showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjonen av bygg
The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. The use of 3D laser scanning to collect as-built data on construction sites have been given increased attention over the last few years, with numerous potential areas of application. The aim of this study was to investigate how 3D laser scanning can be used to streamline the production process of buildings. This also includes existing buildings with rehabilitation needs or missing/lacking as-built documentation. T…
Blasco Ibáñez, Sorolla y Benlliure: rumores de fama, ecos de celebración
Esta tesis doctoral se aproxima a la construcción de una triada artística, compuesta por Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Joaquín Sorolla y Mariano Benlliure, como un artefacto cultural arraigado, en el contexto del cambio de siglo. Con motivo de sus éxitos artísticos y literarios en el extranjero, la proyección de sus trayectorias y el aumento de su visibilidad va a encontrar una importante vía propagadora en la prensa. A principios del novecientos, la victoria de tres valencianos eminentes será interpretada, por estos medios periodísticos, según una pauta vivificadora. Un contrapunto discursivo que se enfrenta a las señales de una decadencia endémica. En su condición de creadores, de emergente noto…
Implikasjoner av ulike institusjonelle logikker for tillit mellom jordmødre og barnevernsarbeidere
Sammendrag: Masteroppgaven belyser implikasjoner ved samarbeidet mellom jordmødre og barnevernsarbeiderne, hvor hensikten er å styrke forståelsen av hvordan samarbeidet mellom barnevernstjenesten og jordmortjenesten fungerer i praksis. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan kan jordmødre og barnevernsarbeideres samarbeid forstås når det gjelder å forebygge tidlig omsorgssvikt? Oppgaven undersøker nærmere hvordan institusjonelle logikker skaper implikasjoner for tillit mellom overnevnte profesjonsutøvere, sett i lys av at de er situert i ulike tjenester. Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ fenomenologisk studie som bygger på barnevernsarbeiderne og jordmødrene sine narrativer. Datainnsamlingen er g…
Millaista osaamista ohjausalan työtehtävissä tarvitaan nyt ja tulevaisuudessa?
YETI: YET another Iga code
YETI is a library offering an implementation of IsoGeometric Analysis based on NURBS and B-Splines. It is published under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence and comes in the form of a Python library allowing the user to enter the input data of a NURBS arametrization (as a text file inspired from Abaqus input files syntax). Stiffness and mass matrices and right hand side vector are computed to form linear systems for solving mechanical or thermal problems. Solid or Kirchhoff-Love shell elements are available.In the context of shape optimization, a NURBS parametrization can be set up with design variables based on control points position. YETI can compute the analytical sensitivities [1] o…
Animismi animali
Poco tempo fa, a un pranzo domenicale, conversavo con una signora di mezz’età sulle vacanze estive appena trascorse. «Lasciamo perdere», mi dice, «oramai sono diventata la nonna dei cani». La signora mi spiega che i suoi due figli, precari, convivono con le rispettive fidanzate, ma non osano far figli sicché hanno preso, ognuno, una coppia di canòni, di non so quale pregiatissima razza, che amano alla follia e che durante le ferie e i sabato sera vengono, manco a dirlo, depositati a casa dei genitori, cioè della mia dirimpettaia di tavola, che ama immensamente i suoi ragazzi e tutto ciò che essi emanano, al punto da sacrificare le proprie meritate vacanze per accudire quei quadrupedi decisa…
Table ronde avec la participation de viticulteurs et d'experts. Video youtube
George Edward Moore and the philosophy of “common sense”: idealism and anti-idealism
Se prendiamo in esame la storia del pensiero europeo del XX secolo, l’anno della frattura tra idealismo e anti-idealismo è rappresentato dal 1903, quando Bertrand Russell pubblica “The Principles of Mathematics”, dando corso al neo-positivismo, che nel continente europeo si sarebbe sviluppato come empirismo logico con i rappresentanti del Circolo di Vienna, del Circolo di Berlino della Scuola di Leopoli-Varsavia. Nello stesso anno 1903 George Edward Moore, nella rivista “Mind”, pubblica il saggio “The Refutation of Idealism”; ma non solo, perché ancora nel 1903 dà alle stampe il volume “Principia Ethica”. A Moore, non meno che a Russell, va prestata la dovuta attenzione per l’elaborazione d…
El Derecho de Transmisión en el Derecho Sucesorio. Solución a la problemática entre la tesis de la adquisición directa y la tesis de la doble transmi…
La institución del derecho de transmisión del artículo 1006 del Código Civil plantea la necesaria elección entre la tesis clásica o de la doble transmisión y la tesis moderna o de la adquisición directa, pues ambas conducen a resultados absolutamente diferentes en la práctica jurídica. La disyuntiva ha originado la existencia de dos corrientes doctrinales que con diversidad de argumentos han defendido de forma coherente ambas posiciones. La jurisprudencia, que tradicionalmente siguió la tesis de la doble transmisión, propició un fundamental giro con la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 11 de Septiembre de 2013, que optó por la tesis de la adquisición directa. La investigación de la evolució…
Inégalités territoriales dans l’accès à l’alternance : le cas des jeunes des QPV
The French Communist Party and the CGTU in the department of Pas-de-Calais during the interwar period
Rural department, bordered by a coastline, formerly industrialized and urbanized, the department of Pas-de-Calais was a bastion of the Socialist Party and the trade union movement before the First World War. The birth of the SFIC Communist Party in December 1920 and the union split that affected the CGT divided the labor movement. Our work is interested in the construction, the evolutions and the anchoring in a territory of an original political movement and its union relays during the years of the interwar period.It is about questioning the specificity of a political party and a trade union organization, about the links they have established between them, about the margin of autonomy they …
L'introuvable gouvernance des forêts
La foresterie française est dans une impasse et souffre d'un manque de vision publique, l'État laissant les coudées franches aux propriétaires privés. Afin de poser les bases d'une filière forêt-bois vraiment durable, J.-P. Guyon plaide pour un abandon du principe de multifonctionnalité des forêts.
