showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Chaleur humaine
This book accompanies the second edition of the Art & Industry Triennial - Chaleur humaine (10 June 2023 — 14 January 2024), produced by the Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France and the Lieu d'Art et Action Contemporaine (LAAC) in Dunkirk. Its objective: connecting the history of art to forms of energy since 1972. Edited by Camille Richert, with Anna Colin, the Triennial curators, and encompassing a series of essays by social science scholars, the exhibition catalogue touches on and problematises notions of progress, resources, consumption and productivity. It further highlights the ways in which artists, through their perceptive accounts, have examined these subjects, making new forms or fun…
La percepción de sostenibilidad y el doble enfoque del eWOM receptor-emisor en el proceso de construcción del capital de marca de un destino turístico
Las empresas turísticas y los gestores de destinos se enfrentan a importantes retos estratégicos relacionados con el papel de la sostenibilidad en las decisiones de los consumidores. En este contexto, esta Tesis Doctoral persigue analizar el impacto de la percepción de la sostenibilidad en su triple consideración (económica, sociocultural y ambiental) y del eWOM recibido en la construcción del capital de marca de un destino turístico emergente, así como su repercusión en la cadena de respuestas expresadas en términos de valor percibido, satisfacción, intención de revisita y eWOM emitido. Para lograr este objetivo general se plantearon 12 objetivos específicos que se agrupan en cuatro grupos…
"Figure 2a-1" of "Azimuthal anisotropy of neutral pion production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt(s_NN)$ = 200 GeV: Path-length dependence of jet quenc…
$v_2$ vs $N_{part}$ and $R_{AA}$ vs $N_{part}$ in two $p_T$ ranges compared with WHDG model.
Microstructure-process relationship and reactivity at the nanoscale : a molecular dynamics study of Ni, Ni-Al, and Ti-Al metallic systems
The process-microstructure relationship is central in materials science because the microstructure will determine the properties of the materials developed by the processes. In our work, we focused on different metallurgical processes by adopting a description at the atomic scale. This approach allows us to detect the elementary mechanisms that are at the origin of the observed microstructures without having to postulate macroscopic mechanisms or estimate the associated parameters. In this respect, molecular dynamics simulations provide a tool for "in-situ" observation of metallic systems as long as an atomic interaction potential is available. The originality of our approach consists in mo…
Use of digital displays and ocular surface alterations
Aunque nuestra comprensión de los efectos del uso de dispositivos electrónicos sobre la superficie ocular ha aumentado considerablemente desde el inicio de siglo, varias preguntas importantes siguen sin respuesta. Asimismo, los avances tecnológicos y la aparición de nuevas formas de dispositivos digitales hacen necesaria una investigación continua. Esta tesis doctoral presenta un total de 12 estudios independientes los cuales constituyen los pilares de este trabajo (Capítulos 4-15). En primer lugar, el Capítulo 4 tuvo como objetivo evaluar la asociación entre los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad de ojo seco (EOS) y el síndrome visual informático (SVI). Se llevó a cabo una encuesta online…
La gestion de la diversité cognitive : l’importance du rôle de coordination des investisseurs en start-ups. Une étude exploratoire
International audience; La diversité cognitive est souvent marquée entre les différents investisseurs (business angels et capital-risqueurs) et les dirigeants de start-up. Cette diversité est à la fois source d’innovation et de mécompréhension entre les acteurs. Elle doit donc être coordonnée pour non seulement assurer la survie de l’entreprise mais aussi lui permettre de se développer dans un environnement technologique turbulent. À l’aide d’une étude de cas longitudinale comparative de deux start-ups en relation avec différents investisseurs, nous menons une étude exploratoire pour investiguer la fonction de coordination cognitive. Nous élaborons un modèle des qualités que doit réunir un …
Beratung beim Extensiven Lesen im DaF-Unterricht
The following paper examines, from a multimodal perspective, a counseling sequence between a teacher and a student in the tenth grade at an Italian high school during a lesson of Extensive Reading in German as a foreign language. After an overview of the state of research on counseling during the lesson and a description of the function of counseling in extensive reading, there follows the presentation of the methodological procedure for the analysis. Analysis of the subsequent interaction aims to reveal multimodal patterns of action in the development of the counseling discourse, thus to encourage a reflection on the role of counseling in extensive reading and, subsequently, in the context…
Nicolas Poirier, Exil et création de soi. Canetti, Gombrowicz, Joyce, Lessing, Mann, Nabokov et Saïd, Paris : Classiques Garnier « Littérature, Histo…
Matlab/Simulink-Based Modeling for Industrial Electric Vehicle
