showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Pourquoi recruter des jeunes ruraux peu qualifiés ? Attentes et incompréhensions entre des jeunes et le patronat local


Recrutement[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationJeuneTravailleur peu qualifiéZone rurale

La lettura ad alta voce per favorire lo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo del bambino


L’esposizione precoce a pratiche di lettura ad alta voce rappresenta uno strumento fondamentale per lo sviluppo di facoltà cognitive, emotive e psi-cologiche già nella prima infanzia. La lettura ad alta voce è una pratica che se utilizzata fin dalla primissima infanzia è in grado di modellare il cer-vello sviluppando maggiormente circuiti cere-brali che supportano le abilità narrative. Nume-rose ricerche hanno evidenziato come la lettura ad alta voce già dal primo anno di vita favorisca lo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo del bambino e faciliti la costruzione di un rapporto positivo tra genitori e figli. La famiglia, pertanto, ha il compi-to principale di promuovere occasioni di lettura ad alt…

Infanziasviluppo emotivoSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Socialelettura ad alta vocesviluppo cognitivopratiche di alfabetizzazione.

Characteristics and Actors of Impact Investing Ecosystem from the Perspective of Technology Startups


Interest in impact investing within technology startup industry is in-creasing. Regardless of the growing interest in impact investing, there is a significant deficiency in research considering practice of impact investing in the field of technology. Also, technology startup perspective on impact investing ecosystem research is novel research stream which and the existing research on topic is very limited. Ecosystem paradigm is widely adopted in economics and management research and adopting it in impact investing research could increase the comprehension of the phenomenon. Again, it may result in better business decisions among startup company management and foster impact investments alloc…

impact investingecosystemtechnology startuptapaustutkimusmultiple-case studysijoitukset (talous)teknologiayrityksetstartup-yrityksetinvestoinnitliiketoimintaekosysteemit

Genèse et création du réalisme mythologique de Michel Butor


Si La Modification est le roman où le mythe s’incorpore au réel, le premier roman de Butor nous permet de comprendre le processus par lequel cette conjonction s’est imposée. Il s’agira d’une part de démontrer la fonction que Passage de Milan joue dans l’affirmation des principes stylistiques de l’écriture butorienne, et, d’autre part, de laisser entrevoir à travers une analyse génétique les transformations du texte qui ont permis de renouveler la représentation du réel et d’aboutir à un système d’échos intertextuels capable de faire dialoguer les romans butoriens entre eux.

Settore L-LIN/03 - Letteratura FranceseRéalisme Mythologique Butor Critique génétique Leiris Passage de Milan Roman zéro

The road over the principle bridge to successful change management


Change management has over time received a greater focus, as the companies are looking for new opportunities to improve and evolve their organization by implementing changes. “Bottom up” phenomenon is becoming more emerging, as well as the worker involvement and empowerment. Lean, that normally is seen as the method to reduce waste that was first introduces and used by Toyota. Has in the later years been adapted and used in different occasions, for example to overcome challenges with change management. Moreover, principles are becoming more sought after, to explore their potential. This master's thesis involves examining a case study in collaboration with Norway's largest oil and gas compan…

Quelles adventices en agriculture de conservation des sols ?


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Relationships Between Audio and Movement Features, and Perceived Emotions in Musical Performance


A core aspect of musical performance is communicating emotional and expressive intentions to the audience. Recognition of the musician's intentions is constructed from a combination of visual and auditory performance cues, as well as compositional features. The current study attempted to quantify these contributions by measuring relationships between ratings of perceived emotion, and motion and auditory performance features. A pianist and violinist with advanced degrees in music performance individually performed four short western tonal pieces. The musicians were tasked with performing the pieces while invoking different expressive intentions: sad, happy, angry, and as a control, deadpan. …

musiikin esittäminentunteetmotion capturemusiikkiesityksetmusichavaitseminenperceptionliikkeenkaappausemotionsmusiikkiesityksetperformanceembodiment

La narrativa de Cronwell Jara: en contra de la supuesta centralidad del sapiens


En este articulo se hace una lectura critica de dos novelas de Cronwell Jara, "Montacerdos" y "Faite", haciendo hincapie en la presencia y el significado de los animales.

