showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Dead-time impact on the harmonic distortion and conversion efficiency in a three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridge inverter: mathematical formulatio…
To avoid leg short-circuit in inverters, dead time must be introduced on leg gate signals. Dead time affects the inverter output voltage fundamental harmonic amplitude, voltage harmonic distortion and inverter efficiency by introducing additional voltage drops. In this regard, dead time effects have been widely investigated for traditional two-level three-phase voltage source inverters in the literature but not extensively for multilevel topology structures. This paper provides a detailed analysis of dead time impact on the harmonic distortion and efficiency of Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverters (CHBMIs). For this purpose, a general mathematical formulation to determine voltage drop du…
Barnehagens arbeid med barn det er knyttet bekymring til. En kvalitativ studie om BTI-modellens implementering og praktisering i to barnehager i Agde…
Denne studien søker innsikt i to barnehagers arbeid med barn det er knyttet bekymring til, i en kommune i Agder ved bruk av BTI-modellen, som står for «Bedre Tverrfaglig Innsats». BTI-modellen er en samhandlingsmodell som kom som et tilskudd til Norge i 2012, med ønske om å forbedre den tverrfaglige samordningen i kommuner det var særlig behov for utbedring av tverrfaglig samarbeid. I tillegg er hensikten med modellen å fremme tidlig innsats og brukermedvirkning i tjenesters arbeid med både gravide, barn, unge og foreldre det er knyttet bekymring til. I Agder fylkeskommune kom BTI-modellen i 2017, som et tilskudd som del av et nasjonalt program for folkehelsearbeid i kommunene (folkehelsepr…
Mecanismos Bioquímicos y Moleculares de la Neurodegeneración en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer
La enfermedad de Alzheimer se caracteriza por la presencia de placas amiloideas, hiperfosforilación de la proteína TAU e incremento de la inflamación cerebral. El uso de modelos animales de experimentación, como APP/PS1 (proteína precursora de amiloide/presenilina 1), permite observar los cambios producidos tanto a nivel de bioquímico como de biología molecular. Las células encargadas de intervenir en el proceso inflamatorio cerebral son los astrocitos y la microglía. Los resultados de esta tesis nos indican que los cambios en las quimiocinas y los receptores de quimiocinas son importantes debido a la implicación que podrían tener en la inflamación relacionada con la enfermedad de Alzheimer…
Informal learning and wellbeing outcomes of gameplay and their associations with gameplay motivation
Educational functions of digital games are often seen only in the light of the serious and purposeful activities that aim for learning outcomes, in contrast with noneducational games that are designed for entertainment. The focus of this paper is in studying players’ learning outcomes from playing non-educational games, and how these relate to wellbeing outcomes of playing, and gaming motivation. The data for this study was collected via a survey (N = 1,202) in the United Kingdom and the United States. The survey respondents answered the question regarding what players perceive they have learnt by playing digital games. A generic datadriven qualitative content analysis of the responses to t…
The Yuck Factor : Reiterating Insect-Eating (and Otherness) Through Disgust
In this chapter, representing critical cultural studies and visual studies, I consider insect-eating’s media portrayals by employing discourse analysis, semiology, and visual analysis methods. I conduct a qualitative analysis of the textual and visual elements in selected media portrayals of entomophagy. The focus is on Anglophone media iterations between 2013-2020, discovered online through Google searches Spring 2019 and Spring 2021. I am particularly interested in disgust’s role in mediating entomophagy to mass audiences. Through theories of this visceral emotion, I discuss the main ways historical Western representations of revulsion against insects and insect-eating resurface despite t…
Projekty citizen science jako metoda wzmocnienia świadomości społecznej o problemie antybiotykooporności
Problem antybiotykooporności jest według WHO jednym z najbardziej donośnych zagrożeń XXI wieku. Z roku na rok umiera coraz więcej osób na skutek zakażenia bakterią, która jest oporna na znane antybiotyki. Aby zapobiegać rozwojowi antybiotykooporności konieczny jest wzrost świadomości społecznej o niekorzystnych skutkach nadużywania i niewłaściwego stosowania antybiotyków. W tym celu prowadzone są liczne kampanie i akcje społeczne. Aby dotrzeć z tymi informacjami także do młodzieży realizowane są projekty citizen science, w które zaangażowani są studenci i uczniowie. W artykule przedstawimy cele i zakres projektów citizen science oraz service learning podejmowanych w celu edukacji społeczeńs…
Positiivisten kohtaamisten merkityksellisyys kouluyhteisöissä
Kouluille on asetettu kasvavassa määrin merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia tehtäviä. Yhtenä koulun tehtävänä on valmistaa uusia sukupolvia uudistamaan yhteiskuntaa. Tätä tehtävää haastaa monin tavoin kompleksiset ja kiihtyvät muutosprosessit. Oleellista onkin luoda kestävä pohja jatkuvalle oppimiselle ja hyvinvoinnille jo varhaisista kouluvuosista alkaen. nonPeerReviewed
MAUREL Raphaël (dir.), Nouveaux regards sur le droit européen des investissements, Dijon, LexisNexis, coll. du CREDIMI, 2023, 492 p.
