showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

sj-docx-2-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 - Supplemental material for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Control…


Supplemental material, sj-docx-2-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial by Marjo Rinne, Sanna Garam and Katriina Kukkonen-Harjula, Kari Tokola, Arja Häkkinen, Jari Ylinen, Riku Nikander in Clinical Rehabilitation

FOS: Clinical medicine110604 Sports MedicineFOS: Health sciences110904 Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases110314 Orthopaedics

Valor pronóstico de los parámetros de deformación miocárdica en una cohorte de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica estable


La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) es una patología de gran impacto a nivel mundial por sus elevadas cifras de morbilidad-mortalidad. A pesar de que la ecocardiografía es la prueba de elección para su diagnóstico y estratificación de riesgo, presenta importantes limitaciones y es incapaz de predecir el riesgo en pacientes con FEVI preservada. El estudio de la deformación miocárdica mediante rastreo de patrones, permite estimar el porcentaje de elongación o acortamiento de cada segmento miocárdico durante el ciclo cardíaco. Ha demostrado ser un parámetro capaz de identificar la disfunción miocárdica subclínica, asociándose con el riesgo de mortalidad y episodios adversos en subgrupos seleccionad…

pronósticocardiologíastraininsuficiencia cardiacaecocardiografíadeformación global longitudinalUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASdeformación miocárdica

La lettura ad alta voce per favorire lo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo del bambino


L’esposizione precoce a pratiche di lettura ad alta voce rappresenta uno strumento fondamentale per lo sviluppo di facoltà cognitive, emotive e psi-cologiche già nella prima infanzia. La lettura ad alta voce è una pratica che se utilizzata fin dalla primissima infanzia è in grado di modellare il cer-vello sviluppando maggiormente circuiti cere-brali che supportano le abilità narrative. Nume-rose ricerche hanno evidenziato come la lettura ad alta voce già dal primo anno di vita favorisca lo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo del bambino e faciliti la costruzione di un rapporto positivo tra genitori e figli. La famiglia, pertanto, ha il compi-to principale di promuovere occasioni di lettura ad alt…

Infanziasviluppo emotivoSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Socialelettura ad alta vocesviluppo cognitivopratiche di alfabetizzazione.

Plant invasion risk inside and outside protected areas: Propagule pressure, abiotic and biotic factors definitively matter


Invasive alien species are among the main global drivers of biodiversity loss posing major challenges to nature conservation and to managers of protected areas. The present study applied a methodological framework that combined invasive Species Distribution Models, based on propagule pressure, abiotic and biotic factors for 14 invasive alien plants of Union concern in Italy, with the local interpretable model-agnostic explanation analysis aiming to map, evaluate and analyse the risk of plant invasions across the country, inside and outside the network of protected areas. Using a hierarchical invasive Species Distribution Model, we explored the combined effect of propagule pressure, abiotic …

BIO/03 - BOTANICA AMBIENTALE E APPLICATAEnvironmental EngineeringInvasion risk; Invasive alien plants; Italy; LIME framework; Protected areas; Species distribution modelsInvasion riskSpecies distribution modelLIME frameworkPollutionProtected areaProtected areasItalyInvasive alien plantsSettore BIO/03 - Botanica Ambientale E ApplicataEnvironmental ChemistrySpecies distribution modelsInvasive alien plantWaste Management and Disposal

CCDC 2171085: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination


Related Article: J. Mikko Rautiainen, Maryna Green, Minna Mähönen, Jani O. Moilanen, Manu Lahtinen, Arto Valkonen|2023|Cryst.Growth Des.|23|2361|doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01351

Space GroupCrystallographyCrystal SystemCrystal StructureCell Parameterscatena-[octakis(mu-trifluoromethanesulfonato)-(mu-aqua)-(11'-[14-phenylenebis(methylene)]bis(3-iodopyridin-1-ium))-hexa-silver]Experimental 3D Coordinates

Efecto de la gestión de la calidad sobre la ambidestreza organizativa. Un estudio cuantitativo en la industria agroalimentaria ecológica española


