showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

L’accettazione del diritto secondo Alfonso Catania: qualche osservazione a margine


A dieci anni dall’uscita di The Concept of Law, Alfonso Catania pubblica, sulla prestigiosa Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, un saggio critico dal titolo: L’accettazione nel pensiero di Herbert L. A. Hart. Si tratta di un saggio meritatamente celebre, di cui è difficile esagerare l’impatto oggettivo e anche soggettivo. In questo saggioproporrò una ricostruzione delle tesi salienti del saggio di Catania del 1971 e, a partire da questa ricostruzione, metterò finalmente in bella forma alcune delle mie “osservazioni a margine” che si sono sedimentate nel corso degli anni sulla mia fotocopia, ormai lisa, de L’accettazione del diritto nel pensiero di Herbert L. A. Hart.

normativismo.Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittodiritto e moralepositivismo giuridicoaccettazione del diritto

Kreativ resonnering i arbeidet med problemløsningsoppgaver


Denne studien er en kvalitativ casestudie som omhandler kreativ resonnering i elevers arbeid med problemløsningsoppgaver. Formålet med studien er å finne ut hvilke uttrykksformer elevene bruker, og hvordan disse uttrykksformene bidrar og øker elevers muligheter til å kreativt resonnere. Jeg har valgt å koble kreativ resonnering til problemløsning, fordi elever gjennom møter med problemer er nødt til å tenke nytt, anvende nye strategier, og være kreative når de argumenterer for sine løsningsstrategier. Valget falt mer spesifikt på problemløsningsoppgaver innenfor tematikken romforståelse. I studien er det brukt deltakende observasjon som metode, med bruk av videoopptak. Datainnsamlingen fore…



Il contributo analizza il frammentario quadro normativo delle concessioni demaniali marittime, lacuali e fluviali con finalità turistico-ricreativa alla luce degli orientamenti della giurisprudenza domestica, con le significative pronunce del Consiglio di Stato e di quella della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea, in particolare della recentissima sentenza 20 aprile 2023 (C-348/22).

The essay analyses the fragmented regulatory framework of state-owned maritime lake and river concessions with tourist-recreational purposes in the Italian legal system in light of the orientations of domestic jurisprudence with the significant pronouncements of the Council of State and that of the Court of Justice of the European Union in particular the very recent judgment April 20 2023 (C-348/22).CONCESSIONI DEMANIALI MARITTIME DIRITTO EUROUNITARIO

Supplemental Material - Cohort Differences in Depressive Symptoms and Life Satisfaction in 75- and 80-Year-Olds: A Comparison of Two Cohorts 28 Years…


Supplemental Material for Cohort Differences in Depressive Symptoms and Life Satisfaction in 75- and 80-Year-Olds: A Comparison of Two Cohorts 28 Years Apart by Tiia Kekäläinen, Kaisa Koivunen, Katja Pynnönen, Erja Portegijs, and Taina Rantanen in Journal of Aging and Health.

FOS: Clinical medicine111799 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classifiedFOS: Health sciences110306 Endocrinology110308 Geriatrics and Gerontology

Darbs : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi


Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…


Suorittavassa työssä tarvitaan ammatillista monilukutaitoa


Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan suorittavassa työssä tarvittavia tekstitaitoja. Millaisia tekstejä ja toimintaa tekstien kanssa fyysisen ja manuaalisen työn tekijä tarvitsee työssään? Esimerkkinä käytetään rakennusalaa. Artikkelissa esitetään, että ammatillisen monilukutaidon käsite auttaa tekemään näkyväksi eri alojen tekstitoimintaa laaja-alaisesti. Monilukutaito tuo esille yhtäältä työn vaatimuksia ja toisaalta myös työntekijöiden vahvuuksia ja osaamista ammattiryhmissä, joista usein puhutaan tekstitaitojen puutteiden näkökulmasta. nonPeerReviewed

tekstitaitoammatillinen koulutusmonilukutaitoosaaminenkielenkäyttötyöntekijätkirjallinen viestintätyöelämävalmiudettyöelämärakennusalaruumiillinen työkirjoittaminen

Efficiency vs. values : Institutional logics, situated rationality, and performance measurement in a cooperative bank


This qualitative case study explores how situated rationality is achieved and maintained between two coexisting institutional logics, ‘global’ financial efficiency and ‘local’ customer-owners, around a performance measurement system in a large cooperative bank. We focus especially on the relationship between financial performance measures and softer, cooperative and communal organisational values. The results highlight that communal values may be effectively used to smooth and manage managerial contradictions; thus, situated rationality for operations can be achieved and maintained. This may also explain the resilience and success of communal values and cooperatively formed organisations in…

arvot (käsitykset)yhteisöllisyysvastuullisuusyritysvastuutehokkuusosuuspankitpankkialatulosohjaus

2022 : quelle réponse de la vigne à la contrainte climatique ?


