showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Tradizioni carnevalesche a Mezzojuso: dal Mastro di Campo al rogo del Nannu
Il Mastro di Campo di Mezzojuso è una performance carnevalesca tradizionale che presenta un articolato simbolismo rituale riconducibile al pattern delle cerimonie di capodanno. In particolare si osservano il tema della ierogamia e della lotta rituale come elementi di promozione della fecondità. Ambedue i simboli rituali, la rappresentazione di una danza o di uno scontro armato, con l'eventuale coinvolgimento degli astanti e la celebrazione di un matrimonio, correlati o disgiunti, sono, come è noto, costitutivi ab antico delle cerimonie di capodanno, segnatamente di quelle primaverili. Altri rituali carnevaleschi europei hanno una simile articolazione. Il saggio presenta una serie di esempi …
Antihypertensive treatment changes and related clinical outcomes in older hospitalized patients
Background: Hypertension management in older patients represents a challenge, particularly when hospitalized. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the determinants and related outcomes of antihypertensive drug prescription in a cohort of older hospitalized patients. Methods: A total of 5671 patients from REPOSI (a prospective multicentre observational register of older Italian in-patients from internal medicine or geriatric wards) were considered; 4377 (77.2%) were hypertensive. Minimum treatment (MT) for hypertension was defined according to the 2018 ESC guidelines [an angiotensin-converting-enzyme-inhibitor (ACE-I) or an angiotensin-receptor-blocker (ARB) with a calciu…
Margarita Nelken. El discurso parlamentario femenino de la II República
Margarita Nelken, along with Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent, was the protagonist in some parliamentary debates during the first legislature of the Second Republic. As this is the first study on the "discursive identity" of member of parliament Margarita Nelken and on the parliamentary discourse of the Second Republic, special attention will be devoted to persuasive strategies and the image construction of the socialist MP. The corpus consists of discourses and replies to the interventions of other Members of parliament in the parliamentary sessions of 20 October 1932, 28 February 1933, and 25 January 1934. The analysis is based on Fuentes Rodríguez's pragmalinguistics model, on the theor…
Pragmatics, Metaphor Studies and the Challenge of Mental Imagery
Metaphor is considered a figurative use of language, a term that seems to recall the imagistic dimension characterizing this kind of utterances. Tzvetan Todorov (1967) speaks of “figure” as “visibility of speech”: as a figure, metaphor provides a kind of figurability to what is communicated. As Paul Ricoeur wrote in La métaphore vive (Ricoeur, 1975), metaphor makes “speech appear”. Precisely because of the reliance on the idea of figure, it is therefore not surprising that discussions on metaphor often refer to the role that mental images play in their comprehension. A long tradition holds that the formation of a mental image is fundamental for the comprehension of certain kinds of metaphor…
Mercury and Amino Acid Content Relations in Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in Subarctic Lakes Along a Climate-Productivity Gradient
Mercury is a highly toxic element for consumers, but its relation to amino acids and physiology of wild fish is not well known. The main aim of this study was to evaluate how total mercury content (THg) of northern pike (Esox lucius) is related to amino acids and potentially important environmental and biological factors along a climate-productivity gradient of ten subarctic lakes. Linear regression between THg and sixteen amino acids content [nmol mg−1 dry weight] from white dorsal muscle of pike from these lakes were tested. Lastly, a general linear model (GLM) for age-corrected THg was used to test which factors are significantly related to mercury content of pike. There was a positive r…
Using machine learning on tree-ring data to determine the geographical provenance of historical construction timbers
Funder: Bavarian Climate Research Network (BayKliF)
Animismi animali
Poco tempo fa, a un pranzo domenicale, conversavo con una signora di mezz’età sulle vacanze estive appena trascorse. «Lasciamo perdere», mi dice, «oramai sono diventata la nonna dei cani». La signora mi spiega che i suoi due figli, precari, convivono con le rispettive fidanzate, ma non osano far figli sicché hanno preso, ognuno, una coppia di canòni, di non so quale pregiatissima razza, che amano alla follia e che durante le ferie e i sabato sera vengono, manco a dirlo, depositati a casa dei genitori, cioè della mia dirimpettaia di tavola, che ama immensamente i suoi ragazzi e tutto ciò che essi emanano, al punto da sacrificare le proprie meritate vacanze per accudire quei quadrupedi decisa…
Comparative antibacterial effects of ginger and marjoram extract versus conventional irrigants on mature Enterococcus faecalis biofilms : an in vitro…
This study evaluated antibacterial effects of Ginger and Marjoram extract compared with Routine Intracanal Irrigants on Mature Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms. Sixty-six extracted human teeth, were randomly assigned to four groups 5.25% sodium hypochlorit
OLF : RGB-D Adaptive Late Fusion for Robust 6D Pose Estimation
