showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Les "darons" en festival électro : choc des générations à Tomorrowland ?
Même si l’origine de la musique électronique remonte aux années 1950 et 1960, c’est véritablement dans les années 80 et 90 avec les mouvements house et techno et le développement de la rave culture, qu’elle a conquis un large public. La génération des fans d’électro qui avaient 20 ans dans les années 80-90 en ont maintenant 50 ou plus encore. Néanmoins, l’électro garde une image associée à un public jeune, notamment du fait que les festivals, dont Tomorrowland, créé en Belgique en 2003 et qui a depuis essaimé dans le monde entier, véhicule cette idée au travers de sa communication ne mettant en scène que des festivaliers de 20-30 ans. Or, la communauté électro et donc celle des festivaliers…
The Rewilding Approach in Urban Design. The Case Study of Budolfi Plads in the Historic Centre of Aalborg (DK)
Dwelling on Earth responsibly means guaranteeing global environmental well-being, within which the habitable environment for human beings must find a new homeostasis. At the turn of the second and third millennium, tackling environmental degradation and halting the continued loss of biodiversity became a global policy goal. In this context, new approaches to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration are emerging, such as rewilding, an approach that aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of ecosystems by restoring natural processes and minimizing human management. The article analyses urban rewilding as a design approach aimed at restoring natural processes and reintroducing natu…
John Dewey e Romano Guardini in dialogo: riflessioni sulla democrazia
Alla luce dei più recenti avvenimenti storico-politici e delle conseguenti sfide educative della tardo-modernità, pare urgente tornare a riflettere su alcune essenziali tematiche, quali la persona e il bene comune. Il presente contributo intende proporre alcune considerazioni pratiche e teoretiche sull’agire democratico, avanzate, nel corso del Novecento, da due pensatori complementari nella loro differenza: John Dewey e Romano Guardini. È soprattutto dal dialogo fra gli scritti Democracy and Education dell’americano e la raccolta Scritti Politici del secondo, che emerge con evidenza l’importanza di ripartire dall’essenza della democrazia per risignificare i principi democratici su cui fond…
Ecological Sustainability and Steering of Finnish Comprehensive Schools
AbstractWith the climate catastrophe and biodiversity loss, our globe is facing enormous challenges: the basis of life on Earth is in danger. Eco-anxiety and global eco-social crises are also driving education to search for solutions to build a sustainable future, for instance the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development views education as a key instrument for change. One of the key promises of the Finnish Ministry of Education is to commit to sustainable development, and the Finnish National Forum for Skills Anticipation states that important future skills should include knowledge of sustainable development. In national reports on how to carry out Agenda 2030, Finland has hig…
How the Love of Truth Affects the Role of the Researcher : References to the “Third Mission” of Universities and References to the Field of Business …
This chapter discusses and highlights the role and, therefore, the responsibility of the researcher, of the scholar, in the context of a university institution, which is not usually limited to knowledge, but also to its transfer into the sphere—in primis—of the universitas studiorum, as well as scolarium (in addition to magistrorum), starting with the concept of “truth” and, subsequently, that of “love”1. Certain prescriptive considerations, which could involve the aforementioned role and, therefore, the ethics of the modus operandi of the researcher in question, with inevitable references to the purposes of their work and their goal of progress for mankind and society, will tendentially be…
31st EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2023)
Matlab/Simulink-Based Modeling for Industrial Electric Vehicle
The land transport sector has passed through multiple phases of evolution in design, development, and manufacturing of vehicles. In particular, the construction site continues to progress towards the autonomous vehicles (also called self-driving), which were one of its big trends and have become a hot topic in the industrial and academic world. By now, with this new technology of autonomous driving, we can ensure safety by reducing the number of road accidents, also the environmental impact and energy consumption is lessened. The modeling and simulation phases had become a mandatory step to design, characterize and simulate vehicle dynamics while reducing the cost of development. As they pr…
Pensare in maniera inventiva. Saggio introduttivo a Ottica e Pittura di H. von Helmholtz
Il saggio ricostruisce il contesto filosofico e scientifico in cui von Helmholtz perviene all’idea che la ricerca in arte, filosofia e scienza comporti benefici reciproci. Si espone la teoria della percezione che von Helmholtz consolida per fornire una giustificazione epistemologica ai risultati della ricerca scientifica sulla percezione visiva e sonora, in cui ottica, psicologia e fisiologia ne definiscono i livelli di analisi. Si illustrano sistematicamente i problemi di percezione delle forme, della profondità, della luce e del colore rilevanti per la visione e la pittura, rendendo esplicito il collegamento tra la ricerca sperimentale di von Helmholtz, quella di Newton, Wollastone, Wheat…
Co-precipitation of Mg-doped Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)₂:effect of magnesium doping and washing on the battery cell performance
Co-precipitation of Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)2 (NCM811) and Mg-doped (0.25 wt% and 0.5 wt%) NCM811 precursors is carried out from concentrated metal sulphate solutions. In this paper, the aim is to study the role of magnesium dopant in the co-precipitation step of NCM811, the cathode active material and further the Li-ion battery cell performance. Based on the results, magnesium was fully co-precipitated in the NCM811 precursors, as expected from thermodynamic calculations. The presence of magnesium in these precursors was also confirmed by several characterization methods and magnesium was evenly distributed in the sample. It was observed that tapped density decreased and surface area increased …
Additional file 10 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer
Additional file 10. Full Western blot membrane images represented in the manuscript.
