showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
The influence of Sb doping on the local structure and disorder in thermoelectric ZnO:Sb thin films
The experiment at HASYLAB/DESY was performed within the project I-20200161 EC. The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under the Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020. Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2. This work was carried out in part through the use of the INL Advanced Electron Microscopy, Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility. This work (proposal ID 2018–020-022469) was car…
Estrategias de funcionalización alternativas de la micotoxina alternariol y desarrollo de métodos inmunoquímicos para el análisis rápido de alimentos
El alternariol es un metabolito secundario producido por hongos del género Alternaria que se puede encontrar a concentraciones relativamente altas (μg/kg) en numerosos alimentos de origen vegetal. Debido a su toxicidad, con efectos mutagénicos y carcinogénicos demostrados, está considerado una amenaza emergente para la salud animal y humana. Por estos motivos, la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ha establecido límites máximos tolerables de ingesta diaria de esta micotoxina y recomienda la realización de más estudios y controles en alimentos, particularmente en aquellos destinados al consumo infantil. En consecuencia, se requieren métodos de análisis que permitan la determin…
Creating translanguaging space through schoolscape design and reflective practices
La observación de aula como herramienta de desarrollo profesional: el caso del OCDE Global Teaching InSights
Se presenta el proyecto Global Teaching InSights Video Study, de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos [OCDE], cuyo objetivo es potenciar la grabación y el análisis de sesiones de clases como herramienta de desarrollo profesional y de formación de docentes de matemáticas. Se describe el trabajo llevado a cabo por los autores coordinando grupos de trabajo que se encargaron de diseñar un estudio de caso basado en un vídeo de una clase real. La difusión pública de los vídeos producidos permite, además, abordar el diseño de investigaciones centradas en observación guiada de la práctica de la enseñanza de las matemáticas.
Enjoyment of Interactive Fiction Compared to Non-Interactive fiction, in a Norwegian EFL Classroom
This master’s thesis aims to shed light on using “interactive fiction” (IF) to promote reader engagement in a Norwegian EFL (English foreign language) classroom. In this thesis I look at interactive fiction in light of reading pleasure, enjoyment, and extensive reading. In this paper, I research whether a class of eighteen Norwegian 5th grade EFL students enjoy interactive fiction. The classroom intervention spanned three 60-minute English lessons, over three days. For this project they read both an interactive text and a non-interactive one. The students wrote reading journals where they wrote about their experiences with the two texts, before they answered a questionnaire on the final day…
Viaggi nell’immaginario: il turismo virtuale nel sito UNESCO di Tarragona
Le nuove tecnologie hanno trasformato in modo radicale non solo la geografia come disciplina, ma anche le geografie del mondo. Il digitale ha assunto, infatti, un ruolo di mediazione sempre più pervasivo nella produzione dello spazio, come delle conoscenze e degli immaginari geografici. Le possibilità offerte dal virtuale, in particolare, offrono oggi un contributo decisivo nella comunicazione dei significati attribuiti ai luoghi e rispondono in modo sempre più efficace ai bisogni emergenti del settore turistico. Le esperienze di visita mediate dal digitale mirano a coinvolgere i sensi e risultano efficaci quando promuovono immersioni rigorosamente realistiche. Nel quadro di queste riflessi…
Zeolites for the nutrient recovery from wastewater
To meet the growing food demand of the world population, excessive use of chemical fertilizers is occurring to improve soil fertility and crop production. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers is not economically and environmentally sustainable. Indeed, from one hand, due to the increasing demand of fertilizers is rising their costs whereas, on the other hand, the accumulation of fertilizers in wastewaters is altering the homeostasis of the ecosystems thus causing serious damages to human health [1,2]. The recovery of nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), from wastewaters is a good option to counteract both economic and environmental issues raised by the excessive use of f…
Virhe ei ole kirosana, vai onko? : opettajien käsityksiä virheestä
Meistä monet ehkä muistavat, miten opettaja oli merkinnyt virheet punakynällä kirjoitelmiin ja koepapereihin. Virheiden määrä tavallisesti vaikutti siihen, minkä arvosanan tai pistemäärän suorituksesta sai. Kirjoittamisen ja puhumisen taidoissa virheet ovat tänä päivänäkin usein ratkaisevassa asemassa määriteltäessä oppijan taitoa, vaikka virheisiin keskittymisen sijaan on pyritty siirtämään huomio osaamisen tunnistamiseen. Puhumme arvioinnin ja opetuksen yhteydessä virheistä ja puutteista, mutta mikä virhe oikeastaan on? nonPeerReviewed