La presente investigación se centra es tres áreas: la gestión de la calidad, la cultura organizativa y la ambidestreza. El objetivo general es analizar el efecto directo de las prácticas y principios de gestión de calidad sobre la ambidestreza organizativa, así como la influencia de la cultura ambidiestra como variable mediadora. La gestión de calidad es un área asentada en la literatura. En nuestro caso, atendemos a cuatro dimensiones: procesos, personas, clientes y proveedores. La ambidestreza es la cualidad que poseen algunas organizaciones para desarrollar nuevos recursos y competencias y, al mismo tiempo, hacer un uso eficiente de los mismos. Por último, la cultura ambidiestra es un ti…

gestión de la calidadambidestreza organizativaUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAScultura ambidiestra

Resistances in online body positivity activism in Finland in the late 2010s


Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vastarintaa suomalaisessa verkkopohjaisessa kehopositiivisuusaktivismissa 2010-luvun jälkipuolella. Tutkimuksessa kehopositiivisuusaktivismi ymmärretään tarkoituksellisiksi teoiksi, joiden päämääränä on lopettaa lihavien ihmisten järjestelmällinen syrjintä. Tarkastelun pääkohteena on suomalaisessa kehopositiivisuusaktivismi-liikehdinnässä esiintyvä vastarinta, mutta työssä vertaillaan myös suomalaisessa kehopositiivisuusaktivismissa ilmenevää vastarintaa sekä tanskalaisen lihavuusaktivistin Sofie Hagenin aktivismissa ilmenevää vastarintaa. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta sijoittuu yhteiskuntatieteellisen lihavuustutkimuksen, sukupuolen…

Crypto market responses to digital asset policies


We construct daily databases of crypto bans and policy statements concerning central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to estimate their effect on crypto trading volumes for an unbalanced panel of 116 countries from November 2016 to December 2021. We find that trading volume falls by up to 55% in the week after the announcement of a ban, and by up to 25% after a CBDC-supportive speech by senior central bank officials. For the strictest bans, this reduction persists over the subsequent quarter, driven by a reduction in trading by institutional investors. The results suggest that crypto market participants pay significant attention to government policy on digital assets.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. A…

Economics and EconometricsCrypto assetsCentral bank digital currencyFinanceRegulation

Militarization of Security Policies in Central and Eastern Europe


Pawłuszko explains the process of militarization of security policies in the CEE region since the Crimea Crisis. According to the Copenhagen School, he focuses on reconstruction of the Central-Eastern European Security Complex and draws attention to the changes in military policies of states in the region. Pawłuszko explores theoretical implications, as well as practical consequences of the NATO-Russia rivalry on the “eastern flank” of Europe. The chapter concludes with a study of perspectives on geopolitical agenda of the CEE region.

NATOEastern flankSecurityPolandMilitarizationCEE

Kohti psykoosia ja sen yli! : mielenterveysmeemit ja hyvinvoinnin tulkintojen etiikka


Sosiaalisessa mediassa viraalisti leviävissä huumorikuvissa eli meemeissä käsitellään yhä enenevässä määrin myös mielenterveyttä. Meemit heijastelevat ja tuottavat kulttuurisia käsityksiä mielenterveydestä, sen hoidosta ja merkityksistä. Tässä artikkelissa paneudutaan mielenterveysmeemien tutkimiseen liittyviin tutkimuseettisiin ja metodologisiin kysymyksiin erityisesti etnografian ja multimodaalisen diskurssianalyysin näkökulmasta. Erilaiset lähestymistavat tuottavat erilaista tietoa meemeistä ja niiden tekemiseen ja jakamiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä, ja asettavat erilaisia haasteita tutkimukselle ja aineistosta tehtäville tulkinnoille. Myös meemeissä viljelty usein mustakin huumori lisää …

etnografiameemitrepresentaatiomielenterveysmusta huumoritutkimusetiikkatutkimusmenetelmätsosiaalinen mediatulkintamultimodaalisuusmielenterveysongelmatdiskurssianalyysi

