showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Vastaus ministeri Saarikon kommenttiin
Tässä kirjoituksessa kertaamme lyhyesti Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston vuoden 2022 raportin keskeisen sisällön ja kommentoimme ministeri Annika Saarikon puheenvuorossaan esiin nostamia seikkoja. Arvostamme suuresti sitä, että ministeri osallistui neuvoston raportin julkistusseminaariin sekä kiitämme häntä perustelluista huomioista. nonPeerReviewed
UInDeSI4.0 : An efficient Unsupervised Intrusion Detection System for network traffic flow in Industry 4.0 ecosystem
In an Industry 4.0 ecosystem, all the essential components are digitally interconnected, and automation is integrated for higher productivity. However, it invites the risk of increasing cyber-attacks amid the current cyber explosion. The identification and monitoring of these malicious cyber-attacks and intrusions need efficient threat intelligence techniques or intrusion detection systems (IDSs). Reducing the false positive rate in detecting cyber threats is an important step for a safer and reliable environment in any industrial ecosystem. Available approaches for intrusion detection often suffer from high computational costs due to large number of feature instances. Therefore, this paper…
Masterarbeidet mitt undersøker treverk gjennom forskjellige kunstneriske innfallsvinkler. Det har fra starten av vært inspirert av ulike ny-materialistiske teoretikere. Dette har formet arbeidsmetoder, analytiske overveielser og veien frem mot en senere presentasjon av arbeidet, med en tilhørende muntlig presentasjon. Bakgrunnen for prosjektet var en interesse for materiell agens – hvordan materialer og omgivelser påvirker oss på ulike måter. Jeg har så lenge jeg kan huske hatt et særlig godt forhold til treverk. Gjennom oppmerksomt, utøvende arbeid, prøver jeg å komme tettere på dette materialet jeg føler en slik nærhet til. Arbeidet veksler mellom sanking av materialer, materiell bearbeid…
"Lultime écrit d'Henri Dubois sur la cité de Chalon-sur-Saône", présenté par Jacques Madignier, Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de…
Akateeminen hyvinvointi mitattavana ominaisuutena ja mittaamattomana kokemuksena
Tarkastelemme tässä luvussa akateemista hyvinvointia kahdelle monitieteisen yliopiston laitokselle tehdyn Wellness 360°indeksi -hyvinvointikartoituksen avulla. Peilaamme kartoituksen tuloksia laitosten työhyvinvointikyselyihin ja akateemista hyvinvointia koskevaan tutkimukseen. Tarkastelemme tuloksia eri uraporrasvaiheiden sekä tuki- ja hallintohenkilöstön hyvinvoinnin näkökulmasta. Etenkin väitöskirjatutkijoiden ja tutkijatohtoreiden hyvinvointi oli heikompaa kuin muiden. Tuki- ja hallintohenkilöstön palautuminen oli muita heikompaa. Muun tutkimuksen perusteella tiedämme, että hyvinvointi on yhteydessä erilaisiin resursseihin, joita akateemisessa työssä ovat esimerkiksi pysyvä tai pitkäaik…
Numerical modeling of the solid-state sintering at the microstructural level: Multiphysics approach and application to metal additive manufacturing
Numerical modeling of the solid-state sintering at the microstructural level: Multiphysics approach and application to metal additive manufacturing
Electronic supplementary materials for “A stable pollination environment limits current but not potential evolution of floral traits” by Castellanos …
A single document containing Supplementary methods, Tables and Figures)
The Importance of the Variability of Leucocyte Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) Gene Expression
The variability of ZnT8 expression in leukocytes develops in patients witha geneticpredisposition to this condition and it decreases with age. Greater intercellular zinc accumulation may potentially provoke increased levels of its expression, as a support mechanism in zinc homeostasis. The occurrence of ZnT8 antibodies (ZnT8A) may result in leukocyte dysfunction, which is dependent i.a. on the level of ZnT8 expression. The same correlation can be observed in non-pancreatic tissues. ZnT8A occur in approximately 16.5% of research participants without any diabetes symptoms and the frequency of their occurrence decreases with age as well. The occurence of variability of ZnT8 expression in leuko…
Atlas français des champignons du sol
Un seul gramme de sol peut contenir plusieurs millions de champignons microscopiques !Depuis un milliard d’années d’évolution et d’adaptations, le règne des champignons est un acteur incontournable de la biodiversité de notre planète. Les champignons sont souvent observés grâce à leurs sporophores qui se développent au-dessus du sol. Ces derniers représentent pourtant seulement la pointe de l’iceberg de leur diversité car les champignons sont en réalité majoritairement présents sous forme microscopique dans nos sols. Dans cet atlas, les auteurs, qui sont des chercheurs INRAE spécialistes en écologie microbienne et en sciences du sol, dévoilent une nouvelle vision des champignons. Ils ont ré…
