showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Análisis del impacto de los factores familiares en el desarrollo de la competencia "Aprender a Aprender" en el alumnado de los grados universitarios …


La familia se entiende como el primer contexto de educación y socialización de las personas, pues ejerce una notable influencia en su desarrollo y en su ajuste psicosocial. Durante las últimas décadas, la familia, como agencia educadora de primer orden, ha experimentado los efectos de una sociedad en constante transformación demográfica, social, económica y cultural, pues dichos cambios han derivado en la aparición de nuevas formas de organización familiar, al mismo tiempo que han repercutido en la actividad de las personas que las integran y en su desarrollo personal y social. Ejemplo de ello resulta la creciente incorporación de la mujer al mundo laboral (Navarro et al., 2004), el descens…

familiafactores familiareseducación familiarteoría de la educacióncompetencia aprender a aprendermodelos de ecuaciones estructuraleseducación superioradultez emergenteUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍAaprendizaje por competencias

Synthesis and characterization of magnesium compounds recovered from exhausted brines.


Settore ING-IND/26 - Teoria Dello Sviluppo Dei Processi Chimicireactive crystallizationRecovery of magnesium hydroxide

Aberrant immunoexpression of p53 tumour-suppressor and Bcl-2 family proteins (Bcl-2 and Bax) in ameloblastomas and odontogenic keratocysts


The growth of ameloblastomas (odontogenic tumours) and odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) (developmental cyst) is associated with the expression of proteins related to cell survival and apoptosis. Bcl-2-associated protein X (Bax) and the tumour suppressor prote


Vedlikehold av stolpene i distribusjonsnettet i Agder - Levetidsstudie


Full text not available This thesis was written in collaboration with Glitre Nett, where the purpose is to analyse the lifespan of power masts in the high voltage distribution grid in Agder. This is done by studying several factors that can impact the lifespan of the masts and by developing a model to estimate the number of masts that should be replaced in the coming years, based on how the grid is operated today. Access to electricity is essential in today's society. However, it is difficult to determine an exact lifespan for the power lines in the grid. Therefore, several factors such as impregnation, foundation and the number of poles were considered as possible influencing factors on th…

Knowledge on Display: Aristocratic Sociability, Female Learning, and Enlightenment Pedagogies in Eighteenth-Century Spain and Italy


The exhibition of extraordinary examples of female learning, often in the form of gifted girls, became fashionable in the eighteenth century among European aristocracy and courts. It was performed through elaborate rituals that brought together political and religious authorities, everyday society, and intellectuals, reinforcing the prestige of the girls' families and of the nation, in an age of strong cultural and political contestation. This essay considers the most celebrated Spanish female 'prodigies' of the century in a comparative perspective, particularly in relation to their more widely researched Italian counterparts. My aim is to open up discussion regarding the ways in which fema…

DonesGeneral MedicineEducacióStudies in Eighteenth-Century Culture

Entrando in città dopo la distruzione: Ermocrate e i proasteia di Himera


Prendendo spunto dal testo di Diodoro, che cita i proasteia di Himera, dove Ermocrate si accampò dopo la distruzione della città nel 409 a.C., si prende in esame il “quartiere portuale” al di là del fiume, analizzando le caratteristiche insediative e le funzioni degli edifici, come sono state delineate dagli scavatori alcuni anni fa. Si giunge alla conclusione che il “quartiere” sia interpretabile come un proasteion ateichiston, una vera e propria proiezione dell’abitato fuori le mura, con valenze più complesse di un semplice sobborgo commerciale. Il confronto con i proasteia di Siracusa permette di delineare la complessità delle motivazioni che giustificano la proiezione delle città oltre …

Himera proasteia quartiere portualeHimera Proasteia Port district

Arjen pieniä tekoja


kestävä kehitysliikuntatiedevastuullisuusterveystieteetkestävä elämäntapaopetussuunnitelmatkorkeakouluopetus

Optimal capacity density of offshore wind farms : An analysis for the prospective wind energy projects in the North Sea


The North Sea and Norwegian continental shelf have been identified to possess some of the world's best wind resources. Nine countries, including Norway, have signed the Ostend Declaration and established their offshore wind development targets for 2050. However, space constraints, current consumption, siting regulations, and spatial planning risks accentuate the need for finding an optimum design parameter, i.e., capacity density (MW/km2) for offshore wind farms. A thorough understanding of this optimization problem seems to be missing in the offshore wind energy industry including leading offshore wind developers. Achieving an optimal capacity density involves a collaborative effort while …