IA neuro-symbolique pour l'interprétation granulaire des données des bases STUPS© et OTARIES© : défis applicatifs et perspectives
Historiquement, l'intelligence artificielle (IA) s'est divisée en 2 courants selon les hypothèses faites pour modéliser l'intelligence humaine : l'IA symbolique, supposant que des symboles sont nécessaires, et l'IA statistique (plus particulièrement l'IA connexionniste) affirmant le contraire. Dernièrement, l'IA neuro-symbolique tente de réconcilier les 2. Les travaux présentés dans cet article sont en en collaboration avec la Police Scientifique française, dans le contexte du Plan National Stup. Nous présentons les problématiques métiers en lien avec le projet, puis en déduisons les problématiques scientifiques. Après un rappel des domaines de l'IA et leurs limites, nous présentons un état…
Quo vadis, internal auditing? A vision for internal auditing in 2030
We aim to respond to calls in international auditing (IA) literature and to the current changes in the IA field by describing the driving forces and vision of the future for IA in the year 2030. The goal was to prompt in-depth discussion informed by the divergent views of experts. As a contribution, we identify three key driving forces: prolific data and its application, globalization and new value chains between organizations. Further, the study reports a vision for the future of IA. By surveying a wide range of stakeholders, including the board, management, internal auditors, teachers and a legislator, we expand on the views in earlier literature regarding IA, IA developments and the appl…
Alkynyl‐Protected Chiral Bimetallic Ag22Cu7 Superatom with Multiple Chirality Origins
Understanding the origin of chirality in the nanostructured materials is essential for chiroptical and catalytic applications. Here we report a chiral AgCu superatomic cluster, [Ag22Cu7(C≡CR)16(PPh3)5Cl6](PPh4), Ag22Cu7, protected by an achiral alkynyl ligand (HC≡CR: 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenylacetylene). Its crystal structure comprises a rare interpenetrating biicosahedral Ag17Cu2 core, which is stabilized by four different types of motifs: one Cu(C≡CR)2, four -C≡CR, two chlorides and one helical Ag5Cu4(C≡CR)10(PPh3)5Cl4. Structural analysis reveals that Ag22Cu7 exhibits multiple chirality origins, including the metal core, the metal-ligand interface and the ligand layer. Furthermore, t…
NeuroTeaching. To bring educational neuroscience into the classroom
How neuroscientific research can help educational sciences and education and understand cognitive pro-cesses is the challenge of those involved in educational neuroscience. Neuroscience seems to be an invisible matrix of other sciences and practices, and it is easy to be tempted to fall into a neurocentric logic to understand aspects with evidence considered more authoritative than others. The NeuroTeaching approach aims to present current scientific debates and the prospective impact of the field of educational neuroscience with the science of teaching. The present paper aims to explore teaching methods through a framework based on recent neuroscientific findings in real contexts, such as …
Demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatus Suomessa : tilannekuva ja suositukset 2023
Tässä raportissa on selvitetty demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatukselle asetettujen tavoitteiden toteutumista. Kyseiset tavoitteet sisältävät tiedollisia, taidollisia ja asenteellisia elementtejä sekä toiminnan prosessien mahdollistumista ja toteutumista. Tietoa kerättiin laadullisin ja vuorovaikutuksellisin menetelmin, myös lapsilta, oppilailta ja opiskelijoilta. Näkökulmina raportissa ovat demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen yhdenvertainen toteutuminen, yhdenvertaisuuden edistäminen sekä lasten ja nuorten osallistumisoikeuden toteutuminen. Selvityksen perusteella annetaan seuraavat suositukset demokratia- ja ihmisoikeuskasvatuksen kansalliseksi kehittämiseksi: 1: Kannustetaan korkeakoulu…
Poszukiwanie związków biologicznie aktywnych zawartych w oleju z nasion chaulmoogra Hydnocarpus wightianus blume
Climate Change Impact on the Hydropower Potential in Agder County
Climate change poses significant uncertainties for the future of hydropower, both in terms of challenges and opportunities. This study uses an educational version of the HBV model to investigate climate change impact on the hydropower potential in Agder County over the next century. The results show that the model tends to overestimate the observed values, but results in a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 73.4\% for calibration and 77.7\% for validation with a correlation of 89.0\%. This indicates that the model's simplicity does not surpass its accuracy. For annual discharge the study found that the RCP4.5 scenario predicted a 9\% increase close to 2100. The RCP8.5 scenario projected a more si…
Play is the Base! ECEC Leaders’ Views on the Development of Digital Pedagogy
