showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Mecanismos de resistencia a piretroides en ácaros depredadores
Los piretroides constituyen un grupo de plaguicidas catalogados como moduladores del canal de sodio (Grupo 3), según el comité de acción contra la resistencia a los insecticidas (IRAC). Estos plaguicidas son análogos sintéticos de las piretrinas, compuestos naturales con actividad insecticida que se encuentran en las flores de las plantas del género Chrysanthemum, popularmente conocidas como crisantemos. Actualmente, existen numerosos productos plaguicidas que contienen en su formulación piretroides, siendo ampliamente utilizados en el control de plagas en diferentes contextos como la agricultura, la ganadería, la apicultura e incluso a nivel doméstico, erigiéndose como uno de los grupos de…
Aerobic exercise training and gut microbiome-associated metabolic shifts in women with overweight : a multi-omic study
Physical activity is essential in weight management, improves overall health, and mitigates obesity-related risk markers. Besides inducing changes in systemic metabolism, habitual exercise may improve gut’s microbial diversity and increase the abundance of beneficial taxa in a correlated fashion. Since there is a lack of integrative omics studies on exercise and overweight populations, we studied the metabolomes and gut microbiota associated with programmed exercise in obese individuals. We measured the serum and fecal metabolites of 17 adult women with overweight during a 6-week endurance exercise program. Further, we integrated the exercise-responsive metabolites with variations in the gu…
Desarrollo de un algoritmo basado en técnicas de machine learning para estratificación de riesgo de pacientes con dolor torácico y primera determinac…
Introducción: En los pacientes con dolor torácico (DT) que acuden a urgencias (URG) con un primer valor de troponina cardíaca de alta sensibilidad (hs-cTn) normal (<percentil 99) la estratificación de riesgo es un reto. Se han desarrollado escalas basadas en datos clínicos y en concentraciones de hs-cTn, con un rendimiento limitado. Varios modelos desarrollados con aprendizaje automático (AA) han demostrado un buen rendimiento para predicción de eventos clínicos. Hipótesis: Un modelo de predicción de riesgo basado en variables clínicas y hs-cTn desarrollado con AA en pacientes que acuden a URG por DT y con una primera hs-cTn<p99 permite el alta precoz y segura con una sola determinación. Ob…
Digital ageing in Europe: a comparative analysis of Italian, Finnish and Swedish national policies on eHealth
AbstractAgeing Europeans are today healthier than previous generations and often manage to live independently up to a high age. The proportion of people 80 years of age and older has increased significantly, and with high age the risk of multi-illness and dementia increases. Strong urbanisation processes have changed the demographic structure in rural areas, and young women and men have migrated towards the urban areas to study and work, while older persons have remained behind. This demographic challenge of increasing numbers of persons older than 80 years with care needs living in remote rural areas has become a major European social problem. In tackling this dilemma, many European countr…
Improved Radio-Cesium Detection Using Quantitative Real-Time Autoradiography
Cesium-134 and -137 are prevalent, long-lived, radio-toxic contaminants released into the environment during nuclear accidents. Large quantities of insoluble, respirable Cs-bearing microparticles (CsMPs) were released into the environment during the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Monitoring for CsMPs in environmental samples is essential to understand the impact of nuclear accidents. The current detection method used to screen for CsMPs (phosphor screen autoradiography) is slow and inefficient. We propose an improved method: real-time autoradiography that uses parallel ionization multiplier gaseous detectors. This technique permits spatially resolved measurement of radioactivity while …
La Universitat Catalana d'Estiu entre 1969 i 1984. Gènesi i consolidació d'un referent pancatalanista
Aquest treball de recerca ha estat motivat pel fet que no hi havia cap estudi acadèmic de conjunt que recollís en un sol tractat, rigorosament documentat, l'esdeveniment de Prada, i posés sobre la taula les dues opinions generalitzades de l'origen de la Universitat i les tendències entre acadèmiques i de debat assembleari i reivindicatiu sociopolític, amb la voluntat de recuperar la llengua catalana a Catalunya Nord, dins l'Estat francés. Es tracta d'un treball acurat i detallista, en un primer estadi producte d'aprofundir en la memòria directa d'informadors protagonistes de l'esdeveniment en aquell quinquenni inicial, de 1969 a 1984, alguns dels quals ja desapareguts. En segon lloc, el bui…