VI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa. Choroby rzadkie w XXI wieku. Abstrakty


Non-abusing mothers’ formal support needs after child sexual abuse disclosure : the case of North Cyprus


This article investigates the formal support needs of mothers whose child has been sexually abused. Previous research has focused mostly on the provision of support for abused children to the relative neglect of mothers’ support needs. Here, formal support refers to resources and services from organisations, professionals and authorities, with a specific focus on social welfare services. This article is based on a thematic analysis of semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 15 non-abusing mothers in North Cyprus. Analysis of the mothers’ experiences revealed needs of support in four important domains: financial support; child day-care services and social facilities for children and adults…

sosiaalipalvelutsosiaalinen tukilapset (ikäryhmät)äidittukimuodotmotherssocial serviceslastensuojeluchild sexual abusetukeminensosiaalihuoltoseksuaalinen hyväksikäyttölapset (perheenjäsenet)qualitative researchneeds

Lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointi kielen asemaa tukemassa


Lasten kielitaidon ja kielen kehityksen arviointi ja seuranta on tärkeää monesta eri syystä niin yksittäisen lapsen ja perheen kuin laajemmin kieliyhteisön ja kielen tutkimuksen kannalta. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointia. Artikkelissa tuomme esiin lasten viittomakielen taidon arviointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä asioita, joita arvioinnin toteutuksessa on otettava huomioon. Esittelemme lyhyesti myös suomalaisen viittomakielen arviointiin kehitettyjä arviointimateriaaleja. Lisäksi pohdimme lasten viittomakielen taidon arvioinnin mahdollisia vaikutuksia viittomakielten asemaan Suomessa. nonPeerReviewed

viittomakieliviittomakielen omaksuminenkielen elvytyslapset (ikäryhmät)arviointi

Information security culture: An investigation into the impact of a large-scale cyberattack


Cybersecurity and cyberattack have been mentioned significantly more in the news in recent years, which has caused organisations to give higher priority to information security than ever before. Today, many organisations are vulnerable to malicious attacks like ransomware. These attacks can significantly impact an organisation's operations, especially given their reliance on technical systems. This has led to organisations emphasising technical security measures significantly, often overlooking one critical aspect of information security, namely information security culture (ISC). This empirical study examines how an organisation's ISC changes during a ransomware attack and how it has conti…

High Plasma Angiopoietin-2 Levels Predict the Need to Initiate Dialysis within Two Years in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease


Volume status, congestion, endothelial activation, and injury all play roles in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the plasma endothelial and overhydration markers could serve as independent predictors for dialysis initiation in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) 3b-5 (GFR < 45 mL/min/1.72 m2) and preserved ejection fraction. A prospective, observational study in a single academic center was conducted from March 2019 to March 2022. Plasma levels of angiopoietin (Ang)-2, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C (VEGF-C), Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1), Copeptin (CPP), beta-trace protein (BTP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)…

overhydrationangiopoietin-2endothelial activationchronic kidney diseaseInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences

Diving into the uncertainties of open innovation: A systematic review of risks to uncover pertinent typologies and unexplored horizons


The open innovation paradigm has created substantial new opportunities for firms in various sectors. However, scholars have long expressed concern that open innovation also entails a dark side, which can result in value co-destruction. This concern highlights the importance of devoting attention to the perils of pursuing open innovation. Existing scholarship has given due credence to these perils by examining various associated risks and uncertainties. We observe that the extant literature is siloed and unorganized, which impedes future research. Positing that an endeavor to organize existing studies may enhance the pace of research in the area, we attempt to address this gap by reviewing t…

EthicsOpen innovationValue co-creation:Samfunnsvitenskap: 200 [VDP]Systematic literature reviewSociology (excluding Social Work Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)General EngineeringEtikUncertaintiesManagement of Technology and InnovationVDP::Economics: 210RisksSociologi (exklusive socialt arbete socialpsykologi och socialantropologi)VDP::Økonomi: 210

Viheralueet tukevat vastasyntyneen terveyttä


vesistötelintasosairaudetsyntymäpainoraskausvastasyntyneetliikuntaviheralueetluontoaltistuselämänkaariterveyden edistäminen

L'e-ETP dans le cadre de l'obésité : un outil adapté pour gagner en compétences et en autonomie ?