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Le revisioni della Costituzione italiana lungo i suoi settantacinque anni di vita


Il saggio ripercorre tutte le numerose revisioni al testo della Costituzione repubblicana

revisione costituzionale metodo bicamerale art. 138 cost.

Ambiente e diritto penale: brevi riflessioni fra le modifiche agli artt.9 e 41 Cost. e le prospettive di riforma in ambito internazionale


l contributo analizza l’impatto che il recente inserimento dell’ambiente in Costituzione può dispiegare in ambito penale, tanto rispetto all’ambiente quale oggetto della tutela penale, quanto sul versante della selezione dei modelli di illecito, soffermandosi in particolare sul problema delle possibili ricadute penalistiche del nuovo vincolo di solidarietà ecologica di tipo intergenerazionale. Seguendo il fil rouge del bene giuridico, la seconda parte del saggio ricostruisce invece i punti critici e le prospettive di sviluppo del diritto penale ambientale internazionale, alla luce della nozione di ambiente quale bene giuridico comune ed universale.

The paper analyses the impact that the recent inclusion of the environment in the Italian Constitution may have in the criminal law both with respect to the criminally relevant notion of the environment and with regard to the selection of the types of criminal offences. From this point of view the paper also takes into consideration the penal significance of the new bond of intergenerational ecological solidarity. Following the file rouge of the “bene giuridico” the second part of the essay is instead dedicated to the description of the critical points and the possible developments of international environmental criminal law in the light of a conception of the environment as a common and universal legal good.Settore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale



The use of the Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Mortars (FRCMs) is nowadays a promising solution for the strengthening of both reinforced concrete and masonry structural elements. The application consists of a bond-dependent face-to-face plastering of an open grid or mesh by means of an inorganic-based matrix, i.e. a cement-based mortar. The main advantage of such a strengthening technique is the good compatibility with different types of substrates since the most suitable matrix can be selected focusing on the most similar breathability and stiffness. On the other side, the strengthening efficiency could be over-estimated if the potential bond failure is neglected. The FRCM-bond behaviour de…

Design-oriented modelFRCMMasonryBondEarth-Surface ProcessesConcrete

Lo femenino en el mundo americano prehispánico


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

'New women': la modernización y sus límites


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Desafíos y oportunidades de Sentinel-2 en la monitorización de las aguas continentales


En los ecosistemas de agua dulce, la escasez y la contaminación de este recurso está promoviendo que los organismos gubernamentales incluyan en sus agendas estrategias para mitigar esta situación a través de una gestión sostenible. La Directiva Marco del Agua establece entre sus requerimientos la monitorización del estado ecológico de las aguas continentales para determinar su calidad. Las imágenes satelitales ofrecen una visión sinóptica y continua a partir de la que es posible derivar métricas del estado ecológico. Esas métricas son un complemento a los tradicionales muestreos ya que se incrementa la cobertura espacial y la periodicidad en la monitorización. Sentinel-2, con su sensor Mult…

inland waterssupervised classificationsentinel-2UNESCO::FÍSICAoptical water typesremote sensingmachine learningtipos ópticos de aguasaprendizaje automáticoteledeteccióncalidad de las aguasaguas continentalesdisco de secchiclasificación supervisadacorrección atmosféricaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIOconcentración de clorofilaUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA

Moderniseringen av husfliden: En undersøkelse av husflidbegrepets endring i perioden 1850-1914


Husflid has played a historically important role in the Norwegian culture, economy and institutionalizing of the country. In other terms, husflid is and has been a central part of Norway and its history. In different periods, separate sides of the phenomenon has been presented as being the most essential. In the early modern period, the social discourse and discussions, and the blossoming national tendencies were seen as the most relevant. Later in the 19th century, the economic aspects of husflid were seen as the most important. Today, on the other hand, the cultural aspects of husflid are viewed as the most important side of the term. The term itself has therefore changed with the times b…

Healing Grief: A Commentary on Seneca's Consolatio ad Marciam


Both our view of Seneca’s philosophical thought and our approach to the ancient consolatory genre have radically changed since the latest commentary on the Consolatio ad Marciam was written in 1981. The aim of this work is to offer a new book-length commentary on the earliest of Seneca’s extant writings, along with a revision of the Latin text and a reassessment of Seneca’s intellectual program, strategies, and context. A crucial document to penetrate Seneca’s discourse on the self in its embryonic stages, the Ad Marciam is here taken seriously as an engaging attempt to direct the persuasive power of literary models and rhetorical devices toward the fundamentally moral project of healing Ma…

