showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Integration of pomace and grape seeds in feed of broiler chickens: effect on the chemical characteristics of the meat


Recently, consumer demand for healthier, safer, good quality food products has increased. The use of grape pomace and grape seeds, natural antioxidants rich in polyphenols and known for their ability to prevent lipid oxidation, has attracted significant interest and could become an important alternative as a partial substitute for vitamin E which is the most commonly used antioxidant in animal diets. In this context, the valorization and reuse of wine industry wastes could be a way to reduce costs for companies and damage to the environment [1]. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding different percentages of pomace and grape seeds to the diet of broiler chickens. T…

grape pomace seeds antioxidants polyphenols diets wine wastes broiler chickens antiradical fatty acids

Genetic and pharmacological modulation of DNA mismatch repair heterogeneous tumors promotes immune surveillance.


Patients affected by colorectal cancer (CRC) with DNA mismatch repair deficiency (MMRd), often respond to immune checkpoint blockade therapies, while those with mismatch repair-proficient (MMRp) tumors generally do not. Interestingly, a subset of MMRp CRCs contains variable fractions of MMRd cells, but it is unknown how their presence impacts immune surveillance. We asked whether modulation of the MMRd fraction in MMR heterogeneous tumors acts as an endogenous cancer vaccine by promoting immune surveillance. To test this hypothesis, we use isogenic MMRp (Mlh1+/+) and MMRd (Mlh1-/-) mouse CRC cells. MMRp/MMRd cells mixed at different ratios are injected in immunocompetent mice and tumor reje…

Cancer Research6-thioguaninemismatch repairOncology6-thioguanine; heterogeneity; immune checkpoint blockade; immune evasion; immune surveillance; microsatellite unstable tumors (MSI); mismatch repair; temozolomide6-thioguanine heterogeneity immune checkpoint blockade immune evasion immune surveillance microsatellite unstable tumors (MSI) mismatch repair temozolomideimmune surveillancemicrosatellite unstable tumors (MSI)temozolomideheterogeneityimmune checkpoint blockadeSettore MED/08 - Anatomia Patologicaimmune evasionCancer cell

Personalidad, calidad de vida, satisfacción laboral y engagement del profesorado de la Universitat de València que participa en el programa MOTIVEM


El objetivo general de esta tesis se ha centrado en analizar variables del entorno laboral, satisfacción con la vida, satisfacción laboral, engagement, personalidad, estrategias de afrontamiento y valores del profesorado de la Universitat de València que participa en el programa MOTIVEM, y su comparación con profesorado de la misma universidad que no participa en este programa. La metodología empleada ha consistido en un diseño correlacional-descriptivo de corte transversal, con un muestreo no aleatorio, donde la muestra ha sido tomada en 2019, 2020 y 2021 y ha estado compuesta por 379 docentes de la Universitat de València (219 MOTIVEM y 160 NO MOTIVEM). Se ha utilizado una batería de 214 …

satisfacción vitalvaloresUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍA::Personalidadpersonalidadsatisfacción laboralMOTIVEMbienestarengagementprofesorado universitario

Tilrettelegging for lek og samspill for elever som viser innagerende atferd


I denne masteroppgaven i profesjonsrettet spesialpedagogikk rettes søkelyset mot pedagogers forståelse og erfaringer knyttet til innagerende atferd, og om hvordan de tilrettelegger for elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i skolen. Problemstillingen for studien er følgende: Hvordan forstår pedagoger innagerende atferd, og hvordan tilrettelegger de for at elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i grunnskolen? For å belyse problemstillingen ble tre pedagoger intervjuet om hvordan de hadde tilrettelagt, og hvilke tiltak de hadde satt i gang for å hjelpe elever de hadde hatt inn i lek og samspill. Formålet med studien var å synliggjøre elever som v…

Kuluttajat kiertotaloudessa : Kiertotalouden kuluttajapalvelut -työpajan havaintoja


