showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Suomiräpin ja suomalaisuuden moninaisuudesta


Rapmusiikki eri alalajeineen nauttii Suomessa tällä hetkellä suurta suosiota erityisesti nuorten keskuudessa. Entistä monimuotoisemmaksi muuttuva suomirap voi toimia avaimena erilaisiin kokemuksiin ja identiteetteihin sekä rakentaa ja välittää entistä rasisminvastaisempaa tulevaisuutta. nonPeerReviewed

räppäritrepresentaatioantirasismivähemmistötidentiteettisuomalaisuusraphip hop

”Paljon on tehty, mutta paljon on vielä kehitettävää” : saamen kielten etäyhteyksiä hyödyntävän opetuspilotin arviointi 2022


Raportissa tarkastellaan Kansallisen koulutuksen arviointikeskuksen (Karvin) toteuttaman arvioinnin tuloksia saamen kielten etäopetuspilotin (1.8.2018−31.8.2023) toimivuudesta ja opetuksen vaikuttavuudesta. Etäopetuspilotissa saamen kielten (pohjoissaame, inarinsaame, koltansaame) opetusta annetaan kaksi vuosiviikkotuntia perusopetusta ja lukiokoulutusta täydentävänä opetuksena. Opetusta johtaa Utsjoen kunta ja koordinoi Saamelaiskäräjät, ja se on tarkoitettu saamelaisalueen ulkopuolella asuville lapsille ja nuorille, joilla saamen kieli on perheen tai suvun kieli. Oppilaita on esikouluikäisistä lukiolaisiin. Oppilaiden määrä on kasvanut 50:stä 150:een etäopetuspilotin aikana. Arvioinnilla …

perusopetuskieltenopetusetäopetuskielipolitiikkasaamelaiskieletkielen elvytysalkuperäiskansatopetuskokeilutsaamelaisetkasvatustavoitteetopetussuunnitelmat

Cultural adaptation of a cognitive behavioral Internet intervention for the treatment of depression in Ecuador


La depresión es un trastorno mental que puede limitar gravemente el funcionamiento cotidiano de las personas y también reducir la calidad de vida (Malhi y Mann, 2018). Su prevalencia es alta a nivel mundial y es una de las principales causas de discapacidad (WHO, 2017). Millones de personas padecen trastornos depresivos, afectando principalmente a adultos jóvenes en edad económicamente activa (PAHO, 2018). Los países de la región americana como Ecuador superan el 4% de prevalencia, lo que puede representar hasta el 10% de los años vividos con discapacidad (Kohn et al., 2018). Los efectos adversos de la depresión son complejos y pueden incluso llevar a desenlaces fatales como el suicidio, co…

depressioninternet interventionsUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍAcultural adaptation

Kohti psykoosia ja sen yli! : mielenterveysmeemit ja hyvinvoinnin tulkintojen etiikka


Sosiaalisessa mediassa viraalisti leviävissä huumorikuvissa eli meemeissä käsitellään yhä enenevässä määrin myös mielenterveyttä. Meemit heijastelevat ja tuottavat kulttuurisia käsityksiä mielenterveydestä, sen hoidosta ja merkityksistä. Tässä artikkelissa paneudutaan mielenterveysmeemien tutkimiseen liittyviin tutkimuseettisiin ja metodologisiin kysymyksiin erityisesti etnografian ja multimodaalisen diskurssianalyysin näkökulmasta. Erilaiset lähestymistavat tuottavat erilaista tietoa meemeistä ja niiden tekemiseen ja jakamiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä, ja asettavat erilaisia haasteita tutkimukselle ja aineistosta tehtäville tulkinnoille. Myös meemeissä viljelty usein mustakin huumori lisää …

etnografiameemitrepresentaatiomielenterveysmusta huumoritutkimusetiikkatutkimusmenetelmätsosiaalinen mediatulkintamultimodaalisuusmielenterveysongelmatdiskurssianalyysi

Las iberas (siglos V-I a. C.)


