showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Patient with McCune albright syndrome: Case report and 10 Years of follow-up imaging examination
The McCune Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare, multi-system disease composed of the triad of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (PFDB), café-au-lait skin hyperpigmentation, and endocrine disorders. The diagnosis involves clinical, biochemical and imagin
Conceptual foundations : Reimagining roles, relations, and processes
This chapter establishes a conceptual foundation for investigating the reimagining of roles, relations, and processes in collaborations among civil society organizations in development. The chapter starts by introducing the notion of imagination. It then proceeds to review the existing research literature on challenges related to power and privilege in civil society organization collaborations. Further, it explores new ideas and practices that have been identified as practical translations of the potential new foundations for collaboration. The discussion presented in this chapter forms not only an overall conceptual context for the chapters that follow, all of which speak from, but also to…
Peripherality of the CEE Region
Pawłuszko offers a summary of the center-periphery perspective on the relationship between the Western European center and the Central and Eastern European peripheries. Focusing on economic history and politics, the chapter draws attention to the crucial intervention of the integration processes in the history of CEE region and uses a broad perspective to facilitate a better understanding of its roots. As well as looking at the ways in which the history was constructed, Pawłuszko explores the theoretical implications of current state in intra-European relations in the field of security studies. “Peripherality of the CEE region” concludes with a study of current geoeconomic position of the C…
L'ottemperanza al giudicato europeo: un puzzle da costruire
The paper analyses different remedies used by the Supreme Court to execute judgments of the ECHR in the Italian system. Indeed, the solution adopted by the Constitutional Court - based on the revision - was not satisfactory. Lastly, the Cartabia reform has inserted in the criminal procedure code a new remedy under the competence of the Supreme Court that will pose some practical issues.
Pollinisateurs : menaces, concurrence et virus
Matrices con base almidón: comportamiento viscoelástico y su efecto en la digestibilidad del almidón utilizando diferentes metodologías
Se ha observado que los alimentos libres de gluten son ricos en hidratos de carbono, especialmente por su elevado contenido en almidón, lo cual se ha relacionado con altos niveles de glucosa postprandial. Se han desarrollado numerosas estrategias para reducir la hidrólisis enzimática del almidón, aunque no se ha profundizado en como modular la accesibilidad enzimática al almidón. Algunos estudios sugirieron una relación entre la viscosidad y la digestibilidad del almidón, pero sin resultados concluyentes. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue determinar el impacto de la viscosidad de los sistemas de almidón en su tasa de hidrólisis enzimática (k), utilizando diferentes metodologías in vitr…
Kielenoppimista tukeva arviointi
Monipuolisen arvioinnin merkitys korostuu opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (Opetushallitus 2014, 2019) sekä perusopetus- (1998/628) ja lukiolaissa (2018/714). Toisin sanoen arvioinnin ei tule koostua pelkästään kokeista ja muista summatiivisen arvioinnin muodoista, vaan sen rinnalle tarvitaan oppimista tukevaa, formatiivista arviointia. Oppimista voidaan tukea esimerkiksi palautteen, itsearvioinnin ja vertaispalautteen avulla. Nämä tyypilliset formatiivisen arvioinnin välineet ja niiden implementointi opetukseen mainitaankin opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (Opetushallitus 2014, 2019). Formatiivisen arvioinnin avulla voidaan lisäksi tukea oppilaiden oppimaan oppimista ja reflektointia, mikä on …
El islam y las mujeres. Certezas y dudas
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Antihypertensive treatment changes and related clinical outcomes in older hospitalized patients
Background: Hypertension management in older patients represents a challenge, particularly when hospitalized. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the determinants and related outcomes of antihypertensive drug prescription in a cohort of older hospitalized patients. Methods: A total of 5671 patients from REPOSI (a prospective multicentre observational register of older Italian in-patients from internal medicine or geriatric wards) were considered; 4377 (77.2%) were hypertensive. Minimum treatment (MT) for hypertension was defined according to the 2018 ESC guidelines [an angiotensin-converting-enzyme-inhibitor (ACE-I) or an angiotensin-receptor-blocker (ARB) with a calciu…
El Cap de l'Estat, el President del Govern i el Ministre d'Afers exteriors.
