showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Le revisioni della Costituzione italiana lungo i suoi settantacinque anni di vita
Il saggio ripercorre tutte le numerose revisioni al testo della Costituzione repubblicana
Sécheresse et inconfort thermique : Le changement climatique se fait ressentir
Biodiversité, rendements agricoles, élevage, pêche… Rien n’est épargné par le changement climatique. Zoom sur deux effets en passe de devenir tristement familiers.
Climate Change Impact on the Hydropower Potential in Agder County
Climate change poses significant uncertainties for the future of hydropower, both in terms of challenges and opportunities. This study uses an educational version of the HBV model to investigate climate change impact on the hydropower potential in Agder County over the next century. The results show that the model tends to overestimate the observed values, but results in a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 73.4\% for calibration and 77.7\% for validation with a correlation of 89.0\%. This indicates that the model's simplicity does not surpass its accuracy. For annual discharge the study found that the RCP4.5 scenario predicted a 9\% increase close to 2100. The RCP8.5 scenario projected a more si…
Educación para la Ciudadanía Mundial y los Derechos Humanos
Los dos textos que componen este libro configuran una suerte de díptico que permite adentrarnos en una rica constelación de reflexiones y cuestiones en torno a la educación para la ciudadanía mundial, uno de los referentes centrales del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible número 4 hasta 2030. Un concepto, el de ciudadanía mundial, siempre incardinado en el propio concepto y sentido de lo que son y deben ser en su aplicación y desarrollo los Derechos Humanos aprobados en 1948 en su enriquecimiento ampliado por el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, aprobados ambos en 1966. The two texts that make up this bo…
Efecto de la gestión de la calidad sobre la ambidestreza organizativa. Un estudio cuantitativo en la industria agroalimentaria ecológica española
La presente investigación se centra es tres áreas: la gestión de la calidad, la cultura organizativa y la ambidestreza. El objetivo general es analizar el efecto directo de las prácticas y principios de gestión de calidad sobre la ambidestreza organizativa, así como la influencia de la cultura ambidiestra como variable mediadora. La gestión de calidad es un área asentada en la literatura. En nuestro caso, atendemos a cuatro dimensiones: procesos, personas, clientes y proveedores. La ambidestreza es la cualidad que poseen algunas organizaciones para desarrollar nuevos recursos y competencias y, al mismo tiempo, hacer un uso eficiente de los mismos. Por último, la cultura ambidiestra es un ti…
Seurat tärkeitä liikunnan sosiaalipolitiikan toteuttajia Ruotsissa
Reflections of Hope and Anxiety in Audience Responses to Three Environmental Films
This article discusses the results of a reception study of three environmental films with a focus on emotional reactions and the films’ influence on the respondents’ environmental awareness. The short experimental film Valtakunnat/Realms (Finland, 2018) envisions post-human life, and the potential destruction that the planet is being driven towards. To Teach a Bird to Fly (Finland, 2020), a short documentary fiction film about a woman raising critically endangered birds, imagines a future where the effects of climate change have been reversed. The documentary film The Biggest Little Farm (USA, 2018) follows a couple who buy a barren farm with the aim of restoring its biodiversity. Through t…
Sexual and reproductive health and rights through the lens of belonging : Intersectional perspectives on disability, gender, and adolescence in Tanza…
Tämä Tansaniaan sijoittuva väitöskirjatutkimus tarkastelee vammaisuutta kehityskysymyksenä seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden ja -oikeuksien kautta. Se edistää intersektionaalista ja kontekstisidonnaista ymmärrystä vammaisuudesta, sukupuolesta ja nuoruudesta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena inspiraationa hyödynnettiin vammaisuuden sosiaalista ja ihmisoikeusmallia. Tutkimus haastaa tiedonhankinnan kolonialiteetteja perehtymällä 199 tansanialaisen eri tavoin vammaisen tytön näkemyksiin. Tutkimuskysymyksiin etsittiin vastauksia laadullisen abduktiivisen tutkimusotteen ja osallistavan vammaistutkimuksen avulla. Vammaisten tyttöjen näkemyksiä tutkittiin eläytymismenetelmän kautta. Tutkimusjulkaisuissa…
Time trends of heavy metals and PAHs in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and contamination of sediments in the Kristiansandfjord, Southern Norway
