showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Validación concurrente y de constructo de una escala para valorar el esfuerzo percibido de hombres jóvenes durante el ciclismo acuático
Se ha recomendado la actividad física en el medio acuático con colocación vertical del cuerpo en una variedad de programas y actividades de ejercicio físico debido a sus positivos beneficios relacionados con la salud y el rendimiento físico. Esto ha atraído y aumentado el número de individuos aparentemente sanos de diferentes grupos de edad y sexo, e, incluso, aquellos con necesidades especiales que realizan ejercicios en el medio acuático. Además de las ventajas del entrenamiento en el medio acuático para el acondicionamiento físico general, se ha producido una expansión en el universo del “aqua fitness” debido a la aparición de varios tipos de equipos o materiales desarrollados para poten…
Testing explosive bubbles with time-varying volatility: the case of Spanish public debt
In this paper the dynamics of the Spanish public debt-GDP ratio is analysed during the period 1850–2021. We use recent procedures to test for explosive bubbles in the presence under time- varying volatility (Harvey et al., 2016; Harvey et al., 2019, 2020; Kurozumi et al., 2022) in order to test the explosive behavior of Spanish public debt over this long period. We extend previous analysis of Esteve and Prats (2022) where assume constant unconditional volatility in the underlying error process.
Il rendiconto finanziario
Il capitolo tratta del rendiconto finanziario. La struttura è quella presentata dal principio OIC 10. Con l’ausilio di un esempio sono individuate le fonti documentali e definite le procedure per la costruzione del documento riepilogativo contabile. È evidenziato il potenziale informativo del documento, dal quale possono trarsi determinazioni quantitative utili alla costruzione di indicatori di performance aziendali. Il capitolo ha quindi per obiettivi di apprendimento la conoscenza della struttura e dell’articolazione del rendiconto finanziario, le sue modalità di costruzione e la capacità di lettura del documento per lo svolgimento di analisi di performance aziendali.
Matlab/Simulink-Based Modeling for Industrial Electric Vehicle
The land transport sector has passed through multiple phases of evolution in design, development, and manufacturing of vehicles. In particular, the construction site continues to progress towards the autonomous vehicles (also called self-driving), which were one of its big trends and have become a hot topic in the industrial and academic world. By now, with this new technology of autonomous driving, we can ensure safety by reducing the number of road accidents, also the environmental impact and energy consumption is lessened. The modeling and simulation phases had become a mandatory step to design, characterize and simulate vehicle dynamics while reducing the cost of development. As they pr…
Development of an Agile Requirements Risk Prioritization Method : A Design Science Research Study
The practice of information systems development (ISD) has changed during the past two decades from very structured approaches to agile ISD methods. However, many methods available for managing requirements-related risks in the literature follow the structured way of doing ISD. If any, few methods offer solutions to prioritize requirements risks for agile ISD projects based on recognizing requirements-related risks and patterns to mitigate these. To fill this gap in the literature, we apply the design science research methodology to develop an agile requirements risk prioritization method together with industry experts (n=54) in Finland and New Zealand in a multi-year study. The method was d…
Staging the Narrative
Throughout this thesis, I will look at the concept album as a discursive genre with a focus on La Dispute’s second full-length album Wildlife, released in 2011. By engaging with the narrative and the performance of Wildlife, I will analyze and discuss aspects that are germane to the musical genre of post-hardcore, which will aim to answer the following research question: How do authenticity and performativity inform the listener’s response to the interplay of narrative and performance in La Dispute’s concept album Wildlife? Part one of this thesis will focus on the theoretical framework I base my discussion on. The terms “performance” and “narrative” will be thoroughly examined, and my find…
Castellaccio of Monreale: From the Survey to the Visualisation of Virtual Reconstructions
On Monte Caputo near Monreale stands a castle, presumably built in the twelfth century. The paper presents the first results of a still in progress survey activity, carried out on the entire monument using laser scanning and photogram-metric methods. This activity was carried out as part of a scientific agreement stipu-lated between the University of Palermo, Department of Architecture and the Club Alpino Siciliano, owner of the Castle. The graphic restitution of the survey provided new information and unpublished images of the castle. It was then possible to formu-late hypotheses on the virtual reconstruction of lost configurations. This was achiev-able thanks to the survey analytical read…
Una revisione critica della check-list e della bibliografia degli Odonati della Sicilia
sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 - Supplemental material for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis o…
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content by Olli Tyrväinen, Heikki Karjaluoto, and Dandison Ukpabi in Journal of Interactive Marketing
Agroécologie : la difficile voie vers le zéro pesticide, article en ligne et vidéo youtube
L'Inrae teste à grande échelle une agriculture sans pesticides et presque sans travail du sol. L'ambition : concevoir une agriculture résiliente tout en affichant des rendements qui talonnent ceux de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Un défi complexe.