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Does using the sociodental approach in oral health care influence use of dental services and oral health of adolescents living in deprived communitie…


Background Oral health needs assessment is important for oral health care planning. This study compared dental treatment needs between normative and sociodental needs. We also longitudinally examined the relationships of baseline sociodental needs measures and socioeconomic status with one-year follow up measures of use of dental services, dental caries, filled teeth, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Methods A prospective study was conducted with 12-year-old adolescents from public schools in deprived communities in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Validated questionnaires were used to collect adolescents’ sex and socioeconomic status, OHRQoL (CPQ11−14) and behaviours (sugar int…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700

Sosiaalisen median käyttö muokkaa nuorten aivoja


toiminnanohjaus (psykologia)toiminnallinen magneettikuvausnuoretmielihyväsosiaalinen mediamantelitumakekognitiivinen kehitysärsykkeet

Von Popkultur bis Stereotyp. Handbuch der deutsch-polnischen Kommunikation. Teilband 3


E-portfolio e flipped classroom: un’indagine esplorativa con i futuri insegnanti di scuola primaria


Il contributo intende far riflettere sul tema della formazione dei futuri insegnanti di scuola primaria, a partire dall’impiego dell’e-portfolio come dispositivo innovativo per promuovere l’acquisizione della competenza riflessiva e autovalutativa all’interno della flipped classroom. La ricerca, che ha coinvolto 154 studenti del Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, che frequentavano il corso di Docimologia nell’anno accademico 2020/2021, presenta i presupposti teorici, gli obiettivi e le modalità operative di un percorso che ha visto l’impiego dell’e-portfolio nella flipped per promuovere lo sviluppo delle competenze docimol…

The study aims to reflect on the training of future primary school teachers by starting from the use of the e-portfolio as an innovative tool to promote the acquisition of reflective and self-evaluation competence within the flipped classroom. The research involved 154 students of Primary Education Master’s Degree Course of the University of Palermo attending to the Docimology course during the academic year 2020/2021. This paper presents the theoretical assumptions objectives and operating methods of a path that made the use of the e-portfolio in flipped classroom to promote the development of docimological skills in higher education. It was hypothesized that the training intervention designed according to the principles of the flippmethodology and through the use of the e-portfolio would have contributed to the development of students’ self-evaluation skills during the 30 hours of the Docimology course.Settore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia Sperimentale

Parte II Capitolo I L'impresa agricola


this chapter examines the discipline of the agricultural enterprise in the light of the reform of the Italian civil code and the requests of European legislation towards the multifunctionality of the agricultural enterprise

multifunctionalityagricultural enterpriseSettore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrario

Cuerpos y estados. Poder político en el Renacimiento y el Barroco


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Diabetes care practices and outcomes in 40.000 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes from the SWEET registry during the COVID-19 pandemic


Aims This study aimed to provide a global insight into initiatives in type 1 diabetes care driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and associations with glycemic outcomes. Methods An online questionnaire regarding diabetes care before and during the pandemic was sent to all centers (n=97, 66,985 youth with type 1 diabetes) active in the SWEET registry. Eighty-two responded, and 70 (42,798 youth with type 1 diabetes) had available data (from individuals with type 1 diabetes duration >3 months, aged ≤21 years) for all 4 years from 2018 to 2021. Statistical models were adjusted, among others, for technology use. Results Sixty-five centers provided telemedicine during COVID-19. Among those centers naiv…

HbA1cchildrencovid-19type 1 diabetesdiabetes ketoacidosisdiabetes careDiabetes Research and Clinical Practice

Is crop happiness under our feet?


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

30 Jahre transnational vernetzte Sozialarbeitsforschung zu Gemeinwesenarbeit, sozialer Ökonomie und ökosozialen Themen


Seit einigen Jahren ist das Interesse am Thema soziale und solidarische Ökonomie im Zuge einer sich beschleunigenden Debatte über die Bedeutung der sozial-ökologischen Transformation und Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Diskurs der Sozialen Arbeit deutlich gestiegen. Die Ursprünge reichen tatsächlich bis in die 1970er Jahre zurück, als unter den Stichworten Selbsthilfebewegung oder alternative Sozialarbeit erste Versuche einer Verbindung sozialer und ökologischer Zielsetzungen unternommen wurde. Der Beitrag verbindet eine historische Kurzanalyse mit einer Darstellung der beruflich-persönlichen Kooperationen und Begegnungen zwischen Susanne Elsen und den Autor*innen. In der Kurzanalyse st…

sosiaalityöekososiaalinen sosiaalityökansainvälinen yhteistyötransnationaalisuustutkimustutkimustoiminta

Definición de Violencia de Pareja Íntima y formación inicial del profesorado


El presente trabajo es una aportación con argumentos científicos sobre la definición de la Violencia de Pareja Íntima y la formación del profesorado que atiende a los niños víctimas de esta violencia. Los objetivos se centran en saber cuál es la definición de la Violencia de Pareja Íntima utilizada en la literatura científica, conocer si los docentes en formación del grado de magisterio han experimentado abuso y/o maltrato y conocer cuál es el punto de partida conceptual que tienen sobre la Violencia de Pareja Íntima. El procedimiento metodológico utilizado es una revisión de alcance para el primer objetivo y un estudio de encuesta para el segundo y el tercero. Los resultados obtenidos mues…

estudio de encuestadefiniciónUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍArevisión de alcanceviolencia contra la mujerUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍAviolencia de pareja íntimaformación del profesorado universitario