Development of novel secondary raw materials from grape juice fining waste as enriched excipients for oral care products and pharmaceuticals


Settore CHIM/09 - Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativobentonite waste recovery cosmetics pharmaceuticals green extraction oral care spray drying

L'Universitaire au pouvoir. Le discours juridique du professorat salazariste (1926-1974)


In the shadow of the military, the Portugal of the Estado Novo (New State) was above all led by academics, especially those from the Faculty of Law in Coimbra. The generation of teachers born in 1880/1890, including all the deans (Beleza dos Santos, Cabral de Moncada, Fezas Vital, Figueiredo, etc.), gathered around Salazar, who held the chairs of public finance and political economy in Coimbra, and irrigated the state apparatus. It thus engendered an "Empire of the professor", a "dictatorship of the doctors" and even a cathedocracy. The present work studies their constitutional and legal thinking, explaining all their reforms (1933 Constitution, prison reform, codifications, especially in c…

Droit constitutionnel portugaisSalazarDroit corporatif[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawProfesseurs de droitCorporative lawCorporativismoCorporatismeProfessores de direitoDroit administratifSalazarismeAdministration pénitentaireDroit pénal & procédure pénaleSalazarismoDireito constitucionalLaw professorsCorporatisme autoritaire

Involvering i gruppearbeid


Forskningsarbeidets formål er å undersøke hvordan elever arbeider i grupper med utforsking- og problemløsningsoppgaver. Gruppearbeid som undervisningsform stiller flere sosiale krav til deltakerne, som for eksempel å kunne lytte, stille spørsmål, korrigere og kritisere hverandre underveis, noe som er krevende for flere elever (Simensen, 2022; Sjöblom & Meaney, 2021). Til grunn for forskningsdesignet og analysen lå Louis Radfords sosialkulturelle teori om objektivisering (Radford, 2021). I teorien er involvering i felles arbeid («joint labor») en betingelse for tilgang og utvikling av matematisk kompetanse for eleven. Involvering er derfor et utgangspunkt i forskningsspørsmålene som stilles:…

Measurement of Direct-Photon Cross Section and Double-Helicity Asymmetry at √s = 510 GeV in →p+→p Collisions


We present measurements of the cross section and double-helicity asymmetry ALL of direct-photon production in →p+→p collisions at √s = 510  GeV. The measurements have been performed at midrapidity (|η|<0.25) with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At relativistic energies, direct photons are dominantly produced from the initial quark-gluon hard scattering and do not interact via the strong force at leading order. Therefore, at √s =510  GeV, where leading-order-effects dominate, these measurements provide clean and direct access to the gluon helicity in the polarized proton in the gluon-momentum-fraction range 0.02<0.08, with direct sensitivity to the sign of the glu…


Seksualnormer og rettspraksis i Nedenes på 1600-tallet sett i et kjønnsperspektiv.


The theme for this dissertation is the townspeople of the county Nedenes’ norms regarding sexuality compared to the new laws and criminalisation in the 17th century Norway. In both the norms and the laws sexuality belonged within marriage. However, there were differences regarding when the marriage was viewed as valid, and the cohabitation acceptable. Previous research in this field consists of the works of Terje Sødal and Margit Løyland have both written about criminality in Agder during the 1600s, but they have chosen shorter periods of time in the beginning, middle and end of the century. I have transcribed and analysed all the lists of fines (Sakfallslister) in the country accounts (len…

Career-themed life narratives of sports graduates: intertwinement of careers and nonwork elements of life


Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin liikunta-alan tutkinnon suorittaneiden urateemaisia elämänkertomuksia. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää valmistuneiden koulutus- ja urakokemuksia kokonaisvaltaisesti, ottaen huomioon nykyaikaisten urien monimutkaisuus, konteksti ja subjektiivisuus. Päätutkimuskysymys oli: Miten liikunta-alan tutkinnon suorittaneiden urakokemukset kytkeytyvät heidän elämänkertomuksiinsa? Tutkimukseen osallistui 60 liikunta-alan tutkinnon vuosina 2004–2015 suorittanutta henkilöä, jotka vastasivat avoimeen kirjoituskutsuun. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta. Ensimmäisessä osatutkimuksessa kuvailtiin tutkintokoulutukselle annettuja, laadullisesti erilaisia merkityksiä. T…

