showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Experiencia del Consumidor en la compra de Productos de Comercio Justo
Esta investigación analizó la influencia de las dimensiones de la experiencia del consumidor en el compromiso, la satisfacción y la confianza con los productos de Comercio Justo. Asimismo, como influyen estas variables mediadoras en las de comportamiento: Recomendación, Intención de compra y Disposición a pagar más por este tipo de productos. La investigación empírica se basó en un cuestionario estructurado que se aplicó a 407 personas en España. Para su evaluación se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales a partir de la técnica Partial Least Square (PLS). Se aceptaron 17 de 27 hipótesis entre las dimensiones de la Experiencia del Consumidor y las variables de comportamiento. Sin emb…
The strategic use of One Nation as a symbol during PMQs from J. Major to T. May
One Nation, as a conceptual construct which started to develop since the 19th century has often been associated with the Conservative Party’s politics regarding their effort to bridge the gap between “the two nations” (the underprivileged and the well-off members of society) and in the elevation of the condition of the people in the UK (a requisite for social harmony). Most recent conservative Prime Ministers have been eager to present their own version of the One Nation tradition based on their views of the role the state should play (either limited or extended state intervention). David Seawright explains that these conflicting stances are not expressed in a strict polarisation within the…
L'A. si sofferma sulla valutazione delle due relazioni ed esprime le sue opinioni in merito alla giurisprudenza costituzionale sul licenziamento.
Evidence of a causal effect of genetic tendency to gain muscle mass on uterine leiomyomata
Uterine leiomyomata (UL) are the most common tumours of the female genital tract and the primary cause of surgical removal of the uterus. Genetic factors contribute to UL susceptibility. To add understanding to the heritable genetic risk factors, we conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of UL in up to 426,558 European women from FinnGen and a previous UL meta-GWAS. In addition to the 50 known UL loci, we identify 22 loci that have not been associated with UL in prior studies. UL-associated loci harbour genes enriched for development, growth, and cellular senescence. Of particular interest are the smooth muscle cell differentiation and proliferation-regulating genes functioning on t…
Zasady pozaszkolnego kształcenia i wychowania w programie dziewiętnastowiecznych górnośląskich orędowników rodzimej kultury
Actions de tores algébriques sur des corps de caractéristique zéro
Over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, normal affine varieties endowed with an effective torus action were described by Altmann and Hausen in 2006 by a geometrico-combinatorial presentation.Using Galois descent tools, we extend this presentation to the case where the ground field is an arbitrary field of characteristic zero. In this context, the acting torus may be non split and may have non-trivial torsors, thus we need additional data to encode such varieties. We provide some situations where the generalized Altmann-Hausen presentation simplifies. For instance, if the acting torus is split, we recover mutatis mutandis the original Altmann-Hausen presentation. Finally, …
Liikemittarilla mitatun kevyen fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja paikallaanoloajan yhteys itseraportoituihin liikkumisvaikeuksiin suomalaisilla kaksosilla
In the rail sector, France needs to do more to connect its regional networks to the European network
In an article for "Le Monde" newspaper, the legal expert Martial Pernet notes that, despite the texts in force, which he urges to be applied, efforts must be made to achieve the unification of the European rail network.
The road over the principle bridge to successful change management
Change management has over time received a greater focus, as the companies are looking for new opportunities to improve and evolve their organization by implementing changes. “Bottom up” phenomenon is becoming more emerging, as well as the worker involvement and empowerment. Lean, that normally is seen as the method to reduce waste that was first introduces and used by Toyota. Has in the later years been adapted and used in different occasions, for example to overcome challenges with change management. Moreover, principles are becoming more sought after, to explore their potential. This master's thesis involves examining a case study in collaboration with Norway's largest oil and gas compan…
Equivalent definitions of very strict $CD(K,N)$ -spaces
We show the equivalence of the definitions of very strict $CD(K,N)$ -condition defined, on one hand, using (only) the entropy functionals, and on the other, the full displacement convexity class $\mathcal{DC}_N$. In particular, we show that assuming the convexity inequalities for the critical exponent implies it for all the greater exponents. We also establish the existence of optimal transport maps in very strict $CD(K,N)$ -spaces with finite $N$.
