showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Actitudes y creencias machistas en Educación física hacia una profesora en prácticas
El siguiente estudio surge ante la intimidación y vulnerabilidad que sintió una profesora de Educación Física ante la mirada machista por parte del alumnado durante las primeras semanas de sus prácticas docentes en un primer curso del ciclo formativo del Grado Superior de Enseñanza y Animación Sociodeportiva en un centro de la ciudad de Valencia. Adoptando una perspectiva feminista y crítica, la profesora en cuestión desarrolló dos ciclos de Investigación-Acción (I-A) para recoger evidencias acerca de las actitudes y creencias machistas del alumnado en sus interacciones en clase, para posteriormente tratar de concienciarlos respecto al carácter discriminatorio de dichas conductas, así como …
Parenthood and changes in physical activity from early adulthood to mid‐life among Finnish adults
This study examined longitudinal associations between parenthood-related factors and physical activity from young adulthood to midlife over a 19-year follow-up period. Participants (n=761) at the ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study responded to a self-report questionnaire in their adulthood (in 1992, 2001, 2007 and 2011). Participants were classified as meeting or not meeting an aerobic physical activity recommendation. Parenthood related factors included the age of having their first child, as well as the number and age of the children. Analyses of Generalized Estimation Equations were performed and adjusted for several demographic and health-related covariates. Both mothers a…
Systemic hemostatic agents initiated in trauma patients in the pre-hospital setting: a systematic review
Abstract Purpose The effect of systemic hemostatic agents initiated during pre-hospital care of severely injured patients with ongoing bleeding or traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains controversial. A systematic review and meta-analysis was therefore conducted to assess the effectiveness and safety of systemic hemostatic agents as an adjunctive therapy in people with major trauma and hemorrhage or TBI in the context of developing the Italian National Institute of Health guidelines on major trauma integrated management. Methods PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases were searched up to October 2021 for studies that investigated pre-hospital initiated treatment with systemic hemostati…
Millainen johtaminen tuki peruskoulujen henkilöstön työhyvinvointia covid-19-pandemiasta johtuneen etäkoulun aikana?
Henkilökunnan hyvinvointi on yhteydessä johtamiseen, mutta koulukontekstissa johtajuuden merkitystä henkilökunnan hyvinvoinnille (ja sitä kautta oppilaiden hyvinvoinnille) tunnetaan heikosti. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitymme kolmeen johtajuusominaisuuteen, jotka kirjallisuuden perusteella näyttäytyvät potentiaalisina hyvinvointijohtamisen tekijöinä koulukontekstissa: palveleva johtaminen, henkilöstön hyvinvoinnista huolehtiminen ja jaettu vastuu. Tutkimme, ovatko nämä tammi-helmikuussa 2020 (n=437, 48 koulua) ennen etäkoulua Keski-Suomen koulujen henkilökunnan arvioimat johtajuustekijät yhteydessä heti etäkoulun päättyessä toukokuussa 2020 (n=270, 27 koulua) arvioituun henkilöstön hyvinvointi…
Imágenes complementarias en los libros de texto de Educación Física: un estudio de los estereotipos en los textos de Primaria
El objetivo del estudio es averiguar qué imágenes complementarias se representan en los libros de texto de Educación Física en la etapa de Primaria, y comprobar si reproducen estereotipos. La muestra estuvo formada por un total de 2056 imágenes, pertenecientes a 34 libros de texto de la etapa de Primaria, publicados por seis editoriales españolas entre 2006 y 2013. La técnica de investigación fue el análisis de contenido a través de la herramienta SAIMEF. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y posteriormente se realizaron tablas de contingencia mediante el estadístico de contraste Ji-Cuadrado de Pearson (χ2), fijando el nivel de significación en el 5% (α=.05). Los resultados mostraron imágene…
Pääoma hakkuuaukealla
Metsien hiilensidonta on keskeinen kysymys ekologisessa siirtymässä, ja metsäekologioiden ja biodiversiteetin tilaa olisi kohennettava kiireisesti. Toisaalla metsäresurssien odotetaan toimivan materiaalisena pohjana uudelle vihreän kasvun biotaloussyklille. Samalla metsäteollisuuden kannattavuus on laskussa ja sen materiaalinen läpivirtaama on kasvanut. Tähän tilanteeseen johtaneita kehityskulkuja selitetään tässä artikkelissa kuitupuukapitalismiksi kutsumamme metsätalouden tendenssin avulla. Tarkastelemme kuitupuukapitalismia James C. Scottin luettavuuden (legibility) käsitteen sekä voiton suhdeluvun laskutendenssin teorian kautta. Esitämme historiallisen tarkastelun pohjalta, että kuritto…
Febrile infection-related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES): a severe encephalopathy with status epilepticus. Literature review and presentation of two new c…
AbstractFIRES is defined as a disorder that requires a prior febrile infection starting between 2 weeks and 24 h before the onset of the refractory status epilepticus with or without fever at the onset of status epilepticus. The patients, previously normal, present in the acute phase recurrent seizures and status epilepticus followed by a severe course with usually persistent seizures and residual cognitive impairment. Boundary with “new onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) has not clearly established. Pathogenetic hypothesis includes inflammatory or autoimmune mechanism with a possible genetic predisposition for an immune response dysfunction.Various types of treatment have been pro…