How do security managers motivate employees' security behavior - Leadership perspective
In today’s digital world, there are several possible threats to organizations. Because of these possible threats, it is important to be as aware as possible and prepared for attacks to occur. Large and small organizations should have a good team of employees and a good leader to carry the organization through possible threats and attacks. Cybersecurity is not just about technology but a mix of different aspects involving people and policy. For an organization to succeed in the field of cybersecurity, the organization needs to have committed and skilled managers at the top. This study examines how security managers seek to motivate and influence employees' security behavior and which leaders…
Quadrupole and octupole collectivity in the semi-magic nucleus 80,206Hg126
The first low-energy Coulomb-excitation measurement of the radioactive, semi-magic, two proton-hole nucleus 206Hg, was performed at CERN’s recently-commissioned HIE-ISOLDE facility. Two γ rays depopulating low-lying states in 206Hg were observed. From the data, a reduced transition strength B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) = 4.4(6) W.u was determined, the first such value for an N = 126 nucleus south of 208Pb, which is found to be slightly lower than that predicted by shell-model calculations. In addition, a collective octupole state was identified at an excitation energy of 2705 keV, for which a reduced B(E3) transition probability of 30+10−13 W.u was extracted. These results are crucial for understand…
Innowacyjne papiery wartościowe – nowe spojrzenie na problem finansowania banków komercyjnych
La détermination de la résidence habituelle de l'enfant dans l'application du Protocole de La Haye du 23 novembre 2007 sur la loi applicable aux obli…
(CJUE, 12 mai 2022, aff. C-644/20, D. actu., 30 mai 2022, obs. F. Mélin ; Droit de la famille no 7-8, juill. 2022, comm. 116, commentaire A. Devers)
Ecological Sustainability and Steering of Finnish Comprehensive Schools
AbstractWith the climate catastrophe and biodiversity loss, our globe is facing enormous challenges: the basis of life on Earth is in danger. Eco-anxiety and global eco-social crises are also driving education to search for solutions to build a sustainable future, for instance the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development views education as a key instrument for change. One of the key promises of the Finnish Ministry of Education is to commit to sustainable development, and the Finnish National Forum for Skills Anticipation states that important future skills should include knowledge of sustainable development. In national reports on how to carry out Agenda 2030, Finland has hig…
La lectrice-spectatrice d’Autant en emporte le vent face à l’érotisation de la violence
Motivaatio+maamme kielikoulutuspolitiikka=monikielisyyttä?
Le codesign en santé : un outil de légitimation ?
Security and Privacy Assessment for Medical Technical Devices: A Playbook for Evaluating Cybersecurity and Privacy
This thesis presents a detailed assessment methodology for medical devices that use Bluetooth connectivity, incorporating both technical and privacy considerations. The framework, referred to as the playbook, provides a practical guide for Sykehuspartner to better evaluate and mitigate cybersecurity risks before procuring new medical technical equipment connected to applications with Bluetooth. The evaluation of privacy and Application Programming Interface (API) security in the procurement process of medical technical equipment is addressed in the research. The study introduces a playbook divided into four sections: network traffic, Bluetooth security, terms/conditions of use, and token se…
Coupling of Structural Additions for the Mitigation of Seismic Response in Existing Buildings
In the present paper, additions in structural steelwork are utilized for giving new life to old buildings in regions characterized by medium/high seismic hazard. Two models are here proposed, i.e.: vertical addition for masonry buildings and lateral addition for r.c. buildings. For the model of vertical addition, the connection between the masonry and steel structures is realized by means of an Intermediate Isolation System (IIS). For the model of lateral addition, an exoskeleton (EXO) is connected to the existing building by means of rigid or flexible and dissipative link. Two buildings, representative of the heterogeneous Italian building stock, are selected as case studies. Parametric an…
Developing Practices and Approaches to Electronic Popular Music in Education
Paper III and paper IV are excluded from the dissertation until they are published. The field of electronic popular music education is a relative newcomer compared to most other educational fields within the arts, and the relationships between educational purposes, between the teacher and the students, and between technology and musical parameters are not as established as they are elsewhere. Through the four articles constituting this thesis, various ways of teaching electronic popular music are explored, all of which emphasize to some degree these relationships. In Article 1, I make broad discussions using continental educational theory—in particular, the work of Biesta—to generate pertin…
