showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Cross-country skiers often experience respiratory symptoms during and after exercise but have a low prevalence of prolonged cough
Background Cross-country skiers train and compete during the winter for long periods of time in subfreezing conditions, which strains the airways and provokes respiratory symptoms. This study aimed to compare the prevalence of exercise-related symptoms and prolonged cough in competitive cross-country skiers versus the general population and to investigate the association between these symptoms and asthma. Methods A questionnaire was sent to Finnish cross-country skiers (n=1282) and a random sample of the general population (n=1754), with response rates of 26.9% and 19.0%, respectively. Results Both groups were mostly asymptomatic at rest, but symptoms were increased in both groups during an…
Profesor Stanisław Gawlik (1928–2010) – (o)polski nauczyciel i uczony
Building Situational Awareness of GDPR
Because previous academic research does not comment sufficiently on how the relevant content of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR has been properly communicated to the organisations, or how the situational awareness (SA) of GDPR has been built in the organisations, this qualitative empirical research was regarded as a valuable approach for gathering authentic research material on the practical bases of this phenomena. The aim of this empirical case study (CS) is to develop a picture of what processes organisations use to build SA of the GDPR requirements. To guide the CS, we asked how the SA for decision-making was constructed and how it was perceived in organ…
Viheralueet tukevat vastasyntyneen terveyttä
Uzņēmējdarbība : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi
Izdevums Es, topošais pilsonis ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo vai…
Computer Vision on X-ray Data in Industrial Production and Security Applications: A Comprehensive Survey
X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using com…
Novità normative dell'Unione europea in materia di tutela penale dell'ambiente
Il contributo analizza la proposta di direttiva sulla tutela penale dell'ambiente attualmente in corso di approvazione presso le istituzioni europee.
Człowiek - dzieło - historia : wykłady otwarte w roku 70-lecia Pedagogicznej Biblioteki Wojewódzkiej w Opolu
Ce post examine l'unique traduction d'un poème de Lionel Johnson (1872-1902) dans la "Décabase" qui dépouille 10 revues littéraires entre 1885-1914. Johnson est fort peu connu en France et cette méconnaissance pourrait s'expliquer par sa place discrète dans les périodiques fin de siècle français. D'autres dépouillements pourraient éclairer cette réception quasi-inexistante.
Inkluderingsdilemmaer i specialpædagogisk arbejde i børnehave
Børnehaveloven beskriver at børnehaven skal være en arena for fællesskab, venskab, demokrati og ligestilling, samt modarbejde alle former for diskriminering (Barnehageloven, 2005, §1). Børnehaveloven (Barnehageloven, 2005, §31) viser til at børn som er under oplæringspligtig alder har ret til specialpædagogisk hjælp, hvis de har særlig behov for dette. Nordahl (2018, s. 5) beskriver at børn med behov for specialpædagogisk hjælp over lang tid ikke har været tilstrækkelig inkluderet i fællesskab med andre børn, og at de ikke har fået muligheden til at realisere sit potentiale. Nordahl beskriver et tydelig behov for et kvalitativt bedre tilbud til de børn, som modtager specialpædagogisk hjælp …
Impact of the community structure on the dynamics of complex networks
Networks are everywhere. We encounter them daily in our lives, through our social interactions, how we come up with decisions in our brain, to having phone calls, conducting financial transactions, and traveling from one place to another. Individual actions are influenced by their environment, which is, in turn, influenced by the network's topology. Notably, individuals may change their actions, ideas, or opinions to conform to the aspirations of a particular social group. In the same vein, the spread of a virus can take a certain course if the network's structure induces specific pathways for expansion. In such scenarios, communities substantially impact the evolution of the dynamics. They…
Poznaj swojego wykładowcę
Batterikysten - og Arendalsregionens rolle i realiseringen av den.
