showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Hateholders and Brandjacking : Negative Engagement of Customers and Stakeholders
Social and real-time media allow customers and other stakeholders to easily voice their opinions online when brands or organisations fail to meet their expectations. Such outbursts, which are often addressed through corporate public relations and crisis communication, are labelled negative stakeholder engagement. This study focuses on negative stakeholder engagement behaviour on the social media platform Twitter. Data collected from discussions on two telecommunication companies’ Twitter accounts, one in Finland and the other in Australia, are used to illustrate the different forms of negative engagement behaviours. peerReviewed
"Les graffiti", dans Mathieu Ribolet et Fabienne Creuzenet (dir.), Rapport sur l’opération 2022 Alésia, Monument d’Ucuetis, Secteur nord, p. 182-184
The Potential and Limitations of the Tsetlin Machine in Model-Free Reinforcement Learning
This paper aims to investigate the potential of model-free reinforcement learning using the Tsetlin Machine by evaluating its performance in widely recognized benchmark environments for reinforcement learning: Cartpole and Pong. Our study is divided into two primary objectives. First, we analyze the effectiveness of the Tsetlin Machine in learning from the actions of expert agents in the Cartpole environment. Second, we assess the ability of the multiclass Tsetlin Machine to learn to play both Cartpole and Pong environments from scratch. Our findings indicate that the Tsetlin Machine can successfully learn and solve the Cartpole environment. Although the Pong environment remains unsolved, t…
QaQ: Robust 6D Pose Estimation via Quality-Assessed RGB-D Fusion
RGB-D 6D pose estimation has recently drawn great research attention thanks to the complementary depth information. Whereas, the depth and the color image are often noisy in real industrial scenarios. Therefore, it becomes challenging for many existing methods that fuse equally RGB and depth features. In this paper, we present a novel fusion design to adaptively merge RGB-D cues. Specifically, we created a Qualityassessment block that estimates the global quality of the input modalities. This quality represented as an α parameter is then used to reinforce the fusion. We have thus found a simple and effective way to improve the robustness to low-quality inputs in terms of Depth and RGB. Exte…
Two-dimensional magnetic behaviour in hybrid NiFe-layered double hydroxides by molecular engineering
Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are a class of two-dimensional (2D) anionic materials that exhibit remarkable chemical versatility, making them ideal building blocks in the design of complex multifunctional materials. In this line, a NiFe-LDH is probably one of the most important LDHs due to its interesting electrochemical and magnetic properties. However, no direct magnetic measurements of exfoliated NiFe-LDH nanosheets have been reported so far. Herein, we synthesize a hybrid NiFe-LDH family through anion exchange reactions using surfactant molecules in order to increase the interlayer space (ranging from 8 to 31.6 Å), minimizing the interlayer dipolar interactions. By intercalation with…
Cognitive Mimetics and Human Digital Twins : Towards Holistic AI Design
AI is replacing and supporting people in many intelligence-requiring tasks. Therefore, it is essential to consider the conceptual grounds of designing future technical artefacts and technologies for practical use. We are developing two new practical design tools: cognitive mimetics and human digital twins for AI designers. Cognitive mimetics analyses human information processing to be mimicked by intelligent technologies. Human digital twins provide a tool for modelling what people do based on the results of cognitive mimetics. Together they provide a new way of designing intelligent technology in individual tasks and industrial contexts. nonPeerReviewed
Diseño y síntesis de nuevos materiales conmutables basados en el fenómeno de transición de espín
Esta Tesis Doctoral actúa como compendio de síntesis y caracterización de nuevos materiales, generalmente porosos, que presentan el fenómeno de transición de espín (en inglés Spin Crossover, SCO). El principal objetivo de la Tesis Doctoral ha consistido en el diseño de estos nuevos polímeros de coordinación que combinan de forma sincrónica el fenómeno SCO asociado a los centros metálicos de FeII con otras propiedades de interés, siendo la motivación última su futura aplicación en dispositivos espintrónicos. Más concretamente, los esfuerzos sintéticos se han dedicado a la obtención de polímeros de coordinación de tipo Hofmann 2D que presentan: propiedades anfitrión-huésped selectivas, fluore…
CCDC 2213984: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Mario Palacios-Corella, Víctor García-López, Joao Carlos Waerenborgh, Bruno J. C. Vieira, Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas, Miguel Clemente-León, Eugenio Coronado|2023|Chemical Science|14|3048|doi:10.1039/D2SC05800F