Du baccalauréat professionnel à l’enseignement supérieur : nouvelles opportunités, nouveaux obstacles
La construcción de la física moderna en la sociedad española del siglo XVIII: obras, autores y públicos
El título de la tesis señala tanto la finalidad de la misma, como los elementos de los que me he servido para realizar esta investigación. Su objetivo es colaborar a la comprensión de los itinerarios que siguió la física en la España del siglo XVIII, recorrido que nos lleva de la filosofía natural a la aceptación de la física de raigambre newtoniana, en sus facetas matemática y experimental. Como es bien sabido, los Principia y la Óptica, señalaron el camino por el que discurrió gran parte de la investigación científica de la época. Los Principia establecieron el modelo de ciencia matemática que condujo eventualmente a desarrollos cardinales en la mecánica clásica, la mecánica de fluidos y …
Researcher roles in collaborative governance interventions
While societies are facing complex problems involving multiple stakeholders and interdependencies, interest in collaborative governance as a potential solution is rising. Research-based interventions in policy, planning, and management processes have been introduced to test different approaches and tools for collaboration. The nature of these processes, tools, and approaches varies substantially, as do researchers’ cultures of making contributions to and in collaboration with society. This paper outlines the various possibilities and means for researchers to intervene in and explore steps towards collaborative governance. It utilises literature-based descriptions of potential roles for rese…
Pourquoi recruter des jeunes ruraux peu qualifiés ? Attentes et incompréhensions entre des jeunes et le patronat local
Gottes Wort im Kirchenjahr 2023. Das Werkbuch für Verkündigung und Liturgie. Lesejahr A - Band 3. Die Zeit nach Pfindsten
A synthesis of multi-taxa management experiments to guide forest biodiversity conservation in Europe
Most European forests are used for timber production. Given the limited extent of unmanaged (and especially primary) forests, it is essential to include commercial forests in the conservation of forest biodiversity. In order to develop ecologically sustainable forest management practices, it is important to understand the management impacts on forest-dwelling organisms. Experiments allow testing the effects of alternative management strategies, and monitoring of multiple taxa informs us on the response range across forest-dwelling organisms. To provide a representative picture of the currently available information, metadata on 28 multi-taxa forest management experiments were collected from…
Inmunoterapia oral en niños con alergia al huevo: eficacia, seguridad y repercusiones inmunológicas
Objetivos: Valorar la eficacia y seguridad, y repercusiones inmunológicas, de un protocolo de desensibilización oral con el fin de conseguir la instauración de tolerancia clínica en niños con alergia mediada por IgE a las proteínas de la clara de huevo de gallina. Metodología: Estudio clínico controlado aleatorizado con grupos paralelos, multicéntrico. Participan 101 niños de ambos sexos de edad entre 5 y 9 años con alergia mediada por IgE a clara de huevo y prueba de provocación doble ciego positiva. El reclutamiento de los pacientes se realiza por muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo a medida que acuden a las consultas de los diferentes centros participantes durante un periodo de tiempo…
Mortality associations with DNA methylation-based biological aging and physical functioning measures across a 20-year follow-up period
Background Measures of biological aging range from DNA methylation (DNAm)-based estimates to measures of physical abilities. The purpose of this study was to compare DNAm- and physical functioning-based measures of biological aging in predicting mortality. Methods We studied 63- to 76-year-old women (N = 395) from the Finnish Twin Study on Aging (FITSA). Participants’ biological age (epigenetic clocks DNAm GrimAge and DunedinPACE) was estimated using blood DNAm data. Tests of physical functioning conducted under standardized laboratory conditions included the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and 10-m walk test. Mortality hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated per every one standard deviation (SD) in…