El Cap de l'Estat, el President del Govern i el Ministre d'Afers exteriors. 1. Competència internacional. 2. Inviolabilitat, privilegis i inmunitat. 3. Protecció internacional del Cap de l’Estat o de Govern, o del Ministre d’Afers Exteriors. The Head of State, the President of the Government, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1. International competences. 2. Inviolability, privileges, and immunities. 3. International protection of the Head of State or Government, or of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Kritisk tilnærming til hverdagstekster: Hvordan kan hverdagstekster med tydelig agenda i omstridte bærekraftspørsmål legge til rette for elevenes kri…
I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersøkt om valg av tekst kan legge til rette for kritisk refleksjon blant elever på 10. trinn. Problemstillinga for oppgava er: Hvordan kan hverdagstekster med tydelig agenda i omstridte bærekraftspørsmål legge til rette for elevenes kritiske refleksjon? For å finne svar på problemstillingen, tok jeg i bruk kvalitative metoder. Jeg designet oppgaver knyttet til to utvalgte tekster som elevene skulle besvare, og samlet inn og analyserte svarene. I tillegg gjennomførte jeg intervju med lærerne som underviste i norsk på trinnet. Jeg har valgt ut to tekster, en fra Statens vegvesen og en fra McDonald´s, som har en tydelig agenda i omstridte bærekraftspørsmål, og…
Prevalens og sammenheng mellom vedvarende smerter, helsekompetanse og bruk av smertestillende hos ungdom
Bakgrunn: Smerter som varer mer enn 3 måneder, kjent som vedvarende smerte, blant ungdom er vanlig og kan påvirke helserelatert livskvalitet, øke angst og risikoen for å ha mentale lidelser. Det er lite forskning om sammenhengen mellom vedvarende smerter, helsekompetanse og reseptfrie smertestillende midler blant ungdom. Hensikt: Denne studien forsøker å undersøke forekomsten og sammenhengen mellom vedvarende smerte, helsekompetanse og bruk av reseptfrie smertestillende midler. Metode: Denne tverrsnittstudien inkludere 216 norske ungdommer mellom 16 og 18 år og er en del av en større prospektiv kohortstudie fra "Start Ung" prosjektet. Deltakerne ble rekruttert fra skoler i den sørlige og øs…
Kritisk tilnærming til tekst i norskundervisningen på ungdomstrinnet
I et samfunn preget av globalisering og digitalisering, er det nødvendig at elever lærer seg å kritisk analysere de tekstene de møter. I møte med de ulike tekstene er det viktig at elevene har kunnskap rundt det faktum, at fotografi ikke nødvendigvis viser virkeligheten slik den er. Målet i masterprosjektet vårt er å si noe om hvordan man kan jobbe med kritisk tekstarbeid i norskfaget på ungdomstrinnet. Vi har utviklet et undervisningsopplegg med fokus på visuelle elementer i bilder, kombinert med oppgaver som handler om kritisk tenkning. Elever fra en skoleklasse har reflektert i grupper og løst oppgaver som ble samlet inn. Oppgavene er laget for å få frem kritiske refleksjoner hos elevene…
Exploring The Impact of Gaming on L2 English Proficiency.
The findings of this thesis suggest that playing the game "Human: Fall Flat" positively impacted second language learning for most participants, mainly due to extensive social interactions in the target language. The game provided opportunities for L2 learners to practice English. While the peer-to-peer interactivity and comfortable environment within the game facilitated significant language input and output for students, a few participants did not find the game enjoyable or valuable for language learning. The results from the study, combined with previous research and second language learning theories, suggest that gaming can be a valuable tool for second language learning for many studen…
The Truth is Out There : Focusing on Smaller to Guess Bigger in Image Classification
In Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general and in Machine Learning (ML) in particular, which are important and integral components of modern Industry 4.0, we often deal with uncertainty, e.g., lack of complete information about the objects we are classifying, recognizing, diagnosing, etc. Traditionally, uncertainty is considered to be a problem especially in the responsible use of AI and ML tools in the smart manufacturing domain. However, in this study, we aim not to fight with but rather to benefit from the uncertainty to improve the classification performance in supervised ML. Our objective is a kind of uncertainty-driven technique to improve the performance of Convolutional Neural Netwo…
Fracture strenght and ribbond fibers: In vitro analysis of mod restorations
Ribbond fibers are supposed to be a reinforcing material in restoration of compromised teeth. This study aims to compare MOD restorations with and without Ribbond Fiber in terms of fracture strength under axial loading; to identify the minimum depth of MO
El Conveni sobre Diversitat Biològica
El document forma part dels materials docents de la Càtedra UNESCO, 2023. La present publicació aborda breument el Conveni sobre Diversitat Biològica
