showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Effect of different application strategies of universal adhesive used for immediate and delayed dentin sealing on the microtensile bond strength of s…
Bond strength of indirect restorations is a very important issue that should be given special attention. Immediate dentin sealing (IDS) technique has been suggested in recent years. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different s
Understanding small sports under globalization : a study on women’s American football: the global dynamics of women’s American football involving Fin…
With more attention given to women’s sports, this study focuses on the research gap in women's American football as a heavily under-researched field. The paper aims to examine the global dynamics of women's American football by highlighting the position of the sport in opportunities, challenges, and development process. The study investigates the environment of women's American football by asking the following questions: How is women's American football functioning in the USA and in Finland? What is the nature of international competition in the IFAF Women's World Championship? And what are the challenges and opportunities presented in women's football globally, in Finland, and in the USA? …
La Figura Profesional de la Educación Social en la Escuela. Estudio Comparado Entre España, Francia e Italia
Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS en adelante) de la Agenda 2030 tienen la finalidad de construir una sociedad sostenible en la dimensión social, la ambiental y la económica. Tal vez es un buen momento para aplicar un cambio de paradigma en la escuela, en el cual se tenga en consideración la dimensión social de la educación, necesaria para desarrollar la educación integral del alumnado, explícita en el Derecho a la Educación e implícita en la educación de calidad del ODS 4. Así mismo, debería garantizar la participación de la entera Comunidad Educativa en el funcionamiento del centro. En la introducción, se exponen experiencias y estudios que consideran que las educadoras y educad…
L´expression de l´inclusion et l´exclusion. Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d’équipes de football amateur.
Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d'équipes de football amateur.
El comercio electrónico en Bolivia: el nuevo horizonte y sus desafíos jurídicos
El comercio electrónico ha superado la inseguridad tecnológica y jurídica que le caracterizaba hace 20 años atrás. El ciberespacio ha dejado de ser el ámbito más desregularizado para convertirse en un espacio más controlado y seguro donde actualmente se regula la identidad digital, se brinda una cobertura a la protección de datos y se prevé la creación de un euro digital y la regulación de las criptomonedas y la inteligencia artificial. No obstante, el comercio electrónico está rodeado de un halo de desconfianza, pues dista mucho de estar plenamente regulado. El Comercio Electrónico en Bolivia se abrió camino a la fuerza y sin un marco normativo que le acompañe, pues la Ley General de Telec…
Langevin’s model for soliton molecules in ultrafast fi ber ring laser cavity: investigating the interplay between noise and inertia
We describe the vibration pattern of a soliton-molecule using the Langevin’s model, i.e. noise source combined with a deterministic model. This simpler model allows investigating the interplay between fl uctuation and dissipation mechanisms at play.
„Comparing“ American and South African literatures (through Afrofuturism): methodology and challenges (online seminar)
My original thesis project was ‘Representations of monstrosity in afrofuturist American and South African literature’, and it was meant as a follow up to my master’s thesis which consisted in analyzing monstrosity in short story collections by an African American and a South African author: Friday Black (Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, 2018) and Intruders (Mohale Mashigo, 2018). I had used afrofuturism not as my main focus then, but as a subchapter in my work, When I started working on my thesis project, I took the term ‘afrofuturism’ for granted when applied to South African works, but the texts I have read and the (South African) encounters I have had have led me to rethink my work and my appro…
"Jokainen opiskelija asettaa itse omat tavoitteensa" : lukion vieraiden kielten opettajien käytänteitä ja käsityksiä eriyttävästä arvioinnista
Tarkastelimme lukion kieltenopettajien käsityksiä ja käytäntöjä eriyttävästä arvioinnista. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella (n=48) sekä neljän opettajan yksilöhaastatteluilla. Opettajat käyttivät laajasti erilaisia arviointimenetelmiä, kuten kirjoitelmia ja esseitä, jatkuvaa arviointia, suljettuja kokeita sekä kuuntelu- ja sanakokeita. Opettajat kokivat eriyttävän arvioinnin haasteellisena, erityisesti ylöspäin eriyttämisen näkökulmasta. Vaikka arvioinnin eriyttäminen oli kokonaisuutena vähäistä, tuli tutkimuksessa kuitenkin esiin varsin monipuolinen kirjo erilaisia eriyttävän arvioinnin menetelmiä niin ennakoivaan, formatiiviseen kuin summatiiviseen arviointiin liittyen nonPeerReviewed
Tilrettelegging for en vellykket og varende implementering av Lean
Denne masteroppgaven belyser hvordan ledelsesgruppen best mulig kan tilrettelegge for en varende og vellykket Lean implementering i en små og mellomstor bedrift gjennom en casestudie av et mekanisk verksted på Sørlandet. Masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan ledelsesgruppen på et tidlig stadige av Lean implementering kan arbeide og tilrettelegge for å sikre at Lean blir varende praksis i bedriften. På bakgrunn av dette ble problemstillingen til studien følgende: \textit{Hvordan kan ledelsesgruppen best mulig tilrettelegge for en vellykket og varende implementering av Lean hos Sigurd Seland AS?}. Masteroppgaven har som mål å dekke kunnskapshullene i forskningslitteratur som omhandler Lean implem…