RGB-D 6D pose estimation has recently gained significant research attention due to the complementary information provided by depth data. However, in real-world scenarios, especially in industrial applications, the depth and color images are often more noisy. Existing methods typically employ fusion designs that equally average RGB and depth features, which may not be optimal. In this paper, we propose a novel fusion design that adaptively merges RGB-D cues. Our approach involves assigning two learnable weight α 1 and α 2 to adjust the RGB and depth contributions with respect to the network depth. This enables us to improve the robustness against low-quality depth input in a simple yet effec…
A rare case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma of the hard palate
Carcinoma Ex-Pleomorphic Adenoma (CExPA) is a salivary gland carcinoma derived from a primary or recurrent benign pleomorphic adenoma (PA) extremely rare in minor salivary glands. In this paper, we report the case of a male afrodescendant patient, 37 years old, presenting a palatal irregular nodular lesion with approximately 3.5 cm diameter. The lesion had over two years of evolution, but started growing faster and presenting pain and ulceration in the last two months. The incisional biopsy revealed a typical pleomorphic adenoma with focal areas of nests of epidermoid and mucous cells, as well as microcyst formations, resembling the mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). Immunohistochemical analys…
What Contributes to the Measured Chiral Optical Response of the Glutathione-Protected Au25 Nanocluster?
The water-soluble glutathione-protected [Au25(GSH)18]−1 nanocluster was investigated by integrating several methodologies such as molecular dynamics simulations, essential dynamics analysis, and state-of-the-art time-dependent density functional theory calculations. Fundamental aspects such as conformational, weak interactions and solvent effects, especially hydrogen-bonds, were included and found to play a fundamental role in assessing the optical response of this system. Our analysis demonstrated not only that the electronic circular dichroism is extremely sensitive to the solvent presence but also that the solvent itself plays an active role in the optical activity of such system, formin…
Evaluation of the efficacy of stomatitis prevention in prosthetics with complete dentures with additional fixation with the cream
The objective of the study is to evaluate a microbiological efficacy of prevention and development of prosthetic stomatitis in full removable prosthetics. All patients with complete absence of the teeth on the lower jaw were divided into four groups: ind
Programa de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual para la Ansiedad en las personas con Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo
Los estudiantes autistas a menudo experimentan trastornos de ansiedad (TA) como una condición concurrente y se asocia con un deterioro funcional considerable. La universidad proporciona apoyo académico a los estudiantes con discapacidad, sin embargo, pocas instituciones proporcionan apoyos preventivos a los estudiantes TEA-AF. Entre las necesidades más solicitadas se encuentra el apoyo para hacer frente a ansiedad derivada de la propia actividad académica y social. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es demostrar el nivel de eficacia de un breve programa en de una forma modificada de MBCT, Programa de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual para Ansiedad PICCA, en la reducción de los niveles de an…
Demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatus Suomessa : tilannekuva ja suositukset 2023
Tässä raportissa on selvitetty demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatukselle asetettujen tavoitteiden toteutumista. Kyseiset tavoitteet sisältävät tiedollisia, taidollisia ja asenteellisia elementtejä sekä toiminnan prosessien mahdollistumista ja toteutumista. Tietoa kerättiin laadullisin ja vuorovaikutuksellisin menetelmin, myös lapsilta, oppilailta ja opiskelijoilta. Näkökulmina raportissa ovat demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen yhdenvertainen toteutuminen, yhdenvertaisuuden edistäminen sekä lasten ja nuorten osallistumisoikeuden toteutuminen. Selvityksen perusteella annetaan seuraavat suositukset demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen kansalliseksi kehittämiseksi: 1: Kannustetaan korkeakoulu…
New design and simulation of the ion guide for neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility
Measurements of independent fission yield distributions in neutron-induced fission at high neutron energies are important for our fundamental understanding of the fission process, and are also relevant for reactor physics applications. So far, measurements of independent fission yields in proton-induced fission have been performed at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyväskylä, using the Penning trap as a high resolving-power mass-filter. In order to also facilitate measurements of neutron-induced fission, a dedicated ion guide and a proton-to-neutron converter was developed. However, the first measurement indicates that fewer fission products than expected reach the Penning trap. To…
This contribution in terminology aims at taking into consideration the semantic and functional constituents of terms in a cognitive and discursive perspective. To this end, Geeraerts’ model of cognitive lexicology is used to study and exemplify the dimensions of linguistic signs. This discussion opens the door to a modern understanding of linguistic meaning that is provided for a holistic approach by frames, constructions and patterns. The observation of in-context-meaning in terminology is necessary in the broader perspective of a specialized discourse analysis based on the qualitative and quantitative investigation of authentic language material from documented interpersonal communication…
Le codesign en santé : un outil de légitimation ?