Transition to motherhood : childbirth experiences, psychological well-being, and discourses of childbirth and mothering


Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia äitien psyykkistä hyvinvointia sekä synnytys- ja äitiyskokemuksia siirtymässä äitiyteen. Väitöskirjan kaksi ensimmäistä osatutkimusta perustuivat pitkittäistutkimukseen, jossa äitien (n = 125) synnytyspelkoa, synnytyskokemusta ja itsetuntoa tutkittiin loppuraskaudesta synnytyksen jälkeisen vuoden loppuun. Tutkimuksessa 1 selvitettiin synnytyspelon ja itsetunnon yhteisvaikutuksia synnytyskokemukseen ja havaittiin, että hyvä itsetunto suojasi synnytyspelon negatiiviselta vaikutukselta synnytyskokemukseen, mutta heikko itsetunto vahvisti vaikutusta entisestään. Tutkimuksessa 2 selvitettiin monimenetelmäisesti itsetunnon kehitystä siirtymässä äit…

La competència de la Unió Europea per a celebrar tractats internacionals sobre els drets humans


En aquest material docent us comente la competència de la Unió Europea per a celebrar tractats internacionals sobre els drets humans. 1. Evolució històrica; 2. Capacitat de la Unió Europea de celebrar tractats internacionals sobre drets humans; 3. Competències explícites de la Unió Europea; 4. Competències implícites; 5. Previsió expressa en un acte jurídic vinculant de la UE; 6. Quan puga afectar normes comunes o alterar el seu abast. n this teaching material, I talk about the capacity of the European Union to conclude international human rights treaties. 1. Historical development; 2. The European Union's capacity to conclude international human rights treaties; 3. Explicit competences of …

unió europea i els tractats internacionals sobre els drets humansunió europeaUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO::Derecho internacionaldret international dels drets humans

Las misiones diplomáticas permanentes


Las misiones diplomáticas permanentes. 1. Introducción. 2. Establecimiento, mantenimiento, suspensión y terminación de las misiones diplomáticas. 3. Funciones de la misión diplomática permanente. 4. Inviolabilidad, inmunidades y privilegios diplomáticos. Permanent Diplomatic Missions. 1. Introduction. 2. Establishment, maintenance, suspension, and termination of Diplomatic Missions. 3. Functions of the Permanent Diplomatic Mission. 4. Diplomatic inviolability, immunities, and privileges.

derecho internacionalembajadasmisiones diplomáticas permanentessubjetividad internacionalUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO::Derecho internacional

The status of the individual in the International Law


In this paper, I discuss about the Status of the individual in the Public International Law.

UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO::Derecho internacionalpublic international lawindividual

Guía del Talento UV 22-23


El documento forma parte de los resultados de un proyecto de innovación educativa de la UV con referencia UV-SFPIE_PID-2069350 Un grupo de profesoras sensibilizadas con la educación del talento identificaron la necesidad de incorporar las oportunidades para la promoción del mismo en el alumnado de la Universitat de València. Como resultado de esta inquietud, en el marco del proyecto de innovación educativa UV-SFPIE_PID-2069350 surge esta guía que pretende ser un valioso recurso tanto para estudiantes como para el profesorado. Todo estudiante de nuestra universidad necesita ser conocedor de los recursos de los que dispone en la Universidad para que pueda elaborar un itinerario académico ópti…

oportunidadestalentoprogramasUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍAitinerario académico

Kuopion koulu (1980-1986) ja kuvataiteen uusekspressionismi : - maine, provokaatio ja paikallisuus