Characterization of the epigenetic modifications in human uterine leiomyomas and evaluation of their potential as therapeutic targets in vitro
Los miomas o fibromas uterinos (UL) son los tumores benignos más frecuentes en las mujeres en edad reproductiva. A pesar de su elevada prevalencia y de las diferentes opciones de tratamiento, no existe terapia eficaz para la reducción del tamaño de los UL que sea mínimamente invasiva y sin efectos secundarios a largo plazo. Su patología tumoral permanece desconocida, lo que dificulta el desarrollo de tratamientos seguros y eficaces. Por lo tanto, la identificación de los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la generación de UL podría permitir el desarrollo de tratamientos más eficaces. Las modificaciones epigenéticas están implicadas en el desarrollo de los tumores y pueden revertirse media…
Herdeteknologi – modellering av betongens temperatur- og fasthetsutvikling
For many years, Heidelberg Materials Cement Norway has offered the Norwegian concrete market the curing technology software HETT97. This software is a planning tool for simulating temperature and strength development in constructions. In addition, the program considers the concrete composition, heat and strength development and conditions such as construction type, formwork types and weather conditions etc. This is crucial for proper planning of casting work, such as preventing freezing of fresh concrete in accordance with NS-EN 13670 +NA, which specifies that concrete must not freeze at temperatures below 0 °C until the achieved compressive strength in the concrete surface reaches 5 MPa. A…
Essays on Digitalization and Firm Performance
Esta tesis doctoral analiza cómo el uso de las tecnologías digitales (TD) afecta las decisiones de las empresas en el comercio internacional y el empleo. La rápida expansión de estas tecnologías ofrece oportunidades para reducir costes asociados a la distancia física, lo que permite a las empresas llegar a más clientes y ampliar sus mercados. Sin embargo, el hecho de que las TD también puedan ser sustitutas de la mano de obra, remplazando a los humanos en sus trabajos y aumentando potencialmente el desempleo, suscita preocupación. Así pues, estos dos temas serán abordados en la tesis. Primer, los Capítulos 1 y 2 se centrarán en el impacto de la digitalización en el comercio internacional. M…
The obstacles to the development of secondary education in Spain, 1857-1900
Human capital is one of the pillars of economic growth and development. However, the economic analysis of human capital presents a large number of difficulties, especially since the mechanisms that allow the accumulation of this type of capital, skills and knowledge, are intrinsic to human nature and, in general, are difficult to determine. But, in addition, the formation of human capital results from formal and informal learning and occurs throughout life, so its measurement is a challenge. Trying to overcome the drawbacks that the analysis of human capital poses, some researchers have proposed the differentiation of human capital into types or levels in order to see its differential effec…
Vedlikehold av stolpene i distribusjonsnettet i Agder - Levetidsstudie
Full text not available This thesis was written in collaboration with Glitre Nett, where the purpose is to analyse the lifespan of power masts in the high voltage distribution grid in Agder. This is done by studying several factors that can impact the lifespan of the masts and by developing a model to estimate the number of masts that should be replaced in the coming years, based on how the grid is operated today. Access to electricity is essential in today's society. However, it is difficult to determine an exact lifespan for the power lines in the grid. Therefore, several factors such as impregnation, foundation and the number of poles were considered as possible influencing factors on th…
Miarkowanie kary umownej w ramach powództwa o jej zwrot – glosa do wyroku Sądu Okręgowego w Olsztynie z 5.12.2018 r., IX Ca 758/18
Komentowane orzeczenie dotyczy możliwości miarkowania kary umownej po tym, jak została ona zapłacona przez dłużnika z zastrzeżeniem zwrotu. Główny problem w sprawie stanowiło to, czy powód może skutecznie wystąpić z odrębnym powództwem o zwrot części zapłaconej już pozwanemu kary. Istota postępowania sprowadzała się do określenia formy i momentu wystąpienia przez dłużnika z żądaniem miarkowania kary umownej. Sąd zgodził się z tezą, że do miarkowania może dojść na skutek powództwa wytoczonego przez dłużnika. Natomiast przyjął kontrowersyjne stanowisko, które zostało poddane w niniejszej glosie krytyce, że do miarkowania nie może dojść po tym, jak kara została zapłacona
On relationship types, their strength, and reward crowdfunding backer behavior
ispartof: JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH vol:154 status: published
Non-abusing mothers’ formal support needs after child sexual abuse disclosure : the case of North Cyprus
This article investigates the formal support needs of mothers whose child has been sexually abused. Previous research has focused mostly on the provision of support for abused children to the relative neglect of mothers’ support needs. Here, formal support refers to resources and services from organisations, professionals and authorities, with a specific focus on social welfare services. This article is based on a thematic analysis of semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 15 non-abusing mothers in North Cyprus. Analysis of the mothers’ experiences revealed needs of support in four important domains: financial support; child day-care services and social facilities for children and adults…
La regolazione della cybersecurity in Italia
Il saggio offre una panoramica generale della regolazione e dell'organizzazione della sicurezza cibernetica in Italia. In particolare, dopo una premessa volta a dedicare alcuni cenni all'evoluzione della materia e alla disciplina europea, l'elaborato si sofferma sullo stato dell'arte e sulle future sfide in materia di cybersecurity.
Lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointi kielen asemaa tukemassa
Lasten kielitaidon ja kielen kehityksen arviointi ja seuranta on tärkeää monesta eri syystä niin yksittäisen lapsen ja perheen kuin laajemmin kieliyhteisön ja kielen tutkimuksen kannalta. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointia. Artikkelissa tuomme esiin lasten viittomakielen taidon arviointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä asioita, joita arvioinnin toteutuksessa on otettava huomioon. Esittelemme lyhyesti myös suomalaisen viittomakielen arviointiin kehitettyjä arviointimateriaaleja. Lisäksi pohdimme lasten viittomakielen taidon arvioinnin mahdollisia vaikutuksia viittomakielten asemaan Suomessa. nonPeerReviewed
Parte II Capitolo I L'impresa agricola
this chapter examines the discipline of the agricultural enterprise in the light of the reform of the Italian civil code and the requests of European legislation towards the multifunctionality of the agricultural enterprise
Parte IV Capitolo I, Impresa agricola e sistema agroalimentare
this chapter describes the agri-food system and the discipline of the relationships that distinguish it
VI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa. Choroby rzadkie w XXI wieku. Abstrakty
Contributo allo studio delle modifiche “indirette” al processo del lavoro introdotte con il D.Lgs. n. 149/2022
L’Autore esamina alcune delle modifiche al codice di procedura civile introdotte con il D.Lgs. n. 149/2022, interrogandosi circa la loro applicabilità al processo del lavoro. Si tratta, in particolare: delle ordinanze ex artt. 183 ter e quater c.p.c.; del procedimento “semplificato” ex artt. 281 decies e ss., c.p.c.; delle udienze mediante collegamenti audiovisivi e del deposito di note scritte in sostituzione dell’udienza (artt. 127-127 ter c.p.c.); del rinvio pregiudiziale in Cassazione ex art. 363 bis c.p.c. The Author examines some of the amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure introduced with Legislative Decree no. 149/2022 and their applicability to the labor process. These are, in …
Socioeconomic position at the age of 30 and the later risk of a mental disorder : a nationwide population-based register study
BackgroundA study was undertaken to examine the association between multiple indicators of socioeconomic position (SEP) at the age of 30 and the subsequent risk of the most common mental disorders.MethodsAll persons born in Finland between 1966 and 1986 who were alive and living in Finland at the end of the year when they turned 30 were included. Educational attainment, employment status and personal total income were used as the alternative measures of SEP. Cox proportional hazards models were used to examine the association of SEP at the age of 30 with later risk of mental disorders. Additional analyses were conducted using a sibling design to account for otherwise unobserved shared famil…
Opplevd treneratferd og robust selvtillit blant norske lagidrettsutøvere
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different coach behavior and athletes robust sport-confidence in a sample of elite and non-elite athletes in football, handball, bandy and ice hockey in Norway, in a cross-sectional survey. More specifically, it was hypothesized that positive coaching behavior would affect robust sport-confidence in a positive way, and negative coaching behavior would affect robust sport-confidence in a negative way. This cross-sectional survey is part of a larger project called “Elite Team Project 2023”, and is based on data collections made in autumn 2022 and winter 2023 where male (n = 264) and female (n = 161) athletes from Oslo, Trondhei…
Estudio de intervención en pérdida de peso y cambios en los valores de parámetros metabólicos, antropométricos y modulación de fenotipos intermedios …
El Síndrome metabólico junto a la obesidad son las grandes pandemias del siglo XXI estimando su prevalencia global superior al 30%. El Síndrome metabólico comienza con la obesidad central, siendo ésta la que promueve la aparición de otras alteraciones y factores de riesgo (la resistencia a la insulina, la hipertensión y la dislipidemia). La prevención de la obesidad y del Síndrome metabólico permitirá reducir la incidencia actual de enfermedades crónicas, incluidas la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y distintos tipos de cáncer, que, a su vez, son causas cada vez más importantes de discapacidad y muerte prematura. En el desarrollo del Síndrome metabólico intervienen diversos fact…