Il danno da prodotto difettoso ai tempi di Amazon e la proposta di direttiva sulla responsabilità del produttore
A distanza di poco meno di quarant’anni dalla sua emanazione (con recepimento italiano, nella circostanza, insolitamente tempestivo) la direttiva sulla responsabilità da prodotto difettoso è sul punto di essere riscritta. La commissione europea ha presentato una nuova proposta di direttiva, con l’obiettivo dichiarato di sostituire una disciplina considerata non più in grado di fornire risposte adeguate alle esigenze di tutela dei consumatori. A veder bene, le modificazioni prospettate non stravolgono l’impostazione iniziale in chiave di «strict liability», anche se il modello statunitense da cui traeva ispirazione l’iniziativa comunitaria ha subito, nel frattempo, accentuate rivisitazioni c…
Animated Representations. Multimedia Techniques for Storytelling
The paper presents the results of two case studies that use multimedia language for the knowledge, appreciation and communication of works of art of different epochs, nature and location and that, through the tools of Representation, make use of digital methods of animation and visualisation. The final results concern the creation of multimedia products designed to narrate a conceptual path, through a reasoned animation of raster and vectorial products. Together with the necessary technical and IT skills, it is essential to reaffirm the role of representation, which is central to image processing, recognition of graphic analogies, study of proportions, knowledge of the laws of visual percep…
Development of a knowledge graph framework to ease and empower translational approaches in plant research: a use-case on grain legumes
Legumes, and especially pulses, are an important source of protein for food and feed, and are appreciated for their positive impact on the “one health”. However, their unstable yields and their susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses highlight the need for varietal improvement in order to increase the cultivated areas and productivity. With the advent of sequencing technologies, a large pool of genetic and -omics resources, heterogeneous at the inter- and intra-species scale, is emerging. Thus, it is important to capitalize on these scattered heterogeneous data to develop translational research to boost breeding projects and crop diversification. To meet this need, we undertook the de…
113Cdβ-decay spectrum and gA quenching using spectral moments
We present an alternative analysis of the 113Cdβ-decay electron energy spectrum in terms of spectral moments μn, corresponding to the averaged values of nth powers of the β particle energy. The zeroth moment μ0 is related to the decay rate, while higher moments μn are related to the spectrum shape. The here advocated spectral-moment method (SMM) allows for a complementary understanding of previous results, obtained using the so-called spectrum-shape method (SSM) and its revised version, in terms of two free parameters: r=gA/gV (the ratio of axial-vector to vector couplings) and s (the small vectorlike relativistic nuclear matrix element, s-NME). We present numerical results for three differ…
Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. III : Details on experiment, analysis, 282Cn, and spontaneous fission branches
Flerovium isotopes (element Z=114) were produced in the fusion-evaporation reactions 48Ca+242,244Pu and studied with an upgraded TASISpec decay station placed in the focal plane of the gas-filled separator TASCA at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany. Twenty-nine flerovium decay chains were identified by means of correlated implantation, α decay, and spontaneous fission events. Data analysis aspects and statistical assessments, primarily based on measured rates of various events, which laid the foundation for the comprehensive spectroscopic information on the flerovium decay chains, are presented in detail. Various decay scenarios of an excited state obse…
La détermination de la résidence habituelle de l'enfant dans l'application du Protocole de La Haye du 23 novembre 2007 sur la loi applicable aux obli…
(CJUE, 12 mai 2022, aff. C-644/20, D. actu., 30 mai 2022, obs. F. Mélin ; Droit de la famille no 7-8, juill. 2022, comm. 116, commentaire A. Devers)
Prefazione a Libertà di espressione e costo del consenso nell'era della condivisione digitale. Analisi comparatistica di A. Mendola
A retrospective diagnostic study of prevalence of orofacial calcifications using panoramic radiograph: To insinuate the unseen
The prevalence of calcifications in the head and neck region has long been observed and has a strong value of presaging systemic illness. The observations of such calcifications in routine panoramic radiographs (PR) demands keen follow-up and health check
Annex 2. Prova inicial d'escriptura pronoms "en" i "ho"
Prova inicial d'escriptura sobre el pronom "en" i el pronom "ho" amb activitats distractores. Annex 2 a la seqüència didàctica sobre "en" i sobre "ho".
