showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Spray-dried ‘green’ polyphenols-enriched extracts from waste bentonite to produce nutraceuticals for oral care
Conceptualization for intended action: A dynamic model
Concepts are the building blocks of higher-order cognition and consciousness. Building on Conceptual Spaces Theory (CST) and proceeding from the assumption that concepts are inherently dynamic, this paper provides historical context to and significantly elaborates the previously offered Iterative Subdivision Model (ISDM) with the goal of pushing it toward empirical testability. The paper describes how agents in continuous interaction with their environment adopt an intentional orientation, estimate the utility of the concept(s) applicable to action in the current context, engage in practical action, and adopt any new concepts that emerge: a largely pre-intellectual cycle that repeats essent…
The effect of different technologies in Pomegranate jam preparation on the phenolic compounds, vitamin C and antioxidant activity
The effect of different gelling agents and processing for jam production from pomegranate juice was evaluated. In the last years, different gelling agents were tested for improving jam quality in terms of color and bioactive compounds. The unsonicated and sonicated pomegranate juices were processed for jam production by micro waves, under vacuum and cryoconcentration concentration methods using low and high methoxy pectins, and carob seed flour as gelling agents. The polyphenols content of sonicated jam was significantly lower than unsonicated samples and cryoconcentrated jams showed the significantly highest value among other methods. The results showed the highest anthocyanin content in t…
Mecanismos de resistencia a piretroides en ácaros depredadores
Los piretroides constituyen un grupo de plaguicidas catalogados como moduladores del canal de sodio (Grupo 3), según el comité de acción contra la resistencia a los insecticidas (IRAC). Estos plaguicidas son análogos sintéticos de las piretrinas, compuestos naturales con actividad insecticida que se encuentran en las flores de las plantas del género Chrysanthemum, popularmente conocidas como crisantemos. Actualmente, existen numerosos productos plaguicidas que contienen en su formulación piretroides, siendo ampliamente utilizados en el control de plagas en diferentes contextos como la agricultura, la ganadería, la apicultura e incluso a nivel doméstico, erigiéndose como uno de los grupos de…
To Deceive or not Deceive: Unveiling The Adoption Determinants Of Defensive Cyber Deception in Norwegian Organizations
Due to the prevailing threat landscape in Norway, it is imperative for organizations to safe- guard their infrastructures against cyber threats. One of the technologies that is advan- tageous against these threats is defensive cyber deception, which is an approach in cyber security that aims to be proactive, to interact with the attackers, trick them, deceive them and use this to the defenders advantage. This type of technology can help organizations defend against sophisticated threat actors that are able to avoid more traditional defensive mechanisms, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). In order to aid the adoption of defensive cyber deception …
How artificial intelligence can be used to improve lean manufacturing and production processes
The implementation of Lean and Artificial Intelligence has demonstrated a positive correlation across different industries. By integrating AI techniques, the efficiency and effectiveness of Lean processes can be enhanced. The combination of Lean and AI contributes to improved decision-making, increased productivity, and reduced waste. Moreover, AI can identify and rectify process errors, enabling streamlined and more efficient operations. In 2014, Hennig Olsen initiated the implementation of lean thinking, which yielded mixed results initially. However, they decided to adopt lean principles according to their specific requirements, leading to significantly improved outcomes. With the rapid …
Les luttes des mineurs polonais de Silésie à travers les films de Kazimierz Kutz
L’accettazione del diritto secondo Alfonso Catania: qualche osservazione a margine
A dieci anni dall’uscita di The Concept of Law, Alfonso Catania pubblica, sulla prestigiosa Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, un saggio critico dal titolo: L’accettazione nel pensiero di Herbert L. A. Hart. Si tratta di un saggio meritatamente celebre, di cui è difficile esagerare l’impatto oggettivo e anche soggettivo. In questo saggioproporrò una ricostruzione delle tesi salienti del saggio di Catania del 1971 e, a partire da questa ricostruzione, metterò finalmente in bella forma alcune delle mie “osservazioni a margine” che si sono sedimentate nel corso degli anni sulla mia fotocopia, ormai lisa, de L’accettazione del diritto nel pensiero di Herbert L. A. Hart.
Els drets humans a partir de la Carta de les Nacions Unides
En aquest material docent us comente l'evolució dels Drets Humans a partir de la Carta de les Nacions Unides. 1. Esments als Drets Humans en la Carta de les Nacions Unides; 2. Primera llacuna: faltava un llistat de Drets Humans; 3. Segona llacuna: faltaven mecanismes de control del compliment In this teaching material, I talk about the evolution of human rights since the United Nations Charter. 1. Mentions of human rights in the United Nations Charter; 2. First gap: there was no list of human rights; 3. Second gap: lack of enforcement mechanisms.