Il simbolismo della vigna nella Maqāma manẓariyya dell’autore yemenita Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad al-Wazīr (m. 1508)
La descrizione del paesaggio e della natura è il tema centrale di alcune munāẓarāt yemenite scritte in epoca premoderna (XIV-XIX s.). Questi testi mettono in scena la disputa letteraria tra alcuni elementi della natura ma anche tra città, quartieri e borghi yemeniti immersi nel verde. Questi personaggi rivaleggiano tra loro esaltando le proprie bellezze naturalistiche e dando luogo a delle rappresentazioni paesaggistiche complesse. Tuttavia, un’attenta analisi letteraria di queste opere mostra che oltre al significato letterale ne è presente anche un altro di tipo simbolico; infatti dietro tali componimenti si celano spesso dei significati nascosti e l’elemento naturale e la sua descrizione…
Apport de la cytologie pour décrire et comprendre les dépérissements de la vigne
La vigne est une plante cultivée d’importance économique puisque la viticulture présente 15% de la valeur de la production agricole française pour une faible occupation des surfaces (3%). Pour autant, la viticulture fait présentement face à des difficultés liées, en particulier, à des problématiques de dépérissements du vignoble. Ces derniers sont multifactoriels (pathologiques, physiologiques, …) et impactent considérablement la durabilité des exploitations viti-vinicoles. Mieux les appréhender reste donc un défi actuel majeur.Dans ce cadre, il nous est apparu pertinent de travailler sur différents fronts complémentaires, tant dans les échelles d’observation, les approches utilisées et les…
Everybody wants to rule the world: playing SOLUTRE to foster local governance and transformative changes
Tunteisiin vetoava uhripuhe ja osaamattomat sotebyrokraatit : esimerkkinä rakenteellinen sosiaalityö ihmiskaupan vastaisen työn parissa
Esityksen lähtökohtana on sellainen ihmiskaupan vastaiseen työhön liittyvä julkinen ja viranomaiskeskustelu, jossa sotetoimijoita on vuosia arvosteltu siitä, etteivät ne tunne ihmiskaupan uhrin erityisasemaa sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluiden saajina eivätkä siksi osaa auttaa uhreja oikein. Ratkaisuksi on tarjottu kokonaan sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintalogiikasta ja vakiintuneista oppirakennelmista irrallinen ”auttamisjärjestelmä”. Erityisasemalla on viitattu sisäministeriön alaisen auttamisjärjestelmän muotoutuneisiin totuttuihin toimintatapoihin, jotka eivät ole perustuneet lakiin. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten, asiantuntijoiden ja organisaatioiden tehtäväksi…
La terminologie grecque du lait
Il saggio è incentrato sulla principale terminologia greca del latte e mira a sottolineare al contempo le implicazioni storico-culturali sul versante antropologico e fisiologico della lattazione e dell'allattamento, soprattutto nel rapporto tra madre e figlio, o tra nutrice e lattante. Sono presenti riferimenti agli usi alimentari e terapeutici.