Journal of the Institute of Latvian History
Atbalsts LU Latvijas vēstures institūta LU ilgtermiņa saistību izpildei 2020.-2023. gadā ("Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls")
Staging the Narrative
Throughout this thesis, I will look at the concept album as a discursive genre with a focus on La Dispute’s second full-length album Wildlife, released in 2011. By engaging with the narrative and the performance of Wildlife, I will analyze and discuss aspects that are germane to the musical genre of post-hardcore, which will aim to answer the following research question: How do authenticity and performativity inform the listener’s response to the interplay of narrative and performance in La Dispute’s concept album Wildlife? Part one of this thesis will focus on the theoretical framework I base my discussion on. The terms “performance” and “narrative” will be thoroughly examined, and my find…
Pratiche anti-oppressive e popolazione LGBTQAI+: riflessioni per la formazione in servizio sociale
The aim of this work is to contribute to the Italian debate, firstly through a reconstruction of the main assumptions of Critical Social Work (CSW) whose analyses provide social workers with a critical awareness and reflexivity without which it would not be possible to link their professional practice and the daily challenges that LGBTQAI+ people face with the systemic and structural aspects of disadvantage and oppression that characterise contemporary societies. In this sense, CSW - applied to the fields of sexual orientations, gender identities and non-normative sexualities - is configured as an overall practice that invests the identities of social workers and users and their symbolic an…
Il paesaggio dei Nebrodi in Sicilia come “giardino del Mediterraneo”
he reading of the Italian agricultural landscape carried out by Emilio Sereni (Sereni, 1961) is offered, even today, to all of us sensitive to the theme, as a seminal work, as a point of origin to analyze and understand more than effectively the change in the Italian landscape. Starting from the studies conducted by Sereni on the Mediterranean gardens in Sicily (Sereni, 1961, p. 37) the Nebrodi area (which also includes the area of the ancient settlement of Alesa), in Sicily, was examined. Although the Nebrodi receive much attention today, in consideration of the patrimonial, anthropological, cultural values, from authoritative scholars (Goethe, Consolo, Piovene, sereni himself ...), Sicili…
In the rail sector, France needs to do more to connect its regional networks to the European network
In an article for "Le Monde" newspaper, the legal expert Martial Pernet notes that, despite the texts in force, which he urges to be applied, efforts must be made to achieve the unification of the European rail network.
Recensione ad A. Rapini, A social history of administrative science in Italy. Planning a State of happiness from liberalism to fascism, Londra, Palgr…
E' la recensione al libro di Andrea Rapini. It is the review of Andrea Rapini's book.
Inorganic Anion-Mediated Supramolecular Entities of 4-Amino-3,5-Bis(4-Pyridyl)-1,2,4-Triazole Salts Assisted by the Interplay of Noncovalent Interact…
The development of new families of synthetic molecular systems projecting neutral, bi-, or multi-H-bonding donor units is significant to acquire the desired selectivity within the fascinating area of anion recognition. Here, we illustrate the reaction between a neutral 4-amino-3,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole ligand (L) with acidic solutions containing either chloride, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, iodide, sulfate, hexafluorosilicate, fluoride, tetrafluoroborate or perchlorate anions, yielding 16 new anion-mediated supramolecular entities, H2LCl2 (1), H2LBr2 (2), H2L(NO3)2 (3), HL(H2PO4) (4), H2L(H2PO4)2 (5), [H2L]2I4 (6), H2L(NO3)2 (7), H2L(SO4)·H2O (8), H2LSiF6 (9), H2LSiF6·2H2O (10), H2L…
Identifying Influential Nodes: The Overlapping Modularity Vitality Framework
This paper proposes an Overlapping Modularity Vitality framework for identifying influential nodes in networks with overlapping community structures. The framework uses a generalized modularity equation and the concept of vitality to calculate the centrality of a node. We investigate three definitions of overlapping modularity and three ranking strategies prioritizing hubs, bridges, or both types of nodes. Experimental investigations involving real-world networks show that the proposed framework demonstrates the benefit of incorporating overlapping community structure information to identify critical nodes in a network.