Does Stretching Training Influence Muscular Strength? A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
Thomas, E, Ficarra, S, Nunes, JP, Paoli, A, Bellafiore, M, Palma, A, and Bianco, A. Does stretching training influence muscular strength? A systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2022-This aim of this study was to review articles that performed stretching training and evaluated the effects on muscular strength. Literature search was performed using 3 databases. Studies were included if they compared the effects on strength following stretching training vs. a nontraining control group or stretching training combined with resistance training (RT) vs. an RT-only group, after at least 4 weeks of intervention. The meta-analyses were performe…
La objeción de conciencia institucional a la práctica de la Eutanasia: ¿Pretensión abusiva o derecho legítimo?
La aprobación de la Ley Orgánica 3/2021, de 24 de marzo, de regulación de la eutanasia, impone a todos los centros sanitarios el deber de prestar la ayuda para morir a las personas que lo soliciten, al tiempo que cierra la puerta a la objeción de conciencia institucional. El presente artículo se plantea si dicha exclusión resulta coherente con el marco constitucional español. Para ello, (1) se analiza la configuración jurídica del derecho a la objeción de conciencia en el ordenamiento jurídico español; (2) se ofrecen los argumentos a favor y en contra de la objeción institucional; y (3) se realizan algunas precisiones relativas al derecho a objetar de entidades del sector público y de entid…
Communicating Online in an Ethical Way: Lilia Duskaeva (ed.): The Ethics of Humour in Online Slavic Media Communication. Routledge. London and New Yo…
Observation of the J/ψ and ψ(3686) decays into ηΣ+Σ¯−
Comparaisons intensives en français médiéval : les noms d’animaux comme deuxième terme de la comparaison
Nous étudions les comparaisons intensives du français médiéval (ancien et moyen français) dont le deuxième terme correspond à un nom d’animal (p. ex. ‘hardi comme un lion’, ‘humble comme un mouton’, ‘battre qqn comme un âne’). Nous envisageons successivement (en suivant une typologie zoologique d’inspiration médiévale) les noms génériques d’animaux, les noms de quadrupèdes (sauvages et domestiques), les oiseaux, les poissons et la vermine. Nous donnons de nombreux exemples issus de sources variées. Nous avons identifié une soixantaine de bases adjectivales et une quarantaine de bases verbales distinctes pour le type de comparaisons considérées. L’étude de ces comparaisons (présentant différ…
Signal Spectrum-Based Machine Learning Approach for Fault Prediction and Maintenance of Electrical Machines
Industrial revolution 4.0 has enabled the advent of new technological advancements, including the introduction of information technology with physical devices. The implementation of information technology in industrial applications has helped streamline industrial processes and make them more cost-efficient. This combination of information technology and physical devices gave birth to smart devices, which opened up a new research area known as the Internet of Things (IoT). This has enabled researchers to help reduce downtime and maintenance costs by applying condition monitoring on electrical machines utilizing machine learning algorithms. Although the industry is trying to move from schedu…
Il dibattito culturale attorno alle prime sperimentazioni di tutela attiva dei monumenti architettonici
In Sicily the first service of active protection of monuments was experimented with a law of Ferdinand IV Borbone, who named the princes of Biscari and Torremuzza ‘royal guardians’ and Carlo Chenchi ‘architect of antiquities’. In that period, the temple of Segesta was restored, which had been damaged by lightning in 1726 which struck the eastern façade and a column was built with different stones which, a few years later, was declared too distinguishable. In the cathedral of Palermo in 1835 the construction of a neo-Gothic bell tower was completed based on a project by the architect Emanuele Palazzotto, which replaced the Baroque one built after the earthquake of 1726. Restoration has perha…
Il Pnnr e le economie del turismo in Italia: le disparità regionali e le politiche
The Italian regions show marked differences in the pattern of tourism development. These disparities can be offset by implementing a shared plan that supports the post-pandemic restart and strengthens its resilience to external shocks. The multiannual programming initiative launched by the EU with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) aims to address the consequences of the exogenous shocks triggered by the crisis from Covid-19 on the European production system. According to a top-down strategy articulated in a national plan and regional and sub-regional action plans, the large number of economic resources foreseen in the Plan will produce significant effects. The Pnrr's general …
A class of weak pseudo-bosons and their bi-coherent states
In this paper we extend some previous results on weak pseudo-bosons and on their related bi-coherent states. The role of {\em compatible} functions is discussed in details, and some examples are considered. The pseudo-bosonic ladder operators analysed in this paper generalize significantly those considered so far, and a class of new diagonalizable manifestly non self-adjoint Hamiltonians are deduced.