High Plasma Angiopoietin-2 Levels Predict the Need to Initiate Dialysis within Two Years in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Volume status, congestion, endothelial activation, and injury all play roles in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the plasma endothelial and overhydration markers could serve as independent predictors for dialysis initiation in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) 3b-5 (GFR < 45 mL/min/1.72 m2) and preserved ejection fraction. A prospective, observational study in a single academic center was conducted from March 2019 to March 2022. Plasma levels of angiopoietin (Ang)-2, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C (VEGF-C), Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1), Copeptin (CPP), beta-trace protein (BTP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)…
Delayed autotransplantation as a method of single defect treatment with sinus perforation. Case report
Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation is characterized by short healing periods, preservation of aesthetics and propriosensitivity in the area of the transplanted tooth and the possibility of its orthodontic movement. This
Tutkimus voi toiseuttaa uuden tiedon sijasta
Micro- CT evaluation of sealers removal by reciprocal instrumentation followed by continuous ultrasonic irrigation in teeth with oval root canals
The ability of the Reciproc system (R40) followed by continuous ultrasonic irrigation (CUI) to remove filling material from oval root canals of mandibular premolars filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus or Bio-C Sealer was evaluated by microtomography (mic
Do labels matter? Analysis of teachers' self-efficacy towards the autism spectrum disorder depending on the diagnostic label used (ASD or Asperger's)
Changes in the classification of autism and Asperger's syndrome led to changes in social perception of ASD. Since last criteria, studies indicate higher levels of stigma towards ASD than towards Asperger's. These prejudices are barriers to inclusive education. Thus, it is relevant (1) to evaluate preservice teachers' self-efficacy towards the label of ASD; (2) to evaluate pre-service teachers' selfefficacy towards the label of Asperger's and (3) to compare those results to analyse whether the use of different diagnostic labels brings about different levels of self-efficacy. One hundred and eighty-six primary education pre-service teachers participated in the current study. Two adaptations o…
La gestión de expedientes juveniles de reforma (I): un análisis de su tramitación en la fiscalía provincial de valencia (2011)
Se analizan la tramitación procesal de los expedientes penales incoados a menores de edad en la provincia de Valencia durante el año 2011, estudiando la exploración del menor y la derivación –o no– a mediación. Se deja para una segunda parte el análisis de los supuestos en que se realiza escrito de alegaciones, se sustancia vista y en su caso se impone medida. The procedural processing of criminal files initiated against minors in the province of Valencia during the year 2011 is analyzed, studying the exploration of the minor and the referral –or not– to mediation. The analysis of the cases in which a statement of allegations is made, the hearing is substantiated and, where appropriate, a m…
Ministeri muistelee järjestöremonttia
Cinc tipus d’alliberament laparoscòpic de l’angle esplènic. Lligament pancreatocòlic, un nou lligament en cirurgia colorrectal. Estudi anatomo-quirúr…
INTRODUCCIÓ:La mobilització de l'angle esplènic del còlon (MAEC) és una maniobra necessària a la cirurgia colorectal. El coneixement anatòmic d'aquesta zona quirúrgica és fonamental per evitar complicacions intraoperatòries. S'han descrit tres tipus de MAEC: anterior, lateral i medial. Clàsicament s'han descrit 3 lligaments que fixen angle esplènic del còlon (AEC): gastrocòlic, frenocòlic i esplenocòlic. A més hi ha fixacions entre el cos-cua pancreàtic i la zona adjacent del mesocòlon transvers que no reben un nom específic. Els objectius d’aquest treball són: demostrar l’existència de cinc formes diferents de MAEC per via laparoscòpica; i descriure, des del punt de vista macro i microscòp…
Sosial kapital som byggestein for bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling En casestudie av #vårtagder - en regional samhandlingsstruktur på Agder
Formålet med studien er å se på etableringen av samhandlingsstrukturen og nettverksmodellen #vårtagder og hvordan denne regionale samhandlingen på tvers av sektorer og fagområder kan være et virkemiddel for å løse komplekse samfunnsutfordringer. Fordi nettverksmodeller ikke bare er strukturelle, men også relasjonelle og kognitive, ønsker jeg å utforske disse dimensjonene i lys av teorier innen sosial kapital. Sosial kapital, som ifølge litteraturen er essensielt for mobilisering av den kollektive drivkraften i sivilsamfunnet (Putnam 1995, referert i Normann. et. al. 2014). Sosial kapital som fenomen er brukt som en indikator for å analysere tilnærmingen som er brukt for etableringen av #vår…