showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Experiences of qualified teachers of the future in the scope of an international eTwinning project.


The aim of robust social learning networks such as eTwinning, which is a part of Erasmus internationality programs, is to foster and promote the creation and development of awareness for respect, tolerance,and understanding by ensuring the integration of young people from different countries and cultures through dialogue. Phenomenological research design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in this research in which the experiences of teacher candidates regarding the eTwinning project were analyzed. The focus of the transnational collaboration was that student teachers from different cultures use eTwinning’s secure and safe digital platform, Twinspace, to contribute to their c…

eTwinning 21st-century skills pre-service teacher transnational collaboration.Settore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

The Covid-19 Pandemic - Experiences and Expectations About Attending International Seminars and Conferences Among Teacher Educators


While the DOI not has been activated yet, the paper can already be read on the JISTE webside: During the Covid-19 pandemic, several international physical face-to-face conferences have been cancelled, and often substituted by online events. This situation may have led to different experiences among teacher educators and influenced their considerations on whether to travel to future conferences. The purpose of this study is to understand what factors are affecting teacher educators’ willingness to attend in-person or online conferences in the future. This study reports findings from an online questionnaire given to a strat…

LærerutdannereTeacher educatorsVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education

First data on the genetic structure of Trachemys scripta populations in Sicily (Testudines: Emydidae)


The pond slider Trachemys scripta is one of the most widespread alien turtle species in the world. Its unregulated trade and the consequent uncontrolled releases into the wild led to negative impacts on the native turtles of the invaded areas. In Italy, alien pond sliders are widely spread, and the occurrence of hatchlings and well-established populations is known in some areas. However, to date in Sicily, only a single female of Trachemys scripta laying eggs was reported. Besides that, nothing is known about the actual reproduction success and establishment of self-sustaining T. scripta populations in Sicily. Therefore, based on 14 previously characterised highly polymorphic microsatellite…

biological invasions non-indigenous speciespond turtleSettore BIO/05 - Zoologiamicrosatellites

New national and regional Annex I Habitat records: from #45 to #59


New Italian data on the distribution of Annex I Habitats are reported in this contribution. Specifically, 8 new occurrences in Natura 2000 sites are presented and 27 new cells are added in the EEA 10 km × 10 km reference grid. The new data refer to the Italian administrative regions of Apulia, Campania, Calabria, Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria, Sardinia, and Sicily.

121091AA*Ecology91F0ForestryPlant ScienceConservation315031206510313095402270*6420vegetation92/43/EEC Directive91E0*Conservation vegetation 1210 2270* 3120 3130 3150 3170* 6420 6510 91AA* 91E0* 91F0 92/43/EEC Directive 95403170*Ecology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

Bioetica, sacralità della vita e virtù. Osservazioni critiche su un recente libro di M. La Torre


In this paper, some critical remarks on M. La Torre’s book, Bioetica in tempo di pandemia are exposed. These remarks concerns: 1) the justification of paternalism according to La Torre’s liberal account of bioethics. If paternalism is justified then it is open to debate in which sense his proposal can be labelled as “liberal”; 2) what one earns with assuming that in order to solve conflicts of values we should prefer moral specificationism in front of Alexy’s balancing between legal principles. We will show that in arguing for specificationism La Torre tries to avoid the phenomenon of tragic choice, without succeeding; 3) the lack of clarity in depicting the idea of “sacred life”. This idea…

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittobioethics - primacy of justice over the good - virtue ethics - paternalism

DESIGN E TRANSIZIONE DIGITALE : nuove sfide design-driven per l’innovazione tecno-sociale


How can it be possible to work salvifically on an asphyxiated society that is beingdragged down by turbo-capitalism, the ‘soft tyranny’ of algorithms and ‘data-cracy’and marked by hegemonic and centralised socio-technical systems? Starting from the-oretical reflections and multidisciplinary contributions, this paper focuses on the strate-gic importance of techno-social innovation, critically illustrating some significant design-driven experiences that outline innovative lines of development in the field of design re-search: WASP’s experimental activity (3D printing), Manzini’s reflections on hybrid localcommunities and cities in chaotic mutation, the projects of hacktivists Persico and Ia-c…

techno-social innovation systemic design speculative design SDGs connectionsSettore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industriale

Kielen muutos ja variaatio


kieli ja kieletsuomen kieliPuheen- ja kielentutkimuksen kentältäkielenkäyttöuralilaiset kieletvariaatio (kieli)muutoskielihistoriapuhekielisosiolingvistiikkaPuhe ja kieli