The development of digital pedagogy in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a relevant issue. The role of the ECEC leader in initiating and leading the development of digital pedagogy is important. The aim of this study was to explore the views of ECEC leaders on digital pedagogy and its development, as little research has been done on the subject. The data was collected in the context of continuing professional development for ECEC leaders in Finland. The data consists of 39 development plans that were drawn up by the participants and it was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The research indicates that ECEC leaders hold diverse perspectives on digital pedagogy but acknow…
Kurt Vonnegut and the Postmodern Satire
A broad look at the reformative qualities in Kurt Vonnegut's writing, through the analyses of three of his novels (The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, and Slaughterhouse-Five).
Cultural Security Theory – Selected Aspects – Case Studies
sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254231165837 – Supplemental material for The structure of mental well-being and its relationship with generativity in midd…
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254231165837 for The structure of mental well-being and its relationship with generativity in middle adulthood and the beginning of late adulthood by Emmi Reinilä, Tiia Kekäläinen, Milla Saajanaho and Katja Kokko in International Journal of Behavioral Development
Viisi kävelyn ja pyöräilyn skenaariota
Efecto del método de cálculo y de la presencia de falsos positivos en los umbrales de percepción
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido demostrar que, a la hora de calcular umbrales de percepción, el método de cálculo elegido y las respuestas que son falso positivo (es decir, aquéllas en las que la respuesta positiva no corresponde a la detección real del aroma sino al azar al elegir la respuesta), tienen un efecto significativo sobre el valor de umbral calculado.
Hvorfor, hvorfor, hvorfor? En kvalitativ studie av hvordan Statsforvalteren gjennom tilsyn bidrar til å ivareta elevenes lovfestede rett til spesialu…
Retten til spesialundervisning er hjemlet i opplæringsloven § 5-1. Den gir elever som ikke har, eller kan få, tilfredsstillende utbytte av ordinær opplæring, rett til spesialundervisning. Denne rettigheten bygger på enhetsskoleprinsippet, og tanken om en likeverdig grunnskoleopplæring for alle (Innst. S. nr. 15 (1995-1996)). Til tross for at retten til spesialundervisning er lovfestet, viser offentlige utredninger og oppslag i media at disse rettighetene ikke alltid oppfylles (Barneombudet, 2017; Nordahl et al., 2018; NOU 2019: 23). Hensikten med oppgaven er å se nærmere på hvordan Statsforvalteren, gjennom tilsyn, bidrar til å ivareta elevenes lovfestede rett til spesialundervisning. Oppga…
Stratégies éco-responsables, leurs attributs et leurs influences sur la perception du consommateur
Elevers moitvasjon i arbeid med virkelighetsnær matematikk
Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan arbeid med virkelighetsnære matematikkoppgaver påvirket motivasjonen til elever i matematikkfaget. Vi ønsket at elevene skulle lage sine egne problemstillinger basert på virkelige situasjoner og løse dem i form av en oppgave. Hensikten var at oppgavene skulle oppleves mest mulig virkelighetsnære for dem. Med utgangspunkt i en pilotstudie vi gjennomførte i 2022 valgte vi å utføre et undervisningseksperiment i en 9. klasse, hvor elevene jobbet med slike oppgaver i grupper. Problemformuleringene elevene utførte kan ses i sammenheng med en modelleringsprosess, der elevene “matematiserte” et problem fra det virkelige liv. Forskningsspørsmålet vå…
Health promoting sports federations : theoretical foundations and guidelines
Background: Researchers and policy-makers have highlighted that the potential for organized sports to promote health has been underexploited. Sports clubs have limited capacity to promote health due to their voluntary nature and have called for support from their national sports federations. The present article provides guidelines, based on the theoretical principles of health promoting sports clubs and an analysis of practical tools and proven strategies, to support national sports federations to invest in health promotion (HP). Methods: A qualitative iterative study was undertaken, based on five 2-h meetings of a group of 15 international researchers in HP in sports clubs. Notes and minut…
Utilizing Reinforcement Learning and Computer Vision in a Pick-And-Place Operation for Sorting Objects in Motion
This master's thesis studies the implementation of advanced machine learning (ML) techniques in industrial automation systems, focusing on applying machine learning to enable and evolve autonomous sorting capabilities in robotic manipulators. In particular, Inverse Kinematics (IK) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) are investigated as methods for controlling a UR10e robotic arm for pick-and-place of moving objects on a conveyor belt within a small-scale sorting facility. A camera-based computer vision system applying YOLOv8 is used for real-time object detection and instance segmentation. Perception data is utilized to ascertain optimal grip points, specifically through an implemented algorith…
Dai popoli alla τέχνη. Il motivo delle «opere grandi e meravigliose» tra Erodoto e Galeno.
