showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Granulicatella spp., a Causative Agent of Infective Endocarditis in Children
Granulicatella spp. are non-motile, non-sporulating, facultatively anaerobic Gram-positive cocci. Throughout the literature, these organisms have been referred to by several names, such as “nutritionally deficient streptococci”, “vitamin-B dependent streptococci” and “pyridoxal-dependent streptococci”, because of their fastidious nutritional requirements, which can often make culture isolation challenging. Known to be a member of the normal microbiota of the human oral cavity and urogenital and intestinal tracts, similar to other streptococci, Granulicatella spp. can cause bacteremia, sepsis and infective endocarditis. Considering the difficulty in growing this organism on culture medium, t…
Desafíos de las relaciones colectivas de trabajo en las empresas de plataforma
El artículo parte de los factores de debilitación de los derechos colectivos en las empresas de plataforma. Se trazan en segundo lugar, los desafíos en materias de derechos de información, consulta y negociación, despidos por razones sindicales y huelga. The article starts from the factors that weaken collective rights in platform companies. Secondly, the challenges in terms of rights to information, consultation and negotiation, dismissals for union reasons and strikes are outlined.
Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Non-Communicable Diseases among Adults Aged ≥50 Years in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Abstract Objectives The relationship between consuming ≥2 servings of fruits and ≥3 servings of vegetables a day, which has been identified as optimal for health (i.e., adequate fruit/vegetable consumption), and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is largely unknown. Therefore, using data from six LMICs, we investigated the independent association between inadequate fruit/vegetable consumption and 12 NCDs, and estimated the prevalence of inadequate fruit/vegetable consumption among people with NCDs. Design and Setting Cross-sectional, nationally representative data from the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE) were analyzed. Participant…
Religious participation in the local communities of 17th-century Eastern Finland
In recent years, the perspective of lived religion has drawn attention toward the everyday religious practices of the laity. In early-modern Europe, the realm of the sacred could be approached in different ways from within the mundane world, and religious practices were tightly intertwined with social life. In local communities, religious ideas and practices taught by the church in varying ways intermingled with traits from local religious traditions. This article examines the different ways of religious participation available to the rural inhabitants of late 17th century Eastern Finland, a part of the kingdom of Sweden during the early modern era. Applying the concept and approach of live…
Health and the Process of Migration
Chapter 5. Health and the Process of Migration
Diet at the onset of the Neolithic in northeastern Iberia : an isotope-plant microremain combined study from Cova Bonica (Vallirana, Catalonia)
The emergence of Neolithic societies was transformative, impacting many aspects of life, particularly diet. The process of Neolithization in Iberia is increasingly understood as the arrival of new people from the Central Mediterranean, who dispersed along the Iberian coasts introducing cereal production, herding, and Cardial pottery and associated material culture. Although research has clarified aspects of the cultigen-dominated economy of these new people, questions remain due to the limitations of conventional archaeobotanical and archaeozoological methods that tend to produce indirect evidence. The extent to which these early farmers adopted Mesolithic staples, which are often difficult…
Marinin hallituksen ministereihin Twitterissä suunnattu vihapuhe
Twitter on myös vihapuheenvälittäjä. Tämä tutkimus käyttää laajaa, käsin luokiteltua twiittiaineistoa Marinin hallituksen ministereihin kohdistuvan vihamielisen puheen tutkimisessa. Tutkimuksen tavoite oli selvittää, kuinka yleistä ministereihin kohdistuva vihapuhe on, ja miten vihapuhe jakautuu sukupuolen, iän ja puoluekannan mukaan. Tutkin myös vihapuheen lähettäjien seurattavia ja tykkäyksiä. Tulosten perusteella valtioneuvostoon kohdistuva vihapuhe on yleistä, koska keskimäärin noin joka 20. ministerille lähetetty viesti on vihamielinen. Salkkujakauma vaikuttaa oletettavasti vihapuheen jakaumaan eikä tuloksista sen vuoksi voida yleistää, onko vihapuhe suunnattu erityisesti naisiin tai m…
Enhanced sulfur in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in spring 2020
Sulfur compounds in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) impact the atmosphere radiation budget, either directly as particles or indirectly as precursor gas for new particle formation. In situ measurements in the UTLS are rare but are important to better understand the impact of the sulfur budget on climate. The BLUESKY mission in May and June 2020 explored an unprecedented situation. (1) The UTLS experienced extraordinary dry conditions in spring 2020 over Europe, in comparison to previous years, and (2) the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic caused major emission reductions from industry, ground, and airborne transportation. With the two research aircraft HALO and Falc…
