showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Efficacy of stem cells in bone rehabilitation in patients with alveolar bone atrophy: a systematic review


Background: Biomedical engineering proposes the use of stem cells as a bone rehabilitation treatment in patients with alveolar bone defects. Many authors suggest that this innovative technique could represent the future of bone regeneration in dentistry. The present study systematically reviewed the efficacy of stem cells in bone regeneration in patients with alveolar bone atrophy. Material and methods: The study was developed following the criteria of the PRISMA guideline (2020). The literature review was conducted in Pubmed, Medline Complete, and Scopus. The search algorithms used the following key words: stem cells, bone regeneration, and alveolar ridge augmentation. To assess the risk o…

Tecnología de materialesCélulas madreMateriales dentalesmicroinvasionOdontologíaoral canceroral squamous cell carcinomasystematic reviewOtorhinolaryngologyhistopathological profilePérdida de hueso alveolarmicroinvasiveSurgeryTecnología médicaGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

La régulation biologique des bioagresseurs, thématique de recherche portée par le réseau Sebiopag


Fin mars, les équipes du domaine d’Epoisses ont accueilli le séminaire de l’Office Français de la Biodiversité. Durant 3 jours, les pollutions diffuses et l’agroécologie étaient au centre des rencontres et débats organisés

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

"Hvem er jeg?": Skeiv identitet i ungdomslitteratur


En tematisk analyse av Nora Dåsnes' "Ti kniver i hjertet" i lys av skeiv teori, og en litteraturdidaktisk refleksjon om bruken av den.

Wątki biograficzne w szkolnej edukacji historycznej


Die Legisaktionen


In this part of the textbook, the oldest form of Roman civil proceedings is reconstructed: the so-called legis actiones.

Roman civil trialSettore IUS/18 - Diritto Romano E Diritti Dell'Antichita'Roman LawLegis actione

Marilina Marchica. Lo spazio fragile


Il saggio prende in esame la produzione più recente che l'artista Marilina Marchica dedica al tema della fragilità attraverso un ciclo di opere accomunate dalla tecnica dell'ossido. Il contributo, pubblicato nell'omonimo catalogo, indaga quest'ultima produzione dell'artista nel contesto più ampio della sua produzione e nella prospettiva della poetica dei luoghi e dei frammenti come forma ibrida emblematica del nostro tempo e ispirata al topos delle rovine.

PaintingContemporary ArtExhibitionMarilina MarchicaSettore L-ART/03 - Storia Dell'Arte ContemporaneaCritical Essay

sj-docx-1-ldx-10.1177_00222194221150230 – Supplemental material for A Register Study Suggesting Homotypic and Heterotypic Comorbidity Among Individua…


Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-ldx-10.1177_00222194221150230 for A Register Study Suggesting Homotypic and Heterotypic Comorbidity Among Individuals With Learning Disabilities by Tuija Aro, Reeta Neittaanmäki, Elisa Korhonen, Heli Riihimäki and Minna Torppa in Journal of Learning Disabilities

FOS: Psychology170199 Psychology not elsewhere classifiedFOS: Educational sciences130312 Special Education and DisabilityEducation

Evolution Analysis of Ear Training Applications Use by Musicology Students


Learning Applications[SHS.MUSIQ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing artsMusic LearningEar Training Applications[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Blended LearningSurvey

A new playing field : Changing logics in the use of spaces by Finnish sport clubs


Purpose: Using an institutionalist approach, this paper examines the changing logics in the organisational field of Finnish sport clubs. More specifically, the utilisation of physical spaces by sport clubs is investigated. Research methods: Data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with 26 sport clubs from the Central Finland region and by obtaining club documents. Findings: Sport club’ expectations of spaces have diversified. They have started to use a broad range of spaces by various providers, to work towards innovative solutions with stakeholders, and to rely on club-owned facilities. In the process, the prerequisites for running and using the facilities have become m…

urheilu- ja liikuntaseurattilapalvelutliikuntatilatjärjestötoimintainstitutionalismi

Annerledes, men lik - bildebøkers potensiale i forebygging av sosioemosjonelle vansker hos skeive elever.