Measurement of ϕ-meson production in Cu+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV and U+U collisions at √sNN = 193 GeV
The PHENIX experiment reports systematic measurements at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider of ϕ-meson production in asymmetric Cu+Au collisions at √sNN=200GeV and in U+U collisions at √sNN=193GeV. Measurements were performed via the ϕ→K+K− decay channel at midrapidity |η|<0.35. Features of ϕ-meson production measured in Cu+Cu, Cu+Au, Au+Au, and U+U collisions were found to not depend on the collision geometry, which was expected because the yields are averaged over the azimuthal angle and follow the expected scaling with nuclear-overlap size. The elliptic flow of the ϕ meson in Cu+Au, Au+Au, and U+U collisions scales with second-order-participant eccentricity and the length scale of the n…
Organizing for collaboration in simulation-based environments : an affordance perspective
Extant research has identified the significance of technological affordances in computer-supported learning environments. However, until recently, there is scarcely empirical research on affordances for organizing collaboration in these learning environments. To address this gap, this study empirically examines affordances for organizing collaboration in a simulation-based learning environment. We focus, in particular on understanding how the organizing affordances of the learning environment are perceived and employed by the learners during a simulation-based learning task. The study was executed among 177 undergraduate higher education (HE) business students from 10 universities in Belgiu…
Patrimoni immaterial a la Ribera del Xúquer
Per a poder comprendre la identitat d’un poble com a tal, cal dur a terme investigacions històriques del seu patrimoni immaterial o patrimoni viu. El marc jurídic esmenta quines expressions podrien considerar-se patrimoni immaterial i reconeix les tradicions, les locucions orals, els usos socials, els rituals, els espectacles i els actes festius, els usos de la naturalesa i les tècniques artesanals, inclosa la gastronomia; totes elles han d’estar acompanyades dels instruments o espais culturals que els són inherents per a ser salvaguardades per a la posteritat. En aquest volum s’han reunit treballs d’estudiosos que han aprofundit en el coneixement de les festes populars, de la seua simbolog…
Improvement of neutron sensitivity for lithium formate ESR dosimeters: A Monte Carlo analysis
This work presents the computational analysis of the sensitivity improvements that could be achieved in lithium formate monohydrate (LFM) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosemeters exposed to neutron beams. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were performed on LFM pellets exposed to neutron beams with different energy spectra at various depths inside a water phantom. Various computations were carried out by considering different enrichments of 6Li inside the LFM matrix as well as addition of different amounts of gadolinium oxide inside the pellet blend. The energy released per unit mass was calculated with the aim of redicting the increase in dose achievable by the addition of sensitizers in…
Johtamismotivaation merkitys korkeasti koulutettujen urapoluilla ja työhyvinvoinnissa : MOTILEAD-hankkeen loppuraportti
Käsillä oleva raportti on Työsuojelurahaston rahoittaman MOTILEAD-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti. Tutkimushankkeessa oli kaksi osaa. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä, MOTI-Survey-pitkittäistutkimuksessa selvitettiin korkeasti koulutettujen henkilöiden johtamismotivaatiota sekä sen merkitystä heidän työurilleen ja työhyvinvoinnilleen. Tutkimuksen toisessa, MOTI-Train-tutkimusosuudessa selvitettiin johtamisvalmennuksessa kerättyyn aineistoon perustuen johtamismotivaation ja johtajaidentiteetin rakentumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. MOTI-Survey-pitkittäistutkimuksessa tavoitteenamme oli tutkia johtamismotivaation pysyvyyttä neljän vuoden aikana sekä johtamismotivaation roolia johtajien taustojen, johto…
La dynamique concurrentielle, un cadre théorique pour analyser la stratégie des acteurs publics
Säännöllinen liikunta tehokkainta aivoterveyden ylläpidossa
Traductions et échanges littéraires transnationaux : le cas des revues de la fin du 19e siècle