The Kristiansandfjord in Southern Norway has been contaminated for several decades (Green et al., 1985; Berge et al., 2007; Øxnevad et al., 2021). In this study, contaminant concentration data from blue mussel and sediments have been collected, mainly from 2010-2022. The selected contaminants were heavy metals As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, as well as PAHs including benzo(a)pyrene. The aims of this study were to describe time trends for concentrations of contaminants in blue mussels and compare contaminant levels at different locations in the fjord. Additional aims were to determine environmental conditions and chemical status of locations in the fjord, and to perform a pollution assessment. T…
Investigation of the thermal and physicochemical behavior of two types of gutta-percha cones for back-filling the root canal
Gutta-percha (Gp) is an inert thermoplastic polymer used as a filling to replace the dental pulp space, which has been reformulated to improve its three-dimensional sealing properties. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the physical, chemical and thermal properties of two types of gutta-percha filling. As well as measuring the temperature distribution along the cone at the time of cutting through an in-situ test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two commercially available brands of gutta-percha point were investigated: Conform Fit TM Gutta-Percha for ProTaper Gold(R) (PTG) (Dentsply Sirona), and Hygenic Gutta-Percha (Coltene whaledent). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric…
Integrated Reporting and Strategic Decision-Making
Abstract Senior executives are faced with more difficult strategic choices as a result of complex, dynamic markets, increased climate risk, and a shift in investor focus toward sustainability issues. The idea of "business as usual" is no longer appropriate, and businesses now need to consider a variety of factors when making decisions. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how managers' strategic decision-making can be aided by integrated reporting and, more importantly, integrated thinking. The existing literature regarding integrated reporting and its impact on strategic decision-making is carefully evaluated in order to identify areas where more research is needed. Ultimately, a frame…
Il processo civile telematico. 1 Origine, evoluzione, struttura e funzionamento
L’autore, dopo una breve disamina storia, esamina le novità in materia di processo civile telematico, introdotte dal d.lgs. 149/2022, inteso in una sua accezione ristretta, evidenziandone il funzionamento e le criticità.
Algebraisk tenkning blant norske grunnskolelærerstudenter
Algebra har i flere tiår vært en betydelig årsak til nedgang i matematikkprestasjoner i norsk skole, og manglende kompetanse i emnet kan knyttes til frafall i yrkesutdanninger (Grønmo et al., 2010; NOKUT, 2008). Til tross for algebraens viktige betydning i samfunnet viser både lokale og globale undersøkelser at dette er et utfordrende område, både for elever og lærerstudenter (Grønmo & Onstad, 2012; NOKUT, 2023). Forskning viser videre at elevenes forståelse i matematikk i stor grad avhenger av lærernes kunnskap, noe som understreker viktigheten av å undersøke lærerstudenters ferdigheter i algebraisk tenkning. På bakgrunn av dette er formålet med denne kvalitative studien å undersøke algebr…
Effect of calculation methods and presence of false positives on perception thresholds
Perception thresholds are commonly used in food science to discriminate between those compounds that are more or less odour-active. It is not rare to use values from other studies and apply them to our data, however, we observed that the procedure to evaluate and calculate perception thresholds is not standardised. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of calculation methods on threshold values. To do so, we used a 3-AFC sensory procedure to determine the orthonasal and retronasal detection values of 26 compounds, amongst them some compounds that usually contribute to the aroma of strawberry and caramel (e.g. vanillin, Furaneol and damascenone). The thresholds were calculated b…
Measurement of Direct-Photon Cross Section and Double-Helicity Asymmetry at √s = 510 GeV in →p+→p Collisions
We present measurements of the cross section and double-helicity asymmetry ALL of direct-photon production in →p+→p collisions at √s = 510 GeV. The measurements have been performed at midrapidity (|η|<0.25) with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At relativistic energies, direct photons are dominantly produced from the initial quark-gluon hard scattering and do not interact via the strong force at leading order. Therefore, at √s =510 GeV, where leading-order-effects dominate, these measurements provide clean and direct access to the gluon helicity in the polarized proton in the gluon-momentum-fraction range 0.02<0.08, with direct sensitivity to the sign of the glu…
Seconda camera e regionalismo nel sistema costituzionale italiano
Additional file 6 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling
Additional file 6: Supplementary Figure S3. Immunohistochemistry staining of OPN IHC for OPN was performed in Fas lpr/lpr and OPN-/-Fas lpr/lpr mice with either no lymphoma or with lymphomatous cells. As expected, no staining is detected in case of OPN-deficient mice.