Seneca Consolatio ad Marciam ancient consolation literature Roman Stoicism ancient philosophy history of emotions gender studies intertextuality rhetoricSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

The Rewilding Approach in Urban Design. The Case Study of Budolfi Plads in the Historic Centre of Aalborg (DK)


Dwelling on Earth responsibly means guaranteeing global environmental well-being, within which the habitable environment for human beings must find a new homeostasis. At the turn of the second and third millennium, tackling environmental degradation and halting the continued loss of biodiversity became a global policy goal. In this context, new approaches to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration are emerging, such as rewilding, an approach that aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of ecosystems by restoring natural processes and minimizing human management. The article analyses urban rewilding as a design approach aimed at restoring natural processes and reintroducing natu…

Green TransitionBudolfi PladsUrban RegenerationRewildingAalborgSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Two-particle transverse momentum correlations in pp and p-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider


Two-particle transverse momentum differential correlators, recently measured in Pb--Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), provide an additional tool to gain insights into particle production mechanisms and infer transport properties, such as the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, of the medium created in Pb-Pb collisions. The longitudinal long-range correlations and the large azimuthal anisotropy measured at low transverse momenta in small collision systems, namely pp and p-Pb, at LHC energies resemble manifestations of collective behaviour. This suggests that locally equilibrated matter may be produced in these small collision systems, simil…

two particle correlations large hadron colliderCERN Lablongitudinallarge hadron colliderheavy ion scatteringcollectiveFOS: Physical sciencesanisotropy measuredtransverse momentum correlation[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]High Energy Physics - ExperimentHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)transport theoryTeVcorrelation functionNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)Nuclear ExperimentMonte Carloeffect viscositycorrelation long-rangetwo-particleentropy densityparticle multiplicityCERN LHC Collangular distribution anisotropybroadeningtransverse momentum lowydinfysiikkatwo particle correlations

Actors, Processes and the Impact of 15 Years of the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention: An Introduction


Intervenir en el mundo. Formas de autoridad y poder femeninos en el Occidente medieval


En los años setenta del siglo XX cobraron relevancia los estudios sobre la historia de las mujeres, un modo de interpretar el pasado en el que ellas ya no eran concebidas como objetos pasivos, sino como sujetos conscientes y activos. Por tanto, había que reescribir su historia, elaborar un relato que entrara en diálogo e interacción con la Historia general para poder inscribirlas en esta de manera más completa y real. Se trata, pues, de una historia de las mujeres, pero que comprende y afecta también a los hombres, y a cómo las relaciones entre los sexos se han ido construyendo en los distintos momentos de la historia, tanto en los espacios sociales y políticos como en los privados. El libr…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Jet-like correlations with respect to K0S and Λ (Λ¯) in pp and central Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV



Per una via siciliana dei gessi. Quando le parole portano alle cose


Secondo il metodo Wörter und Sachen, parole e cose, suoni e referenti, devono essere studiati insieme. Questa simbiosi ha particolare necessità di essere applicata quando si tratti di cultura materiale. Il contributo è la storia di un’esperienza di indagine sul campo, svolta in un periodo di tempo di circa 15 anni, che ha riguardato le parole del gesso e le cose di gesso nella Sicilia centrale. L’individuazione di questo ambito di studio è stata parallela, ma marginale, rispetto ad una più significativa esperienza dialettologica relativa al lessico zolfifero. Eppure, grazie a questo approfondimento, sono emerse conoscenze inedite dal punto di vista linguistico ed etnodialettale, tali da avv…

Settore L-FIL-LET/12 - Linguistica ItalianaField research ethnodialectology sectoral lexicon Sicily gypsumRicerca sul campo etnodialettologia lessico settoriale Sicilia gesso

Southern civil society organizations as practical hybrids : Dealing with legitimacy in a Ugandan gender advocacy organization


This chapter explores the ways in which Southern civil society organizations (CSOs) navigate between diverse audiences and logics in relation to which their legitimacy is negotiated. Drawing on the notions of practical hybrids and organizational legitimacy in hybrid organizations, the chapter explores the legitimacy audiences and logics relevant to a Ugandan gender advocacy organization, Action for Development (ACFODE). The chapter identifies five influential legitimacy audiences – central government, local government, project participants in the communities, international development partners, and other Ugandan gender CSOs. Further, it establishes four significant logics in alignment to wh…


Bounds on the number of maximal subgroups of finite groups


In this paper we obtain significant bounds for the number of maximal subgroups of a given index of a finite group. These results allow us to give new bounds for the number of random generators needed to generate a finite $d$-generated group with high probability.