Stationary, Oscillatory, Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Existence of Global Solutions in Reaction-Diffusion Models of Three Species
The goal of my Ph.D. research is to analyze three species models in order to describe the behavior of an ecological community. In particular, two reaction-diffusion systems describing different local interactions between three species have been considered to obtain species coexistence, diversity, and distribution patterns. The first analyzed model describes intraguild predation: there are an IG-predator species, an IG-prey species, and a common resource species, which is shared by both of them. The IGP interaction is of Lotka-Volterra type, coupled with nonlinear diffusion, since we assume that the IG-prey moves towards lower density areas of the IG-predator. In this model, the extinction o…
Digital psykisk helse - Finnes det en sammenheng mellom behandlers intensjon til og faktiske bruk av digital behandling i psykisk helse og avhengighe…
Etterspørselen fra pasienter med behov for psykisk helse og avhengighetsbehandling øker. Digital behandling fremheves av helsemyndigheter som en moderne og innovativ måte å møte dette behovet på. Imidlertid er det mer uklart hvordan klinikere i poliklinikker oppfatter bruken av digital behandling. Hensikten med studien har vært å identifisere hvor det er muligheter for intervensjon til å kunne påvirke bruken av digital behandling. Studien har undersøkt om det er sammenheng mellom behandleres intensjon til, og faktisk bruk av digital behandling. Studien har undersøkt hvilke bakgrunnsvariabler som påvirker bruken av digital behandling, og om det er en sammenheng mellom digital helsekompetanse…
L’opérationnalisation de la RSE à travers le financement des petites entreprises (PE) en région BFC
Measurements of second-harmonic Fourier coefficients from azimuthal anisotropies in p+p, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
Recently, the PHENIX Collaboration has published second- and third-harmonic Fourier coefficients v2 and v3 for midrapidity (|η|<0.35) charged hadrons in 0%–5% central p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV, utilizing three sets of two-particle correlations for two detector combinations with different pseudorapidity acceptance [Acharya et al., Phys. Rev. C 105, 024901 (2022)]. This paper extends these measurements of v2 to all centralities in p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au collisions, as well as p+p collisions, as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and event multiplicity. The kinematic dependence of v2 is quantified as the ratio R of v2 between the two detector combinations as a funct…
Profesor Stanisław Gawlik (1928–2010) – (o)polski nauczyciel i uczony
Inkludering av elever med Autismespekterforstyrrelse i skolen. En kvalitativ studie av hvordan spesialpedagoger i skolen jobber for å best mulig inkl…
Denne masteroppgaven i spesialpedagogikk er en kvalitativ studie som undersøker hvordan spesialpedagoger på skoler arbeider for å inkludere elever med autismespekterforstyrrelse (ASF) på best mulig måte i skolehverdagen. På bakgrunn av relevant teori og informasjon i form av tidligere forskning, lovverk, stortingsmeldinger og arbeidsstrategier innen feltet, ble det utarbeidet en problemstilling. Problemstillingen for denne studien er som følger: Hvordan jobber spesialpedagoger i skolen for å best mulig inkludere elever med ASF i skolehverdagen? Studien hadde tre informanter fra ulike skoler, to fra ordinære barneskoler og den siste fra en barneskole med styrket spesialpedagogisk tilretteleg…
Osservazioni sulla proposta di riforma dei reati ambientali del gruppo di studio dell'Associazione dei Professori di Diritto penale
Il contributo analizza la proposta di riforma dei reati ambientali elaborata dal Gruppo di Studio dell'Associazione italiana dei professori di diritto penale
Cesaropapismo y competencia jurisdiccional. Patronato regio contra vicarios apostólicos en Sicilia (siglos XVI-XVII)
The several spiritual and ecclesiastical powers held by the Crown in the Kingdom of Sicily during the early modern age was very often translated into jurisdictional competences precisely among the ecclesiastical courts: each of them tried, indeed, to extend his own prerogatives over forists and crimes in harm of the others, putting its "falcem in alienam messem". The defendants themselves, often clerics, were well aware of this jurisdictional competition and tried, often successfully, to take advantage of it, sometimes involving Roman Congregations and Courts. Other times it was the same Holy See to tackle the Sicilian caesaropapism head on, sending commissars and apostolic vicars in quarre…
Hydrodynamic response of a loam soil after wetting with different methods
Different points in a field can be wetted with different natural or artificial rainfall amounts and intensities. Therefore, a non-uniform soil wetting could occur during short-term monitoring of soil hydrodynamic parameters and its global effect on soil characterization is not easily predictable. For an initially dry loam soil, a sequence of three beerkan infiltration runs was performed at fixed sampling points in a period of two weeks. Immediately after the first beerkan run, the soil was perturbed by adding an additional water volume differing with the sampling point by the amount of water (0, 100 or 227 mm) and the application methodology (rainfall simulation, another beerkan run). As co…
El impacto de la traducción automática y la posedición en el sector de la traducción en España. Informe de Investigación DITAPE 2022
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es obtener una radiografía del mercado profesional de la traducción en España que, posteriormente, permita diseñar propuestas pedagógicas actualizadas y coherentes con la realidad socio profesional con vistas a una posible integración curricular en los programas de Traducción e Interpretación.
