showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Large-scale long-term passive-acoustic monitoring reveals spatio-temporal activity patterns of boreal bats
The distribution ranges and spatio-temporal patterns in the occurrence and activity of boreal bats are yet largely unknown due to their cryptic lifestyle and lack of suitable and efficient study methods. We approached the issue by establishing a permanent passive-acoustic sampling setup spanning the area of Finland to gain an understanding on how latitude affects bat species composition and activity patterns in northern Europe. The recorded bat calls were semi-automatically identified for three target taxa; Myotis spp., Eptesicus nilssonii or Pipistrellus nathusii and the seasonal activity patterns were modeled for each taxa across the seven sampling years (2015–2021). We found an increase …
Propolis as a Cariostatic Agent in Lozenges and Impact of Storage Conditions on the Stability of Propolis
Propolis is known as a source of compounds with strong antibacterial activity. Due to the antibacterial effect against streptococci of the oral cavity, it seems to be a useful agent in decreasing the accumulation of dental plaque. It is rich in polyphenols which are responsible for a beneficial impact on the oral microbiota and antibacterial effect. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antibacterial effect of Polish propolis against cariogenic bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were determined on cariogenic streptococci related to the occurrence of dental caries. Lozenges based on xylitol, glycerin, gelatin, water, and ethan…
La regolazione della cybersecurity in Italia
Il saggio offre una panoramica generale della regolazione e dell'organizzazione della sicurezza cibernetica in Italia. In particolare, dopo una premessa volta a dedicare alcuni cenni all'evoluzione della materia e alla disciplina europea, l'elaborato si sofferma sullo stato dell'arte e sulle future sfide in materia di cybersecurity.
Convergence of inertial prox-penalization and inertial forward-backward algorithms for solving bilevel monotone equilibrium problems
The main focus of this paper is on bilevel optimization on Hilbert spaces involving two monotone equilibrium bifunctions. We present a new achievement consisting on the introduction of inertial methods for solving this type of problems. Indeed, two several inertial type methods are suggested: a proximal algorithm and a forwardbackward one. Under suitable conditions and without any restrictive assumption on the trajectories, the weak and strong convergence of the sequence generated by the both iterative methods are established. Two particular cases illustrating the proposed methods are thereafter discussed with respect to hierarchical minimization problems and equilibrium problems under a sa…
Maskuliininen pääoma hyvässä ja pahassa sekä sosiaalityön tutkimuksessa
Artikkelissa hahmotellaan ajatusta maskuliinisesta pääomasta bourdieulaisen sosiaalisen pääoman teorian laajennuksena ja kysytään, mitä annettavaa sillä voisi olla sosiaalityölle ja sen tutkimukselle. Metodologisesti artikkelissa luetaan aikaisempia tutkimuksia, neljää miehiä sekä maskuliinisuuksia käsittelevää tai sivuavaa sosiaalityön väitöskirjaa sekä yhtä muuta tutkimusta vuosilta 2003–2021. Artikkelissa esitetään, että maskuliinisen pääoman käsitteen voisi jakaa eksklusiiviseen ja inklusiiviseen maskuliiniseen pääomaan, joista edellinen johtaa yksiulotteiseen käsitykseen mieheydestä, jälkimmäinen luo näkökulman sosiaalityön asiakkaiden autonomian vahvistamiseen ehkäisten sellaisia toim…
El islam y las mujeres. Certezas y dudas
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Success Factors for Crisis Management of Major Municipalities
The number of crises is increasing and being prepared for one is crucial. The aim of the study was to find critical success factors for municipalities in dealing with crises. The inspiration for writing this thesis is taken from one of the more recent global unpredictable events, COVID-19. Given its significant consequences, an interest arose in exploring ways to enhance crisis preparedness to limit potential damages. Due to the limited research on bigger organizations during times of crises, the choice became to focus on major municipalities. Coombs' three-stage model of crisis management is used as the theoretical foundation for the study. With a qualitative case study, the thesis attempt…
Un programme doctoral hors-les-murs : le cas du CEFAG
National audience
Un dialogo sul "governo dei giudici"
Si tratta di una notizia relativa a un seminario sul ruolo della magistratura in Italia It is a note about the role of judiciary in Italy
Proton irradiation-induced reliability degradation of SiC power MOSFET