Mathematics (miscellaneous)Applied MathematicsFOS: MathematicsGroup Theory (math.GR)20P05 20E07 20E28MatemàticaMathematics - Group Theory

Tilrettelegging for lek og samspill for elever som viser innagerende atferd


I denne masteroppgaven i profesjonsrettet spesialpedagogikk rettes søkelyset mot pedagogers forståelse og erfaringer knyttet til innagerende atferd, og om hvordan de tilrettelegger for elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i skolen. Problemstillingen for studien er følgende: Hvordan forstår pedagoger innagerende atferd, og hvordan tilrettelegger de for at elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i grunnskolen? For å belyse problemstillingen ble tre pedagoger intervjuet om hvordan de hadde tilrettelagt, og hvilke tiltak de hadde satt i gang for å hjelpe elever de hadde hatt inn i lek og samspill. Formålet med studien var å synliggjøre elever som v…

Metacognición y hábitos lectores en la formación de docentes


La relación personal del docente con la lectura, su grado de afición por esta actividad y sus experiencias como lector son factores que condicionan las acciones didácticas que realiza en el aula para desarrollar la competencia lecto-literaria y el hábito lector de sus estudiantes. Por esta razón, conocer los rasgos de la identidad lectora que presentan los futuros maestros es un paso necesario en el camino de enriquecer su proceso de lectura y fortalecer su comportamiento lector, en lo posible hacia la consolidación de un gusto por la lectura autónomo y fruitivo. Desde esta premisa, la presente tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo principal analizar la percepción de la conciencia metacognitiva…

UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRASformación del profesoradoUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA::Preparación y empleo de profesores::OtrasUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA::Preparación y empleo de profesores::Preparación de profesoreshábitos lectoresmetacognición lectoracompetencia lecto-literaria

Measuring Movie Script Similarity using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions


Measuring similarity between multilayer networks is difficult, as it involves various layers and relationships that are challenging to capture using distance measures. Existing techniques have focused on comparing layers with the same number of nodes and ignoring interrelationships. In this research, we propose a new approach for measuring the similarity between multilayer networks while considering interrelationships and networks of various sizes. We apply this approach to multilayer movie networks composed of layers of different entities (character, keyword, and location) and interrelationships between them. The proposed method captures intra-layer and inter-layer relationships, providing…

[INFO] Computer Science [cs]

”Paljon on tehty, mutta paljon on vielä kehitettävää” : saamen kielten etäyhteyksiä hyödyntävän opetuspilotin arviointi 2022


Raportissa tarkastellaan Kansallisen koulutuksen arviointikeskuksen (Karvin) toteuttaman arvioinnin tuloksia saamen kielten etäopetuspilotin (1.8.2018−31.8.2023) toimivuudesta ja opetuksen vaikuttavuudesta. Etäopetuspilotissa saamen kielten (pohjoissaame, inarinsaame, koltansaame) opetusta annetaan kaksi vuosiviikkotuntia perusopetusta ja lukiokoulutusta täydentävänä opetuksena. Opetusta johtaa Utsjoen kunta ja koordinoi Saamelaiskäräjät, ja se on tarkoitettu saamelaisalueen ulkopuolella asuville lapsille ja nuorille, joilla saamen kieli on perheen tai suvun kieli. Oppilaita on esikouluikäisistä lukiolaisiin. Oppilaiden määrä on kasvanut 50:stä 150:een etäopetuspilotin aikana. Arvioinnilla …

perusopetuskieltenopetusetäopetuskielipolitiikkasaamelaiskieletkielen elvytysalkuperäiskansatopetuskokeilutsaamelaisetkasvatustavoitteetopetussuunnitelmat

Does using the sociodental approach in oral health care influence use of dental services and oral health of adolescents living in deprived communitie…


Background Oral health needs assessment is important for oral health care planning. This study compared dental treatment needs between normative and sociodental needs. We also longitudinally examined the relationships of baseline sociodental needs measures and socioeconomic status with one-year follow up measures of use of dental services, dental caries, filled teeth, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Methods A prospective study was conducted with 12-year-old adolescents from public schools in deprived communities in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Validated questionnaires were used to collect adolescents’ sex and socioeconomic status, OHRQoL (CPQ11−14) and behaviours (sugar int…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700

Perceived motor competence in early childhood predicts perceived and actual motor competence in middle childhood