The essay analyzes the reuse of the motif of 'great and wonderful works', already present in Herodotus, within the Galenic corpus.
What Contributes to the Measured Chiral Optical Response of the Glutathione-Protected Au25 Nanocluster?
The water-soluble glutathione-protected [Au25(GSH)18]−1 nanocluster was investigated by integrating several methodologies such as molecular dynamics simulations, essential dynamics analysis, and state-of-the-art time-dependent density functional theory calculations. Fundamental aspects such as conformational, weak interactions and solvent effects, especially hydrogen-bonds, were included and found to play a fundamental role in assessing the optical response of this system. Our analysis demonstrated not only that the electronic circular dichroism is extremely sensitive to the solvent presence but also that the solvent itself plays an active role in the optical activity of such system, formin…
Sub-cultures effect on Information security culture in an organization
This study investigates the influence of subcultures on information security culture with-in organizations. The research focuses on the cultural and policy dimensions of infor-mation systems security and aims to explore how subcultures within an organization affect information security culture. The study employes a qualitative case study ap-proach, conducting interviews with employees from different departments of a Norwe-gian IT consultant company. The findings reveal variations in information security ownership, knowledge and awareness, and work goals and challenges among departments. The study emphasizes the need for tailored information security measures that consider the unique charact…
Contacts culturels au 36e-35e siècles av. J.-C. : les traditions techniques de la céramique de Geispolsheim "Forlen" (Bas-Rhin)
L’étude d’une série de vases du Néolithique récent sur le site de Geispolsheim « Forlen » a permis de définir le Munzingen C, l’étape finale de cette culture en Basse-Alsace (3650-3400 av. J.-C.). Cette définition repose avant tout sur une approche typologique qui a permis de mettre en évidence les fortes affinités existant avec la culture de Pfyn. Cette contribution se propose de compléter cette approche par une analyse technologique qui, bien que confirmant l’originalité de cette production et ses liens avec le Pfyn, permet aussi de mettre en lumière ses relations avec les productions tardives duCortaillod.
Application of Silsesquioxanes in the Preparation of Polyolefin-Based Materials
This paper is a review of studies on the use of the polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) of various structures in the synthesis of polyolefins and the modification of their properties, namely: (1) components of organometallic catalytic systems for the polymerization of olefins, (2) comonomers in the copolymerization with ethylene, and (3) fillers in composites based on polyolefins. In addition, studies on the use of new silicon compounds, i.e., siloxane–silsesquioxane resins, as fillers for composites based on polyolefins are presented. The authors dedicate this paper to Professor Bogdan Marciniec on the occasion of his jubilee.
Plan de acción en salud mental, drogodependencias y conductas adictivas. Comunitat Valenciana 2023-2026
La exposición permanente y acumulativa a situaciones adversas globales está descompensando a personas con enfermedad mental pero también nos avisa que cualquiera puede alcanzar la condición de persona depresiva, adicta, bebedora, angustiada, con deterioro cognitivo o con intención de morirse. Ante esta preocupación, La Generalitat Valenciana y la Universidad de Valencia llegan a un acuerdo de colaboración para la elaboración del Plan de Acción en Salud Mental, Drogodependencias y Conductas Adictivas de la Comunidad Valenciana (2023-2026) a través de un proceso deliberativo y participativo en el que se ha otorgado un papel protagonista a la ciudadanía. El resultado de este plan son 8 grandes…