Tässä luvussa tarkastelemme Helsingin yliopiston Kuluttajatutkimuskeskuksen, Kulutustutkimuksen seuran ja ympäristöministeriön yhdessä järjestämän työpajan ”Kiertotalouden kuluttajapalvelut” havaintoja. Työpaja järjestettiin Helsingissä Kulutustutkimuksen seuran kevätseminaarin yhteydessä 5.5.2022. Siihen kutsuttiin akateemisia tutkijoita, joiden pääasiallinen tutkimusala on kulutustutkimus. Työpajaan osallistui yhteensä yhdeksän tutkijaa neljästä eri suomalaisesta yliopistosta ja kaksi tutkijataustaista kiertotalouden asiantuntijaa ympäristöministeriöstä. Osallistujien asiantuntemus liittyi monipuolisesti kuluttajakysymyksiin, markkinointiin, kestävyyteen ja kiertotalouskysymyksiin useista…

kestävä kulutuspalvelutyhteiskäyttökuluttajatkiertotalouskehittäminenkierrätys

Measuring Movie Script Similarity using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions


Measuring similarity between multilayer networks is difficult, as it involves various layers and relationships that are challenging to capture using distance measures. Existing techniques have focused on comparing layers with the same number of nodes and ignoring interrelationships. In this research, we propose a new approach for measuring the similarity between multilayer networks while considering interrelationships and networks of various sizes. We apply this approach to multilayer movie networks composed of layers of different entities (character, keyword, and location) and interrelationships between them. The proposed method captures intra-layer and inter-layer relationships, providing…

[INFO] Computer Science [cs]

Opplevd treneratferd og robust selvtillit blant norske lagidrettsutøvere


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different coach behavior and athletes robust sport-confidence in a sample of elite and non-elite athletes in football, handball, bandy and ice hockey in Norway, in a cross-sectional survey. More specifically, it was hypothesized that positive coaching behavior would affect robust sport-confidence in a positive way, and negative coaching behavior would affect robust sport-confidence in a negative way. This cross-sectional survey is part of a larger project called “Elite Team Project 2023”, and is based on data collections made in autumn 2022 and winter 2023 where male (n = 264) and female (n = 161) athletes from Oslo, Trondhei…

Additional file 10 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer


Additional file 10. Full Western blot membrane images represented in the manuscript.

Il rendiconto finanziario


Il capitolo tratta del rendiconto finanziario. La struttura è quella presentata dal principio OIC 10. Con l’ausilio di un esempio sono individuate le fonti documentali e definite le procedure per la costruzione del documento riepilogativo contabile. È evidenziato il potenziale informativo del documento, dal quale possono trarsi determinazioni quantitative utili alla costruzione di indicatori di performance aziendali. Il capitolo ha quindi per obiettivi di apprendimento la conoscenza della struttura e dell’articolazione del rendiconto finanziario, le sue modalità di costruzione e la capacità di lettura del documento per lo svolgimento di analisi di performance aziendali.

struttura del rendiconto finanziariobilancio di esercizioSettore SECS-P/07 - Economia AziendaleOIC 10rendiconto finanziarioredazione del rendiconto finanziario

Healing Grief: A Commentary on Seneca's Consolatio ad Marciam


Both our view of Seneca’s philosophical thought and our approach to the ancient consolatory genre have radically changed since the latest commentary on the Consolatio ad Marciam was written in 1981. The aim of this work is to offer a new book-length commentary on the earliest of Seneca’s extant writings, along with a revision of the Latin text and a reassessment of Seneca’s intellectual program, strategies, and context. A crucial document to penetrate Seneca’s discourse on the self in its embryonic stages, the Ad Marciam is here taken seriously as an engaging attempt to direct the persuasive power of literary models and rhetorical devices toward the fundamentally moral project of healing Ma…

Seneca Consolatio ad Marciam ancient consolation literature Roman Stoicism ancient philosophy history of emotions gender studies intertextuality rhetoricSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

"Jokainen opiskelija asettaa itse omat tavoitteensa" : lukion vieraiden kielten opettajien käytänteitä ja käsityksiä eriyttävästä arvioinnista


