showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Planting in the pandemic : surveillance on social media


This article looks at interest-driven and informal social media practices that have flourished in the pandemic period and its ensuing renaissance of domesticity. It investigates how tending plants and discussing them on social media serve as a particular site for connecting around loving and taking care of plants. Its focus is on the discursive means with which posters – guided by social media algorithms – rhetorically co-construct a morally acceptable version of a pandemic lifestyle around houseplants. More specifically, drawing on multimodal discourse studies, critical sociolinguistics and work on digital surveillance, it investigates how members of a Finland-based social media site obser…

plantsmultilingualismsocial mediathe pandemicsurveillancekasvitsosiaalinen mediamonikielisyysdiskurssintutkimusmultimodalitymultimodaalisuuspandemiat

A scanning electron microscopic study evaluating the sealing ability of MTA, BiodentineTM, and new light-cure MTA used for furcal perforation repair


To evaluate and compare the sealing ability of Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), BiodentineTM and light cure MTA used for the repair of furcal perforations using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The study sample comprised 45 extracted mandibular mola

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

La libertà di espressione nell’era dei social network fra content moderation e necessità di una regolazione flessibile


Starting from the premise that digital society and advances in technology determine the need for adaptation, even if only in an interpretative sense, of the legal categories of constitutionalism, the study analyzes the new dimension of the freedom of expression of thought in the “digital environment”. Through the examination of the different jurisprudential approaches expressed to protect this freedom in Europe and in the United States, the work also examines the role of social platforms, their power of self-regulation and that of content moderation, which will highlight the need for regulation of the phenomenon that balances the needs of protection of rights and those of technological adva…

Settore IUS/09 - Istituzioni Di Diritto PubblicoSettore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleFree speech social networks content moderation regulation digital constitutionalism.

Webbasert e-turisme applikasjon med værvisualisering


Denne oppgaven er i samarbeid med Agder XR og Lindesnes fyrmuseum. Lindesnes fyrmuseum har hatt et ønske om å nå ut til flere folk, primært de som ikke kan besøke de, og slik vekke interesse for destinasjonen. Her ble det dermed skapt en e-turisme løsning. Dette ble gjort gjennom bruk av en visualisering applikasjon, som gjenga været på Lindesnes. Det ble satt en begrensning til produktet, og fokus skulle først og fremst være å kunne vise noen få værtyper. Det har med dette blitt utviklet to varianter av prototypen. For begge var det relevant å ha et fokus på et Human-Centered Design ved å ta i bruk Design Thinking. Den ene tar i bruk spillteknologi for å visualisere, gjennom spillmotoren U…

El lugar de las mujeres en la historia. Introducción


En los años setenta del siglo XX cobraron relevancia los estudios sobre la historia de las mujeres, un modo de interpretar el pasado en el que ellas ya no eran concebidas como objetos pasivos, sino como sujetos conscientes y activos. Por tanto, había que reescribir su historia, elaborar un relato que entrara en diálogo e interacción con la Historia general para poder inscribirlas en esta de manera más completa y real. Se trata, pues, de una historia de las mujeres, pero que comprende y afecta también a los hombres, y a cómo las relaciones entre los sexos se han ido construyendo en los distintos momentos de la historia, tanto en los espacios sociales y políticos como en los privados. El libr…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

El comercio electrónico en Bolivia: el nuevo horizonte y sus desafíos jurídicos


El comercio electrónico ha superado la inseguridad tecnológica y jurídica que le caracterizaba hace 20 años atrás. El ciberespacio ha dejado de ser el ámbito más desregularizado para convertirse en un espacio más controlado y seguro donde actualmente se regula la identidad digital, se brinda una cobertura a la protección de datos y se prevé la creación de un euro digital y la regulación de las criptomonedas y la inteligencia artificial. No obstante, el comercio electrónico está rodeado de un halo de desconfianza, pues dista mucho de estar plenamente regulado. El Comercio Electrónico en Bolivia se abrió camino a la fuerza y sin un marco normativo que le acompañe, pues la Ley General de Telec…

legislación bolivianaUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO::Otras especialidades jurídicascomercio electrónicoUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO::Derecho y legislación nacionales::Derecho mercantilUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO::Teoría y métodos generales::Derecho comparadocontratos electrónicosprueba electrónicaprotección de datosmedios de pago electrónicosderecho comparado

