showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Et gap mellom politikk og virkelighet?


«Flest mulig i arbeid» og «færre på trygd» har vært et politisk mål i flere tiår, for å unngå store samfunnskostnader og for å utjevne økonomiske og sosiale forskjeller (Norvoll & Fossestøl, 2010, s. 7). Samtidig representerer personer med funksjonsnedsettelser en stor andel av arbeidsstyrken som lenge har blitt holdt utenfor arbeidsmarkedet (Fossestøl, 2007, s. 1). I Agder er det flere kommuner som har målsettinger om å inkludere flere i arbeid og fremme likestilling og mangfold. Imidlertid scorer regionen per dags dato høyest i landet på andel uføretrygdede, og statistikk på området tilsier at det ikke er skjedd en markant endring i sysselsetting av personer med funksjonsnedsettelser (NAV…

Näin ekologinen kompensaatio on apuna luontokadon pysäyttämisessä


Ekologinen kompensaatio nousi uuden luonnonsuojelulain myötä olennaiseksi osaksi luontokadon pysäyttämisen keinovalikoimaa. Pian ratkeaa, onnistuuko tavoite vapaaehtoisesti vai tarvitaanko aiheuttaja maksaa -pakko, Panu Halme Jyväskylän yliopistosta kirjoittaa. nonPeerReviewed

ekologinen kompensaatioluontokatoympäristöpolitiikkaympäristövastuuluonnonsuojeluennallistaminenyritykset

Metabolic Study of Cucumber Seeds and Seedlings in the Light of the New, Controversial Trend of Preventive Use of Systemic Fungicides


Cucumber is one of the most commonly produced vegetable crops. The greatest economic losses in the yields of these crops have resulted from fungal infections—powdery mildew and downy mildew. The action of fungicides not only affects the fungi, but can also lead to metabolic disorders in plants. However, some fungicides have been reported to have positive physiological effects. Our research focused on the action of two commercially available fungicides, Scorpion 325 SC and Magnicur Finito 687,5 SC, on plant metabolism. Two approaches were used to check the effect of the fungicides at the early stage of plant development when metabolic changes occur most dynamically: spraying on the leaves of…

plant metabolismCucumis sativusfungicidescucumberInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences

Family and work-related risk factors in children's social–emotional well-being and parent–educator cooperation in flexibly scheduled early childhood …


Non-standard work schedules (NSWS) have become typical, but their associations with childcare arrangements and children's well-being are unknown. This study explores how risk factors are associated with the social–emotional well-being of girls and boys using flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care. Furthermore, the study investigates whether well-functioning cooperation between parents and educators buffers the negative effects of the risk factors. This study, which is a part of a larger survey carried out in three European countries, reports Finnish parents' (N = 146) perspectives. The results showed that high parental stress was associated with low child well-being. Strong p…

flexibly scheduled earlychildhood education and carevarhaiskasvatuschildcare arrangementsparent-educator cooperationparentingvanhemmuushyvinvointilastenhoitowork-familyinterfacechildren's social-emotional well-beingkodin ja koulun yhteistyö

Analysis of the effects of innovative radiotherapy treatments in zebrafish


RadioprotectionCurcuminRadiotherapySettore BIO/11 - Biologia MolecolareZebrafish embryoZebrafish

Reimagining Civil Society Collaborations in Development : Starting from the South


At a time when uneven power dynamics are high on development actors’ agenda, this book will be an important contribution to researchers and practitioners working on innovation in development and civil society. While there is much discussion of localization, decolonization and ‘shifting power’ in civil society collaborations in development, the debate thus far centers on the aid system. This book directs attention to CSOs as drivers of development in various contexts that we refer to as the Global South. This book take a transformative stance, reimagining roles, relations and processes. It does so from five complementary angles: (1) Southern CSOs reclaiming the lead, 2) displacement of the N…

kehitysmaatkehitysyhteistyökansainvälinen yhteistyöglobalisaatiodekolonisaatiokehityspolitiikkakansalaisyhteiskuntakansalaisjärjestöt

