showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Quantumness and speedup limit of a qubit under transition frequency modulation


Controlling and maintaining quantum properties of an open quantum system along its evolution is essential for both fundamental and technological aims. We assess the capability of a frequency-modulated qubit embedded in a leaky cavity to exhibit enhancement of its dynamical quantum features. The qubit transition frequency is sinusoidally modulated by an external driving field. We show that a properly optimized quantum witness effectively identifies quantum coherence protection due to frequency modulation while a standard quantum witness fails. We also find an evolution speedup of the qubit through proper manipulation of the modulation parameters of the driving field. Importantly, by introduc…

Qubit Transition Frequency Modulation Quantum Speedup Non-MarkovianityQuantum PhysicsFOS: Physical sciencesQuantum Physics (quant-ph)Settore FIS/03 - Fisica Della Materia

Chińska aktywność na Bałkanach w XXI wieku i jej implikacje


Celem artykułu jest szkicowe przedstawienie, na podstawie analiz i materiałów prasowych, wielosektorowej obecności Chin na Bałkanach i jej wpływu na sytuację ekonomiczną regionu. Bałkany są ważne dla mocarstw ze względu na położenie geopolityczne i geostrategiczne na skrzyżowaniu szlaków międzykontynentalnych. Chiny znacząco wpływają na ekonomikę poszczególnych państw region, wykorzystując dyplomację publiczną celem ograniczenia wpływów ze strony innych ważnych graczy: Unii Europejskiej, Rosji i USA. Autorka przedstawia hipotezę, że Chiny, tak jak USA pod koniec XX wieku, zmierzają do stworzenia sfery wpływów na Półwyspie Bałkańskim, w kontekście swoich interesów globalnych. Bałkany są post…

CzarnogóraChinaBułgariaBałkanyCroatiaNorthern MacedoniaBalkansChinypasywathe United StatesGeneral MedicinePółnocna MacedonialiabilitiesMontenegroChorwacjaStany Zjednoczonespheres of influenceeconomic investmentsstrefy wpływówBulgariaSerbiainwestycje ekonomiczneBalcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et studia

Fundamental limits for transmission modulation in VO2 metasurfaces


The interest in dynamic modulation of light by ultra-thin materials exhibiting insulator–metal phase transition, such as VO 2 , has rapidly grown due to the myriad industrial applications, including smart windows and optical limiters. However, for applications in the telecommunication spectral band, the light modulation through a thin VO 2 film is low due to the presence of strong material loss. Here, we demonstrate tailored nanostructuring of VO 2 to dramatically enhance its transmission modulation, reaching a value as high as 0.73, which is 2 times larger than the previous modulation achieved. The resulting designs, including free-topology optimization, demonstrate the fundamental limit i…

metasurfaceVanadium dioxidephotonicsSettore ING-INF/02 - Campi ElettromagneticiAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsPhotonics Research

Divenire minoranza, il trattamento della follia in età borbonica. L’Ospizio di Santa Teresa di Palermo (XIX secolo)


Interessanti spunti riguardanti il trattamento della follia si ricavano dal contesto siciliano all’inizio del XIX secolo, periodo in cui si perfeziona il controllo sociale da parte delle istituzioni. Nello specifico, si vuole qui proporre il caso dell’Ospizio di Santa Teresa di Palermo, l’ex noviziato dei Teresiani Scalzi poco fuori le mura della città di Palermo, istituto adibito nel 1802, durante il soggiorno forzato della corte borbonica in Sicilia e il protettorato inglese, al contenimento dei cosiddetti «incurabili», cioè di qualsiasi minaccia che potesse interferire o interagire con la società sana del tempo. Interesting insights into the treatment of madness are to be gained from the…

Locura incurables Foucault historia moderna Historia de la locura historia cultural historia de la medicinaSettore M-STO/02 - Storia ModernaMadness incurables Foucault modern history History of madness cultural history medical historyFollia incurabili Foucault Età borbonica storia moderna Storia della follia storia della medicina

Kulttuuripolitiikkaa erilaisilla alueilla


Arvio kirjasta: Diane Saint-Pierre & Monica Gattinger (toim.) Cultural Policy. Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canada’s Provinces and Territories. University of Ottawa Press, 2021,  668 sivua, ISBN (Paper) 9780776628950

monikulttuurisuusKanadaalueelliset erotkulttuuripolitiikkaalueellisuuskielelliset vähemmistötalkuperäiskansatGeneral MedicinepaikallisuusArviotkulttuuriperintöaluehallinto