Denne masteroppgaven har som formål å finne ut hva Batterikysten betyr som begrep – samt hvordan aktørene i Arendalsregionen kan bidra til å realisere den. Det er et ønske om at oppgaven kan danne et veikart for hvordan en mindre region kan ta imot en stor etablering og arbeide for at det oppstår næringsmessige ringvirkninger – samt bidra til å finne stedsbaserte løsninger på noen av vår tids største samfunnsutfordringer – nemlig global oppvarming, geopolitisk uavhengighet – og økonomisk vekst. Denne masteroppgaven baserer seg i all hovedsak på teorier om regionale innovasjonssystemer (RIS), utfordringsorienterte regionale innovasjonssystemer (Co-RIS), flernivåperspektivet (MLP) og fremveks…
Feedback Classification and Optimal Control with Applications to the Controlled Lotka-Volterra Model
Let M be a σ-compact C^∞ manifold of dimension n ≥ 2 and consider a single-input control system: ẋ(t) = X (x(t)) + u(t) Y (x(t)), where X , Y are C^∞ vector fields on M. We prove that there exist an open set of pairs (X , Y ) for the C^∞ –Whitney topology such that they admit singular abnormal rays so that the spectrum of the projective singular Hamiltonian dynamics is feedback invariant. It is applied to controlled Lotka–Volterra dynamics where such rays are related to shifted equilibria of the free dynamics.
VADER: A novel decay station for actinide spectroscopy
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 540, 148 - 150 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.021
Chemistry of two-dimensional pnictogens: emerging post-graphene materials for advanced applications
The layered allotropes of group 15 (P, As, Sb and Bi), also called two-dimensional (2D) pnictogens, have emerged as one of the most promising families of post-graphene 2D-materials. This is mainly due to the great variety of properties they exhibit, including layer-dependent bandgap, high charge-carrier mobility and current on/off ratios, strong spin-orbit coupling, wide allotropic diversity and pronounced chemical reactivity. These are key ingredients for exciting applications in (opto)electronics, heterogeneous catalysis, nanomedicine or energy storage and conversion, to name a few. However, there are still many challenges to overcome in order to fully understand their properties and brin…
Interview: Kalyanmoy Deb Talks about Formation, Development and Challenges of the EMO Community, Important Positions in His Career, and Issues Faced …
Kalyanmoy Deb was born in Udaipur, Tripura, the smallest state of India at the time, in 1963 [...]
A comparative evaluation of frictional resistance and surface roughness of silver coated and uncoated stainless-steel bracket wire assembly- An in-vi…
Silver ions act as potent antimicrobial agents. Silver coating of brackets and the archwires can help reduce the formation of white spot lesions and caries which is commonly seen with fixed orthodontic treatment. However, this may affect the friction and surface roughness of the bracket-wire assembly which in turn affects the biological tooth movement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 60 samples were included in the study which was divided into four groups. Group-1: * 15 silver coated 0.022 x 0.028" slot MBT prescription maxillary central incisor brackets * 15 silver coated 0.019 x 0.025" stainless-steel wires; Group-2: * 15 uncoated 0.022 x 0.028" slot MBT prescription maxillary central in…
Opplevd treneratferd og robust selvtillit blant norske lagidrettsutøvere
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different coach behavior and athletes robust sport-confidence in a sample of elite and non-elite athletes in football, handball, bandy and ice hockey in Norway, in a cross-sectional survey. More specifically, it was hypothesized that positive coaching behavior would affect robust sport-confidence in a positive way, and negative coaching behavior would affect robust sport-confidence in a negative way. This cross-sectional survey is part of a larger project called “Elite Team Project 2023”, and is based on data collections made in autumn 2022 and winter 2023 where male (n = 264) and female (n = 161) athletes from Oslo, Trondhei…
Impact of nuclear matrix element calculations for current and future neutrinoless double beta decay searches
Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta\beta}$ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. A crucial role is played by the recently discovered short-range contribution to the NME, induced by light Majorana neutrino masses. Depending on the NME model and the relative sign of the long- and short-range contributions, the current $3\sigma$ bound can change between $m_{\beta\beta} < 40$ m…
Children as social actors negotiating their privacy in the digital commercial context
This study advances research on children’s negotiation of online commercial privacy by identifying an act of digital agency by children that may serve their current needs but can also impact children negatively. Secondly, it identifies certain factors children consider while evaluating the trustworthiness of apps and websites before disclosing information online. Eight focus group discussions with children (13–16 years) in Finland’s capital region are analysed using thematic analysis. Our findings highlight that while children’s digital literacy education is needed, ensuring that education translates to children’s online practices is also essential. We also recommend increasing corporations…
Diving into the uncertainties of open innovation: A systematic review of risks to uncover pertinent typologies and unexplored horizons
The open innovation paradigm has created substantial new opportunities for firms in various sectors. However, scholars have long expressed concern that open innovation also entails a dark side, which can result in value co-destruction. This concern highlights the importance of devoting attention to the perils of pursuing open innovation. Existing scholarship has given due credence to these perils by examining various associated risks and uncertainties. We observe that the extant literature is siloed and unorganized, which impedes future research. Positing that an endeavor to organize existing studies may enhance the pace of research in the area, we attempt to address this gap by reviewing t…
Probabilistic and preferential sampling approaches offer integrated perspectives of Italian forest diversity
Aim: Assessing the performances of different sampling approaches for documenting community diversity may help to identify optimal sampling efforts and strategies, and to enhance conservation and monitoring planning. Here, we used two data sets based on probabilistic and preferential sampling schemes of Italian forest vegetation to analyze the multifaceted performances of the two approaches across three major forest types at a large scale. Location: Italy. Methods: We pooled 804 probabilistic and 16,259 preferential forest plots as samples of vascular plant diversity across the country. We balanced the two data sets in terms of sizes, plot size, geographical position, and vegetation types. F…
Fadrique Furió Ceriol. Obra completa II. Los tres libros de las instituciones retóricas
Los ‘Institutionum Rhetoricarum libri tres’, de Fadrique Furio Ceriol, fue la primera obra publicada por el humanista valenciano en Lovaina en 1554 y constituye el segundo volumen de sus obras completas. Precedido de tres estudios introductorios que aportan claves para facilitar la comprensión e interpretación de la obra –abordando su entramado técnico, el uso y sentido de los ejemplos y sus valores básicos implícitos y explícitos–, se presenta el texto original en latín, con aparato crítico y de fuentes, acompañado de la traducción al castellano, que se completa con abundantes notas explicativas. No solo nos hallamos ante un manual de retórica dirigido a todo aquel que tenga interés por do…
Design e poetica
Conoscere nell’intimo la poetica che caratterizza l’opera di un Maestro dell’Architettura o del Design è una impresa culturale molto impegnativa, perché non sono unicamente gli apparati tecnici o la formazione tecnologica che la definiscono. Altro si aggiunge a tale assunti di base, come il sentimento, il rapporto con il materiale da plasmare, da trasformare, trasferendo le conoscenze acquisite, gli stati d’animo, gli umori, l’amore per il materiale che si arrende e si dona all’Artigiano-Designer. L’interesse ad indagare su Riva e sulla sua poetica stimola inevitabilmente l’autore di questo breve testo a sostenere come vi sia un legame molto stretto fra tecnologia e poetica.