Kuopiossa vaikutti 1980‒1986 uusekspressionistinen kuvataiteen suuntaus, jonka keskeisiä henkilöitä olivat kuvanveistäjä Pauno Pohjolainen (s. 1949) sekä taidemaalarit Markku Kolehmainen (s. 1951), Pentti Meklin (s. 1952) ja Teemu Saukkonen (s. 1954). Jo 1980-luvulta lähtien on keskusteltu siitä, muodostivatko taiteilijat todellisuudessa ryhmän vai olivatko “Kuopion koulu” tai “Kuopion koulukunta” pelkästään toimittajien antamia nimikkeitä. Tutkimuksessani oli tavoitteena selvittää ilmiön perusta: mitkä olivat Kuopion koulun syntyolosuhteet ja sosiaalinen viitekehys, millaisia keskeisiä aiheita sen puitteissa syntynyt taide sisälsi ja kuinka ilmiö tuli lopulta päätökseen. Tarkastelun kohtei…

Casestudie av offentlige virksomheter sine perspektiver på coworking i offentlig sektor som arbeidsmetode for å rekruttere kompetanse til Lister regi…


Cloud adoption and cyber security in public organizations: an empirical investigation on Norwegian municipalities


The public sector in Norway, particularly municipalities, is currently transforming through the adoption of cloud solutions. This multiple case study investigates cloud adoption and is security challenges that come along with it. The objective is to identify the security challenges that cloud solutions present and techniques or strategies that can be used to mitigate these security challenges. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) provided valuable insights into the prevalent challenges and associated mitigation techniques in cloud adoption. The thesis also uses a qualitative approach using Semi-Structured Interviews (SSI) to gather insight into informants’ experiences regarding cloud adop…

"Images des évêques bourguignons à la fin du Moyen Âge", Histoire de l’image et image de l’histoire, Actes du 31e colloque de l'ABSS, Chalon-sur-Saôn…


[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Underlying-event properties in pp and p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV


We report about the properties of the underlying event measured with ALICE at the LHC in pp and p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV. The event activity, quantified by charged-particle number and summed-pT densities, is measured as a function of the leading-particle transverse momentum (ptrigT). These quantities are studied in three azimuthal-angle regions relative to the leading particle in the event: toward, away, and transverse. Results are presented for three different pT thresholds (0.15, 0.5 and 1 GeV/c) at mid-pseudorapidity (|η| 10 GeV/c, whereas for lower ptrigT values the event activity is slightly higher in p–Pb than in pp collisions. The measurements are compared with predictions …

quark-gluon plasmaproperties of hadronskvarkki-gluoniplasmahadronit

Riflessioni e traiettorie di ricerca interdisciplinari sulla transizione digitale


The contribution introduces the topic covered by vol. 12 of AGATHÓN through essays, studies, research and projects on Innovability©® | Digital Transition to investigate the current widespread transformation that unites dichotomies (analogue and digital), enhances oxymorons (artificial intelligence), creates paradoxes (materiality of the intangible), while indiscriminately involving architecture, humanities and social sciences, anthropology, sociology, ecology, biology, physical-mathematical sciences and neurosciences, with impacts that – while already visible today and accelerated in part by the extraordinary global health emergency – will become even more evident in the medium and long ter…

Il contributo introduce il tema trattato dal vol. 12 di AGATHÓN attraverso saggi studi ricerche e progetti su Innovability©® | Transizione Digitale per indagare sulla trasformazione pervasiva e diffusa in atto che unisce dicotomie (analogico e digitale) esalta ossimori (intelligenza artificiale) realizza paradossi (materialità dell’intangibile) coinvolgendo indifferentemente l’architettura le scienze umane e sociali l’antropologia la sociologia l’ecologia la biologia le scienze fisico-matematiche e le neuroscienze con impatti che – visibili già oggi e accelerati in parte dalla condizione straordinaria di emergenza sanitaria mondiale – si renderanno ancor più evidenti a medio e lungo termine. Una trasformazione certamente ‘digitale’ che studiosi come Floridi (2020) e Galimberti (2020) ma anche Haraway (2018) Searle (2017) e Chomsky (2011) hanno posto su un piano innanzitutto ontologico ed epistemologico in quanto coinvolge l’essenza delle ‘cose’ il modo con cui le definiamo il mondo che ci circonda e in particolare la nostra relazione con gli elementi che lo costituiscono.Settore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