The land transport sector has passed through multiple phases of evolution in design, development, and manufacturing of vehicles. In particular, the construction site continues to progress towards the autonomous vehicles (also called self-driving), which were one of its big trends and have become a hot topic in the industrial and academic world. By now, with this new technology of autonomous driving, we can ensure safety by reducing the number of road accidents, also the environmental impact and energy consumption is lessened. The modeling and simulation phases had become a mandatory step to design, characterize and simulate vehicle dynamics while reducing the cost of development. As they pr…
The French Communist Party and the CGTU in the department of Pas-de-Calais during the interwar period
Rural department, bordered by a coastline, formerly industrialized and urbanized, the department of Pas-de-Calais was a bastion of the Socialist Party and the trade union movement before the First World War. The birth of the SFIC Communist Party in December 1920 and the union split that affected the CGT divided the labor movement. Our work is interested in the construction, the evolutions and the anchoring in a territory of an original political movement and its union relays during the years of the interwar period.It is about questioning the specificity of a political party and a trade union organization, about the links they have established between them, about the margin of autonomy they …
Evaluation of the validity of temporal sensory evaluation methods carried out by consumers on controlled stimuli delivered by a gustometer
Temporal sensory evaluation is increasingly used with consumers. However, very few studies have investigated the repeatability and resolution of the methods used. Thus, this study aimed to fill in the gap by comparing the conclusions drawn from data collected using three temporal sensory methods performed with consumers on time model solutions delivered using a gustometer. One hundred and fifty consumers were recruited. After familiarization and a recognition task, they were divided into 3 panels, each using a different method to describe their temporal perception: Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA), and Attack-Evolution-Finish (AEF). Fourteen solu…
Predicting liquid–liquid phase separation in ternary organic–organic–water mixtures
Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) affects the water uptake of aerosol particles in the atmosphere through Kelvin and Raoult effects. This study investigates LLPS in ternary mixtures containing water and two organic compounds, using a conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS). COSMO-RS found LLPS in all of the studied mixtures containing water and proxies for primary and secondary organic aerosol (POA and SOA, respectively), due to the limited solubility of the hydrophobic POA proxies in water. The computations predict additional three-phase states in some of the SOA–POA–water mixtures at relative humidity (RH) close to 100%, which was not observed in experiments, likel…
La solidarité comme arme. Le Secours rouge international, une organisation de défense face à la répression du mouvement communiste (1918-1934)
Ce texte reprend celui de la soutenance de thèse La solidarité comme arme. Le Secours rouge international, une organisation de défense face à la répression du mouvement communiste (1918-1934), qui s'est tenue le 9 décembre 2022 à l'université de Bourgogne. Le jury était composé de Serge Wolikow, professeur émérite de l'université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (président du jury), Jean Vigreux, professeur des universités à l'université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (directeur de thèse), Stéfanie Prezioso, professeure des universités à l'université de Lausanne (rapporteure), Antony Todorov, professeur des universités à la Nouvelle université bulgare de Sofia (rapporteur), Vanessa Codaccioni, maître…
IA neuro-symbolique pour l'interprétation granulaire des données des bases STUPS© et OTARIES© : défis applicatifs et perspectives
Historiquement, l'intelligence artificielle (IA) s'est divisée en 2 courants selon les hypothèses faites pour modéliser l'intelligence humaine : l'IA symbolique, supposant que des symboles sont nécessaires, et l'IA statistique (plus particulièrement l'IA connexionniste) affirmant le contraire. Dernièrement, l'IA neuro-symbolique tente de réconcilier les 2. Les travaux présentés dans cet article sont en en collaboration avec la Police Scientifique française, dans le contexte du Plan National Stup. Nous présentons les problématiques métiers en lien avec le projet, puis en déduisons les problématiques scientifiques. Après un rappel des domaines de l'IA et leurs limites, nous présentons un état…
Efecto del preacondicionamiento de la plastia gástrica sobre la oxigenación y dehiscencia anastomótica en el cáncer de esófago. Estudio prospectivo r…
Introducción: Una de las principales complicaciones tras una esofaguectomía McKeown es la dehiscencia a nivel cervical. El déficit de aporte vascular es uno de los factores a nivel local relacionados con la dehiscencia anastomótica. El acondicionamiento isquémico de la plastia ha sido descrito como una técnica que mejora la vascularización a nivel de la plastia gástrica, pudiendo influir en las tasas de dehiscencia de la anastomosis esofagogástrica. Objetivos: Se plantea como hipótesis de este estudio que el acondicionamiento de la plastia gástrica mediante embolización arterial pueda producir un aumento en la oxigenación tisular y una disminución de la dehiscencia esofagogástrica tras una …
Le changement climatique : Un précipice en escalier
Point d’étape sur le bouleversement en cours et la forme qu’il revêt..
