showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Vemurafenib Inhibits Acute and Chronic Enterovirus Infection by Affecting Cellular Kinase Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase Type IIIβ


Enteroviruses are one of the most abundant viruses causing mild to serious acute infections in humans and also contributing to chronic diseases like type 1 diabetes. Presently, there are no approved antiviral drugs against enteroviruses. Here, we studied the potency of vemurafenib, an FDA-approved RAF kinase inhibitor for treating BRAFV600E mutant-related melanoma, as an antiviral against enteroviruses. We showed that vemurafenib prevented enterovirus translation and replication at low micromolar dosage in an RAF/MEK/ERK-independent manner. Vemurafenib was effective against group A, B, and C enteroviruses, as well as rhinovirus, but not parechovirus or more remote viruses such as Semliki Fo…

enteroviruksetlääkkeetdrug repurposingviruksetdiabetesenterovirusnuoruustyypin diabeteshoitomenetelmätchronic infectionacute infectionantiviralinfektiot

Hva karakteriserer en gruppe 9.trinnselevers strategier og argumentasjon med utforskende volumoppgaver?


Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ kasusstudie som tar for seg hva som karakteriserer elevers arbeid med volum. Hensikten er å se hvordan en 9.klasse løser to problemløsningsoppgaver om volum. Studiens problemstilling er derfor "Hva karakteriserer en gruppe 9.trinnselevers strategier og argumentasjon med utforskende volumoppgaver?" Teorien vil ta for seg store begrep som geometri, algebra og aritmetikk, og nivåene fra Van Hiele modellen. Det skal også se på tidligere forskning og de fem «sammenflettede trådene» til Mathematical Proficiency. Læreplanen i matematikk for 8.trinn og kjerneelementene vil være sentrale, i tillegg til at geometrisk, algebraisk og aritmetisk tenkning er viktig f…

La influencia de la calidad de la información financiera sobre el endeudamiento bancario


La obtención de financiación por parte de las empresas con la finalidad de poder llevar a cabo sus proyectos de inversión o poder atender necesidades puntuales de tesorería es uno de los elementos esenciales en el funcionamiento de las mismas. Por ello, el principal objetivo de esta tesis es analizar la relación existente entre la calidad de los estados financieros y el endeudamiento bancario. Para alcanzar este objetivo se ha analizado el endeudamiento bancario desde sus tres características principales: obtención, vencimiento y coste. En esta tesis se abordan varios trabajos empíricos. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis descriptivo de las principales variables que pueden afectar al e…

calidad contabledeuda bancariafinanciación bancariacalidad financieraUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS::Contabilidad::Contabilidad financiera

Code for manuscript: Nonreciprocal Josephson linear response


Codes related to manuscript "Nonreciprocal Josephson linear response", including the scripts that generate the figures in the manuscript. The preprint is available at This is a snapshot of the code dataset that has been taken on 06.07.2023. A more detailed description of the data and the address to the GitLab repository for the latest version of the code can be found from the parent dataset of this data publication.

condensed matter physicssähködynamiikkasähkömagnetismielectrodynamicselectromagnetismtiiviin aineen fysiikka

La lettura ad alta voce per favorire lo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo del bambino


L’esposizione precoce a pratiche di lettura ad alta voce rappresenta uno strumento fondamentale per lo sviluppo di facoltà cognitive, emotive e psi-cologiche già nella prima infanzia. La lettura ad alta voce è una pratica che se utilizzata fin dalla primissima infanzia è in grado di modellare il cer-vello sviluppando maggiormente circuiti cere-brali che supportano le abilità narrative. Nume-rose ricerche hanno evidenziato come la lettura ad alta voce già dal primo anno di vita favorisca lo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo del bambino e faciliti la costruzione di un rapporto positivo tra genitori e figli. La famiglia, pertanto, ha il compi-to principale di promuovere occasioni di lettura ad alt…

Infanziasviluppo emotivoSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Socialelettura ad alta vocesviluppo cognitivopratiche di alfabetizzazione.