Browning-induced changes in trophic functioning of planktonic food webs in temperate and boreal lakes: insights from fatty acids
AbstractThe effects of lake browning on trophic functioning of planktonic food webs are not fully understood. We studied the effects of browning on the response patterns of polyunsaturated fatty acids and n−3/n−6 ratio in seston and compared them between boreal and temperate lakes. We also compared the regional differences and the effects of lake browning on the reliance of zooplankton on heterotrophic microbial pathways and the mass fractions of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in zooplankton. Lake browning was associated with increasing phytoplankton biomass and concentrations of EPA and DHA in both temperate and boreal lakes, but the seston n−3/n−6 ratio was low…
La representación escolar de las ciencias sociales en los programas de segunda oportunidad
El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de las periferias escolares sobre las ciencias sociales. Para ello se ha diseñado y validado un instrumento, con el objetivo de que 120 alumnos de institutos públicos de secundaria de la Comunidad Valenciana puedan aportar información sobre su aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales, las estrategias didácticas realizadas por el profesorado y su valoración, de la formación ciudadana. de aquellos proyectos didácticos que trabajan los problemas socialmente relevantes. La percepción de las ciencias sociales es óptima y con diferencias más significativas entre los dos cursos analizados. -- The aim of this study is to kn…
An agent-based model to support the preliminary design and operation of heating and power grids with cogeneration units and photovoltaic panels in de…
The increase in the energy demands of residential neighborhoods constitutes a huge challenge to be faced. A viable option lies in the insertion of both renewable energy production systems and cogeneration units within urban territories. On-site production allows for the satisfaction of the heating and electrical demands of end-users and favors the distribution of produced energy within the neighborhood, especially under the regulatory framework of energy communities. This paper proposes a tool to model heating and electricity networks integrated with cogeneration units and PV panels installed in urban areas. The tool accounts for the following possibilities: (i) energy flow management and p…
BEM-Based Magnetic Field Reconstruction by Ensemble Kálmán Filtering
Abstract Magnetic fields generated by normal or superconducting electromagnets are used to guide and focus particle beams in storage rings, synchrotron light sources, mass spectrometers, and beamlines for radiotherapy. The accurate determination of the magnetic field by measurement is critical for the prediction of the particle beam trajectory and hence the design of the accelerator complex. In this context, state-of-the-art numerical field computation makes use of boundary-element methods (BEM) to express the magnetic field. This enables the accurate computation of higher-order partial derivatives and local expansions of magnetic potentials used in efficient numerical codes for particle tr…
Penser la prose pour chanter Athènes : quelques réflexions sur le langage dans le Panathénaïque d’Aelius Aristide
Sans sous-estimer la place de la poésie dans la société hellénisée du Haut-Empire, on ne peut nier que la littérature grecque d’époque impériale soit dominée par l’écriture de la prose. L’orateur prend de plus en plus nettement la place du poète, dans un rapport qui revendique tout à la fois la continuité et la rivalité. La prose s’impose en acte, par la production des œuvres elles-mêmes, mais aussi à travers une réflexion sur sa propre nature, ses valeurs et la place à laquelle elle aspire f...
