showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Evolución social de virus


Durante muchos años se ha asumido que los virus se transmiten como elementos individuales, en forma de partículas (viriones) que contienen un único genoma. En los últimos años, se ha incrementado sustancialmente la evidencia de que muchos virus son capaces de transmitirse en grupos de viriones, lo que les permite iniciar infecciones con más de un individuo, ya sea en un nuevo hospedador, o en una nueva célula, dentro de un organismo pluricelular. Concretamente, se han descrito multitud de estructuras, promovidas por genes virales, a las que se conoce como unidades de infección colectivas, que permiten el agrupamiento, transporte, y llegada conjunta de múltiples genomas o partículas virales.…

evolución socialadaptabilidadUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::VirologíaVSVbacteriofagosvirología

La lotta per i diritti, oggi


La cultura dei diritti è in crisi? Se con questa etichetta intendiamo riferirci soltanto a un discorso giuridico improntato al linguaggio dei diritti e a un certo assetto tra poteri che valorizza il potere giudiziario a discapito del legislativo e dell’esecutivo, allora non si può che rispondere negativamente.Se invece consideriamo parte integrante dell’età dei diritti la rivoluzione copernicana che inverte la prospettiva da cui osservare il rapporto tra governanti e governati, nonché la convinzione che esista uno zoccolo duro (auspicabilmente in espansione) di valori morali universalmente condivisi sui quali edificare un futuro di pace e prosperità dell’umanità, allora è difficile negare l…

diritti umaniSettore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittocostituzionalismointerpretazione giuridicadiritto e morale

O poder moderador das forças armadas no Brasil. Uma leitura do General Bertholdo Klinger e da revista militar A Defeza Nacional (1913-1932)


Organe des « Jeunes-Turcs », ces officiers réformateurs brésiliens partis en Allemagne entre 1906 et 1912 pour finaliser leur formation, la revue militaire A Defeza Nacional demeure aujourd’hui l’un des principaux lieux d’exposition de la doctrine des forces armées. Dirigée par Bertholdo Klinger, elle popularisa la thèse du pouvoir conservateur des militaires, moins sous l’angle constitutionnel que sous l’aspect social, du fait des interférences du « pouvoir spirituel » du positivisme comtien.

military tutelagepositivisme comtien[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawComtian positivism[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencesconservative powerpouvoir conservateurconstitutionalist revolution of 1932tutelle militaireBrazilrévolution constitutionnaliste de 1932Brésil

Dziedzictwo kulinarne polsko-czesko-niemieckiego pogranicza (na przykładzie gwarowych nazw klusek)


Celem artykułu jest pokazanie dziedzictwa kulinarnego polsko- czesko-niemieckiego po gra nic za na przykładzie śląskich nazw klusek. W tekście analizie poddano 75 gwarowych leksemów, omawiając ich pochodzenie i motywację. Wyróżniono kilka grup motywacyjnych: nazwy odnoszące się do sposobu przyrządzania potrawy; nazwy nawiązujące do jej głównego składnika; nazwy wskazujące na właściwości organoleptyczne klusek (kolor, kształt, konsystencja) oraz na ich związek z regionem czy państwem. Część przykładów nazw klusek to pożyczki z języka niemieckiego i języka czeskiego, wskazujące na wspólne dziedzictwo kulinarne. Bazę materiałową niniejszego tekstu stanowią dawne i nowsze źródła etnograficzne, …

pogranicze polsko- czesko- niemieckiecuisinekulinariagwaraSilesiahertagedziedzictwoPolish- Czech- German borderlanddialectŚląskmotivation of namesmotywacja nazwBohemistyka

Il dovere di solidarietà nelle dinamiche della responsabilità da attività lecita della pubblica amministrazione


Il tema della responsabilità da atto lecito o da attività lecita della p.A. è al centro di un dibattito molto risalente. Alla luce di un’articolata ricostruzione storica e dogmatica, connotata da un significativo disordine, lo studio mira a disegnare un quadro completo e sistematico di tale modello di responsabilità. In particolare, l’indagine contribuisce a chiarire i molteplici profili oscuri sorti nel corso del tempo: quando si configura la responsabilità in esame? Quali sono gli elementi costitutivi della medesima? Qual è la sua funzione? Si potrebbe accettare quale principio fondamentale quello c.d. di giustizia distributiva, il cui carattere variabile - secondo Giovanni Vacchelli - co…

ResponsabilitàSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativoatto legittimopubblica amministrazioneattività lecita

Impact of nuclear matrix element calculations for current and future neutrinoless double beta decay searches


Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta\beta}$ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. A crucial role is played by the recently discovered short-range contribution to the NME, induced by light Majorana neutrino masses. Depending on the NME model and the relative sign of the long- and short-range contributions, the current $3\sigma$ bound can change between $m_{\beta\beta} < 40$ m…

High Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)PhysicsFOS: Physical sciencesddc:530Journal of High Energy Physics

Sensitivity of bipartite network analyses to incomplete sampling and taxonomic uncertainty


Bipartite network analysis is a powerful tool to study the processes structuring interactions in ecological communities. In applying the method, it is assumed that the sampled interactions provide an accurate representation of the actual community. However, acquiring a representative sample may be difficult as not all species are equally abundant or easily identifiable. Two potential sampling issues can compromise the conclusions of bipartite network analyses: failure to capture the full range of interactions (sampling completeness) and use of a taxonomic level higher than species to evaluate the network (taxonomic resolution). We asked how commonly used descriptors of bipartite antagonisti…

taxonomic resolutionverkkoteoriasystematiikka (biologia)eliöyhteisötsampling completenessisäntälajitbipartite networkssampling issueshost-parasite interactionsbipartite networks; host–parasite interactions; sampling completeness; sampling issues; taxonomic resolutionloisethost–parasite interactionsotantanäytteenottoEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

The Potential of Dental Calculus as a Novel Source of Biological Isotopic Data


Stable isotope analysis has become an essential tool in investigations of ancient migration and paleodietary reconstruction. Because the biogeochemistry of bone collagen and apatite is well known, current methods rely almost exclusively on analyses of bones and teeth; however, dental calculus represents a potentially additional biological source of isotopic data from ancient skeletons. Dental calculus is a mineralized bacterial biofilm that forms on the surfaces of teeth. Sampling dental calculus does not damage the dentition and thus can be used in cases where it is not possible to perform destructive analyses of conventional mineralized tissues. Like bone and dentine, dental calculus cont…


From the mouth to digital spaces : mediatization and spectacularization of the political “petites phrases”


The political “petites phrases” seems to occupy a growing place in the newspapers and social media. The development of web 2.0 and digital social networks have boosted this political-media phenomenon that was born in the 1970s, thanks to new formats of televised debates. Our study, based on the initial work of Krieg-Planque (2011) and Maingueneau (2012), aims to analyse specific processes and devices accompanying the reproduction of these fragments of political speech on digital social networks. To this end, we will return to the way in which “petites phrases” are detached and put into circulation, as well as to the media devices aimed at putting into spectacle and reinforcing their polemic…

Petite phrasepolemicpolémiquediscours numériquepolitical speech[SHS.LANGUE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguisticsdigital social networksréseaux sociaux numériquesdiscours politique[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencesdigital speech

Alkoholinkäytön aiheuttama liikennekuoleman riski Suomessa


Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoidaan juopumuksen asteen vaikutusta kuolemaan johtavan liikenneonnettomuuden riskiin moderneilla tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Tutkimuksen pääaineistona ovat vuosina 2005–2014 Suomessa tapahtuneet kuolemaan johtaneet moottoriajoneuvo-onnettomuudet, joissa oli mukana henkilöauto aiheuttajana tai muuna osallisena. Pääaineistoa täydennetään ratsiatutkimuksista julkaistuilla tilastoilla. Keskeisiä käytettyjä mittareita ovat riskisuhde sekä vakioitu riskisuhde, josta on poistettu sekoittavien muuttujien vaikutusta. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on selvittää, miten pieni veren alkoholipitoisuus alkaa lisätä liikenneonnettomuuden riskiä, ja toisena tavoitteena on …

3142 Kansanterveystiede ympäristö ja työterveys112 Tilastotiedeliikennejuopumusliikenneturvallisuusliikenneonnettomuudetalkoholinkäyttöalkoholi (päihteet)riskitliikennekuolemat