Spurious Symmetry Enhancement and Interaction-Induced Topology in Magnons
Linear spin wave theory (LSWT) is the standard technique to compute the spectra of magnetic excitations in quantum materials. In this paper, we show that LSWT, even under ordinary circumstances, may fail to implement the symmetries of the underlying ordered magnetic Hamiltonian leading to spurious degeneracies. In common with pseudo-Goldstone modes in cases of quantum order-by-disorder these degeneracies tend to be lifted by magnon-magnon interactions. We show how, instead, the correct symmetries may be restored at the level of LSWT. In the process we give examples, supported by nonperturbative matrix product based time evolution calculations, where symmetries dictate that there should be a…
Exploring relations between Big Five personality traits and musical emotions embodied in spontaneous dance
We explored the hypothesis that musical emotions are embodied differentially by people according to their personality. Nine hundred and fifty two individuals completed the Big Five personality inventory. A subset of 60 participants were asked to spontaneously move to 30 short musical stimuli while being recorded with a motion-capture system. The musical stimuli were separately rated for perceived emotions. Embodied musical emotions were evaluated as the correlation between features derived from the motion-capture data and the mean ratings of perceived emotions. Correlations between embodied musical emotions and personality traits provided tentative support for our hypothesis. A series of l…
Differential Identities and Varieties of Almost Polynomial Growth
Let V be an L-variety of associative L-algebras, i.e., algebras where a Lie algebra L acts on them by derivations, and let c(n)(L) (V), n >= 1, be its Lcodimension sequence. If V is generated by a finite-dimensional L-algebra, then such a sequence is polynomially bounded only if V does not contain UT2, the 2 x 2 upper triangular matrix algebra with trivial L-action, and UT2 epsilon where L acts on UT2 as the 1-dimensional Lie algebra spanned by the inner derivation epsilon induced by e11. In this paper we completely classify all the L-subvarieties of var(L)(UT2) and var(L)(UT2 epsilon) by giving a complete list of finite-dimensional L-algebras generating them.
Contextual factors predicting compliance behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: A machine learning analysis on survey data from 16 countries.
Voluntary isolation is one of the most effective methods for individuals to help prevent the transmission of diseases such as COVID-19. Understanding why people leave their homes when advised not to do so and identifying what contextual factors predict this non-compliant behavior is essential for policymakers and public health officials. To provide insight on these factors, we collected data from 42,169 individuals across 16 countries. Participants responded to items inquiring about their socio-cultural environment, such as the adherence of fellow citizens, as well as their mental states, such as their level of loneliness and boredom. We trained random forest models to predict whether someo…
Personalized management of dyslipidemias in patients with diabetes-it is time for a new approach (2022)
AbstractDyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes (DMT2) is one of the worst controlled worldwide, with only about 1/4 of patients being on the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) target. There are many reasons of this, including physicians’ inertia, including diabetologists and cardiologists, therapy nonadherence, but also underusage and underdosing of lipid lowering drugs due to unsuitable cardiovascular (CV) risk stratification. In the last several years there is a big debate on the risk stratification of DMT2 patients, with the strong indications that all patients with diabetes should be at least at high cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Moreover, we have finally lipid lowe…
pH Feedback Systems to Program Autonomous Self-Assembly and Material Lifecycles
pH-responsive systems have gained importance for the development of smart materials and for biomedical applications because they can switch between different states by simple acid/base triggers. However, such equilibrium systems lack the autonomous behavior that is so ubiquitous in living systems that self-regulate out of equilibrium. As a contribution to the emerging field of autonomous chemical systems, we have developed pH feedback systems (pH-FS) based on the coupling of acid- and base-producing steps in chemical reaction networks. The resulting autonomous nonlinear pH curves can be coupled with a variety of pH-sensitive building blocks to program the life cycles of the associated trans…
On the photorelease of nitric oxide by nitrobenzene derivatives: A CASPT2//CASSCF model
