showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Procesos de subjetivación, mediación tecnológica y educación matemática en Zipaquirá- Colombia
A lo largo de la historia de la educación, el foco de su atención ha cambiado desde el establecimiento de poderes, pasando por los contenidos, hasta llegar al estudiante como centro del proceso; aunque todas las naciones no se encuentren en el mismo periodo. En este escenario, el papel de la tecnología en la escuela también ha evolucionado; partiendo de la falta de acceso a equipos y servicios, situación que aún prevalece en muchas regiones, hasta el logro de una integración en donde la tecnología es el mejor medio de aprendizaje de la matemática ya que reconoce y motiva al estudiante. Es así como el estudio relaciona conjuntamente procesos de subjetivación, mediación tecnológica y educació…
The wind of protest goes ... and then returns. Feminist movements in Italy from the 1970s to the 2020s
The chapter deals with the actual trends in the sociology of social movements within multi-level governance. In the first part, it illustrates the differences between “Movements of the 1960s and 1970s” and “New” social movements, stressing the approach defined by Jürgen Habermas. As a focus, it points out a critical analysis of collective mobilisation in Italy. In the face of a trend towards alignment of urban governance modes across Europe, current mobilisations revolve around issues of environmental protection, access rights to high-quality schools, higher education, work, protection for working mothers etc. The forecasts of rapid exhaustion of the protest waves of the 1960s and 1970s wit…
The road over the principle bridge to successful change management
Change management has over time received a greater focus, as the companies are looking for new opportunities to improve and evolve their organization by implementing changes. “Bottom up” phenomenon is becoming more emerging, as well as the worker involvement and empowerment. Lean, that normally is seen as the method to reduce waste that was first introduces and used by Toyota. Has in the later years been adapted and used in different occasions, for example to overcome challenges with change management. Moreover, principles are becoming more sought after, to explore their potential. This master's thesis involves examining a case study in collaboration with Norway's largest oil and gas compan…
Hvordan slutte med kriminalitet å "gjøre det bra?"
I tiden etter løslatelse er det mange som havner fort tilbake til det livet de hadde før soning, og rus og kriminalitet er igjen et faktum. Denne masteroppgaven omhandler tidligere domfeltes erfaringer om vellykkede tilbakeføringer etter løslatelse fra fengsel. Undersøkelsene baserer seg på kvalitative intervjuer med åtte tidligere straffedømte kvinner og menn, som etter flere tilbakefall har klart å bli rusfri og lovlydig. Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å undersøke hva som skal til for å mestre en tilbakeføring fra fengsel til frihet og samtidig holde seg rusfri og unna kriminalitet. Samtidig ønsker jeg å finne ut av hvilken betydning ettervern har for vellykkede tilbakeføringer. Håpet …
Words In the World: Vocabulary learning in and out of class.
This thesis examines how young people in Norway acquire English vocabulary in the classroom and extramurally. This study aims to discover proof that pupils learn vocabulary through extramural activities like films, television shows, and social media. In addition, this thesis inspects ways to bridge the gap between the classroom and extramural inputs to develop a better understanding of contemporary youth language.
Flore adventice en agriculture de conservation des sols ou en système en transition : diversité des communautés et gestion
Après avoir rappelé ce qu’est la diversité taxonomique, biologique et fonctionnelle de la floreadventice, l’exposé montrera ce que change la mise en œuvre de l’ACS du point de vue de laflore adventice et du désherbage. L’orateur s’interrogera sur ce qu’est la gestionagroécologique de la flore adventice, en quoi l’ACS peut être un moteur et comment adapterles pratiques. Le risque de résistances aux herbicides, les effets du changement climatique etles leviers à mettre en œuvre dans la cadre d’une approche systémique seront considérés
Recensione ad A. Rapini, A social history of administrative science in Italy. Planning a State of happiness from liberalism to fascism, Londra, Palgr…
E' la recensione al libro di Andrea Rapini. It is the review of Andrea Rapini's book.