Activation of Stainless Steel 316L Anode for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis
The increased emphasis on renewable energy has resulted in a surge of R&D efforts into hydrogen and battery research. The intensive electrochemical environment surrounding the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) has plagued both the activity and stability of the catalytic layer, substrate and porous transport layer, ultimately affecting both these industries. Herein, we report the benefits of potential cycling (PC) a 316L stainless steel felt porous transport layer (PTL) for use in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. The PC increased surface roughness and created a CrFe5Ni2-OxHy layer through the oxidation of iron as shown by SEM, EDS, XPS, XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Post-PC tes…
Liikkumisen esteiden poistaminen vie kohti yhdenvertaisuutta
Väestön liikkumisen lisäämiseksi on keskityttävä esteiden poistamiseen. Liikuntamahdollisuuksien saavutettavuudessa ei ole kyse yksinomaan liikuntapaikkojen tarjonnasta. nonPeerReviewed
Discovery of SI 1/20 and SI 1/22 as Mutual Prodrugs of 5-Fluorouracil and Imidazole-Based Heme Oxygenase 1 Inhibitor with Improved Cytotoxicity in DU…
: In this work, we extend the concept of 5-fluorouracil/heme oxygenase 1 (5-FU/HO-1) inhibitor hybrid as an effective strategy for enhancing 5-FU-based anticancer therapies. For this purpose, we designed and synthesized new mutual prodrugs, named SI 1/20 and SI 1/22, in which the two active parent drugs (i. e., 5-FU and an imidazole-based HO-1 inhibitor) were connected through an easily cleavable succinic linker. Experimental hydrolysis rate, and in silico ADMET predictions were indicative of good drug-likeness and pharmacokinetic properties. Novel hybrids significantly reduced the viability of prostate DU145 cancer cells compared to the parent compounds 5-FU and HO-1 inhibitor administered…
La Corte di giustizia rinviene una fattispecie che si assumeva perduta: l'abuso di struttura
The article provides an analysis on the relationship between Article 102 TEUF (and its scope) and EU Regulation No 139/04 on mergers
Riflessioni critiche sul collegamento fra autotutela sostitutiva e principio di perennità’ dell’azione impositiva
Con opinabile orientamento, la Suprema Corte ha esteso i confini dell’autotutela c.d. sostitutiva fino a ricomprendervi un principio di “perennità” dell’azione amministrativa, che mal si raccorda, laddove non ne nega addirittura la ratio sottostante, con la disciplina positiva che regola i presupposti per l’esercizio della funzione impositiva e per la sua rinnovazione. Siffatto principio, peraltro, appare in contrasto con quello della “buona amministrazione” (diretta declinazione dell’art. 97 Cost.) nella misura in cui essa trova la sua moderna dimensione nell’essere anche strumento di tutela dell’amministrato dall’esercizio (extra ordinem) dei pubblici poteri. The Italian Supreme Court has…
Lingual osseous choristoma : case report and literature review of this rare entity
Intraoral osseous choristoma represents a benign lesion of growing ectopic bone in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. It is considered as rare entity while fewer than 100 cases have ever been reported worldwide. Nevertheless, the pathogenetic mechanism
Efficiency vs. values : Institutional logics, situated rationality, and performance measurement in a cooperative bank
This qualitative case study explores how situated rationality is achieved and maintained between two coexisting institutional logics, ‘global’ financial efficiency and ‘local’ customer-owners, around a performance measurement system in a large cooperative bank. We focus especially on the relationship between financial performance measures and softer, cooperative and communal organisational values. The results highlight that communal values may be effectively used to smooth and manage managerial contradictions; thus, situated rationality for operations can be achieved and maintained. This may also explain the resilience and success of communal values and cooperatively formed organisations in…