Les relations entre droit européen et droit des investissements ont donné lieu, ces dernières années, à des réflexions sur l’émergence d’un droit régional spécial, qui se caractériserait par une « approche européenne » des investissements. On pense par exemple à la volonté de « verdissement » des investissements, ou encore à la prise en compte des contestations de la société civile quant aux modes de règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements. Le thème est particulièrement d’actualité depuis l’arrêt Achmea en 2018, qui a constitué une petite révolution du droit des investissements sans que soient réglé l’ensemble des questions juridiques qu’il soulève – lui et ses suites. Cette d…
Measurement of inclusive and leading subjet fragmentation in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
This article presents new measurements of the fragmentation properties of jets in both proton–proton (pp) and heavy-ion collisions with the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We report distributions of the fraction zr of transverse momentum carried by subjets of radius r within jets of radius R. Charged-particle jets are reconstructed at midrapidity using the anti-kT algorithm with jet radius R = 0.4, and subjets are reconstructed by reclustering the jet constituents using the anti-kT algorithm with radii r = 0.1 and r = 0.2. In proton–proton collisions, we measure both the inclusive and leading subjet distributions. We compare these measurements to perturbative calculatio…
Measurements of second-harmonic Fourier coefficients from azimuthal anisotropies in p+p, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
Recently, the PHENIX Collaboration has published second- and third-harmonic Fourier coefficients v2 and v3 for midrapidity (|η|<0.35) charged hadrons in 0%–5% central p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV, utilizing three sets of two-particle correlations for two detector combinations with different pseudorapidity acceptance [Acharya et al., Phys. Rev. C 105, 024901 (2022)]. This paper extends these measurements of v2 to all centralities in p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions, as well as p+p collisions, as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and event multiplicity. The kinematic dependence of v2 is quantified as the ratio R of v2 between the two detector combinations as a funct…
L'architettura ed il pianeta malato
Global warming and building activity are strictly tied.This should lead architects to reconsider their design attitudes. Yet this does not happen if not as mere technologal answer. The reasons for this inadequacy fall within an ample process tht dates back to Cartesio and that has been delineated by Husserl and existantialist thinkers. The problematic and meaningful contribution by Paolo Soleri and the Metabolists are analyzed to understand the reasons of the complex relation between scientism, technology and environmentalism.