Estrategias de funcionalización alternativas de la micotoxina alternariol y desarrollo de métodos inmunoquímicos para el análisis rápido de alimentos


El alternariol es un metabolito secundario producido por hongos del género Alternaria que se puede encontrar a concentraciones relativamente altas (μg/kg) en numerosos alimentos de origen vegetal. Debido a su toxicidad, con efectos mutagénicos y carcinogénicos demostrados, está considerado una amenaza emergente para la salud animal y humana. Por estos motivos, la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ha establecido límites máximos tolerables de ingesta diaria de esta micotoxina y recomienda la realización de más estudios y controles en alimentos, particularmente en aquellos destinados al consumo infantil. En consecuencia, se requieren métodos de análisis que permitan la determin…

micotoxinaalimentosUNESCO::QUÍMICAmétodos inmunoquímicosELISAalternariol

"je plonge les bandes dans ce bain pour les ramollir et pour pouvoir les couper en fines lanières" La mise en scène de la phraséologie procédurale da…


[Contexte] La multiplication des émissions de télévision consacrées à la cuisine et à lagastronomie, confrontant souvent des (grands) chefs à des amateurs, fournissent d’importantscorpus inédits pour qui s’intéresse à la “mise en scène” des savoirs et, partant, des discoursspécialisés dans des situations de communication souvent asymétriques (Matwick & Matwick2019), même si la frontière traditionnelle experts - non experts tend de plus en plus às’estomper. Parmi les différents angles d’attaque possibles pour le linguiste, les terminologies etphraséologies spécialisées se révèlent particulièrement intéressantes dans la mesure où ellespeuvent être saisies en usage, en variation et dans un set…

PhraséologieCuisineterminologieGastronomieVerbes[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

La migration comme renversement des rapports de pouvoir linguistiques. Pertes et profits d'ingénieurs aéronautiques en mobilité internationale


Mobilité socialeIngénieurMobilité internationale[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationPouvoirMigration

Reputation, regulation and corporate governance as determinants of the improvement of non-financial information (NFI) reporting


Many years have passed since corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the disclosure of non-financial information (NFI) aroused interest in very few organizations (Hąbek & Wolniak, 2016). Today, they are part of the main priorities for the most important companies in the world, and they are seen as an important part of the strategy due to the many benefits associated with them (Castilla-Polo & Sánchez-Hernández, 2020). In the last decades, it has become evident the relevance that NFI reporting has worldwide. It can be seen through the evolution of the issuance of this type of reports. In 2002, 45% of the G250 companies published a separate report, 20 years later, the numbers show that 96% …

non-financial information reportingcorporate governanceregulationreputationUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASsustainability reports

Fluoride release from fluoride varnishes exposed to commonly consumed beverages : an in vitro study


The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro fluoride release from fluoride varnishes exposed to commonly consumed beverages. One hundred and twenty acrylic blocks were divided randomly into ten experimental groups (n= 12 per group). For the experi


Paljon vanhaa, jotain uutta ja jotain lainattua: Suomalaisjournalistien ammattikuva Worlds of Journalism Study -kyselyssä


Tässä raportissa perehdytään suomalaisten journalistisen työn tekijöiden ammattiarvoihin, -etiikkaan, työoloihin ja käsityksiin journalismista. Työ perustuu kansainväliseen Worlds of Journalism Study (WJS) -projektiin, jossa selvitetään säännöllisesti journalismin tilaa eri puolilla maailmaa (WJS 2022a). Ensimmäinen kysely tehtiin vuosina 2007–2011, jolloin mukana oli 21 maata ja 2 100 journalistia. Suomi liittyi projektiin vuonna 2013 sen toisessa aallossa. Siihen osallistui vuosina 2012–2016 kaikkiaan 67 maata ja yli 27 500 journalistia. Tässä raportissa keskitytään projektin kolmanteen aaltoon, joka on käynnissä vuosina 2021–2023. Mukana on yli 120 maata eri puolilta maailmaa. WJS-projek…

ammattikuvajournaliststoimittajat (media)professional imagemediajournalismiammattietiikkajournalismprofessional ethicsWorlds of Journalism Study