Una ragionevole apologia di John Stuart Mill


La libertà di espressione è tra i valori più cari al costituzionalismo liberale moderno e contemporaneo. Limitare la libertà di ciascuno di dire ciò che vuole è, da questa prospettiva, sempre guardato con sospetto.Giorgio Maniaci nel suo saggio si scaglia apertamente contro questa prospettiva.L’idea di Maniaci è che la menzogna sia pericolosissima e vada dunque estirpata dai discorsi pubblici. Questo perché la libertà di espressione non è un valore in sé ma è uno strumento a sostegno della democrazia e della possibilità dei cittadini di formarsi un’opinione libera e scientificamente corretta. Le credenze falsificate dalla scienza non hanno diritto di cittadinanza nel discorso pubblico. In q…

harm principlefreedom of speechSettore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittopaternalismJohn Stuart Mill.autonomy



A lo largo de la historia de la música de occidente, las mujeres han tenido pocas oportunidades a la hora de acceder profesionalmente al ámbito musical, pero sí es cierto que una minoría consiguió acceder al mismo. Sin embargo, los manuales y los programas académicos tradicionalmente solo recogen los referentes masculinos más destacados. El objetivo principal de este artículo es identificar cuál es la percepción del sector, concretamente entre las profesionales que se dedican a la composición, dirección orquestal o a la docencia de estudios musicales. Para ello, se utilizó la técnica de la entrevista estructurada. Se analizó una muestra de respuestas de compositoras, docentes y directoras d…

Music historyDificultades de géneroGender difficultiesGeneral MedicineMúsicas profesionalesFemale referentsProfessional female musiciansHistoria de la músicaEntrevista estructuradaArteArtMusicReferentes femeninosStructured interviewMúsicaQuodlibet. Revista de Especialización Musical



This record contains raw data related to the article “LITHOTRIPSY OF CALCIFIED AORTIC VALVE LEAFLETS BY A NOVEL ULTRASOUND TRANSCATHETER-BASED DEVICE” The increasing incidence of calcific aortic valve disease necessitates the elaboration of new strategies to retard the progression of the pathology with an innovative solution. While the increasing diffusion of the transcatheter aortic valve replacements (TAVRs) allows a mini-invasive approach to aortic valve substitution as an alternative to conventional surgical replacement (SAVR) in an always larger patient population, TAVR implantation still has contraindications for young patients. In addition, it is liable to undergo calcification with …

calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD); lithotripsy—methods; medical device; ultrasound; valve leaflets; valvuloplasty

Glenoid bone loss in anterior shoulder dislocation: a multicentric study to assess the most reliable imaging method


Purpose: The aim of this multicentric study was to assess which imaging method has the best inter-reader agreement for glenoid bone loss quantification in anterior shoulder instability. A further aim was to calculate the inter-method agreement comparing bilateral CT with unilateral CT and MR arthrography (MRA) with CT measurements. Finally, calculations were carried out to find the least time-consuming method. Method: A retrospective evaluation was performed by 9 readers (or pairs of readers) on a consecutive series of 110 patients with MRA and bilateral shoulder CT. Each reader was asked to calculate the glenoid bone loss of all patients using the following methods: best fit circle area on…

Bone lossBone loAnterior shoulder instability; Bone loss; CT; Glenoid bony defect; MRI; Measurement technique; PICORadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingAnterior shoulder instabilityPICOGeneral MedicineMeasurement techniqueAnterior shoulder instability; Bone loss; CT; Glenoid bony defect; MRI; Measurement technique; PICO.Glenoid bony defectAnterior shoulder instability; Bone loss; CT; Glenoid bony defect; Measurement technique; MRI; PICOCTMRI

Not all bull and bear markets are alike: insights from a five-state hidden semi-Markov model


This paper employs the hidden semi-Markov model and a novel model selection procedure to detect different states in the US stock market. The empirical results suggest that the market is switching between five states that can be classified into three bull states and two bear states. The three bull states are categorized as a low volatility bull market, a high volatility bull market, and a stock market bubble. One of the bear states represents a regular bear market, while the other one corresponds to either a stock market crash or a market correction. The paper demonstrates that the five-state model is consistent with a number of stylized facts and provides many valuable insights into the dyn…