Koulujen hyvinvointityö tieteidenvälisenä tutkimuskohteena
Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme tieteidenvälisen tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeen suunnittelua ja toteutusta. Käymme läpi prosessia, jossa eri tieteenalojen tutkijat pyrkivät tuottamaan hyvinvoinnista uutta, eri menetelmiä yhteen sovittavaa tietoa, ja löytämään yhteisiä vastauksia eri alojen näkökulmasta asetettuihin kysymyksiin. Artikkelimme perustuu hankkeellemme Yhteistyöllä hyvinvointia kouluyhteisöön, joka yhdistää etnologian ja psykologian alan tutkimusta. Käymme läpi tieteidenvälisen tutkimuksen perusteita ja pohdimme eri tieteenalojen näkökulmia ja menetelmiä yhteen sovittavan hyvinvointitutkimuksen suunnittelun haasteita käytännön kokemuksiemme pohjalta. Lisäksi tarkastelemme laadullist…
La redazione del Domani d’Italia 1922-1924 : valori cristiani e difesa delle libertà democratiche
Noto periodico edito a Milano dal 24 dicembre 1922 al 9 luglio 1924 e ispirato dal popolarismo, il «Domani d’ItaLia» nacque come una «piccola fiaccola» che avrebbe dovuto illuminare in quel momento di “buio” «fino all’alba del domani». Grazie allo sforzo congiunto, la redazione organizzò una resistenza “armata” solo di inchiostro per denunciare le conseguenze che il 28 ottobre 1922 avrebbe determinato nella storia italiana ed europea e per contribuire a creare una coscienza democratica ritenuta necessaria nella formazione della generazione che sarebbe stata chiamata a rinnovare le istituzioni politiche dopo la fine del fascismo. Attraverso il dibattito condotto dai redattori nelle pagine de…
Evaluating a potential gender gap, disparities in residency, and factors affecting financial literacy in Norway
This paper analyses a questionnaire measuring the financial literacy of the Norwegian respondents. There is a consistent gender gap in investments, and as this paper concluded, in financial literacy as well. Variables such as education, income, gender, and risk aversion have significant impact on financial literacy. There are some significant impacts of where the respondent’s resident, whether it is a central area, a specific county, or municipalities containing a large proportion of investors. The survey revealed how females are more risk averse, but also more affected by other factors such as environment and upbringing than males. Another interesting result is the distinctive difference i…
Preoperative oral practices and incidence of postoperative complications in hospital medical-surgical procedures: A meta-analysis
Oral decay prior to a hospital medical-surgical procedure is a risk factor for the development of postoperative complications. However, perioperative oral practices as a protective factor have not been studied. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of perioperative oral practices in the reduction of risk of developing postoperative complications in in-hospital medical surgical procedures. This review and meta-analysis was conducted according to Cochrane guidelines. Medline, Scopus, Scielo, and Cochrane were consulted. Articles of the previous 10 years concerning adult patients undergoing perioperative oral practices prior to hospital medical-surgical procedures, were included. Dat…
Golf ja kävely parantavat sydänterveyttä
Scientific trends on research on denture stomatitis based on Scopus database: A bibliometric analysis
Denture stomatitis is a clinical condition that affects people who wear removable maxillary dentures. It causes redness, soreness, and erythema and ultimately affects the general condition of the patient. The objective of this study was to analyze the lea
La spinta fornita dagli studi Brain-based comporta la riflessione e l’auto-riflessione sulle prassi e sulle scelte metodologico-didattiche. Il contributo inquadra una ricerca avviata nel 2021, presso l’Università di Palermo, finalizzata alla definizione di strategie e strumenti per la valutazione di attività neurodidattiche per lo sviluppo delle competenze metodologico-didattiche dell’insegnante rispetto a cinque aree di interesse neurodidattico: trasversale, cognitiva, socio-emotiva, espressiva e motoria. The boost provided by Brain-based studies entails reflection and self-reflection on methodological-didactic practices and choices. The contribution frames a research project started in 20…
Robust Communications for the Underwater Internet of Things