Additional file 1 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer


Additional file 1: Supplementary Fig. S1. Validation of PAK2 as an essential kinase for CMS4 cell lines. A, PAK1–3 mRNA expression levels in a panel of 28 CRC cell lines, also including those used for the drop-out screen, as determined by quantitative PCR. Of note: diamond for PAK3 located on x-axis indicates no mRNA could be detected in this sample. B, C, 2Log mRNA expression levels of PAK4–6 in CRC cell lines (B) and tumors (C), determined by microarray or RNA sequencing. D, Western blot for PAK1 protein expression in HT55 & SW948 (CMS2) and HuTu-80 & MDST8 (CMS4). 2,2,2-Trichloroethanol (2,2,2TCE) signal (excerpt taken around 60 kDa region) indicates amount of protein loaded per …

Factores de riesgo de la fibrilación auricular tras la cirugía torácica


La fibrilación auricular tras la cirugía torácica (FAPO) se ha identificado como la complicación cardíaca más frecuente tras la cirugía torácica no cardíaca, resaltándose el amplio rango de incidencia, entre el 1.2% y el 25.8%. Ello se ha atribuido a factores como: (a) ausencia de una definición uniforme de FAPO, (b) distintos procedimientos quirúrgicos englobados en la misma serie, (c) inclusión de pacientes con diferente indicación quirúrgica, (d) variabilidad en la monitorización postoperatoria, (e) inclusión de pacientes con el antecedente personal de fibrilación auricular, y (f) observancia de otras arritmias cardíacas. Además, a pesar de la identificación de factores predictivos y de …


Some perturbation results for quasi-bases and other sequences of vectors


We discuss some perturbation results concerning certain pairs of sequences of vectors in a Hilbert space $\Hil$ and producing new sequences which share, with the original ones, { reconstruction formulas on a dense subspace of $\Hil$ or on the whole space}. We also propose some preliminary results on the same issue, but in a distributional settings.

Mathematics - Functional Analysisperturbationsquasi-baseSettore MAT/05 - Analisi MatematicaFOS: MathematicsFOS: Physical sciencesStatistical and Nonlinear PhysicsMathematical Physics (math-ph)Settore MAT/07 - Fisica MatematicaMathematical PhysicsFunctional Analysis (math.FA)

Koulujen hyvinvointityö tieteidenvälisenä tutkimuskohteena


Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme tieteidenvälisen tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeen suunnittelua ja toteutusta. Käymme läpi prosessia, jossa eri tieteenalojen tutkijat pyrkivät tuottamaan hyvinvoinnista uutta, eri menetelmiä yhteen sovittavaa tietoa, ja löytämään yhteisiä vastauksia eri alojen näkökulmasta asetettuihin kysymyksiin. Artikkelimme perustuu hankkeellemme Yhteistyöllä hyvinvointia kouluyhteisöön, joka yhdistää etnologian ja psykologian alan tutkimusta. Käymme läpi tieteidenvälisen tutkimuksen perusteita ja pohdimme eri tieteenalojen näkökulmia ja menetelmiä yhteen sovittavan hyvinvointitutkimuksen suunnittelun haasteita käytännön kokemuksiemme pohjalta. Lisäksi tarkastelemme laadullist…

kehittämisprojektitmonitieteisyysmonimenetelmäinen tutkimustieteidenvälisyyskokemuksethyvinvointimetodologiatutkimusmenetelmäthankesuunnitteluintegraatiotutkimusprojektitkouluyhteisömonialaisuus

Multiple representasjoner av romfigurer og praktisk undervisningsopplegg Behandlinger og konverteringer - fra teori til praksis


I dette masterstudiet lyssettes 9. trinn elevers praktiske gruppesamarbeid om multiple representasjoner av romfigurer. Fokus på elevers representasjonskompetanse finner vi igjen i både LK20, læreplan i matematikk (MAT01-05), nasjonale prøver og internasjonal forskning. Bakenforliggende årsak for valg av tema er opplevde forhenværende faglærererfaringer med elevers utfordringer innenfor temaet volum og overflate. Temaet er del av 9. trinns pensum og jeg har et personlig indre ønske om å endre innfallsvinkel i undervisningen for å støtte elevenes individuelle utvikling. Forskningsspørsmål er dermed formulert: «Hva kjennetegner et utvalg elevers konseptuelle forståelse og praktisk undervisning…