Parliament as a Conceptual Nexus



Three species new to the moss flora of Alaska


Three moss species - Crossidium squamiferum, Didymodon tectorum and Loeskeobryum brevirostre - have been recorded as new to the Alaskan bryoflora. A brief description of the species and their ecology is given.

bryophytesNorth AmericaCrossidium squamiferumnew recordsGeneral MedicineDidymodon tectorumLoeskeobryum brevirostrebiodiversityHerzogia

Sana esiintyy lihassa


Kirja-arvio teoksesta Esa Kirkkopelto: Logomimesis: Tutkielma esiintyvästä ruumiista. Tutkijaliitto, Helsinki 2020. 351 s. ISBN 978-952-7093-19-1. Esa Kirkkopellon Logomimesis: tutkielma esiintyvästä ruumiista asettaa vastakkain mimetologian eli länsimaisen ajatteluperinteen pyrkimykset ottaa mimēsis, performatiivinen tai esityksellinen jäljittely ja siihen liittyvät ilmiöt, haltuun käsitteellisten ja teoreettisten diskurssien avulla ja Kirkkopellon uudisterminä lanseeraaman logomimesiksen, esityksellisen käytännön, joka ruumiillisin keinoin performoi diskurssien ja kielen toimintaa ja niiden peruuttamatonta sidosta materiaalisuuteen, ruumiin kielellisyyttä ja kielen ruumiillisuutta. Teoree…

esiintyvä taideEsa Kirkkopeltoteatteriteoriamannermainen filosofiaruumisjälkistrukturalismiruumiillisuusdekonstruktiologomimesisesittävät taiteetkirja-arvostelutpoststrukturalismiesittäminenmimesisfilosofiateatterin filosofiamimetologiateatteritaideesiintyvä ruumisjäljittelyEsittelyjä ja erittelyjänäyttämötaidetaidefilosofiateatteritiedeTiede & edistys

Opettajien monilukutaidolle antamat merkitykset


Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten opettajat ymmärtävät monilukutaidon käsitteen: millaisia merkityksiä he antavat monilukutaidolle ja millaisia orientaatioita heillä on sitä kohtaan. Monilukutaito on opetussuunnitelmassa laaja käsite, jonka haltuunotto ja soveltaminen vaativat kä sitteille annettavien merkitysten jäsentämistä ja niiden soveltamista oppimiseen. Tutkimusaineistona ovat täydennyskoulutukseen osallistuneiden 34 opettajan ennakkotehtävät. Niitä tarkasteltiin merkityksen rakentumisen fenomenologiasta käsin sekä diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat, että opettajilla oli varsin laaja käsitys monilukutaidon multimodaalisesta luonteesta mutta käsitteen monikieli…

opettajien täydennyskoulutus516 KasvatustieteetmonilukutaitokäsitteenmuodostusGeography Planning and DevelopmenttäydennyskoulutusArtikkelitopetussuunnitelmaopettajatopetussuunnitelmatAinedidaktiikka

Defining the accessibility of physical activity : Tracing the social dimension


The promotion of the physical activity (PA) of citizens has traditionally focused on improving spatial accessibility, especially in municipal administrations. However, research evidence indicates that proximity to PA environments is not a sufficient condition for increased PA. This article presents a broader model of the dimensions of the accessibility of PA, developed in cooperation between researchers and the authorities of two cities in Finland. As a result, ten dimensions affecting accessibility have been identified: spatial, temporal, physical/technological, informational, economic, legal/ administrative, cultural/attitudinal, skills related, mental and social. A special focus of atten…

social accessibilityyhteiskehittäminensosiaalinen saavutettavuuskaupunkisuunnitteluliikuntaliikuntapaikatterveyden edistäminenSuomico-developmentesteettömyys ja saavutettavuusFinlandfyysinen aktiivisuussosioekonomiset tekijätyhteissuunnittelu

In-Service Teachers’ Perception of the Usefulness of Analyzing their Lower Secondary Students’ Written Argumentation


 This study investigates how in-service teachers perceive analyzing their own lower secondary students’ written argumentation as useful. The participants were lower secondary school teachers enrolled in a university mathematics teaching program. The teachers planned and conducted a teaching lesson and wrote a report concerning the argumentation in their students' written work. The qualitative data consist of reports from in-service teachers and transcriptions of five follow-up interviews. Findings suggest that the teachers perceived the analysis useful for gaining insight into various parts of the students' prerequisites, establishing a basis for facilitating instruction, and acquiring know…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education

