showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Design and connected Heritages. From the Mediterranean to Infosphere
In occasione del WIAD, World Information Architecture day, la comunità professionale del design e dell’architettura dell’informazione si è riunita a Palermo per una giornata di riflessione teorica e di condivisione di progetti ed esperienze su scala globale sul tema A Connected World. Il presente contributo - che raccoglie anche una riflessione sull’importanza della vocazione mediterranea alle “connessioni liquide” basate sullo scambio, la convivenza e la tolleranza tra le culture - si articola all’interno di una cornice teorica che indaga sulle relazioni complesse tra “Patrimoni connessi” e discipline del design al tempo e nello spazio ibrido dell’infosfera. A questa parte fa seguito la pr…
Motivational roots of sustainable diets: food choice motives associated to the different facets of diet sustainability in French adults
Il corpo delle emozioni. Una prospettiva antica sull’intreccio tra menti, corpi e parole
In this paper we propose a reflection on the intertwining of mind, body, and words in ancient Greek thought, with specific reference to Gorgias and Aristotle. In particular, we believe that it was the reflection developed within rhetoric – though not the only one – that played a central role in the first articulation of the conceptual framework where the relationship between soul and body, in a very peculiar and specific way, takes place. There are at least two salient features of this rhetorical perspective, which will be investigated here with specific reference, as mentioned, to Gorgias and Aristotle: the insistence on the close interrelationship between body and soul, an interrelationsh…
Molecular and pro-inflammatory aspects of COVID-19: The impact on cardiometabolic health
Obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), hypertension (HTN), and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) often cluster together as "Cardiometabolic Disease" (CMD). Just under 50% of patients with CMD increased the risk of morbidity and mortality right from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as it has been reported in most countries affected by the SARS-CoV2 virus. One of the pathophysiological hallmarks of COVID-19 is the overactivation of the immune system with a prominent IL-6 response, resulting in severe and systemic damage involving also cytokines such as IL2, IL4, IL8, IL10, and interferon-gamma were considered strong predictors of COVID-19 severity. Thus, in this mini-review, we try to describe the…
Un estudio acerca del proceso de aprendizaje de la técnica pianística de nivel avanzado en las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en la especialidad de…
En este artículo se estudian los recursos disponibles a lo largo de la historia del piano moderno para el aprendizaje de la técnica pianística. Se estructura en dos partes. En primer lugar, se recoge la evolución de las obras didácticas de nivel avanzado, desde los primeros métodos del siglo XIX destinados al piano moderno hasta el presente. En segundo lugar, se describe la actualidad del aprendizaje de la técnica pianística en los centros reglados españoles que imparten Enseñanza Artística Superior en la especialidad de interpretación. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo mediante cuestionario. Las conclusiones indican que el alumnado usa textos que datan del siglo XIX y de la…
European Universities: Forthem e la mobilità virtuale
Il contributo introduce dapprima il programma European Universities e i vari progetti finanziati con la partecipazione di università italiane, con particolare attenzione sulla mobilità virtuale. Successivamente la presentazione esamina la Digital Academy, la piattaforma online per la mobilità virtuale, la collaborazione e il networking per studenti e membri del personale accademico ed amministrativo sviluppato nel Progetto Forthem, di cui l’Università di Palermo è Università partner. Verrà illustrato il modello di apprendimento e insegnamento che ne deriva. The paper deals with the European Universities program and the various projects funded with the participation of Italian universities. …
Responsabilità civile e pandemia
Il saggio propone una riflessione sull’uso della responsabilità civile per fronteggiare i danni da covid 19, interrogandosi sul ruolo che, nel contesto di danni di massa, può di fatto rivestire l’istituto, le sue funzioni ed i suoi limiti. Muovendo dall’analisi dei criteri che presiedono alla formulazione del giudizio di responsabilità, l’autore si sofferma, in particolare, sulla clausola dell’ingiustizia, quale snodo centrale per l’affermazione di una responsabilità civile. Il parametro dell’ingiustizia, viene collocato quindi nella prospettiva del bilanciamento ragionevole tra diritti fondamentali che, in nome di un principio supremo di dignità, induce le Corti alla ricerca di un ragionev…
Leakage Detection via Edge Processing in LoRaWAN-based Smart Water Distribution Networks
The optimization and digitalization of Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are becoming key objectives in our modern society. Indeed, WDNs are typically old, worn and obsolete. These inadequate conditions of the infrastructures lead to significant water loss due to leakages inside pipes, junctions and nodes. It has been measured that in Europe the average value of lost water is about 26 %. Leakage control in current WDNs is typically passive, repairing leaks only when they are visible. Emerging Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies, and especially IoT ones, can help monitor water consumption and automatically detect leakages. In this context, LoRaWAN can be the right way to deploy…
La Biblioteca dell'Università
Il tema di progetto della Biblioteca costituisce l’occasione suggestiva per ripensare la città e ragionare sul valore dello spazio pubblico. Da “luogo dei libri”, la Biblioteca è oggi divenuta contenitore flessibile per molteplici funzioni, dispositivo di dialogo e relazioni a servizio dell’idea di cittadinanza e della bellezza. In modo particolare la Biblioteca dell’Università - oltre ad essere luogo di comunicazione, spazio di socializzazione, centro di informazione - per il significato e il suo valore iconico, si assume la responsabilità di rappresentare l’unità e l’identità di una comunità dedita allo studio e alla formazione.