La participación infantil y adolescente en la provincia de Alicante el uso de los presupuestos participativos como dinámica empoderadora/Child and te…


This article focuses on the study of various experiences based on dynamics of participatory budgets and aimed at children and adolescents. This research collected data from the main participatory experiences in the Alicante Province during the 2015-2022 period through a survey and a search for related documentation. The data from the municipalities have been processed through the MAXQDA program. Among the main results, it is possible to highlight the different perceptions that the participants have of the concept and the need to delve into instruments of this nature. El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de varias experiencias basadas en dinámicas de presupuestos participativos y dir…

SocialitzacióAdministració localAdolescència

Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions for exclusive J/ψ photoproduction in oxygen-oxygen and lead-lead collisions at energies available …


We present predictions for the cross sections of coherent J/ψ photoproduction in lead-lead and oxygen-oxygen ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs) as a function of the J/ψ rapidity at the LHC in the framework of collinear factorization at next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbative QCD. Taking generalized parton distribution functions in their forward limit and using the EPPS21, nNNPDF3.0, and nCTEQ15WZSIH nuclear parton distribution functions, we update our recent results for Pb-Pb collisions, make detailed predictions for O-O collisions for several beam energy configurations, and examine the ratio of O-O and Pb-Pb UPC cross sections. We show that the latter observable allows one to significan…


CCDC 2129454: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination


Related Article: Pasi Salonen, Jörg A. Schachner, Anssi Peuronen, Manu Lahtinen, Ferdinand Belaj, Nadia Carmen Mösch-Zanetti, Ari Lehtonen|2023|Mol.Catal.|540|113034|doi:10.1016/j.mcat.2023.113034

Space GroupCrystallographyCrystal SystemCrystal StructureCell Parameters[N-t-butyl-N2N2-bis{[35-di-t-butyl-2-oxyphenyl]methyl}glycinamidato]-dioxo-tungsten(vi) methanol solvateExperimental 3D Coordinates

La démocratie alimentaire comme enjeu de capacitation territoriale : Étude de cas dans le Tournugeois


This article, through a case study from the Plateforme d'Observation des projets et stratégies urbaines (POPSU) program in Tournus, questions the notion of food democracy and its link with territorial capability. The observation and analysis of the dynamics of this participatory research allow us to enrich the concept of food democracy by crossing it with other theoretical perspectives (in particular the capability approach). They also highlight certain conditions for its effectiveness and raise the question of the relationship between food democracy and public policy. Finally, they invite researchers working on these issues to adopt an involved posture.

Food democracy[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyterritorial capabilityparticipatory researchDémocratie alimentaireconvivialitycapacitation territorialeRecherche participativeconvivialité

Darbs : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi


Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…


Sensores magnéticos basados en polímeros de coordinación porosos con ordenamiento magnético


La Tesis que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo principal el diseño y estudio de las propiedades de una gran serie de compuestos que actúan como imanes moleculares. Estos compuestos consisten en polímeros de coordinación basados en el ligando anilato (C6O4X22-, siendo X = Cl o Br) con metales de transición como centros metálicos responsables del comportamiento magnético de dichos materiales. Así pues, en el Capítulo 1 se presenta una familia de compuestos isoestructurales entre sí con capas aniónicas en forma de panal abeja que se superponen de modo eclipsado originando canales hexagonales. En el interior de los canales hexagonales se alojan moléculas de disolvente que tienen un papel fun…

materialesUNESCO::QUÍMICAquímica inorgánicamagnetismodisolventesMOFpolímeros de coordinación

Transmisión de señales mecánicas en células indiferenciadas neuroblásticas. Estudios biológicos y preclínicos en modelos in vitro 3D


