showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Cooperation and innovation in Italian agribusiness between theoretical analysis and empirical evidence


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all economic sectors. The agri-food sector has also suffered very clear effects, especially in those production contexts char-acterized by corporate atomization, lack of cooperation, and innovation. An agrifood system, characterized by low levels of innovation and dependence on foreign countries for many raw materials and foodstuffs, must necessarily recover margins of competitiveness if it is to reverse course. This study analyses the current production scenario of the Italian agri-food industry and suggests strategies to recover margins of competitiveness. The study reveals a weak agricultural sector, while the food industry and distribution are highly c…

Cooperation innovation foodAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)Agronomy and Crop ScienceFood Science

Salutogenic design and regeneration for building heritage


The design approach used is the SPCI “Salutogenic Park City Immersive” which focuses on the renaturation of urban living environments. A strategic role is played by the use of greening and landscaping design systems that are able to absorb a significant share of the country’s climate-changing gas emissions, as already partly highlighted by the European Green Deal. In particular, the key factors and methodologies of intervention are based on the interaction between Green City Adaptive and Resilient Design, in terms of physical redevelopment, environmental remediation and energy improvement, integrated with the enhancement of existing heritage. With the SPCI we intend to experiment with inter…

regeneration green city sustainability resilience co-design.Settore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

Integrated dynamic analysis of a spar floating wind turbine with a hydraulic drivetrain


Conventional drivetrains with gearbox failures are associated with major downtime in offshore wind turbines. This impacts the maintenance cost and cost of energy. A hydraulic transmission eliminates the need for gearbox and potentially improves the turbine reliability. This paper explores the application of a novel high-pressure transmission machinery to a utility-scale spar floating wind turbine. We present a dynamic model of a hydraulic system consisting of a hydraulic pump, pipelines, a hydraulic motor, and an induction generator. The motor is placed inside the spar platform and operates at a fixed displacement. The hydraulic system is coupled with the aero-hydro-elastic code HAWC2 throu…

VDP::Teknologi: 500Renewable Energy Sustainability and the Environment

The Complex Role of the Tutor for Autonomy in Care Leaving Processes


This article discusses some of the critical elements related to the taking care of adolescent leaving care. To this end, Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological perspective will be adopted, taking up suggestions from the notion of chronosystem and applying it to boys and girls leaving care. In this way, it emerges how the process of building autonomy and the transition to adulthood does not begin at the age of 18, but is already built up during the child’s care. In the light of these considerations, the key role of the autonomy tutor is analyzed with respect to the national experimentation conducted in Italy, highlighting the tools and skills he/she should have.

Autonomy mentoring care leaving adulthoodSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline Demoetnoantropologiche

Dissolution of nitrones in alkylphosphates: A structural study


Nitrones are chemical compounds with well-established anti-oxidant and spin-trapping properties. Their low solubility in water for many of them limits their applications, so opportune solvents must be found. In this study, two recently synthetized oxindole nitrones with proven antiproliferative and antioxidant activity have been dissolved in several liquid amphiphiles, chosen as model solvents. The effect of the polar head nature and the alkyl chain length/type have been investigated by a combined experimental (solubility, UV–vis spectroscopy) / computational (molecular dynamics) approach. The different chemical structures of the various solvents offer different chemical environments to the…

Settore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E InorganicaMaterials ChemistryNitronesAmphiphilesPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular dynamicsCondensed Matter PhysicsSpectroscopyAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsAlkylphosphatesElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materials

Prediction of concrete materials compressive strength using surrogate models


Using soft computing methods could be of great interest in predicting the compressive strength of Ultra-High-Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC). Therefore, this study developed four soft computing techniques. The models are the Linear- relationship (LR), pure quadratic, M5P-tree (M5P), and artificial neural network (ANN). The models were trained and developed using 306 datasets comprising 11 input parameters, including the curing temperature (T), the water-to-cement ratio (w/c), silica fume (SF), cement content (C), fiber content (Fb), water (W), sand content (S), superplasticizer (SP), fiber aspect ratio (AR) and curing time (t). Experimental results were used and compared to t…

Settore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle CostruzioniArchitectureArtificial neural networks Compressive strength Concrete materials Fiber aspect ratio Silica fume Soft computing UHPFRCBuilding and ConstructionSafety Risk Reliability and QualityCivil and Structural Engineering

The relationship between sweetness exposure and sweetness liking in infants 3-12 months of age