Settore L-LIN/06 - Lingua E Letterature Ispano-AmericaneNarrativa peruana siglo XXnarrativa de Cronwell Jara

Migracje i rozwój regionu


Monografia zawiera materiały z konferencji Migracje i rozwój regionu, która odbyła się 18 maja 2022 r. w Opolu w ramach III Kongresu Demograficznego. Jej organizatorami byli: Rządowa Rada Ludnościowa, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Statystyczne, Wojewoda Opolski, Urząd Statystyczny w Opolu oraz Instytut Śląski. Autorzy referatów, które złożyły się na tę publikację, pochylają się nad wieloaspektowym zagadnieniem migracji. Szczególną uwagę poświęcają Opolszczyźnie – regionowi, w którym można obserwować wszystkie zjawiska i procesy powiązane z migracjami: wewnętrznymi, zagranicznymi, przesiedleniami, wysiedleniami, emigracjami za pracą oraz imigracjami po pracę

NEMO Crypto Bancor. Proposition monétaire internationale pour la transition et la réparation écologique, humanitaire, sociale, un nouveau SMI et le p…


Résumé : Proposition d'une Monnaie Numérique Inter Banques Centrales internationale, créée ex nihilo et sans dette, dédiée au financement de la transition écologique et à la mise en place d'une coordination internationale pour l'environnement et les objectifs de développement durable, la mise en place et le pilotage d'une société post croissance, l'installation d'un nouveau Système Monétaire International, ainsi qu'un nouveau paradigme macro prudentiel avec une nouvelle technologie de monnaie à durée de vie programmable pour contrôler l'inflation.Le concept NEMO s’accompagne de la création d’un institut d’émission et d’évaluation mondial, dédié au pilotage de l’accomplissement des Objectifs…

[SDE] Environmental Sciences[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Real-Time Fault Diagnosis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and Drive System


Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) have gained massive popularity in industrial applications such as electric vehicles, robotic systems, and offshore industries due to their merits of efficiency, power density, and controllability. PMSMs working in such applications are constantly exposed to electrical, thermal, and mechanical stresses, resulting in different faults such as electrical, mechanical, and magnetic faults. These faults may lead to efficiency reduction, excessive heat, and even catastrophic system breakdown if not diagnosed in time. Therefore, developing methods for real-time condition monitoring and detection of faults at early stages can substantially lower maintenance…

VDP::Teknologi: 500

Parental influences on the development of single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency


This study investigated how single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency developed among Finnish children across Grades 1–9 (N = 2151). Latent profile analysis among 391 children who had reading and/or arithmetic fluency difficulties in Grade 9 revealed profiles that followed three distinct patterns: reading difficulties (N = 121), mathematical difficulties (N = 94), and comorbid difficulties (N = 176). The profiles and typical performers were compared on parental reading and mathematical difficulties, parental education, the early home learning environment, and parental assistance with school homework across Grades 1–9. Results showed that although parents whose c…

oppimisympäristömatematiikkakotilapset (ikäryhmät)lukeminenmathematical difficultiescomorbidityvanhemmatoppimisvaikeudetnuorethome learning environmentreading difficultiesfamilial riskkomorbiditeetti

"Figure 5" of "Nuclear modification factors of phi mesons in d+Au, Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(S_NN)=200 GeV"


$R_{AA}$ vs. $p_T$ for $\phi$ for 30-40% centrality Au+Au and 0-10% centrality Cu+Cu collisions, and $R_{AA}$ vs. $p_T$ for $\phi$ and $\pi^0$ for 40-50% centrality Au+Au and 10-20% centrality Cu+Cu collisions. The global uncertainty of ~ 10% related to the $p$+$p$ reference normalization is not shown.

ppg096Cu Cu --> CHARGED XAu Au --> CHARGED Xmidrapiditytransverse momentum200.0

Additional file 1 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling


Additional file 1. Supplementary file 1. Supplementary Material & methods.

Assessing the Performance of the Italian Translations of Modified MEIM, EIS and FESM Scales to Measure Ethnic Identity: A Case Study


Measuring the ethnic identity of linguistic minorities is a research problem which can be tackled departing from a clear operational definition of the construct. This paper will present the performance of the Italian translations of various scales widely used in the relevant literature, which have been modified for the aims of this study and used in research conducted in 2016 in the ArberesheMunicipalities of Piana degli Albanesi and Santa Cristina Gela (Province of Palermo). These scales consist of modifications of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM), Ethnic Identity Scale (EIS) and Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (FESM). The psychometric properties were analysed for all th…

Ethnic identity IRT Arbereshe MEIM EIS FESMSettore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Sociale

"Vikinger i digitale verdener" En analyse om hvordan vikinger fremstilles i aktuelle digitale spill