Desarrollo y análisis de sensores inalámbricos y sistemas asociados de IoT


En los últimos años, la tecnología del Internet de las cosas (IoT) se ha vuelto cada vez más importante. Al ofrecer un medio para conectar dispositivos y establecer conexiones en tiempo real, el IoT ha facilitado el monitoreo y la gestión de entidades tangibles, como electrodomésticos, vehículos y edificios. Típicamente, un sistema IoT incorpora numerosos dispositivos que se comunican entre sí a través de gateways y servidores en la nube que alojan aplicaciones web y móviles. Los usuarios finales pueden interactuar sin problemas con sus dispositivos IoT, lo que les otorga una mayor accesibilidad y conveniencia. Dado su capacidad para proporcionar control y automatización en tiempo real, el …

IoTdiseño de sistemas sensoresingeniería y tecnología eléctricasUNESCO::CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAStecnologías de las telecomunicaciones

The systemic immune-inflammation index and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in pediatric burned patients – a pilot study


Introduction: The aim was to assess the usefulness of blood analytical markers such as systemic immuneinflammation index (SII) and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in pediatric burned patients. Material and methods: The study group included 73 children (23 girls and 50 boys; mean age: 3.83; SD: 4.77; min–max: 0–17 years old) hospitalized due to burns. A retrospective analysis of selected complete blood cell count parameters (leucocytes; platelets – PLT; SII; NLR) collected on the day of injury and selected parameters of burns (extent, depth of the injury, duration of hospitalization, type of treatment) was performed. Results: Children with burns that exceeded 10% total body surface area ha…

childrenneutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR)systemic immune-inflammation index (SII)Pediatrics Perinatology and Child Healthburn injuryPediatria Polska

Building Situational Awareness of GDPR


Because previous academic research does not comment sufficiently on how the relevant content of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR has been properly communicated to the organisations, or how the situational awareness (SA) of GDPR has been built in the organisations, this qualitative empirical research was regarded as a valuable approach for gathering authentic research material on the practical bases of this phenomena. The aim of this empirical case study (CS) is to develop a picture of what processes organisations use to build SA of the GDPR requirements. To guide the CS, we asked how the SA for decision-making was constructed and how it was perceived in organ…

prosessittietosuojaGDPR requirementsunderstanding GDPR requirementsprivacy practicespäätöksentekointerpreting privacy regulationorganisaatiotinformation security developmentorganisational situational awareness

Ecophysiological processes underlying mineral nutrition of soybean under individual or combined heat and water stresses


In a context of climate change, with more frequent drought events and heatwaves, it is predicted that soybean yields will drastically decrease in the near future. Soybean being the most widely grown legume crop in the world, there is an urgent need to improve its ability to sustain its growth under such conditions in order to guarantee high levels of productivity. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of heat and/or water stress on soybean growth and its water and mineral nutritions. Two soybean genotypes, displaying contrasted root architectures during their vegetative stage were grown under controlled conditions in the 4PMI high-throughput phenotyping platform where either op…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]climate changeGlycine maxroot architectureionome

Musiikinopettaja toimivan vuorovaikutusilmapiirin luojana, kehittäjänä ja ylläpitäjänä


Tämä kanditutkielmani on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa tarkastelen toimivaa vuorovaikutusilmapiiriä yläkoulun musiikintunnilla. Käsittelen aihetta opettajan näkökulmasta ja pohdin, millä keinoilla musiikinopettaja voi kehittää ja ylläpitää musiikintuntien vuorovaikutusilmapiiriä. Aihetta on tärkeä tutkia, sillä toimiva vuorovaikutusilmapiiri on merkityksellistä oppimisen ja opettamisen kannalta. Tutkielmani rakenne koostuu vuorovaikutusilmapiirin, ryhmädynamiikan ja ryhmänhallintataitojen määrittelystä. Aloitan aiheen käsittelyn pohtimalla opettajan kompetenssin sekä opettajaan ja oppilaisiin liittyvän luottamuksen merkitystä vuorovaikutusilmapiirille. Tämän jälkeen tarkastelen, miten ryhmätoi…


Katseita ja sulkeutumisia : omakuvat ja ruumiillisuus Nikkilän sairaalan potilastaiteessa


Tämä artikkeli käsittelee omakuvia Nikkilän sairaalan potilastaiteen kokoelmassa 1900-luvulta. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on erityisesti omakuvien välittämä ruumiillinen tieto potilaiden kokemuksista. Analyysissä kiinnitetään huomiota ihmisfiguureiden asentoihin, ilmeisiin, eleisiin ja liikkeisiin, kuten myös suhteisiin teoksissa kuvattujen ihmisten välillä. Kuvia tarkastellaan suhteessa paljon omakuvia tehneiden mielen ja kehon sairauksista kärsineiden taiteilijoiden, kuten Vincent van Goghin, Helene Schjerfbeckin, Edvard Munckin ja Frida Kahlon teoksiin. Analyysissa hyödynnetään sekä Nikkilän sairaalan taidekerhon toimintaan liittyvää kirjallisuutta että tuoreempaa kuvataideterapian tutkimust…

kuvataidepsykiatriset sairaalattunteetNikkilän sairaalakokemuksetpsykiatriset potilaattaidekokoelmatruumiillisuusomakuvattaideterapia

