showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Specific separation and recovery of phosphate anions by a novel NiFe-LDH/rGO hybrid film based on electroactivity-variable valence
Phosphorus is a non-renewable resource. Supplies are limited and much phosphorus is currently wasted during the production and utilization process, causing concerns about future supplies and widespread environmental problems. To solve these problems, a new type of NiFe-LDH/rGO electrically switched ion-selective (ESIX) film is designed, based on the dominant mechanism of inner-sphere complexation. An ESIX process allows the NiFe-LDH/rGO hybrid film to achieve a controllably selective uptake and release of the phosphate anions. This route involves tuning potential steps to regulate the redox states of the composite film and the variable metal (e.g., Ni, Fe (II)/(III)) in coordination centers…
Economic Degrowth and the Collapse of Institutional Order: Theory and Propositions
Integrating insights from new institutional economics and studies on the collapse of past empires, we sketch a process model that links economic degrowth to the collapse of institutional orders. Our thought experiment starts from emphasizing the importance of institutions and enforcement mechanisms in maintaining a sufficient level of economic activity to sustain public costs. We flip this established logic and elucidate the negative role of economic degrowth in the weakening of the public sector’s ability to enforce institutional rules. Internal and external shocks further shake the stability of the institutional order and, at some point, individuals’ belief in institutional rules and nor…
Where could gammadelta T cells take us in the treatment of cancer?
Measurement of the CP -even fraction of D0→π+π−π+π−
Nobiletin and xanthohumol counteract the TNFα-mediated activation of endothelial cells through the inhibition of the NF-κB signaling pathway.
Angiogenesis, a process characterized by the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is a crucial step in tumor growth and dissemination. Given the ability of tumors to interfere with multiple or different molecular pathways to promote angiogenesis, there is an increasing need to therapeutically block tumor progression by targeting multiple antiangiogenic pathways. Natural polyphenols present health-protective properties, which are likely attributed to their ability to activate multiple pathways involved in inflammation, carcinogenesis, and angiogenesis. Recently, increased attention has been addressed to the ability of flavonoids, the most abundant polyphenols in the diet, t…
Exposure of benthic microbial communities to pharmaceuticals and resulting adaptation including tolerance, biodegradation and antibiotic resistance: …
International audience; Since the early 1920’s, pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, have been massively producedand consumed for the benefit of both human and animal health. Pharmaceuticals residues havethen reached the aquatic environment through diffuse and point (wastewater) sources. Amongthe pharmaceutical residues, the ubiquitous presence of antibiotics could exert a selectivepressure on microbial communities leading to the acquisition and dissemination of antibioticresistance in the environment.We present here the synthesis of recent research projects (e.g. PANDORE, Antibio-tools,Antibiotox, PharmaTox...) investigating the dissemination of pharmaceuticals, includingantibiotics, in…
Bi-Sobolev extensions
We give a full characterization of circle homeomorphisms which admit a homeomorphic extension to the unit disk with finite bi-Sobolev norm. As a special case, a bi-conformal variant of the famous Beurling-Ahlfors extension theorem is obtained. Furthermore we show that the existing extension techniques such as applying either the harmonic or the Beurling-Ahlfors operator work poorly in the degenerated setting. This also gives an affirmative answer to a question of Karafyllia and Ntalampekos.
