implemented with an end-to-end set of GPU-optimized algorithms. The alg…
Mekanismene bak den gunstige effekten av trening ved subacromialt smertesyndrom: en sonderende litteraturgjennomgang
Bakgrunn: Subacromialt smertesyndrom er et vanlig problem i befolkningen. Det har store konsekvenser for individet og medfører store samfunnsmessige kostnader. Det er vitenskapelig konsensus på at trening er gunstig for denne pasientgruppen, men man har lite kunnskap om hvorfor og hvordan treningen virker, og hvordan den best kan tilpasses pasientindividet. Hensikt: Å bidra til mer kunnskap rundt mulige mekanismer bak den gunstige effekten trening har ved subacromialt smertesyndrom, og legge grunnlag for videre forskning på temaet. Metode: Sonderende litteraturgjennomgang med fokus på hvilke virkningsmekanismer som omtales i randomiserte kontrollerte eller komparative studier der trening bl…
Pulsed electric field (PEF) recovery of biomolecules from Chlorella: Extract efficiency, nutrient relative value, and algae morphology analysis
This study investigated the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) (3 kV/cm, 44 pulses, 99 kJ/kg), solvent (H2O or 50 % DMSO) and time (0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min) on the extraction of Chlorella antioxidant biomolecules and minerals. The results showed that PEF treatment increased the biomolecules recovery. For the extraction time of 120 min, more proteins and polyphenols were obtained using water, while more chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids were obtained using 50 % DMSO as the extraction solvent. The extracts mineral concentration (PEF vs control) were analysed including Mg, P, Ca, Fe and Zn, and the Relative Nutrient Values results indicated that Chlorella H2O-extracts cou…
New frontiers in ageing and longevity: Sex and gender medicine
Sistemas de inteligencia artificial con reconocimiento facial y datos biométricos. Mejor regular bien que prohibir mal
El reconocimiento facial hay que abordarlo dentro de las tecnologías biométricas. En primer término hay que delimitar los sistemas dedicados a la identificación a través de tecnologías biométricas automatizadas y especialmente las que utilizan inteligencia artificial (IA).
Coexistence of frailty syndrome and the level of health behaviors in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Wprowadzenie: Przyspieszenie tempa starzenia się populacji, związane z tym ryzyko występowania zespołu słabości oraz wzrost liczby osób żyjących z przewlekłą obturacyjną chorobą płuc (POChP) powodują, że przyszłe kierunki polityki zdrowotnej powinny się skupiać na działaniach z zakresu promocji zdrowia, potęgowaniu zachowań prozdrowotnych, utrzymaniu lub poprawie sprawności funkcjonalnej starzejących się ludzi. Cel pracy: Analiza współwystępowania zespołu kruchości oraz nasilenia zachowań zdrowotnych u pacjentów w wieku podeszłym z POChP, jak również ustalenie czynników determinujących nasilenie zachowań zdrowotnych. Materiał i metody: Zbadano 100 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem POChP (średnia wie…
Iodination of antipyrine with [N–I–N]+ and carbonyl hypoiodite iodine(i) complexes
A series of iodine(I) complexes, both known and new, were synthesised and the dependence of iodination reactivity on the identity of the Lewis bases and anions present was investigated. Using a previously established screening protocol based on the iodination of antipyrine to iodo-antipyrine, the capability of the iodine(I) species to perform the iodination was tested and compared, especially in relation to Barluenga's reagent, [I(pyridine)2]BF4. The results indicated that the identity of both the Lewis bases and the anion influence the iodination capability of the iodine(I) species, and that the less efficient reagents can deliver favourably comparable percentage conversions with longer re…
Tutela dei crediti di lavoro e responsabilità solidale nel “contratto di logistica integrata”
Il saggio esamina la nuova disciplina dell'art. 1677 bis c.c. in chiave giuslavoristica, soffermandosi sul problema del regime di responsabilità solidale applicabile ai lavoratori impiegati nell'ambito del cd. contratto di logistica integrata
Improvement of the probiotic growth-stimulating capacity of microalgae extracts by pulsed electric fields treatment
This study aimed to investigate the nutritional character (carbohydrates, proteins, pigments, and phycocyanin), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the capability of simulating the growth of Lactobacillus rhamnosus of different extracts from C. vulgaris and A. platensis by means of the application of conventional aqueous extraction procedure and pulsed electric field (PEF) extraction technology. It was confirmed a significantly improved nutritional profile of Chlorella and Spirulina extracts obtained by PEF technology pre-treatment (3 kV/cm, 100 kJ/kg), with specifically higher values in total carbohydrate, Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b, and carotenoids content, and TAC. Additionally, Spiru…
Greenwashing in Business to Business (B2B) Context. Prevalence, Motives, Risks and Mitigation Strategies
This dissertation is devoted to providing an in-depth analysis of greenwashing tactics within the sphere of B2B interactions. Greenwashing, a deceitful practice involving falsified environmental declarations by businesses, is the core focus of this study. The research utilizes stakeholder theory as its theoretical framework, capitalizing on a web-based, open-ended questionnaire to collect substantive qualitative data from a diverse group of B2B stakeholders. The study employs grounded theory as the cornerstone of its data examination, thus enabling the creation of theoretical structures that are directly rooted in the data. The research seeks to understand the triggers, tactics, and afteref…
Política educativa de las lenguas regionales: el caso francés y español
En este artículo mostramos las diferentes lenguas regionales compartidas entre España y Francia y analizamos dos casos de estudio con el objetivo de vislumbrar lo protegidas que están. Tomamos como ejemplo el caso gallego, que corresponde a las lenguas propias de España, y el bretón, correspondiente a las de Francia, debido a su carácter de gran dimensión territorial dentro de las lenguas regionales. Hemos estudiado la política lingüística desde el punto de vista de los centros educativos a lo largo de todas las etapas educativas. Para ello, hemos consultado diversas fuentes bibliográficas centradas en nuestro tema de investigación para afirmar que las lenguas regionales se marginan. In thi…
Girolamo Cardinale: le belle lettere per una pedagogia tra premesse morali e prospettive sociali
L’impegno intellettuale di Girolamo Cardinale è sostanzialmente rivolto verso l’approfondimento di tematiche letterarie relative alla retorica, da lui trattata attraverso lo studio dei classici e in prospettiva pedagogica e morale.