Memes como instrumento de evaluación del aprendizaje. Un caso en la universidad


[EN] Memes are a product of popular digital culture that, despite their virality, humor, creativity and everyday life, are semiotically dense, neither neutral nor innocuous. The complexity that a meme can entail allows us to think about its potential use as a tool for learning assessment. This paper presents the process for the construction of an instrument based on the creation of memes (memetics constructs) within the framework of the subject Teaching and Learning in the Digital Society of the degree in pedagogy at the University of Barcelona. For this purpose, the design phases of constructing the instrument for assessing memetic constructs are presented, along with the criteria and lear…

Tecnologia educativaUniversityAprendizajeUniversidadEvaluaciónCompetency based teachingEnseñanza basada en competenciasGeneral MedicineAssessmentHumor (Psicologia)CreativitatMemeLearningEnsenyament universitari

What is “showing” in language?


In this squib, I discuss the issue of showing meaning in language. I consider showing to form a continuum with telling (traditional language use with lexico-grammatical units and processes) and define showing in its purest form as a way of signaling meaning through depiction. For this purpose, showing makes use of relatively gradient and non-conventional means which are not typically considered to belong to language proper. I situate showing together with telling in ontology in which language is conceived as being simultaneously a physical, cognitive and social activity on a par with other such types of activities. In mainstream linguistics, showing has been marginalized and set aside from …

kieli ja kieletlanguagekielifilosofiaontologia (filosofia)meaningmerkitykset (semantiikka)Lastuttellingviittomakieliilmaisueleetshowingsemantiikkaontology

Glochidia Infection of Endemic Fishes from Lake Prespa, N. Macedonia


Large freshwater mussels (Unionida) are long-lived, have large bodies, and produce thousands to millions of larvae (glochidia) that usually must attach to host fish tissue to complete their life cycle. This is an obligate parasitic stage of mussel larvae. However, less than one in onemillion find a suitable host and survive. The degree of host specificity varies among unionid species, from specialists that can successfully parasitize only one or a few closely related fish species to generalists that can complete development on a taxonomically broad range of fish species. In addition, freshwater mussels are among the most threatened groups of animals. This is due to habitat destruction, the …

isojärvisimpukkaswan musselswan mussel; glochidia parasites; cyprinid fish; <i>Rutilus prespensis</i>; <i>Chondrostoma prespense</i>parasitismicyprinid fishisäntälajitvedenlaatusimpukatRutilus prespensisChondrostoma prespensetoukatsärkikalatglochidia parasiteskalatHydrobiology; Volume 2; Issue 1; Pages: 36-43

“An Unpleasant Book about Unpleasant Boys at an Unpleasant School”: Kipling’s Reshaping of the Victorian School Story in “Stalky &amp; Co.”


“Slaves of the Lamp, Part One”—the first tale of Rudyard Kipling’s Stalky &amp; Co.—was published in 1897, forty years after the publication of Thomas Hughes’s Tom Brown’s Schooldays, a book that created a pattern followed by other practitioners of the school-story genre. The aim of the following paper is to discuss the ways in which Kipling challenged the established conventions of the Victorian school story. In contrast to his predecessors, Kipling did not set his tales in an old, established public school; he questioned the importance of sports and games in developing manly character; and refused to idolize the school traditions. His protagonists rebel against authority and do not follow…

Victorian literaturemasculinityGeneral MedicineStalky and storyRudyard KiplingAnglica Wratislaviensia

Determination of Water-Soluble Trace Elements in the PM10 and PM2.5 of Palermo Town (Italy)


This study contributes to the current knowledge on the solubility of trace elements in the atmospheric particulate matter of the urban area of Palermo. Daily sample filters of PM10 and PM2.5 were collected in monitoring stations within and outside the urban area, characterized by variable traffic density. The bulk of compositions in PM10 and PM2.5 were determined by ICP-MS. The water-soluble trace elements (WSTE) and major ion components of particulate matter were determined by ICP-MS and ion chromatography, respectively. A significant difference in the metals content was observed between the samples taken in urban areas and those from suburban areas. The calculated enrichment factor highli…

Settore BIO/01 - Botanica Generaleleaching test; water-soluble ions; trace elements; PM<sub>10</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub>; atmospheric pollutionHealth Toxicology and Mutagenesisatmospheric pollutionPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthPM10 and PM2.5leaching testtrace elementswater-soluble ionsSettore GEO/08 - Geochimica E Vulcanologia