Tarkastelimme lukion kieltenopettajien käsityksiä ja käytäntöjä eriyttävästä arvioinnista. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella (n=48) sekä neljän opettajan yksilöhaastatteluilla. Opettajat käyttivät laajasti erilaisia arviointimenetelmiä, kuten kirjoitelmia ja esseitä, jatkuvaa arviointia, suljettuja kokeita sekä kuuntelu- ja sanakokeita. Opettajat kokivat eriyttävän arvioinnin haasteellisena, erityisesti ylöspäin eriyttämisen näkökulmasta. Vaikka arvioinnin eriyttäminen oli kokonaisuutena vähäistä, tuli tutkimuksessa kuitenkin esiin varsin monipuolinen kirjo erilaisia eriyttävän arvioinnin menetelmiä niin ennakoivaan, formatiiviseen kuin summatiiviseen arviointiin liittyen nonPeerReviewed

kieltenopettajatkieltenopetusoppilasarviointieriyttäminenlukiovieraat kielet

Efficacy of stem cells in bone rehabilitation in patients with alveolar bone atrophy: a systematic review


Background: Biomedical engineering proposes the use of stem cells as a bone rehabilitation treatment in patients with alveolar bone defects. Many authors suggest that this innovative technique could represent the future of bone regeneration in dentistry. The present study systematically reviewed the efficacy of stem cells in bone regeneration in patients with alveolar bone atrophy. Material and methods: The study was developed following the criteria of the PRISMA guideline (2020). The literature review was conducted in Pubmed, Medline Complete, and Scopus. The search algorithms used the following key words: stem cells, bone regeneration, and alveolar ridge augmentation. To assess the risk o…

Tecnología de materialesCélulas madreMateriales dentalesmicroinvasionOdontologíaoral canceroral squamous cell carcinomasystematic reviewOtorhinolaryngologyhistopathological profilePérdida de hueso alveolarmicroinvasiveSurgeryTecnología médicaGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

Analysis of the German Commuter Network Period 2013 -2021


Understanding the behavior of commuters is crucial as the number of commuters steadily rises, causing significant traffic congestion in many cities. Indeed, commuter behavior is vital in city and transport planning and policy-making. Previous studies have investigated various factors that may impact commuting decisions. Still, these studies are often limited by the scale of data examined, including time duration, space, and the number of commuters. To address this gap, we gathered large-scale inter-city commuting data in Germany and analyzed the weighted commuting network from 2013 to 2021. This work relies on publicly available data so that the results can be reproduced.

Spatial Data[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Commuter NetworkComplex Network Analysis

Using language to help people, or using people to help language? A capabilities framework of language policy


Language policy is a hugely diverse field, united only by the intent to influence language use in some way. Much early research in the field asserted that language policy had an emancipatory drive, to empower downtrodden minorities against the cruelty or indifference of majoritarian politics. But over the years, critical accounts have increasingly questioned who precisely benefits from promoting minoritized languages. Indeed, can the language itself, valorized as an emblem of heritage, sometimes become invested with its own separate value? Can that value even outweigh concerns over improving people's prospects and capabilities? In what follows, I compare that balance between people's capabi…

kielelliset oikeudetkyvykkyydetlanguage rightskielipolitiikkacapabilitiesnew speakersuudet puhujatlanguage policy

Sexual Satisfaction: Pornography Consumption


La prevención de riesgos laborales en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno: obligaciones y responsabilidades


La protección de la vida y salud de los trabajadores, desde la perspectiva del Derecho del Trabajo, es quizás la principal obligación del empleador respecto de sus trabajadores, dando origen a un plexo normativo, tanto nacional como internacional, de la mayor relevancia. El trabajador, como consecuencia de la ejecución de su contrato de trabajo, se encuentra expuesto a sufrir accidentes laborales y/o enfermedades profesionales, muchas veces incapacitantes, y en no pocas veces, con consecuencias fatales que pueden afectar su calidad de vida a futuro y la de su familia. Por lo expuesto, se hace necesario analizar científicamente las distintas instituciones de prevención de riesgos laborales, …

obligación de seguridadprotección de la vida y salud de los trabajadores y trabajadorasresponsabilidad empresarialUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHOprevención de riesgos laborales