European Modernity and the Passionate South
En el largo siglo XIX, los estereotipos dominantes mostraban a las personas del sur mediterráneo como particularmente apasionadas e ingobernables y, por tanto, incapaces de adaptarse a los deberes morales y políticos impuestos por la civilización y la modernidad europeas. Este libro estudia, por primera vez en perspectiva comparada, la dimensión de género de un proceso que legitimó jerarquías internas entre el Norte y el Sur del continente. También analiza cómo se respondió a este fenómeno desde España e Italia, señalando las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos países. Empleando como fuentes de estudio los relatos de viajes, sátiras, obras filosóficas, novelas, obras de teatro, la ópera y…
National high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests
The continuous decline of forest biodiversity highlights the importance of the development of cost-effective and ecologically sustainable land-use planning approaches. Spatial conservation prioritisation (SCP) can be regarded as a useful tool for this challenge. We produced high-resolution, national scale SCP analyses to identify unprotected forest areas that host valuable forest biodiversity. We used stand-based modelled dead wood potential (DWP) data as a primary surrogate for conservation value. In addition, data on forestry operations that have negative impacts on biodiversity, connectivity between forest areas, the observations of red-listed forest species, connectivity to forest habit…
Claus eco-hidrològiques per entendre la influència de les aigües subterrànies en rierols d'alta muntanya
L'estudi de la hidrologia a l'alta muntanya desperta interés atés que són les zones de captació primàries, per tant, el que ocorre aquí pot ser percebut aigües avall. A més, en termes relatius, l'ecosistema d'alta muntanya està menys pertorbat per l'acció humana que altres zones properes a nuclis urbans, en conseqüència, són ecosistemes més sensibles a qualsevol canvi que hi puga ocorre, condició que atribueix l'estudi ecològic de l'alta muntanya com idoni per poder identificar les diverses alteracions causades pel canvi global (climàtic i de pol·lució). Les diverses dificultats que planteja el mostreig en aquests ecosistemes, a causa d’una limitada accessibilitat i dificultat per a obtenir…
Translation shifts from English to Romanian in literary and general informative texts
This thesis asks the question of how English present and past participles are translated to Romanian in literary texts, as well as in general informative texts. Excerpts containing present and past participles are extracted from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book and Wikipedia texts and compared to their equivalents in Romanian. The theoretical background is based on J.C. Catford’s translation shifts classification. The most frequent changes are level shifts (a grammatical distinction in the source language is expressed by lexical means in the target language), class shifts (English participles are translated to different grammatical items - e.g., an English present participle ca…
Il rito della mancipatio in Gai 1.119: ‘rem et aes tenens’
Sulla base di una riconsiderazione complessiva delle fonti e della letteratura in argomento si affronta nuovamente la questione relativa alla ricostruzione del testo del primo commentario delle Istituzioni di Gaio (Gai 1.119) e si affaccia l'ipotesi che nel testo si leggesse in origine 'rem et aes tenens'.
Hva kjennetegner kroppsøvingsdebatten i norsk media?