La novela gráfica como recurso didáctico en tiempos de pandemia: una propuesta intercultural para dinamizar la asignatura de Conversación del Grado e…


El azote pandémico ha marcado un implacable punto de inflexión en la escena educativa. Concretamente, en la R. P. China, contexto en el que se inserta la presente experiencia, la docencia en línea ha pasado a ser la tónica de una parte significativa del profesorado hispanohablante sin opción de regreso. Dicha coyuntura, además de dificultar la enseñanza de una asignatura eminentemente comunicativa como Conversación, plantea la imperiosa necesidad de redefinir el proceso didáctico al abrazo de propuestas que, por un lado, comulguen con la identidad del alumnado meta y, por otro, estimulen su participación activa en el aula virtual. El presente artículo contextualiza y desgrana la propuesta d…

Graphic novelPeople’s Republic of ChinaRepública Popular ChinaIntercultural communicative competenceCompetencia comunicativa interculturalCOVID-19UNESCO:PEDAGOGÍANovela gráficaForo de profesores de E/LE

Nuevas estrategias para la corrección de la expresión escrita


En este artículo se describe una propuesta didáctica en el campo de la expresión escrita que surge a partir de una doble necesidad: encontrar un modelo que, atendiendo a los nuevos preceptos de la neuroeducación, provea de máximos resultados en el menor tiempo posible; y facilitar al docente la tarea de corrección. Para ello, se ha elaborado un modelo de corrección guiada, en el que el profesor va dirigiendo al aprendiente hasta alcanzar el producto final. En última instancia, se pretende involucrar al alumnado en el proceso de escritura para promover estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje. Tanto el análisis como los resultados presentados están basados en una experiencia real de cl…

UNESCO:PEDAGOGÍAForo de profesores de E/LE

La gamificación en ELE:un análisis de la motivación según la TAD


Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la gamificación como técnica metodológica que fomenta la motivación en el aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE). En primer lugar, partiremos de los preceptos propuestos en la teoría de la autodeterminación (TAD) desarrollada por Ryan y Deci (1985). En segunda instancia, abordaremos las dinámicas, las mecánicas y los componentes que pueden constituir una práctica gamificada. Finalmente, tomando como referencia los postulados desarrollados en la TAD, centraremos nuestra atención en la manera en la que el diseño de un sistema gamificado puede incentivar un comportamiento regulado extrínseca o intrínsecamente.&#x0D; Palabras clave: gamificación, TAD,…


Coming up Roses


Discussing two short stories by contemporary Scottish author Ali Smith, my article recommends a close reading of short prose narratives as potential examples of ungendered character-narration. I combine queer and unnatural narrative theory to consider how forms of telling contribute to gender ambiguity. Further, I advocate interpretative strategies that resist naturalization and causal explanations. Instead, a queer reading of Smith’s “erosive” (2003) and “The beholder” (2015) delights in their ambiguity, waywardness, and narrative inventiveness. The texts can be approached as exercises in unknowing.&#x0D; Keywords: queer narratology, unnatural narratology, ungendering, narrative voice, cau…

Smith AliCultural StudiesLinguistics and LanguageHistoryunnatural narratologycausalityepäluotettava kertojanovellitkerrontaqueer narratologynarratologiaLanguage and Linguisticsepäluonnollinen narratologiaqueer-narratologiasukupuolen moninaisuusAnthropologykausaliteettiqueer-kirjallisuuskirjallisuudentutkimuslähilukusukupuolettomuusungenderingnarrative voiceSQS – Suomen Queer-tutkimuksen Seuran lehti

Lp(a): a genetic cause of clinical FH in children


No abstract available

Children.Settore MED/09 - Medicina InternaLp(a)Familial HypercholesterolemiaCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineEuropean Heart Journal

A Prospective Observational Study on the Structuring Process and Implementation of a Large Regional, Inter-hospital, Virtual Multidisciplinary Tumor …


Background/Aim: At present, multidisciplinary tumor boards (MDTB) are considered best practice in oncology. However, web-based virtualization of MDTB may increase participation in meetings, the number of cases discussed, and adherence to guidelines, deliver better treatment, and eventually improve outcomes for patients with prostate cancer. Patients and Methods: This is an observational study focused on exploring the structuring process and implementing a multi-institutional virtual MDTB in Sicily, Italy. Other endpoints included the analysis of cooperation between participants, adherence to guidelines, patient outcomes, and patient satisfaction. Results: Overall, 126 patients were referred…

Prostate canceradherence to guidelinesmultidisciplinary tumor boardsvirtualization