Multiplication et disparités des dispositifs et pratiques d’accompagnement dans l’enseignement supérieur : le(s) intérêt(s) d’une méta-analyse


[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationAide à la réussite ; Disparité ; Dispositif d'accompagnement ; Diversité ; Enseignement supérieur ; Méta-analyse ; Réussite universitaire

Minimum contrast for point processes' first-order intensity estimation


In this paper, we exploit some theoretical results, from which we know the expected value of the K-function weighted by the true first-order intensity function of a point pattern. This theoretical result can serve as an estimation method for obtaining the parameter estimates of a specific model, assumed for the data. The only requirement is the knowledge of the first-order intensity function expression, completely avoiding writing the likelihood, which is often complex to deal with in point process models. We illustrate the method through simulation studies for spatio-temporal point processes.

Second-order characteristics Spatial statistics Spatio-temporal point processes Local models Minimum contrastSettore SECS-S/01 - Statistica

Militarization of Security Policies in Central and Eastern Europe


Pawłuszko explains the process of militarization of security policies in the CEE region since the Crimea Crisis. According to the Copenhagen School, he focuses on reconstruction of the Central-Eastern European Security Complex and draws attention to the changes in military policies of states in the region. Pawłuszko explores theoretical implications, as well as practical consequences of the NATO-Russia rivalry on the “eastern flank” of Europe. The chapter concludes with a study of perspectives on geopolitical agenda of the CEE region.

NATOEastern flankSecurityPolandMilitarizationCEE

Using self-assessment to enhance self-regulated learning : an intervention study in a Finnish lower secondary school


The aim of this intervention study was to explore how the emphasised use of self-assessment in Swedish language classes affects ninth graders’ perceptions of self-regulated learning and their self-assessments in Finland. The dataset includes the survey responses of 36 students and their written self-assessments. The results suggest that the quality of the self-assessments increased during the intervention, although the level of reflection was still superficial. The students exhibited more positive perceptions of their skills in self-regulated learning at the end of the intervention. The results indicate that incorporating self-assessment into teaching boosts students’ perceptions of self-re…

itsearviointikieltenopetusitsesäätely (psykologia)ruotsin kieliyläkoululaisetinterventiotutkimuskielen oppiminen

The Impact of Gender Equality in the Cybersecurity Sector


Nowadays, there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the sector and women are disproportionately underrepresented in the field. This exploratory study examines how organizations can retain and entice women in the cybersecurity industry, as well as how enhanced gender balance affects the work environment. Because the scope is limited, we will only look at gender equality between men and women, as well as apply the study in a Norwegian context. Furthermore, the study investigates why women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and identifies barriers preventing them from pursuing this career. The findings of our systematic literature review (SLR) identifies obstacles and already ex…

Reproduksjon av ulikheter, eller utdanningsrettferdighet


Ideen om en skole for alle har sine røtter langt tilbake i tid (Telhaug, 1994; Solstad, 2004: Bjørnsrud & Nilsen, 2021). Fra og med L97, har det blitt vektlagt inkluderende opplæring som viktig for alle barns utvikling og læring, men menneskeverd i denne utviklingen har også vært sentralt. Alle mennesker er like mye verdt uansett av hva det er som skiller oss fra hverandre. Lærerne blir rollemodellene i dette arbeidet. Når de selv viser omsorg og respekt og ser den enkelte eleve, annerkjennes deres verdighet (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020). Derfor vil jeg i lys av Læreplanverket overordnede del kap. 3. Prinsipper for skolens praksis, finne ut hvordan skolen og lærerne tilrettelegger for real…

Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst. A Case report


Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) are benign cysts arising from the dental lamina and its remnants. They are most commonly located in the posterior body and the ramus of the mandible. The diagnosis of peripheral OKCs (other than intraosseous) are extremely


Halaesa Arconidea (Tusa, Messina). Primi risultati dagli scavi delle fortificazioni, settore nord-est.


This report describes the activities and results of two years of archaeological excavations carried out by the University of Palermo at the site of Halaesa, in northern Sicily. The excavations revealed the structure of the ancient city walls (maybe built in two different phases, during the Late Hellenistic/Early Roman peri-od) and the presence of a tank close to the wall, connected to the defense sistem.