Nitroaromatic compounds can photorelease nitric oxide after UV absorption. The efficiency of the photoreaction depends on the molecular structure, and two features have been pointed out as particularly important for the yield of the process: the presence of methyl groups at the ortho position with respect to the nitro group and the degree of conjugation of the molecule. In this paper, we provide a theoretical characterization at the CASPT2//CASSCF (complete active space second-order perturbation theory//complete active space self-consistent field) level of theory of the photorelease of NO for four molecules derived from nitrobenzene through the addition of ortho methyl groups and/or the el…
The chemical composition of the aerial parts essential oil of four Phagnalon species collected in Sicily (Italy) and Greece
The genus Phagnalon Cass., included in the Asteraceae family, has a wide distribution, expanding from Macaronesia in the West to the Himalayas in the East, from South France and Nord Italy to Ethiopia and Arabian Peninsula. Various species of Phagnalon have been used in the popular medicine of several countries as medicinal herbs and food. The extracts and the secondary metabolites, have a varied application spectrum at several biological levels, with antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antitumor, etc. properties having been reported. The essential oils of four taxa, Phagnalon rupestre, Phagnalon saxatile var. viride, and Phagnalon rupestre subsp. illyricum var. metlesicsii collected …
A Critical Analysis of Classifier Selection in Learned Bloom Filters
Learned Bloom Filters, i.e., models induced from data via machine learning techniques and solving the approximate set membership problem, have recently been introduced with the aim of enhancing the performance of standard Bloom Filters, with special focus on space occupancy. Unlike in the classical case, the "complexity" of the data used to build the filter might heavily impact on its performance. Therefore, here we propose the first in-depth analysis, to the best of our knowledge, for the performance assessment of a given Learned Bloom Filter, in conjunction with a given classifier, on a dataset of a given classification complexity. Indeed, we propose a novel methodology, supported by soft…
Properties of Gd-Doped Sol-Gel Silica Glass Radioluminescence under Electron Beams
International audience; The radiation-induced emission (RIE) of Gd3+-doped sol–gel silica glass has been shown to have suitable properties for use in the dosimetry of beams of ionizing radiation in applications such as radiotherapy. Linear electron accelerators are commonly used as clinical radiotherapy beams, and in this paper, the RIE properties were investigated under electron irradiation. A monochromator setup was used to investigate the light properties in selected narrow wavelength regions, and a spectrometer setup was used to measure the optical emission spectra in various test configurations. The RIE output as a function of depth in acrylic was measured and compared with a reference…
Face-to-Face with the Doctor Online: Phenomenological Analysis of Patient Experience of Teleconsultation.
The global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has considerably accelerated the adoption of teleconsultation—a form of consultation between patient and health care professional that occurs via videoconferencing platforms. For this reason, it is important to investigate the way in which this form of interaction modifies the nature of the clinical encounter and the extent to which this modification impacts the healing process. For this purpose, I will refer to insights into the clinical encounter as a face-to-face encounter drawn from the phenomenology of medicine (R. Zaner, K. Toombs, E. Pellegrino). I will also take into account a criticism that has been expressed by various contemporary phenom…
Mapping Protective Performance of Social Network Types on Health and Quality of Life in Older People in European Regions.
Objectives: To identify social network profiles using Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), to study the relationships of these profiles with health markers, mental health, quality of life, and cognitive functioning, and to compare profiles across European regions. Methods: 27,272 participants from the Wave 8 of the SHARE project, aged 65 or older (M = 74.95, SD = 7.17) from Europe. Statistical analyses included LPAs followed by MANOVAs to compare the profiles and the health markers. Results: Five profiles were identified: family, friends, spouse, diverse, and others. A no network group was also added. The prevalence of the specific profiles differed across European regions. Individuals with no n…
Systematic derivation of partial differential equations for second order boundary value problems
Software systems designed to solve second order boundary value problems are typically restricted to hardwired lists of partial differential equations. In order to come up with more flexible systems, we introduce a systematic approach to find partial differential equations that result in eligible boundary value problems. This enables one to construct and combine one's own partial differential equations instead of choosing those from a pre-given list. This expands significantly end users possibilities to employ boundary value problems in modeling. To introduce the main ideas we employ differential geometry to examine the mathematical structure involved in second order boundary value problems …
Soft X-ray Tomography Reveals HSV-1-Induced Remodeling of Human B Cells.