Il cinema/avanguardia. Il dialogo mancato fra Malevič ed Ejzenštejn
The essay aims to reconstruct the relationship between Malevič and Ejzenštejn toward their essays on cinema and picture. By examining the words of two important actor of art life in post-revolutionary Russia, the essay lets emerge two different conception of art and its tasks in the newborn communist society.
Ernesto Rossi e La Riforma Sociale (1926-1930). La carriera interrotta di un economista politico
Con questo saggio si intende ricostruire la breve ma intensa fase di collaborazione di Ernesto Rossi con La Riforma Sociale, prestigiosa rivista di economia e scienze sociali fondata da Francesco Saverio Nitti nel 1894 e diretta da Luigi Einaudi dal 1908. Fra il 1926 e il 1930 Rossi è autore di sette lunghi saggi su tematiche di finanza pubblica, economia applicata e statistica economica che sono stati relativamente trascurati dalla storiografia. La rilettura di questi contributi consente di approfondire alcuni momenti centrali nella sua formazione di economista. In particolare: l’influenza di Einaudi e di De Viti de Marco; la predilezione per un approccio empirico all’analisi economica; la…
The puzzles of daily life: The temporal orders of families when parents have non‐standard work schedules
This article investigates the temporal orders of families as the daily rhythms and schedules when one or both parents work non-standard hours. Our focus is especially on the often asynchronous times of non-standard work, on one hand, and of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and other institutions, on the other hand. The data consist of semi-structured qualitative interviews of Finnish parents with a four-year-old child. The results show that the asynchronous times generated by non-standard working hours cause a wide range of collisions both in relation to childcare and ECEC and to the division of labour between parents. The parents are ‘wrestling’, not only because of the a…
Effect of mucilage edible coating on fresh-cut nectarine cultivar ‘Big Bang’
The mucilage (OFI) obtained from cladodes of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) is useful to produce natural edible coatings to improve the shelf life of fruits. Edible coatings could be used to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut for products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of (OFI) on quality of ‘Big Bang' nectarine slices. After cutting, nectarine slices were dipped in three different solutions: 1) distilled water, mucilage, glycerol (MC); 2) distilled water, mucilage, glycerol, Tween 20 (TW); 3) distilled water as control (CTR) and were stored for 3, 5, 7 and 12 days at 5°C and 90% RH, in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packages under passive modified atmosphere condit…
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence host infection during epidemics in a wild plant pathosystem
SummaryWhile pathogenic and mutualistic microbes are ubiquitous across ecosystems and often co-occur within hosts, how they interact to determine patterns of disease in genetically diverse wild populations is unknown.To test whether microbial mutualists provide protection against pathogens, and whether this varies among host genotypes, we conducted a field experiment in three naturally-occurring epidemics of a fungal pathogen, Podosphaera plantaginis, infecting a host plant, Plantago lanceolata, in the Åland Islands, Finland. In each population, we collected epidemiological data on experimental plants from six allopatric populations that had been inoculated with a mixture of mutualistic arb…
Rural storytelling: itinerari di rigenerazione nell’area dei Sicani
Il contributo presenta una pratica di narrazione turistica del mondo rurale che nasce da nuove forme di relazione tra attori e territorio. Infatti, secondo una prospettiva geo-culturale, consideriamo gli itinerari sia come cammini e pratiche turistiche slow, sia come discorsi e immaginari che risignificano il territorio. Il contributo analizza una forma di racconto turistico, facendo riferimento a una ricerca sul campo condotta nei monti Sicani, in Sicilia, con una guida turistica esperienziale. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato analizzare gli immaginari geografici di questo storytelling, mostrando come le rappresentazioni areali non tengano conto della molteplicità di sensi del luogo e dei…
Innovative and Applied Research in Biology: Proceedings
The collection contains SCIENTIFIC articles on the topics of the LU 80 conference reports. The main focus is on innovative and applied research in biology and interdisciplinary fields.