Ce post explore les traductions d'extraits d'articles de Walter Pater par Theodore de Wyzewa dans La Revue des Deux Mondes entre 1890 et 1896. Ces traductions sont rarement mentionnées. Le traducteur procède à une traduction synthétisante des textes de Pater en omettant certains passages au contenu potentiellement politique ou jugé trop britannique.
La séquence expérientielle à travers l'œnotourisme
Le regard sur l’expérience touristique a considérablement évolué depuis les premiers travaux sur l’expérientiel. Le tourisme digital et l’utilisation des outils numériques expliquent en partie cette évolution. Dans ce contexte, la photographie prend une place majeure comme trace d’une expérience qui se conçoit avant, pendant et après l’activité touristique
Infertility as a lonely struggle? : Coping stories of previously infertile women
In this narrative study, we explored the meaning infertile women attribute to social support in coping with their infertility-related challenges. Written accounts and episodic interviews with 26 previously infertile Finnish women were used as data. Two different coping story types emerged: coping alone and coping with support. In the coping alone type women neither sought nor received support. Their coping appeared as a lonely struggle. In the coping with stories, women turned to their spouses, peers, or professionals, but still emphasized that they would have needed more support. Based on our findings, we underline the need for individually tailored support. peerReviewed
Feedback Classification and Optimal Control with Applications to the Controlled Lotka-Volterra Model
Let M be a σ-compact C^∞ manifold of dimension n ≥ 2 and consider a single-input control system: ẋ(t) = X (x(t)) + u(t) Y (x(t)), where X , Y are C^∞ vector fields on M. We prove that there exist an open set of pairs (X , Y ) for the C^∞ –Whitney topology such that they admit singular abnormal rays so that the spectrum of the projective singular Hamiltonian dynamics is feedback invariant. It is applied to controlled Lotka–Volterra dynamics where such rays are related to shifted equilibria of the free dynamics.
Pratiche anti-oppressive e popolazione LGBTQAI+: riflessioni per la formazione in servizio sociale
The aim of this work is to contribute to the Italian debate, firstly through a reconstruction of the main assumptions of Critical Social Work (CSW) whose analyses provide social workers with a critical awareness and reflexivity without which it would not be possible to link their professional practice and the daily challenges that LGBTQAI+ people face with the systemic and structural aspects of disadvantage and oppression that characterise contemporary societies. In this sense, CSW - applied to the fields of sexual orientations, gender identities and non-normative sexualities - is configured as an overall practice that invests the identities of social workers and users and their symbolic an…
Espejo de príncipes y de la justicia. Volumen I
El ‘Speculum Principum ac Iustitiae’, de Pere Belluga, es un texto escrito en latín en la primera mitad del siglo XV e impreso casi cien años después, en 1530. Es considerado el primer tratado sobre Les Corts valencianes. En esta obra, Belluga analizaba el funcionamiento del parlamentarismo valenciano en la Baja Edad Media, un sistema político pactista contrario a las corrientes de incipiente autoritarismo monárquico. Sus contenidos fueron un referente jurídico y doctrinal para muchos letrados y políticos de la Edad Moderna. The 'Speculum Principum ac Iustitiae', by Pere Belluga, is a text written in Latin in the first half of the 15th century and printed almost one hundred years later, in …
Recensione ad A. Rapini, A social history of administrative science in Italy. Planning a State of happiness from liberalism to fascism, Londra, Palgr…
E' la recensione al libro di Andrea Rapini. It is the review of Andrea Rapini's book.