Cette contribution s’intéresse aux capacités émancipatrices de l’apport de connaissances biomédicales et expérientielles au sein des plateformes d’éducation thérapeutique du patient numérique. Afin de comprendre quels sont les leviers d’apprentissage des patients souffrant d’obésité, nous questionnons l’adaptabilité de l’outil aux populations visées. La nécessité de maîtriser des compétences numériques préalablement à tout apprentissage peut s’avérer bloquante pour ces populations socialement désavantagées. Il s’agit plus particulièrement de comprendre si ces patients mobilisent les outils mis à leur disposition, et in fine acquièrent des compétences relatives à leur maladie, nécessaires à …

litératie numériquee-ETPcommunauté en ligneautonomisation[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencesmédiation des savoirs

Seismic sequences identification in Italy by local test of random labelling


Seismic sequenceidentificationlocal testrandom labellingSettore SECS-S/01 - Statistica

Cognitive Mimetics and Human Digital Twins : Towards Holistic AI Design


AI is replacing and supporting people in many intelligence-requiring tasks. Therefore, it is essential to consider the conceptual grounds of designing future technical artefacts and technologies for practical use. We are developing two new practical design tools: cognitive mimetics and human digital twins for AI designers. Cognitive mimetics analyses human information processing to be mimicked by intelligent technologies. Human digital twins provide a tool for modelling what people do based on the results of cognitive mimetics. Together they provide a new way of designing intelligent technology in individual tasks and industrial contexts. nonPeerReviewed

suunnitteludigital twinihmisen ja tietokoneen vuorovaikutuscognitive mimeticstekoälyartificial intelligencedigitaalinen kaksonen

Recensión obra de Byung-Chul, HAN, Infocracia, la digitalización y la crisis de la democracia., Editorial Taurus, Santiago de Chile, 2022


Esta última obra de Byung-Chul Han, no puede dejar indiferente a na-die, como la mayoría de las obras del autor. La realidad es analizada desde la rigurosidad académica que le distingue, a través de un lenguaje sencillo, que llega al gran público con extrema facilidad, quizás por su posición como profesor en la Universidad de las Artes de Berlín, tratar temas complejos de forma sencilla, es una cualidad difícil de encontrar, que Han desarrolla de maravilla.En esta oportunidad el profesor Han denuncia la crisis de la democracia liberal, señalando que la esfera pública y la opinión pública, se encuentran en una mutación constante gracias a los vastos procesos de digitalización de la comunicac…

infocraciacrisisUNESCO::FILOSOFÍAdemocracianoticias falsas

Evaluación de las técnicas de obtención de muestra percutánea transtorácica de lesiones pulmonares y mediastínicas guiadas por Tomografía Computariza…


Las técnicas empleadas para la obtención de muestras de lesiones torácicas, mediante Punción Aspiración con Aguja Fina (PAAF) y Biopsia con Aguja Gruesa (BAG), a partir de punciones percutáneas guiadas por exploraciones radiológicas (con Tomografía Computarizada (TC), fluoroscopia-TC o ecografía), tienen un papel destacado en tres escenarios clínicos concretos: 1) Manejo y diagnóstico del nódulo pulmonar: • Diferenciación benignidad vs malignidad, caracterización anatomopatológica +/- microbiológica. 2) Diagnóstico y estadificación del cáncer de pulmón: • Tipificación anatomopatológica e inmunohistoquímica, realización de estudios moleculares (basales y de resistencia a los tratamientos imp…

nódulos pulmonaresestudio molecularlesiones torácicascomplicacionesbiopsia con aguja gruesatomografía computarizadaUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASmediastinopunción aspiración con aguja finafluoroscopia tcecografíacáncer de pulmóndiagnóstico

Effect of different application strategies of universal adhesive used for immediate and delayed dentin sealing on the microtensile bond strength of s…


Bond strength of indirect restorations is a very important issue that should be given special attention. Immediate dentin sealing (IDS) technique has been suggested in recent years. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different s

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Security and Privacy Assessment for Medical Technical Devices: A Playbook for Evaluating Cybersecurity and Privacy


This thesis presents a detailed assessment methodology for medical devices that use Bluetooth connectivity, incorporating both technical and privacy considerations. The framework, referred to as the playbook, provides a practical guide for Sykehuspartner to better evaluate and mitigate cybersecurity risks before procuring new medical technical equipment connected to applications with Bluetooth. The evaluation of privacy and Application Programming Interface (API) security in the procurement process of medical technical equipment is addressed in the research. The study introduces a playbook divided into four sections: network traffic, Bluetooth security, terms/conditions of use, and token se…