Minimum contrast for point processes' first-order intensity estimation


In this paper, we exploit some theoretical results, from which we know the expected value of the K-function weighted by the true first-order intensity function of a point pattern. This theoretical result can serve as an estimation method for obtaining the parameter estimates of a specific model, assumed for the data. The only requirement is the knowledge of the first-order intensity function expression, completely avoiding writing the likelihood, which is often complex to deal with in point process models. We illustrate the method through simulation studies for spatio-temporal point processes.

Second-order characteristics Spatial statistics Spatio-temporal point processes Local models Minimum contrastSettore SECS-S/01 - Statistica

Granica jako kategoria i paradygmat wychowania



Et opprør i opplysningens tid. Christian Lofthus og hans bevegelse i en transnasjonal kontekst


Abstract This thesis puts the Lofthus uprising (1786-1787) in the Nedenes district of Norway in context with the ideas of the American Revolution and other Enlightenment ideas. The thesis discusses what knowledge Christian Lofthus, his companions and other peasants in the Nedenes district had of these ideas. How did the peasants explain themselves after the uprising? Which kinds of books, newspapers and periodicals did they read? Where did the peasant skippers travel when they sailed abroad? In their explanations to the commission set up to investigate the events, the peasants sticked to the official royal ideology. They referred to themselves as simple «children» and paid tribute to the ki…

Filtering Real World Networks: A Correlation Analysis of Statistical Backbone Techniques


Networks are an invaluable tool for representing and understanding complex systems. They offer a wide range of applications, including identifying crucial nodes, uncovering communities, and exploring network formation. However, when dealing with large networks, the computational challenge can be overwhelming. Fortunately, researchers have developed several techniques to address this issue by reducing network size while preserving its fundamental properties [1-9]. To achieve this goal, two main approaches have emerged: structural and statistical methods. Structural methods aim to keep a set of topological features of the network while reducing its size. In contrast, statistical methods elimi…

Graph SummarizationSparsificationBackbone Filtering TechniquesNetwork Compression[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Complex Networks

Relationships between early flavor/texture exposure, and food acceptability and neophobia


[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritionInfantTextureFlavorChildrenExposure

Barn under lupen


Økte krav til kvalitet i barnehagene og tidlig innsats har de siste årene medført mer systematisk arbeid og økt bruk av manualbaserte pedagogiske programmer og kartleggingsverktøy i barnehager. ALLE MED er et eksempel på et slikt kartleggingsverktøy. Verktøyet tar sikte på å være helhetlig og lettfattelig, og er ment til bruk på hele barnegrupper. Formålet med denne studien har vært å utforske hvordan institusjonelle diskurser former konkrete kartleggingspraksiser i barnehager med utgangspunkt i ALLE MED, og hvordan praksisene bidrar til reproduksjonen av disse diskursene. Avhandlingens problemstilling er følgende: Hvordan er pedagogers kartleggingspraksiser knyttet til ALLE MED innvevd i o…

Potencjał żywieniowy we wspomaganiu terapii chorób neurodegeneracyjnych


Quality culture boosts agile transformation : Action research in a business‐to‐business software business


Agile methodologies are sometimes adopted, with the assumption that benefits can be attained by only using a set of best practices, which can sometimes work to a degree. In this paper, a case is discussed where a software-producing organization of seven teams achieved significant improvements. The goal of the research was to answer two questions: how an already agile organization could improve its performance further and what is the impact of promoting quality aspects? The questions were answered by implementing interventions based on prior literature and data emerging from semi-structured interviews. The context was an established business with a complex revenue stream structure, meaning t…

revenue streamhybrid development methodsmixedbusiness modeltoimintatutkimuskehittäminenB2Bteam coordinationyrityksetketterät menetelmätqualityscaled agileliiketoimintaempiirinen tutkimusohjelmistoliiketoimintaagile adoptionincrement planning eventempirical

Juoksijoiden perusteita digitaalisten liikuntateknologioiden käyttämättä jättämiselle


