showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Análisis de técnicas de “aggregation”/“disaggregation” aplicadas a imágenes satélite para la estimación de parámetros térmicos superficiales a difere…
Las aplicaciones que implican la observación de la superficie terrestre desde plataformas satélites a escala inferior a la regional, como por ejemplo, el caso del seguimiento de cultivos, requieren de una mayor disponibilidad de información térmica, en particular de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre (LST), con resoluciones espaciales apropiadas para un alcance local. Por ello, numerosos autores han propuesto y desarrollado métodos para extraer la LST a nivel “subpíxel”, mediante el empleo de productos complementarios de teledetección, con resultados adecuados para su uso en resoluciones superiores. La mayoría de estos métodos se basan en la correlación entre índices de vegetación, c…
Kulttuuriset ennakkoluulot sosiaalityön ongelmanmäärittelyn resursseina : esimerkkinä kunniaan liittyvä väkivalta
Esitys perustuu vielä työn alla olevaan artikkelikäsikirjoitukseen, jonka olen kirjoittanut pro gradu -tutkielmani ”Kunnia, etnisyys ja kulttuuri. Sosiaalityöntekijöiden käsityksiä kunniaan liittyvästä väkivallasta” (Elfving 2017) pohjalta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten sosiaalityöntekijät määrittelevät ongelmia kunniaan liittyvän väkivallan tapauksissa. Aineistoni perusteella sosiaalityöntekijät käyttävät kulttuurisia ennakkoluuloja ongelmanmäärittelyn resursseina. Väkivaltaisuuden katsotaan olevan kiinteä osa ”muslimikulttuuria” ja sen perinteitä. Väkivallan mahdollistaa naisen huono asema. Asiakkaan muslimitausta erotetaan suomalaisuudesta tarkkarajaisesti ja sillä selitet…
Margarita Nelken. El discurso parlamentario femenino de la II República
Margarita Nelken, along with Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent, was the protagonist in some parliamentary debates during the first legislature of the Second Republic. As this is the first study on the "discursive identity" of member of parliament Margarita Nelken and on the parliamentary discourse of the Second Republic, special attention will be devoted to persuasive strategies and the image construction of the socialist MP. The corpus consists of discourses and replies to the interventions of other Members of parliament in the parliamentary sessions of 20 October 1932, 28 February 1933, and 25 January 1934. The analysis is based on Fuentes Rodríguez's pragmalinguistics model, on the theor…
Topical treatment of oral chronic graft-versus-host- disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: A systematic review
Oral graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study systematically reviewed Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with the objective to investigate the effectiveness and side effects of topical agents used for the treatment of oral GVHD. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to perform this study. An electronic search of four databases was conducted. RCTs published between January 2011 and March 2022 were included that were carried out on hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving topical treatment for oral GVHD. The Critical Ap…
How do security managers motivate employees' security behavior - Leadership perspective
In today’s digital world, there are several possible threats to organizations. Because of these possible threats, it is important to be as aware as possible and prepared for attacks to occur. Large and small organizations should have a good team of employees and a good leader to carry the organization through possible threats and attacks. Cybersecurity is not just about technology but a mix of different aspects involving people and policy. For an organization to succeed in the field of cybersecurity, the organization needs to have committed and skilled managers at the top. This study examines how security managers seek to motivate and influence employees' security behavior and which leaders…
Sorveglianza e governamentalità
The essay looks for the new forms of surveillance in our digital societies, under the perspective of the foucauldian category of Governementality.