The study aims were to (1) identify perceived motor competence (PMC) and actual motor competence (AMC) profiles in children at two time points (early and middle childhood) 3 years apart, (2) explore transitions between the profiles from T1 to T2, and (3) investigate how PMC-AMC profiles at T1 differ in their mean values for AMC and PMC variables at T2. PMC was assessed by the pictorial scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for young children (PMSC). At T1, AMC was measured with Test of Gross Motor Development–third version (TGMD-3), and at T2, a shortened TGMD-3 was used. To identify the PMC-AMC profiles using latent profile analysis, the Mplus statistical package (version 8.7) was u…

profileschildrenmotor skillsperceived motor competencegross motor skillslongitudinal studylapset (ikäryhmät)pitkittäistutkimuskehitysmotoriset taidotlapsen kehitys

Sosiaalisen median käyttö muokkaa nuorten aivoja


toiminnanohjaus (psykologia)toiminnallinen magneettikuvausnuoretmielihyväsosiaalinen mediamantelitumakekognitiivinen kehitysärsykkeet

Results of DTAS Campaign at IGISOL : Overview


The β decays of more than twenty fission fragments were measured in the first experiments with radioactive-ion beams employing the Decay Total Absorption γ-ray Spectrometer. In this work, we summarize the main results obtained so far from this experimental campaign carried out at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility. The advances introduced for these studies represent the state-of-the-art of our analysis methodology for segmented spectrometers. peerReviewed

spektrometriatutkimuslaitteetspektrometritGeneral Physics and Astronomyydinfysiikka

Desmuntant mites biològics a l'aula de ciències. Un recopilatori dels 70 més freqüents


La margarida és una flor? Només tenim 5 sentits? Els éssers humans es poden dividir en races? El fred causa els refredats? La selva amazònica és el pulmó del planeta? El desdejuni és el menjar més important del dia? Només utilitzem el 10% del nostre cervell? Totes aquestes idees formen part dels models mentals de gran part de la població. Idees que, o bé parteixen de conceptes correctes, però mal aplicats, o són totalment falses. Així, a pesar de la sobreabundància d’informació que existeix en l’actualitat, la falta d’educació informacional i la difusió de tota mena de desordres informatius creen un caldo de cultiu perfecte per a la transmissió i replicació d’informació errònia. Aquest llib…

didáctica de les ciènciesUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAinterdisciplinarietatdivulgació científicabiologia

Fault Detection and Diagnostics of Hydraulic Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants


Most hydroelectric power plants experience few faults during their lifetime. However, with the expected increase in volatile energy sources in the energy mix and the use of hydroelectric power plants as balancing mechanisms, the wear and tear on system components may rise. This is where fault detection and diagnosis can significantly improve maintenance regimes. A mechanism within the plant that signals when components are under distress can be both cost-efficient and increase the plant's reliability. The hydraulic system that regulates the flow of water through the turbine is one of those systems that can be affected if the operation of the plants deviates from established norms. This thes…

Melk til alle! - En studie av elever på 7. trinn som arbeider med en modelleringsoppgave


Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hva som karakteriserer en gruppe elever på 7.trinn sitt første møte med en matematisk modelleringsoppgave. Studien undersøker nærmere hvilke overganger som identifiseres, blokkeringer som eventuelt oppstår og betydningen av disse for elevens arbeid, i henhold til modelleringsprosessen. Data er samlet inn gjennom lydopptak av ni elever fordelt på tre grupper når de arbeider med en modelleringsoppgave, samt lydopptak fra gruppeintervjuer etter at oppgaven er løst. Elevenes møte og eventuelle blokkeringer blir analysert ved hjelp av et analyseverktøy utviklet på bakgrunn av modelleringsprosessen til Borromeo Ferri (2006b) og Galbraith og Stillman (2006…

New Materialist Explorations into Language Education


This open access book analyzes language education through a socio-material framework. The authors revisit their position as researchers by decentering themselves and humans in general from the main focus of research activities and giving way to the materialities that are agentive but often overlooked parts of our research contexts and processes. Through this critical posthumanist realism, they are able to engage in research that sees society as an ethical interrelationship between humans and the material world and explore the socio-materialities of language education from the perspectives of material agency, spatial and embodied materiality, and human and non-human assemblages. Each chapter…

open accesskieli ja kieletchange in language educationchanges in language assessmentkieltenopetushybrid language classroomsmaterialism and languagetutkijatresurssitsosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuusnew materialism theorykoulutusresources means and modalities of language learningmaterialismico-located schoolssosiaalinen konstruktivismisosiomateriaalisuusagential realism and language educationuusmaterialismimaterialism in language educationThe 2012 Flemish educational reform debateopetusteknologiasocial justice and language educationarviointiconstructivist approaches for socially just applied linguistics