showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Love, Gender and Class in the Nationalist Project of Emilia Pardo Bazán: An Unsentimental Story
Este texto ilustra cómo los ejes de tradición y modernidad, nación y región, Norte y Sur, y clase y género se entrecruzan en cada contexto específico en relación con diversos proyectos políticos y nacionales. La autora analiza el caso de la gran novelista y feminista española Emilia Pardo Bazán y los significados que encierran sus infructuosos intentos de ser reconocida como "escritora nacional". En la discusión sobre el lugar que debía ocupar en el canon español o en el debate que mantuvo con Manuel Murguía sobre las diferencias que la separaban de la otra gran escritora gallega de la época, Rosalía de Castro, lo que se discutía en última instancia eran cuestiones de gran importancia como …
Dal mare al museo. Il recupero di uno scheletro di stenella striata, Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen 1833)
In 2021, the Museum of Zoology “P. Doderlein” of the University of Palermo acquired a new specimen, the complete skeleton of Stenella coeruleoalba, a striped dolphin stranded in 2018 in Marinella di Selinunte, Castelvetrano (Sicily, Southern Italy). The project herein described is the result of a collaboration among the Bio-Reconstruction Laboratory of the IAS-CNR of Capo Granitola, the IZS of Palermo, the company Naturaliter and the Museum of Zoology “P. Doderlein”. In Natural History Museums, cetaceans are an excellent tool to facilitate scientific dissemination aimed at the conservation of marine biodiversity. The work herein described is presented as an example of good practices in reco…
Fish welfare in aquaculture: From physiology to molecular activities and new tools for study innovative diets, social and spatial stress
Guaranteeing a high quality of life for animals has recently become a matter of increasing concern. Welfare assessment has been well-developed for terrestrial species, mainly for those kept in captivity, but the current state of the art is less well-characterized for aquatic animals. The classical methodologies utilised to date, such as the kind of behavioural observation widely used for terrestrial animals, are not appropriate for improving our knowledge of the well-being of aquatic animals if used alone, mainly due to the large number of species and the difficulty of obtaining comparative results among the different taxa of interest. Among different approaches, the evaluation of internal …
Opto-thermal dynamics of thin-film optical limiters based on the VO2 phase transition
Protection of human eyes or sensitive detectors from high-intensity laser radiation is an important challenge in modern light technologies. Metasurfaces have proved to be valuable tools for such light control, but the actual possibility of merging multiple materials in the nanofabrication process hinders their application. Here we propose and numerically investigate the opto-thermal properties of plane multilayered structures with phase-change materials for optical limiters. Our structure relies on thin-film VO2 phase change material on top of a gold film and a sapphire substrate. We show how such a multi-layer structure can act as a self-activating device that exploits light-to-heat conver…
On the Spanish National Character: Gender and Modernity in Joseph de La Porte’s Le Voyageur françois (1772)
Este texto analiza la tensión entre la imagen autorreferencial de la modernidad europea construida por los pensadores ilustrados y la percepción de las peculiaridades nacionales que la desestabilizan desde el Sur, a partir de la caracterización de los españoles que encontramos en la colección de viajes de Joseph de La Porte Le Voyageur François (1765-1795). En esta enciclopédica reelaboración de relatos de viaje, La Porte utilizó constantemente el Sur europeo para establecer por contraste los rasgos de una modernidad asociada a los franceses. El texto evidencia la relevancia de géneros como los relatos de viajes (y más concretamente, las colecciones de viajes, un producto de síntesis comerc…
Goût de France/Good France, un menu « à la française »
Six semaines avant le colloque tourangeau « Modèle culinaire français : diffusion, adaptations, transformations, oppositions à travers le monde », soit le 22 octobre 2014, Laurent Fabius, alors ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international, annonce devant le Conseil pour la promotion du tourisme – qu’il préside – le lancement de la campagne « Goût de France/Good France ». Alain Ducasse, parrain de l’opération 2015, accompagné d’autres chefs présents, apporta ensuite les a...
Editorial: Recent Advances in Thyroid Surgery
Thyroid surgery has been, since its earliest application, one of the most notable fields in medicine, illustrated by the fact that the Nobel Prize in Medicine was won, for the first time, for thyroid surgery by Emil Theodor Kocher (1841–1917) in 1909, for his contributions to thyroid physiology, pathology, and surgery [...]