The participation of Non-State Actors in the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention: Current Status and Proposals for Reform
The paper is articulated into four sections. The first section illustrates the CPPDCE’s legal framework for engagement with actors other than States. It shows that this framework expresses a ''functionalist'' emphasis on NSAs’ capacity of contrib-uting to the adoption of higher quality decisions on the part of States and facilitating their implementation. The second section investigates the relationship between NSAs and the Convention’s bodies. It argues that the existing ''functionalist-oriented'' regula-tion not only has prevented basic stakeholders from having access to the Convention’s processes, but has also created imbalances among participants, to the detriment of the Convention’s ve…
Migracje i rozwój regionu
Monografia zawiera materiały z konferencji Migracje i rozwój regionu, która odbyła się 18 maja 2022 r. w Opolu w ramach III Kongresu Demograficznego. Jej organizatorami byli: Rządowa Rada Ludnościowa, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Statystyczne, Wojewoda Opolski, Urząd Statystyczny w Opolu oraz Instytut Śląski. Autorzy referatów, które złożyły się na tę publikację, pochylają się nad wieloaspektowym zagadnieniem migracji. Szczególną uwagę poświęcają Opolszczyźnie – regionowi, w którym można obserwować wszystkie zjawiska i procesy powiązane z migracjami: wewnętrznymi, zagranicznymi, przesiedleniami, wysiedleniami, emigracjami za pracą oraz imigracjami po pracę
In vitro evaluation of the color stability and surface roughness of a new composite flow
The aim of this study was to evaluate the color stability and the surface roughness of a bulk-fill composite flow (SDR® Plus) by comparison to an ORMOCER-based composite (Ceram.x® Universal SphereTEC?) in order to confirm the validity of using SDR® Plus i
Filtración directa por membranas para potenciar la recuperación de recursos de las aguas residuales
La filtración directa mediante membranas (FDM) es una atractiva alternativa para potenciar la recuperación de recursos en el ámbito del tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales (ARM). El objetivo de esta tecnología es mejorar la recuperación del material particulado afluente de las ARM mediante la implementación de una unidad de filtración por membrana como paso previo al tratamiento biológico secundario, reduciendo así las necesidades energéticas asociadas a la oxidación aeróbica de la materia orgánica en los sistemas de fangos activos. Asimismo, el fango concentrado en el tanque de membranas puede emplearse para incrementar la producción de metano durante el proceso de digestión anaero…
Economising failure and assembling a failure regime
Sociologists have largely neglected the topic of failure, and particularly the economising of failure, notwithstanding notable exceptions. This is puzzling, given the many adjacent literatures that have addressed the practices and processes of economising. Four features define our approach. First, it is argued that failure has none of the objectivity or inevitability often attributed to it. Second, it is suggested that failure be viewed as a variable ontology object. Third, attention is directed to the calculative infrastructures that operationalise the ideas of failing and failure, and enable them to be acted upon. Fourth, emphasis is placed on the importance of distinguishing between fail…
Digital Wisdom Development and Self-reflection of Teacher Candidates
Being digitally wise allows today’s students not only to strengthen their natural abilities through existing technologies, but also to respond appropriately to learning networks that are increasingly complex. As a result, it is crucial that teachers and educators continually update and expand their professional knowledge base and improve their practices in order to meet the learning needs of their increasingly diverse students. The research has been conducted during the academic year 2021–2022 with the participation of 1173 teacher trainees enrolled in the Primary Education Degree Program at the University of Palermo. The trainees carried out their activities through digital tools. Brown an…