Cette proposition s’inscrit dans la perspective de la traduction comme vecteur culturel et s’intéresse plus particulièrement au rôle des traducteurs/trices, moins au sein des maisons d’édition qu’au sein de ce vecteur clé des traductions que sont les périodiques, lesquels sont trop souvent négligés dans les études sur la sociologie de la traduction et des échanges culturels. La sphère du livre ne constitue qu’une part des traductions, en particulier à la fin du 19e siècle, au moment où naissent de nombreuses revues littéraires en France. Ce constat m’a conduite à créer avec l’aide de Caroline Crépiat, post-doctorante (2019-20), la « Décabase », qui est une base de données des traductions de…
Increasing air temperature relative to water temperature makes the mixed layer shallower, reducing phytoplankton biomass in a stratified lake
The depth of the mixed layer is a major determinant of nutrient and light availability for phytoplankton in stratified waterbodies. Ongoing climate change influences surface waters through meteorological forcing, which modifies the physical structure of fresh waters including the mixed layer, but effects on phytoplankton biomass are poorly known. To determine the responses of phytoplankton biomass to the depth of the mixed layer, light availability and associated meteorological forcing, we followed daily changes in weather and water column properties in a boreal lake over the first half of a summer stratification period. Phytoplankton biomass increased with the deepening of the mixed layer …
Production et circulation des épées à poignée métallique de l'âge du Bronze en Europe occidentale
Motivationaaliset ulottuvuudet tutkivassa nettilukemisessa
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuudesluokkalaisten nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia ja niiden yhteyttä tutkivan nettilukemisen tehtävässä menestymiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 426 kuudesluokkalaista oppilasta. Nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia mitattiin Yhdysvalloissa validoidulla mittarilla. Tutkivan nettilukemisen taitoja arvioitiin verkkopohjaisella tehtävällä, jossa oppilaat tutkivat energiajuomien terveysvaikutuksia. Tehtävä mittasi oppilaiden tiedonhakutaitoja, arviointitaitoja, taitoa laatia synteesi usean nettitekstin pohjalta sekä taitoja muodostaa ja kommunikoida perusteltu kanta tutkimastaan asiasta. Konfirmatorisessa faktorianalyysissä havaittiin neljä n…
Façonner la terre. Traditions techniques des potiers dans la vallée du Rhin supérieur (Xe-VIIIe siècle av. J.-C.)
How was pottery made during the Bronze Age? The technological ceramic study carried out on 16 habitation and 3 funerary sites of the upper Rhine Valley and its surroundings, which date from the 10th to the 8th centuries BC, reveals an incredible variety among chaînes opératoires. Macrotraces observed on 829 ceramics are abundantly illustrated, and their interpretation is based on a review of numerous ethnographic and experimental reference papers. The chaînes opératoires are depicted by trees following a rigorous method of hierarchical data clustering. This allows technical traditions, which are inherited and transmitted among members of social- and spatial based communities, to be reconstr…
El acoso ablicionista, la Ley 15/2022 integral de igualdad de trato y el Convenio 190 OIT
El contexto hostil generado desde el abolicionismo contra las trabajadoras sexuales genera un enorme sufrimiento y no es aceptable en ningún caso. Además es ilegal, ya que supone acoso discriminatorio, prohibido y contrario tanto a la Ley 15/2022, integral para la igualdad de trato y la no discriminación, como al Convenio 190 OIT sobre la violencia y acoso
Estudio metabólico de los efectos de la hiperacetatemia secundaria a la concentración de ácido acético presente en el líquido de diálisis convenciona…
En la actualidad, el líquido de diálisis convencional incluye acetato para conseguir su estabilidad química, es decir, para evitar la precipitación de sales de bicarbonato cálcico o magnésico. Esa concentración de acetato, 3-4 mmol/L, que no superaría la capacidad metabólica del ciclo de los ácidos tricarboxílicos (TCA), desencadena, sin embargo, consecuencias clínicas indeseables por mecanismos no bien dilucidados. Su sustitución por citrato se postula como una mejor alternativa, tanto por evitar la hiperacetatemia, como por sus efectos pleiotrópicos. En este estudio prospectivo y cruzado se evaluaron los efectos de la hiperacetatemia, al comparar un líquido de diálisis con acetato con uno…
Les projections d’orientation en STAPS chez les lycéennes : entre attractivité d’autres filières et cohérence d’habitus féminin