Encryption and Generation of Images for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Smart Manufacturing
Current advances in machine (deep) learning and the exponential growth of data collected by and shared between smart manufacturing processes give a unique opportunity to get extra value from that data. The use of public machine learning services actualizes the issue of data privacy. Ordinary encryption protects the data but could make it useless for the machine learning objectives. Therefore, “privacy of data vs. value from data” is the major dilemma within the privacy preserving machine learning activity. Special encryption techniques or synthetic data generation are being in focus to address the issue. In this paper, we discuss a complex hybrid protection algorithm, which assumes sequenti…
Numerical modeling of the solid-state sintering at the microstructural level: Multiphysics approach and application to metal additive manufacturing
Numerical modeling of the solid-state sintering at the microstructural level: Multiphysics approach and application to metal additive manufacturing
The Interconnecting Hairpin Extension "Arm": An Essential Allosteric Element of Phytochrome Activity
In red-light sensing phytochromes, isomerization of the bilin chromophore triggers structural and dynamic changes across multiple domains, ultimately leading to control of the output module (OPM) activity. In between, a hairpin structure, "arm", extends from an interconnecting domain to the chromophore region. Here, by removing this protein segment in a bacteriophytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans (DrBphP), we show that the arm is crucial for signal transduction. Crystallographic, spectroscopic, and biochemical data indicate that this variant maintains the properties of DrBphP in the resting state. Spectroscopic data also reveal that the armless systems maintain the ability to respond t…
Risarcimento del danno e trasferimento del sovrapprezzo
The article provides an analysis of the new Eu and Italian legal framework on the role of the indirect purchasers within the scope of civil actions for antitrust damages, also troughout an overview of the most recent judicial cases on the matter
Relativistic quantum thermometry through a moving sensor
Using a two-level moving probe, we address the temperature estimation of a static thermal bath modeled by a massless scalar field prepared in a thermal state. Different couplings of the probe to the field are discussed under various scenarios. We find that the thermometry is completely unaffected by the Lamb shift of the energy levels. We take into account the roles of probe velocity, its initial preparation, and environmental control parameters for achieving optimal temperature estimation. We show that a practical technique can be utilized to implement such a quantum thermometry. Finally, exploiting the thermal sensor moving at high velocity to probe temperature within a multiparameter-est…
Additional file 5 of An insight into cancer palaeobiology: does the Mesozoic neoplasm support tissue organization field theory of tumorigenesis?
Additional file 5. 3D model of ZPAL Ab III/2467 with marked scanning planes.
XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte. Los eventos deportivos: impacto, turismo y tecnología
En este libro se recogen las aportaciones realizadas por los participantes en el XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte celebrado en la ciudad de Valencia durante los días 7, 8 y 9 de junio de 2023. This book compiles the contributions made by the participants in the XIII Ibero-American Congress on Sport Economics held in the city of Valencia on June 7, 8 and 9, 2023.
L'open-badge : un outil au service de l'évaluation et de la reconnaissance de compétences transversales dans l'enseignement supérieur ?
Afterword to the volume "War and Peace in the Religious Conflicts of the Long Sixteenth Century"
Barn i utsatte livssituasjoner og sosioemosjonell utvikling: Barnehagens styrking av sosioemosjonell utvikling hos barn i utsatte livssituasjoner
I denne studien søker jeg å få en dypere innsikt i hvordan barnehagen kan bidra til en positiv utvikling av sosiale- og emosjonelle ferdigheter, hos de yngste barna i alderen 0-3 år. Studien setter et særlig søkelys mot styrking av sosioemosjonell utvikling hos barn i utsatte livssituasjoner. Denne studien er en kvalitativ intervjustudie blant informanter som arbeider med spesialpedagogikk i barnehage. Problemstillingen i studien er: På hvilken måte kan barnehagen styrke de yngste barnas (0-3 år) sosioemsojonelle utvikling? Hvordan kan barnehagen gjøre dette på en måte som tar hensyn til behovene til barn i utsatte livssituasjoner? Studien er en kvalitativ intervjustudie, med semistrukturer…
Some perturbation results for quasi-bases and other sequences of vectors
We discuss some perturbation results concerning certain pairs of sequences of vectors in a Hilbert space $\Hil$ and producing new sequences which share, with the original ones, { reconstruction formulas on a dense subspace of $\Hil$ or on the whole space}. We also propose some preliminary results on the same issue, but in a distributional settings.
La Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático
El documento forma parte de los materiales docentes de la Cátedra UNESCO de la Universitat de València, 2023. Esta publicación aborda los aspectos generales de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático
The role of system dynamics to unveil the complexity of academic missions. An integrated approach for entrepreneurial universities’ performance evalu…
The third mission concept implies that universities are expected to perform several diversified activities besides teaching (first mission) and scientific research (second mission). Third mission efforts may include activities such as knowledge dissemination, technological innovation, social innovation, advisory services, or entrepreneurship. Through third mission activities, universities engage in sustainable, inclusive development and/or territorial competitiveness by interacting with a wide range of subjects far beyond their students and reference scientific communities. The third mission’s activities vary a lot according to the specific characteristics of each university, the territory …
Assessment of vineyard vigour and yield spatio-temporal variability based on UAV high resolution multispectral images
Accurate, timely assessment of the vineyard on a field scale is essential for successful grape yield and quality. Remote sensing can be an effective and useful monitoring tool, as data from sensors on board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can measure vegetative and reproductive growth and thus directly or indirectly detect variability. Through the images obtained from UAV, the Vegetation Indices (VIs) can be calculated and compared with various agronomic characteristics of the vineyard. The objective of this study was to evaluate the multispectral response of the vineyard in three specific phenological phases and to analyse the spatial distribution of vegetative vigour. A multirotor UAV equi…
Better Together?
I denne masteroppgaven utforsker jeg co-writing-prosessen med fokus på kreativ prosess og rettighetsfordeling. Gjennom kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med fire norske låtskrivere har jeg fått et innblikk i hvordan de opplever co-writing som virke. Jeg utforsker låtskrivernes beskrivelse av co-writing-prosessen, fordeler og ulemper ved co-writing, hvordan de forholder seg til fordeling av rettigheter av et åndsverk og hvilke faktorer som kan tas hensyn til ved rettighetsfordeling.
Histoire de la pratique du sport de compétition pour les femmes : une histoire de/sous contrôles
Les fondations et refondations royales lagides en Asie Mineure
General approaches of processes involved in neurodegeneration using protein and printed phospholipids models
Translation shifts from English to Romanian in literary and general informative texts
This thesis asks the question of how English present and past participles are translated to Romanian in literary texts, as well as in general informative texts. Excerpts containing present and past participles are extracted from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book and Wikipedia texts and compared to their equivalents in Romanian. The theoretical background is based on J.C. Catford’s translation shifts classification. The most frequent changes are level shifts (a grammatical distinction in the source language is expressed by lexical means in the target language), class shifts (English participles are translated to different grammatical items - e.g., an English present participle ca…
Näin ekologinen kompensaatio on apuna luontokadon pysäyttämisessä
Ekologinen kompensaatio nousi uuden luonnonsuojelulain myötä olennaiseksi osaksi luontokadon pysäyttämisen keinovalikoimaa. Pian ratkeaa, onnistuuko tavoite vapaaehtoisesti vai tarvitaanko aiheuttaja maksaa -pakko, Panu Halme Jyväskylän yliopistosta kirjoittaa. nonPeerReviewed
El Pacte Internacional de Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals de 1966 i el seu Protocol Facultatiu de 2008
Introducción al Pacte Internacional de Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals de 1966 i el seu Protocol Facultatiu de 2008
Botany_Theory Lectures_Pharmacy degree-UV_IsaacGarridoBenavent
El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. This document contains the teaching material corresponding to the subject Botany, which is taught in the first year of the Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Valencia. More specifically, this material is designed for the high performance group (ARA). It contains basic botany lessons (structure and reproduction) as well as others dedicated to describing the diversity of different botanical groups, such as plants, algae and fungi.
Umberto Riva Designer
Il volume è la rielaborazione di quanto presentato e discusso nella tavola rotonda del 30 novembre 2022 dal titolo "Umberto Riva Designer". I singoli contributi e l'intero volume sono frutto di una integrale revisione dei contenuti, con approfondimenti scientifici importanti sulla figura di Umberto Riva.
El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. Lesson 5 Course Corporate Strategies
The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.
The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. 1. Introduction. 2. The 1972 Stockholm Declaration. 3. The Action Plan for the Human Environment. 3. Consequences of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.
Analysis of the effects of innovative radiotherapy treatments in zebrafish
Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions for exclusive J/ψ photoproduction in oxygen-oxygen and lead-lead collisions at energies available …
We present predictions for the cross sections of coherent J/ψ photoproduction in lead-lead and oxygen-oxygen ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs) as a function of the J/ψ rapidity at the LHC in the framework of collinear factorization at next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbative QCD. Taking generalized parton distribution functions in their forward limit and using the EPPS21, nNNPDF3.0, and nCTEQ15WZSIH nuclear parton distribution functions, we update our recent results for Pb-Pb collisions, make detailed predictions for O-O collisions for several beam energy configurations, and examine the ratio of O-O and Pb-Pb UPC cross sections. We show that the latter observable allows one to significan…
The competence of the European Union to conclude international human rights treaties
In this teaching material, I talk about the capacity of the European Union to conclude international human rights treaties. 1. Historical development; 2. The European Union's capacity to conclude international human rights treaties; 3. Explicit competences of the European Union; 4. Implicit competences; 5. Express provision in a binding EU legal act; 6. Where it is likely to affect common rules or alter their scope