The Rewilding Approach in Urban Design. The Case Study of Budolfi Plads in the Historic Centre of Aalborg (DK)


Dwelling on Earth responsibly means guaranteeing global environmental well-being, within which the habitable environment for human beings must find a new homeostasis. At the turn of the second and third millennium, tackling environmental degradation and halting the continued loss of biodiversity became a global policy goal. In this context, new approaches to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration are emerging, such as rewilding, an approach that aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of ecosystems by restoring natural processes and minimizing human management. The article analyses urban rewilding as a design approach aimed at restoring natural processes and reintroducing natu…

Green TransitionBudolfi PladsUrban RegenerationRewildingAalborgSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Positiivisten kohtaamisten merkityksellisyys kouluyhteisöissä


Kouluille on asetettu kasvavassa määrin merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia tehtäviä. Yhtenä koulun tehtävänä on valmistaa uusia sukupolvia uudistamaan yhteiskuntaa. Tätä tehtävää haastaa monin tavoin kompleksiset ja kiihtyvät muutosprosessit. Oleellista onkin luoda kestävä pohja jatkuvalle oppimiselle ja hyvinvoinnille jo varhaisista kouluvuosista alkaen. nonPeerReviewed

opetustaitokouluthyvinvointitäydennyskoulutusyhteiskunnallinen muutosopettajatoppilaatinkluusioryhmäohjauskäyttäytymishäiriöt

Simultaneous detection of copper and mercury in water samples using in-situ pH control with electrochemical stripping techniques


The performance of electrochemical sensors using an in situ pH control technique for detection of mercury and copper in neutral solutions is described herein. Sensors are comprised of two distinct parallel gold interdigitated microband electrodes each of which may be polarised separately. Biasing one interdigitated “protonator” electrode sufficiently positive to begin water electrolysis, resulted in the production of H+ ions, which, consequently droped the interfacial pH at the other second interdigitated “sensing” electrode. This decrease in pH permitted the electrodeposition (and consequent stripping) of metals at a sensing electrode without the need to acidify the whole test solution. In…

Local pHHeavy metals pollutionSimultaneous detectionSettore ING-IND/23 - Chimica Fisica ApplicataElectrochemical sensorIn situ analysisGeneral Chemical EngineeringGold microbandsElectrochemistryReal time analysis

Disinformazione nelle città


Nell‘ambito della Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3), strategie di innovazione nazionali o regionali per la crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva nell’Unione Europea per il prossimo decennio, finanziata dall’Unione Europea, la Regione Siciliana ha promosso il progetto Fake News in accordo con la finalità di sviluppare strumenti di scambio informativo e confronto in rete. L’obiettivo è di concentrare le risorse europee in settori tecnologici emergenti che realmente possono svilupparsi nella stessa regione puntando sulla costruzione di saperi locali, piuttosto che sul trasferimento di risorse tecnologiche esterne. Si sperimenta un’applicazione di tecnologie ICT al fenomeno della di…

Settore ICAR/21 - Urbanisticacommunication information technology democracy

The possibility of applying combined heat and power microgrid model for industrial parks. A case study for Dong Nam industrial park in Vietnam


Microgrid systems that combine cooling, heating and power (CHP) with distributed cogeneration units and renewable energy sources are a practical way to meet the growing need for energy, and industrial parks have enormous potential for the development of integrated electrical and thermal systems. This paper presents a microgrid CHP model and evaluates the possibility of developing the model in the Dong Nam industrial park in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. HOMER software was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the model.

Settore ING-IND/33 - Sistemi Elettrici Per L'Energiaindustrial parkrenewable energyCHP microgridPV system

Corso di diritto internazionale


Serving as a single-volume introduction to international law, the book seeks to present international law as a system characterized by an ongoing process of sectoralization and institutionalization.