Digitaalisen liikuntateknologian käytöstä on tullut 2020-luvulla enemmän sääntö kuin poikkeus Suomen kaltaisissa digitalisoituneissa yhteiskunnissa. Teknologian käytön normatiivisuus on läsnä myös tutkimuskirjallisuudessa, sillä liikuntateknologian käyttämättä jättämistä tarkasteleva tutkimus on vähäistä ja ihmiskuvaltaan yksipuolista. Tässä artikkelissa olemme valinneet hermeneuttisen eli ymmärtämään pyrkivän näkökulman liikuntateknologian käyttämättä jättämiseen ja näemme sen olevan aktiivinen ja tietoinen valinta, joka heijastaa ihmisen suhdetta digitalisoituneeseen yhteiskuntaan, liikuntaan sekä omaan itseensä. Liikuntalajien suhteen olemme rajanneet tutkimuskontekstiksi juoksun, joka y…


Computational Modeling of Human Visual Function using Psychophysics, Deep Neural Networks, and Information Theory


Visual perception is a key to unlocking the secrets of brain functions because most of the information is processed through the early visual system and then transmitted to the high-level cognitive perception brain regions. The brain functions as a self-organizing, bio-dynamic, and chaotic system that receives outside information and then decomposes it into pieces of information that can be processed efficiently and independently. The work connects natural image statistics, psychophysics, deep neural networks, and information theory to perceptual vision systems to explore how vision processes information from the outside world and how the information coupled drives functional connectivity be…

deep neural networkshuman vision systemUNESCO::FÍSICAperceptioninformation theory

The pea sulfate transporter, PsSULTR4, contributes to seed yield and quality


To investigate the role of vacuolar sulfate in seed yield and quality, we have targeted the single pea SULTR4 gene (PsSULTR4), which encodes a transporter homologous to Arabidopsis SULTR4;1 and 4;2 that allow sulfate efflux from the vacuole to the cytosol. By simulating the 3D structure of PsSULTR4, we observed that it is similar to that of SULTR4;1 in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis revealed a high level of conservation of SULTR4 protein motifs across land species. A fluorescent protein fusion experiment confirmed that PsSULTR4 localizes to the vacuolar membrane.Five sultr4 mutants were identified by TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes), two of which showe…

Vacuolar sulfateSeed yieldSulfate transporter SULTR4[SDV.BBM] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry Molecular BiologySeed qualitySulfur amino acidsSulfur deficiencyPisum sativumStorage proteins

Adherence to treatment and quality of life of patients with hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic


Wprowadzenie: Ograniczenie dostępności do rutynowych wizyt kontrolnych w gabinetach lekarskich w czasie pandemii COVID-19, jak również niezgłaszanie się pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym do placówek ochrony zdrowia w obawie przed zakażeniem mogło zaburzyć współpracę lekarza z pacjentem i pogorszyć przestrzeganie zaleceń terapeutycznych. Cel pracy: Zbadanie jakości życia pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym oraz ocena przestrzegania przez nich zaleceń terapeutycznych podczas pandemii COVID-19. Materiał i metody: Zbadano 103 pacjentów SPZOZ MSWiA we Wrocławiu. Zastosowano Skróconą wersję ankiety oceniającej jakość życia (WHOQOL-BREF) oraz Skalę adherence w chorobach przewlekłych (ACDS). Wyni…

przestrzeganie zaleceń lekarskichhypertensionquality of lifepatient adherenceCOVID-19jakość życiapatientpacjentnadciśnienie tętniczeStudia Medyczne

Do labels matter? Analysis of teachers' self-efficacy towards the autism spectrum disorder depending on the diagnostic label used (ASD or Asperger's)


Changes in the classification of autism and Asperger's syndrome led to changes in social perception of ASD. Since last criteria, studies indicate higher levels of stigma towards ASD than towards Asperger's. These prejudices are barriers to inclusive education. Thus, it is relevant (1) to evaluate preservice teachers' self-efficacy towards the label of ASD; (2) to evaluate pre-service teachers' selfefficacy towards the label of Asperger's and (3) to compare those results to analyse whether the use of different diagnostic labels brings about different levels of self-efficacy. One hundred and eighty-six primary education pre-service teachers participated in the current study. Two adaptations o…

Trastorns de l'aprenentatgeEducació psicomotriuAutismeEducació Investigació

La terminologie grecque du lait


Il saggio è incentrato sulla principale terminologia greca del latte e mira a sottolineare al contempo le implicazioni storico-culturali sul versante antropologico e fisiologico della lattazione e dell'allattamento, soprattutto nel rapporto tra madre e figlio, o tra nutrice e lattante. Sono presenti riferimenti agli usi alimentari e terapeutici.

terminologia greca anticaallattamentolattazioneLatteSettore L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua E Letteratura Greca