Vikingen er fortsatt en populær skikkelse innen flere forskjellige underholdningsområder som TV-serier, filmer, musikk og videospill. Fra 1980-tallet har digitale spill som skildrer vikinger hatt en vekst på grunn av en fornyet interesse for vikingtiden. Disse skildringene var ofte fokusert rundt kamp og kunne inkludere stereotype skildringer som vikinger som et kulturelt ensartet gruppe voldelige, krigerske barbarer. Denne oppgaven har som mål å vise hvordan vikinger er fremstilt i tre nylig publiserte videospill Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Valheim og Crusader Kings 3 og hvordan digitale spill kan relatere seg til sannhetsbegrepet i historiefaget. Etter å ha gitt en kontekst av hvordan viki…

Natursyn, jaktlovgivning og jaktpraksis i Norge 1845-1899. En undersøkelse av jaktholdninger og natursyn hos næringsjegere og sportsjegere.


Two of Norway's most influential hunting laws in the 19th century were passed in 1845 and 1899. During this period, hunting in Norway served both as a livelihood for a large part of the country’s population, but also as a recreational activity for sport hunters. Roughly outlined, this created a social and cultural division between (1) traditional food hunters and (2) sport hunters. In this thesis, I examine the hunting attitudes and views of nature held by these two groups of hunters. I will refer to the three most influential hunting laws from the period, from 1845, 1863 and 1899 respectively, to uncover attitudes among hunters, as such attitudes are more likely to be revealed by the chang…

Seurat tärkeitä liikunnan sosiaalipolitiikan toteuttajia Ruotsissa


urheilu- ja liikuntaseuratsosiaalipolitiikkaliikuntamaahanmuuttajatRuotsimaahanmuuttajatyöterveyden edistäminen

Cronache dalla terra dei più felici al mondo


Translation into Italian of Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka's 2021 novel Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Soyinka's Chronicles - published 48 years after his latest novel, The Interpreters - offers a fictional fresco of contemporary Nigeria, a country ridden by political and moral corruption. During the latest political campaigns, Dr. Menka finds out that some colleagues at the hospital where he works sell body parts for ritualistic reasons. Afflicted by such an unexpected discovery, he shares the news with his oldest college friend, bon viveur, star engineer, and Yoruba royal Duyole Pitan-Payne, who is about to leave the country to assume a prestigious post at the Unit…

the African novel.Wole SoyinkaNigerian literatureLiterary translation as a cultural practiceSettore L-LIN/10 - Letteratura IngleseSettore L-LIN/12 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua IngleseNobel Prize for Literature

Les luttes des mineurs polonais de Silésie à travers les films de Kazimierz Kutz


cinéma polonaisminemineurs[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesKazimierz Kutzgrèves

El carrusel de los obispos. Redes eclesiásticas en la Monarquía católica


The royal patronage was configured as a space for mobility of bishops not only among the dioceses of continental Spain, but among all the kingdoms and territories of the Habsburg Monarchy, including America. In this context, the examination of the careers of the Spanish prelates who were bishops in Sicily (sometimes before or after occupying Neapolitan sees) allows to reconstruct well-drawn and narrow routes, which hardly communicate with each other. The investigation of these trajectories is a clear demonstration of how ecclesiastical careers woven a warp through the domains of the Habsburg Monarchy over which a web of close relations and exchanges of religious, cultural, and political exp…

Settore M-STO/07 - Storia Del Cristianesimo E Delle ChieseRoyal Patronage Bishops Spain Sicily Early modern ageSettore M-STO/02 - Storia Moderna

The influence of Sb doping on the local structure and disorder in thermoelectric ZnO:Sb thin films


Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials ScienceEngineering Sciences

Measurement of the production of charm jets tagged with D0 mesons in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 and 13 TeV


The measurement of the production of charm jets, identified by the presence of a D0 meson in the jet constituents, is presented in proton–proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of √s = 5.02 and 13 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The D0 mesons were reconstructed from their hadronic decay D0 → K−π + and the respective charge conjugate. Jets were reconstructed from D0 -meson candidates and charged particles using the anti-kT algorithm, in the jet transverse momentum range 5 < pT,chjet < 50 GeV/c, pseudorapidity |ηjet| < 0.9 − R, and with the jet resolution parameters R = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6. The distribution of the jet momentum fraction carried by a D0 meson along the jet axis (z …

jetsheavy quark productionhiukkasfysiikkahadron-hadron scattering

Biocontrôle et protection du vignoble


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Antecedentes y consecuencias del uso de live videos en el marketing de influencers