Infants are increasingly exposed to sweet-tasting foods in their first year of life but it is still unclear whether repeated exposure to those is related to sweetness liking during this period. The study aimed to use the OPALINE cohort to examine the influence of sweetness exposure on liking during two important changes in early infant feeding: at the start of complementary feeding (3-6 months) and the transition to the family table (10-12 months). Infants' sweetness exposure was assessed using monthly 7-day food records completed by mothers (n=312), indicating the number and timing of each feeding of breast/formula milk or complementary foods. Infants' sweetness liking was studied in the l…

[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritionNutrition and DieteticsTaste[SDV.NEU.PC] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Neurons and Cognition [q-bio.NC]/Psychology and behaviorSweet tasteSugarGeneral PsychologyChild nutrition

Il ruolo della facies sulla resistenza a taglio di argille estremamente consistenti


L’Opalinus Clay Shale è la formazione che ospiterà il deposito profondo di scorie radioattive di alta attività in Svizzera. A causa della sua composizione fortemente eterogenea, tale materiale è stato classificato in diverse facies. Inoltre, esso è caratterizzato da una struttura fissile e da un comportamento idro-meccanico anisotropo. Queste particolari complessità rendono particolarmente difficile la scelta di parametri geomeccanici unici per l’intera formazione. In questa memoria viene presentato uno studio sperimentale mirato alla caratterizzazione del limite inferiore dei parametri di resistenza al taglio, attraverso l’esecuzione di prove di compressione trias siale e prove di taglio a…

Settore ICAR/07 - GeotecnicaOpalinus Clay shale deposito geologico profondo scorie nucleari resistenza a taglio

Interpersonal work resources and school personnel well-being before and after lockdown during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland


This two-wave mixed-methods study used the job demands and resources model to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on school personnel's work well-being (including burnout, work engagement, and sense of belonging) in spring 2020 in Finland in particular with respect to collegial relationships (respectful engagement) and leadership support. A pre-lockdown survey was administered prior to the pandemic (in January–February, n = 437) and a post-lockdown survey was administered after the two-month lockdown (at the end of May, n = 270). At post-lockdown, the school personnel reported, on average, more exhaustion, less work engagement (measured as enthusiasm and energy at work), and a decr…

leadershipwork engagementburnoutetäopetushyvinvointiCOVID-19respectful engagementsitoutuminenuupumusjohtajuusschool lockdownTeaching and Teacher Education: Leadership and Professional Development

Valorizzare il centro storico di Palermo: un cambio di paradigma


The contribution starts from a basic question that is whether the historical centres of large cities can escape the same destiny exclusively based on the historical heritage excellence, on tourism and cultural activity or can continue to play the role of a vital urban structure with a mix of social groups, of ordinary functions and activities as the residential one. Moreover, the historical centre tendency to transform into predominantly commercial and touristic areas has had surreal implications during the period of lockdown caused by Covid-19 pandemic, when the most valuable parts of our cities were totally emptied of human presence. This is also confirmed in the case of the historical ce…

Settore ICAR/20 - Tecnica E Pianificazione Urbanisticahistorical centres gentrification touristificationSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

I volti della caricatura


Guardare una caricatura significa innanzitutto riconoscere un determinato soggetto ed essere consapevoli che alcune delle sue caratteristiche sono state significativamente esagerate. In questa relazione mi propongo di esplorare la fenomenologia di questa modalità raffigurativa cercando di fare chiarezza intorno (i) al soggetto della caricatura e (ii) al modo in cui l’esagerazione pittorica viene impiegata per raffigurare. Questi due problemi investono grossomodo il cosa e il come di quest’arte. Una loro disamina consentirà inoltre (iii) di tracciare, nei limiti del possibile, una linea di confine rispetto a un genere figurativo affine: il grottesco.

Riconoscimento visivoRaffigurazioneComicoFenomenologiaGrottescoVoltoCaricatura

Vulnerabilità sociali e diseguaglianze digitali post pandemia: l’inclusione trascurata dei migranti


The pandemic has been an event capable of radicalising trends that were already underway: growth in inequalities, crisis in central and local administrations, crisis in public regulation and essential public services (health, education, training and work), increase in areas of social vulnerability. Recent studies and research clearly confirm the link between social vulnerability, inequalities, exclusion and Covid-19 in the experience of non-Italian citizens, as well as the close connection between exposure to a high risk of contagion and conditions of poverty and social margin- ality, defined as stratification of precariousness linked to the migrant experience. Nevertheless, this specific s…