The Impact of Propanol, N-Butanol and Pentanol on Aqueous Dispersions of Sonicated Liposomes. EPR Study
Abstract This paper presents the effect of selected alcohols on the fluidity of liposome membranes obtained in sonication of DPPC lecithin. Using the EPR technique, the duality of propanol, n-butanol and pentanol on the behaviour of the aqueous dispersion of liposomes was demonstrated. It was shown that after exceeding a certain concentration, these alcohols initiate dispersion foaming, leading to phase separation: liposome dispersion - lipid foam. The influence of the shape of the molecule and the length of hydrocarbon chains on the effectiveness of destabilisation of the structure of lipid membranes was indicated.
Effetti benefici degli oli essenziali nel trattamento anti-obesità
Usi pubblici e politici di Dante Alighieri
The commemorations of Dante Alighieri ‘s 700th death anniversary saw in 2021 a ‘national’ and even a ‘nationalist ‘ Dante cropping up once again in the Italian public discourse. This article summarises the history of the public and political uses of the poet of the Divina Commedia: from the end of the 18th century, when his modern cult was born, to the Risorgimento, from the First World War to Fascism, up to the more recent ‘pop’ Dante.
« La migration haïtienne dans la littérature de jeunesse aux États-Unis et en France, entre roman-miroir et roman de sensibilisation. Les exemples d’…
International audience
Lumbar facet joint stabilization for symptomatic spinal degenerative disease: A systematic review of the literature
Objective: Lumbar spinal degenerative disease (LSDD), unresponsive to conservative therapy, is commonly treated by surgical decompression and interbody fusion. Since facet joint incompetence has been suggested as responsible for the entire phenomenon of spinal degeneration, facet stabilization can be considered as an alternative technique to treat symptomatic spinal degenerative disease. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature for studies utilizing lumbar facet joint fixation techniques for LSDD to assess their safety and efficacy. Methods: A systematic literature review was performed following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analy…
Comparative life cycle impact assessment of electric and conventional bus in Vietnam
Transportation is one of the key sectors causing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution. With the substantial increase in passenger and freight transportation, the corresponding GHG emissions and air pollutants are expected to increase significantly. Recent global and national policies are targeting at reducing environmental impacts of transportation activities. The promotion of public transportation and development of electric buses (e-buses) will reduce the use of fossil fuels in transportation, and consequently, reduce GHG emissions. This study assesses the life cycle GHG emissions and other environmental impacts of e-bus, and compares them with those of conventional bus operat…
A distributed-memory MPI parallelization scheme for multi-domain incompressible SPH
A parallel scheme for a multi-domain truly incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach is presented. The proposed method is developed for distributed-memory architectures through the Message Passing Interface (MPI) paradigm as communication between partitions. The proposal aims to overcome one of the main drawbacks of the SPH method, which is the high computational cost with respect to mesh-based methods, by coupling a multi-resolution approach with parallel computing techniques. The multi-domain approach aims to employ different resolutions by subdividing the computational domain into non-overlapping blocks separated by block interfaces. The particles belonging to differe…
The paper deals with the category of negotium in Salvius Iulianus. The author rejects the thesis according to which the jurist would have developed a concept of negotium as an objective relationship between two distinct assets. From the examination of Iul. 15 dig. D. 18.5.5 and Iul. 18 dig. D. 12.1.20 has rather taken shape the image of a jurist attentive to the will of the contracting parties, in the determination of id quod actum est.
«Moderni e Antichi»: la vitalità e la persistenza della cultura umanistica nella tradizione occidentale
Questa rassegna trae spunto dalla pubblicazione dei primi tre fascicoli della nuova serie della rivista «Moderni e Antichi. Quaderni del Centro di Studi sul Classicismo diretti da Roberto Cardini», pubblicati fra il 2019 e il 2021, a cura del Centro di Studi sul Classicismo di Prato, dalle Edizioni Polistampa di Firenze. This review is inspired by the publication of the first three issues of the new series of magazine «Moderni e Antichi. Papers of the Center for Studies on Classicism directed by Roberto Cardini», published between 2019 and 2021, edited by the Center for Studies on Classicism of Prato, by Edizioni Polistampa from Florence.