Gottes Wort im Kirchenjahr 2023. Das Werkbuch für Verkündigung und Liturgie. Lesejahr A - Band 3. Die Zeit nach Pfindsten
Preheated restorative composite resin for luting ceramic laminate veneers : an optimized technique report
Resin cements are traditionally used to lute ceramic laminate veneers due to their lower viscosity, which facilitates a fast restoration seating. However, resin cements have lower mechanical properties compared to restorative composite resins. Thus, resto
Photoelectrocatalytic reactors and light sources
Photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) couples electrochemical methods with photocatalysis (PC) to enhance the separation of the photoproduced electron and hole pairs at semiconductor active surface, thus increasing the photocatalytic efficiency. PEC technology is considered one of the most promising method for processes as water treatment, fuel generation, and PEC sensing. This chapter try to link fundamental research and practical applications in photoelectrochemical engineering including reactors design strategies in different scales.
Jeg ble irritert jeg, når læreren fortalte at vi skulle bort fra de klassiske idrettene i kroppsøving
I masteroppgaven vår undersøker vi; hvem studenten som starter på kroppsøvingslærerutdanning er, hvilke erfaringer studenten har med bevegelsesaktiviteter og hvordan studenten beskriver møte med ny utdanning. Studentene som starter på utdanningen kommer til utdanningen med ulike erfaringer når det gjelder bevegelsesaktiviteter, og dermed vil de møte utdanningen med ulikt syn. Kroppsøvingsfaget i den norske skolen preges av idrettsaktiviteter, noe som kan føre til at fremtidige kroppsøvingsstudenter danner seg et idrettslig bilde av kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen. Hensikten med studien er å finne ut om det er noe sammenheng mellom studentenes erfaringer med bevegelsesaktiviteter, og om de har …
Aerobic exercise training and gut microbiome-associated metabolic shifts in women with overweight : a multi-omic study
Physical activity is essential in weight management, improves overall health, and mitigates obesity-related risk markers. Besides inducing changes in systemic metabolism, habitual exercise may improve gut’s microbial diversity and increase the abundance of beneficial taxa in a correlated fashion. Since there is a lack of integrative omics studies on exercise and overweight populations, we studied the metabolomes and gut microbiota associated with programmed exercise in obese individuals. We measured the serum and fecal metabolites of 17 adult women with overweight during a 6-week endurance exercise program. Further, we integrated the exercise-responsive metabolites with variations in the gu…
«Du får ikke sekser bare fordi at du har Norrøna-jakke»: En kvalitativ undersøkelse av kroppsøvingslæreres vurderingspraksis i friluftsliv som del av…
Tidligere forskning viser til kroppsøvingslærere som opplever vurdering i friluftsliv som utfordrende, og til kroppsøvingselever som oppgir at deres friluftslivskompetanse har liten betydning i vurderingen. Denne oppgaven forsøker å bidra til økt kunnskap om vurdering i friluftsliv ved å undersøke hvordan kroppsøvingslærere som har undervist i friluftsliv i kroppsøving i videregående skole over flere år, beskriver sin vurderingspraksis. Oppgaven har en kvalitativ tilnærming. Det er gjennomført semistrukturerte, individuelle intervjuer med fem kroppsøvingslærere fra tre ulike videregående skoler i Sør-Norge. Datamaterialet er videre analysert med tematisk analyse. Funnene viser at flertallet…
CCDC 1901892: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Antti J. Neuvonen, Dimitris Noutsias, Filip Topić, Kari Rissanen, Tamás Földes, Imre Pápai, Petri M. Pihko|2019|J.Org.Chem.|84|15009|doi:10.1021/acs.joc.9b01980
Modeling, Simulation and Prediction of Vehicle Crashworthiness in Full Frontal Impact
Vehicle crashworthiness assessment is critical to help reduce road accident fatalities and ensure safer vehicles for road users. Techniques to assess crashworthiness include physical tests and mathematical modeling and simulation of crash events, the latter is preferred as mathematical modeling is generally cheaper to perform in comparison with physical testing. The most common mathematical modeling technique used for crashworthiness assessment is nonlinear Finite Element (FE) modeling. However, a problem with the use of Finite Element Model (FEM) for crashworthiness assessment is inaccessibility to individual researchers, public bodies, small universities and engineering companies due to n…
Quelles preuves au champ des effets de l'allélopathie ?