Settore SPS/07 - Sociologia GeneraleMigrants Covid-19 Pnrr Vulnerability Interventions

Clermont-Ferrand (63), Place des Carmes Déchaux: Rapport Final d’Opération d’Archéologie Préventive


Moyen ÂgeSépulture[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryRestes végétauxUrbanismeEpoque contemporaineObjet métalliqueIndustrie osseuseVerreHaut-EmpireBâtimentAntiquité romaineStructure agraireBas-EmpireStructure funéraire[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryMoyen Âge centralAtelier métallurgiqueHabitat ruralCéramiqueHydrauliqueFosseMonnaiehaut Moyen ÂgeEmpire romainParureFaune

Adozione in casi particolari e rapporti di parentela tra adottato e famiglia dell'adottante secondo la Corte costituzionale


Il contributo considera le ricadute della sentenza n. 79/2022 della Corte costituzionale sulle due figure dell'adozione piena e dell'adozione in casi particolari dei minori di età con particolare riferimento alla posizione del bambino adottato in casi particolari e dei legami con la famiglia di origine e con quella del/gli adottante/i. Evidenziate talune aporie del ragionamento della Consulta, riflette criticamente sulla bontà del ricorso all'adozione in casi particolari per dare copertura giuridica al legame tra il genitore d'intenzione non biologico e il nato da gestazione per altri, specie in caso di omogenitorialità, in vista del perseguimento del migliore interesse del minore.

Adozione dei minoriunicità dello stato di figlioadozione pienaadozione in casi particolariSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatostrumenti per dare riconoscimento al rapporto con il genitore d'intenzione non biologicovincoli di parentela tra adottato in casi particolari e famiglia dell'adottantefiliazione procreativa e filiazione adottivagestazione per altrimigliore interesse del minoretutela del minore nato da gpa

The Biological Monitoring as a Source of Information on Environmental Pollution with Heavy Metals


Abstract The influence of environmental pollution on living organisms has been known for a long time, but it was not until the second half of the twentieth century that methodical studies on the influence of anthropopressure on changes in ecosystems began. Living organisms began to be used as biological indicators of environmental pollution. Cyclical and quantitative studies of pollutant concentrations in bioaccumulators have become the basis of modern biological monitoring (biomonitoring) of environmental pollution. Biomonitoring studies are carried out with the passive method (passive biomonitoring), in which living organisms occurring in their natural environment are analysed, and with a…

Environmental EngineeringEcologybiological monitoringbiomonitoringEnvironmental Chemistrybiological materialheavy metalsatomic absorption spectrometryEducationChemia-Dydaktyka-Ekologia-Metrologia

Strategic renewal : Can it be done profitably?


Industry transformation requires strategic renewal at the level of individual firms. Executives then face the dilemma of choosing renewal paths in the face of uncertainty over the competitive environment of the future, and hence the profitability of potential strategies. This dilemma motivates us to study industry transformation from the perspective of strategic renewal among 208 large firms in the global pulp and paper industry. The findings of our qualitative comparative analysis show that only a minority of firms in our sample succeeded in profitable proactive renewal. Content-wise, there were similarities in the pursued strategies over the wider population, but only a few maintained sup…

proaktiivisuusStrategy and ManagementGeography Planning and Developmentyritysstrategiatstrategic renewalkannattavuusmassa- ja paperiteollisuuskompleksisuuspulp and paper industryuudistaminenstrateginen suunnittelufsQCAcomplexityFinanceindustry levelteollisuusyritykset

Hydraulic Habitat Structure Impacts Risk of Trematode Infection


Abstract— Variability in infection rates of trematodes Diplostomum pseudospathaceum in 0+ rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss under different hydraulic regimes was studied in the experimental setup with regulated flow rates and environmental heterogeneity. The average infection rate in the conditions of the current was 1.5 times less than that in the stagnant water. An increase of the flow rate from 3.2 to 11.3 cm/s did not result in lower infection rates, while the interindividual variability in the infection rate (coefficient of variation) tended to increase along with changing the still-water conditions (20%) to the high flow rate environments (40%) within the experiment. A decrease in th…

habitat heterogeneitycercariaeympäristötekijätimumadotstream flow ratehabitaattiAquatic Sciencekalatauditinfektiotvirtaamatrematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceumkirjolohiloisetvirtavedetyearlings of Oncorhynchus mykissGeneral Agricultural and Biological SciencesJournal of Ichthyology

Against Landscaping


Cultural assets are mostly located within big cities. Landscapes are almost absent from cities. This condition is reverted in inner areas where the primacy of landscapes is overwhelming. Furthermore towns and villages are strictly intertwined with their surrounding landscapes. Yet conservation laws and procedures tend to consider built forms and landscapes as disjointed. The same unsuitable conceptual separation of buildings from the surrounding areas happens by means of the design procedure labelled as “landscaping”. Integration is instead pursued by Landscape Urbanism.

Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaArchitectural DesignLandscape Design

Introduction to "Owning lands, seas, and the internet of things. From the tragedies of the commons to the tragedies of the anti-commons"


Introduction to the special section on "Owning lands, seas, and the internet of things. From the tragedies of the commons to the tragedies of the anti-commons"

propertySettore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittocommonseaSettore SPS/01 - Filosofia Politicahuman rights intellectual property

Alla ricerca di un nuovo statuto per l'imputato assente


The article analyses new rules introduced by the so called "Cartabia reform" on the proceedings in absentia

Cartabia reformSettore IUS/16 - Diritto Processuale Penaleabsentiaremedies

Einführung in die Sektion „Interaktionsforschung in DaF“


Il testo introduce nella ricerca sull'interazione in classe durante l'insegnamento della lingua tedesca. Vengono presentati i vari approcci nella ricerca empirica e le rispettive metodologie.

Settore L-LIN/14 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua TedescaThe paper introduces into research on classroom interaction regarding German as a foreign language. It deals with the various approaches in empirical research and the different methodologies.

Consumer preferences for the Mediterranean Diet: Results of an empirical analysis


The Mediterranean Diet is a very healthy diet for the human organism. The study focuses on consumer behavior toward products that are part of the Mediterranean Diet. The purpose of this research is to give an insight into food awareness, to improve consumer health, by highlighting the food pyramid and lifestyles related to the Mediterranean Diet, and to understand cultural customs and habits regarding food. The empirical analysis was carried out through a survey of a sample of consumers. The questionnaire, administered online, included general cultural questions on the Mediterranean Diet, food groups, individual lifestyles, and eating habits of the con-sumers interviewed. Adherence to the M…

FoodAgricultureAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)Agronomy and Crop ScienceSystemic interactionFood Science

Knowledge Extraction from Biological and Social Graphs


Many problems from real life deal with the generation of enormous, varied, dynamic, and interconnected datasets coming from different and heterogeneous sources. Analysing large volumes of data makes it possible to generate new knowledge useful for making more informed decisions, in business and beyond. From personalising customer communication to streamlining production processes, via flow and emergency management, Big Data Analytics has an impact on all processes. The potential uses of Big Data go much further: two of the largest sources of data are including individual traders’ purchasing history, the use of Biological Networks for disease prediction or the reduction and study of Biologic…

Social networkBig dataBiological network

Nonsense codons suppression. An acute toxicity study of three optimized TRIDs in murine model, safety and tolerability evaluation.


Stop mutations cause 11% of the genetic diseases, due to the introduction of a premature termination codon (PTC) in the mRNA, followed by the production of a truncated protein. A promising therapeutic approach is the suppression therapy by Translational Readthrough Inducing Drugs (TRIDs), restoring the expression of the protein. Recently, three new TRIDs (NV848, NV914, NV930) have been proposed, and validated by several in vitro assays, for the rescue of the CFTR protein, involved in Cystic Fibrosis disease. In this work, an acute toxicological study for the three TRIDs was conducted in vivo on mice, according to the OECD No.420 guidelines. Animals were divided into groups and treated with …

PharmacologyNonsense mutationCystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance RegulatorGeneral MedicineOxadiazoleMiceDisease Models AnimalPremature termination codon (PTC)Pharmaceutical PreparationsCodon NonsenseProtein BiosynthesisAnimalsToxicity studyTranslational readthrough inducing drugs(TRIDs)Biomedicinepharmacotherapy = Biomedecinepharmacotherapie

Un'enciclopedia illustrata. Sciascia e i ritratti di scrittori


The paper aims to investigate, through the happy intuition of Sciascia's alphabetical order, the function carried out in his work by models, explicit or implicit sources and real tutelary deities. From Alfieri's A to Zola's Z it is easy to retrace the rich gallery of portraits of writers - housed on the first floor of the Sciascia Foundation - which constitutes a tribute to literature, Italian and foreign, from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, and together a review of the most important painters and engravers who entertained with the author deep ties of friendship, but above all they have intertwined in their work literature and art. In this visual story, a sort of illustrated encyc…