Molecular-Biology-Driven Frontline Treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
The treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) currently relies on the use of chemo-immunotherapy, Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors, or BCL2 inhibitors alone or combined with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. However, the availability of multiple choices for the first-line setting and a lack of direct head-to-head comparisons pose a challenge for treatment selection. To overcome these limitations, we performed a systematic review and a network meta-analysis on published randomized clinical trials performed in the first-line treatment setting of CLL. For each study, we retrieved data on progression-free survival (according to del17/P53 and IGHV status), overall response rate, complet…
Simultaneous Support for and Opposition to Brands : A Study on Brand Love and Hate - the Two Poles of Brand Polarisation
This chapter discusses the drivers of brand polarisation (i.e. simultaneously loving and hating a brand). Despite its relevance for brand managers and public relations executives, brand polarisation remains heavily understudied among scholars. This study addresses the focal phenomenon by examining consumers and the role of social media within the research context. The key theoretical concepts introduced in this chapter include brand polarisation, brand attitude, brand relationships, brand love, brand hate, brand experience and social media brand communities. Using ten in-depth, semi-structured interviews, 36 loved and/or hated brands were discussed by the study participants. The findings de…
Estudio observacional prospectivo de valoración perioperatoria ecográfica del diafragma (D-POCUS) para la detección del bloqueo frénico y predicción …
El músculo diafragma es el principal musculo que interviene en la ventilación, siendo responsable de alrededor del 80% del trabajo ventilatorio en condiciones normales. Cuando realizamos una anestesia del plexo braquial por encima de la clavícula, la proximidad del nervio frénico provoca un bloqueo de forma frecuente, y este hecho conlleva una disfunción hemidiafragmática en grado variable. Sin embargo pocos pacientes desarrollan complicaciones pulmonares postoperatorias. Se ha prestado poca atención al hemidiafragma contralateral como parte de la función diafragmática global. Conocer con exactitud el comportamiento de ambos diafragmas (en especial el contralateral al bloqueo) es clave para…
Inorganic Anion-Mediated Supramolecular Entities of 4-Amino-3,5-Bis(4-Pyridyl)-1,2,4-Triazole Salts Assisted by the Interplay of Noncovalent Interact…
The development of new families of synthetic molecular systems projecting neutral, bi-, or multi-H-bonding donor units is significant to acquire the desired selectivity within the fascinating area of anion recognition. Here, we illustrate the reaction between a neutral 4-amino-3,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole ligand (L) with acidic solutions containing either chloride, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, iodide, sulfate, hexafluorosilicate, fluoride, tetrafluoroborate or perchlorate anions, yielding 16 new anion-mediated supramolecular entities, H2LCl2 (1), H2LBr2 (2), H2L(NO3)2 (3), HL(H2PO4) (4), H2L(H2PO4)2 (5), [H2L]2I4 (6), H2L(NO3)2 (7), H2L(SO4)·H2O (8), H2LSiF6 (9), H2LSiF6·2H2O (10), H2L…
I graffiti delle carceri segrete del Santo Uffizio di Palermo
Il libro intende rilevare, descrivere, interpretare lo straordinario patrimonio storico e artistico costituito dai graffiti del Santo Uffizio di Palermo.
EFfORT : Ecologie et Fonctionnement du micrObiote Rhizosphérique impliqué dans l’amélioration de la nuTrition en fer du pois
The interplay between terrestrial organic matter and benthic macrofauna: Framework, synthesis, and perspectives
Ecosystems are shaped by physical, chemical, and biological drivers, which affect the quality and quantity of basal energy sources, with impacts that cascade to higher trophic levels. In coastal, shelf, and marine habitats, terrestrial-derived organic matter (ter-OM) can be a key driver of ecosystem structure and function. Climate change is expected to alter land–ocean connectivity in many regions, with a broad range of potential consequences for impacted ecosystems, particularly in the coastal zone. The benthic compartment is an important link between the large organic carbon pools stored on land and the marine environment. At the same time, the macrofauna plays a key role in the processin…
Exploring sequential interplay between challenges and regulatory processes in collaborative learning with process mining
This study explored the sequential interplay between challenges and regulatory processes in high- and low-performing collaborative groups. 66 students from a Finnish higher education institution participated in a collaborative task in groups of three. Approximately 34 h of video data were coded. The sequential analysis revealed that both groups had higher sequential transitions between cognitive regulation and emotional/motivational regulation, rather than cognitive challenges. The high-performing groups demonstrated a stronger sequential link between emotional/motivational regulation and cognitive regulation than the low-performing groups did when faced with cognitive challenges. The study…
Reseña del libro 'TORAN, Rosa; MARTÍNEZ-VIDAL, Àlvar. El metge Josep Torrubia Zea. Lliurepensador, maçó i socialista.Catarroja-Barcelona: Editorial A…
Fins la publicació d'aquesta excel·lent biografia, Josep Torrubia Zea havia estat un personatge desconegut per a la historiografia de la medicina i també per a la memòria pública del nostre país. L'oblit de Torrubia no és un cas excepcional, tot i ser un personatge únic, perquè el franquisme va sembrar falsedat i oblit sobre el passat. Això no obstant, el llibre ens mostra com el nostre protagonista havia quedat en la memòria dels masnovins, que encara el recorden com a metge en temps de república i guerra