Settore L-ANT/10 - Metodologie Della Ricerca ArcheologicaSettore L-ANT/09 - Topografia AnticaSicily Halaesa fortification walls tank Hellenistic and Roman time.

Tilrettelegging for lek og samspill for elever som viser innagerende atferd


I denne masteroppgaven i profesjonsrettet spesialpedagogikk rettes søkelyset mot pedagogers forståelse og erfaringer knyttet til innagerende atferd, og om hvordan de tilrettelegger for elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i skolen. Problemstillingen for studien er følgende: Hvordan forstår pedagoger innagerende atferd, og hvordan tilrettelegger de for at elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i grunnskolen? For å belyse problemstillingen ble tre pedagoger intervjuet om hvordan de hadde tilrettelagt, og hvilke tiltak de hadde satt i gang for å hjelpe elever de hadde hatt inn i lek og samspill. Formålet med studien var å synliggjøre elever som v…

Measuring Movie Script Similarity using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions


Measuring similarity between multilayer networks is difficult, as it involves various layers and relationships that are challenging to capture using distance measures. Existing techniques have focused on comparing layers with the same number of nodes and ignoring interrelationships. In this research, we propose a new approach for measuring the similarity between multilayer networks while considering interrelationships and networks of various sizes. We apply this approach to multilayer movie networks composed of layers of different entities (character, keyword, and location) and interrelationships between them. The proposed method captures intra-layer and inter-layer relationships, providing…

[INFO] Computer Science [cs]

Plug-and-play measurement of chromatic dispersion by means of two-photon interferometry


International audience; Since the first proof-of-principle experiments 25 years ago, quantum metrology has matured from fundamental concepts to versatile and powerful tools in a large variety of research branches, such as gravitational-wave detection, atomic clocks, plasmonic sensing, and magnetometry. At the same time, two-photon interferometry, which underpins the possibility of entanglement to probe optical materials with unprecedented levels of precision and accuracy, holds the promise to stand at the heart of innovative functional quantum sensing systems. We report a novel quantum-based method for measuring the frequency dependence of the velocity in a transparent medium, i.e, the chro…

Quantum Physics[PHYS.QPHY]Physics [physics]/Quantum Physics [quant-ph]FOS: Physical sciencesQuantum Physics (quant-ph)[PHYS.QPHY] Physics [physics]/Quantum Physics [quant-ph]

Case report : vertical preparation protocol for veneers


The biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT) consists of a vertical preparation of the tooth that involves a reduction to zero of the emergence anatomy, the creation of a new finish area, and immediate temporization, so that the gingiva is suppo


Additional file 6 of An insight into cancer palaeobiology: does the Mesozoic neoplasm support tissue organization field theory of tumorigenesis?


Additional file 6. Photoscan of ground section of normal, non-altered anterodorsal vertebral intercentrum of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis, for comparative purposes, specimen number UOPB 00118 [1].

Postpartum Hemorrhage: Conservative Treatments


Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is an obstetric emergency representing the first cause of obstetric mortality and a frequent cause of severe maternal morbidity. It can complicate vaginal or cesarean deliveries and accounts for 25% of all maternal deaths worldwide, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). Primary PPH is defined as blood loss from the genital tract of at least 500 ml after vaginal or 1000 ml following cesarean delivery within 24 h postpartum, whereas secondary PPH is defined as any significant bleeding from the birth canal occurring between 24 h and 12 weeks postnatally. Uterine atony is reported as the main cause of PPH and accounts for 75%–90% of primary PPH. When ut…

Postpartum hemorrhageUterotonic agentUterine tamponade procedureVascular ligation.Selective arterial embolizationUterine compression sutureUterine atonySettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E Ostetricia

Financial literacy, value creation and firm performance. An investigation of Italian small and medium enterprises


This article aims to determine the influence of entrepreneurs’ financial literacy for the growth of SMEs’ value. The paper verifies the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between financial literacy and value creation, as indicated by economic value added (EVA®). The study analyses 162 Italian SMEs operating in the textile and clothing sector. The analysis period is between 2011 and 2013. Regression analysis and correlation analysis have been applied to test the hypotheses. The results suggest a positive and significant relationship between financial literacy and the variables that drive the value creation. Greater financial literacy allows SMEs to optimise their capital str…