Translation shifts from English to Romanian in literary and general informative texts


This thesis asks the question of how English present and past participles are translated to Romanian in literary texts, as well as in general informative texts. Excerpts containing present and past participles are extracted from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book and Wikipedia texts and compared to their equivalents in Romanian. The theoretical background is based on J.C. Catford’s translation shifts classification. The most frequent changes are level shifts (a grammatical distinction in the source language is expressed by lexical means in the target language), class shifts (English participles are translated to different grammatical items - e.g., an English present participle ca…

Essays on Crowdfunding Adoption and Behavior


The aim of this dissertation is to examine aspects of crowdfunding adoption and behavior. Accordingly, the overarching research question answered by this dissertation is: what influences crowdfunding backers’ contribution intentions and behaviors? The dissertation answers this question while focusing on dimensions of trust, community, and technological acceptance. The dissertation is made up of three studies with one conceptual article (study 1), and two empirical studies (study 2 and 3). The conceptual study marries marketing and trust literatures and contextualizes their implications for the crowdfunding context. The result is the development of a framework of trust-based marketing strate…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210::Bedriftsøkonomi: 213

Valor pronóstico de los parámetros de deformación miocárdica en una cohorte de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica estable


La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) es una patología de gran impacto a nivel mundial por sus elevadas cifras de morbilidad-mortalidad. A pesar de que la ecocardiografía es la prueba de elección para su diagnóstico y estratificación de riesgo, presenta importantes limitaciones y es incapaz de predecir el riesgo en pacientes con FEVI preservada. El estudio de la deformación miocárdica mediante rastreo de patrones, permite estimar el porcentaje de elongación o acortamiento de cada segmento miocárdico durante el ciclo cardíaco. Ha demostrado ser un parámetro capaz de identificar la disfunción miocárdica subclínica, asociándose con el riesgo de mortalidad y episodios adversos en subgrupos seleccionad…

pronósticocardiologíastraininsuficiencia cardiacaecocardiografíadeformación global longitudinalUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASdeformación miocárdica

"Ist dort... ha, ha, ha, der... der 'Erfinder der deutschen Popliteratur?'" Continuidad y evolución de la Neue Deutsche Popliteratur en la obra de Jo…


La Neue Deutsche Popliteratur ha estado asociada desde sus inicios a la Spaßgesellschaft. El consumismo, el ritmo desenfrenado y la constante búsqueda del placer y la diversión que recogían los textos desarrollados por los Popliteraten eran reflejo de una época en la que el fin último de la sociedad era el placer y la diversión individual, alejándose de la búsqueda del bienestar colectivo. Sin embargo, los terribles atentados cometidos el 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Nueva York supusieron el fin de la Spaßgesellschaft y, a ojos de la crítica especializada del momento, también el fin de una literatura estrechamente vinculada al contexto en que surgió. Esta tesis analiza la continuidad y evolu…

PopliteraturUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRASJoachim LottmannNew JournalismGonzo JournalismLiteratura alemana contemporáneaCampDandismoAutoficción

Sosiaalisen median käyttö muokkaa nuorten aivoja


toiminnanohjaus (psykologia)toiminnallinen magneettikuvausnuoretmielihyväsosiaalinen mediamantelitumakekognitiivinen kehitysärsykkeet

Les nuances apportées aux garanties du sous-préfet évincé


Droits et garanties des agents publics[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawFonction PubliqueCommunication du dossierDécision prise en considération de la personne

”Paljon on tehty, mutta paljon on vielä kehitettävää” : saamen kielten etäyhteyksiä hyödyntävän opetuspilotin arviointi 2022