Palermo-Patricolo. Il ripristino dell’architettura dei Normanni nel programma del riscatto ottocentesco della città
L’architetto Giuseppe Patricolo e la città di Palermo sono indissolubilmente legati, e forse senza le azioni del primo la notorietà della seconda sarebbe certamente ridimensionata. Non tutti lo sanno, ma Patricolo è stato il promotore e l’esecutore della riedizione della Pa-lermo capitale dell’epoca d’oro dei Normanni e preminente metropoli medievale che nel 2015 l’UNESCO ha inserito nel suo elenco con il noto riconoscimento di patrimonio dell’umanità di un itinerario di visita, denominato: Palermo arabo-normanna e le cattedrali di Cefalù e Monreale. Anche se l’accostamento potrebbe sembrare azzardato, il contributo che Eugène Viollet-le-Duc ha dato alla riscoperta e reinvenzione dell’archi…
New design and simulation of the ion guide for neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility
Measurements of independent fission yield distributions in neutron-induced fission at high neutron energies are important for our fundamental understanding of the fission process, and are also relevant for reactor physics applications. So far, measurements of independent fission yields in proton-induced fission have been performed at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyväskylä, using the Penning trap as a high resolving-power mass-filter. In order to also facilitate measurements of neutron-induced fission, a dedicated ion guide and a proton-to-neutron converter was developed. However, the first measurement indicates that fewer fission products than expected reach the Penning trap. To…
Delayed autotransplantation as a method of single defect treatment with sinus perforation. Case report
Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation is characterized by short healing periods, preservation of aesthetics and propriosensitivity in the area of the transplanted tooth and the possibility of its orthodontic movement. This
Does using the sociodental approach in oral health care influence use of dental services and oral health of adolescents living in deprived communitie…
Background Oral health needs assessment is important for oral health care planning. This study compared dental treatment needs between normative and sociodental needs. We also longitudinally examined the relationships of baseline sociodental needs measures and socioeconomic status with one-year follow up measures of use of dental services, dental caries, filled teeth, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Methods A prospective study was conducted with 12-year-old adolescents from public schools in deprived communities in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Validated questionnaires were used to collect adolescents’ sex and socioeconomic status, OHRQoL (CPQ11−14) and behaviours (sugar int…
Pollinisateurs : menaces, concurrence et virus
W sieci (obrazów, intryg i spisków) - na marginesie literackiej reprezentacji XIX wieku w prozie "Dominový efekt" Václava Vokolka
The subject of this article is an analysis of the representation of the nineteenth century in Václav Vokolek’s multithreaded prose work Dominový efekt. The work can be regarded as a specific continuation of the work Cesta do pekel, especially if the pictorial perspective and the conviction that humanity is in a network of secret organisations, conspiracies and, nowadays, various systems are regarded as common points. In this text, the focus is mainly on the reconstruction of the figure of Ernst Gustav Doerell, a 19th- century landscape painter of Northern Bohemia, whose paintings reflected the changes taking place in the natural landscape of the region. Using the historical prototype in par…
Arviointi voi tukea oppimista ja liikuntainnostusta
Na pograniczu chemii i biologii. Książka abstraktów
Toisen asteen opiskelijat pääosin tyytyväisiä opinto-ohjauksen saatavuuteen ja riittävyyteen
Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos (KTL) on selvittänyt OKM:n toimeksiannosta lukiokoulutuksen ja ammatillisen koulutuksen opinto-ohjauksen määrällistä saatavuutta ja riittävyyttä sekä resursoinnin keskeisiä puutteita ja kehittämiskohteita opiskelijoiden, ohjausta toteuttavan henkilöstön ja koulutuksen järjestäjien näkökulmista. nonPeerReviewed
Problemløsningsoppgaver i Scratch. En studie av elevers algoritmiske tenkning.
Gjennom et utvalg på fire elever på 6. trinn, ser denne studien på hvordan algoritmisk tenkning kommer til uttrykk i arbeid med problemløsningsoppgaver i Scratch. Studien er en kvalitativ case-studie, hvor elevene har gjennomført et undervisningsopplegg i par. Undervisningsopplegget inneholder problemløsningsoppgaver og legger til rette for algoritmisk tenkning. Datamaterialet ble samlet inn ved skjerm- og lydopptak, samt intervju. Datamaterialet ble videre analysert ut ifra forhånds definerte nøkkelbegreper for algoritmisk tenkning, og videre forklart og diskutert. Studien baseres på teori om Computational Thinking (CT), og bygger videre på tidligere forskning om hvordan algoritmisk tenkni…
Quels effets du dispositif « oui-si » sur la persévérante étudiante à l’université ?