Economics and EconometricsEntrepreneurshipfinancial educationValue creationsmall and medium-sized enterprisebusiness.industryvalue creationSMEsmall and medium-sized enterprisesAccountingSMEsEconomic Value Addedentrepreneurshipfirm performancefinancial literacyeconomic value added.economic value addedFinancial literacyfinancial literacy; financial education; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; entrepreneurship; firm performance; value creation; economic value added.BusinessSmall and medium-sized enterprisesBusiness and International Management

Ilustración, catolicismo y género. Feijoo en el debate historiográfico


Este artículo revisa el resurgimiento de la noción de la «Ilustración católica» a partir de la década de 2010, el debate historiográfico que ha generado y el lugar que el ilustrado español Benito Jerónimo Feijoo (1676-1764) ocupa en él, en el marco de las controversias a propósito de las relaciones entre género, catolicismo e Ilustración (y más ampliamente, modernidad). Para ello se analizan los argumentos, las osadías y los límites de su discurso «Defensa de las mujeres» y, más ampliamente, a la actitud hacia las mujeres que se desprende del conjunto de su obra y su vida. Asimismo, se estudian algunas de las formas en que su ensayo fue apropiado con posterioridad en España y en otros terri…

feminismtranslationhistoriographyUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia modernafeminismocatholic enlightenmentbenito jerónimo feijoogenderhistoriografíaIlustración católicamodernidadmodernitygénerotraducción

Beta-band MEG signal power changes in older adults after physical exercise program with and without additional cognitive training


Physical exercise has been considered to be an efficient mean of preserving cognitive function and it influences both the structural and functional characteristics of the brain. It has especially been shown to increase brain plasticity, the capacity to re-structure brain properties in response to interaction, such as cognitive practice. Studies have also examined the potential additive effect of cognitive training on the documented benefit of physical exercise, commonly, however, not at the neural level. We monitored, using magnetoencephalography (MEG), the brain processes associated with executive functions in older individuals who participated in a 12-month randomized controlled trial inc…

magnetoencephalographyMEGCognitive NeuroscienceagingNeurosciencesExperimental and Cognitive Psychologytyömuistiworking memoryinhibitionestotNeuropsychology and Physiological PsychologyikääntyminenArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)oscillationsDevelopmental and Educational PsychologySjukgymnastikPhysiotherapyNeurovetenskaperinterventioninterventio

Elevers moitvasjon i arbeid med virkelighetsnær matematikk


Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan arbeid med virkelighetsnære matematikkoppgaver påvirket motivasjonen til elever i matematikkfaget. Vi ønsket at elevene skulle lage sine egne problemstillinger basert på virkelige situasjoner og løse dem i form av en oppgave. Hensikten var at oppgavene skulle oppleves mest mulig virkelighetsnære for dem. Med utgangspunkt i en pilotstudie vi gjennomførte i 2022 valgte vi å utføre et undervisningseksperiment i en 9. klasse, hvor elevene jobbet med slike oppgaver i grupper. Problemformuleringene elevene utførte kan ses i sammenheng med en modelleringsprosess, der elevene “matematiserte” et problem fra det virkelige liv. Forskningsspørsmålet vå…

Immersive Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage Exploration


Virtual Reality can provide an immersive experience that allows cultural heritage to be experienced in a more realistic and immersive way than traditional showcasing techniques. The objective of this paper is to provide a software pipeline that can be adopted for the realization of immersive experiences in cultural heritage sites. This work has been realized within the 3DLab-Sicilia project, which includes the realization of immersive virtual tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites located in the Sicily area (Italy).

Settore INF/01 - InformaticaVirtual RealityCultural Heritage3D scanning

I principi generali del diritto agrario contemporaneo e le fonti


This chapter identifies and describes the principles that govern contemporary agricultural law. The different sources of production of contemporary agricultural law and the relationships between them are also identified.

sources of lawSettore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrarioprinciples of agricultural law