The effect of 53 MeV proton irradiation on the reliability of silicon carbide power MOSFETs was investigated. Post-irradiation gate voltage stress was applied and early failures in time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) test were observed for irradiated devices. The applied drain voltage during irradiation affects the degradation probability observed by TDDB tests. Proton-induced single event burnouts (SEB) were observed for devices which were biased close to their maximum rated voltage. The secondary particle production as a result of primary proton interaction with the device material was simulated with the Geant4-based toolkit. peerReviewed
Systematic review on the effects of the discontinuation of the anticoagulant therapy and the postoperative bleeding, in patients under new oral antic…
The present systematic review compares the effects of the discontinuation of the anticoagulant therapy and the postoperative bleeding, in patients under new oral anticoagulants after dental extraction. The purpose of this study is to determine the postope
Zymographic Analysis of Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Sera from Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Impact of nuclear matrix element calculations for current and future neutrinoless double beta decay searches
Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta\beta}$ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. A crucial role is played by the recently discovered short-range contribution to the NME, induced by light Majorana neutrino masses. Depending on the NME model and the relative sign of the long- and short-range contributions, the current $3\sigma$ bound can change between $m_{\beta\beta} < 40$ m…
Kreativ resonnering i arbeidet med problemløsningsoppgaver
Denne studien er en kvalitativ casestudie som omhandler kreativ resonnering i elevers arbeid med problemløsningsoppgaver. Formålet med studien er å finne ut hvilke uttrykksformer elevene bruker, og hvordan disse uttrykksformene bidrar og øker elevers muligheter til å kreativt resonnere. Jeg har valgt å koble kreativ resonnering til problemløsning, fordi elever gjennom møter med problemer er nødt til å tenke nytt, anvende nye strategier, og være kreative når de argumenterer for sine løsningsstrategier. Valget falt mer spesifikt på problemløsningsoppgaver innenfor tematikken romforståelse. I studien er det brukt deltakende observasjon som metode, med bruk av videoopptak. Datainnsamlingen fore…
Concordato semplificato per la liquidazione del patrimonio all’esito della composizione negoziata
Il contributo analizza in chiave critica la disciplina del nuovo concordato semplificato ad esito della composizione negoziata come regolamentato dal d. Lgs. 83/2022.
Narrativas interculturales e infancia en la Irlanda actual
La tesis doctoral Narrativas Interculturales e Infancia en la Irlanda Contemporánea tiene como objetivo analizar el fenómeno de la interculturalidad en la Irlanda contemporánea, incluyendo su origen, dinámicas y gestión, y como éste se ve reflejado en las narrativas infantiles. En los años noventa Irlanda sufrió un dramático crecimiento económico, el llamado “tigre celta”, que hizo que el país pasara de ser una de las regiones más pobres de Europa, a ser el segundo más rico del continente, atrayendo un gran número de inmigrantes económicos, políticos y sociales, redefiniendo las relaciones culturales de esta pequeña nación. Este nuevo contexto ha desarrollado narrativas en lo político y en …
Il contributo analizza il frammentario quadro normativo delle concessioni demaniali marittime, lacuali e fluviali con finalità turistico-ricreativa alla luce degli orientamenti della giurisprudenza domestica, con le significative pronunce del Consiglio di Stato e di quella della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea, in particolare della recentissima sentenza 20 aprile 2023 (C-348/22).
Ombruk av hulldekker fra eksisterende bygg
For a long time, the construction industry has been dominated by a linear mindset in building projects. The contemporary focus on our earth’s climate, has put pressure on the industry in regard to its relation for circular economy. As a consequence, the development within the industry is adapting a practice of reuse of building materials. This master’s thesis describes general challenges in regard to reuse of hollow-core slabs, while exploring solutions that could contribute to simplifying the process. The thesis’s method is based on literature and acquiring relevant documentation, combined with interviews of a specific focus group. The participants of the interview were chosen based on the…
Parte III Capitolo VII I fattori della produzione agricola
this chapter analyzes the sources of financing of agricultural activities, the risks that companies face in the market and the discipline of the crisis.