Water leaching of roasted vanadium slag : Desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate from vanadium solution
This research investigated water leaching of roasted vanadium slag and studied the effects of leaching parameters, such as agitation speed, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, and leaching time. Further, solution purification via desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate were studied using the vanadium solution obtained from the water leaching of roasted vanadium slag. Vanadium solution contains residual silicon (1.67 g/L), which should be removed before ammonium vanadate precipitation. Based on the results, vanadium can be effectively recovered from vanadium slag and a recovery efficiency of 96.9% was obtained under optimal water leaching conditions. During solution purificat…
VADER: A novel decay station for actinide spectroscopy
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 540, 148 - 150 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.021
Les paysages forestiers de l’approvisionnement parisien : les conséquences environnementales du flottage dans le Haut Morvan montagnard (XIVe-XVIIIe …
El oficio de maestra. Conservar o transgredir la construcción de género
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Els malnoms de l'Horta Sud: Estudi motivacional i lingüístic
Aquest estudi presenta un aplec de malnoms d’una comarca sencera com la de l’Horta Sud, i una metodologia per a classificar-los i estudiar-los. Així mateix, un dels objectius principals ha estat la recollida de cabal lèxic de tipus malnonímic, és a dir, procedent de malnoms, abans que es trenquen els mecanismes de transmissió entre les darreres generacions, més globalitzades i menys arrelades a les tradicions dels pobles. El treball comprén dos grans blocs. Un que aporta un assaig de classificació general partint de models ja emprats entre la bibliografia onomàstica, i que aplega un corpus del voltant de 12.000 mots, i un altre que presenta, en forma de diccionari, l’estudi d’una bona part …
Viisi kävelyn ja pyöräilyn skenaariota
Clinical characteristics and 12-month outcomes of patients with myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries before and during the COV…
Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic complications.Objectives: We aimed to compare patient characteristics, and 12-month clinical outcomes of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed data of 51,734 patients with acute myocardial infarction registered in the nationwide PL-ACS database in 2019 and 2020, finally including 3,178 MINOCA patients. We compared baseline characteristics, management strategies, and 12-month clinical outcomes of MINOCA patients before (2019) and during (2020) the COVID-19 pandemic.Results: The M…
In ascolto del sentire giovanile. Prospettive di senso per l’educazione di domani
Ogni opera di miglioramento prende le mosse dalla presa di coscienza delle risorse di cui si dispone. Nel presente momento storico, i più recenti documenti nazionali e internazionali ci consegnano il monito di ripensare – nei termini di un pensare ancora e ancor più approfonditamente – le comunità educanti attraverso un coinvolgimento attivo di ciascun attore dei percorsi formativi. Il presente contributo tenta, in tale prospettiva, di porsi in ascolto delle voci giovanili e di scorgere da loro e con loro verso quali prospettive sia chiamato a rivolgersi lo sguardo dei loro insegnanti e quali direzioni possa intraprendere l’educazione del domani.
Detection of Depression Using Weighted Spectral Graph Clustering With EEG Biomarkers
The alarming annual growth in the number of people affected by Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a problem on a global scale. In the primary scrutiny of depression, Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the analytical tools available. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Neural Networks (DNN) methods are the most common techniques for MDD diagnosis using EEG. However, these ML methods heavily rely on manually annotated EEG signals, which can only be generated by experts, for training. This also necessitates a large amount of memory and time constraints. The requirement of huge amounts of data to foresee emerging tendencies or undiscovered alignments is enforced. This article develops an unsuper…
The classification of the capabilities of the firm
Purpose: The aim of this article is to present an identification of the premises for the classification of firm capabilities and to show the types of firm capability classification found in the literature. Design/methodology/approach: The classification of capability groups presented in this article is based on the literature review conducted. Findings: Standard classification of a firm's capabilities, in addition to structuring existing knowledge in the area of capabilities, can provide a starting point for identifying the firm's key capabilities leading to competitive advantage. Practical implications: Identifying a firm's capabilities is one of the key steps in creating and leveraging ca…