OLF : RGB-D Adaptive Late Fusion for Robust 6D Pose Estimation
RGB-D 6D pose estimation has recently gained significant research attention due to the complementary information provided by depth data. However, in real-world scenarios, especially in industrial applications, the depth and color images are often more noisy. Existing methods typically employ fusion designs that equally average RGB and depth features, which may not be optimal. In this paper, we propose a novel fusion design that adaptively merges RGB-D cues. Our approach involves assigning two learnable weight α 1 and α 2 to adjust the RGB and depth contributions with respect to the network depth. This enables us to improve the robustness against low-quality depth input in a simple yet effec…
Les projections d’orientation en STAPS chez les lycéennes : entre attractivité d’autres filières et cohérence d’habitus féminin
Cette contribution montre que, si les lycéennes évoquent l’existence de représentations stéréotypées particulièrement présentes parmi leurs camarades (masculins en particulier) et plus encore parmi les médias (internet, réseaux sociaux et télévision), la formation (ou pas) d’un projet d’orientation en STAPS ne semble pas en premier lieu influencée par une représentation particulièrement masculine de la formation en STAPS et des métiers qui lui sont associés. Elle permet de souligner que les lycéennes qui n’envisagent pas de s’orienter en STAPS se caractérisent par des choix scolaires et sportifs ainsi que des goûts qui s’organisent autour de pratiques, de compétences et de dispositions assi…
El papel de la información contable del impuesto sobre sociedades para la predicción de los resultados futuros
El reconocimiento contable del impuesto sobre sociedades representa el punto en el que convergen las normas contables y fiscales y a partir del cual se manifiestan las diferencias. El impuesto sobre sociedades devengado ha sido el inicio de esta investigación, motivada en el interrogante sobre su contenido, significado y utilización. La literatura ha utilizado las diferencias entre contabilidad y fiscalidad para relacionarlas con las características del resultado contable, en concreto con su crecimiento y persistencia y con la utilización que el mercado hace de la información sobre impuestos contenida en los informes financieros o para analizar si es utilizada para manipular resultados. Est…
Les paysages forestiers de l’approvisionnement parisien : les conséquences environnementales du flottage dans le Haut Morvan montagnard (XIVe-XVIIIe …
Innagerende atferd og relasjonsetablering
Formålet ved å gjennomføre denne studien var å rette et søkelys mot elever som viser en innagerende atferd, og hvordan lærere i skolen kan etablere en trygg og god relasjon til denne elevgruppen. Elever som viser en innagerende atferd har ofte vansker med å komme i relasjon til læreren (Drugli, 2012, s. 80-81). Denne elevgruppen vil derfor ha et ekstra behov for at læreren ser dem, og aktivt går inn for å etablere en relasjon. For å belyse hvordan læreren kan etablere en trygg og god relasjon til denne elevgruppen valgte vi følgende problemstilling: “Hvordan etablerer læreren en trygg og god relasjon til elever som viser en innagerende atferd?" I studiens teori og tidligere forskning ble re…
Impact of nuclear matrix element calculations for current and future neutrinoless double beta decay searches
Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta\beta}$ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. A crucial role is played by the recently discovered short-range contribution to the NME, induced by light Majorana neutrino masses. Depending on the NME model and the relative sign of the long- and short-range contributions, the current $3\sigma$ bound can change between $m_{\beta\beta} < 40$ m…
Kjerneelementet Resonnering og argumentasjon i lærerveiledninger
Med innføringen av den nye læreplanen, Kunnskapsløftet 2020, ble viktige kompetanser i matematikkfaget listet opp ved hjelp av kjerneelementene. Disse gir lærerne tydelige retningslinjer for hva som skal gjennomsyre faget på tvers av temaene. Kjerneelementene er hva elevene må lære for å kunne mestre og anvende faget, og de skal bidra til at elevene over tid utvikler forståelse av innhold og sammenhenger. Et av kjerneelementene i matematikk er Resonnering og argumentasjon. Det handler om at elevene skal kunne følge, vurdere og forstå matematiske tankerekker, og at elevene skal begrunne fremgangsmåter, resonnementer og løsninger og bevise at disse er gyldige (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 20…
Quasi-rational solutions of the Hirota equation depending on multi-parameters and rogue waves
Quasi-rational solutions to the Hirota equation are given. We construct explicit expressions of these solutions for the first orders. As a byproduct, we get quasi-rational solutions to the focusing NLS equation and also rational solutions to the mKdV equation. We study the patterns of these configurations in the (x, t) plane.