Organisational Legitimation Strategies in Social Media : How Business Schools Address Declining Ranking
Public relations scholarship has drawn on organisational legitimacy theory to show how organisations appeal to stakeholders’ acceptance of their existence and importance in society. Studies have shown how different types of organisations utilise communication strategies in social media to gain legitimacy. This chapter contributes to public relations research by examining how a sample of business schools implemented legitimation strategies in their social media posts when their legitimacy was threatened. The findings show that when ten world-class European business schools faced declining institutional rankings between 2016 and 2019, they made use of four legitimation strategies—authorisatio…
Application of beetroot's nitrates juice in team sports
News. - Beet juice has recently become the focus of interest of many research entities. This is due to its positive effects on many aspects of exercise in various sports disciplines. Supplementation with nitrate-rich beet juice can both reduce muscle soreness and accelerate the recovery process, reduce the aerobic cost of exercise, and improve the physical performance of athletes. Nitrate supplementation increases plasma nitrite concentrations and lowers resting blood pressure. Furthermore, nitrate supplementation also lowers the aerobic cost during submaximal exercise and may, under certain circumstances, increase exercise tolerance and performance. This is due to the increased bioavailabi…
Dziedzictwo kulinarne polsko-czesko-niemieckiego pogranicza (na przykładzie gwarowych nazw klusek)
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie dziedzictwa kulinarnego polsko- czesko-niemieckiego po gra nic za na przykładzie śląskich nazw klusek. W tekście analizie poddano 75 gwarowych leksemów, omawiając ich pochodzenie i motywację. Wyróżniono kilka grup motywacyjnych: nazwy odnoszące się do sposobu przyrządzania potrawy; nazwy nawiązujące do jej głównego składnika; nazwy wskazujące na właściwości organoleptyczne klusek (kolor, kształt, konsystencja) oraz na ich związek z regionem czy państwem. Część przykładów nazw klusek to pożyczki z języka niemieckiego i języka czeskiego, wskazujące na wspólne dziedzictwo kulinarne. Bazę materiałową niniejszego tekstu stanowią dawne i nowsze źródła etnograficzne, …
Reseña del libro 'TORAN, Rosa; MARTÍNEZ-VIDAL, Àlvar. El metge Josep Torrubia Zea. Lliurepensador, maçó i socialista.Catarroja-Barcelona: Editorial A…
Fins la publicació d'aquesta excel·lent biografia, Josep Torrubia Zea havia estat un personatge desconegut per a la historiografia de la medicina i també per a la memòria pública del nostre país. L'oblit de Torrubia no és un cas excepcional, tot i ser un personatge únic, perquè el franquisme va sembrar falsedat i oblit sobre el passat. Això no obstant, el llibre ens mostra com el nostre protagonista havia quedat en la memòria dels masnovins, que encara el recorden com a metge en temps de república i guerra
31st EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2023)
Impacto de la docencia online en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes españoles de medicina
Introducción: El confinamiento derivado de la situación sanitaria a finales del primer trimestre de 2020 en España obligó a que la segunda parte del curso 2019- 2020 de todos los niveles educativos pasara a formato online de una manera forzada e imprevista. Objetivo: Identificar el impacto de la docencia online en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de medicina en el curso 2019-2020. Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo transversal y utilizó datos públicos anonimizados sobre rendimiento académico de estudiantes de medicina en universidades españolas. A partir de la información pública de los sistemas de garantía interna de calidad de estas universidades, se analizaron los valores medios …
Älypuhelimista on hyötyä ja haittaa urheilijoiden itsesäätelylle
Afterword to the volume "War and Peace in the Religious Conflicts of the Long Sixteenth Century"
Przemijające zaburzenia pamięci u 62-letniego mężczyzny – opis przypadku
Estudio observacional prospectivo de valoración perioperatoria ecográfica del diafragma (D-POCUS) para la detección del bloqueo frénico y predicción …
El músculo diafragma es el principal musculo que interviene en la ventilación, siendo responsable de alrededor del 80% del trabajo ventilatorio en condiciones normales. Cuando realizamos una anestesia del plexo braquial por encima de la clavícula, la proximidad del nervio frénico provoca un bloqueo de forma frecuente, y este hecho conlleva una disfunción hemidiafragmática en grado variable. Sin embargo pocos pacientes desarrollan complicaciones pulmonares postoperatorias. Se ha prestado poca atención al hemidiafragma contralateral como parte de la función diafragmática global. Conocer con exactitud el comportamiento de ambos diafragmas (en especial el contralateral al bloqueo) es clave para…