Tipología y patrones de los bulos difundidos durante la pandemia de la covid-19 sobre salud y nutrición


This study aims to identify the typology and patterns of hoaxes related to health and nutrition disseminated during the first stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (March-November 2020). To do this, an exploratory quantitative study was carried out with two data types. The first data comes from studying 95 documents (scientific articles) found in the SCOPUS database through Boolean searches with the terms (dis)misinformation, hoax, health, and nutrition. A registration form was used for these documents, indicating the following items: a) topic of the article (health or nutrition); b) the type of wrong message (misinformation or hoax); c) the country in which the study was done; d) the type of part…

Cultural StudiesSociology and Political SciencedietaGeneral Arts and HumanitiesfoodCOVID-19healthnutriciónHoaxes(dis)misinformationAlimentaciónutritiondesinformaciónBulosalimentaciónsaludSalutdiet

Operators in Rigged Hilbert Spaces, Gel&rsquo;fand Bases and Generalized Eigenvalues


Given a self-adjoint operator A in a Hilbert space H, we analyze its spectral behavior when it is expressed in terms of generalized eigenvectors. Using the formalism of Gel’fand distribution bases, we explore the conditions for the generalized eigenspaces to be one-dimensional, i.e., for A to have a simple spectrum.

rigged Hilbert space; generalized eigenvectors; simple spectrumrigged Hilbert spaceSettore MAT/05 - Analisi MatematicaGeneral Mathematicsgeneralized eigenvectorComputer Science (miscellaneous)simple spectrumEngineering (miscellaneous)Settore MAT/07 - Fisica MatematicaMathematics; Volume 11; Issue 1; Pages: 195

Corpus de aprendices y cuestiones de discurso en la interlengua: un nuevo acercamiento aplicado a la enseñanza


En el ámbito de la investigación lingüística, en los últimos años se ha producido un gran desarrollo de la lingüística de corpus, que se evidencia tanto en la creación de nuevos corpus de hablantes nativos y de aprendices como en el aumento de publicaciones científicas basadas en este tipo de herramientas. Sin embargo, en el ámbito didáctico, la utilización de corpus representa todavía una novedad en las aulas de español como lengua extranjera (ELE). Este trabajo se inscribe en la lingüística de corpus aplicada a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y ofrece una propuesta didáctica basada en el uso de corpus de aprendices de ELE para la enseñanza de cuestiones del discurso. En concreto, part…

UNESCO:PEDAGOGÍAForo de profesores de E/LE

Partisanship, Ideology, and Selective Exposure: A Longitudinal Analysis of Media Consumption in Spain (2008–2019)


La literatura sobre exposición selectiva ha demostrado que la ideología y el voto gobiernan las decisiones de consumo de medios, pero los estudios longitudinales aún son escasos. Para llenar este vacío, este trabajo analiza: (a) si la exposición selectiva guiada por la ideología y el partidismo a tres tipos de medios (televisión, radio y periódicos) es un fenómeno estable en España (2008-2019) como se espera de un medio pluralista polarizado. sistema; y (b) qué variable tiene los efectos más fuertes en las elecciones de noticias (ideología o partidismo). Se realizan regresiones logísticas multinomiales utilizando fuentes de datos de seis encuestas postelectorales realizadas por el Centro de…

Communicationaudienceideologylongitudinal analysispolitical newsselective exposureUNESCO::LINGÜÍSTICAmedia consumptionmedia consumption in Spainselective avoidance

On Attacking Future 5G Networks with Adversarial Examples : Survey


The introduction of 5G technology along with the exponential growth in connected devices is expected to cause a challenge for the efficient and reliable network resource allocation. Network providers are now required to dynamically create and deploy multiple services which function under various requirements in different vertical sectors while operating on top of the same physical infrastructure. The recent progress in artificial intelligence and machine learning is theorized to be a potential answer to the arising resource allocation challenges. It is therefore expected that future generation mobile networks will heavily depend on its artificial intelligence components which may result in …

deep learning5G-tekniikkaGeneral Medicinematkaviestinverkottekoälyartificial intelligenceadversarial machine learning5G networkskoneoppiminenmatkaviestinpalvelut (telepalvelut)algoritmit5G cybersecurity knowledge basetietoturvakyberturvallisuusverkkohyökkäyksetverkkopalvelut

Past and current distribution of Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) in Sicily in relation to its host plant, Arbutus u…