Desde la existencia de los medios de comunicación masiva, esto es, prensa, radio, televisión e internet, existen líderes de opinión que influyen en la toma de decisiones de su audiencia. Con la adopción masiva de las plataformas de redes sociales, la ubicuidad que proporcionan los dispositivos móviles y los live videos, la barrera de información entre el líder de opinión y su audiencia se ha reducido significativamente (Carillo et al., 2017). Las empresas, al entender que el desplazamiento de la atención de los consumidores hacia lo digital es más permanente que transitorio, han destinado mayores recursos a la publicidad digital, particularmente, en el influencer marketing o marketing de in…

UNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS::Organización y dirección de empresas ::Marketingintención de compradependencia al medioidentificaciónlive videoredes socialesUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS::Organización y dirección de empresas ::Publicidadafinidadinteracción parasocialbrand advocacyinfluencer marketingengagementbrand attachment

LCA-analyse av en ny, glassbasert vann- og frostsikringsløsning i tunnel


This master thesis addresses some opportunities of reducing the environmental impacts when planning and construction of a road tunnel. It includes a LCA for two different approaches of tunnel lining; a new solution of cellular glass boards (Foamrox) compared to a traditional concept of PE-foam and shotcrete. The case study is Torsbuåstunnelen in Arendal, Norway. The conducted LCA are in accordance with ISO 14040/44 standards and focus on greenhouse gas emissions associated with the material extraction, production of materials and transportation to site. Operation and maintenance of the solutions are not included. The lifetimes of the solutions are not calculated, due to lack of information …

Relaciones de sucesos en torno a las bodas de Felipe II. Recensio, edición y estudio


La presente tesis doctoral presenta la recensio, edición y estudio de 27 relaciones de sucesos y otros opúsculos breves escritos en torno a los cuatro matrimonios del rey Felipe II, sucedidos de manera cronológica, con doña María Manuela de Portugal en 1543, la reina inglesa María Tudor en 1554, doña Isabel de Valois en 1559 y su sobrina Ana de Austria en 1570. La actividad tipográfica producida a raíz de dichas nupcias fue extensa y de gran relevancia nacional e internacional a causa de los intereses políticos, económicos y sociales que comportaban, pero también encontramos numerosos testimonios manuscritos que narraron los cuatro eventos. Estos textos poseen un gran valor histórico debido…

UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRASfelipe IIhistoria de la lenguamaría tudorisabel de valoisana de austriarelaciones de sucesosmaría manuela de portugal

Polishness Revisited: Witold Gombrowicz and the Question of Identity


Aproximaciones metodológicas para la obtención de bases de datos de calidad. Instrumentos de análisis del cambio económico y social


Los continuos avances tecnológicos junto con el aumento y generalización del uso de Internet, entre otros factores, está facilitando que los datos generados por el conjunto de la sociedad puedan ser recolectados por cualquier agente. No obstante, estos datos generados de forma masiva requieren de un tratamiento adecuado antes de ser analizados y utilizados en investigación. De hecho, se considera que los investigadores dedican en torno a un 80% de su tiempo a preparar los datos, y el 20% restante a analizarlos. En la presente investigación se ofrecen técnicas y herramientas que permiten reducir considerablemente el tiempo y el esfuerzo que el investigador dedica a esa fase inicial y se mues…


Elevers forståelse av sammenhenger mellom størrelser i modelleringsaktiviter på 6. trinn


Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ kasusstudie av hvordan elever på 6. trinn resonnere med størrelser i modelleringssituasjoner. Vår kasus har bestått av en gruppe på fire elever (to gutter og to jenter). Det er et kjent problem at algebra er et emne som mange sliter med på skolen. Det er ofte lagt vekk på å lære algoritmer for å løse problemer, uten å opparbeide seg en forståelse av problemet og hvordan det kan løses. Utgangspunktet for denne masteroppgaven har vært et algebraprosjekt der målet har vært å skape ALTA-er (Algebra Learning-Teaching Activities). Ved å lage disse læringsaktivitetene er målet å forsøke å hjelpe elever til å oppnå en dypere forståelse for algebra og implemente…

Measurement of $Λ$ transverse polarization in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68-3.71$ GeV