Landslides susceptibility stochastic modelling under earthquakes and rainfalls triggering: applications to 2001 earthquakes (13th January and 13th Fe…
Efficacy of a between-session homework component delivered digitally for the treatment of adjustment disorders: Results from a pilot randomized clini…
Background: Adjustment Disorder (AjD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed mental disorders worldwide. However, there is still no treatment of choice for this problem. One of the first treatment programs specifically designed for AjD is the one presented in this study, a CBT protocol that uses Virtual Reality (VR) to improve patients’ adherence. Another key aspect to improve treatment outcomes is the use of between-sessions homework. However, little is known about how to increase patient engagement with these tasks. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help patients to see homework as less demanding and provides greater flexibility. A previous study tested the…
Vin de terroir et vin du terroir : entre mythe et réalité
Introduction Parler du vin est le signe d’une socialisation évidente et c’est un des concepts à la mode qui s’inscrit dans l’intérêt global porté à la gastronomie. Pour construire le discours autour de ce produit largement marketé, le recours à une classification basée sur les labels et appellations (AOP, AOC) est nécessaire mais non suffisante, semble-t-il, puisque la notion de terroir s’est largement invitée dans de nombreux discours et sur les supports. La recherche d’authenticité et de pr...
GeomIO version used in 'Subduction initiation triggered the Caribbean Large Igneous Province'
GeomIO version used in 'Subduction initiation triggered the Caribbean Large Igneous Province'
LaMEM version used in 'Subduction initiation triggered the Caribbean Large Igneous Province'
LaMEM version used in 'Subduction initiation triggered the Caribbean Large Igneous Province' Master branch of LaMEM available at:
Distance-based and ranking methods for preference rankings, preference-approvals and textual analysis
Local methods for complex spatio-temporal point processes
Clinical Potential of Circulating Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA) for Longitudinally Monitoring Clinical Outcomes in the First-Line Setting of Non-Small-Cell L…
Background: Despite the increasing implementation of targeted and immunotherapy-based treatments, the prognosis of patients with advanced NSCLC remains dismal. We prospectively evaluated longitudinal plasma cfDNA kinetics as an early marker of therapeutic efficacy in patients with advanced NSCLC undergoing standard first-line treatments. Methods: From February 2020 to May 2022, treatment-naïve patients with advanced NSCLC were consecutively enrolled at the Medical Oncology Unit of the Paolo Giaccone University Hospital, Palermo (Italy). We quantified cfDNA in terms of ng/μL using a QubitTM dsDNA HS Assay Kit. The agreement between the cfDNA and radiologic response was evaluated from…
La formazione degli insegnanti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado per orientare gli studenti alla scelta formativo-professionale post-diploma
I professionisti dell’orientamento non sono gli unici attori chiamati a intervenire nei processi decisionali delle persone più giovani: gli insegnanti, proprio perché sono quotidianamente in contatto diretto con gli alunni in classe, possono intervenire in loro favore aiutandoli nel delicato processo di sviluppo personale e professionale. Per questo motivo è descritto inizialmente il quadro teorico della didattica orientativa, (l’orientare insegnando), per poi enunciare subito dopo le esigenze formative specifiche di un insegnante che voglia realizzare in classe la dimensione orientativa dell’attività docente. L’insegnante che vuole orientare i suoi alunni ha bisogno sia di una formazione t…
Developing Antibiofilm Fibrillar Scaffold with Intrinsic Capacity to Produce Silver Nanoparticles
The development of biomedical systems with antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties is a difficult medical task for preventing bacterial adhesion and growth on implanted devices. In this work, a fibrillar scaffold was produced by electrospinning a polymeric organic dispersion of polylactic acid (PLA) and poly(α,β-(N-(3,4-dihydroxyphenethyl)-L-aspartamide-co-α,β-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-L-aspartamide) (PDAEA). The pendant catechol groups of PDAEA were used to reduce silver ions in situ and produce silver nanoparticles onto the surface of the electrospun fibers through a simple and reproducible procedure. The morphological and physicochemical characterization of the obtained s…
Cancer registries and data protection in the age of health digital interoperability in Europe: The perspective of the Italian Network of Cancer Regis…
Population-based cancer registries (PBCRs) are advanced public health systems providing ongoing surveillance through systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of high-quality data on cancer incident cases registered in a defined population residing in a specific geographical area (1, 2). Basically, PBCRs are well equipped for strengthening cancer surveillance, playing a strategic role in making geographic and temporal variation comparisons to highlight cancer epidemics, while assessing the effectiveness of preventive interventions and oncological care (3). Furthermore, many PBCRs provide cancer risk communication to local communities and authorities by using valuabl…
Gallantry and Sociability in the South of Europe: Shifting Gender Relationships and Representations