Cette contribution montre que, si les lycéennes évoquent l’existence de représentations stéréotypées particulièrement présentes parmi leurs camarades (masculins en particulier) et plus encore parmi les médias (internet, réseaux sociaux et télévision), la formation (ou pas) d’un projet d’orientation en STAPS ne semble pas en premier lieu influencée par une représentation particulièrement masculine de la formation en STAPS et des métiers qui lui sont associés. Elle permet de souligner que les lycéennes qui n’envisagent pas de s’orienter en STAPS se caractérisent par des choix scolaires et sportifs ainsi que des goûts qui s’organisent autour de pratiques, de compétences et de dispositions assi…
Lukion vieraiden kielten opettajien käytänteitä ja käsityksiä eriyttävästä arvioinnista
This study explores the perceptions and practices of upper secondary school language teachers on differentiated assessment. The data were collected through a closed and open-ended questionnaire (n=48) and individual interviews with four teachers. The results show that the teachers used a variety of assessment methods, with a predominant emphasis on formative assessment. Although the teachers mentioned many differentiated assessment methods, they did not generally differentiate their assessments to a large extent. The teachers also focused mostly on low-achieving students and neglected adversely gifted students. The teachers seemed to follow the practice of having all students demonstrate th…
Historia jako element systemu komunikacji polskich parlamentarzystów ze społeczeństwem w XXI wieku na przykładzie roli okolicznościowych uchwał ustan…
“Women easily feel that they have lost a year if they don’t ski faster” : Finnish ski coaches’ discursive constructions of gendered dual career pathw…
Objectives Earlier qualitative researchers studying athletes’ dual careers (DCs) have shown that sociocultural discourses on gender are ingrained in DC policies and practices, creating gender inequalities and hierarchies. In this study, we aimed to extend this body of research by examining how Finnish elite youth ski coaches discursively construct athletes’ education and gender in their talk and coaching practices. Similarly, we examined how coaches’ beliefs about athletes' holistic development are interlinked with broader sociocultural discourses on gender. Design Qualitative study. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 Finnish ski coaches (seven male, three female) aged …
Optimizing Physical Performance During the Competitive Season for Female Handball Players: A Comparative Study on the Effects of High-Load Strength T…
Purpose: The present study aimed to compare the effects of high-load strength training and low-load power and plyometric training on explosive performance measures in in-season female handball players. Methods: Thirty-one sub-elite handball players (age, 20±3 years; height, 70±6 cm; weight, 68±11 kg) were randomly assigned to a high-load (weekly: 5-20 sets ≥80% of 1RM per muscle group) or low-load power and plyometric training group (power-plyo) (13 sets ≤50% of 1RM and 165 bodyweight jumps). Training sessions were performed biweekly and supervised once per week for 12-weeks. Pre- and post-measurements were countermovement jump (CMJ) height, single-leg vertical jump-and-reach, standing- and…
Cohort profile: the ESC EURObservational Research Programme Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infraction (NSTEMI) Registry
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) Registry aims to identify international patterns in NSTEMI management in clinical practice and outcomes against the 2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without ST-segment-elevation. Consecutively hospitalised adult NSTEMI patients (n = 3620) were enrolled between 11 March 2019 and 6 March 2021, and individual patient data prospectively collected at 287 centres in 59 participating countries during a two-week enrolment period per centre. The registry collected data relating to baseline characteristics,…
Enjoyment of Interactive Fiction Compared to Non-Interactive fiction, in a Norwegian EFL Classroom
This master’s thesis aims to shed light on using “interactive fiction” (IF) to promote reader engagement in a Norwegian EFL (English foreign language) classroom. In this thesis I look at interactive fiction in light of reading pleasure, enjoyment, and extensive reading. In this paper, I research whether a class of eighteen Norwegian 5th grade EFL students enjoy interactive fiction. The classroom intervention spanned three 60-minute English lessons, over three days. For this project they read both an interactive text and a non-interactive one. The students wrote reading journals where they wrote about their experiences with the two texts, before they answered a questionnaire on the final day…