High winter survival rate of acorn ants inside artificial nest sites (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Although most species of ants overwinter underground to avoid low temperatures, the acorn ants of the genus Temnothorax remain in nests situated at ground level. During a field experiment, I studied the winter mortality of acorn ants in nest sites situated aboveground, as well as in sites experimentally buried in the soil. Despite the low air temperatures (even reaching –19°C, recorded 1.5 m above the ground), the survivorship was very high: all of the 18 queens used in the experiment survived, while the survival rate of workers was 61.9-100%, and for most colonies it exceeded 95%. The rate of survival in the nest sites aboveground and those experimentally buried in the soil was similar. Su…
Une politique à l’épreuve du politique : le cas du conflit de Vila Leopoldina (São Paulo)
[dir.] Tamara Boussac et Esther Cyna International audience L’espace urbain est à la fois le support, l’instrument et l’objet de conflits au Brésil, où l’héritage colonial fait de l’accès à la terre un facteur d’inégalités sociospatiales prépondérant. Droit au logement et droit à la ville sont deux arguments de lutte récurrents. Ce que nous observons à Vila Leopoldina est différent : depuis quelques années, ce quartier est le théâtre d’un conflit où des habitants aisés refusent de manière véhémente un nouveau Projet d’intervention urbaine (PIU). Pourquoi les plus riches refusent-ils ce projet ? Nous partons du postulat selon lequel les politiques urbaines récentes (et plus largement, les mé…
Un modello per la retorica: la presenza di Virgilio nell’Institutio Oratoria di Quintiliano
L’article analyse la présence de citations de Virgile dans l’Institution Oratoire de Quintilien. La présence de Virgile dans l’œuvre de Quintilien est l’un des premiers témoignages de la diffusion de la production du poète mantouan dans les pratiques scolaires, avec une nette préférence pour la doctrine relative à l’elocutio mais aussi, comme on peut le voir dans Inst. Or. 12.1.25, pour la revendication du rôle fondamental de l’orateur dans la société romaine.
Recensione a Corinne Bonnet (sous la direction de), Noms de dieux. Portraits de divinités antiques Anacharsis Éditions, Toulouse 2021, ISBN 979-10-27…
Review of Noms de dieux. Portraits de divinités antiques, ed. Corinne Bonnet, Anacharsis Éditions, Toulouse 2021
Validation of 2D Force Measurement Roller Ski and Practical Application.
Several methods could be used to measure the forces from skis or roller skis in cross-country skiing. Equipment that could measure medio-lateral forces may be of good help for investigating the relevant skating techniques. The aim of this study was to validate a pair of newly designed two-dimensional force measurement roller skis. The vertical and medio-lateral forces which were perpendicular to the body of the roller ski could be measured. Forces were resolved into the global coordinate system and compared with the force components measured by a force plate. A static and dynamic loading situation for the force measurement roller ski was performed to reveal the validity of the system. To de…
Chemical Composition of Thymus leucotrichus var. creticus Essential Oil and Its Protective Effects on Both Damage and Oxidative Stress in Leptodictyu…
The chemical profile of the essential oil (EO) of the aerial parts of Thymus leucotrichus var. creticus (Lamiaceae), a taxon not previously studied, was investigated by GC–MS analysis, using a DB–Wax polar column. Oxygenated monoterpenes and monoterpene hydrocarbons dominate the EO, with thymol (46.97%) and p-cymene (28.64%) as the main constituent of these two classes, respectively. The ability of the EO of T. leucotrichus to reduce Cd toxicity was studied in aquatic moss Leptodictyum riparium. To study EO-induced tolerance to Cd toxicity, apex growth, number of dead cells, DNA damage and antioxidant response in gametophytes were examined. The exogenous application of the EO yields a resum…
Citizen science project to monitor wildlife: a first census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily
Citizen science can represent an effective tool for large- scale data collection and can be used to improve scientific knowledge and define species distribution ranges before proper planning of related conservation strategies. A regional census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily, never achieved before, was organized by GAM (Gruppo Aquila Minore - Booted Eagle Group) on 12 Janu- ary 2020, involving 90 people from several organizations. A total of 112 wintering individuals have been recorded for the whole region, col- lecting related data about their colour morph, habitat preference and altitude. A regional estimate of 180-220 wintering individuals was cal- culated, also …
Il grado zero dell'abitare