De nombreuses études ont montré des effets de lallélopathie surles adventices au laboratoire, mais quen est-il au champ ? Les travauxpermettent-ils de dissocier les effets de lallélopathie de ceux de lacompétition, principal mécanisme de régulation des adventices ?¾Contexte - Dans quelle mesure l’allélopathie peutelle contribuer à réguler les adventices au champ ?C’est une question controversée qui revêt un intérêtmajeur en agroécologie. Quantifier ses effets présentetoutefois une difficulté : dissocier les effets de l’allélopathie de ceux de la compétition pour les ressources(lumière, eau et minéraux).¾ÉtUDe - Une revue systématique de la littératurescientifique a visé à déterminer s’il ex…
Konsekvenser av individuell, gruppe og organisasjonskreativitet i sammenheng med innovasjonsarbeid ved en hybrid-arbeidsmodell -En kvalitativ studie …
Tittel: Konsekvenser av individuell-, gruppe- og organisasjonskreativitet i sammenheng med innovasjonsarbeid ved en hybrid arbeidsmodell -En kvalitativ studie av ansattes opplevelser Hensikten med studien er å studere fenomenet «hybrid-arbeidsmodell», og hvilke konsekvenser det har for individuell-, gruppe- og organisasjonskreativitet. Kreativitet er en forutsetning for å innovere, og innovasjon blir ansett som viktig for bedrifters konkurransedyktighet på lang sikt. Bakgrunnen for denne studien er den store endringen i arbeidsstrukturene etter at pandemien. Selv etter pandemien ønsker mange organisasjoner å fortsette delvis fra hjemmekontoret. Det er enda usikkert hvilke konsekvenser hybri…
Animated Representations. Multimedia Techniques for Storytelling
The paper presents the results of two case studies that use multimedia language for the knowledge, appreciation and communication of works of art of different epochs, nature and location and that, through the tools of Representation, make use of digital methods of animation and visualisation. The final results concern the creation of multimedia products designed to narrate a conceptual path, through a reasoned animation of raster and vectorial products. Together with the necessary technical and IT skills, it is essential to reaffirm the role of representation, which is central to image processing, recognition of graphic analogies, study of proportions, knowledge of the laws of visual percep…
Autorità indipendenti e separazione dei poteri: un'analisi empirica delle nomine e dei mandati
Il presente lavoro intende esaminare i profili di indipendenza «strutturale» che caratterizzano le autorità amministrative indipendenti al fine di stabilire se le modalità di nomina, l’influenzabilità politica e i termini del mandato dei componenti possono condizionare in maniera significativa il concreto esercizio dei compiti affidati. Nel testo si ricostruisce il regime normativo delle procedure e dei requisiti di nomina degli organi di vertice delle autorità. Si esaminano poi i dati relativi ai profili professionali e alla caratterizzazione politica dei componenti, allo scopo di determinare se questi elementi possiedono un’influenza all’interno della procedura di designazione, individuan…
How the Love of Truth Affects the Role of the Researcher : References to the “Third Mission” of Universities and References to the Field of Business …
This chapter discusses and highlights the role and, therefore, the responsibility of the researcher, of the scholar, in the context of a university institution, which is not usually limited to knowledge, but also to its transfer into the sphere—in primis—of the universitas studiorum, as well as scolarium (in addition to magistrorum), starting with the concept of “truth” and, subsequently, that of “love”1. Certain prescriptive considerations, which could involve the aforementioned role and, therefore, the ethics of the modus operandi of the researcher in question, with inevitable references to the purposes of their work and their goal of progress for mankind and society, will tendentially be…
Innagerende atferd og inkludering