Raportissa tarkastellaan Kansallisen koulutuksen arviointikeskuksen (Karvin) toteuttaman arvioinnin tuloksia saamen kielten etäopetuspilotin (1.8.2018−31.8.2023) toimivuudesta ja opetuksen vaikuttavuudesta. Etäopetuspilotissa saamen kielten (pohjoissaame, inarinsaame, koltansaame) opetusta annetaan kaksi vuosiviikkotuntia perusopetusta ja lukiokoulutusta täydentävänä opetuksena. Opetusta johtaa Utsjoen kunta ja koordinoi Saamelaiskäräjät, ja se on tarkoitettu saamelaisalueen ulkopuolella asuville lapsille ja nuorille, joilla saamen kieli on perheen tai suvun kieli. Oppilaita on esikouluikäisistä lukiolaisiin. Oppilaiden määrä on kasvanut 50:stä 150:een etäopetuspilotin aikana. Arvioinnilla …

perusopetuskieltenopetusetäopetuskielipolitiikkasaamelaiskieletkielen elvytysalkuperäiskansatopetuskokeilutsaamelaisetkasvatustavoitteetopetussuunnitelmat

New Materialist Explorations into Language Education


This open access book analyzes language education through a socio-material framework. The authors revisit their position as researchers by decentering themselves and humans in general from the main focus of research activities and giving way to the materialities that are agentive but often overlooked parts of our research contexts and processes. Through this critical posthumanist realism, they are able to engage in research that sees society as an ethical interrelationship between humans and the material world and explore the socio-materialities of language education from the perspectives of material agency, spatial and embodied materiality, and human and non-human assemblages. Each chapter…

open accesskieli ja kieletchange in language educationchanges in language assessmentkieltenopetushybrid language classroomsmaterialism and languagetutkijatresurssitsosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuusnew materialism theorykoulutusresources means and modalities of language learningmaterialismico-located schoolssosiaalinen konstruktivismisosiomateriaalisuusagential realism and language educationuusmaterialismimaterialism in language educationThe 2012 Flemish educational reform debateopetusteknologiasocial justice and language educationarviointiconstructivist approaches for socially just applied linguistics

Mieux connaître est-ce mieux gérer ? Recours à la casuistique socio-écologique


[SDV.EE] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Ecology environment[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography

The role of evanescent modes in Global-Local analysis of UGW in plates with varying local zone-scatterer relations


In order to provide a reliable and robust SHM performance, Ultrasonic Guided Waves (UGWs) need to be analyzed and understood. Numerical modeling of UGW propagation and scattering by hybrid methods offers the possibility of simulating UGW interaction with waveguides of arbitrary cross-sections and discontinuities. Maximizing the accuracy of such methods is important to perform quantitative SHM, while maintaining minimum computational cost. This work investigates the role of evanescent modes in the numerical analysis of UGWs in aluminum and composite plates with defects, by the hybrid Global-Local method. The complex solutions to the UGW eigenvalue problem are found and the scattering spectra…

evanescent modes numerical modeling scattering defect Ultrasonic Guided Waves Structural Health MonitoringSettore ICAR/08 - Scienza Delle Costruzioni

Diagnostyka i leczenie pokrzywki w świetle aktualnych wytycznych i polskiej wersji Testu Kontroli Pokrzywki (UCT)



Uso de tecnologías de realidad virtual y corporeizadas para facilitar el funcionamiento autónomo en personas autistas


El trastorno del espectro del autismo es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se manifiesta por dificultades en la comunicación social y por dificultades para pensar y comportarse de manera flexible. El autismo se presenta frecuentemente con discapacidad intelectual. Las dificultades para iniciar y completar tareas de forma independiente se encuentran bien documentadas en ambas condiciones. Las intervenciones psicoeducativas son la principal herramienta de intervención en el autismo y las tecnologías digitales suponen una oportunidad para fomentar el funcionamiento autónomo, ya que pueden reducir la dependencia de otras personas. En esta tesis se han evaluado dos tipos de tecnologías digita…

autismotecnologías corporeizadasUNESCO::CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICASrealidad virtualautonomía personalUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍAtrastorno del espectro del autismo

Introduction to the Special Issue on Soft Computing Techniques in Materials Science and Engineering


This article has no abstract.