Fragilità e situazioni carcerarie tra circuiti, sezioni protette e diritti negati
Uno sguardo alle funzioni del carcere attraverso la lente della fragilità consente di mettere in luce i limiti dell’attuale sistema penitenziario invitando l’interprete a riflettere su possibili soluzioni per contenerne i noti effetti negativi. L’organizzazione degli spazi, tra circuiti, sezioni e regimi, è espressione di come negli anni sia prevalsa la preoccupazione per la sicurezza, finendo, questa, per assorbire la rieducazione e la tutela di tanti diritti dei detenuti. A look at the functions of the prison through the lens of fragility allows us to highlight the limits of the current penitentiary system, inviting the interpreter to reflect on possible solutions to contain its known neg…
Characterization of the epigenetic modifications in human uterine leiomyomas and evaluation of their potential as therapeutic targets in vitro
Los miomas o fibromas uterinos (UL) son los tumores benignos más frecuentes en las mujeres en edad reproductiva. A pesar de su elevada prevalencia y de las diferentes opciones de tratamiento, no existe terapia eficaz para la reducción del tamaño de los UL que sea mínimamente invasiva y sin efectos secundarios a largo plazo. Su patología tumoral permanece desconocida, lo que dificulta el desarrollo de tratamientos seguros y eficaces. Por lo tanto, la identificación de los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la generación de UL podría permitir el desarrollo de tratamientos más eficaces. Las modificaciones epigenéticas están implicadas en el desarrollo de los tumores y pueden revertirse media…
La qualità delle istituzioni di un Paese ha un effetto significativo sulla sua performance economica. Istituzioni forti possono garantire un'allocazione efficiente delle risorse, ridurre l'incertezza e gli attriti e favorire il coordinamento tra gli agenti economici. Al contrario, istituzioni deboli determinano una riduzione degli investimenti, un rallentamento della crescita della produttività e una minore crescita del PIL. Buone istituzioni favoriscono le sinergie tra gli investimenti diretti esteri e le imprese locali, nonché le ricadute di produttività. Al contrario, istituzioni poco sviluppate possono interferire con le attività produttive e impedire lo sfruttamento delle ricadute di c…
Exploring the impact of projectification on organizational agility: A qualitative study of Norwegian firms
In recent years, the use of project work in organizations has had an increasing trend. The use of project-work offers a structured and effective way to manage complex tasks and achieve desired outcomes. Working through projects offer a range of benefits, including enhanced efficiency, collaboration, strategic alignment, higher level of flexibility and agility. For the success of project work, organizational agility is particularly crucial as it enables organizations to respond rapidly to changing circumstances. Projects empower organizations to respond to new market conditions, customer demands, and emerging technologies, demonstrating a high level of agility. With the increasing adoption o…
Long-term residential exposure to air pollution and risk of chronic respiratory diseases in Italy: The BIGEPI study
: Long-term exposure to air pollution has adverse respiratory health effects. We investigated the cross-sectional relationship between residential exposure to air pollutants and the risk of suffering from chronic respiratory diseases in some Italian cities. In the BIGEPI project, we harmonised questionnaire data from two population-based studies conducted in 2007-2014. By combining self-reported diagnoses, symptoms and medication use, we identified cases of rhinitis (n = 965), asthma (n = 328), chronic bronchitis/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CB/COPD, n = 469), and controls (n = 2380) belonging to 13 cohorts from 8 Italian cities (Pavia, Turin, Verona, Terni, Pisa, Ancona, Palermo,…
Clinical characteristics and 12-month outcomes of patients with myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries before and during the COV…
Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic complications.Objectives: We aimed to compare patient characteristics, and 12-month clinical outcomes of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed data of 51,734 patients with acute myocardial infarction registered in the nationwide PL-ACS database in 2019 and 2020, finally including 3,178 MINOCA patients. We compared baseline characteristics, management strategies, and 12-month clinical outcomes of MINOCA patients before (2019) and during (2020) the COVID-19 pandemic.Results: The M…
El arte de la medalla conmemorativa. Luis XIV de Francia como paradigma de retórica metálica
La clasificación de las artes en niveles de excelencia desde la Ilustración ha tenido para la historia del arte una serie de consecuencias que, junto con la etiqueta que supuso hablar desde entonces de las Bellas Artes frente a otras menores, relegó a secundarias toda una serie de manifestaciones artísticas que si bien podían haber sido menos ricas en cuanto a fuste monumental se refiere, solo hacia la contemporaneidad estaban sufriendo una significada caída en picado en cuanto a su producción y mecenazgo. La medallística -de la que excluimos para este estudio la medalla devocional, militar, gitones e insignias- aún siendo todavía un instrumento conmemorativo en uso durante la Edad Contempo…
Procesos de colonización y descolonización
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Digimedian katsojamääriä vaikea mitata
Not by the book: the teaching of history in Norwegian kindergartens
This article reports a local study of the presence of history as a subject in the kindergartens of Kristiansand, a municipality in southern Norway. There is no syllabus for history in the national curriculum; nevertheless, the research sought to find historical content in the kindergartens. The research method was informed by a precept of history didactics, namely that history is everywhere. Using this observation, tentative categories for content likely to feature history were formulated, and then searched for in the individual yearly plans of the kindergartens. This was supplemented by interviews. It is concluded that, in accordance with the national curriculum, history in the kindergarte…