Literature Art SciasciaSettore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura Italiana

Approximation of pre-twisted Achilles sub-tendons with continuum beam elements


Achilles sub-tendons are materially and geometrically challenging structures that can nearly undergo around 15% elongation from their pre-twisted initial states during physical activities. Sub-tendons' cross-sectional shapes are subject-specific, varying from simple to complicated. Therefore, the Achilles sub-tendons are often described by three-dimensional elements that lead to a remarkable number of degrees of freedom. On the other hand, the continuum-based beam elements in the framework of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation have already been shown to be a reliable and efficient replacement for the three-dimensional continuum elements in some special problems. So far, that element …

jänteetlarge strainsnonlinear elasticityApplied MathematicsModeling and Simulationachilles tendonarbitrary cross-sectionkantajännebiomekaniikkaapproksimointimatemaattiset mallitabsolute nodal coordinatekimmoisuus



predictive modelfuel cell vehicleforecasting for FCEVhydrogenElectric mobilityplug-in hybridsocio-technical transition

Clausole generali/standard valutativi nel pensiero di Angelo Falzea


The essay focuses on the examination of the famous lawyer Angelo Falzea on the general clauses and legal standards, bringing on lighy an original conception of law as a cultural subsystem

legal standardAngelo FalzeaSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatogeneral clauses

Correlative Raman-Electron-Light (CREL) Microscopy Analysis of Lipid Droplets in Melanoma Cancer Stem Cells.


Among all neoplasms, melanoma is characterized by a very high percentage of cancer stem cells (CSCs). Several markers have been proposed for their identification, and lipid droplets (LDs) are among them. Different techniques are used for their characterization such as mass spectrometry, imaging techniques, and vibrational spectroscopies. Some emerging experimental approaches for the study of LDs are represented by correlative light–electron microscopy and by correlative Raman imaging–scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Based on these scientific approaches, we developed a novel methodology (CREL) by combining Raman micro-spectroscopy, confocal fluorescence microscopy, and SEM coupled with an…

electron microscopyClinical BiochemistrySettore MED/50 - Scienze Tecniche Mediche ApplicateBiomedical Engineeringmelanoma cancer stem cellRaman micro-imaginglipid dropletElectronsGeneral MedicineLipid DropletsSpectrum Analysis RamanAnalytical Chemistrycorrelative microscopy; lipid droplets; melanoma cancer stem cells; Raman micro-imaging; electron microscopyMicroscopy Electron ScanningNeoplastic Stem CellsHumanscorrelative microscopySettore MED/46 - Scienze Tecniche Di Medicina Di LaboratorioInstrumentationEngineering (miscellaneous)MelanomaBiotechnologyBiosensors

The Institution of Security Agent: A Comparative Study of Polish and French Laws


In many continental legal systems it was often problematic to grant a security right to an entity separate from the holder(s) of the secured receivables. Such arrangement was especially desired by the parties in complex lending structures with many creditors. To solve this problem various legal solutions have been created in different countries. In Poland and in France the special institution of a security agent has been introduced. Aim of this article is to compare those two regulations. The conclusion is that the French provisions better deals with the challenges posed by the entity separation problem. Security agent, collective security arrangements, entity separation, unity principle, s…

security rightsaccessoriness of security rightsSecurity agentcollective security arrangementsbond issueLawsecurity interestentity separationunity principlesyndicated loan

Leakage Detection via Edge Processing in LoRaWAN-based Smart Water Distribution Networks


The optimization and digitalization of Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are becoming key objectives in our modern society. Indeed, WDNs are typically old, worn and obsolete. These inadequate conditions of the infrastructures lead to significant water loss due to leakages inside pipes, junctions and nodes. It has been measured that in Europe the average value of lost water is about 26 %. Leakage control in current WDNs is typically passive, repairing leaks only when they are visible. Emerging Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies, and especially IoT ones, can help monitor water consumption and automatically detect leakages. In this context, LoRaWAN can be the right way to deploy…

Machine Learning Water Distribution Network Leakage Detection IoT LoRaWAN LoRa DecisionTree Classificator

«L’antico come principio di nuova architettura». Il tempo perenne delle opere e dei progetti