Questo Gaddabolario, scritto dagli “adepti” per chi non lo è ancora, raccoglie e spiega duecentodiciannove parole gaddiane – un numero da cabala “ingravallesca”: via Merulana 219 è il centro in cui convergono tutti i delitti del Pasticciaccio – da abracadabrante a Zoluzzo. Uno strumento indispensabile per addentrarsi, di parola in parola, nei labirinti dell’Ingegnere e perdersi nel piacere della sua incomparabile prosa. L'autrice tratta il lessema "lumare".
Quo plura possis, plura patienter feras. Agamennone modello di sapienza nelle Troiane di Seneca
The paper deals with the quarrel between Pyrrhus and Agamemnon in the Troades, with an analysis of Greek and Latin antecedents, focusing in particular on the characterisation of the Achaean commander. The character of Agamemnon, who embodies the suffering of the defeated, shows a new model of royalty in line with Senecan ideology.
Rewilding Urban Space. The Regeneration of Budolfi Plads (Aalborg, DK)
Tackling environmental degradation and halting the growing loss of biodiversity are among the most urgent imperatives at the turn of the third millennium. In response to the global environmental crisis, different approaches to nature conservation, biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration are emerging.
A new framework for the time- and frequency-domain assessment of high-order interactions in networks of random processes
While the standard network description of complex systems is based on quantifying the link between pairs of system units, higher-order interactions (HOIs) involving three or more units often play a major role in governing the collective network behavior. This work introduces a new approach to quantify pairwise and HOIs for multivariate rhythmic processes interacting across multiple time scales. We define the so-called O-information rate (OIR) as a new metric to assess HOIs for multivariate time series, and present a framework to decompose the OIR into measures quantifying Granger-causal and instantaneous influences, as well as to expand all measures in the frequency domain. The framework ex…
A Thousand and One Recipes with Porto’s Bacalhau
Il porto di Porto nel Portogallo (nomen est omen, nel nome è il destino!) è un luogo unico e magico. È un vero e proprio “porto di mare”, un luogo dove tutto può succedere, dove si addensano traffici e destini diversi, dove gli opposti si incontrano e generano inedite combinazioni, luoghi di rischio e di pericolo ma anche luoghi densi di diversità foriere di straordinarie creazioni. Un crogiuolo che, declinato in chiave culinaria, non può che riservare sorprendenti commistioni. Magazzini e cantine sono diventati oggi i veri protagonisti dell’animazione del waterfront aprendosi al pubblico per offrire degustazioni di vino e visite guidate. The port of Porto in Portugal (nomen est omen – dest…
Valorizzare il centro storico di Palermo: un cambio di paradigma
The contribution starts from a basic question that is whether the historical centres of large cities can escape the same destiny exclusively based on the historical heritage excellence, on tourism and cultural activity or can continue to play the role of a vital urban structure with a mix of social groups, of ordinary functions and activities as the residential one. Moreover, the historical centre tendency to transform into predominantly commercial and touristic areas has had surreal implications during the period of lockdown caused by Covid-19 pandemic, when the most valuable parts of our cities were totally emptied of human presence. This is also confirmed in the case of the historical ce…
Inserimento sociale
Obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients
The Biological Monitoring as a Source of Information on Environmental Pollution with Heavy Metals
Abstract The influence of environmental pollution on living organisms has been known for a long time, but it was not until the second half of the twentieth century that methodical studies on the influence of anthropopressure on changes in ecosystems began. Living organisms began to be used as biological indicators of environmental pollution. Cyclical and quantitative studies of pollutant concentrations in bioaccumulators have become the basis of modern biological monitoring (biomonitoring) of environmental pollution. Biomonitoring studies are carried out with the passive method (passive biomonitoring), in which living organisms occurring in their natural environment are analysed, and with a…
Clinical complexity and diabetes: a multidimensional approach for the management of cardiorenal metabolic syndrome
: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the fastest-growing health emergencies of the 21st century, and one of the chronic diseases with the highest socio-economic impact on health care systems. DM is the main cause of chronic kidney disease, and is associated with a significant increase in cardiovascular risk and clinical and care complexity. The presence of a constellation of cardiac, metabolic, and renal diseases, in a complex patient with DM, constitutes the CardioRenal Metabolic Syndrome (CRMS). The management of these patients should include a paradigm shift from a reactive strategy to a proactive approach, and the integration of territorial, hospital and social assistance services accordi…