The authors provide an updated overview of the past and present regional distribution of the two-tailed Pasha Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) and its host plant, the strawberry tree Arbutus unedo L. Most of the occurrence data reported in the entomological literature was confirmed, and several new populations have been recently dis- covered. The distribution pattern of the insect and its host plant overlap almost perfectly. C. jasius jasius is more abundant and forms large and stable populations on the Peloritani Mts. and in some areas of the Madonie Mountains. The high number of new records of C. jasius jasius suggests that the species is experiencing a sp…

trophic niche.EcologySettore BIO/05 - ZoologiaGeneral Medicineplant-insect interaction

Sixth graders’ selection and integration when writing from multiple online texts


AbstractThis study examined students’ ability to select relevant ideas from multiple online texts and integrate those ideas in their written products. Students (N = 162) used a web-based platform to complete an online inquiry task in which they read three texts presenting different perspectives on computer gaming and wrote an article for a school magazine on the issue based on these texts. Students selected two snippets from each text during reading and wrote their article with the selected snippets available. The selected snippets were scored according to their relevance for completing the task, and the written products were scored according to their integration quality. The results showed…

synthesistekstitintegrationintegraatiomultiple-text comprehensiononline inquirylukeminenEducationtext comprehensionlukutaitoDevelopmental and Educational Psychology516 Educational sciencesadolescentssynteesikirjoittaminen

Analysis of Profiles of Family Educational Situations during COVID-19 Lockdown in the Valencian Community (Spain)


Due to the pandemic (COVID-19), the education system in Spain was forced to close for three months, creating an unprecedented situation: improvised distance schooling. Family characteristics and their life situations with Information and Communication Technology use would be aspects to be studied as educational conditioning factors. This paper presents the ways in which a representative sample of families in the Valencian Community (Spain) assumed the education of their children during the lockdown. Mixed methods (quantitative -surveys-/qualitative -focus groups-) are used. Multivariate profiles are studied (k-means cluster) that summarise the life circumstances, represented by composite in…

COVID-19; school at home; inequality gaps; teaching methodology; family participation; ICTTecnologia de la informacióGeneral Social SciencesFamília i escolaVirusEnsenyament

Mind the gap! rom traditional and instrumental approaches of source evaluation towards source consciousness


This article gives a critical review and investigation of traditional generic ways of teaching source evaluation and source criticism. Furthermore, it aims to investigate a new approach to address this area of information literacy instruction for teaching librarians. While traditional approaches focus on evaluating the source at hand, this study offers a perspective to supplement this with a more reflective perspective. The emphasises in this article is the need to focus on source consciousness though the newly developed model MIND (motivation – intention – need – debate).  The goal is to supplement the traditional approaches of source evaluation where only the source is being assessed and …

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200

The PROVENT-C19 registry: A study protocol for international multicenter SIAARTI registry on the use of prone positioning in mechanically ventilated …


Background The worldwide use of prone position (PP) for invasively ventilated patients with COVID-19 is progressively increasing from the first pandemic wave in everyday clinical practice. Among the suggested treatments for the management of ARDS patients, PP was recommended in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign COVID-19 guidelines as an adjuvant therapy for improving ventilation. In patients with severe classical ARDS, some authors reported that early application of prolonged PP sessions significantly decreases 28-day and 90-day mortality. Methods and analysis Since January 2021, the COVID19 Veneto ICU Network research group has developed and implemented nationally and internationally the “PRO…

Multidisciplinaryprone positionrespiratory failureCOVID-19PLOS ONE

Prácticas de investigación en artes y educación artística


Este volumen coordinado por Fábio José Rodrigues da Costa parte inicialmente de la investigación que nació a partir del Encontro Internacional sobre Educação Artística celebrado en la Universidad de Porto, que posteriormente tuvo su tercera edición en la Universidade Regional do Cariri URCA (Crato – Ceará, Brasil). En el capítulo introductorio de presentación, Fábio Rodrigues nos relata la importante tradición de encuentros académicos en Educación Artística que se llevan a cabo en Brasil desde hace tres décadas. En este trayecto cabe destacar las aportaciones que surgen desde el nordeste de este inmenso país, donde la capitalidad cultural de São Paulo es realmente destacada, pero no podemos…

DissenyEducacióProfessors FormacióArt

Ética para la inteligencia artificial sostenible


Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY 4.0

EthicsCultural StudiesArtificial intelligenceResponsibilitySociology and Political ScienceGeneral Arts and HumanitiesIntel·ligència artificialÉticaCuidadoCareInteligencia artificialSostenibilidadSustainabilityÈticaDesenvolupament sostenibleResponsabilidadResponsabilitat