El carrusel de los obispos. Redes eclesiásticas en la Monarquía católica


The royal patronage was configured as a space for mobility of bishops not only among the dioceses of continental Spain, but among all the kingdoms and territories of the Habsburg Monarchy, including America. In this context, the examination of the careers of the Spanish prelates who were bishops in Sicily (sometimes before or after occupying Neapolitan sees) allows to reconstruct well-drawn and narrow routes, which hardly communicate with each other. The investigation of these trajectories is a clear demonstration of how ecclesiastical careers woven a warp through the domains of the Habsburg Monarchy over which a web of close relations and exchanges of religious, cultural, and political exp…

Settore M-STO/07 - Storia Del Cristianesimo E Delle ChieseRoyal Patronage Bishops Spain Sicily Early modern ageSettore M-STO/02 - Storia Moderna

Photoelectrocatalytic reactors and light sources


Photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) couples electrochemical methods with photocatalysis (PC) to enhance the separation of the photoproduced electron and hole pairs at semiconductor active surface, thus increasing the photocatalytic efficiency. PEC technology is considered one of the most promising method for processes as water treatment, fuel generation, and PEC sensing. This chapter try to link fundamental research and practical applications in photoelectrochemical engineering including reactors design strategies in different scales.

Settore ING-IND/24 - Principi Di Ingegneria ChimicaLight sources PEC reactors Reactor designSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle Tecnologie

Alice Giannitrapani (éd.), Foodscapes: cibo in città, Milan, Cartacea, 2021, 284 p.


Cela a dû arriver à tout le monde. À Paris, au pied de la Tour Eiffel en mangeant des macarons ou une crêpe sucrée, à Palerme, avec un « panino con le panelle » sur le rivage du village balnéaire de Mondello, ou encore à Amsterdam, en se promenant sur les canaux avec un cornet en papier rempli de chips ou à Berlin, avec une bière et un jarret de porc fumé parmi les tables d’un restaurant typique. Partout, la nourriture nous relie aux lieux que nous visitons car il est dans le sens commun que la visite d’une ville passe aussi par la dégustation des plats qui la caractérisent. Elle est au cœur, après tout, du tourisme œno-gastronomique : le tour du street food ou les forfaits gastronomiques d…

Semiotics food city urban foodification gastronomy spaceSettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi

Association of accelerometer‐measured physical activity and midlife income : A Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study


This study investigated the association between physical activity (PA) and midlife income. The population-based data comprised employed members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (N = 2797). Using binned scatterplots and polynomial regressions, we evaluated the association between accelerometer-measured moderate PA (MPA), vigorous PA (VPA), and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) at 46 years old and register-based income at 50 years old. The models were adjusted for sex, marital status, number of children, education, adolescent PA, occupational physical strenuousness, and time preference. We found MPA (p < 0.001), VPA (p < 0.05), and MVPA (p < 0.001) to associate curvilinearly with income…

tulotincomepopulation-based studyaccelerometer-measured physical activitykeski-ikämiddle agekohorttitutkimusfyysinen aktiivisuuseconomic analysisprospective study

“Historical fiction is back”: (Non)Fictional Pasts and Presents in Fred Khumalo’s metahistorical romance, The Longest March


International audience; This article examines the ways Fred Khumalo’s second historical novel, The Longest March, blends different genres – from the use of gothic tropes to the rewriting of historical romances – to reflect on both the fabricated and limited nature of narrative, as well as its necessity in the South African context. The article concludes that The Longest March qualifies as a “metahistorical romance”, as it blurs the boundary between fiction and nonfiction while questioning historical discourse.

South African history[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureFred KhumaloGothic literatureSouth African literatureHistorical fiction

Et lite skritt over kanten: En studie av Björks album Fossora som inspirasjonskilde til eget kunstnerisk arbeid


Denne masteroppgaven utforsker albumet Fossora av Björk. Gjennom et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid med en fenomenologisk tilnærming undersøker oppgaven min prosess med å utvide egne estetiske preferanser i låtskriving i møte med det musikalske og visuelle utrykket til Björk.