Denne masteroppgaven undersøker potensialet til å bruke skeiv barnelitteratur med den hensikt å forebygge sosioemosjonelle vansker hos skeive elever. Forskningsmaterialet for studien er bildebøkene Wilma har to mammaer (2015) av Lone Halvorsen og Maria Therese Olsen, og Prinsesse Ivar og vennene på fest (2020) av Marion Arntzen, Mona Renolen og Alva Swanstrøm Løvgren. Utgangspunktet for masteroppgaven er problemstillingen: Hvilket potensial har barnelitteratur som omhandler tematikken kjønn og seksualitet, ved forebygging av sosioemosjonelle vansker hos skeive elever? Wilma har to mammaer er en bildebok skrevet for barn, som tematiserer seksualitet, der leserne blir kjent med Wilma og henne…

Knowledge Brokering in an Era of Communication Visibility


This study presents an analysis of the extent to which enterprise social media (ESM) use enhances visibility of content (message transparency) and connections (network translucence) in organizations, and how this affects knowledge brokering. The findings support the theory of communication visibility by demonstrating that ESM use is associated with perceptions of message transparency and network translucence. Furthermore, the findings suggest that employees, regardless of their position within a network, are provided with a vision advantage and thus have the ability to engage in knowledge brokering. Future work needs to examine the impact of network characteristics on these effects. This ar…

läpinäkyvyystiedonvälitysenterprise social mediasosiaalinen mediayritysviestintäknowledge brokeringcommunication visibility theoryknowledge sharingnäkyvyyssisäinen viestintätiedonkulku

„Comparing“ American and South African literatures (through Afrofuturism): methodology and challenges (online seminar)


My original thesis project was ‘Representations of monstrosity in afrofuturist American and South African literature’, and it was meant as a follow up to my master’s thesis which consisted in analyzing monstrosity in short story collections by an African American and a South African author: Friday Black (Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, 2018) and Intruders (Mohale Mashigo, 2018). I had used afrofuturism not as my main focus then, but as a subchapter in my work, When I started working on my thesis project, I took the term ‘afrofuturism’ for granted when applied to South African works, but the texts I have read and the (South African) encounters I have had have led me to rethink my work and my appro…

[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureAfrofuturism[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

The Branding value of LinkedIn for SMEs


By sharing content on LinkedIn using emotional branding, SMEs can provide performance outcomes to their companies. Both previous investigations on LinkedIn and other platforms, and our accepted hypotheses indicate that LinkedIn usage will enhance company performance. This thesis aims to investigate "How can B2B SMEs benefit through emotional branding using LinkedIn?". Employees' perceptions of Goals, Personal and Company Identification, Sharing Behavior, and performance are investigated to understand SMEs' emotional branding perspective. Additionally, control variables are added to provide more value to our thesis and make the answers more reliable. The study is investigated in terms of a m…

Langevin’s model for soliton molecules in ultrafast fi ber ring laser cavity: investigating the interplay between noise and inertia


We describe the vibration pattern of a soliton-molecule using the Langevin’s model, i.e. noise source combined with a deterministic model. This simpler model allows investigating the interplay between fl uctuation and dissipation mechanisms at play.

[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]

Sequential Iron-Catalyzed C(sp2)–C(sp3) Cross-Coupling of Chlorobenzamides/Chemoselective Amide Reduction and Reductive Deuteration to Benzylic Alcoh…


Benzylic alcohols are among the most important intermediates in organic synthesis. Recently, the use of abundant metals has attracted significant attention due to the issues with the scarcity of platinum group metals. Herein, we report a sequential method for the synthesis of benzylic alcohols by a merger of iron catalyzed cross-coupling and highly chemoselective reduction of benzamides promoted by sodium dispersion in the presence of alcoholic donors. The method has been further extended to the synthesis of deuterated benzylic alcohols. The iron-catalyzed Kumada cross-coupling exploits the high stability of benzamide bonds, enabling challenging C(sp2)–C(sp3) cross-coupling with alkyl Grign…

amidesironchemoselective reductioncross-couplingdeuterated compoundssequential catalysissodiumN–C cleavageiron catalysisbenzylic alcoholsMolecules

El impacto de la traducción automática y la posedición en el sector de la traducción en España. Informe de Investigación DITAPE 2022


El objetivo principal de esta investigación es obtener una radiografía del mercado profesional de la traducción en España que, posteriormente, permita diseñar propuestas pedagógicas actualizadas y coherentes con la realidad socio profesional con vistas a una posible integración curricular en los programas de Traducción e Interpretación.