Implikasjoner av ulike institusjonelle logikker for tillit mellom jordmødre og barnevernsarbeidere
Sammendrag: Masteroppgaven belyser implikasjoner ved samarbeidet mellom jordmødre og barnevernsarbeiderne, hvor hensikten er å styrke forståelsen av hvordan samarbeidet mellom barnevernstjenesten og jordmortjenesten fungerer i praksis. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan kan jordmødre og barnevernsarbeideres samarbeid forstås når det gjelder å forebygge tidlig omsorgssvikt? Oppgaven undersøker nærmere hvordan institusjonelle logikker skaper implikasjoner for tillit mellom overnevnte profesjonsutøvere, sett i lys av at de er situert i ulike tjenester. Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ fenomenologisk studie som bygger på barnevernsarbeiderne og jordmødrene sine narrativer. Datainnsamlingen er g…
In the rail sector, France needs to do more to connect its regional networks to the European network
In an article for "Le Monde" newspaper, the legal expert Martial Pernet notes that, despite the texts in force, which he urges to be applied, efforts must be made to achieve the unification of the European rail network.
Proton irradiation-induced reliability degradation of SiC power MOSFET
The effect of 53 MeV proton irradiation on the reliability of silicon carbide power MOSFETs was investigated. Post-irradiation gate voltage stress was applied and early failures in time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) test were observed for irradiated devices. The applied drain voltage during irradiation affects the degradation probability observed by TDDB tests. Proton-induced single event burnouts (SEB) were observed for devices which were biased close to their maximum rated voltage. The secondary particle production as a result of primary proton interaction with the device material was simulated with the Geant4-based toolkit. peerReviewed
Proximité ou ultra-proximité du lieu de fabrication des produits non alimentaires : quels effets sur les préférences et le consentement à payer ?
Abstract: Products promoted as being made in France (MIF) are supposed to attract consumers and justify higher prices. Indeed, they maintain greater proximity to local consumers. We can therefore wonder whether greater spatial proximity, with products manufactured in the region or department of the consumer, would be associated with better reactions in terms of preference and willingness to pay (WTP), in particular in the case of non-food products not typical of the territories (less studied cases). Based on the literature on proximity and country of origin (COO) effects, three hypotheses are proposed and then tested using the conjoint measures method on a representative sample of the Frenc…
Il diritto penale oltre la frontiera
A partire dalla considerazione del ruolo che il principio di territorialità riveste nel diritto penale, il contributo sviluppa una rapida riflessione sui rapporti tra cosmopolitismo giuridico e diritto penale e si interroga sui possibili influssi che le teorie sul fondamento universalistico dei diritti umani possono esercitare sul sistema penale stato-centrico.
Quels impacts des mutations digitales sur le secteur du spectacle vivant ? État des lieux des recherches scientifiques
Probabilistic and preferential sampling approaches offer integrated perspectives of Italian forest diversity
Aim: Assessing the performances of different sampling approaches for documenting community diversity may help to identify optimal sampling efforts and strategies, and to enhance conservation and monitoring planning. Here, we used two data sets based on probabilistic and preferential sampling schemes of Italian forest vegetation to analyze the multifaceted performances of the two approaches across three major forest types at a large scale. Location: Italy. Methods: We pooled 804 probabilistic and 16,259 preferential forest plots as samples of vascular plant diversity across the country. We balanced the two data sets in terms of sizes, plot size, geographical position, and vegetation types. F…
Plantes-microorganismes, orobanche
E se il punteruolo affamasse Steinernema carpocapsae?