Microstructural characterization of a 3D-printed soil
Transversal applications of 3D-printing (or Additive Manufacturing) have been recently implemented in the field of Geomechanics. In a 3D-printing process, the printed volume is obtained from successive layering of adjacent soil filaments. In this work, the fabric of an as-printed soil has been carried out by combining Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) tests and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations, with the aim to highlight how the particle arrangements and the orientation and shape of pores are linked to the printing operation. The microstructural analyses showed that macropores are the result of the relative position of the filaments and their initial distortion in quasi-undr…
DMStag: Staggered, Structured Grids for PETSc
Correlation between cell line chemosensitivity and protein expression pattern as new approach for the design of targeted anticancer small molecules
BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE: Over the past few decades, several databases with a significant amount of biological data related to cancer cells and anticancer agents (e.g.: National Cancer Institute database, NCI; Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia, CCLE; Genomic and Drug Sensitivity in Cancer portal, GDSC) have been developed. The huge amount of heterogeneous biological data extractable from these databanks (among all, drug response and protein expression) provides a real foundation for predictive cancer chemogenomics, which aims to investigate the relationships between genomic traits and the response of cancer cells to drug treatment with the aim to identify novel therapeutic molecules and targets…
Transcriptomic and proteomic responses of Microbacterium sp. C448 exposed to sulfamethazine antibiotic
International audience; The Microbacterium sp. C448 was isolated from a soil regularly exposed to sulfamethazine(SMZ), for its ability to partly mineralise this antibiotic and other related sulfonamides.The aim of our study was to explore its metabolic adaptation towards exposure to SMZenvironmental (10 mg/L) and medicinal (250 mg/L) concentrations. Its transcriptomic andproteomic responses were analysed by focusing on the degradation regulon (sad genes) andresistance genes (folP and sul1).The transcriptomic and proteomic results were essentially congruent whatever theconcentrations tested. In culture conditions, exposure to the highest concentration of SMZ led tothe highest sad expression …
Importance of innovations for entrepreneurship development – views of entrepreneurs in Kurzeme region
Innovation is one of the most influential aspects for entrepreneurship development. Therefore, also academic researchers pay a lot of attention on different aspects related to innovations. Current research paper is devoted to evaluation of the views of entrepreneurs related to innovation practical applications and problems of introduction of innovations. Aim: evaluate the views of entrepreneurs related to innovation practical applications and problems of introduction of innovations. Research methods applied: previous conducted scientific research results analysis, analysis of statistical data, survey of entrepreneurs. Survey data are analysed by most used characteristics of descriptive stat…
Teknologian- ja ympäristöhistorian onnistunut kädenpuristus
Parenting culture(s): Ideal-parent beliefs across 37 countries
What is it to be “an ideal parent”? Does the answer differ across countries and social classes? To answer these questions in a way that minimizes bias and ethnocentrism, we used open-ended questions to explore ideal-parent beliefs among 8,357 mothers and 3,517 fathers from 37 countries. Leximancer Semantic Network Analysis was utilized to first determine parenting culture zones (i.e., countries with shared ideal-parent beliefs) and then extract the predominant themes and concepts in each culture zone. The results yielded specific types of ideal-parent beliefs in five parenting culture zones: being “responsible and children/family-focused” for Asian parents, being “responsible and proper de…
Die entfremdung im (neuen deutschen) film
En la República Federal Alemana, el Nuevo Cine Alemán se sumó a la práctica política y social de los movimientos del 68 a través de representaciones narrativas que problematizaban el presente y su relación con el pasado nazi y que no se ajustaban al discurso público sobre la identidad nacional alemana. Estas representaciones se caracterizaban por un sentimiento nacional de Heimatlosigkeit derivado de dos experiencias traumáticas del pasado reciente alemán: el nacionalsocialismo y la división de Alemania. Sin embargo, las producciones del Nuevo Cine Alemán también mostraban fenómenos individuales de alienación resultado de discursos identitarios excluyentes que implicaban la demarcación y re…
Economic conditions of islands and policies to rebalance territorial disparities
The focus on island contexts stems from the fact that they present peculiarities related not only to the morphology of the territory but also to the economic and social system that characterises them. The territory of the European Union includes more than 3,000 islands in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Mediterranean Basins and the Caribbean. The islands share similar social, geographical, economic, and environmental characteristics. Con- sidering only island regions, the European Union recognises more than 280 islands, identified as those territories surrounded by the sea, having an area of more than 1 km2, located at least one kilometre from the…
Brief Communication – ALARM: an innovative protocol of educating on seismic risk perception, and its assessment
Abstract. The effectiveness of risk mitigation also depends on how well-prepared and informed society is about the risk itself. The younger generation plays a key role in the scientific awareness of society, representing both the future of society and a conduit to reach and educate their families. We developed a didactic experience, based on Serious Games, dedicated to seismic risk that was tested and, then, implemented during the whole COVID-19 pandemic. Before the start and at the end of any of these activities, an evaluation phase was carried out to assess the learning experience and the effectiveness of the science communication technique.