Turismo musical: conceptualización e implicaciones territoriales. Un análisis exploratorio de los procesos de coordinación turístico-musicales de la …
Some important territories in Central countries have been offering high-value musical activities to their residents for the last two decades, which also attract visitors and therefore generate tourism. In order to address the conceptualization of musical tourism as a general objective, the thesis conducts an in-depth review of the literature and proposes an initial social, economic, and territorial analysis of music and its international evolution, as well as in Spain, where tourism activity constitutes a possible higher evolution for music and requires a local network with coordination relationships between public and private agents. However, there is little empirical evidence and academic…
Assessment of vineyard vigour and yield spatio-temporal variability based on UAV high resolution multispectral images
Accurate, timely assessment of the vineyard on a field scale is essential for successful grape yield and quality. Remote sensing can be an effective and useful monitoring tool, as data from sensors on board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can measure vegetative and reproductive growth and thus directly or indirectly detect variability. Through the images obtained from UAV, the Vegetation Indices (VIs) can be calculated and compared with various agronomic characteristics of the vineyard. The objective of this study was to evaluate the multispectral response of the vineyard in three specific phenological phases and to analyse the spatial distribution of vegetative vigour. A multirotor UAV equi…
Teknofili, teknologiske trusler og tid - En tematisk analyse av TV-serien Years and Years
In a world saturated with ever-evolving technology art forms such as TV-series can help us process and reflect on what is going on around us and give us insight into possible future developments with regards to technology. This thesis explores these themes by doing a treatment of the British dystopian TV-series Years and Years (2019) which depicts how a middle class family in Manchester experiences societal and technological changes from 2019 to 2035. Within the framework of research on contemporary complex TV series (Dunleavy, 2017; Mittell, 2015), this thesis undertakes an in-depth, chronological close reading of all six episodes of Years and Years where, among other things, dialogue, int…
Individual and shared digital repertoires : older adults managing digital services
The rise of public and other non-recreational digital services is based on the idea of catering to the daily needs of the citizens cost-efficiently and with ease. Previous research has approached the use of digital services mainly from the perspective of an individual, while the significance of shared practices of use has attracted only a little attention. In this article, we (1) examine the incentives and limitations associated with the use of non-recreational digital services, which either encourage or discourage older adults to use them. Based on the first question, we then ask (2) how older adults in this study manage those non-recreational digital services they have chosen to use. Our …
Environment & Climate Change Law 2023. Practical cross-border insights into environment and climate change law. 20th Edition
Traveling Together as a Couple: Gender, Diplomacy, and Cultural Mediation in the Life of the Countess of Fernán Núñez, Spanish Ambassadress in Lisbon…
Este artículo profundiza en el papel jugado por las mujeres como mediadoras culturales en el siglo XVIII. Su punto de partida es la figura poco conocida de María, condesa de Fernán Núñez, embajadora de España en Portugal (1777-1787) y Francia (1787-1791), quien llevó una vida transnacional marcada por viajes, cortes internacionales y embajadas, todos espacios de sociabilidad tradicionalmente vinculados al estudio de la mediación cultural, ámbito que en los últimos años ha comenzado a ser estudiado desde la perspectiva de género. La experiencia de la condesa arroja luz sobre las contribuciones de las esposas de los embajadores y diplomáticos a la vida política y cultural europea y sobre las …
Socioeconomic and attitudinal differences between service users of private and public early childhood education and care in the Finnish context
The marketisation and privatisation of welfare services such as early childhood education and care (ECEC) have been a global trend in recent decades. Earlier research suggests that market-based ECEC provision often leads to inequalities and stratification of service users. In Finland, as in other Nordic countries where provision of ECEC has traditionally been a public responsibility, ECEC services have also been undergoing marketisation and privatisation. Until now, especially in Finland, little has been known about service users of public and private ECEC or parental decisions between public and private ECEC. This study addresses that gap by showing that the clientele of private and public…
Trace amine associated receptors (TAARs) response to amines are largely affected by sequences variants
The Trace Amine Associated Receptors (TAARs) are a family of chemosensory receptors that recognize volatile amines. These receptors are few in number and highly conserved, compared to regular olfactory receptors. Polymorphisms in the TAAR family can have a drastic impact on our perception of amine compounds. Our study combine numerical simulations with in vitro experiments to reveal the activation mechanisms of the human TAAR5 receptor. The study focused on the hTAAR5-S95P polymorphism, which is found at high frequency in Nordic countries. This mutation affects the perception of trimethylamine (TMA), making individuals less able to perceive the smell of rotten fish caused by this molecule. …