An approach to map nitrous oxide emission risk by soils at regional scale based on soil properties


[SDV.SA.SDS] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences/Soil study

La tavolozza di Don Chisciotte: il carteggio Sciascia-Guccione


Trought the unpublished correspondence between Leonardo Sciascia and Piero Guccione (1975-1989), is possible to analyse the intrinsec relationship between aesthetics and ethics, artistic vein and civil engagement, but also to retrace Sciascia’s controversies in the 1970s, thus illustrating the antagonistic and conflictual relationship between intellectuals and power.

Ripercorrere la corrispondenza epistolare mai pubblicata sinora intercorsa fra Leonardo Sciascia e Piero Guccione dal 1975 al 1989 significa affrontare l’inscindibilità del rapporto fra estetica ed etica vena artistica e impegno civile ma anche entrare nel fuoco delle controversie che hanno visto Sciascia protagonista negli anni Settanta illustrando così il rapporto antagonistico e conflittuale fra intellettuale e potere.Settore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura Italiana

In the shadow of COVID-19: A randomized controlled online ACT trial promoting adolescent psychological flexibility and self-compassion.


Background Although some adolescents managed to cope well with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the well-being of many was adversely affected due to school closures, distance education, restrictions on gathering with friends, and limited access to mental health services. Many adolescents reported increased anxiety and depression as well as decreased psychological wellbeing due to the pandemic. Consequently, there is a need for psychological support that exceeds the strained resources available to schools to support young people during times of crisis and societal pressure. Objective The present study aimed to explore the effects of an online-delivered ACT intervention to …

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource ManagementHealth (social science)psyykkiset vaikutuksetCOVID-19anxiety113 Computer and information sciencesACTpsychological flexibilityself-compassionBehavioral Neurosciencehenkinen hyvinvointinuoretahdistusadolescentsweb-based interventionitsensä hyväksyminenApplied PsychologyEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsinterventioJournal of contextual behavioral science

Chloride ligands on DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters


DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters (AgN-DNAs) are known to have one or two DNA oligomer ligands per nanocluster. Here, we present the first evidence that AgN-DNA species can possess additional chloride ligands that lead to increased stability in biologically relevant concentrations of chloride. Mass spectrometry of five chromatographically isolated near-infrared (NIR)-emissive AgN-DNA species with previously reported X-ray crystal structures determines their molecular formulas to be (DNA)2[Ag16Cl2]8+. Chloride ligands can be exchanged for bromides, which red-shift the optical spectra of these emitters. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the 6-electron nanocluster show that the …

crystal structureSilverCrystallographynanoclustershopealiganditDNAGeneral ChemistryLigandsBiochemistryCatalysisColloid and Surface ChemistryChloridesChemical SciencesX-Raygeneticsnanohiukkasetanionsröntgenkristallografia

Effect of Rotor Tilt on the Performance of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines


This thesis investigated the tilt loss of FOWT in conjunction with power performance. Consisting of three main parts, where the first calculates the power loss of three turbines influenced by tilt, the next part is the AEP of a three-turbine and a 10x10 turbine farm, and at last, is an investigation of the tilt loss of turbines with different spacing. Two engineering wake models are considered and compared, Bastankhah Gaussian (BG) and Jensen (NOJ). Results showed that choosing the wake model is vital due to the deviation of 6.41% from one of the cases. Further, findings show that when three tribunes are placed in an array and downstream turbines are directly influenced by the wake, the BG …

Impact of nuclear matrix element calculations for current and future neutrinoless double beta decay searches


Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta\beta}$ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. A crucial role is played by the recently discovered short-range contribution to the NME, induced by light Majorana neutrino masses. Depending on the NME model and the relative sign of the long- and short-range contributions, the current $3\sigma$ bound can change between $m_{\beta\beta} < 40$ m…

High Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)PhysicsFOS: Physical sciencesddc:530Journal of High Energy Physics

“Historical fiction is back”: (Non)Fictional Pasts and Presents in Fred Khumalo’s metahistorical romance, The Longest March


International audience; This article examines the ways Fred Khumalo’s second historical novel, The Longest March, blends different genres – from the use of gothic tropes to the rewriting of historical romances – to reflect on both the fabricated and limited nature of narrative, as well as its necessity in the South African context. The article concludes that The Longest March qualifies as a “metahistorical romance”, as it blurs the boundary between fiction and nonfiction while questioning historical discourse.