With data samples collected with the BESIII detector at seven energy points at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68 - 3.71$ GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 333 pb$^{-1}$, we present a study of the $Λ$ transverse polarization in the $e^+e^-\toΛ\barΛ$ reaction. The significance of polarization by combining the seven energy points is found to be 2.6$σ$ including the systematic uncertainty, which implies a non-zero phase between the transition amplitudes of the $Λ\barΛ$ helicity states. The modulus ratio and the relative phase of EM-$psionic$ form factors combined with all energy points are measured to be $R^Ψ =$ 0.71$^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ $\pm$ 0.03 and $ΔΦ^Ψ$ = (23$^{+8.8}_{-8.0}$ $\pm$ 1.6$)^\circ$…

High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)FOS: Physical sciences

Quantum coherent manipulation of spin information in molecular nanomagnets


Los sistemas cuánticos de dos niveles basados en estados de espín, conocidos como ``qubits de espín'', son bloques prometedores para el desarrollo de tecnologías cuánticas. Entre las distintas plataformas físicas, los qubits de espín definidos en imanes de molécula única (SMM) son candidatos prometedores porque su estructura electrónica puede ajustarse fácilmente mediante ingeniería química (es decir, el Hamiltoniano de espín molecular puede modificarse con facilidad). Sin embargo, los qubits moleculares de espín generados en SMM se enfrentan a varios retos: coherencia cuántica frágil, control coherente insuficiente de los estados de espín y generación de entrelazamiento entre los qubits de…

vibronic couplingsUNESCO::QUÍMICAUNESCO::FÍSICAspin qubitquantum computingmolecular nanomagnets

Thiourea Based Tritopic Halogen Bonding Acceptors


Series of thiourea based tritopic receptor molecules were synthesized to be used as building blocks for halogen-bonded assemblies. Here 16 new receptor molecules were synthesized from two different 2,4,6-trialkyl-1,3,5-tris(bromomethyl)benzene starting materials via tris(isothiocyanatomethyl)benzene intermediates. The alkyl substituents in the benzene ring showed to be important for isothiocyanate group formation instead of competing thiocyanate group. The synthesis route allowed us to synthesize the isothiocyanate intermediates and further the receptor molecules without typically used and highly toxic thiophosgene. Synthesized receptor molecules were used to study their halogen bond accept…

isothiocyanates and thiocyanatesnoncovalent interactionshalogeenithalogen bondingx-raydiffractionthiourea-based receptors

Entrando in città dopo la distruzione: Ermocrate e i proasteia di Himera


Prendendo spunto dal testo di Diodoro, che cita i proasteia di Himera, dove Ermocrate si accampò dopo la distruzione della città nel 409 a.C., si prende in esame il “quartiere portuale” al di là del fiume, analizzando le caratteristiche insediative e le funzioni degli edifici, come sono state delineate dagli scavatori alcuni anni fa. Si giunge alla conclusione che il “quartiere” sia interpretabile come un proasteion ateichiston, una vera e propria proiezione dell’abitato fuori le mura, con valenze più complesse di un semplice sobborgo commerciale. Il confronto con i proasteia di Siracusa permette di delineare la complessità delle motivazioni che giustificano la proiezione delle città oltre …

Himera proasteia quartiere portualeHimera Proasteia Port district

Profiles of Parental Burnout Around the Globe : Similarities and Differences Across 36 Countries


Parental burnout (PB) is a pervasive phenomenon. Parenting is embedded in cultural values, and previous research has shown the role of individualism in PB. In this paper, we reanalyze previously collected data to identify profiles based on the four dimensions of PB, and explore whether these profiles vary across countries’ levels of collectivistic-individualistic (COL-IND) values. Our sample comprised 16,885 individuals from 36 countries (73% women; 27% men), and we used a latent profile approach to uncover PB profiles. The findings showed five profiles: Fulfilled, Not in PB, Low risk of PB, High risk of PB and Burned out. The profiles pointed to climbing levels of PB in the total sample an…

arvot (käsitykset)vanhemmatindividualismivanhemmuuscultural valueskollektivismilatent profile analysesindividualismuupumusparental burnoutcollectivism

Relationships of temperature and biodiversity with stability of natural aquatic food webs


Temperature and biodiversity changes occur in concert, but their joint effects on ecological stability of natural food webs are unknown. Here, we assess these relationships in 19 planktonic food webs. We estimate stability as structural stability (using the volume contraction rate) and temporal stability (using the temporal variation of species abundances). Warmer temperatures were associated with lower structural and temporal stability, while biodiversity had no consistent effects on either stability property. While species richness was associated with lower structural stability and higher temporal stability, Simpson diversity was associated with higher temporal stability. The responses of…

ekosysteemit (ekologia)Life Sciencelämpötilaravintoverkotbiodiversiteetti