Stylized factEconomics and EconometricsModel selectionStrategy and ManagementStock market bubbleStock market crashEconometricsEconomicsStock marketHidden semi-Markov modelMarket correctionVolatility (finance)Business and International ManagementFinanceRisk Management

In dialogo su libertà di espressione, riso e violenza


Il saggio si inserisce in un volume in cui dialogano filosofi del diritto e filosofi del linguaggio. Nello specifico lo scritto di Clelia Bartoli discute con quello di Salvatore Di Piazza il cui cuore tematico riguarda le dinamiche che si generano all’interno di un triangolo i cui vertici sono costituiti da tre concetti: il riso, la libertà di espressione e la violenza. L’argomentazione del filosofo del linguaggio usa come banco di prova un caso emblematico: «La satira à la Charlie Hebdo, ovvero la presa in giro irriverente, caustica e politicamente scorretta». Di Piazza debutta con un paio di domande: «si può ridere di tutto?» e «si può dire di tutto in un discorso connesso al riso?». In a…

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoLibertà di espressione Comicità umorismo riso Libertà liberaleFreedom of speech Liberal freedom

Ragioni mostruose.


In questo capitolo rielaboro la distinzione, proposta da Danblon e Donckier, tra regimi di razionalità fondati sul logos o sul mythos, proponendo una interpretazione cognitiva della ‘interazione mostruosa’ di questi due regimi che, secondo le autrici, costituirebbe uno carattere di alcune forme di comunicazione contemporanea.

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittofake news regimi di razionalità mythos e logos

Kieli-ideologia ja kirjailijakäsitys 2010-luvun Suomessa : muunkielisten kirjailijoiden kokemuksia suomalaisessa kirjallisuusinstituutiossa


FM, YTM Katri Talaskiven kirjallisuuden väitöskirjakäsikirjoituksen "Kieli-ideologia ja kirjailijakäsitys 2010-luvun Suomessa. Muunkielisten kirjailijoiden kokemuksia suomalaisessa kirjallisuusinstituutiossa" tarkastustilaisuus pidettiin Jyväskylän yliopistossa 20. marraskuuta 2021.

kirjallisuuskirjailijuuskirjallisuuspolitiikkaSuomikulttuuripolitiikkakirjailijatkielipolitiikkavähemmistökieletGeneral Medicine2010-luku

Host’s genetic background determines the outcome of reciprocal faecal transplantation on life-history traits and microbiome composition


Abstract Background Microbes play a role in their host's fundamental ecological, chemical, and physiological processes. Host life-history traits from defence to growth are therefore determined not only by the abiotic environment and genotype but also by microbiota composition. However, the relative importance and interactive effects of these factors may vary between organisms. Such connections remain particularly elusive in Lepidoptera, which have been argued to lack a permanent microbiome and have microbiota primarily determined by their diet and environment. We tested the microbiome specificity and its influence on life-history traits of two colour genotypes of the wood tiger moth (Arctia…

11832 Microbiology and virologyGenotypegrowthgenotypeperhosetwood tiger mothGeneral MedicineGrowthkasvubacterial communitygenotyyppitäpläsiilikäsbakteeritLepidopteragutGutLong ampliconBacterial communitylong amplicon16S rRNAArctia plantaginisWood tiger moth

Humanistinen lähestymistapa kaupunkitutkimukseen


Arvio kirjasta: Tanja Vahtikari, Terhi Ainiala, Aura Kivilaakso, Pia Olsson & Panu Savolainen (toim.) Humanistinen kaupunkitutkimus. Vastapaino, 2021, 394 sivua, ISBN (painettu) 9789517688505

kaupunkimaantiedekaupunkikuvakaupunkitutkimuskaupunkihistoriakaupunkikulttuurikaupunkiympäristöGeneral MedicineArviothumanistiset tieteetKulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuksen vuosikirja

Noterelle al «Filostrato» e al «Ninfale fiesolano» di Giovanni Boccaccio


Abstract: This paper presents three brief reading notes on as many passages of the Filostrato (IV 51:1-8; IV 56, 4-8) and the Ninfale fiesolano (229, 1-5) by Giovanni Boccaccio, in the search for probable classical and medieval latin sources and models that have so far escaped the attention of scholars.