Cross-country skiers often experience respiratory symptoms during and after exercise but have a low prevalence of prolonged cough
Background Cross-country skiers train and compete during the winter for long periods of time in subfreezing conditions, which strains the airways and provokes respiratory symptoms. This study aimed to compare the prevalence of exercise-related symptoms and prolonged cough in competitive cross-country skiers versus the general population and to investigate the association between these symptoms and asthma. Methods A questionnaire was sent to Finnish cross-country skiers (n=1282) and a random sample of the general population (n=1754), with response rates of 26.9% and 19.0%, respectively. Results Both groups were mostly asymptomatic at rest, but symptoms were increased in both groups during an…
Pragmatics, Metaphor Studies and the Challenge of Mental Imagery
Metaphor is considered a figurative use of language, a term that seems to recall the imagistic dimension characterizing this kind of utterances. Tzvetan Todorov (1967) speaks of “figure” as “visibility of speech”: as a figure, metaphor provides a kind of figurability to what is communicated. As Paul Ricoeur wrote in La métaphore vive (Ricoeur, 1975), metaphor makes “speech appear”. Precisely because of the reliance on the idea of figure, it is therefore not surprising that discussions on metaphor often refer to the role that mental images play in their comprehension. A long tradition holds that the formation of a mental image is fundamental for the comprehension of certain kinds of metaphor…
On Computational Models of Interconnected Perception, Reasoning, and Action — in Dream Worlds
We distinguish between real versus unreal worlds, and include in the latter category fictional worlds and — perhaps the hardest type of unreal world to plumb — dream worlds. Dream worlds, from the standpoint of building computational cognitive models, present a number of acute challenges in at least three areas of human mentation that are for us as AI researchers and computational cognitive scientists deeply interconnected; these areas are: perception, reasoning, and action. We are attempting to specifically answer three tough questions, one in each of these three areas; the answers (for us) must be based upon robust computational models that are both theoretically well-founded, and brought…
Koulujen hyvinvointityö tieteidenvälisenä tutkimuskohteena
Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme tieteidenvälisen tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeen suunnittelua ja toteutusta. Käymme läpi prosessia, jossa eri tieteenalojen tutkijat pyrkivät tuottamaan hyvinvoinnista uutta, eri menetelmiä yhteen sovittavaa tietoa, ja löytämään yhteisiä vastauksia eri alojen näkökulmasta asetettuihin kysymyksiin. Artikkelimme perustuu hankkeellemme Yhteistyöllä hyvinvointia kouluyhteisöön, joka yhdistää etnologian ja psykologian alan tutkimusta. Käymme läpi tieteidenvälisen tutkimuksen perusteita ja pohdimme eri tieteenalojen näkökulmia ja menetelmiä yhteen sovittavan hyvinvointitutkimuksen suunnittelun haasteita käytännön kokemuksiemme pohjalta. Lisäksi tarkastelemme laadullist…
Col·leció d'exercicis de l'assignatura Planificació i Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament
Aquest document conté la col·lecció d'exercicis emprats en les pràctiques de l'assignatura Planificació i Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament del quart curs del Grau en BIA.
Parte III Capitolo II I fattori della produzione agricola
this chapter describes the ownership rules relating to land as the productive basis of agricultural activity
L’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) comme levier d’innovation et de performance dans les clusters verts : le cas d’un pôle de compétitivité énergétique
“Calcisticamente parlando” : Football language in Matteo Renzi's political rhetoric
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan “jalkapallokieltä” Italian entisen pääministerin Matteo Renzin retoriikassa ja poliittisessa toiminnassa. Jalkapallokielellä viitataan pelistä lainattuihin käsitteisiin, metaforiin, puhetapoihin ja sanastoihin, joita on käytetty Italiassa “poliittisena kielenä” 1990-luvun alkupuolelta alkaen. Renzi toimii tutkimuksessa malliesimerkkinä poliitikosta, joka käyttää pelin puhetapoja osana politiikkaansa ja retoriikkaansa. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan Renzin käyttämää jalkapallokieltä ja siinä tapahtuneita muutoksia ajanjaksolla, joka ulottuu noin vuodesta 2006 aina vuoteen 2018. Tutkimus myös arvioi tämän puhetavan tarjoamia resursseja, mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksi…
"Figure 3" of "Measurement of long-range angular correlation and quadrupole anisotropy of pions and (anti)protons in central $d+$Au collisions at $\s…
Measured $v_2$ for midrapidity charged tracks in 0-5% central $d$+Au at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV using the event plane method.