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), phytophagus of palms, has been used as a model to deepen the knowledge of the host-entomopathogen relationship. The effects of Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) on the growth and immunoactivity of R. ferrugineus larvae were compared with another model insect Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Although S. carpocapsae had a negative effect on the weight and mortality of R. ferrugineus, it was not able to replicate in the hemolymph with the same rates found for the moth. In vivo and in vitro effects of S. carpocapsae on the phagocytic responsesof the hemocytes of R. ferrugineus and G. mellone…
Costituzione ragionata. Edizione rivista per il settantacinquesimo della Costituzione italiana
Il volume contiene un commento illustrativo e critico degli articoli della costituzione italiana
Child socioemotional behavior and adult temperament as predictors of physical activity and sedentary behavior in late adulthood
Background Most studies investigating the association of temperament with physical activity and sedentary behavior have examined children or adolescents, employed cross-sectional or longitudinal designs that do not extend from childhood into adulthood, and utilized self- or parent-reported data on physical activity and sedentary behavior. This longitudinal study investigated whether socioemotional behavior in childhood and temperament in middle adulthood predict accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior in late adulthood. Methods This study was based on the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS). Socioemotional behavior (behavioral ac…
An Analysis of Phishing Susceptibility Through the Lens of Protection Motivation Theory
Users of communication tools are vulnerable to a cyberattack called phishing which aims to trick a recipient into giving away information or access that the attacker should not have. There is a great need to protect the recipient from becoming a victim of phishing. Protection can be done a multitude of ways; however, the human will be last barrier of entry when all digital protection fails. This is why anti-phishing training is used to enable email users to see the difference between real email and phishing attacks. This research explores the use of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to analyse phishing susceptibility by interviewing ten employees in a large financial company. The analysis …
Diseño y síntesis de nuevos materiales conmutables basados en el fenómeno de transición de espín
Esta Tesis Doctoral actúa como compendio de síntesis y caracterización de nuevos materiales, generalmente porosos, que presentan el fenómeno de transición de espín (en inglés Spin Crossover, SCO). El principal objetivo de la Tesis Doctoral ha consistido en el diseño de estos nuevos polímeros de coordinación que combinan de forma sincrónica el fenómeno SCO asociado a los centros metálicos de FeII con otras propiedades de interés, siendo la motivación última su futura aplicación en dispositivos espintrónicos. Más concretamente, los esfuerzos sintéticos se han dedicado a la obtención de polímeros de coordinación de tipo Hofmann 2D que presentan: propiedades anfitrión-huésped selectivas, fluore…
CM3 – TRANSPORT 2023 : New Greener and Digital Modern Transport – its Challenges in Design Methods, Tools and Technologies : Book of Abstracts and Pr…
The CM3 – Transport Conference 2023 is organized by the University of Jyväskylä, supported by Jamk – University of Applied Sciences, in Jyväskylä/ Finland. The event represents an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference in the context of the activities proposed by the Industrial Interest Group (IIG) of ECCOMAS. Green and efficient European transport represents an important factor of economic growth to be considered in view of environmental and societal challenges. It is essential to develop the scientific and technological mechanisms to encourage cooperation and competitiveness between transport systems in Europe and in the World. It is also crucial to answer the questions how to conduct and apply rese…
Reseña del libro 'TORAN, Rosa; MARTÍNEZ-VIDAL, Àlvar. El metge Josep Torrubia Zea. Lliurepensador, maçó i socialista.Catarroja-Barcelona: Editorial A…
Fins la publicació d'aquesta excel·lent biografia, Josep Torrubia Zea havia estat un personatge desconegut per a la historiografia de la medicina i també per a la memòria pública del nostre país. L'oblit de Torrubia no és un cas excepcional, tot i ser un personatge únic, perquè el franquisme va sembrar falsedat i oblit sobre el passat. Això no obstant, el llibre ens mostra com el nostre protagonista havia quedat en la memòria dels masnovins, que encara el recorden com a metge en temps de república i guerra
Euclid preparation : XXII. Selection of quiescent galaxies from mock photometry using machine learning