Energieffektivisering av eksisterende kontorbygninger
Bygninger står for rundt 40 % av verdens totale energibruk og for mer enn halvparten av Norges elektrisitetsbehov. Mesteparten av verdens bygningsmasse i 2050 eksisterer i dag og rundt 75 % av denne bygningsmassen i EU er ineffektiv. Den norske regjeringen har satt et mål om å redusere energibruken i eksisterende bygg med 10 TWh innen 2030. Videre vil økte strømpriser, energimerkeordningen, EU-taksonomien, krav fra banker, forsikringsselskaper og andre interessenter være viktige drivere for energi effektivitet i eksisterende bygg. Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å utforske energieffektive oppgraderingstiltak og energisparepotensialet til eksisterende kontorbygg. Tiltakene ble implement…
Un dilettantismo felice: ricostruzione testuale di Tvergastein
For the past few years - few compared to the long historical duration of the human species on Earth - we have been witnessing a profound cultural revolution, perhaps even an anthropological one. Cultural because, after all, this revolution concerns first and foremost knowledge - and before that, belief, and after that, everyday life, human and social experience, and widespread sensitivity. Anthropological because this knowledge is essentially ethnological, of an ethnology that, however, denies itself in order to embrace the totality of things, or, better, to allow itself a holistic look that is not only aimed at homo, in order to attribute to itself an object of study, a much broader field …
Refugee Hierarchies in Poland: between Legitimizing and Resisting Injustice amid the Reception of Ukrainian War Refugees
Beyond error correction in EFL writing in a Finnish upper secondary classroom : a practical approach
In Finland, teachers have considerable autonomy over their assessment practices. Recent studies suggest that FL/L2 teachers, particularly at the upper secondary school, primarily focus on summative assessment rather than on formative assessment and feedback, which is in contrast with the latest Finnish National Core Curricula. Furthermore, while appreciating teacher feedback, learners do not perceive it as an integral part of assessment. In this paper, we propose formative classroom practices to support the learning process and go beyond error correction in FL/L2 writing. These practices are grounded on our earlier research, and they focus mainly on two themes: fostering learner choice in f…
En dynamisk agenda i ICE-sesjoner
An increasing number of companies in the construction industry are adopting the VDC framework. VDC is a framework of existing methods, theories, and practices that support the use of multi-disciplinary, virtual models of product, and process to achieve the project’s business objectives. Effective collaboration among project stakeholders is a fundamental part of the VDC framework. The framework utilizes the ICE methodology to enhance collaboration. The ICE methodology is a systematic approach to collaboratively identify, and solve project challenges. The starting point for achieving a successful ICE session is establishing an agenda. Therefore, qualitative research through interviews, observ…
Motivationaaliset ulottuvuudet tutkivassa nettilukemisessa
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuudesluokkalaisten nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia ja niiden yhteyttä tutkivan nettilukemisen tehtävässä menestymiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 426 kuudesluokkalaista oppilasta. Nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia mitattiin Yhdysvalloissa validoidulla mittarilla. Tutkivan nettilukemisen taitoja arvioitiin verkkopohjaisella tehtävällä, jossa oppilaat tutkivat energiajuomien terveysvaikutuksia. Tehtävä mittasi oppilaiden tiedonhakutaitoja, arviointitaitoja, taitoa laatia synteesi usean nettitekstin pohjalta sekä taitoja muodostaa ja kommunikoida perusteltu kanta tutkimastaan asiasta. Konfirmatorisessa faktorianalyysissä havaittiin neljä n…
L’accettazione del diritto secondo Alfonso Catania: qualche osservazione a margine
A dieci anni dall’uscita di The Concept of Law, Alfonso Catania pubblica, sulla prestigiosa Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, un saggio critico dal titolo: L’accettazione nel pensiero di Herbert L. A. Hart. Si tratta di un saggio meritatamente celebre, di cui è difficile esagerare l’impatto oggettivo e anche soggettivo. In questo saggioproporrò una ricostruzione delle tesi salienti del saggio di Catania del 1971 e, a partire da questa ricostruzione, metterò finalmente in bella forma alcune delle mie “osservazioni a margine” che si sono sedimentate nel corso degli anni sulla mia fotocopia, ormai lisa, de L’accettazione del diritto nel pensiero di Herbert L. A. Hart.