CCDC 2171081: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: J. Mikko Rautiainen, Maryna Green, Minna Mähönen, Jani O. Moilanen, Manu Lahtinen, Arto Valkonen|2023|Cryst.Growth Des.|23|2361|doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01351
Educational Migration Trends Review in Poland (with Particular Emphasis on the Immigration of Ukrainian Youth)
This article aims to review and synthesise research on educational migration in Poland, particularly youth immigration from Ukraine. The paper collects statistical data from 2004, which allowed for the analysis of the existing trends in educational migration in Poland. The research on the largest group of foreign students – citizens of Ukraine – was reviewed, which resulted in identifying research gaps regarding student mobility in Poland, both in terms of demand and supply of educational migrations. The practical implication appears to show that the governments of the host countries, the business sector, and the academic units – due to the increase in the number of foreign students – can e…
Geographic imagination and urban-rural binary in online discourses related to the capital region of Finland : A corpus onomastic study of Helsinki, V…
The article focuses on digital discourses related to Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa, the three biggest municipalities in Finland’s capital region. The data consist of texts from the discussion forum of Suomi24 that was analysed to find out how forum users produce socio-spatial distinctions by categorizing some groups as ‘others’ thus differentiating in-groups and out-groups. The analysis used methods of comprised corpus assisted discourse studies (CADS), including collocation analysis. The results show that discourses related both to native and non-native Helsinkians and to those living in the capital region in contrast to those living elsewhere in Finland are common and the juxtapositions betw…
La revolución socialista pensada por mujeres
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Les hispanismes en français et en tchèque contemporain : une étude comparative
The Spanish language, which is spoken by 463 million native speakers around the world, represents a major source of loan-words. The vast majority of loan-words from Spanish come from previous centuries when Spanish shone as a language of international communication, which is not the case to¬day. However, Spanish left an important linguistic heritage and its traces can be seen in French as well as in Czech today. Our study carries out in a comparative manner and its objective is to analyze the Hispanisms that have entered the French and Czech languages. After having established a corpus of Hispanisms that are present in both languages, we have divided them into four categories: words related…
Alkohol i człowiek - toksyczny związek. Problemy wywołane spożywaniem alkoholu etylowego
I randsonen av den norske velferdsstaten. Arbeidsledige polske migranters erfaringer med tilgang til offentlige velferdsytelser og møter med NAV.
This thesis seeks to answer two research questions: How do unemployed Polish migrants in Norway experience their access to public welfare benefits and their encounters with NAV? And how are these experiences institutionally shaped? As EEA citizens, Polish migrants are free to enter and work in any EEA country, thus enjoying a privileged status. However, they can end up in a vulnerable position if they become unemployed. EEA migrants’ rights to public welfare benefits are characterised by legal grey zones and ambiguity. In many ways, EEA mobility disrupts and blurs the boundaries of citizenship and national states. This study explores the experiences of dealing with the Norwegian welfare adm…
Flore adventice en agriculture de conservation des sols ou en système en transition : diversité des communautés et gestion
Après avoir rappelé ce qu’est la diversité taxonomique, biologique et fonctionnelle de la floreadventice, l’exposé montrera ce que change la mise en œuvre de l’ACS du point de vue de laflore adventice et du désherbage. L’orateur s’interrogera sur ce qu’est la gestionagroécologique de la flore adventice, en quoi l’ACS peut être un moteur et comment adapterles pratiques. Le risque de résistances aux herbicides, les effets du changement climatique etles leviers à mettre en œuvre dans la cadre d’une approche systémique seront considérés
Oral manifestations of sporotrichosis : a neglected disease
Sporotrichosis is an uncommon subacute or chronic infection caused by Sporothrix spp. In some urban areas of Latin America, sporotrichosis has been considered an emergent cosmopolitan disease of zoonotic transmission by domestic cats. There are four diffe
The Functioning of Local Government Authorities in Poland in the Conditions of the Epidemic in Relation to the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – General Consi…
Wartykule przedstawiono wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania samorządu terytorialnego wPol-sce wwarunkach epidemii wzwiązku zkoronawirusem SARS-CoV-2. Więcej miejsca poświęcono aspektom ustrojowym, natomiast aspekty materialnoprawne iproceduralne zostały zasygnalizowane, ponieważ ich rozwinięcie wykracza poza ramy niniejszego opracowania. Celem jest odpowiedź na pytanie, wjakim stopniu obecnie obowiązujące przepisy, zuwzględnieniem nowych regulacji prawnych, umożliwiają realizację zadań publicznych oraz wjaki sposób nowe regulacje modyfiku-ją dotychczasowe zadania. Wartykule sformułowano tezę, że dotychczasowe przepisy mogą być stosowane wwarunkach epidemicznych, ale po dokonaniu modyfikacji koni…
Monitoring of stress distribution in damaged small-scale masonry walls by using two innovative sensors