Tunnelmia ja kuvia sosiaalisen kestävyyden ääreltä
Correlation of age and skeletal effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion
To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) and their correlation with the age of the patients. Settings and sample population: Sample comprised 19 patients with maxillary atresia and posteri
El Derecho de Transmisión en el Derecho Sucesorio. Solución a la problemática entre la tesis de la adquisición directa y la tesis de la doble transmi…
La institución del derecho de transmisión del artículo 1006 del Código Civil plantea la necesaria elección entre la tesis clásica o de la doble transmisión y la tesis moderna o de la adquisición directa, pues ambas conducen a resultados absolutamente diferentes en la práctica jurídica. La disyuntiva ha originado la existencia de dos corrientes doctrinales que con diversidad de argumentos han defendido de forma coherente ambas posiciones. La jurisprudencia, que tradicionalmente siguió la tesis de la doble transmisión, propició un fundamental giro con la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 11 de Septiembre de 2013, que optó por la tesis de la adquisición directa. La investigación de la evolució…
Laser-induced tuning of graphene field-effect transistors for pH sensing
Here we demonstrate, using pulsed femtosecond laser-induced two-photon oxidation (2PO), a novel method of locally tuning the sensitivity of solution gated graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) without sacrificing the integrity of the carbon network of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown graphene. The achieved sensitivity with 2PO was (25 ± 2) mV pH−1 in BIS-TRIS propane HCl (BTPH) buffer solution, when the oxidation level corresponded to the Raman peak intensity ratio I(D)/I(G) of 3.58. Sensitivity of non-oxidized, residual PMMA contaminated GFETs was 20–22 mV pH−1. The sensitivity decreased initially by 2PO to (19 ± 2) mV pH−1 (I(D)/I(G) = 0.64), presumably due to PMMA residue remova…
Desarrollo de métodos analíticos para la determinación de trazas de compuestos de interés en productos cosméticos
La actual demanda social de productos cosméticos en los países desarrollados, por un lado, y las mayores exigencias en materia de seguridad que establece la normativa europea para este tipo de productos (Reglamento (CE) Nº 1223/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 30 de noviembre de 2009 sobre los productos cosméticos), por otro, requiere el continuo desarrollo de métodos analíticos que permitan a las empresas y los organismos oficiales llevar a cabo el correcto control de calidad de los productos cosméticos, con la clara finalidad de garantizar la seguridad de los usuarios. En la presente Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado y validado diversos métodos analíticos para la determinació…
Reproduksjon av ulikheter, eller utdanningsrettferdighet
Ideen om en skole for alle har sine røtter langt tilbake i tid (Telhaug, 1994; Solstad, 2004: Bjørnsrud & Nilsen, 2021). Fra og med L97, har det blitt vektlagt inkluderende opplæring som viktig for alle barns utvikling og læring, men menneskeverd i denne utviklingen har også vært sentralt. Alle mennesker er like mye verdt uansett av hva det er som skiller oss fra hverandre. Lærerne blir rollemodellene i dette arbeidet. Når de selv viser omsorg og respekt og ser den enkelte eleve, annerkjennes deres verdighet (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020). Derfor vil jeg i lys av Læreplanverket overordnede del kap. 3. Prinsipper for skolens praksis, finne ut hvordan skolen og lærerne tilrettelegger for real…
Brisures du romaneque: 'La Malédiction de la Madone', ou d'une pratique ironique du docufiction.
La Malédiction de la Madone, pubblicato nel 2022, è il primo romanzo in cui Philippe Vilain, scrittore tra i maggiori rappresentanti dell’autofinzione, ab- bandona la narrazione in prima persona per un “docufiction” in terza persona basato sulla vita della camorrista Pupetta Maresca. questo cambio di rotta, an- cor più sorprendente per un autore come Vilain che aveva sempre vilipeso que- sto genere letterario, è occasione di mettere in questione le sue concezioni del romanzo e della letteratura. Ne vien fuori una narrazione tesa tra l’aspirazione a far corpo unico con la sua precedente produzione letteraria e le condizioni im- poste dalla “docufinzionalizzazione” della storia. La Maléd…
The Functioning of Local Government Authorities in Poland in the Conditions of the Epidemic in Relation to the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – General Consi…
Wartykule przedstawiono wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania samorządu terytorialnego wPol-sce wwarunkach epidemii wzwiązku zkoronawirusem SARS-CoV-2. Więcej miejsca poświęcono aspektom ustrojowym, natomiast aspekty materialnoprawne iproceduralne zostały zasygnalizowane, ponieważ ich rozwinięcie wykracza poza ramy niniejszego opracowania. Celem jest odpowiedź na pytanie, wjakim stopniu obecnie obowiązujące przepisy, zuwzględnieniem nowych regulacji prawnych, umożliwiają realizację zadań publicznych oraz wjaki sposób nowe regulacje modyfiku-ją dotychczasowe zadania. Wartykule sformułowano tezę, że dotychczasowe przepisy mogą być stosowane wwarunkach epidemicznych, ale po dokonaniu modyfikacji koni…
Hva karakteriserer en gruppe 9.trinnselevers strategier og argumentasjon med utforskende volumoppgaver?
Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ kasusstudie som tar for seg hva som karakteriserer elevers arbeid med volum. Hensikten er å se hvordan en 9.klasse løser to problemløsningsoppgaver om volum. Studiens problemstilling er derfor "Hva karakteriserer en gruppe 9.trinnselevers strategier og argumentasjon med utforskende volumoppgaver?" Teorien vil ta for seg store begrep som geometri, algebra og aritmetikk, og nivåene fra Van Hiele modellen. Det skal også se på tidligere forskning og de fem «sammenflettede trådene» til Mathematical Proficiency. Læreplanen i matematikk for 8.trinn og kjerneelementene vil være sentrale, i tillegg til at geometrisk, algebraisk og aritmetisk tenkning er viktig f…
Changement climatique : des vignerons en quête d’une viticulture durable
Dans le Pays châtillonnais, un groupe de viticulteurs a été créé. Son objectif ? Réduire l’utilisation des produits phytosanitaires et anticiper les conséquences du changement climatique sur la vigne.
Low-level laser therapy in the management of muscle fatigue caused after long Endodontic procedure
The masticatory muscles may undergo fatigue due to prolonged mouth opening during the endodontic procedures. Low-level laser can be used to treat muscle fatigue due its capacity to produce reactive oxygen species and improve function of mitochondria. Aim: To determine the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy in the management of masticatory muscle fatigue caused after long endodontic procedure under Local anesthesia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 44 patients complaining of reduced mouth opening and pain while mouth opening, after long endodontic therapy were considered for the study and were randomly allocated into study and control group. In the study group, low-level laser was applied while p…
Pragmatics, Metaphor Studies and the Challenge of Mental Imagery
Metaphor is considered a figurative use of language, a term that seems to recall the imagistic dimension characterizing this kind of utterances. Tzvetan Todorov (1967) speaks of “figure” as “visibility of speech”: as a figure, metaphor provides a kind of figurability to what is communicated. As Paul Ricoeur wrote in La métaphore vive (Ricoeur, 1975), metaphor makes “speech appear”. Precisely because of the reliance on the idea of figure, it is therefore not surprising that discussions on metaphor often refer to the role that mental images play in their comprehension. A long tradition holds that the formation of a mental image is fundamental for the comprehension of certain kinds of metaphor…
The Personal Repertoire and Its Materiality : Resources, Means and Modalities of Languaging
The chapter is a theoretical discussion of the concept of personal repertoire and its application in the context of applied linguistics, particularly in the study of language learning and development. It questions conceptualisations that understand language learning as acquisition of abstract, decontextual and disembodied language knowledge and argues that learners’ know-how is not based on any kind of ‘mental grammar’, but on a personal repertoire of different multimodal semiotic resources. Bringing together ‘old’ and ‘new’ arguments for materialism, personal repertoires are examined focussing on how embodied agentive activity is intertwined with the socially structured environments and th…
Diseño y validación de un instrumento para analizar los estereotipos corporales representados en el software y aplicaciones digitales (Apps)
La preocupación por el cuerpo y los estereotipos asociados a la actividad física que transmiten las aplicaciones y el software digital es un fenómeno sustancial pero poco investigado. En el presente estudio, se muestra la validación del proceso de adaptación inicial de un instrumento de medida y de los ítems de la escala, denominado REICAF (Representación de Estereotipos sobre la Imagen Corporal y la Actividad Física), que analiza los estereotipos corporales y de actividad física asociados a las imágenes que aparecen en las Apps y software de carácter deportivo. Se utilizó una metodología descriptiva-transversal siguiendo el protocolo Delphi. La elaboración y validación del instrumento se l…
Klynger og grønn omstilling av entreprenørielle økosystemer - En caseundersøkelse av GCE NODE og Agder
Som et resultat av klimaendringer er vi nødt til å omstille oss til et samfunn med betydelig mindre negative konsekvenser for klima og miljø. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på følgende forskerspørsmål; Hvordan kan en klynge bidra til å omstille et entreprenørielt økosystem i grønn retning? I teoridelen har jeg valgt å lene meg på teorier om klynger, grønn omstilling, entreprenørielle økosystemer og ressurser. Disse teoriene har jeg valgt fordi de kan på ulikt vis bidra til å kaste lys over problemstillingen. I korte trekk sier teorien at klynger kan bidra til grønn omstilling gjennom å oppgradere ulike ressurser på bedrifts- og systemnivå. Mulighetsrommet for grønn omstilling avhenger i stor…