Upon infection, viruses hijack the cell machinery and remodel host cell structures to utilize them for viral proliferation. Since viruses are about a thousand times smaller than their host cells, imaging virus-host interactions at high spatial resolution is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Scouting gross cellular changes with fluorescent microscopy is only possible for well-established viruses, where fluorescent tagging is developed. Soft X-ray tomography (SXT) offers 3D imaging of entire cells without the need for chemical fixation or labeling. Here, we use full-rotation SXT to visualize entire human B cells infected by the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). We have mapped the temporo…
Ultrafast Coherent THz Lattice Dynamics Coupled to Spins in the van der Waals Antiferromagnet FePS3
Coherent THz optical lattice and hybridized phonon–magnon modes are triggered by femtosecond laser pulses in the antiferromagnetic van der Waals semiconductor FePS3. The laser-driven lattice and spin dynamics are investigated in a bulk crystal as well as in a 380 nm-thick exfoliated flake as a function of the excitation photon energy, sample temperature and applied magnetic field. The pump-probe magneto-optical measurements reveal that the amplitude of a coherent phonon mode oscillating at 3.2 THz decreases as the sample is heated up to the Néel temperature. This signal eventually vanishes as the phase transition to the paramagnetic phase occurs, thus revealing its connection to the long-ra…
Skincare in Rosacea from the Cosmetologist’s Perspective: A Narrative Review
Rosacea is a common skin disease that affects about 5% of the general population. Its symptoms include telangiectasia, persistent erythema, burning/stinging sensation, dry skin sensation, and pruritus. It is characterized by a chronic course with frequent exacerbation. It often coexists with anxiety and depression, reducing the quality of life of affected patients. The etiopathogenesis of rosacea is complex and not fully elucidated; hence, there is no causative effective treatment. In this review, we highlight the role of a cosmetologist in the treatment of rosacea and the maintenance of remission. As part of medical treatment, patients are advised to introduce lifestyle changes and use pro…
New insights in pediatrics in 2021: choices in allergy and immunology, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, haematology, infecti…
AbstractIn this review, we report the developments across pediatric subspecialties that have been published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics in 2021. We highlight advances in allergy and immunology, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, hematology, infectious diseases, neonatology, neurology, nutrition, palliative care, respiratory tract illnesses and telemedicine.
Destroying the Shield of Cancer Stem Cells: Natural Compounds as Promising Players in Cancer Therapy
In a scenario where eco-sustainability and a reduction in chemotherapeutic drug waste are certainly a prerogative to safeguard the biosphere, the use of natural products (NPs) represents an alternative therapeutic approach to counteract cancer diseases. The presence of a heterogeneous cancer stem cell (CSC) population within a tumor bulk is related to disease recurrence and therapy resistance. For this reason, CSC targeting presents a promising strategy for hampering cancer recurrence. Increasing evidence shows that NPs can inhibit crucial signaling pathways involved in the maintenance of CSC stemness and sensitize CSCs to standard chemotherapeutic treatments. Moreover, their limited toxici…
Body Composition in Late Midlife as a Predictor of Accelerated Age-associated Deficit-accumulation From Late Midlife into Old Age: A Longitudinal Bir…
Abstract Background Body mass index (BMI) may not be an optimal predictor of frailty as its constituents, lean and fat mass, may have opposite associations with frailty. Methods A linear mixed model analysis was performed in the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study (n = 2 000) spanning from 57 to 84 years. A 39-item frailty index (FI) was calculated on three occasions over 17 years. Body composition in late midlife included BMI, percent body fat (%BF), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), lean mass index (LMI), and fat mass index (FMI). Results Mean FI levels increased by 0.28%/year among men and by 0.34%/year among women. Among women, per each kg/m2 higher BMI and each unit higher %BF the increases in FI leve…
Circulating Levels of Ferritin, RDW, PTLs as Predictive Biomarkers of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Risk after Cardiac Surgery in Extracorporeal …
Postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is the most common arrhythmia after cardiac surgery in conventional extracorporeal circulation (CECC), with an incidence of 15–50%. The POAF pathophysiology is not known, and no blood biomarkers exist. However, an association between increased ferritin levels and increased AF risk, has been demonstrated. Based on such evidence, here, we evaluated the effectiveness of ferritin and other haematological parameters as POAF risk biomarkers in patients subjected to cardiac surgery. We enrolled 105 patients (mean age = 70.1 ± 7.1 years; 70 men and 35 females) with diverse heart pathologies and who were subjected to cardiothoracic surgery. Their blood sample…
Il lusso è degli Altri? Osservazioni sulla nozione di ἁβροσύνη e sulle sue implicazioni sociali e politiche nell’Atene del V secolo a.C