Large Azobenzene Macrocycles : Formation and Detection by NMR and MS Methods


Azobenzene macrocycles are widely investigated as potential drug delivery systems and as part of molecular machines due to their photo-responsive properties. Herein, we detect the formation of a series of new azobenzene macrocycles that feature up to eight switchable repeating units. High-resolution mass spectrometry and ion mobility (IM) mass spectrometry experiments and 1H and diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) NMR are used to detect the presence of the macrocycles that contain 10 to 40 aromatic rings in the gas phase and solution, respectively. The responsiveness of the Z-to-E photo-switching of the smallest of the macrocycles, exhibiting two azobenzene units and in total 10 aromatic …

large azobenzene-containing macrocyclesresponsive moleculesmassaspektrometriaspektroskopiaatsobentseeniphotoisomerizationmolekyylitmakrosyklitESI-MS and IM detection

Diagnosen har gitt meg mer selvtillit til å gjøre det jeg tror på, tro på det jeg gjør


I de fleste tilfeller oppstår symptomene på ADHD i barndommen, og tilstanden kan påvirke individets fungering videre i voksenlivet (Quinn & Madhoo, 2014). Mange kvinner får diagnosen i voksen alder, og dette er fordi de selv har tatt kontakt med helsevesenet for utredning (Folkehelseinstituttet, 2015). Forskning viser at det finnes egne karakteristikker knyttet til kvinner med ADHD, og at majoriteten har den uoppmerksomme typen fremfor den hyperaktive (Nussbaum, 2012). Det fremkommer også at måten kvinner oppfatter seg selv er sterkt knyttet til samfunnsnormer om hva som blir sett på som en «passende» oppførsel (Holthe, 2013; Attoe & Climie, 2023). Resultatet av en manglende diagnostisering…

A retrospective diagnostic study of prevalence of orofacial calcifications using panoramic radiograph: To insinuate the unseen


The prevalence of calcifications in the head and neck region has long been observed and has a strong value of presaging systemic illness. The observations of such calcifications in routine panoramic radiographs (PR) demands keen follow-up and health check

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Mercury and Amino Acid Content Relations in Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in Subarctic Lakes Along a Climate-Productivity Gradient


Mercury is a highly toxic element for consumers, but its relation to amino acids and physiology of wild fish is not well known. The main aim of this study was to evaluate how total mercury content (THg) of northern pike (Esox lucius) is related to amino acids and potentially important environmental and biological factors along a climate-productivity gradient of ten subarctic lakes. Linear regression between THg and sixteen amino acids content [nmol mg−1 dry weight] from white dorsal muscle of pike from these lakes were tested. Lastly, a general linear model (GLM) for age-corrected THg was used to test which factors are significantly related to mercury content of pike. There was a positive r…

methionineHistoryPolymers and PlasticshaukigrowthelohopeaaminohapotjärvetIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringageprolineBusiness and International Managementcysteinetotal mercurykalatSSRN Electronic Journal

El lugar de las mujeres en la historia. Introducción


En los años setenta del siglo XX cobraron relevancia los estudios sobre la historia de las mujeres, un modo de interpretar el pasado en el que ellas ya no eran concebidas como objetos pasivos, sino como sujetos conscientes y activos. Por tanto, había que reescribir su historia, elaborar un relato que entrara en diálogo e interacción con la Historia general para poder inscribirlas en esta de manera más completa y real. Se trata, pues, de una historia de las mujeres, pero que comprende y afecta también a los hombres, y a cómo las relaciones entre los sexos se han ido construyendo en los distintos momentos de la historia, tanto en los espacios sociales y políticos como en los privados. El libr…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun seurannan ja arvioinnin tuloksia 2021–2022 : Osaraportti 2: Kokeilun järjestämistavat, toiminta lapsiryhmissä sek…


Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön toteuttama Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilu käynnistyi elokuussa 2021. Tämä raportti on osa kokeilun seurantaa ja arviointia. Sen tulokset perustuvat kahteen keväällä 2022 toteutettuun kyselyyn, joissa tarkasteltiin kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun järjestämistapoja, toimintakäytäntöjä sekä lasten oppimisen polun siirtymiä ja jatkumoita kokeilun ensimmäisenä toimintakautena 2021–2022. Ensimmäiseen kyselyyn vastasivat kuntien varhaiskasvatuksesta vastaavat viranhaltijat (N = 120). Toiseen kyselyyn vastasivat kokeilu- ja verrokkiryhmien vastaavat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat (N = 872). Tulokset osoittivat, että esiopetuskokeilu on voinut muuttaa sekä viisi…