L'analyse du pluralisme de l'université au travers des Économies de la Grandeur : un cadre pour de nouvelles perspectives sur les outils de gestion e…
Information Security Risk Assessments following Cybersecurity Breaches : The Mediating Role of Top Management Attention to Cybersecurity
Information Systems (IS) research on managerial response to cybersecurity breaches has largely focused on externally oriented actions such as customer redressal and crisis response. Within the firm itself, a breach may be a symptom of systematic problems, and a narrow, siloed focus on only fixing immediate issues through technical fixes and controls might preclude other managerial actions to ensure future cybersecurity. Towards this end, Information Security Risk Assessments (ISRA) can help surface other vulnerabilities following a breach. While the role of governance in such exercises is emphasized in standards, it is undertheorized in IS research and lacks empirical evidence. We draw on t…
La metamorfosis de la Web de centro desde el confinamiento
Las tecnologías han desempeñado un papel fundamental como herramienta durante el confinamiento, convirtiéndose la web de centro en uno de los principa les canales de comunicación con familias y alumnado y un lugar para compartir recursos digitales y otros materiales educativos. Technologies have played a fundamental role as a tool during confinement, making the center website one of the main channels of communication with families and students and a place to share digital resources and other educational materials. Las webs escolares han pasado a ser uno de los principales canales comunicativos y principal fuente de recursos durante la pandemia
Computer-aided-diagnosis for ocular abnormalities from a single color fundus photography with deep learning
Any damage to the retina can lead to severe consequences like blindness. This visual impairment is preventable by early detection of ocular abnormalities. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for ocular abnormalities is built by analyzing retinal imaging modalities, for instance, Color Fundus Photography (CFP). The main objectives of this thesis are to build two CAD models, one to detect the microaneurysms (MAs), the first visible symptom of diabetic retinopathy, and the other for multi-label detection of 28 ocular abnormalities consisting of frequent and rare abnormalities from a single CFP by using deep learning-based approaches. Two methods were proposed for MAs detection: ensemble-based and c…
Kuka kirjoittaa pilvi-imperiumien pelisäännöt?
Preoperative oral practices and incidence of postoperative complications in hospital medical-surgical procedures: A meta-analysis
Oral decay prior to a hospital medical-surgical procedure is a risk factor for the development of postoperative complications. However, perioperative oral practices as a protective factor have not been studied. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of perioperative oral practices in the reduction of risk of developing postoperative complications in in-hospital medical surgical procedures. This review and meta-analysis was conducted according to Cochrane guidelines. Medline, Scopus, Scielo, and Cochrane were consulted. Articles of the previous 10 years concerning adult patients undergoing perioperative oral practices prior to hospital medical-surgical procedures, were included. Dat…
Alkynyl‐Protected Chiral Bimetallic Ag22Cu7 Superatom with Multiple Chirality Origins
Understanding the origin of chirality in the nanostructured materials is essential for chiroptical and catalytic applications. Here we report a chiral AgCu superatomic cluster, [Ag22Cu7(C≡CR)16(PPh3)5Cl6](PPh4), Ag22Cu7, protected by an achiral alkynyl ligand (HC≡CR: 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenylacetylene). Its crystal structure comprises a rare interpenetrating biicosahedral Ag17Cu2 core, which is stabilized by four different types of motifs: one Cu(C≡CR)2, four -C≡CR, two chlorides and one helical Ag5Cu4(C≡CR)10(PPh3)5Cl4. Structural analysis reveals that Ag22Cu7 exhibits multiple chirality origins, including the metal core, the metal-ligand interface and the ligand layer. Furthermore, t…
Choroby rzadkie w etiopatogenezie udaru mózgu
A long-term vision for rural areas: a case study of Sicilian farms
In line with internationally defined goals of sustainable development, European agricultural policies today have a far-sighted vision for rural areas. Using a case study approach, this paper explores how receptive rural farms in Sicily are to a long-term vision of development. The study focuses on three key factors of a long-term vision, that is, digitalisation, innovation and sustainability, to examine not only whether farms have invested in these areas but also how they perceive their role in the post-pandemic era. Empirical results provide insights into the concentration of farms in the central inland areas of Sicily without any real long-term vision of development. Nevertheless, the ana…