Attraverso un’analisi dell’espressione ἁβρὰ παθεῖν nel frammento 24 W. di Solone e di alcune ricorrenze eschilee dei derivati della radice ἁβρ- (Pers. 41, 135, 541, 543, 1073, Ag. 690-1, 918-20) questo lavoro si inserisce nel dibattito critico esistente intorno alla nozione di ἁβροσύνη, alle implicazioni ad essa connesse in quanto segno di prestigio sociale, e ai modi in cui essa fu percepita nel contesto culturale ateniese del V secolo. In particolare, si ritiene che tali riferimenti alla ἁβροσύνη, se considerati nel contesto poetico in cui sono impiegati e alla luce di una selezione di altre testimonianze di VI e V secolo, rifletterebbero, nella πόλις di Atene, la presenza di una pluralit…
Oleochemical carbonates: A comprehensive characterization of an emerging class of organic compounds
Dialkyl carbonates (DAC) with short-medium alkyl length - oleochemical carbonates – are attracting attention because of their appealing properties, including low viscosity, flammability, toxicity, environ- mental impact and wide range of applications: lubricants, personal care, fuel additives etc. However, not much is known concerning their chemical physical properties and, more importantly, on the nature of microscopic correlations that eventually determine bulk performances. In view of this paucity, we pre- sent a large exploration of a series of chemical physical properties of a set of DACs ranging from dimethyl up to didodecyl carbonate. This study extends previously determined database…
A Group-Based 8-Week Functional Interval-Type Outdoor Training Program Improves Physical Performance in Recreationally Active Adults
Even though physical activity is an important aspect of health, lack of time or motivation impede people from working out regularly. One type of training program that is both efficient and motivating is functional interval-type outdoor training. To evaluate this, our study had 81 participants complete a battery of physical performance tests (incremental treadmill test, core stability test and functional fitness test) before and after an 8-week outdoor interval-type training intervention. Training procedures included multimodal and high-intensity exercises performed in consistent, small groups. Results showed that the interval training program produced significant increases in the interventi…
Nurse-led consultations reinforced with eHealth technology: a qualitative study of the experiences of patients with gynecological cancer
Abstract Background During the last decade, the health care profession has moved toward personalized care and has focused on the diversity of survivorship needs after initial cancer treatment. Health care providers encourage empowering patients to participate actively in their own health management and survivorship. Consequently, we developed and piloted a new follow-up model for patients at a Norwegian hospital, referred to as the Lifestyle and Empowerment Techniques in Survivorship of Gynecologic Oncology (LETSGO) model. Using LETSGO, a dedicated nurse replaces the physician in every second follow-up consultation, providing patients who have undergone cancer treatment with self-management…
Cigarette Smoke Extract Induces p38 MAPK-Initiated, Fas-Mediated Eryptosis
Eryptosis is a physiological mechanism for the clearance of senescent or damaged erythrocytes by phagocytes. Excessive eryptosis is stimulated under several pathologies and associated with endothelial injury and thrombosis. Cigarette smoke (CS) is an established risk factor for vascular diseases and cigarette smokers have high-levels of eryptotic erythrocytes. This study, for the first time, investigates the mechanism by which CS damages red blood cells (RBCs). CS extract (CSE) from commercial cigarettes was prepared and standardized for nicotine content. Cytofluorimetric analysis demonstrated that treatment of human RBCs with CSE caused dose-dependent, phosphatidylserine externalization an…
Physical Activity Tracker Application in Promoting Physical Activity Behavior among Older Adults : A 24-month Follow-Up Study
Objectives To investigate whether and how PA tracker application use supports PA behavior among older adults during the first 24 months of use. Methods: The changes in PA levels (i.e., time spent in different PA intensities) and between PA categories (i.e., low, moderate, or high based on total PA) were examined between three different time points: before taking the application into use (t0), after 12 months of use (t1), and after 24 months of use (t2). The data was collected by using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire modified for the elderly (IPAQ-E). Results: A statistically significant increase was observed in walking (χ2 (2) = 29.741, p < .001), moderate PA (χ2 (2) =…
Lipschitz Carnot-Carathéodory Structures and their Limits
AbstractIn this paper we discuss the convergence of distances associated to converging structures of Lipschitz vector fields and continuously varying norms on a smooth manifold. We prove that, under a mild controllability assumption on the limit vector-fields structure, the distances associated to equi-Lipschitz vector-fields structures that converge uniformly on compact subsets, and to norms that converge uniformly on compact subsets, converge locally uniformly to the limit Carnot-Carathéodory distance. In the case in which the limit distance is boundedly compact, we show that the convergence of the distances is uniform on compact sets. We show an example in which the limit distance is not…
Commenti a “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” di Antonino Colajanni, con una risposta dell’autore
Commenti a “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” di Antonino Colajanni, con contributi di Marco Bassi, Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, Antonio De Lauri, Frederico Delgado Rosa, Andrea E. Pia, Leonardo Piasere, Daniela Salvucci, Ivan Severi, Barbara Sorgoni, Jaro Stacul, Giuseppe Tateo, Elisabeth Tauber, Dorothy L. Zinn, Pier Paolo Viazzo e una risposta dell’autore.