La biotensegridad es un principio físico de autoequilibrio en el que las fuerzas de tensión y compresión sostienen las estructuras biológicas y permiten la mecanotransducción de señales durante las interacciones célula-célula y célula-entorno. De esta manera, las células y los tejidos responden a las condiciones de su entorno y se adaptan a él. En este sentido, el cáncer muestra sus propios sistemas biotensegrales aberrantes que impulsan la carcinogénesis y la evolución de la enfermedad. La biotensegridad tumoral se define por la intercomunicación entre las poblaciones de células tumorales, los elementos de la matriz extracelular y las estructuras y moléculas del microambiente tumoral. En l…

neuroblastomaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biofísica::BiomecánicaUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS ::Patología::OncologíaUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS ::Patología::HistopatologíaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología celular::Cultivo celularmicroambientemodelos preclínicosseñales mecánicastumor pediátricobiotensegridad



The use of the Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Mortars (FRCMs) is nowadays a promising solution for the strengthening of both reinforced concrete and masonry structural elements. The application consists of a bond-dependent face-to-face plastering of an open grid or mesh by means of an inorganic-based matrix, i.e. a cement-based mortar. The main advantage of such a strengthening technique is the good compatibility with different types of substrates since the most suitable matrix can be selected focusing on the most similar breathability and stiffness. On the other side, the strengthening efficiency could be over-estimated if the potential bond failure is neglected. The FRCM-bond behaviour de…

Design-oriented modelFRCMMasonryBondEarth-Surface ProcessesConcrete

Apprendre à gérer un budget grâce… au jeu vidéo FIFA ?


[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration

The role of system dynamics to unveil the complexity of academic missions. An integrated approach for entrepreneurial universities’ performance evalu…


The third mission concept implies that universities are expected to perform several diversified activities besides teaching (first mission) and scientific research (second mission). Third mission efforts may include activities such as knowledge dissemination, technological innovation, social innovation, advisory services, or entrepreneurship. Through third mission activities, universities engage in sustainable, inclusive development and/or territorial competitiveness by interacting with a wide range of subjects far beyond their students and reference scientific communities. The third mission’s activities vary a lot according to the specific characteristics of each university, the territory …

institutional logicsystem dynamicSettore SECS-P/07 - Economia Aziendaleperformance management systementrepreneurial university

CFD Effect of Propellers Interference on the Thrust Variation in the Proximity of Fixed and Horizontal Moving Obstacle


[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]

Un programme doctoral hors-les-murs : le cas du CEFAG


National audience

Programme doctoralIRG_AXE3[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationCEFAG

Hvordan starte en umulig samtale?


Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan Aleksander Kielland Krags ungdomsroman Litt redd, bare (2021) fremstiller psykiske utfordringer, og hva den kan bidra med når det gjelder unges livsmestring og forståelse av maskulinitet. Oppgaven drøfter derfor også potensialet boken har til å arbeide med det tverrfaglige temaet «folkehelse og livsmestring» gjennom norskfaget. Litt redd, bare kom ut i 2021, og viser hvordan en ung gutts møte med periodiske anfall av angst kan føles. Det er en roman som skildrer de vanskelige og utfordrende sidene med ungdomshverdagen. De samtidsrealistiske ungdomsromanene tar ofte utgangspunkt i den virkeligheten vi lever i, og i de siste årene har vi sett en økende …

CCDC 2192964: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination


Related Article: Valeria Dantignana, M. Carmen Pérez-Segura, Pau Besalú-Sala, Estefanía Delgado-Pinar, Álvaro Martínez-Camarena, Joan Serrano-Plana, Andrea Álvarez-Núñez, Carmen E. Castillo, Enrique García-España, Josep M. Luis, Manuel G. Basallote, Miquel Costas, Anna Company|2023|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|62||doi:10.1002/anie.202211361

Space GroupCrystallographyCrystal SystemCrystal Structure[methyl 369-trimethyl-36915-tetraazabicyclo[9.3.1]pentadeca-1(15)1113-triene-13-carboxylate]-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonato)-iron(ii)Cell ParametersExperimental 3D Coordinates