Il volume intende fornire una introduzione completa al diritto internazionale presentandolo come caratterizzato da un processo ancora in corso di settorializzazione e istituzionalizzazione.Settore IUS/13 - Diritto Internazionale

Człowiek - dzieło - historia : wykłady otwarte w roku 70-lecia Pedagogicznej Biblioteki Wojewódzkiej w Opolu


Development of novel secondary raw materials from grape juice fining waste as enriched excipients for oral care products and pharmaceuticals


Settore CHIM/09 - Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativobentonite waste recovery cosmetics pharmaceuticals green extraction oral care spray drying

Unveiling species assemblage rules in gypsum plant communities


Plant communities are not merely snapshots of species located in the same area. Instead, they are dynamic entities connected through complex biotic interactions. Understanding the interplay of processes that bind species within a community is vital for comprehending species maintenance and may assist us in predicting how communities respond to the perturbations of a changing world. This Ph.D. aims to unveil how abiotic conditions, plant strategies, and biotic interactions shape plant communities growing in stressful environments. Plant species can thrive in stressful environments through contrasted strategies, either showing species-specific adaptive strategies or reliance on facilitative i…

UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología vegetal (Botánica) ::Ecología vegetalrewiringcontrasting stressphylogenynursesgypsumgypsum affinitylimestonefacilitationneighborhoodplant communities

CCDC 2171083: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination


Related Article: J. Mikko Rautiainen, Maryna Green, Minna Mähönen, Jani O. Moilanen, Manu Lahtinen, Arto Valkonen|2023|Cryst.Growth Des.|23|2361|doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01351

Space GroupCrystallography1-ethyl-3-iodopyridin-1-ium trifluoromethanesulfonateCrystal SystemCrystal StructureCell ParametersExperimental 3D Coordinates

Chiral hemicucurbit[8]uril as an anion receptor: selectivity to size, shape and charge distribution


Chiral (all-R)-cyclohexanohemicucurbit[8]uril binds anions in a 1 : 1 ratio in pure methanol like a molecular Pac-Man™ with remarkable selectivity based on the size, shape and charge distribution of the anion.

Tsetlin Machine for Fake News Detection: Enhancing Accuracy and Reliability


This thesis aims to improve the accuracy of fake news detection by using Tsetlin Machines (TM). TMs are well suited for noisy and complex relations within the provided data, which on initial analysis, overlaps nicely with characteristics found in fake news. We provide a performant and deterministic preprocessor, which is responsible for tokenizing, lemmanzing, and encoding to a representation that the TM understands. We compare our approach with TMs against Neural Networks (NN) models over a variety of well-known datasets within the fake news domain. Our findings show from comparable results to significant improvements over state of the art. Additionally, we show how TMs allow for interpret…

Repeatability and reliability of the footwear assessment tool in Spanish patients: A transcultural adaptation


[Abstract] Background: The footwear assessment tool was designed to advise an appropriate footwear for each situation and patient. Footwear alterations structures can influence in musculoskeletal disorders, developing foot ulcers, increase the peak plantar pressure, bacterial growth, low back pain. Methods: To validate the study 101 subjects were recruited. The study was tested by two expert podiatrists using the tool for the assessment of footwear characteristics that is composed by five domains, fit, general features, general structure, motion control properties and cushioning system. Each domain analyzes different shoe items. Results: An excellent agreement between the test-retest. A sui…

FiabilidadDermatologyReliabilityFootwearPathology and Forensic MedicineShoesExtremitatsPodologíaCalzadoZapatosMalaltiesRepetibilidadToolHerramientaRepeatability

Sustainability Strategy in SMEs: Conceptualization, Motivations, and Processes for Development and Implementation


Our society is facing major environmental, social, and economic challenges, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can play a significant role in tackling these challenges. Sustainability strategy is becoming increasingly important for companies, and SMEs are no different. A sustainability strategy can increase a firm’s competitiveness, bring new business opportunities, and guide a firm to become more sustainable. Yet, little research has been carried towards a better understanding of the conceptualization, motivations, and various pertinent issues with respect to the development and implementation of the sustainability strategy in different SMEs. This study aims to address these open rese…