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) represents a strategic solution for the preservation of cultural heritage buildings. Existing masonry structures often suffer reductions in mechanical performances due to physiological aging of material constituents, external actions, and effect of catastrophic natural events. In many cases, the prompt prediction of damage in masonry elements is difficult and it can cause sudden collapses, compromising the safety of people. The proposed experimental study examines the effectiveness of two low-cost and innovative stress sensors, i.e. piezoelectric and capacitive stress sensors, for SHM of masonry structures. To this scope, the sensors were embedded in the m…
Justinian den store og lærebøkene: En historiografisk analyse av engelskspråklige introduserende ettbinds lærebøker over Bysants' historie
Justinian the Great was the byzantine emperor from 527 to 565. There has been little research on the modern historiography surrounding him, including in English-language introductory one-volume textbooks on the history of Byzantium. This paper examines how this emperor has been presented and evaluated in four different English-language, introductory one-volume textbooks through historiographic analysis. These books are History of the Byzantine Empire by Alexander Vasiliev (1953), History of the Byzantine State by George Ostrogrosky (1968), A History of the Byzantine State and Society by Warren Treadgold (1997), and A Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire edited by Jonathan Shepard (2008…
General Practitioners-CommunityPharmacists practice groups: Analysis of the potentialities and limits of this practice through its implementation in …
Practice groups involving general practitioners and community pharmacists have been developed in several European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland) since the 1980s. Each country has implemented this practice using a different model with similarities but also specificities. Each model has encountered different dynamics during its implementation thanks to a significant and even growing participation of professionals in the Netherlands and Switzerland and, to a lesser extent, in Belgium. According to the research that has studied the implementation of these models, the potential of this practice is important in terms of improving the quality of drug prescription and in its cost…
Not by the book: the teaching of history in Norwegian kindergartens
This article reports a local study of the presence of history as a subject in the kindergartens of Kristiansand, a municipality in southern Norway. There is no syllabus for history in the national curriculum; nevertheless, the research sought to find historical content in the kindergartens. The research method was informed by a precept of history didactics, namely that history is everywhere. Using this observation, tentative categories for content likely to feature history were formulated, and then searched for in the individual yearly plans of the kindergartens. This was supplemented by interviews. It is concluded that, in accordance with the national curriculum, history in the kindergarte…
Additional file 10 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer
Additional file 10. Full Western blot membrane images represented in the manuscript.
Physical literacy in Europe : The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: The holistic concept of physical literacy (PL) embraces different person-centered qualities (physical, cognitive, affective/psychological) necessary to lead physically active lifestyles. PL has recently gained increasing attention globally and Europe is no exception. However, scientific endeavors summarizing the current state of PL in Europe are lacking. Therefore, the goal of this study was to comprehensively assess and compare the implementation of PL in research, policy, and practice across the continent.METHODS: We assembled a panel of experts representing 25 European countries. Employing a complementary mixed-methods design, the experts first prepared reviews abou…
Yhteisöjen työkulttuurien piiloon jäävän dynamiikan tutkiminen
Yhteisöissä kaikkea tekemistä ja olemistamme ohjaavat paitsi julkilausutut tavoitteet, myös vaikeammin havaittava, piiloon jäävä dynamiikka. Ongelmalliset tilanteet yhteisöissä liittyvät usein tähän piiloon jäävään dynamiikkaan, joka on läsnä kaikessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tämä dynamiikka muokkaa ihmisten työn arkea, kokemuksia omista toimintamahdollisuuksista sekä yhteisöön kuulumisen mahdollisuuksista. Arkikielellä ilmaistuna tällaiset asiat menevät “ihon alle”, ja siksi saattavat aiheuttaa voimakkaitakin reaktioita. Yksilöiden työkyky ja hyvinvointi löytyvät usean organisaation henkilöstöstrategian keskiöstä. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön työolobarometrin (Lyly-Yrjänäinen 2022) mukaan työel…
sj-docx-2-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 - Supplemental material for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Control…
Supplemental material, sj-docx-2-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial by Marjo Rinne, Sanna Garam and Katriina Kukkonen-Harjula, Kari Tokola, Arja Häkkinen, Jari Ylinen, Riku Nikander in Clinical Rehabilitation
Accrochage de fréquence dans un laser à fibre à respiration : observation de l’arbre de Farey et de l’escalier du diable