Tilrettelegging for lek og samspill for elever som viser innagerende atferd
I denne masteroppgaven i profesjonsrettet spesialpedagogikk rettes søkelyset mot pedagogers forståelse og erfaringer knyttet til innagerende atferd, og om hvordan de tilrettelegger for elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i skolen. Problemstillingen for studien er følgende: Hvordan forstår pedagoger innagerende atferd, og hvordan tilrettelegger de for at elever som viser slik atferd skal delta mer i lek og samspill i grunnskolen? For å belyse problemstillingen ble tre pedagoger intervjuet om hvordan de hadde tilrettelagt, og hvilke tiltak de hadde satt i gang for å hjelpe elever de hadde hatt inn i lek og samspill. Formålet med studien var å synliggjøre elever som v…
El papel de la información contable del impuesto sobre sociedades para la predicción de los resultados futuros
El reconocimiento contable del impuesto sobre sociedades representa el punto en el que convergen las normas contables y fiscales y a partir del cual se manifiestan las diferencias. El impuesto sobre sociedades devengado ha sido el inicio de esta investigación, motivada en el interrogante sobre su contenido, significado y utilización. La literatura ha utilizado las diferencias entre contabilidad y fiscalidad para relacionarlas con las características del resultado contable, en concreto con su crecimiento y persistencia y con la utilización que el mercado hace de la información sobre impuestos contenida en los informes financieros o para analizar si es utilizada para manipular resultados. Est…
Peripherality of the CEE Region
Pawłuszko offers a summary of the center-periphery perspective on the relationship between the Western European center and the Central and Eastern European peripheries. Focusing on economic history and politics, the chapter draws attention to the crucial intervention of the integration processes in the history of CEE region and uses a broad perspective to facilitate a better understanding of its roots. As well as looking at the ways in which the history was constructed, Pawłuszko explores the theoretical implications of current state in intra-European relations in the field of security studies. “Peripherality of the CEE region” concludes with a study of current geoeconomic position of the C…
Il rendiconto finanziario
Il capitolo tratta del rendiconto finanziario. La struttura è quella presentata dal principio OIC 10. Con l’ausilio di un esempio sono individuate le fonti documentali e definite le procedure per la costruzione del documento riepilogativo contabile. È evidenziato il potenziale informativo del documento, dal quale possono trarsi determinazioni quantitative utili alla costruzione di indicatori di performance aziendali. Il capitolo ha quindi per obiettivi di apprendimento la conoscenza della struttura e dell’articolazione del rendiconto finanziario, le sue modalità di costruzione e la capacità di lettura del documento per lo svolgimento di analisi di performance aziendali.
Measuring Movie Script Similarity using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions
Measuring similarity between multilayer networks is difficult, as it involves various layers and relationships that are challenging to capture using distance measures. Existing techniques have focused on comparing layers with the same number of nodes and ignoring interrelationships. In this research, we propose a new approach for measuring the similarity between multilayer networks while considering interrelationships and networks of various sizes. We apply this approach to multilayer movie networks composed of layers of different entities (character, keyword, and location) and interrelationships between them. The proposed method captures intra-layer and inter-layer relationships, providing…
Esquemas. Recomendaciones para elaborar el informe de investigación: lectura y valoración crítica. Edición revisada 2023
Si estás preparando tu TFG, TFM, Doctorado, quieres escribir un artículo o deseas hacer una lectura crítica o activa de las investigaciones publicadas, podría interesarte este material que hemos actualizado en mayo de 2023 (118 páginas). Se repasa el formato de un artículo y sus diferentes apartados y cómo se formatean las referencias siguiendo las recomendaciones del Manual APA. Y también se reflexiona sobre el uso crítico y activo de la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa con ChatGPT con unas pocas presentaciones que introducen el tema de la inteligencia artificial en la docencia superior. Frías-Navarro, D. (2023). Esquemas. Recomendaciones para elaborar el informe de investigación: l…
Arviointi muutoksessa?
Introduction to the Special Issue on Soft Computing Techniques in Materials Science and Engineering
This article has no abstract.
The Impact of Gender Equality in the Cybersecurity Sector
Nowadays, there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the sector and women are disproportionately underrepresented in the field. This exploratory study examines how organizations can retain and entice women in the cybersecurity industry, as well as how enhanced gender balance affects the work environment. Because the scope is limited, we will only look at gender equality between men and women, as well as apply the study in a Norwegian context. Furthermore, the study investigates why women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and identifies barriers preventing them from pursuing this career. The findings of our systematic literature review (SLR) identifies obstacles and already ex…
Healing Grief: A Commentary on Seneca's Consolatio ad Marciam
Both our view of Seneca’s philosophical thought and our approach to the ancient consolatory genre have radically changed since the latest commentary on the Consolatio ad Marciam was written in 1981. The aim of this work is to offer a new book-length commentary on the earliest of Seneca’s extant writings, along with a revision of the Latin text and a reassessment of Seneca’s intellectual program, strategies, and context. A crucial document to penetrate Seneca’s discourse on the self in its embryonic stages, the Ad Marciam is here taken seriously as an engaging attempt to direct the persuasive power of literary models and rhetorical devices toward the fundamentally moral project of healing Ma…
Sosiaalisen median käyttö muokkaa nuorten aivoja
Når det ikke er naturlig for de, så får de kanskje ikke rom for det heller.