Innagerende atferd kjennetegnes ofte ved at atferden vendes innover. Elever som viser dette atferdsuttrykket forstyrrer i liten grad omgivelsene rundt, og blir ofte oversett eller nedprioritert i skolesammenheng. Derfor er det av betydelig relevans å undersøke denne tematikken nærmere. I denne studien ønsker vi å se på hvilke erfaringer lærere har med fenomenet innagerende atferd, og hvordan de arbeider med å inkludere denne elevgruppen i skolen. For å få svar på dette, utarbeidet vi følgende problemstilling: «Hvilke erfaringer har lærere med elever som viser en innagerende atferd og hvordan legger de til rette for inkludering av disse elevene i skolen?» Det ble benyttet en kvalitativ tilnæ…
Meeting the 24-h movement guidelines and health-related outcomes among youth with autism spectrum disorder: a seven-country observational study
Abstract Background Meeting daily guidelines for physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration is associated with a host of health indicators for youth. In this cross-sectional observational study, we investigated the associations between adherence to the movement guidelines and health-related outcomes among youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods Parents of youth with ASD (10–17 years) from seven countries and regions were invited to provide online proxy-reports for child’s movement behaviors (i.e., physical activity, sleep and screen time), and health-related outcomes (i.e., body mass index [BMI], general health, and quality of life). A series of multiple linear regression…
La gestión de expedientes juveniles de reforma (I): un análisis de su tramitación en la fiscalía provincial de valencia (2011)
Se analizan la tramitación procesal de los expedientes penales incoados a menores de edad en la provincia de Valencia durante el año 2011, estudiando la exploración del menor y la derivación –o no– a mediación. Se deja para una segunda parte el análisis de los supuestos en que se realiza escrito de alegaciones, se sustancia vista y en su caso se impone medida. The procedural processing of criminal files initiated against minors in the province of Valencia during the year 2011 is analyzed, studying the exploration of the minor and the referral –or not– to mediation. The analysis of the cases in which a statement of allegations is made, the hearing is substantiated and, where appropriate, a m…
Taide, kulttuuri ja hyvinvointi : kuka maksaa viulut?
Käsillä olevassa artikkelissa tarkastellaan taiteen ja kulttuurin asemaa kotimaisella tiedekentällä ja suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa; erityisesti niiden aikaansaamaan hyvinvointiin kytkeytyvän tutkimuksen ja sen käsitysten valossa. Artikkeli esittelee taiteen ja kulttuurin hyvinvointivaikutusten tutkimusta, sen kenttää ja kulttuurireseptin käyttöönoton mahdollisuutta. Kulttuurireseptillä esimerkiksi mielenterveyden ongelmista tai syrjäytymisestä kärsivä henkilö voidaan ohjata yhteisöllisen taide- ja kulttuuritoiminnan pariin. Samalla tarkastellaan koronapandemian vaikutuksia taide- ja kulttuurialaan ja sen taloudelliseen tilanteeseen. Artikkelin lopuksi pohditaan, kuinka akateemiseen tutkimu…
Alcune riflessioni sull’indipendenza giudiziaria nel contesto europeo
This article aims to provide some reflections on the links between judiciary independence, the rule of law, and the role of judges both national and European. First of all, it focuses on the evolution of the role of the judge in the constitutional and European systems. Then, it shows how the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights have developed criteria to ensure the independence of judges, analysing them. Moreover, it examines the criteria that have been developed by the European courts and by the opinions of the Consultative Council of European Judges about the independence of the Judiciary Councils.
Indipendenza, dipendenza, interdipendenza in una società di singoli
Questo testo è dedicato alla distinzione tra individualismo e singolarismo. Quest'ultimo richiede una profonda revisione del modo di considerare le relazioni sociali fondamentali