South African history[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureFred KhumaloGothic literatureSouth African literatureHistorical fiction

Quantitative analysis of the obturation of oval-shaped canals using thermoplastic techniques


The main aim of this study is to quantify the area filled by gutta-percha, the area filled by cement and the area of voids present in oval canals, treated by thermoplastic filling techniques in comparison with the lateral condensation technique and observe the adaptation of the gutta-percha to the anatomy of the oval root canals according to the obturation technique. 80 mandibular incisors were selected. The teeth were instrumented with Protaper Gold and divided into 4 groups of 20. Group 1 was filled with Thermafill; group 2 with GuttaCore; group 3 with continuous wave vertical condensation and group 4 with the lateral condensation technique. Two horizontal sections were cut at 5mm and 7m…

Tecnología de materialesCirugíaMateriales dentalesEndodonciaOdontologíaGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

Zaufanie do prawa jako wartość i jego ochrona w porządku prawnym państwa


The article presents the issue of trust in law as one of the fundamental values of a rule-of-law state. The analysis of the court rulings conducted in the first part of the article indicates the principle of a democratic rule-of-law state as a basis for distinguishing substantive and formal components of trust in law. Further considerations of the article focus on showing the change of law, in particular its transition from repressive law to responsive law, and the possible effects of this change on the paradigm of trust established in a democratic ruleof-law state. The effect of these transformations, as indicated by the considerations presented, affects the perception of the authority of …

autorytet prawodawczyzaufaniepewność prawarule of lawlegal certaintypozytywizm prawniczypaństwo prawneprawo responsywnelegal positivismlegislative authorityresponsive lawwartość konstytucyjnaconstitutional valuePaństwo i Prawo

The classification of the capabilities of the firm


Purpose: The aim of this article is to present an identification of the premises for the classification of firm capabilities and to show the types of firm capability classification found in the literature. Design/methodology/approach: The classification of capability groups presented in this article is based on the literature review conducted. Findings: Standard classification of a firm's capabilities, in addition to structuring existing knowledge in the area of capabilities, can provide a starting point for identifying the firm's key capabilities leading to competitive advantage. Practical implications: Identifying a firm's capabilities is one of the key steps in creating and leveraging ca…

capabilitiesclassification of capabilitiesZeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie

Refugee Hierarchies in Poland: between Legitimizing and Resisting Injustice amid the Reception of Ukrainian War Refugees


ET-Studies - Journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology



Il contributo analizza il frammentario quadro normativo delle concessioni demaniali marittime, lacuali e fluviali con finalità turistico-ricreativa alla luce degli orientamenti della giurisprudenza domestica, con le significative pronunce del Consiglio di Stato e di quella della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea, in particolare della recentissima sentenza 20 aprile 2023 (C-348/22).

The essay analyses the fragmented regulatory framework of state-owned maritime lake and river concessions with tourist-recreational purposes in the Italian legal system in light of the orientations of domestic jurisprudence with the significant pronouncements of the Council of State and that of the Court of Justice of the European Union in particular the very recent judgment April 20 2023 (C-348/22).CONCESSIONI DEMANIALI MARITTIME DIRITTO EUROUNITARIO

Kreativ resonnering i arbeidet med problemløsningsoppgaver


Denne studien er en kvalitativ casestudie som omhandler kreativ resonnering i elevers arbeid med problemløsningsoppgaver. Formålet med studien er å finne ut hvilke uttrykksformer elevene bruker, og hvordan disse uttrykksformene bidrar og øker elevers muligheter til å kreativt resonnere. Jeg har valgt å koble kreativ resonnering til problemløsning, fordi elever gjennom møter med problemer er nødt til å tenke nytt, anvende nye strategier, og være kreative når de argumenterer for sine løsningsstrategier. Valget falt mer spesifikt på problemløsningsoppgaver innenfor tematikken romforståelse. I studien er det brukt deltakende observasjon som metode, med bruk av videoopptak. Datainnsamlingen fore…

"Not My Responsibility!" - A Comparative Case Study of Organizational Cybersecurity Subcultures