Les ponts de Loire entre Jargeau et St-Denis-de-l’Hôtel (Loiret)


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistoryarchéologie subaquatiquepontarchéologie du bâtihistoire des techniques[SHS.ARCHI] Humanities and Social Sciences/Architecture space management

Measurement of inclusive and leading subjet fragmentation in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV


This article presents new measurements of the fragmentation properties of jets in both proton–proton (pp) and heavy-ion collisions with the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We report distributions of the fraction zr of transverse momentum carried by subjets of radius r within jets of radius R. Charged-particle jets are reconstructed at midrapidity using the anti-kT algorithm with jet radius R = 0.4, and subjets are reconstructed by reclustering the jet constituents using the anti-kT algorithm with radii r = 0.1 and r = 0.2. In proton–proton collisions, we measure both the inclusive and leading subjet distributions. We compare these measurements to perturbative calculatio…

quark-gluon plasmakvarkki-gluoniplasmahiukkasfysiikkajets and jet substructure

Puettavat mittarit vähensivät fyysistä aktiivisuutta


motivaatioliikuntapsykologiaälytekniikkapuettava teknologialiikuntafyysinen aktiivisuus

The wind of protest goes ... and then returns. Feminist movements in Italy from the 1970s to the 2020s


The chapter deals with the actual trends in the sociology of social movements within multi-level governance. In the first part, it illustrates the differences between “Movements of the 1960s and 1970s” and “New” social movements, stressing the approach defined by Jürgen Habermas. As a focus, it points out a critical analysis of collective mobilisation in Italy. In the face of a trend towards alignment of urban governance modes across Europe, current mobilisations revolve around issues of environmental protection, access rights to high-quality schools, higher education, work, protection for working mothers etc. The forecasts of rapid exhaustion of the protest waves of the 1960s and 1970s wit…

Settore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E Comunicativifeminist movements Berlusconism cultural violence collective actionSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generale

Genetic Variability in Selected ZnT8 SNPs in the Opolskie Voivodeship (Poland) - Relationship with Type 2 Diabetes and its Complications and Accompan…


Introduction: Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) is of multigeneous origin, and its course may be modified by autoimmune mechanisms. It can be assumed that the clinically different course of diabetes depends, among others, on the genetically determined efficiency of the mechanisms of zinc homeostasis maintenance. The study of the relationship of mutations in the gene encoding ZnT8 with the tendency to the occurrence of diabetes and its course may result in new therapeutic possibilities in the future. It is also interesting because in leukocytes only ZnT8 shows significant individual variability in expression under physiological and pathological conditions, which indicates its genetic determinan…

Opolskie voivodeship; Type-2 diabetes mellitus; Leukocytes; Obesity; Hypertension; StrokesJournal of Medicine and Public Health

Aproximació a les pedagogies del bosc: Acompanyament respectuós a la primera infància a la natura


Aquesta tesi presenta una investigació completa al voltant del significat del concepte "educar" i ho fa a través de la reflexió que li aporta la pregunta de recerca, la qual gira al voltant de la relació educativa. A més, ofereix un estudi de camp en el qual explica la seua experiència pedagògica en un lloc i temps determinats: en un projecte d'educació lliure a la natura. És una investigació situada en un context concret, pràctic, però que beu d'antecedents teòrics i acadèmics que possibiliten reflexió, teorització i consolidació de coneixements. S'interessa per intentar comprendre les relacions educatives i ho fa des d'una mirada que vol, no tant crear coneixement expert, com acostar-se a…

acompanyamentjoc lliurenaturainfànciaboscprimera infànciaPedagogiaacompanyament respectuós

Recension : Christian Le Bart et Florian Mazel (dir.), Écrire les sciences sociales, Écrire en sciences sociales, Rennes, Presses universitaires de R…


[SHS.MUSEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Cultural heritage and museology[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/Historyécriture scientifiquehistoriographiehistoire culturelle

Creep–recovery and oscillatory rheology of flour-based systems


The chapter reviews the application of creep-recovery and oscillatory rheological tests in flour based systems, including simple flour water systems, and more complex ones, such as bread, cookies and biscuits. A theoretical introduction about the fundaments and methods of linear viscoelastic rheology is presented, including general mathematical models and their application in flour based systems. A summary of experimental conditions to perform the rheological tests is covered. Functionality of flour based systems is extremely dependent on their viscoelastic properties. Processes like mixing, pumping, lamination, baking performance have been found to be strongly dependent on the system visco…

Materials scienceMathematical modelMixing (process engineering)04 agricultural and veterinary sciences040401 food scienceViscoelasticitylaw.inventionCondensed Matter::Soft Condensed Matter03 medical and health sciences0404 agricultural biotechnology0302 clinical medicineCreepRheologylawLaminationOscillatory rheology030221 ophthalmology & optometryComposite material