Bilateral symmetry and anatomical root variations of mandibular second molars in North Indian populations using cone beam computed tomography


To evaluate bilateral symmetry and anatomical variations of root morphology of permanent mandibular second molar using systematic evaluation of CBCT scans. This cross-sectional study involved the mandible which were imaged using serial axial cone-beam co


Low-level laser therapy in the management of muscle fatigue caused after long Endodontic procedure


The masticatory muscles may undergo fatigue due to prolonged mouth opening during the endodontic procedures. Low-level laser can be used to treat muscle fatigue due its capacity to produce reactive oxygen species and improve function of mitochondria. Aim: To determine the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy in the management of masticatory muscle fatigue caused after long endodontic procedure under Local anesthesia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 44 patients complaining of reduced mouth opening and pain while mouth opening, after long endodontic therapy were considered for the study and were randomly allocated into study and control group. In the study group, low-level laser was applied while p…

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

El pronom EN a secundària. Intervenció didàctica amb la gramàtica tradicional


Aquest document forma part d'una investigació sobre la gramàtica de construccions aplicada a l'ensenyament del català. Concretament, s'ocupa del pronom EN i els usos partitius seguint un model gramatical tradicional. La seqüència didàctica que hi incorpora és, doncs, la d'un grup de control respecte de la seqüència didàctica construccional paral·lela que trobareu en el document "La construcció “EN-partitiva”. Intervenció didàctica experimental". V-EXPSOLP2U-1801406

UNESCO::LINGÜÍSTICA::Lingüística aplicadaexperiment docentpronoms feblesgramàtica de construccionscatalàdidàcticalingüística

Compte-rendu de Les inscriptions de Paphos. La cité chypriote sous la domination lagide et à l’époque impériale, Jean-Baptiste Cayla – Lyon, Maison d…


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory

Melk til alle! - En studie av elever på 7. trinn som arbeider med en modelleringsoppgave


Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hva som karakteriserer en gruppe elever på 7.trinn sitt første møte med en matematisk modelleringsoppgave. Studien undersøker nærmere hvilke overganger som identifiseres, blokkeringer som eventuelt oppstår og betydningen av disse for elevens arbeid, i henhold til modelleringsprosessen. Data er samlet inn gjennom lydopptak av ni elever fordelt på tre grupper når de arbeider med en modelleringsoppgave, samt lydopptak fra gruppeintervjuer etter at oppgaven er løst. Elevenes møte og eventuelle blokkeringer blir analysert ved hjelp av et analyseverktøy utviklet på bakgrunn av modelleringsprosessen til Borromeo Ferri (2006b) og Galbraith og Stillman (2006…

Decepció i incerteses en les classes mitjanes del País Valencià


Les classes mitjanes són un referent simptomàtic de l'estat de salut d'una societat. Es veuen com una espècie de representació del conjunt social, i la majoria social s'hi pensa com a part d'eixa representació. Al mateix temps, però, considerem les classes mitjanes com a grups amb unes condicions de vida relativament folgades, garantides pel seu accés a les rendes del mercat (del treball o de les inversions) i per les compensacions de riscos socials afavorides per les polítiques socials; condicions cada vegada més difícils d'aconseguir.


Curs d'Introducció a la Filosofia Antiga


El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València El curs pretén introduir alguns elements bàsics de l'escepticisme antic, tant en la seva versió acadèmica, platònica, com en la pròpiament pirrònica. Per a això combina la lectura de textos clàssics amb activitats d'interpretació i discussió. The course aims to introduce some basic elements of ancient skepticism, both in its academic, Platonic version, and in its proper Pyrrhonian version. It combines the reading of classical texts with interpretation and discussion activities.

platósext empíricUNESCO::FILOSOFÍAfilosofiapirróescepticisme

Huijareita vai amatöörejä?


open accesstiedelehdetlaatujulkaisutoimintatieteellinen julkaisutoiminta

Kurkistuksia tiedekasvatukseen



Voimavaroja Ukrainassa


UkrainaVenäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan 2022sodathistoria