Settore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaDanteFrancesco PetrarcaSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparateOvidioMassimianoGiovanni Boccaccio «Filostrato» «Ninfale fiesolano» tradizione classica poesia mediolatina Ovidio Massimiano «Pamphilus» Andrea Cappellano Dante PetrarcaAndrea CappellanoGiovanni Boccaccio «Filostrato» «Ninfale fiesolano» Classical Tradition Medieval Latin Poetry Ovidius Maximianus «Pamphilus» Andreas Capellanus Dante PetrarcaSettore L-FIL-LET/13 - Filologia Della Letteratura ItalianaFilostratoSettore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura ItalianaNinfale fiesolanoClassical Traditiontradizione classicaCarte Romanze. Rivista di Filologia e Linguistica Romanze dalle Origini al Rinascimento

Didactique et méthodologie du rythme du français pour apprenants adultes : un état des lieux et des perspectives


L’enseignement-apprentissage du rythme de la langue enseignée et étudiée, la langue française dans ce cas, n’a pas, de nos jours, une place prépondérante en didactique et méthodologie de la langue française, malgré l’impossibilité de le dissocier de l’intonation, des sons et du système de communication. En interrogeant personnellement des étudiants en français en Espagne sur leur perception du rythme en tant qu’objet d’étude et en consultant globalement une partie de l’offre méthodologique éditoriale actuelle pour apprenants adultes (méthodes de français général et ouvrages complémentaires spécialisés en phonétique), on arrive en effet à des constats de vides et de déséquilibres dans l’ense…

Linguistics and LanguageLlenguatge i llengües EnsenyamentLanguage and LinguisticsLlenguatge i llengüesRitme

Clinical and Epidemiologic Features of Viral Gastroenteritis in Hospitalized Children: An 11-Year Surveillance in Palermo (Sicily)


In order to acquire information regarding viral agents and epidemiologic features of severe paediatric Viral Acute Gastroenteritis (VAGE) across multiple seasons in the pre-rotavirus-vaccine era, the epidemiologic characteristics of VAGE were investigated among paediatric patients hospitalized in a major Sicilian paediatric hospital from 2003 to 2013. Overall, 4725 children were observed and 2355 (49.8%) were diagnosed with a viral infection: 1448 (30.6%) were found positive to rotavirus, 645 (13.7%) to norovirus, 216 (4.6%) to adenovirus, and 46 (0.97%) to astrovirus. Viral infections showed different patterns of hospitalization in terms of age at risk (younger for rotavirus and adenovirus…

viral gastroenteritiSettore MED/07 - Microbiologia E Microbiologia ClinicarotaviruInfectious DiseaseschildrenItalyadenoviruviral gastroenteritis; children; rotavirus; norovirus; adenovirus; astrovirus; ItalyVirologyastrovirunoroviruViruses



A tecnologia e a inovação são ativos importantes e elementos estratégicos que são singularmente competitivos a nível global para empresas e países, com um impacto direto no desenvolvimento econômico e social, bem como na sustentabilidade. Especialmente no atual ambiente altamente internacional, caracterizado pelos desequilíbrios no desenvolvimento tecnológico e no nível de inovação entre países e regiões. Uma importância que levou ao incentivo de políticas públicas ativas que têm impacto em sua promoção e na melhoria dos processos de gestão e transferência de tecnologia e inovação; tornando-se assim um setor chave com um caráter cada vez mais internacional. No âmbito Ibero-Americano, os aco…

ibero-americanaDret internacionalcontratos de transferência de tecnologiacontratos internacionaisinovaçãodireito internacional privadoDireito.UnB - Juristisches Journal der Universität Brasília

Under the magnifying glass: critical moments in virtual exchange


Virtual Exchange (VE) is a form of experiential learning that relies heavily on learning-by-doing and reflection. The present study draws on visual data comprising students’ perceptions of critical learning incidents presented under an imaginary magnifying glass. To complete this project-closing reflective activity, the students had to describe a critical moment that they had experienced during VE and present it in a visual form. Data was collected longitudinally, in three projects (2019, 2020, and 2021) that followed the same pedagogical design and focused on the theme of tourism. The collaborating universities were from three countries: Poland, Finland, and the Netherlands. We used the me…

oppimisympäristöopiskelijatoppiminenoppimiskokemuksetvisualisointicritical learning incidentsoppimisalustatvirtuaaliympäristövirtual exchangepedagogiikkakokemusoppiminentekemällä oppiminenmultimodal reflectionsreflektiomultimodaalisuuskuvallinen ilmaisuJournal of Virtual Exchange