Contrairement au soliton brillant, les solitons à respiration présentent un comportement oscillatoire périodique. L’utilisation des fibres optiques a grandement facilité leur observation: l’interaction sur une grande distance entre la non-linéarité Kerr et la dispersion, en la quasi-absence de dissipation a ainsi permis la caractérisation fine des solitons à respiration d’Akhmediev, de Ma ou bien encore de leur cas limite, le soliton de Peregrine.Grâce au développement des techniques de détection en temps réel, les cavités laser à fibre offrent une autre plateforme extrêmement intéressante. Dans le contexte des lasers ultrarapides à modes bloqués, la génération d’impulsions à respiration co…
Normes et genres dans l'Europe des Lumières
Que signifie être un homme et une femme ? À quelles déterminations et à quelles injonctions de genre la personne est-elle soumise ? Ces questions, au cœur de notre présent, agitent le monde des Lumières. Temps de refondation scientifique, mais aussi de naturalisation des corps et d’interrogation sur les conséquences politiques et sociales d’une hiérarchie entre le masculin et le féminin, le 18e siècle pense les « sexes » autant qu’il problématise leur construction et révèle, au cœur des dominations les plus installées, des stratégies de contournement. C’est à ce faisceau complexe d’appropriations, entre assignations subies et libertés conquises, que s’intéresse ce numéro. Intitulé Normes et…
Alcune riflessioni sull’indipendenza giudiziaria nel contesto europeo
This article aims to provide some reflections on the links between judiciary independence, the rule of law, and the role of judges both national and European. First of all, it focuses on the evolution of the role of the judge in the constitutional and European systems. Then, it shows how the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights have developed criteria to ensure the independence of judges, analysing them. Moreover, it examines the criteria that have been developed by the European courts and by the opinions of the Consultative Council of European Judges about the independence of the Judiciary Councils.
La renovación pedagógica en la transición a la democracia en España: el caso del Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados de Valencia, 1970-1978
El siglo XX estuvo marcado por numerosos Movimientos de Renovación Pedagógica, en los que el profesorado trabajó motivado por mejorar la práctica en el aula. En la investigación nos centraremos en un momento muy concreto en España, determinado por la represión, los deseos de cambio, democracia y liberación. Una etapa marcada por la transición española que coincide con la promulgación de la Ley General de Educación de 1970, en la que un grupo de maestros y maestras valencianos aunaron fuerzas y conocimientos para cambiar una escuela anquilosada con la que habían tenido que lidiar en los últimos años de la dictadura franquista. Uno de estos colectivos llegó a conformar el Seminario de Pedagog…
Pourquoi recruter des jeunes ruraux peu qualifiés ? Attentes et incompréhensions entre des jeunes et le patronat local
Profiles of early career insecurity and its outcomes in adolescence : A four‐wave longitudinal study
This study investigated the developmental profiles of perceived early career insecurity (ECI) and their outcomes among adolescents (n = 1416) during a critical educational transition from basic education to upper secondary education. We found three distinct latent profiles with varying amounts of ECI: Profile 1: Moderate and decreasing ECI before the transition (57%); Profile 2: Low-decreasing ECI before the transition but increasing ECI after the transition (31%); and Profile 3: High and stable ECI during the transition (12%). Moreover, the ECI profiles related to school and life satisfaction as well as to school stress and dropout intentions in a meaningful way consistent with the stresso…
Cronache dalla terra dei più felici al mondo
Translation into Italian of Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka's 2021 novel Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Soyinka's Chronicles - published 48 years after his latest novel, The Interpreters - offers a fictional fresco of contemporary Nigeria, a country ridden by political and moral corruption. During the latest political campaigns, Dr. Menka finds out that some colleagues at the hospital where he works sell body parts for ritualistic reasons. Afflicted by such an unexpected discovery, he shares the news with his oldest college friend, bon viveur, star engineer, and Yoruba royal Duyole Pitan-Payne, who is about to leave the country to assume a prestigious post at the Unit…
Moderniseringen av husfliden: En undersøkelse av husflidbegrepets endring i perioden 1850-1914
Husflid has played a historically important role in the Norwegian culture, economy and institutionalizing of the country. In other terms, husflid is and has been a central part of Norway and its history. In different periods, separate sides of the phenomenon has been presented as being the most essential. In the early modern period, the social discourse and discussions, and the blossoming national tendencies were seen as the most relevant. Later in the 19th century, the economic aspects of husflid were seen as the most important. Today, on the other hand, the cultural aspects of husflid are viewed as the most important side of the term. The term itself has therefore changed with the times b…
La labor del Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea en la Protecció dels Drets Humans
La labor del Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea en la Protecció dels Drets Humans. 1. Introducció. 2. La construcció pretoriana del Tribunal de Justícia sobre els Drets Fonamentals. 3. La jurisprudència del Tribunal de Justícia en l'actualitat. The 1950 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1. Introduction. 2. The praetorian construction of the Court of Justice on Fundamental Rights. 3. The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice today.