Despite significant technological advancements and the increasing sophistication of cyber- attacks in today’s modern society, organizations underestimate the human link in cybersecu- rity. Many still overlook that human behavior and decision-making are crucial in protecting sensitive information and mitigating risks. Organizations seemingly prioritize investigating time and resources into improving their technological cybersecurity measures rather than increasing the employees’ cybersecurity knowledge. These actions significantly impact the cybersecurity culture of the company. Cybersecurity culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and actions of the employees in an organization that e…

Oral paracoccidioidomycosis:a retrospective study of 95 cases from a single center and literature review


The ecoepidemiological panorama of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is dynamic and still ongoing in Brazil. In particular, data about the oral lesions of PCM are barely explored. The aim of this study was to report the clinicopathological features of individuals diagnosed with oral PCM lesions at an oral and maxillofacial pathology service in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the light of a literature review. A retrospective study was conducted on oral biopsies obtained from 1958 to 2021. Additionally, electronic searches were conducted in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information, and Brazilian Library of Dentistry to gather information…

paediatrichead and neck neoplasmsOtorhinolaryngologyadolescentSurgeryepidemiologybiopsyoral cancerGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

Kaupungistuminen ja alueiden väliset tuloerot Suomessa


Tämän analyysin keskeinen tutkimuskysymys on, missä aluekehityksessä mennään Suomessa. Analyysissa tarkastellaan suomalaisessa aluekehitystutkimuksessa saatuja tuloksia ja eritellään sekä aluekehityksen pitkää linjaa että sen viimeaikaista luonnetta kahden keskeisen määrittäjän, väestö- ja tulotietojen avulla. Kysymykset ovat: miten yhtäällä kaupungistuminen ja toisaalla alueellisten tuloerojen kehitys on edennyt? Empiirinen analyysi perustuu pääosin Tilastokeskuksen StatFin-tietokannasta poimittuihin, yhdistettyihin ja analysoituihin tietoihin. Alueellisen keskittymisen eli kaupungistumisen pitkää trendiä tarkastellaan väestötietojen avulla vuodesta 1880 alkaen. Toteutunutta alueellista ke…

Jyväskyläalueelliset erot2000-lukuSuomihyvinvointituloerotaluekehityskaupungistuminenmuuttoliikealueellinen keskittyminen

Mennesker og pollinerende insekter i norske landskap - En multimodal kritisk diskursanalyse av Nasjonal pollinatorstrategi


Med utgangspunkt i den pågående naturkrisens sosiale implikasjoner, avdekker og drøfter denne undersøkelsen hvordan natursyn, sosiale maktstrukturer og forholdet mellom mennesker og andre arter kommer til uttrykk i Nasjonal pollinatorstrategi, som er et politisk styringsdokument for ivaretakelse av pollinerende insekter i Norge. Dette gjøres ved bruk av metoden multimodal kritisk diskursanalyse. Undersøkelsen viser at strategiplanen fremmer et antroposentrisk natursyn hvor insektene har en instrumentell rolle. Naturvern blir nærmest synonymt med vern av nytteorganismer. Effektiv pollinering i et nyliberalt jordbrukslandskap og på områder hvor tilretteleggelse for pollinatorer ikke kommer i …

Measuring Movie Script Similarity using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions


Measuring similarity between multilayer networks is difficult, as it involves various layers and relationships that are challenging to capture using distance measures. Existing techniques have focused on comparing layers with the same number of nodes and ignoring interrelationships. In this research, we propose a new approach for measuring the similarity between multilayer networks while considering interrelationships and networks of various sizes. We apply this approach to multilayer movie networks composed of layers of different entities (character, keyword, and location) and interrelationships between them. The proposed method captures intra-layer and inter-layer relationships, providing…

[INFO] Computer Science [cs]

Cronache dalla terra dei più felici al mondo


Translation into Italian of Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka's 2021 novel Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Soyinka's Chronicles - published 48 years after his latest novel, The Interpreters - offers a fictional fresco of contemporary Nigeria, a country ridden by political and moral corruption. During the latest political campaigns, Dr. Menka finds out that some colleagues at the hospital where he works sell body parts for ritualistic reasons. Afflicted by such an unexpected discovery, he shares the news with his oldest college friend, bon viveur, star engineer, and Yoruba royal Duyole Pitan-Payne, who is about to leave the country to assume a prestigious post at the Unit…

the African novel.Wole SoyinkaNigerian literatureLiterary translation as a cultural practiceSettore L-LIN/10 - Letteratura IngleseSettore L-LIN/12 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua IngleseNobel Prize for Literature