New collective structures in Au179 and their implications for the triaxial deformation of the Pt178 core


Physical Review C

El proyecto definitivo de Antonio da Sangallo el Joven para la iglesia de Nostra Dona de Montserrat de Roma: revisión y actualización


Se propone una interpretación renovada del proyecto U 171 A recto de Antonio da Sangallo el Joven para la iglesia de la comunidad de la Corona de Aragón en Roma, Nostra Dona de Montserrat. Se revisa la bibliografía actual mediante una búsqueda sistemática en los archivos de los Establecimientos Españoles en Roma y se realiza un minucioso análisis métrico y com-positivo de los planos y de los bocetos iniciales. Se estudia el contexto cultural del arquitecto y de su cliente, y se compara la planta actual de la iglesia con las sucesivas propuestas de Antonio Cordini ¿focalizando en la planta definitiva, pero sin olvidar los dibujos U 168 A recto, U 1789 A y U 720 A recto¿. Esto permite corregi…

HistoryArquitectura del RenaixementArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Visual Arts and Performing ArtsHistòria modernaArquitectura religiosaEsglésia i el món

The Usefulness of Optical Coherence Tomography in Disease Progression Monitoring in Younger Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A S…


The purpose of the study was to assess the usefulness of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the detection of the neurodegenerative process in younger patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The study group consisted of 61 patients with a relapsing remitting course of MS (mean age 36.4 ± 6.7 years) divided into two groups: short (≤5 years) and long (>10 years) disease duration. OCT, P300 evoked potential, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and performance subtests (Picture Completion and Digit Symbol) of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale were performed in all patients. Mean values of most parameters assessed in OCT (pRNFL Total, pRNFL Inferior, pRNFL Superior, pRNFL Temporalis, mRNFL, G…

General Medicinemultiple sclerosis; optical coherence tomography; neurodegeneration; cognitive impairment; disease monitoringJournal of Clinical Medicine

Sistematización del estudio histórico (o pancrónico) de las palabras diacríticas


En este artículo se quiere presentar un método que permite analizar las palabras diacríticas del español. El mismo se erige como un modo válido de investigar el léxico restringido a la fraseología en cuanto que permite obtener datos objetivos y empíricos. Estos últimos aseguran la correcta elección de la voz, confirmándola como una voz que no se emplea fuera de la fraseología. Tras un breve estado de la cuestión en el que se proporciona información básica bajo la forma de introducción y objetivos, se detalla la propuesta de análisis, cuya estructura se vertebra en cuatro fases: elección, verificación, compilación y descripción. Cierra este trabajo un apartado de conclusiones y desiderata.

FraseologiaLlenguatge i llengüesFRASEOLEX. Revista Internacional de Fraseología y Lexicología

Removing ocular artifacts from magnetoencephalographic data on naturalistic reading of continuous texts


Naturalistic reading paradigms and stimuli consisting of long continuous texts are essential for characterizing the cortical basis of reading. Due to the highly dynamic nature of the reading process, electrophysiological brain imaging methods with high spatial and temporal resolution, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG), are ideal for tracking them. However, as electrophysiological recordings are sensitive to electromagnetic artifacts, data recorded during naturalistic reading is confounded by ocular artifacts. In this study, we evaluate two different pipelines for removing ocular artifacts from MEG data collected during continuous, naturalistic reading, with the focus on saccades and blin…

electrophysiological recordingsilmänliikkeetMEGlanguageindependent component analysisreadingelektrofysiologiaaivotutkimusnaturalistic taskelectromagnetic brain mappingaivoteye movementlukeminen

Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists and Dual Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide/Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists in the Trea…


The obesity pandemic is accompanied by increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome (MetS) and related conditions: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)/non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD). Lifestyle, as well as an imbalance of energy intake/expenditure, genetic predisposition, and epigenetics could lead to a dysmetabolic milieu, which is the cornerstone for the development of cardiometabolic complications. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (RAs) and dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)/GLP-1 RAs promote positive effects on most components of the “ cardiometabolic continuum” an…