Yhteisöjen työkulttuurien piiloon jäävän dynamiikan tutkiminen
Yhteisöissä kaikkea tekemistä ja olemistamme ohjaavat paitsi julkilausutut tavoitteet, myös vaikeammin havaittava, piiloon jäävä dynamiikka. Ongelmalliset tilanteet yhteisöissä liittyvät usein tähän piiloon jäävään dynamiikkaan, joka on läsnä kaikessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tämä dynamiikka muokkaa ihmisten työn arkea, kokemuksia omista toimintamahdollisuuksista sekä yhteisöön kuulumisen mahdollisuuksista. Arkikielellä ilmaistuna tällaiset asiat menevät “ihon alle”, ja siksi saattavat aiheuttaa voimakkaitakin reaktioita. Yksilöiden työkyky ja hyvinvointi löytyvät usean organisaation henkilöstöstrategian keskiöstä. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön työolobarometrin (Lyly-Yrjänäinen 2022) mukaan työel…
Nouvelles données sur l'occupation tardo-antique du site de hauteur de Châtel d'Arruffens (Montricher)
Accroché au flanc du Jura, avec un panorama imprenable sur le lac Léman et la chaîne des Alpes, l’éperonbarré de Châtel d’Arruffens est l’un des sites emblématiques de Suisse occidentale. Lieu stratégique et de prestige à l’âge du Bronze, il est réinvesti dans l’Antiquité tardive. De nouvelles investigations associées à un réexamen des collections anciennes offrent un éclairage inédit, loin du mythe des « sites-refuges » qui a longtemps caractérisé les occupations perchées de cette période.
Virtual és una col·laboració entre dos universitats públiques valencianes: La Universitat de València i la Universitat Politècnica de València. Es tracta d’un projecte que serveix per apropar l'alumnat de magisteri (futurs mestres) al patrimoni científic i tecnològic, fent servir del museu com a escenari de comunicació i aprenentatge, entenent el museu com a vehicle per a l'adquisició de pensament, i també un espai apte per a la pràctica artística. Es tracta d´acostar l’alumnat als entorns d´enriquiment personal i d´apertura, fent servir unes altres formes d’expressió. D’aquesta manera motivem l’alumnat de Magisteri cap a la producció artística, concretant la proposta en instal·lacions, que…
The Potential and Limitations of the Tsetlin Machine in Model-Free Reinforcement Learning
This paper aims to investigate the potential of model-free reinforcement learning using the Tsetlin Machine by evaluating its performance in widely recognized benchmark environments for reinforcement learning: Cartpole and Pong. Our study is divided into two primary objectives. First, we analyze the effectiveness of the Tsetlin Machine in learning from the actions of expert agents in the Cartpole environment. Second, we assess the ability of the multiclass Tsetlin Machine to learn to play both Cartpole and Pong environments from scratch. Our findings indicate that the Tsetlin Machine can successfully learn and solve the Cartpole environment. Although the Pong environment remains unsolved, t…
Existence of nested oscillators in soliton molecules revealed by Mode Decomposition
Navigating Change: the Impact of SAP ERP
Adopting ERP systems has facilitated improved coordination and collaboration across various company functions. However, insufficient preparations can pose challenges during the implementation phase for companies. Even after the implementation, difficulties may arise due to integrating multiple functions into a single system, potentially impacting management accounting processes. Organizations considering ERP implementation should know the extensive preparations required during the adoption phase. The objective of this thesis is to highlight the potential consequences, both positive and negative, of implementing an ERP system on an organization and its management accounting practices. Data f…
Bivalve mollusks shells valorisation and recycling: market potentiality and novel building products
Construction is a fundamental driver of the world economy, recognized as a sector that generates a great contribution to the social and economic development. At the same time, it shows an enormous environmental impact through an unstoppable consumption of non-renewable resources, a high energy consumption, and an associated atmospheric emission of pollutant. Consequently, the research and development of novel and green production processes and sustainable building materials is of paramount importance. The sustainability of materials and production processes could be improved by enhancing and reusing wastes from various industrial sectors. In this paper, the fishery sector will be analysed, …
Mobile money as a driver of digital financial inclusion
Meeting the mobile money needs of the less privileged in developing and emerging markets opens up enormous possibilities for banks and newly emerged financial-technology firms. Many consider mobile money services a separate domain within the banking and payment sector, different from its siblings: automated teller machines, net banking, point-of-sale banking, etc. This study was conducted to investigate how mobile money services act as a reliable driver of digital financial inclusion and to determine the role of mobile money agents in the transformation from the traditional services to mobile money services. This paper presents a conceptual model based on the stimulus-organism-response para…
La regolazione della cybersecurity in Italia
Il saggio offre una panoramica generale della regolazione e dell'organizzazione della sicurezza cibernetica in Italia. In particolare, dopo una premessa volta a dedicare alcuni cenni all'evoluzione della materia e alla disciplina europea, l'elaborato si sofferma sullo stato dell'arte e sulle future sfide in materia di cybersecurity.