Este capítulo analiza de forma comparada cómo enjuiciaron las relaciones galantes entre mujeres y hombres, y en particular el vínculo entre una dama casada y un caballero conocido como cicisbeo, chichisveo o cortejo, algunos viajeros y filósofos del Norte de Europa que en el siglo XVIII visitaron Italia o España y de qué modos respondieron autores y autoras locales a esas miradas. Los primeros tendieron a interpretar esas relaciones en clave de adulterio, haciendo de ellas prueba de la incapacidad de los meridionales para controlar sus pasiones, por razón del clima o de la religión; solo algunos, más perspicaces o empáticos, comprendieron la lógica de una costumbre que daba respuesta a la i…
Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin (Part I): Induced Alterations on Climate Forcings and Hydrological Processes
In the last years, the Mediterranean basin has been widely recognized as one of the most vulnerable areas in the world to climate change; because of its high concentration of urban and industrial settlements, it is one of the most impacted areas of the world in terms of water scarcity. The present paper aims at reviewing the main observed and predicted effects of climate change on hydrological processes directly related to water availability in the Mediterranean Basin, mainly focusing on the last ten years of research. While an in-depth discussion about possible future water scarcity problem in the Mediterranean area and the sources of uncertainty affecting future climate projections and im…
Identification of multiplicatively acting modulatory mutational signatures in cancer
Abstract Background A deep understanding of carcinogenesis at the DNA level underpins many advances in cancer prevention and treatment. Mutational signatures provide a breakthrough conceptualisation, as well as an analysis framework, that can be used to build such understanding. They capture somatic mutation patterns and at best identify their causes. Most studies in this context have focused on an inherently additive analysis, e.g. by non-negative matrix factorization, where the mutations within a cancer sample are explained by a linear combination of independent mutational signatures. However, other recent studies show that the mutational signatures exhibit non-additive interactions. Resu…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. material 1. © Gabriele Galasso et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Effects of exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide on haematological parameters, plasma biochemical indices and the microstructure of selected organ…
Contamination of water environments with herbicides is a common problem nowadays. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effects of Roundup on common carp ( Cyprinus carpio) after 1, 3 and 10 days of exposure. The used concentrations corresponded to 1 and 5 mg/l of the active ingredient (glyphosate potassium salt). The haematological analysis performed showed a decrease of the RBC count, as well as an increase of the other erythrocyte indices (Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC). Most of these changes were dependent on the concentration and time. An increase of the WBC count and the percentage of immature neutrophils occurred, thus indicating the presence of inflammation. In the studied blood bio…
La programmazione del turismo delle regioni e la Regione Toscana
With reference to the functions attributed to municipalities and provinces, the Tuscany Region has maintained a central role of planning and coordination of activities in the tourism sector. Local authorities and the various territorial levels of the trade associations of undertakings and workers are also formally involved in the preparation of regional planning. For this purpose, some regions have set up consultation tables to involve all public and private stakeholders in the sector. The article delves into the modalities of tourism planning, highlighting the training process and the laws of reference.
Maximizers’ Susceptibility to the Effect of Frequency vs. Percentage Format in Risk Representation
The present study explored the susceptibility of maximizers to the effect of the specific information format—frequency vs. percentage—in a risk assessment task. One-hundred and fourteen participants were randomized into two experimental conditions: a frequency format and a percentage format. In both conditions, participants had to rate the level of risk that a mental patient would harm someone after his discharge from a mental health facility, based on the information reported in the psychologist’s assessment for that patient. In the frequency condition, the information was presented in terms of frequencies, whereas in the percentage condition the same information was pres…
Energy harvesting for mobile agents supporting wireless sensor networks
Abstract Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been deployed widely in many different application including in civil and military fields. The sensing data from the networks is very diverse and may cost huge energy consumption for transmission. Hence, mobile sensors with high capacity are deployed to support the static sensors dealing with longer range communicating distances and also supplying power wirelessly the sensors if possible. This paper focuses on an energy harvesting (EH) design for either mobile agents or sensor nodes in WSNs. A hybrid EH system can harvest energy from ambient environment around to power the mobile sensors and static sensors. In addition, these mobile sensors and …
Moving Away from Patronage: A Feedback Approach