Metabolic SyndromePharmacologyglucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor agonists non-alcoholic fatty liver disease obesity prediabetes tirzepatide type 2 diabetes mellitusGlucagon-Like Peptide-1 ReceptorPrediabetic StateGlucoseDiabetes Mellitus Type 2Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseGlucagon-Like Peptide 1HumansPharmacology (medical)ObesityPeptidesCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineJournal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Leisure Boating Environmental Footprint: A Study of Leisure Marinas in Palermo, Italy


Ports have played a significant role in the touristic development and further economic growth of Italy. It is the country with the highest number of berths among the nations in the Mediterranean Sea; over time, Italy has created ports with a range of functions. Therefore, it is of vital importance to evaluate the potential pollutants generated from these docks and propose ways to eliminate those problems. A survey that asked about the carbon footprint and the quality of the water in the water footprint calculation was created and distributed to the management of the marinas’ operations. After receiving the completed surveys, the data were analyzed and translated using emission factors into …

leisure boatmarina operationRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentleisure boats; marina operation; pollution; tourism; value chainGeography Planning and Developmenttourismpollutionvalue chainBuilding and ConstructionManagement Monitoring Policy and LawSettore ING-IND/35 - Ingegneria Economico-GestionaleSustainability; Volume 15; Issue 1; Pages: 182

Pasquale Culotta, Crispino Valenziano e la tradizione della Composizione Cultuale nella Scuola di Architettura


Lo scritto vuole compiere una verifica su alcune linee di ricerca del progetto per l’architettura cultuale nel quadro della cultura architettonica contemporanea in Sicilia a partire dall’esperienza di Pasquale Culotta e Crispino Valenziano. Dal loro sodalizio, nell’intreccio fecondo tra la dimensione speculativa negli scritti e nelle riflessioni teoriche e la sperimentazione concreta nell’architettura progettata e costruita, emerge la sistematica trattazione di una qualità supera gli ambiti dell’architettura sacra per riferirsi alla più profonda chiave interpretativa di architettura cultuale, concezione in genere sovente trascurata se non ignorata del tutto. Il loro operato rischiara infatt…

Crispino ValenzianoComposizione CultualePedagogia del progettoPasquale CulottaSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaArchitettura per la liturgia

Cronbach’s alpha in mathematics education research: Its appropriateness, overuse, and alternatives in estimating scale reliability


Critiques of coefficient alpha as an estimate of scale reliability are widespread in the literature. However, the continuous overuse of this statistic in mathematics education research suggests a disconnection between theory and practice. As such, this article argues, in a non-technical way, for the limited usefulness of coefficient alpha, its overuse, and its alternatives in estimating scale reliability. Coefficient alpha gives information only about the degree of the interrelatedness of a set of items that measures a construct. Contrary to the widely circulated misconceptions in mathematics education research, a high coefficient alpha value does not mean the instrument is reliable, and it…

VDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Matematikk: 410General PsychologyFrontiers in Psychology

Il “corpo proprio” e il sentire in comune: Empfindung, Einfühlung, Mitgefühl. La dinamica del sentire e la questione dell’empatia fra Sulzer ed Herder


The contribution aims to identify some theoretical lines that cross the German Enlightenment reflection from Leibniz and Wolff to Herder, focusing on the relationship between oneself and otherness, between the dimension of “one’s own body” and the theme of “feeling in common”. Thus, we propose to identify some of the flow lines along which reflection on empathy develops. Keywords: Empathy, German Enlightenment, Herder, Self and Otherness, Sulzer

Settore M-FIL/04 - EsteticaEmpathy German Enlightenment Herder Self and Otherness Sulzer

The Chemistry and the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Polymethoxyflavonoids from Citrus Genus


Polymethoxyflavonoids (PMFs) are a large group of compounds belonging to the more general class of flavonoids that possess a flavan carbon framework decorated with a variable number of methoxy groups. Hydroxylated polymethoxyflavonoids (HPMFs), instead, are characterized by the presence of both hydroxyl and methoxy groups in their structural unities. Some of these compounds are the aglycone part in a glycoside structure in which the glycosidic linkage can involve the −OH at various positions. These compounds are particular to Citrus genus plants, especially in fruits, and they are present mainly in the peel. A considerable number of PMFs and HPMFs have shown promising biological activities …