traducción automáticaDITAPE 2022UNESCO::LINGÜÍSTICA

Monitoring of stress distribution in damaged small-scale masonry walls by using two innovative sensors


Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) represents a strategic solution for the preservation of cultural heritage buildings. Existing masonry structures often suffer reductions in mechanical performances due to physiological aging of material constituents, external actions, and effect of catastrophic natural events. In many cases, the prompt prediction of damage in masonry elements is difficult and it can cause sudden collapses, compromising the safety of people. The proposed experimental study examines the effectiveness of two low-cost and innovative stress sensors, i.e. piezoelectric and capacitive stress sensors, for SHM of masonry structures. To this scope, the sensors were embedded in the m…

structural health monitoring; masonry; stress sensorstructural health monitoringmasonrystress sensorSHMsensorsEarth-Surface Processes

Use of digital displays and ocular surface alterations


Aunque nuestra comprensión de los efectos del uso de dispositivos electrónicos sobre la superficie ocular ha aumentado considerablemente desde el inicio de siglo, varias preguntas importantes siguen sin respuesta. Asimismo, los avances tecnológicos y la aparición de nuevas formas de dispositivos digitales hacen necesaria una investigación continua. Esta tesis doctoral presenta un total de 12 estudios independientes los cuales constituyen los pilares de este trabajo (Capítulos 4-15). En primer lugar, el Capítulo 4 tuvo como objetivo evaluar la asociación entre los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad de ojo seco (EOS) y el síndrome visual informático (SVI). Se llevó a cabo una encuesta online…

optometryocular surfaceUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASpelícula lagrimaloptometríasuperficie oculardry eye disease

Celium: The aesthetic of electronic dance music in a band setting.


Klynger og grønn omstilling av entreprenørielle økosystemer - En caseundersøkelse av GCE NODE og Agder


Som et resultat av klimaendringer er vi nødt til å omstille oss til et samfunn med betydelig mindre negative konsekvenser for klima og miljø. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på følgende forskerspørsmål; Hvordan kan en klynge bidra til å omstille et entreprenørielt økosystem i grønn retning? I teoridelen har jeg valgt å lene meg på teorier om klynger, grønn omstilling, entreprenørielle økosystemer og ressurser. Disse teoriene har jeg valgt fordi de kan på ulikt vis bidra til å kaste lys over problemstillingen. I korte trekk sier teorien at klynger kan bidra til grønn omstilling gjennom å oppgradere ulike ressurser på bedrifts- og systemnivå. Mulighetsrommet for grønn omstilling avhenger i stor…

Valorización de la paja del arroz: Nueva estrategia de remediación responsable de nitrato del ciclo integral del agua


La valorización de residuos aborda el estudio de las condiciones necesarias para establecer como un residuo puede sustituir a otro material o hacer posible su transformación en un producto útil. Los residuos agroindustriales han aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años debido a la industrialización agrícola y ganadera, siendo uno de los principales desafíos actuales ya que su mala gestión provoca un serio problema medio ambiental desencadenando un deterioro progresivo del entorno. Actualmente se busca la transición de una economía lineal a una sostenible, donde las materias primas provengan de recursos renovables a través de su valorización, este modelo otorga un papel importante a l…

valorización de residuosUNESCO::QUÍMICAresinas de intercambio iónicoremediación de aguapaja de arroz

The wind of protest goes ... and then returns. Feminist movements in Italy from the 1970s to the 2020s


The chapter deals with the actual trends in the sociology of social movements within multi-level governance. In the first part, it illustrates the differences between “Movements of the 1960s and 1970s” and “New” social movements, stressing the approach defined by Jürgen Habermas. As a focus, it points out a critical analysis of collective mobilisation in Italy. In the face of a trend towards alignment of urban governance modes across Europe, current mobilisations revolve around issues of environmental protection, access rights to high-quality schools, higher education, work, protection for working mothers etc. The forecasts of rapid exhaustion of the protest waves of the 1960s and 1970s wit…

Settore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E Comunicativifeminist movements Berlusconism cultural violence collective actionSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generale