The Euclid Space Telescope will provide deep imaging at optical and near-infrared wavelengths, along with slitless near-infrared spectroscopy, across ~15 000deg2 of the sky. Euclid is expected to detect ~12 billion astronomical sources, facilitating new insights into cosmology, galaxy evolution, and various other topics. In order to optimally exploit the expected very large dataset, appropriate methods and software tools need to be developed. Here we present a novel machine-learning-based methodology for the selection of quiescent galaxies using broadband Euclid IE, YE, JE, and HE photometry, in combination with multi-wavelength photometry from other large surveys (e.g. the Rubin LSST). The…
Estudio observacional prospectivo de valoración perioperatoria ecográfica del diafragma (D-POCUS) para la detección del bloqueo frénico y predicción …
El músculo diafragma es el principal musculo que interviene en la ventilación, siendo responsable de alrededor del 80% del trabajo ventilatorio en condiciones normales. Cuando realizamos una anestesia del plexo braquial por encima de la clavícula, la proximidad del nervio frénico provoca un bloqueo de forma frecuente, y este hecho conlleva una disfunción hemidiafragmática en grado variable. Sin embargo pocos pacientes desarrollan complicaciones pulmonares postoperatorias. Se ha prestado poca atención al hemidiafragma contralateral como parte de la función diafragmática global. Conocer con exactitud el comportamiento de ambos diafragmas (en especial el contralateral al bloqueo) es clave para…
Temperature, phosphorus and species composition will all influence phytoplankton production and content of polyunsaturated fatty acids
Temperature increases driven by climate change are expected to decrease the availability of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lakes worldwide. Nevertheless, a comprehensive understanding of the joint effects of lake trophic status, nutrient dynamics and warming on the availability of these biomolecules is lacking. Here, we conducted a laboratory experiment to study how warming (18–23°C) interacts with phosphorus (0.65–2.58 μM) to affect phytoplankton growth and their production of polyunsaturated fatty acids. We included 10 species belonging to the groups diatoms, golden algae, cyanobacteria, green algae, cryptophytes and dinoflagellates. Our results show that both temperature and phosphorus w…
Molecular-Biology-Driven Frontline Treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
The treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) currently relies on the use of chemo-immunotherapy, Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors, or BCL2 inhibitors alone or combined with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. However, the availability of multiple choices for the first-line setting and a lack of direct head-to-head comparisons pose a challenge for treatment selection. To overcome these limitations, we performed a systematic review and a network meta-analysis on published randomized clinical trials performed in the first-line treatment setting of CLL. For each study, we retrieved data on progression-free survival (according to del17/P53 and IGHV status), overall response rate, complet…
Elongation and plasmonic activity of embedded metal nanoparticles following heavy ion irradiation
Shape modification of embedded nanoparticles by swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation is an effective way to produce nanostructures with controlled size, shape, and orientation. In this study, randomly oriented gold nanorods embedded in SiO2 are shown to re-orient along the ion beam direction. The degree of orientation depends on the irradiation conditions and the nanorod's initial size. SHI irradiation was also applied to modify spherical metallic nanoparticles embedded in Al2O3. The results showed that they elongate due to the irradiation comparably to those embedded in SiO2. Metallic nanostructures embedded in dielectric matrices can exhibit localized surface plasmon (LSP) modes. The elongat…
Organisational Legitimation Strategies in Social Media : How Business Schools Address Declining Ranking
Public relations scholarship has drawn on organisational legitimacy theory to show how organisations appeal to stakeholders’ acceptance of their existence and importance in society. Studies have shown how different types of organisations utilise communication strategies in social media to gain legitimacy. This chapter contributes to public relations research by examining how a sample of business schools implemented legitimation strategies in their social media posts when their legitimacy was threatened. The findings show that when ten world-class European business schools faced declining institutional rankings between 2016 and 2019, they made use of four legitimation strategies—authorisatio…
Development of innovative blends of sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SE) using sweet taste receptor studies
Fiducia e nuove cittadinanze
The article discusses the role of the experience of trust in the foundation of a conscious and inclusive citizenship, distinguishing between trust as reliabilty of the world and personal trust as an expression of freedom and creativity.