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreepolyphenolpolymethoxyflavonoidPhysiologyClinical Biochemistryhydroxylated polymethoxyflavonoidCitrus genuCell Biologyanti-inflammatory activity.Settore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaMolecular BiologyBiochemistryNMR

Canakinumab as first-line biological therapy in Still’s disease and differences between the systemic and the chronic-articular courses: Real-life exp…


ObjectiveInterleukin (IL)-1 inhibitors are largely employed in patients with Still’s disease; in cases with refractory arthritis, IL-6 inhibitors have shown to be effective on articular inflammatory involvement. The aim of the present study is to assess any difference in the effectiveness of the IL-1β antagonist canakinumab prescribed as first-line biologic agent between the systemic and the chronic-articular Still’s disease.MethodsData were drawn from the retrospective phase of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) international registry dedicated to Still’s disease. Patients with Still’s disease classified according to internationally accepted criteria (Yamaguchi criteria and/or Fa…

AOSD; adult onset Still’s disease; autoinflammatory diseases; biological therapy; interleukin-1; sJIA; systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritisadult onset Still’s diseaseAOSD adult onset Still’s disease autoinflammatory diseases biological therapy interleukin-1 sJIA systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritisSettore MED/38 - Pediatria Generale E Specialisticasystemic juvenile idiopathic arthritisbiological therapyAOSDGeneral Medicineautoinflammatory diseasesinterleukin-1sJIAFrontiers in Medicine

EU heritage diplomacy : entangled external and internal cultural relations


Cultural heritage is an expanding yet contested area of EU policymaking, which has recently been identified as an instrument for EU international cultural relations. In this article, drawing from critical heritage studies and recent scholarship on heritage diplomacy, we see external and internal cultural relations as blurred and deeply entangled in EU heritage policies. Empirically, we focus on the European Heritage Label (EHL), a central EU heritage policy instrument. We explore how heritage practitioners at selected EHL sites and EU heritage policymakers understand and give meanings to international cultural relations and explain the role of cultural heritage in diplomatic endeavours. Our…

Cultural Studiesinternational cultural relationsEU-maatSociology and Political Sciencekulttuurisuhteettunnuksetkulttuuripolitiikkapäätöksentekokansainvälinen yhteistyökulttuuriperintömerkkibrändäysheritage diplomacykansainväliset suhteetEuropean Heritage LabeldiplomatiakulttuuriperintökulttuuriEuropean Union

Minne matka, Työväen Urheiluliitto?


liikuntakulttuuristrategiaturheilu- ja liikuntajärjestötliikuntapolitiikkatyöläisurheiluvapaaehtoistyöKeskusteluaGeneral Medicineyhteiskunnallinen muutosTyöväen urheiluliittoTyöväentutkimus Vuosikirja

Aineenopettajaksi opiskelevien koulukokemuksia sukupuolistuneesta väkivallasta


Artikkelissa tarkastelemme sukupuolistunutta väkivaltaa aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden koulukokemusten näkökulmasta. Merkittävä määrä nuorista altistuu väkivallan ja häirinnän eri muodoille. Kouluterveyskyselyjen mukaan erityisesti tyttöihin ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kohdistuva väkivalta ja seksuaalinen häirintä ovat viime vuosien aikana lisääntyneet huolestuttavasti. Koulun ja opettajien rooli ilmiöön puuttumisessa on tärkeä, samoin opettajankoulutuksen, jonka aikana opiskelijoiden olisi tärkeä tulla tietoiseksi väkivallan ilmenemismuodoista ja niihin puuttumisen mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin fokusryhmähaastatteluilla, joihin osallistui yhteensä 18 aineenopettajaopiskeli…

school experiencesopiskelijatschool culture516 KasvatustieteetväkivaltakoululaisetGeneral Medicinekoulukulttuurisukupuolistunut väkivaltahenkinen väkivaltakoulukokemuksetaineenopettajatnuoretseksuaalinen häirintägender-based violenceaineenopettajakoulutuskokemukset5142 Sosiaali- ja yhteiskuntapolitiikkakiusaaminensubject teacher educationennaltaehkäisyArtikkelitopettajankoulutusinterventiohäirintä

Repensar las identidades culturales en el mundo hispánico I: Interpretaciones, poéticas y resistencias desde España


Vol. 7 de la Colección Anejos Diablotexto Digital