Social and sensory deficits in Rett syndrome: neuroanatomical and behavioural analyses in a mouse model deficient for mecp2
El síndrome de Rett es una enfermedad rara del neurodesarrollo que afecta a 1 de cada 10.000 niñas en todo el mundo, y que supone la segunda causa de discapacidad intelectual de origen genético en mujeres. No existe una cura eficaz, y el tratamiento médico es meramente sintomatológico. Sin embargo, esta condición es mucho menos estudiada que otras enfermedades raras que afectan principalmente a niños. Se sabe que el síndrome de Rett está causado principalmente por mutaciones en el gen MECP2, que se localiza en el cromosoma X, haciendo que los niños mueran durante el primer año de vida y las niñas desarrollen la sintomatología característica de Rett a los 6-18 meses de edad. Entre los síntom…
Creating translanguaging space through schoolscape design and reflective practices
Girolamo Cardinale: le belle lettere per una pedagogia tra premesse morali e prospettive sociali
L’impegno intellettuale di Girolamo Cardinale è sostanzialmente rivolto verso l’approfondimento di tematiche letterarie relative alla retorica, da lui trattata attraverso lo studio dei classici e in prospettiva pedagogica e morale.
Dydaktyka historii : nowe perspektywy
Méthodes de contrôle de la rugosité à partir des propriétés différentiels de courbes autosimilaires.
La rugosité a de nombreuses applications, l’industrie l’utilise comme outil pour avoir des propriétés de surface recherchés ou pour le contrôle qualité, le domaine de l’informatique graphique s’intéresse à la synthétiser pour la génération de terrains ou la génération de textures et aussi à simuler ses effets sur la lumière avec les BRDF. . . Dans cette présentation, nous proposeronsun rappel sur la rugosité, notamment sa définition plus précise que "surface ou courbe non lisse" et ses outils de quantification suivi d’une comparaison de certaines de ses méthodes de génération, illustrant l’intérêt d’une approche fractale pour l’étudier. Nous commencerons par des méthodes simples mais offran…
Diagnostinen arviointi suomen kielen ja kirjallisuuden pedagogiikan opintojakson opiskelua ja opetusta ohjaamassa
The article deals with diagnostic assessment conducted in the Finnish language and literature course for classroom teacher students. The research context was a hybrid learning environment, where the students evaluated both their linguistic and pedagogical competence using a self-assessment tool. The research questions were 1) what kind of linguistic competence the students showed in the beginning of the course, 2) how the results of linguistic competence and self-assessment were related, and 3) how the final grade of Finnish language and literature and the matriculation examination test of Finnish predicted the results of a diagnostic test. The data of the pilot research consisted of the re…
La Escuela Nueva en la Educación Primaria Rural del Suroccidente Colombiano
La presente investigación surgió a raíz de la reflexión sobre la Escuela Nueva, específicamente con las escuelas nuevas rurales de las regiones de Nariño y Putumayo en Colombia. Se examinó la teoría existente sobre el objeto de la investigación, a continuación, se caracterizó a los participantes en función de la representación social a la que pertenecían y se elaboraron los instrumentos de evaluación. Tras la organización de la información recopilada, se fundamentó el análisis de la investigación para sustentar las conclusiones y las recomendaciones dirigidas al fortalecimiento de la escuela nueva rural. La presente investigación fue mixta o integradora y recopiló información cualitativa y …
Remote Product Development
This master thesis explores the influence of COVID-19 and the shift to remote working on product development, examining the advantages and difficulties associated with this transition. Through a qualitative study, the thesis draws insights from in-depth interviews conducted with 12 employees across 8 different tech companies. These individuals hold key roles in product development and product management, providing their experiences and perspectives on the pre-pandemic, during-pandemic, and post-pandemic product development processes. The study aims to uncover the impact of the pandemic on digital product development practices and the implications of this. The research question guiding the s…
Real-Time Fault Diagnosis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and Drive System
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) have gained massive popularity in industrial applications such as electric vehicles, robotic systems, and offshore industries due to their merits of efficiency, power density, and controllability. PMSMs working in such applications are constantly exposed to electrical, thermal, and mechanical stresses, resulting in different faults such as electrical, mechanical, and magnetic faults. These faults may lead to efficiency reduction, excessive heat, and even catastrophic system breakdown if not diagnosed in time. Therefore, developing methods for real-time condition monitoring and detection of faults at early stages can substantially lower maintenance…