In un racconto del 1977 dal titolo Terapia Intensiva, James G. Ballard profeticamente anticipa una società che vive in un lockdown estremo: si vive sempre in casa e, di conseguenza, le relazioni sono esclusivamente telematiche. L’incontro fisico che, ad un certo punto avviene tra i personaggi della storia, diventa traumatico e si conclude tragicamente. Notoriamente la condizione pandemica ci ha costretto ad una simile implosione domestica. Ma, paradossalmente, il massimo dell’abitare domestico diventa il suo minimo, si risolve in un non-abitare, una sorta di grado zero dell’abitare. In a 1977 story titled Intensive Care, James G. Ballard prophetically anticipates a society that lives in an …
Le minoranze nazionali e i gruppi etnici in Ucraina come parte della questione linguistico-identitaria
The article aims at illustrating the linguistic situation of national minorities and ethnic groups in independent Ukraine. It describes the historical context in which minority groups in Ukraine were formed, as well as the main language identity issues that Ukraine had to face before and after 1991. The socio-political dynamics in which minorities lived in the first decades after 1991 are described. The main part outlines the situation of major minorities, provides data concerning the variation of specific groups and underlines how these numerical fluctuations have affected the linguistic situation of the country. The article takes into consideration statistical data, scientific articles an…
Changes of several metabolic parameters of soya inoculated with phytopathogens at application nanochelates
n greenhouse experiments changes in several metabolic parameters soybeans plants after inoculation by P. savastanoi pv. glycinea 9190, X. axonopodis pv. glycines 9192, BCMV, A. laidlawii on background pre-treatment by nanochelates (NHs) of V, Ge, Cu, Mo have been shown. The phenolic compounds content increased in leaves at inoculation by phytopathogens on background pre-treatment by NHs and without it. The content of H2O2 in leaves increased in variants: BCMV (+VNHs, GeNHs, CuNHs), 9192 (+VNHs, CuNHs), 9190 (+GeNHs, CuNHs), A. laidlawii+MoNHs. But it decreased in the variants: BCMV + MoNHs, A. laidlawii + VNHs, 9190 + VNHs, 9192 (+ GeNHs, CuNHs) compared to controls. The peroxidase activity…
Multiobjective optimization of building energy consumption and thermal comfort based on integrated BIM framework with machine learning-NSGA II
Detailed parametric analysis and measurements are required to reduce building energy usage while maintaining acceptable thermal conditions. This research suggested a system that combines Building Information Modeling (BIM), machine learning, and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA II) to investigate the impact of building factors on energy usage and find the optimal design. A plugin is developed to receive sensor data and export all necessary information from BIM to MSSQL and Excel. The BIM model was imported to IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE) to execute an energy consumption simulation and then a pairwise test to produce the sample data set. To study the data set a…
Automatic social distance estimation for photographic studies: Performance evaluation, test benchmark, and algorithm
The social distancing regulations introduced to slow down the spread of COVID-19 virus directly affect a basic form of non-verbal communication, and there may be longer term impacts on human behavior and culture that remain to be analyzed in proxemics studies. To obtain quantitative results for such studies, large media and/or personal photo collections must be analyzed. Several social distance monitoring methods have been proposed for safety purposes, but they are not directly applicable to general photo collections with large variations in the imaging setup. In such studies, the interest shifts from safety to analyzing subtle differences in social distances. Currently, there is no suitabl…
Studies on the genus Capparis L. (Capparaceae) in Lao PDR. VI: a new species from the Bolikhamxai Province
A new species of Capparis, C. phatadke, is described and illustrated from the Bolikhamxai Province, central Lao PDR. The new species is characterized by lianous habit, brown-reddish indumentum, straight stipular thorns, laminar bracts, large flowers arranged in terminal corymbs or subumbels, long filaments and large ovary. It is so far known from a single locality, where has been observed in mixed deciduous forest and secondary forest in a limestone area. Its ecology and phenology are discussed, and its conservation status is assessed.
Passero Passer italiae x hispaniolensis nidificante su barca da pesca in Sicilia
This short note reports the curious breeding, in terms of nest features, of several Sparrows mainly showing the phenotype of the Spanish Sparrow or Passer prope hispaniolensis, though, few males exhibited less barred flanks as for the Passer italiae. This is in agre- ement with the ambiguous taxonomy of Sparrows of Sicily that is emerged over the past 150 years. As matter of fact, the taxonomic classification of the Sicilian sparrow spans from Passer hispaniolen- sis to Passer italiae and includes hybrid species in between. Massa et al (2022) propose to name these populations Passer italiae x hispa- niolensis. Here, for the first time, the curious nesting of Passer prope hispa- niolensis on…