Suomiräpin ja suomalaisuuden moninaisuudesta


Rapmusiikki eri alalajeineen nauttii Suomessa tällä hetkellä suurta suosiota erityisesti nuorten keskuudessa. Entistä monimuotoisemmaksi muuttuva suomirap voi toimia avaimena erilaisiin kokemuksiin ja identiteetteihin sekä rakentaa ja välittää entistä rasisminvastaisempaa tulevaisuutta. nonPeerReviewed

räppäritrepresentaatioantirasismivähemmistötidentiteettisuomalaisuusraphip hop

„Comparing“ American and South African literatures (through Afrofuturism): methodology and challenges (online seminar)


My original thesis project was ‘Representations of monstrosity in afrofuturist American and South African literature’, and it was meant as a follow up to my master’s thesis which consisted in analyzing monstrosity in short story collections by an African American and a South African author: Friday Black (Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, 2018) and Intruders (Mohale Mashigo, 2018). I had used afrofuturism not as my main focus then, but as a subchapter in my work, When I started working on my thesis project, I took the term ‘afrofuturism’ for granted when applied to South African works, but the texts I have read and the (South African) encounters I have had have led me to rethink my work and my appro…

[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureAfrofuturism[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Les luttes des mineurs polonais de Silésie à travers les films de Kazimierz Kutz


cinéma polonaisminemineurs[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesKazimierz Kutzgrèves

Longitudinal tests of the theory of planned behaviour : A meta-analysis


In a meta-analysis of longitudinal analyses of the theory of planned behaviour, we tested a series of extended or auxiliary theory-consistent hypotheses: construct stability, theory predictions within and between occasions, consistency over time or stationarity in theory effects and reciprocal effects among constructs. We also tested the effects of moderators on theory effects: measurement lag, health behaviour type (protection, risk) and specific health behaviours (alcohol, dietary and physical activity). A systematic search identified 87 studies eligible for inclusion. Meta-analytic structural equation models supported construct stability and theory effects within and between occasions. O…

panel designterveyskäyttäytyminensosiaalinen kognitioattitude theoryasenteetreciprocal effectsstabiilius (muuttumattomuus)stabilitysocial cognition theorykäyttäytyminen

“The Kind of Music That Makes My Skin Crawl” : Disgust Associated with Musical Experiences


This chapter explores the affective aspects of aversive experiences relating to music listening. In music psychology research, there is a strong consensus that one of the most important reasons that people listen to music is to experience emotions, and that most music-evoked emotions are positively toned. Negative emotions, therefore, are often considered irrelevant in a musical context. However, although many people think music is fundamentally a positive and pleasurable phenomenon, it is also known to been purposely used for evoking unpleasant affective reactions, even for torture. Such accounts challenge the idea that music or music-induced experiences could be only positive or harmless …


Computer Vision on X-ray Data in Industrial Production and Security Applications: A Comprehensive Survey


X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using com…

FOS: Computer and information sciencesGeneral Computer ScienceComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)security applicationsröntgensäteilyComputer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionGeneral Engineeringdeep learningsyväoppiminencomputer visionX-rayindustrial applicationskonenäköGeneral Materials ScienceElectrical and Electronic Engineering

Cancro e Invecchiamento


Gli studi epidemiologici hanno dimostrato che la mortalità per cancro aumenta con l’età fino al novantesimo anno, in cui raggiunge il plateau e quindi declina (Fig. 61.1). La mortalità per cancro è di circa il 40% dai 50 ai 70 anni e inferiore al 4% nei centenari. Questo non è strano perché è noto che i longevi ritardano o evitano quasi tutte le malattie infiammatorie legate all’età e il can-cro è una malattia in cui la componente infiammatoria gioca un ruolo rilevante........................................

Settore MED/04 - Patologia GeneraleLongevitàInvecchiamentoCancro

E se il punteruolo affamasse Steinernema carpocapsae?


Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), phytophagus of palms, has been used as a model to deepen the knowledge of the host-entomopathogen relationship. The effects of Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) on the growth and immunoactivity of R. ferrugineus larvae were compared with another model insect Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Although S. carpocapsae had a negative effect on the weight and mortality of R. ferrugineus, it was not able to replicate in the hemolymph with the same rates found for the moth. In vivo and in vitro effects of S. carpocapsae on the phagocytic responsesof the hemocytes of R. ferrugineus and G. mellone…

symbiontimmune systemSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E Applicatanematodeinsectred palm weevilbacteriapalm

Encryption and Generation of Images for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Smart Manufacturing


Current advances in machine (deep) learning and the exponential growth of data collected by and shared between smart manufacturing processes give a unique opportunity to get extra value from that data. The use of public machine learning services actualizes the issue of data privacy. Ordinary encryption protects the data but could make it useless for the machine learning objectives. Therefore, “privacy of data vs. value from data” is the major dilemma within the privacy preserving machine learning activity. Special encryption techniques or synthetic data generation are being in focus to address the issue. In this paper, we discuss a complex hybrid protection algorithm, which assumes sequenti…

data privacyIndustry 4.0anonymizationimage processingtietosuojakoneoppiminensalausautoencoderssyntetic data generationGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesvalmistustekniikkakonenäköteollisuusanonymiteettiGeneral Environmental ScienceProcedia Computer Science

Reconstrucció del paisatge rural i urbà d'Almenara i La Llosa entre els segle XIII al XVI


La tesi titulada «Reconstrucció del paisatge rural i urbà d'Almenara i La Llosa entre els segles XIII-XVI», aprofundeix en l'evolució del paisatge cultural d'ambdós municipis i l'estudi de la seua població. Amb la finalitat de valorar els béns culturals municipals d'aquest període i destacar-ne la rellevància i les funcions en el passat. Cosa que possibilita una millor acceptació en el manteniment i en el respecte d'aquests béns en la societat actual. El paisatge constitueix una realitat dinàmica, ja que és resultat de processos ambientals, socials i culturals que s'han succeït al llarg del temps en el territori. Aquests processos estan marcats per les maneres de vida, les polítiques, les a…

història de l'artcomtat d'almenarademografiaurbanismesistema hidràulicsegle xvgvsigalmenarapaisatge culturalmolinsgermaniesgeografiaprovíncia de castellóbarri marineragriculturarecomptesalqueries musulmanespròixidageorreferènciaramaderiaUNESCO::HISTORIAsegle xvibaronia de la llosala plana baixahistòriamusulmansgovernsucrela llosapaisatge ruralfirasegle xivsegle xviiport o carregador d'almenarafont de quartbatalla d'almenarapunt del cidfont redonafont de la llosarafalscastell d'almenararuscos de meltorre de costacensosbassa de regtrapigsegle xiiiséquia majorusos comunalsrevoltes múdejarsenginypatrimoni culturalpaisatge urbàmuralles d'almenaraempriusrapitacomunitat valencianavilallanamoreresmoriscos

Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures with WMR


This study aimed at providing pavement specialists with international average values of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and energy consumption related to the manufacturing of asphalt mixtures (cradle-to-gate), with and without waste and secondary materials for roads (WMRs). In order to achieve this goal, TG leaders first referred to current standards to define a methodology for obtaining benchmark values according to ISO 21678:2020. Then, a data collection tool was designed and provided to a group of international partners to build a life cycle inventory for asphalt mixtures including data from materials up to plant manufacturing (A1–A3). Partners were asked to provide information for any ty…

Asphalt mixtureLife Cycle AssessmentBenchmarkWaste Secondary materials

Ķermeņa fenomenoloģija starpdisciplināru pētījumu kontekstā: tēžu krājums


Projekta "Nogaidošie ķermeņi: vilcināšanās vakcinēties ķermeniskās pieredzes fenomenoloģiska analīze" (lzp-2021/1-0360) ietvaros 2023. gada 29. martā tika organizēta Latvijas Universitātes 81. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcija "Ķermeņa fenomenoloģija starpdisciplināru pētījumu kontekstā". Tēžu krājumā ir apkopoti sekcijā nolasīto referātu kopsavilkumi.