In recent years, the emergence of numerous applications and activities involving the underwater world have given rise to a new class of technologies that takes the name of Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). Submarine activities such as remote control, pollution monitoring, data collection, disaster detection or even early warning and assisted navigation are just some of the main applications that require the use of underwater communication systems capable of providing connectivity between static and mobile nodes deployed at different depths. Generally, underwater communications employ audio signals which can propagate relatively far but are also significantly affected by Doppler distorti…
Static Obstacles Avoidance of Autonomous Mobile Robots Based on Limit Cycle Approach
Investigación sobre la arqueología de la muerte en Pompeya. Investigating the archaeology of death in Pompeii
En el año 2008 Mary Beard publicaba: "Pompeii: the life of a Roman town" , el libro comienza narrando la huida durante la erupción del Vesubio de un grupo de quince fugitivos que se aventuró a escapar por una de las puertas al este de ciudad, se trataba concretamente de Porta Nola. Beard relata detalladamente cómo fue aquella fuga desesperada, los objetos que acompañaban a aquellos desafortunados pompeyanos y de qué forma perecieron finalmente en el área funeraria, apenas al salir de la ciudad. Beard también describe lúcidamente el monumento funerario de Esquilia Polla y la tumba de Marcus Obellius Firmus, su inscripción y los jocosos grafitis garabateados en sus paredes. Para nosotros, la …
Cultural Security Theory – Selected Aspects – Case Studies
The Role of Explainable AI in the Research Field of AI Ethics
Ethics of Artiicial Intelligence (AI) is a growing research ield that has emerged in response to the challenges related to AI. Transparency poses a key challenge for implementing AI ethics in practice. One solution to transparency issues is AI systems that can explain their decisions. Explainable AI (XAI) refers to AI systems that are interpretable or understandable to humans. The research ields of AI ethics and XAI lack a common framework and conceptualization. There is no clarity of the ield’s depth and versatility. A systematic approach to understanding the corpus is needed. A systematic review ofers an opportunity to detect research gaps and focus points. This paper presents the results…
En metasyntese om foreldres erfaring med barnepalliasjon
Prosjektets bakgrunn Barnepalliasjon skal være en helhetlig og aktiv tilnærming med mål om å ivareta barnet og familiens fysiske, psykiske, sosiale og eksistensielle behov. Omtrent 7500 barn og deres familier omfattes av barnepalliasjonsbegrepet i Norge. Av disse har 20% kreftsykdommer, mens de resterende 80% har ulike metabolske eller nevrologiske lidelser, medfødte misdannelser eller annen alvorlig sykdom som krever palliativ omsorg. Foreldrene til disse barna har en svært krevende omsorgsbyrde og mange opplever utfordringer i møtet med hjelpeapparatet. Hensikt og problemstilling Oppgavens hensikt er å få kunnskap om foreldres erfaring med barnepalliasjon når de har et barn med en livsbeg…
Inside IAEVG : IAEVGs website renewal
L'origine è la meta
Riflettere su una genesi significa aver individuato un obiettivo e, con esso, aver avuto modo di appurare una sovrapposizione tra ipotesi e tesi, tra incipit e conclusione. Come già Karl Krauss sottolineava nel suo celebre aforisma, la sostanza originaria delle cose riporta nella sua stessa natura anche la finalità principale di una ricerca. In tale sintesi è insita la predisposizione di Giuseppe Arcidiacono a individuare nella meta i dati caratterizzanti l’origine. Ne consegue una sua attitudine a delineare una proiezione circolare del sapere che, riportando agli estremi la sovrapposizione in uno stesso punto, non può che proporre in ogni conclusione un nuovo inizio.
2022 : quelle réponse de la vigne à la contrainte climatique ?
"Images des évêques bourguignons à la fin du Moyen Âge", Histoire de l’image et image de l’histoire, Actes du 31e colloque de l'ABSS, Chalon-sur-Saôn…
Voksenskole for hjemmeboende personer med demens
Bakgrunn: I dag lever det ca. 101 000 personer med demens i Norge, hvor antallet forventes å dobles innen år 2050 på grunn av en økende andel eldre i befolkningen. Det finnes ingen medisin som bremser utviklingen av demenssykdom. Det er behov for tilrettelagte tilbud for å bidra til kognitivt stimulerende aktiviteter som en del av behandling for demenssykdom. Hensikt: Målet med denne masteroppgaven var å få kunnskap om deltakeres, personer med demens, erfaringer med Voksenskolen. Deres erfaringer som selv deltar, vil kunne gi et bidrag til kunnskapen om verdien av målrettet og tilrettelagte tilbud. Problemstilling: Hvordan erfarer personer med demens å delta på Voksenskolen? Metode: Studien…