CCDC 2169528: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Renè Hommelsheim, Sandra Bausch, Arjuna Selvakumar, Mostafa Amer, Khai-Nghi Truong, Kari Rissanen, Carsten Bolm|2023|Chem.-Eur.J.|29|e202203729|doi:10.1002/chem.202203729
Associations of the menopausal transition with body composition : examining the influence of hormonal changes, muscle RNA signaling and lifestyle hab…
Naisten biologisen vanhenemisen erityispiirre ovat vaihdevuodet, jotka lähes kaikki naiset käyvät läpi keski-iässä. Vaihdevuosiin liittyvät hormonimuutokset on yhdistetty aiemmin epäsuotuisiin muutoksiin kehonkoostumuksessa ja suorituskyvyssä sekä kasvaneeseen riskiin sairastua aineenvaihduntasairauksiin. Aikaisempaa pitkittäisaineistoa vaihdevuosien siirtymävaiheesta on kuitenkin olemassa vain vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin pitkittäisaineistossa vaihdevuosien siirtymävaiheen ja menopaussin läpikäymisen vaikutuksia kehon rasvoittumiseen, aineenvaihduntaterveyden indikaattoreille, sekä lihaskudoksen määrälle, transkriptomille ja lihassolujen ominaisuuksille. Lisäksi selvitettiin mit…
El principi “qui contamina paga” en el Dret Internacional del Medi Ambient
En aquest text, done una aproximació al principi “qui contamina paga” en el Dret Internacional del Medi Ambient
Materials de classe Estructura Social Contemporània
L'assignatura Estructura Social Contemporània del Grau en Treball Social pretén oferir als / les estudiants una visió rigorosa dels sistemes d'estratificació i de desigualtat social, centrada en les societats contemporànies que conformen l'actual sistema - món i fent especial èmfasi en la posició d'Espanya dins d'aquest. El focus d'atenció se centra en els processos de desigualtat a escala global, uns processos en què les unitats analítiques del sistema no són ja sols els individus, les famílies o les classes, sinó les pròpies nacions. Ocupen un lloc central en l'assignatura la comprensió dels conceptes bàsics per a l'anàlisi de l'estructura social entesa com a sistema, així com l'estudi de…
IEL.22-23-Unit 3. The application of International Environmental Law
El document forma part dels materials docents presentants al Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València, convocatòria Premis Fernando Sapiña 2022 a la qüalitat lingüística en l’elaboració de materials docents en valencià i en anglès. UNIT 3.-THE APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW. 1. General aspects: control procedures and bodies - 2. International liability in international environmental law: (a) general aspects; (b) liability for unlawful acts and international environmental crime; (c) liability of States for environmental damage resulting from acts not prohibited by international law - 3. Peaceful settlement of international disputes concerning the protectio…
Demo 185. Miscibilidad parcial: Fenómeno de expulsión salina
Se presenta una demostración de aula que muestra que la adición de NaCl a una mezcla líquida de dos componentes miscibles (agua y propan-2-ol) hace que dejen de ser miscibles y se formen dos fases líquidas (ternarias), una acuosa rica en sal y la otra orgánica rica en alcohol. El objetivo es ilustrar el fenómeno de expulsión salina para evidenciar la importancia de las interacciones agua-electrólito frente a las interacciones agua-propan-2-ol. A classroom demonstration is presented showing that the addition of NaCl to a liquid mixture of two miscible components (water and propan-2-ol) causes them to become immiscible and to form two (ternary) liquid phases: one aqueous phase rich in salt an…
The accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights
This document discuesses the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights.
Botany_Theory Lectures_Pharmacy degree-UV_IsaacGarridoBenavent
El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. This document contains the teaching material corresponding to the subject Botany, which is taught in the first year of the Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Valencia. More specifically, this material is designed for the high performance group (ARA). It contains basic botany lessons (structure and reproduction) as well as others dedicated to describing the diversity of different botanical groups, such as plants, algae and fungi.
El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. Lesson 5 Course Corporate Strategies