Functions of the translation factor eIF5A in cellular metabolism and transcriptional control
El factor de inicio de traducción de eucariotas 5A (eIF5A) es una proteína esencial y conservada con funciones en las tres fases de la traducción. eIF5A está codificado por dos genes parálogos, TIF51A/TIF51B y EIF5A1/EIF5A2 en levadura y humanos respectivamente. eIF5A es la única proteína que contiene hipusina, una modificación esencial para su actividad, y se une a los ribosomas para facilitar la traducción de motivos con prolinas consecutivas o combinaciones de prolina con glicina y aminoácidos cargados. eIF5A participa en otras funciones y procesos como exporte de mRNAs nucleares, proliferación y apoptosis. Su asociación con enfermades como el cáncer es de interés. En esta tesis se han u…
The Multidisciplinary Approach for the Diagnosis of Laryngohyoid Lesions: a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: The diagnosis of neck lesions remains a medico-legal diagnostic challenge because of the complexity of the anatomical relationship of the neck's organs and their anthropometric morphological variability. We compared the multidisciplinary approach using autopsy and postmortem computed tomography (PMCT), postmortem fine preparation (PMFP), postmortem micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and postmortem magnetic resonance (PMMR) with the performance of a single diagnostic method among them evaluating the significance of different results. The multidisciplinary approach significantly reduced the number of unidentified neck lesions. The analysis demonstrates the need to better define…
Idee polityki i komunikowania : księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Mateuszowi Nieciowi z okazji 40-lecia pracy naukowej
Tohtoreiden siskot ja veljet
Tohtorit kulkevat usein samanlaisia koulutuspolkuja: korkeakoulutettujen vanhempien perheistä samojen lukioiden kautta tutkijanuralle. Uusi tutkimus tarkastelee tohtoreiden valikoitumista heidän sisarustensa kautta. nonPeerReviewed
A web-based and mobile intervention with brochure support providing complementary feeding guidelines to first-time parents in France: Randomized Cont…
Purpose: In light of the latest epidemiological and nutritional knowledge and scientific evidence supporting responsive feeding, the French feeding guidelines for 0-3 years were recently updated and nationally disseminated through a brochure and media campaign by Santé publique France. Moreover, smartphone apps become increasingly popular and is likely relevant to provide timely information across development to inform parents about child feeding practices but their effect is seldom evaluated. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to investigate whether the provision of guidelines through an app and a brochure (vs. brochure alone, usual service) results in healthier parental feeding p…
Patrimoni immaterial a la Ribera del Xúquer
Per a poder comprendre la identitat d’un poble com a tal, cal dur a terme investigacions històriques del seu patrimoni immaterial o patrimoni viu. El marc jurídic esmenta quines expressions podrien considerar-se patrimoni immaterial i reconeix les tradicions, les locucions orals, els usos socials, els rituals, els espectacles i els actes festius, els usos de la naturalesa i les tècniques artesanals, inclosa la gastronomia; totes elles han d’estar acompanyades dels instruments o espais culturals que els són inherents per a ser salvaguardades per a la posteritat. En aquest volum s’han reunit treballs d’estudiosos que han aprofundit en el coneixement de les festes populars, de la seua simbolog…
Giovanna d'Austria, Granduchessa di Toscana (1547-1578). Edizione del carteggio, introduzione e note
La tesis de doctorado Giovanna d’Austria, Granduchessa di Toscana (1547-1578). Edizione del carteggio, introduzione e note, presentada por Massimiliano Spiga y dirigida por la doctora Júlia Benavent, ofrece la edición de 170 cartas inéditas relativas a Giovanna d’Austria, hija del emperador Fernando I y de Anna Jagellón de Polonia, recibidas y emitidas por ella y conservadas en el fondo Mediceo del Principato en el l’Archivio di Stato di Firenze. Concretamente hay 121 cartas de remitentes femeninas, hermanas y mujeres en y extra corte, y 49 escritas por ella, a Cósimo de Médici y a su esposo. Francesco I. El corpus comprende los años 1565-1578, los años que transcurrió como Granduquesa de T…