Vedlikehold av stolpene i distribusjonsnettet i Agder - Levetidsstudie


Full text not available This thesis was written in collaboration with Glitre Nett, where the purpose is to analyse the lifespan of power masts in the high voltage distribution grid in Agder. This is done by studying several factors that can impact the lifespan of the masts and by developing a model to estimate the number of masts that should be replaced in the coming years, based on how the grid is operated today. Access to electricity is essential in today's society. However, it is difficult to determine an exact lifespan for the power lines in the grid. Therefore, several factors such as impregnation, foundation and the number of poles were considered as possible influencing factors on th…

A new approach to stress of conscience's dimensionality : Hindrance and violation stressors and their role in experiencing burnout and turnover inten…


Aims To identify a valid, longitudinally invariant factor model for stress of conscience and to investigate how stress of conscience dimensions associate with burnout and turnover intentions. Background There has been a lack of consensus about the number and content of stress of conscience dimensions, and a lack of longitudinal studies on its development and outcomes. Design A longitudinal, person-centred survey study using the STROBE checklist. Methods Healthcare personnel (n = 306) rated their stress of conscience in 2019 and 2021. Longitudinal latent profile analysis was used to identify different subgroups based on the employees' experiences. These subgroups were then compared in terms …

burnoutstress of conscience (SC)työhyvinvointiammattietiikkafactor analysisstressiuupumustyövoiman vaihtuvuusturnover intentionsterveydenhuoltohenkilöstöorganizational turnoverarvot (käsitykset)omatuntotyön kuormittavuuspsyykkinen kuormittavuuslatent profile analysistyöntekijätprofessional turnover

L´expression de l´inclusion et l´exclusion. Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d’équipes de football amateur.


Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d'équipes de football amateur.

DénigrementFoot amateurIdentité[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologyIntégration / InclusionExpression[SHS.LANGUE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics

Las lonjas y plaza del Mercado en Valencia, 1350-1520


Este trabajo aborda el estudio de las dos lonjas de comercio que se construyeron en Valencia entre los siglos XIV y XVI en su contexto urbano específico. En particular se considera la relación con la vecina plaza del Mercado, con el fin de comprender mejor su función y sus valores representativos, que fueron de especial interés para los promotores de la obra y fueron igualmente percibidos por visitantes y comerciantes forasteros. This paper deals with the study of the two merchants' guildhalls built in Valencia between 14th and 16th centuries within their specific urban context. Relations with neighbouring Market place are particularly considered, in order to better undestand their funciont…


Monitoring Attempted Eradication of the Invasive Species Northern Pike (Esox lucius), and Re-Establishment of Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus …


Anthropogenic activities are putting marine and freshwater ecosystems under increasing pressure and global climate change is causing transformations in ecosystems and food chains worldwide. Invasive species pose one of the greatest threats to natural diversity and the endemic species essential for ecosystem balance. In November 2021, Gillsvann in Kristiansand, Norway, was treated with rotenone with the aim of eradicating the invasive species Northern pike (Esox lucius) from the lake. The effectiveness of the treatment was monitored using environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis. The primary objective was to investigate the presence of Northern pike eDNA in the lake from November 2021 (after the tr…

La terminologie grecque du lait


Il saggio è incentrato sulla principale terminologia greca del latte e mira a sottolineare al contempo le implicazioni storico-culturali sul versante antropologico e fisiologico della lattazione e dell'allattamento, soprattutto nel rapporto tra madre e figlio, o tra nutrice e lattante. Sono presenti riferimenti agli usi alimentari e terapeutici.

terminologia greca anticaallattamentolattazioneLatteSettore L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua E Letteratura Greca

The obstacles to the development of secondary education in Spain, 1857-1900


Human capital is one of the pillars of economic growth and development. However, the economic analysis of human capital presents a large number of difficulties, especially since the mechanisms that allow the accumulation of this type of capital, skills and knowledge, are intrinsic to human nature and, in general, are difficult to determine. But, in addition, the formation of human capital results from formal and informal learning and occurs throughout life, so its measurement is a challenge. Trying to overcome the drawbacks that the analysis of human capital poses, some researchers have proposed the differentiation of human capital into types or levels in order to see its differential effec…

UNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por especialidades::Historia de la economíahistory of educationSpaineconomic historysecondary education19th centuryUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por especialidades::Historia de la educación

Assessing the effectiveness of GraphoLearn combined with classroom instruction on phonics : a randomised control trial