Presentació del dossier «L'Euroregió com a escenari per a l'estudi de la Retirada i l'exili de 1939»


Els articles que presentem en aquest monogràfic són resultat del projecte Memòria i patrimoni de l’exili a l’Euroregió (1936-1945) dut a terme entre el gener de 2020 i el desembre de 2021 liderat per la Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer i en el qual van participar com a membres la Universitat de les Illes Balears, la Université Toulouse Capitole (Département des Langues et Civilisations), el Museu Memorial de l’Exili de La Jonquera, el Centre d’Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democràcies-UAB, els Archives Municipales d’Agde (l’Hérault) i la Universitat de València.

Guerra civilRefugiats

Cultural experiences in the framework of 'cultural cities': measuring the socioeconomic impact of culture in urban performance


AbstractThis article defines "cultural experience" and places it in a holistic conceptual model; “the cultural city” where it plays a relevant role in improving the performing of cities. The conceptual model combines the basic elements of the heritage city, the smart city and the creative city. The city is interpreted from a threefold perspective; as a repository of resources, as a connective interface, and as the setting for citizens' life and social and professional experiences. In this context, each of these perspectives incorporates culture in a different way, enabling different models of value creation and different processes of production and reproduction of this value. In each of the…

Urban StudiesEvolució culturalArchitectureGeography Planning and Development

Protective and Educational Effects of Physical Activity Practice on Mental Health in Young Age during COVID-19 Lockdown


Background: The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have modified the lifestyle of young people, worsening their mental health. Although some countries were allowed to practice outdoor physical activity (PA) in cases of lockdown, the PA level in the general population decreased. The current study aims to assess the differences in fear of COVID-19, anxiety, neuroticism, and general self-efficacy between university students who practiced PA during the second wave of lockdown and those who did not practice any PA. Methods: The sample consisted of 276 university students (176 females, 63.8%; mean age: 22.13, SD: &plusmn;3.94) who answered an online questionnaire detecting life habits …

university studentRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentphysical exercisefear of COVID-19Geography Planning and DevelopmentBuilding and ConstructionneuroticismManagement Monitoring Policy and Lawphysical exercise; self-efficacy; neuroticism; anxiety; fear of COVID-19; university studentsanxietyself-efficacySustainability; Volume 15; Issue 1; Pages: 752

Sana esiintyy lihassa


Kirja-arvio teoksesta Esa Kirkkopelto: Logomimesis: Tutkielma esiintyvästä ruumiista. Tutkijaliitto, Helsinki 2020. 351 s. ISBN 978-952-7093-19-1. Esa Kirkkopellon Logomimesis: tutkielma esiintyvästä ruumiista asettaa vastakkain mimetologian eli länsimaisen ajatteluperinteen pyrkimykset ottaa mimēsis, performatiivinen tai esityksellinen jäljittely ja siihen liittyvät ilmiöt, haltuun käsitteellisten ja teoreettisten diskurssien avulla ja Kirkkopellon uudisterminä lanseeraaman logomimesiksen, esityksellisen käytännön, joka ruumiillisin keinoin performoi diskurssien ja kielen toimintaa ja niiden peruuttamatonta sidosta materiaalisuuteen, ruumiin kielellisyyttä ja kielen ruumiillisuutta. Teoree…

esiintyvä taideEsa Kirkkopeltoteatteriteoriamannermainen filosofiaruumisjälkistrukturalismiruumiillisuusdekonstruktiologomimesisesittävät taiteetkirja-arvostelutpoststrukturalismiesittäminenmimesisfilosofiateatterin filosofiamimetologiateatteritaideesiintyvä ruumisjäljittelyEsittelyjä ja erittelyjänäyttämötaidetaidefilosofiateatteritiedeTiede &amp; edistys