Settore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle CostruzioniModeling and Simulationsoft computing algorithms in engineeringSoftwareComputer Science ApplicationsComputer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences

Las palabras y las cosas en el corral de comedias


A modo de ensayo, se reivindica el valor fundacional de la palabra como escritura y como puesta en escena a través de una reflexión sobre la identidad y la dramaturgia del teatro clásico español. Sin abandonar una perspectiva histórica y documental, se propone un viaje en torno al espacio fundacional del teatro del Siglo de Oro –el corral de comedias– y su importancia como embrión de una concepción de la puesta en escena y de una primera industria cultural en un contexto de patente afinidad con el teatro europeo de la época. In the form of an essay, it vindicates the foundational value of the word as writing and staging through a reflection on the identity and dramaturgy of classical Spanis…

estudios literariosdramateatro

Image Education and Didactics of Cultural Heritage. Graphic and Creative Workshops Within the Project “La Scuola Adotta La Città”


Within the Laboratories of Drawing and Image Education activated by the Degree Courses in Educational Sciences of the Palermo University -and connected to the internships of future teachers-, various laboratory activities have been carried out over the years, with an integration between Museum Didactics, Didactics of the Cultural Heritage of the Territory and a creative approach to the artistic masterpiece. The students, under the supervision of the university tutors, were invited to propose, within the classes in which they were placed as trainee teachers, projects of workshop activities in which to experiment, in addition to the graphic learning of the work performed with creative re-appr…

Image Education Didactics of Cultural Heritage School exhibits and workshops Norman monuments of Palermo Artistic techniques: mosaics

«Hvis du er i tvil, må du velge yrkesfag» Utdannings- og yrkesrådgiveres perspektiv på utdanningsvalg.


Denne oppgaven undersøker utdanningsvalg ut ifra utdannings- og yrkesrådgiveres perspektiv i Kristiansand. Ulike faktorer og forhold er med på å påvirke ungdommenes utdanningsvalg på samfunnsmessig og individnivå, der elevene er omgitt av aktører som implisitt og eksplisitt påvirker dette valget. Oppgaven argumenterer for at utdannings- og yrkesrådgivere, blant annet er med på å påvirke dette valget. Rådgiveren har en tosidig rolle. De skal ivareta elevenes individuelle behov og ønsker, samtidig som de skal ta hensyn til samfunnets behov og krav. Lokalt i Kristiansand og nasjonalt, har det vært et økende fokus knyttet til yrkesfagene de siste årene. Dette skyldes et bredt spekter av yrkesfa…

Le non-respect de l’ordre du jour établi à la convocation de l’Assemblée Générale: un motif légitime à l’annulation d’une décision sociale sur la bas…


L’exclusion abusive d’un associé par une assemblée générale extraordinaire convoquée pour prendre acte de sa démission, conduit à l’annulation de la décision de cette assemblée sur le fondement de l’article 1844-10 al. 3 du code civil.


Première victoire pour Yuka !


Observations sous Aix-en-Provence, ch. 3-1, 8 déc. 2022, no 2022/354 - Qualification de la décision : Importante

Dénigrement[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawReseaux et CommunicationPratique commerciale déloyaleConcurrencePratique commerciale trompeuse

Concordato semplificato per la liquidazione del patrimonio all’esito della composizione negoziata


Il contributo analizza in chiave critica la disciplina del nuovo concordato semplificato ad esito della composizione negoziata come regolamentato dal d. Lgs. 83/2022.

concordato semplificato composizione negoziata crisi d'impresaSettore IUS/04 - Diritto Commerciale

Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development


Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6 . Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural and urban place of residence in 200 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020. In 1990, children and adolescents residing in cities were taller than their rural counterparts in all but a few high-income countries. By 2020, the urban height advantage became smaller in most countries, and in many high-income western countries it reversed into a smal…