Tilrettelegging for elevers arbeid med tall og telling


Denne studien handler om en lærers tilrettelegging for elevers arbeid med tall og telling på 1. trinn. Formålet med studien er å undersøke på hvilke måter en lærer tilrettelegger for elevers arbeid med tall og telling, og hvordan læreren begrunner sin tilrettelegging for elevers arbeid med tall og telling. Teorien vi benytter tar i hovedsak utgangspunkt i Clements og Sarama (2020) og Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020. Vi gjennomførte en kvalitativ casestudie, der vi brukte observasjon og intervju som metode. Observasjonen foregikk i et klasserom der vi observerte en matematikkøkt og skrev feltnotater. Intervjuet ble gjennomført noen dager etter observasjonen, der vi tok i bruk lydoppt…

Pre- and In-Service Teachers’ Teamwork Behaviour in Integrated Teacher Training


Teamwork and collaboration skills are regarded as essential proficiencies in the current worlds of work, study and everyday life. A relevant question is whether and how pre-service teachers have opportunities to begin acquiring professional collaboration skills during their studies. In the current study, Finnish pre- and in-service teachers participating in a joint training programme were engaged in reflection tasks to evaluate their teamwork behaviour during a challenging pedagogical design task in mixed teams. The aim of this study was to examine how pre- and in-service teachers perceived their teamwork practices while performing authentic training activities together. The participants re…

teamworkopettajankoulutustiimityöitsereflektioopettajatreflektioreflectionteacher educationtechnology enhanced learningyhteistyökyky

Plug-and-play measurement of chromatic dispersion by means of two-photon interferometry


International audience; Since the first proof-of-principle experiments 25 years ago, quantum metrology has matured from fundamental concepts to versatile and powerful tools in a large variety of research branches, such as gravitational-wave detection, atomic clocks, plasmonic sensing, and magnetometry. At the same time, two-photon interferometry, which underpins the possibility of entanglement to probe optical materials with unprecedented levels of precision and accuracy, holds the promise to stand at the heart of innovative functional quantum sensing systems. We report a novel quantum-based method for measuring the frequency dependence of the velocity in a transparent medium, i.e, the chro…

Quantum Physics[PHYS.QPHY]Physics [physics]/Quantum Physics [quant-ph]FOS: Physical sciencesQuantum Physics (quant-ph)[PHYS.QPHY] Physics [physics]/Quantum Physics [quant-ph]

Les Argiles albiennes (Gault) de la Baie de Wissant (Pas-de-Calais) : nouvelles observations lithologiques.


[SDU.STU.ST] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Stratigraphy

Essays on Crowdfunding Adoption and Behavior


The aim of this dissertation is to examine aspects of crowdfunding adoption and behavior. Accordingly, the overarching research question answered by this dissertation is: what influences crowdfunding backers’ contribution intentions and behaviors? The dissertation answers this question while focusing on dimensions of trust, community, and technological acceptance. The dissertation is made up of three studies with one conceptual article (study 1), and two empirical studies (study 2 and 3). The conceptual study marries marketing and trust literatures and contextualizes their implications for the crowdfunding context. The result is the development of a framework of trust-based marketing strate…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210::Bedriftsøkonomi: 213

Water leaching of roasted vanadium slag : Desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate from vanadium solution


This research investigated water leaching of roasted vanadium slag and studied the effects of leaching parameters, such as agitation speed, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, and leaching time. Further, solution purification via desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate were studied using the vanadium solution obtained from the water leaching of roasted vanadium slag. Vanadium solution contains residual silicon (1.67 g/L), which should be removed before ammonium vanadate precipitation. Based on the results, vanadium can be effectively recovered from vanadium slag and a recovery efficiency of 96.9% was obtained under optimal water leaching conditions. During solution purificat…

desiliconizationsaostuskemiavanadateMaterials ChemistryMetals and Alloysprecipitationlannoitteetwater leachingIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineeringvanadiinivanadium slag

The 4MOST Survey of Dwarf Galaxies and their Stellar Streams (4DWARFS)


The present-day Milky Way is the result of a long history of mergers and interactions with smaller galaxies. The 4DWARFS survey will target the dwarf galaxies and stellar streams in the 4MOST footprint, and unveil their chrono-chemo-kinematical properties. The survey will provide radial velocities, chemical abundances and stellar ages for 140 000 stars, and thus increase the number of stars with detailed information in such systems by several orders of magnitude. 4DWARFS will provide a new, deeper view of the Milky Way environment, shedding light on the first stars, chemical evolution, dark matter halos, and hierarchical galaxy formation down to the smallest scales.

Astronomia Observacions