Patronage appointments in government are a continuing issue in many administrative systems. Especially for countries in Latin America and Africa patronage is considered a major impediment to developing more effective administrative systems. A great deal has been written describing patronage and discussing the causes for patronage, but much less research has addressed the dynamics of moving away from patronage to more merit-based systems. This paper reviews the patronage literature and then develops a dynamic feedback model for movement away from patronage. The model links the quality of the services provided by the government, the nature of the political party system, and levels of trust t…
Laying the foundations for gene therapy in Italy for patients with haemophilia A: A Delphi consensus study
IntroductionCurrent treatment for haemophilia A involves factor VIII replacement or non-replacement (emicizumab) therapies, neither of which permanently normalise factor VIII levels. Gene therapy using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors is an emerging long-term treatment strategy for people with severe haemophilia A (PwSHA) that is likely to be available for clinical use in the near future. AimThis article proposes practical guidelines for the assessment, treatment, and follow-up of potential PwSHA candidates for AAV-based gene therapy. MethodUsing the Delphi method, a working group of Italian stakeholders with expertise in and knowledge of the care of adults with haemophilia A analysed l…
The effect of perceptual interference on prioritization of feature dimensions in visual working memory
Luteinised unruptured follicle syndrome: pathophysiological background and new target therapy in assisted reproductive treatments
Luteinised unruptured follicle syndrome (LUFS) is a cause of infertility consisting in the unruptured of the dominant follicle after the LH-surge. In fact, during assisted reproductive treatments (ART) clomiphene citrate and letrozole are frequently administered in order to achieve ovulation. However, considering the pathophysiology of LUFS, new possible therapy can be proposed. On this scenario, we performed a review of the literature searching for LUFS recurrency and its impact in infertility and ART. An inflammation theory has been proposed that can be fuel for further therapeutic possibilities. In particular, considering the increase in granulocytes accumulation, the granulocyte colony-…
Historiantutkija verkon ääressä: hakee, hakee ja soisi löytävänsä
Jo vuosikymmenen ajan on Suomessa keskusteltu ”digitaalisesta historiantutkimuksesta” ja sen rajauksesta, joka on useimmiten tiivistetty laskennallisuuteen. Huomattavasti vähemmän on mietitty digitaalisuuden merkitystä muuhun historiantutkimukseen. Tässä katsauksessa keskitytään perusasioihin historiantutkijoiden tietokantahauissa. Esimerkein osoitetaan, että on helppoa muodostaa virheellinen kuva tietokannan sisällöstä. Käy myös ilmi, ettei totuuden selvittäminen ole aina edes mahdollista. Lopuksi annetaan pari käytännön ohjetta käyttäjille ja toiveita hakuliittymien kehittäjille.
Translation and dealing with “the other” in scholarly research and publishing:
Although languages other than English, along with various forms of translation, are intrinsic to multilingual researchers’ scholarly activities, they generally remain less visible in English-medium publications. In this discussion paper, I explore this topic from a broader sociopolitical perspective by looking at the use and function of translation in various stages of research and writing for publication. Drawing on recent studies on multilingualism in academia and my own experience as a teacher of research communication, I argue that in the academic context, translation cannot be seen as a mere linguistic act or a communication tool as it is inextricably tied to complex and multilayered c…
A refugee newborn with heart failure and initial hydrops: Diagnostic clues of spectral Doppler examinations
A newnborn admitted to NICU showed a severe clinical profile
I Piani Strategici per il Turismo
From many points of view, the 30-year period from 1990 to 2020 was a period of great change that led, as a consequence, to a continuous reshaping of public policies for the tourism sector and related industries.The Tourism Startegic Plan for Italy, is based on a great heritage of ideas and proposals, elaborated with a process of wide sharing, which has not exhausted its function with approval but will continue after the Covid and in the years to come. The Plan, in fact, was conceived as a constantly evolving "living" organism. Moreover, it adopts a strategic vision that, starting from the full awareness of the opportunities of the tourist development of our country, identifies four objectiv…
L'Economia del Turismo della Regione Toscana
Analysis of the tourism economies of a region is relevant for determining the policies and effects of tourism on the productive and economic system. For the Tuscany region, the main economic indicators are analysed using panel data and checking their development and growth dynamics. The article analyses data on tourism spending, balance of payments and impacts, with reference to both ISTAT data and estimates of ignored tourism in the region.
Two Cross-dressing Female Pirate Protagonists and Their Use by Thomas Heywood and Maturin Murray Ballou
The article analyzes two cross-dressing female protagonists who go to sea and assume the position of pirate captains. They are Bess Bridges in Thomas Heywood’s dramatic work entitled The Fair Maid of the West; or, a Girl Worth Gold, and Fanny Campbell in The Female Pirate Captain. A Tale of the Revolution by Maturin Murray Ballou. The article shows distinct parallels between Bess and Queen Elizabeth Tudor, and demonstrates that Fanny’s seafaring adventure was inspired by that of Bess. Both heroines are also examined with a view to their contribution to the shaping of national identity and destiny of their respective countries.