Inorganic Anion-Mediated Supramolecular Entities of 4-Amino-3,5-Bis(4-Pyridyl)-1,2,4-Triazole Salts Assisted by the Interplay of Noncovalent Interact…
The development of new families of synthetic molecular systems projecting neutral, bi-, or multi-H-bonding donor units is significant to acquire the desired selectivity within the fascinating area of anion recognition. Here, we illustrate the reaction between a neutral 4-amino-3,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole ligand (L) with acidic solutions containing either chloride, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, iodide, sulfate, hexafluorosilicate, fluoride, tetrafluoroborate or perchlorate anions, yielding 16 new anion-mediated supramolecular entities, H2LCl2 (1), H2LBr2 (2), H2L(NO3)2 (3), HL(H2PO4) (4), H2L(H2PO4)2 (5), [H2L]2I4 (6), H2L(NO3)2 (7), H2L(SO4)·H2O (8), H2LSiF6 (9), H2LSiF6·2H2O (10), H2L…
31st EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2023)
La Sociedad de las turbas, la sociedad de la incomunicación
En los últimos 20 años, a medida que se ha desarrollado la sociedad de la información, también ha sido tendencia olvidar a los referentes que ayudaron a comprender la mass communication society. Se ha producido un vaciamiento conceptual que debemos enmendar para problematizar los discursos del odio, la polarización y la fractura de la ex- periencia entre lo real y lo virtual. Para ello, en este ensayo partimos de una recopilación bibliográfica constructivis- ta que conecta las industrias culturales, como entidades productoras de consensos; los medios de comunicación, como instituciones de socialización colectiva; el proceso de virtualización digital, como ruptura con la experiencia no media…
Articaine versus lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block in posterior mandible implant surgeries: a randomized controlled trial
Background: The aim of this study is to compare the effects of %4 articaine and %2 lidocaine on inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) for implant surgery in the posterior mandible.Material and Methods: The patients who have inserted implants in the posterior mandible were divided into 2 groups for IANB: lidocaine and articaine. VAS = visual analog scale, pain during surgery and injection, lip numb-ness time, mandibular canal-implant apex distance, age, gender, bone density, implant number, release incision, adjacent teeth, and duration of surgery were analyzed using t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman's coefficient, and, Pearson's chi-squared test. This trial followed the recommendations o…
El estrés en los profesionales sociosanitarios de atención a personas con discapacidad intelectual: Factores de riesgo y protección
Sabemos que los profesionales que trabajan en el ámbito de la diversidad funcional tienen que hacer frente en su trabajo a multitud de estímulos que cabrían ser considerados potencialmente estresantes, pudiendo identificar algunos de ellos, tales como: sobrecarga asistencial, acompañamiento a situaciones de fragilidad y sufrimiento, toma de decisiones delicadas que afectan a terceros… Además, la literatura nos informa que el personal que se encuentra con niveles relativamente altos de estrés se relaciona de manera diferente con los usuarios. En particular, el personal con alto estrés interactúa con menos asiduidad con los usuarios y se implica en menos encuentros positivos con los clientes,…
Wpływ wad procesu ustawodawczego na założone funkcje prawa finansowego
Celem opracowania było wskazanie wybranych wad procesu legislacyjnego w zakresie tworzenia przepisów prawa finansowego, tj. regulacji odnoszących się do publicznej działalności finansowej, a także próba oceny wpływu tych uchybień na założone funkcje stanowionych unormowań. Ze względu na ograniczone ramy artykułu zakresem badania objęto wyłącznie fazę postępowania prawodawczego w Sejmie. Analizie poddano ustawy uchwalone w IX kadencji Sejmu, a katalog form naruszeń procesu ustawodawczego ograniczono do obejścia przepisów regulujących wykonywanie inicjatywy ustawodawczej oraz niezachowania wymogu rozpatrywania projektów ustaw w trzech czytaniach. Ponieważ termin „funkcje prawa” jest daleki od…