The interplay between emotion regulation, interpersonal problems and eating symptoms in individuals with obesity: A network analysis study
Introduction: A complex and bidirectional relationship between eating and psychological symptoms in individuals with obesity has been proposed. This study aims to identify the specific processes playing a role in this association, using a data-driven approach. Methods: Two hundred ninety-four adults with obesity, including 106 (36 %) with binge-eating disorder, were consecutively admitted to a specialized public center. They completed self-report questionnaires to assess emotion regulation, interpersonal problems, self-esteem, binge-eating symptoms, and expectancies regarding eating behaviors. To assess the interplay among eating and psychological variables, a network analysis was used. The…
Detection of NOTCH1 mutations in paraffin samples in patients with potentially malignant lesions
On certain occasions, oral cancer is preceded by potentially malignant lesions. The degree of dysplasia in Guinea pigs attempts to determine the risk of developing a malignant lesion. The search for genetic mutations, biomarkers, as a more truthful and re
A comparison of ensemble algorithms for item-weighted Label Ranking
Label Ranking (LR) is a non-standard supervised classification method with the aim of ranking a finite collection of labels according to a set of predictor variables. Traditional LR models assume indifference among alternatives. However, misassigning the ranking position of a highly relevant label is frequently regarded as more severe than failing to predict a trivial label. Moreover, switching two similar alternatives should be considered less severe than switching two different ones. Therefore, efficient LR classifiers should be able to take into account the similarities and individual weights of the items to be ranked. The contribution of this paper is to formulate and compare flexible i…
Ajuste psicosocial en mujeres y personas no binarias queer. Intersecciones entre género y orientación sexual
Las personas con identidades de género y sexuales minoritarias se enfrentan a estresores específicos que pueden poner en riesgo su ajuste psicosocial. Además, el estudio de la interseccionalidad indica que el solapamiento entre estigmatizaciones podría tener un efecto sinérgico en la salud mental y el bienestar de las minorías sexuales. Por ello, es importante estudiar los factores específicos que influyen en el ajuste psicosocial de identidades minoritarias fruto de la intersección entre la identidad sexual y de género, como en las personas no binarias y mujeres queer (lesbianas, bisexuales, pansexuales, asexuales y arrománticas). El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar los fact…
Fatty Acid Smell, Anesthesia, and Use on Fruit Crops
Odors convey important information to select a sex partner, to find a food source, or to detect a danger. Among those some volatile molecules have been shown to cause a reversible anesthesia. However, their mode of action appears still largely mysterious. Here we describe a novel property of Olfactory Receptor 47b (OR47b), on olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing male-specific transcription factor FruM. We found some interesting properties of a fatty acid that can be present on food sources and oviposition sites for Drosophilid species. We show that OR47b neurons projecting to VA1v glomerulus are sensitive to this odor, and that this influences Drosophila behavior causing a strong ave…
Motifs d'inscription et assiduité à un semestre de réorientation en première année universitaire : une analyse exploratoire
Cette communication veut initier un débat sur la réorientation à l'université accompagnée par un dispositif institutionnel de réorientation, ce type de dispositif étant considéré comme favorable aux parcours des étudiants (Demuynck, 2011 ; Dozot, Piret & Romainville, 2012 ; Cattonar & Verwaerde, 2015). Il s'agit ainsi d'évaluer la pertinence de tels dispositifs sachant que les recherches pointent les difficultés de participation des étudiants dans les dispositifs d'aide à la réussite : dans quelle mesure sont-ils assidus à un tel dispositif dédié à la réorientation ? Quels facteurs peuvent contribuer à expliquer leur assiduité ? Cette recherche est menée par le biais d'une analyse explorato…