ķermeniskā pieredze:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Other humanities and religion [Research Subject Categories]ķermeņa fenomenoloģijavakcinācija:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::Philosophy subjects::Theoretical philosophy [Research Subject Categories]nogaidošie ķermeņi:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::Philosophy subjects::Practical philosophy [Research Subject Categories]starpdisciplinārie pētījumi

Petrarchisti del Regno di Sicilia: le Rime degli Accademici Accesi di Palermo


Il contributo analizza i due volumi di rime pubblicati dall’Accademia degli Accesi di Palermo nel 1571 e nel 1573. A metà tra prospettiva regionale e dialogo con le esperienze del petrarchismo italiano, le Rime rappresentano un tentativo di rinnovare gli istituti letterari locali, facendo ricorso ai generi e alle forme in uso nella penisola. Le esigenze di sperimentazione stilistica si sommano a quelle di tipo celebrativo nel legittimare mediante la poesia il potere vicereale e inquisitoriale. This essay analyses two volumes of poetry published by the Accademia degli Accesi in Palermo in 1571 and 1573. Halfway between regionalism and a dialogue with Italian Petrarchism, the Rime represent a…

academieAccesipoetry books.Petrarchismpetrarchismo accademie Accesi petrarchismo siciliano libro di rimeSicilian Petrarchism

Diseño, implantación y evaluación de la eficiencia de un modelo de gestión por procesos de la enfermedad litiásica urinaria en una unidad de litotric…


Diseño, implantación y evaluación de la eficiencia de un modelo de gestión por procesos de la enfermedad litiásica urinaria en una unidad de litotricia. Introducción y Objetivo La enfermedad litiásica (EL) tiene un carácter crónico definido por distintos factores de riesgo que no se han ponderado ni relacionado entre sí, para poder establecer grupos de riesgo, ni establecido su seguimiento. El presente trabajo pretendió coordinar los distintos factores demográficos, metabólicos, anatómicos, etc. que influyen en la EL creando un nuevo modelo de gestión de la misma, basado en la pirámide poblacional de Kaiser-Permanente. Con ello se generó una clasificación de estos pacientes en distintos gru…

litiasis urinariaUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASprevención litiasiscálculo renalgestión por procesos

Nuclear structure at the neutron emission threshold and below explored via beta-decays of 82,83Ga and 86As.


Tässä väitöskirjassa keskitytään neutronirikkaiden, lähellä neutronikuorta N = 50 olevien ydinten beetahajoamisten tutkimukseen. Erityisenä kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat beetahajoamisen syöttämät korkean viritysenergian tilat lähellä neutronin sidosenergiaa. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin ymmärtämään, mikä on näiden tilojen rakenne, ovatko ne pygmidipoliresonanssi (PDR) -tiloja, ja kuinka beetahajoaminen kytkeytyy näihin PDR-tiloihin. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta toisiaan täydentävästä tieteellisestä kokeesta. Ensimmäinen koe suoritettiin ALTO (Accélérateur Linéaire et Tandem d’Orsay) -kiihdytinlaboratoriossa. Kokeessa tutkittiin beetaviivästettyä gammaspektroskopiaa käyttäen 82,83Ge -ydinten rakennett…

Adherence to treatment and quality of life of patients with hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic


Wprowadzenie: Ograniczenie dostępności do rutynowych wizyt kontrolnych w gabinetach lekarskich w czasie pandemii COVID-19, jak również niezgłaszanie się pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym do placówek ochrony zdrowia w obawie przed zakażeniem mogło zaburzyć współpracę lekarza z pacjentem i pogorszyć przestrzeganie zaleceń terapeutycznych. Cel pracy: Zbadanie jakości życia pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym oraz ocena przestrzegania przez nich zaleceń terapeutycznych podczas pandemii COVID-19. Materiał i metody: Zbadano 103 pacjentów SPZOZ MSWiA we Wrocławiu. Zastosowano Skróconą wersję ankiety oceniającej jakość życia (WHOQOL-BREF) oraz Skalę adherence w chorobach przewlekłych (ACDS). Wyni…

przestrzeganie zaleceń lekarskichhypertensionquality of lifepatient adherenceCOVID-19jakość życiapatientpacjentnadciśnienie tętniczeStudia Medyczne

Celium: The aesthetic of electronic dance music in a band setting.