Mennesker diagnostisert med autismespekterforstyrrelser (ASF) har hatt en gradvis økning de siste årene (Martinsen et al., 2016). På bakgrunn av utfordringer med sosial kommunikasjon og sosiale ferdigheter, er det en risiko for at barn med ASF havner utenfor det sosiale fellesskapet i barnehagen (Germani et al., 2017, Löfdal, 2014; Ruud, 2012; Sjursen, 2021, s. 121). Samtidig har behovet for spesialpedagogisk hjelp i barnehagen har hatt en liten økning (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2023). Til tross for at tidligere forskning viser at barn med autismespekterforstyrrelser ofte uteblir fra sosiale samspill i barnehagen (Jahr et al., 2007), kan en gjennom tilrettelegging øke barnas mulighet til å væ…
New Materialist Explorations into Language Education
This open access book analyzes language education through a socio-material framework. The authors revisit their position as researchers by decentering themselves and humans in general from the main focus of research activities and giving way to the materialities that are agentive but often overlooked parts of our research contexts and processes. Through this critical posthumanist realism, they are able to engage in research that sees society as an ethical interrelationship between humans and the material world and explore the socio-materialities of language education from the perspectives of material agency, spatial and embodied materiality, and human and non-human assemblages. Each chapter…
”Paljon on tehty, mutta paljon on vielä kehitettävää” : saamen kielten etäyhteyksiä hyödyntävän opetuspilotin arviointi 2022
Raportissa tarkastellaan Kansallisen koulutuksen arviointikeskuksen (Karvin) toteuttaman arvioinnin tuloksia saamen kielten etäopetuspilotin (1.8.2018−31.8.2023) toimivuudesta ja opetuksen vaikuttavuudesta. Etäopetuspilotissa saamen kielten (pohjoissaame, inarinsaame, koltansaame) opetusta annetaan kaksi vuosiviikkotuntia perusopetusta ja lukiokoulutusta täydentävänä opetuksena. Opetusta johtaa Utsjoen kunta ja koordinoi Saamelaiskäräjät, ja se on tarkoitettu saamelaisalueen ulkopuolella asuville lapsille ja nuorille, joilla saamen kieli on perheen tai suvun kieli. Oppilaita on esikouluikäisistä lukiolaisiin. Oppilaiden määrä on kasvanut 50:stä 150:een etäopetuspilotin aikana. Arvioinnilla …
Fremtidens Havvind – Utfordringer og muligheter for regional verdiskaping på Agder
Utbygging av havvind posisjoneres som fremtidens fornybare energikilde i Norge og globalt. Internasjonale, nasjonale og regionale aktører posisjonerer nå Agder, som nøkkelregion for den norske havvindsatsningen. Hvis havvindsatsningen skal bidra til fornybar energi, er vi også nødt til å forstå hvilke utfordringer og muligheter det skaper i de kystregioner, som skal bidra til utbyggingen til havs. Det er også behov for å utforske miljø-, styrings- og fordelingsmessige betingelser og modeller for havvindsatsingen i Agder. Universitet i Agder inviterte sammen med Fremtidens Havvind og Agder fylkeskommune til regionalt dialogseminar 12. Januar 2023 i Mandal. Det var 60 deltakere fra offentlig …
Multi-Cloud Information Security Policy Development
Organizations’ ever lasting desire to utilize new trending technologies for optimizing their businesses have been increasing by the years. Cloud computing has been around for a while, and for many became a vital part of their day-to-day operations. The concept of multi-cloud has allowed organizations to take advantage of every cloud vendor’s best services, hinder vendor lock-in, resulting in cost optimization, and resulting in more available services. With every new technology, there are new vulnerabilities ready to be exploited at any time. As there is little prior research regarding this field, threat actors can exploit an organization’s ignorance on important challenges such as interoper…