Cardiac arrest during a diving session: A case report and differential diagnosis


: We report a case of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred in a 61-year-old recreational female diver. After resuscitation, the patient was referred to the hospital. With data provided by witnesses and appropriate medical investigations, drowning related to a failed rebreather system was the most plausible explanation. Patient outcome was favorable.

drowningdecompression illnessICUARDSGeneral Medicinecardiac arrest

Ultrasound-Assisted Lactic Acid Fermentation of Bakraei (Citrus reticulata cv. Bakraei) Juice: Physicochemical and Bioactive Properties


In this study, ultrasonication (US) (50 W, 30 kHz, 1&ndash;6 min) was used to increase the efficiency of Limosilactobacillus reuteri PTCC 1655 fermentation process (37 &deg;C; 30 h) of Bakraei juice. Total sugars, pH, Brix, organic acids, vitamin C, polyphenols, antioxidant activity, &alpha;-amylase inhibition and anti-inflammatory properties were measured during the fermentation period. The results showed that by increasing the ultrasound time up to 5 min, pH, vitamin C, citric acid, and polyphenolic compounds decreased, while lactic acid, antioxidant capacity, &alpha;-amylase inhibition and anti-inflammatory properties were increased. When the ultrasound time was increased up to 6 min, co…

Bakraei juice; bioactive compounds; fermentation; <i>Limosilactobacillus reuteri</i>; ultrasoundTecnologia dels alimentsPlant ScienceBiochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)Food ScienceFermentation

Clinical Severity in Different Waves of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Sicily: A Model of Smith’s “Law of Declining Virulence” from Real-World Data


Background: The COVID-19 epidemic had a rapid spread worldwide with a continuous and fast mutation of the virus, resulting in the emergence of several variants of concern (VOC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the severity of each VOC among SARS-CoV-2 infected subjects by investigating deaths, ICU admissions, intubations, and severe critical symptoms. Methods: An ecological observational study was performed to evaluate mortality rates and clinical characteristics of 321,490 unvaccinated Sicilian SARS-CoV-2 cases observed from 2 March 2020 to 27 March 2022. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated by multivariate logistic regression analysis evaluating factors…

Infectious DiseasesVirologyclinical outcomes COVID-19 epidemiology health care outcome assessment public health SARS-CoV-2

Off-diagonal estimates for bi-parameter commutators


Tutkimme kahden parametrin singulaari-integraalien kommutaattoreiden rajoit-tuneisuutta iteroitujen avaruuksien[b, T]:Lp1Lp2→Lq1Lq2välillä kunqi, pi∈(1,∞)ja erityisesti fraktionaalisessa tilanteessaqi6=pi. Yhteensä seitsemässä ta-pauksessa yhdeksästä saavutamme täyden karaterisoinnin rajoittuneisuudella symboliabkoskevillaoskillatorisilla testiehdoilla. We study the boundedness of commutators of bi-parameter singular integrals between mixed spaces [b,T]:Lp1Lp2→Lq1Lq2 in the off-diagonal situation qi,pi∈(1,∞) where we allow qi≠pi. Boundedness is fully characterized in terms of oscillatory testing conditions on the function b for a total seven out of the nine possible arrangements of the inte…

commutatorsGeneral MathematicsCalderón-Zygmund operatorsArticlessingular integralsmulti-parameter analysisoperaattorit (matematiikka)Annales Fennici Mathematici

First data on the genetic structure of Trachemys scripta populations in Sicily (Testudines: Emydidae)


The pond slider Trachemys scripta is one of the most widespread alien turtle species in the world. Its unregulated trade and the consequent uncontrolled releases into the wild led to negative impacts on the native turtles of the invaded areas. In Italy, alien pond sliders are widely spread, and the occurrence of hatchlings and well-established populations is known in some areas. However, to date in Sicily, only a single female of Trachemys scripta laying eggs was reported. Besides that, nothing is known about the actual reproduction success and establishment of self-sustaining T. scripta populations in Sicily. Therefore, based on 14 previously characterised highly polymorphic microsatellite…

biological invasions non-indigenous speciespond turtleSettore BIO/05 - Zoologiamicrosatellites