Psychosocial Perspective on Problem Gambling : The role of Social Relationships, Resilience, and COVID-19 Worry
AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic has amplified several psychosocial risks and problem behaviors among vulnerable individuals. Given that gambling has high addictive potential, it is important to consider the underlying mechanisms of problem gambling. This study examined psychosocial factors associated with pandemic-time problem gambling.Cross-sectional data were gathered via an online survey of 18–75-year-old Finnish, Swedish, and British respondents (n = 2,022) who reported having gambled at least occasionally during the pandemic. Measures included problem gambling, loneliness, COVID-19 worry, social support, and psychological resilience. Control variables included gender, age, and education.…
Postępowanie z pacjentem w przypadku podejrzenia stwardnienia rozsianego
La oposición senatorial durante el principado de Augusto
Augusto se erigió como único líder del mundo romano a partir del año 30 a.C. Al año siguiente regresó a Roma victorioso después de haber derrotado a Marco Antonio y Cleopatra en Egipto. A pesar de ello, el resto de su gobierno no se vio exento de otros conflictos internos, a los cuales tuvo que hacer frente para salir airoso de todos ellos. En esta tesis estudiaremos los conflictos que tuvo que encarar en el Senado, gracias a un buen elenco de fuentes que atestiguan el enfrentamiento de algunos senadores con Augusto. No obstante, previamente a esta investigación sobre los opositores en época augústea, indagaremos en las relaciones que el Senado y el princeps mantuvieron a lo largo de su pri…
Arviointi voi tukea oppimista ja liikuntainnostusta
Analyzing the performance of transformers for streamflow prediction
Within the field of hydrology, there is a vital need to be able to predict streamflow values from hydrological basins. This has traditionally been done through physics and mathematics-based models, where measured data are combined with physics-based formulas to estimate output values. Nowadays, machine learning has been introduced as a potential way to improve the performance of these predictions. One of the classical methods for time-series prediction has been the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model, but the transformer model has also shown its ability to be proficient at solving these kinds of problems. The purpose of this paper is to implement a transformer model within an existing model…
I giorni della civetta
Il giorno della civetta è l’opera più nota di Leonardo Sciascia: tradotta in svariate lingue, presente pressoché in tutte le antologie scolastiche, stabile nel canone della narrativa italiana del secondo Novecento; è il romanzo che ha dato la notorietà allo scrittore e che ha fatto conoscere ai lettori italiani la questione mafiosa. Tuttavia, è il testo letterario sciasciano che più di tutti ha patito una ricezione controversa: lo stesso autore si discosterà presto dalla sua creazione, finendo addirittura col detestarlo, forse presagendo le interpretazioni tendenziose che, di quel libro, sarebbero state formulate perfino dopo la sua morte. Risalire al contesto nel quale Il giorno della cive…
Measurement of Direct-Photon Cross Section and Double-Helicity Asymmetry at √s = 510 GeV in →p+→p Collisions
We present measurements of the cross section and double-helicity asymmetry ALL of direct-photon production in →p+→p collisions at √s = 510 GeV. The measurements have been performed at midrapidity (|η|<0.25) with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At relativistic energies, direct photons are dominantly produced from the initial quark-gluon hard scattering and do not interact via the strong force at leading order. Therefore, at √s =510 GeV, where leading-order-effects dominate, these measurements provide clean and direct access to the gluon helicity in the polarized proton in the gluon-momentum-fraction range 0.02<0.08, with direct sensitivity to the sign of the glu…
Låtskriving med gitar, trommer og synth - Hvordan musikalske instrumenter påvirker skaperprosessen i låtskriving
Denne masteroppgaven gir et overblikk over hvordan ulike musikalske instrumenter påvirker en låtskriverprosess og inspirerer til nye, kreative ideer. Problemstillingen i oppgaven er: hvordan påvirker bruken av forskjellige musikalske instrumenter skriveprosessen og resultatet i mine komposisjoner? Gjennom et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og egen kunstnerisk praksis har låtskriveren skrevet tre musikalske verk med ulike instrumenter som et kreativt utgangspunkt for hver låt. De valgte instrumentene var akustisk gitar, trommer og synth, som låtskriveren hadde lite erfaring med fra før. Ved å ta i bruk metoder som logg, refleksjon og opptak, utforsker oppgaven forskjeller mellom melodi, rytme o…
Supplemental Material - COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns?
Supplemental Material for COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns? by Beatriz Larraz, Rosa Roig, Cristina Aybar, and Jose M. Pavía in Journal of Family Issues
Lingual osseous choristoma : case report and literature review of this rare entity
Intraoral osseous choristoma represents a benign lesion of growing ectopic bone in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. It is considered as rare entity while fewer than 100 cases have ever been reported worldwide. Nevertheless, the pathogenetic mechanism