Nonostante la raccolta degli scritti e dei progetti di Angelo Torricelli copra un arco temporale di oltre trent’anni (dal 1990 al 2021) essa costituisce una straordinaria narrazione coerente e coesa nella quale si ha chiara la sensazione di come l’oggetto della riflessione sia la connaturata dimensione sincronica dell’architettura tesa a essere, inevitabilmente, espressione di valori atemporali. Non a caso i titoli dei testi di Torricelli, ad iniziare da ciò che ne costituisce la sintesi suprema, l’espressione metonimica per eccellenza — "Il momento presente del passato" — tendono ad essere quasi dei voluti emblematici ossimori. Nella lettura interpretativa dell’antico in architettura propo…

Angelo Torricelli Antico Architettura Progetto Rovina vs Archeologia Temporalità Atemporalità Archeologia dell'ArchitetturaSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Le «Facezie» di Poggio nel teatro spagnolo del “Siglo de oro”


Un capitolo della fortuna europea del «Liber facetiarum» di Poggio Bracciolini riguarda le rielaborazioni e le riscritture di alcune di esse nelle commedie spagnole del secolo XVII (il cosiddetto “Siglo de oro”). In questo studio, dopo una preliminare ricognizione bibliografica sull’attuale status della ricerca sul «Liber facetiarum», vengono analizzati i modi di riscrittura di tre racconti del Bracciolini (fac. 157, 172, 203) in tre scene di commedie spagnole del XVII secolo, «La dama boba» ed «El perro del hortelano» di Lope de Vega e «Don Gil de las calzas verdes» di Tirso de Molina. A chapter of the European fortune of Poggio Bracciolini’s «Liber facetiarum» concerns the re-elaborations…

Latin Humanistic NovellisticPoggio BraccioliniLope de Vega («La dama boba» «El perro del hortelano»)Settore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparaterielaborazioniRewritingsSpanish Theater of the “Siglo de oro”riscritturenovellistica latina dell'UmanesimoSettore L-FIL-LET/13 - Filologia Della Letteratura ItalianaRe-elaborationTirso de Molina («Don Gil de las calzas verdes»)teatro spagnolo del “Siglo de oro”«Liber facetiarum» («Facetiae» «Confabulationes»)

Effect of mucilage edible coating on fresh-cut nectarine cultivar ‘Big Bang’


The mucilage (OFI) obtained from cladodes of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) is useful to produce natural edible coatings to improve the shelf life of fruits. Edible coatings could be used to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut for products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of (OFI) on quality of ‘Big Bang' nectarine slices. After cutting, nectarine slices were dipped in three different solutions: 1) distilled water, mucilage, glycerol (MC); 2) distilled water, mucilage, glycerol, Tween 20 (TW); 3) distilled water as control (CTR) and were stored for 3, 5, 7 and 12 days at 5°C and 90% RH, in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packages under passive modified atmosphere condit…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeHorticulturefruit quality phytochemical characters peach fruit Opuntia ficus-indica

Acute Mesenteric Ischemia in COVID-19 Patients.


Acute mesenteric ischemia is a rare but extremely severe complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The present review aims to document the clinical, laboratory, and imaging findings, management, and outcomes of acute intestinal ischemia in COVID-19 patients. A comprehensive search was performed on PubMed and Web of Science with the terms “COVID-19” and “bowel ischemia” OR “intestinal ischemia” OR “mesenteric ischemia” OR “mesenteric thrombosis”. After duplication removal, a total of 36 articles were included, reporting data on a total of 89 patients, 63 being hospitalized at the moment of onset. Elevated D-dimers, leukocytosis, and C reactive protein (CRP) were present in most reported cases, a…

hypercoagulabilitySARS-CoV-2RthromboemboembolismMedicineCOVID-19General MedicineReviewendothelitisacute mesenteric ischemiacytokinesJournal of clinical medicine

Rethinking inner areas. A multidisciplinary approach to the revival of the territories.


[...] Our little villages have never been as interesting as they are now, they have the feel of the past and still manage to take in even the atmosphere of this time. They have strengths and intensities that we don’t know how to draw on because we don’t look at them, we don’t know how to love them. [...] There is discomfort, there is loneliness, but there is also beauty. This is the starting point, the proper use of our ruins. [...] - Per un buon uso delle nostre rovine, from the book “Terracarne”, 2011, Franco Arminio

inner areaEuropean frameworkmultidisciplinary approachSettore ICAR/10 - Architettura Tecnicarural areasmart village