Estrategias de subsistencia durante el Último Máximo Glacial. Una comparación entre la costa y las primeras elevaciones montañosas en la región centr…
El objetivo principal la presente tesis doctoral es analizar las estrategias de subsistencia de los cazadores-recolectores que habitaron la región central del Mediterráneo ibérico en el Solutrense. Un periodo cultural de gran relevancia dentro del Paleolítico superior de la península Ibérica, puesto que coincidió con la crisis climática del Último Máximo Glacial. A partir de dicho estudio se pretende completar la poca información existente en la región valenciana, aportando así una valoración más completa para la aplicación del modelo económico propuesto a principios del siglo XXI en la fase solutrense. La investigación aquí planteada se ha desarrollado a través de un análisis arqueozoológi…
Papin perhe ja paikallisyhteisö 1600-luvun loppupuolen Viipurin hiippakunnassa
Physical education in Finnish early childhood teacher education-curricula and preservice teachers' perceptions
Physical education (PE) course curricula in Finnish universities were reviewed and compared, and 274 preservice teachers' perceptions of their PE studies in Finnish early childhood teacher education (ECTE) programmes were investigated using quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the inductive content analysis revealed both knowledge- and skill-based learning outcomes, with teaching skills receiving the most emphasis. One-way ANOVAs revealed that the preservice teachers were relatively satisfied with their PE studies. They reported being prepared for teaching PE and provided detailed information on the policies regulating early childhood education and care (ECEC). However, they…
sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 - Supplemental material for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis o…
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content by Olli Tyrväinen, Heikki Karjaluoto, and Dandison Ukpabi in Journal of Interactive Marketing
Kreativ resonnering i arbeidet med problemløsningsoppgaver
Denne studien er en kvalitativ casestudie som omhandler kreativ resonnering i elevers arbeid med problemløsningsoppgaver. Formålet med studien er å finne ut hvilke uttrykksformer elevene bruker, og hvordan disse uttrykksformene bidrar og øker elevers muligheter til å kreativt resonnere. Jeg har valgt å koble kreativ resonnering til problemløsning, fordi elever gjennom møter med problemer er nødt til å tenke nytt, anvende nye strategier, og være kreative når de argumenterer for sine løsningsstrategier. Valget falt mer spesifikt på problemløsningsoppgaver innenfor tematikken romforståelse. I studien er det brukt deltakende observasjon som metode, med bruk av videoopptak. Datainnsamlingen fore…
Il contributo analizza il frammentario quadro normativo delle concessioni demaniali marittime, lacuali e fluviali con finalità turistico-ricreativa alla luce degli orientamenti della giurisprudenza domestica, con le significative pronunce del Consiglio di Stato e di quella della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea, in particolare della recentissima sentenza 20 aprile 2023 (C-348/22).
Parte IV Capitolo I, Impresa agricola e sistema agroalimentare
this chapter describes the agri-food system and the discipline of the relationships that distinguish it
L'introuvable gouvernance des forêts
La foresterie française est dans une impasse et souffre d'un manque de vision publique, l'État laissant les coudées franches aux propriétaires privés. Afin de poser les bases d'une filière forêt-bois vraiment durable, J.-P. Guyon plaide pour un abandon du principe de multifonctionnalité des forêts.
Measuring Movie Script Similarity using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions
Measuring similarity between multilayer networks is difficult, as it involves various layers and relationships that are challenging to capture using distance measures. Existing techniques have focused on comparing layers with the same number of nodes and ignoring interrelationships. In this research, we propose a new approach for measuring the similarity between multilayer networks while considering interrelationships and networks of various sizes. We apply this approach to multilayer movie networks composed of layers of different entities (character, keyword, and location) and interrelationships between them. The proposed method captures intra-layer and inter-layer relationships, providing…