Proficiency in reading is a gateway for learning. However, the literacy rate in India stands at only 73% today. Many children studying in English-medium public schools often face a learning disadvantage through the schooling years since they struggle in learning to read in English which manifests into a struggle with reading to learn in later years. This disadvantage is more pronounced in children living in poverty. Thus, consistent efforts towards building foundational literacy skills of these children when developmentally appropriate is important to overcome the learning crisis. The aim of this study was to determine whether GraphoLearn, a computer assisted learning tool, combined with Gr…

GraphoLearncomputer-assisted learningfoundational literacytietokoneavusteinen oppiminenGraphoLearn-aligned classroom instructionphonics

Analysis of the German Commuter Network Period 2013 -2021


Understanding the behavior of commuters is crucial as the number of commuters steadily rises, causing significant traffic congestion in many cities. Indeed, commuter behavior is vital in city and transport planning and policy-making. Previous studies have investigated various factors that may impact commuting decisions. Still, these studies are often limited by the scale of data examined, including time duration, space, and the number of commuters. To address this gap, we gathered large-scale inter-city commuting data in Germany and analyzed the weighted commuting network from 2013 to 2021. This work relies on publicly available data so that the results can be reproduced.

Spatial Data[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Commuter NetworkComplex Network Analysis

High Plasma Angiopoietin-2 Levels Predict the Need to Initiate Dialysis within Two Years in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease


Volume status, congestion, endothelial activation, and injury all play roles in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the plasma endothelial and overhydration markers could serve as independent predictors for dialysis initiation in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) 3b-5 (GFR < 45 mL/min/1.72 m2) and preserved ejection fraction. A prospective, observational study in a single academic center was conducted from March 2019 to March 2022. Plasma levels of angiopoietin (Ang)-2, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C (VEGF-C), Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1), Copeptin (CPP), beta-trace protein (BTP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)…

overhydrationangiopoietin-2endothelial activationchronic kidney diseaseInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences

Commercial-off-the-shelf games in the English classroom: Adapting a COTS game as a language learning tool for English language learning in an 8th-gra…


This thesis aimed to investigate using a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) game for English vocabulary learning and acquisition in an 8th-grade class in Norway. The study centers around a classroom intervention where an 8th-grade class tried the game Scribblenauts Unlimited along with additional supplemental activities during a double lesson of English. Furthermore, the study examines the same students' attitudes toward digital games inside and outside the classroom and how COTS games can be adapted and used as a tool for ESL learning in Norway. The thesis examines the connection between language learning theories and digital games and how games connect to Norway's new English curriculum (ENG…

Synthesis, Structure and Antimicrobial Activity of New Co(II) Complex with bis-Morpholino/Benzoimidazole-s-Triazine Ligand


A new Co(II) perchlorate complex of the bis-morpholino/benzoimidazole-s-triazine ligand, 4,4′-(6-(1H-benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diyl)dimorpholine (BMBIT), was synthesized and characterized. The structure of the new Co(II) complex was approved to be [Co(BMBIT)2(H2O)4](ClO4)2*H2O using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The Co(II) complex was found crystallized in the monoclinic crystal system and P21/c space group. The unit cell parameters are a = 22.21971(11) Å, b = 8.86743(4) Å, c = 24.38673(12) Å and β = 113.4401(6)°. This heteroleptic complex has distorted octahedral coordination geometry with two monodenatate BMBIT ligand units via the benzoimidazole N-atom and four water …

bis-morpholino/benzoimidazole-s-triazineantimicrobialX-ray structureCo(II)Hirshfeld

Optimal C∞-approximation of functions with exponentially or sub-exponentially integrable derivative



Lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointi kielen asemaa tukemassa


Lasten kielitaidon ja kielen kehityksen arviointi ja seuranta on tärkeää monesta eri syystä niin yksittäisen lapsen ja perheen kuin laajemmin kieliyhteisön ja kielen tutkimuksen kannalta. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointia. Artikkelissa tuomme esiin lasten viittomakielen taidon arviointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä asioita, joita arvioinnin toteutuksessa on otettava huomioon. Esittelemme lyhyesti myös suomalaisen viittomakielen arviointiin kehitettyjä arviointimateriaaleja. Lisäksi pohdimme lasten viittomakielen taidon arvioinnin mahdollisia vaikutuksia viittomakielten asemaan Suomessa. nonPeerReviewed

viittomakieliviittomakielen omaksuminenkielen elvytyslapset (ikäryhmät)arviointi