Denne studien tar sikte på å undersøke hvordan kroppsøvingsfaget blir fremstilt i norsk media. Målet med studien var å svare på problemstillingen; Hva kjennetegner kroppsøvingsfaget i norsk media? Hvem uttaler seg, og om hva? Studien bidrar til å identifisere trender og temaer som utgjør mediebildet. Studien samlet inn datamateriell fra norske papiraviser i en tiårsperiode fra juli 2012 til juli 2022. Totalt ble 2225 artikler gjennomgått, hvorav 256 artikler oppfylte kravet vårt om å diskutere elementer knyttet til kroppsøvingsfaget, og ble hovedgrunnlaget for studien. Det ble brukt både deskriptiv statistikk og tematisk analyse for å svare på problemstillingen. Undersøkelsene avdekker at d…
Dementia in former amateur and professional contact sports participants : population-based cohort study, systematic review, and meta-analysis
Background Although there is growing evidence that former professional athletes from sports characterised by repetitive head impact subsequently experience an elevated risk of dementia, the occurrence of this disorder in retired amateurs, who represent a larger population, is uncertain. The present meta-analysis integrates new results from individual-participant analyses of a cohort study of former amateur contact sports participants into a systematic review of existing studies of retired professionals and amateurs. Methods The cohort study comprised 2005 male retired amateur athletes who had competed internationally for Finland (1920–1965) and a general population comparison group of 1386 …
Turismo musical: conceptualización e implicaciones territoriales. Un análisis exploratorio de los procesos de coordinación turístico-musicales de la …
Some important territories in Central countries have been offering high-value musical activities to their residents for the last two decades, which also attract visitors and therefore generate tourism. In order to address the conceptualization of musical tourism as a general objective, the thesis conducts an in-depth review of the literature and proposes an initial social, economic, and territorial analysis of music and its international evolution, as well as in Spain, where tourism activity constitutes a possible higher evolution for music and requires a local network with coordination relationships between public and private agents. However, there is little empirical evidence and academic…
Modalités d’attachement et maternité : étude des remaniements psychiques à partir d’un cas
Resume Cet article presente les premiers resultats d’une recherche sur les modifications de l’attachement en ante- et en post-natal, dans une population de femmes primipares, au sein d’un service de maternite d’un Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire. La maternite, percue dans notre societe comme une source d’epanouissement et de plenitude, resulte de processus psychiques complexes et delicats. Le style d’attachement est considere comme une donnee constante tout au long de la vie. Nous faisons l’hypothese de sa variation durant la periode perinatale. Pour la mesurer et la comprendre, nous nous appuyons sur la notion de strategies d’attachement. Sur le plan methodologique, nous avons me…
Application of Silsesquioxanes in the Preparation of Polyolefin-Based Materials
This paper is a review of studies on the use of the polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) of various structures in the synthesis of polyolefins and the modification of their properties, namely: (1) components of organometallic catalytic systems for the polymerization of olefins, (2) comonomers in the copolymerization with ethylene, and (3) fillers in composites based on polyolefins. In addition, studies on the use of new silicon compounds, i.e., siloxane–silsesquioxane resins, as fillers for composites based on polyolefins are presented. The authors dedicate this paper to Professor Bogdan Marciniec on the occasion of his jubilee.
Desarrollo sostenible en el comercio según la perspectiva del consumidor: análisis de sus efectos en hipermercados
La sostenibilidad es un tema de interés para la academia y para el sector empresarial por todas las preocupaciones que implica a nivel mundial. Debido al entorno en donde se desenvuelven las empresas del sector minorista, tienen mayores oportunidades de evidenciar las gestiones sostenibles, por ello en la literatura del marketing se ha estudiado ampliamente las acciones de sostenibilidad que realizan las empresas. Sin embargo, el análisis del compromiso del minorista con el desarrollo sostenible percibido por el consumidor, es un constructo que recientemente se está estudiando y su área de aplicación principalmente ha sido en el continente europeo, por lo que esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como …
Teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in relation to their general occupational well‐being
Background Teachers' stress, affect and general occupational well-being influence their teaching and their students. However, how teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect are related in the classroom is unknown. To reduce teachers' stress and enhance their positive affect, it is crucial to understand how occupational well-being relates to stress and affect. Aim The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in authentic classroom settings and the roles played by teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, perceptions of school climate and burnout symptoms in daily stress and affect. Sample The sample consisted of 4…
Modelling of proffesional competences in health care units – preliminary assumptions
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the theoretical assumptions of the model of professional competencies in health care units. It was assumed that competences are a multidimensional concept and require an integrated approach that allows for the construction of a competency model that reflects their real complexity. A list of professional competencies will be presented, which will be subject to empirical verification in the course of future research by the authors in order to identify key competencies. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed lists of professional competencies (six domains) was created and are based on the analysis of healthcare competencies models - the study of…