Uniqueness, reconstruction and stability for an inverse problem of a semi-linear wave equation
We consider the recovery of a potential associated with a semi-linear wave equation on Rn+1, n > 1. We show that an unknown potential a(x, t) of the wave equation ???u + aum = 0 can be recovered in a H & ouml;lder stable way from the map u|onnx[0,T] ???-> (11, avu|ac >= x[0,T])L2(oc >= x[0,T]). This data is equivalent to the inner product of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map with a measurement function ???. We also prove similar stability result for the recovery of a when there is noise added to the boundary data. The method we use is constructive and it is based on the higher order linearization. As a consequence, we also get a uniqueness result. We also give a detailed presentation of the forw…
Contrasting parental roles shape sex differences in poison frog space use but not navigational performance
Sex differences in vertebrate spatial abilities are typically interpreted under the adaptive specialization hypothesis, which posits that male reproductive success is linked to larger home ranges and better navigational skills. The androgen spillover hypothesis counters that enhanced male spatial performance may be a byproduct of higher androgen levels. Animal groups that include species where females are expected to outperform males based on life-history traits are key for disentangling these hypotheses. We investigated the association between sex differences in reproductive strategies, spatial behavior, and androgen levels in three species of poison frogs. We tracked individuals in natura…
Hyperspectral response of agronomic variables to background optical variability: Results of a numerical experiment
Understanding how biophysical and biochemical variables contribute to the spectral characteristics of vegetation canopies is critical for their monitoring. Quantifying these contributions, however, remains difficult due to extraneous factors such as the spectral variability of canopy background materials, including soil/crop-residue moisture, soil-type, and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV). This study focused on exploring the spectral response of two important agronomic variables (1) leaf chlorophyll content (Cab ) and (2) leaf area index (LAI) under various canopy backgrounds through a global sensitivity analysis of wheat-like canopy spectra simulated using the physically-based PROSAIL …
Die mediterrane Faszination. Die erste deutsche Mittelmeer- und Orientkreuzfahrt
El 22 de enero de 1891, el emperador Guillermo II despidió en Cuxhaven el barco de pasajeros Augusta Victoria, que recorrería durante dos meses el Mediterráneo y algunas de sus ciudades más importantes, inaugurando así la era de los cruceros de placer. A bordo viajaban 241 acaudalados pasajeros, entre ellos el dibujante Ch. W. Allers, que escribió sus memorias de viaje en Ba-ckschisch. El primer crucero alemán por el Mediterráneo, ofreciendo con ello un testimonio único de la fascinación mediterránea en la época imperialista. Basado en un sentimiento eurocéntrico y nacional, el Mediterráneo es percibido por el microcosmos de viajeros alemanes como una unidad geográfica e ideológica. Los ras…
Does forming a nuclear family increase religiosity? Longitudinal evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
Abstract This study investigates how far the nuclear family—in terms of entering cohabitation and marriage and having a first and second child—affects religious salience, religious attendance, and activity in religious organizations. Previous research has shown that religious individuals are more likely to marry, and have higher fertility, than non-religious individuals. Less is known about how far the nuclear family also affects religiosity. This study presents longitudinal evidence on how religious factors change within the life-course of individuals after entering cohabitation or marriage and after having a first or second child in up to 14 waves of the British Household Panel Survey col…
Growth form matters – Crustose lichens on dead wood are sensitive to forest management
Lichens have a vital role in forest ecosystems and they are a threatened group in boreal forests. However, the conservation ecology of the total lichen community has very rarely been studied. Here we studied lichen species and communities, including macrolichens (=foliose and fruticose growth forms) and rarely studied crustose li-chens, on decaying wood in boreal spruce-dominated forests in Finland. We also studied obligate lignicoles that grow only on dead wood and are mostly crustose in growth form. Species richness and community composition were examined on decaying logs and natural or cut stumps of Picea abies at different decay stages (2-5) in 14 stands, half of which were natural or s…
On the Sampling Size for Inverse Sampling
In the Big Data era, sampling remains a central theme. This paper investigates the characteristics of inverse sampling on two different datasets (real and simulated) to determine when big data become too small for inverse sampling to be used and to examine the impact of the sampling rate of the subsamples. We find that the method, using the appropriate subsample size for both the mean and proportion parameters, performs well with a smaller dataset than big data through the simulation study and real-data application. Different settings related to the selection bias severity are considered during the simulation study and real application.
The asymptotics of the area-preserving mean curvature and the Mullins–Sekerka flow in two dimensions
AbstractWe provide the first general result for the asymptotics of the area preserving mean curvature flow in two dimensions showing that flat flow solutions, starting from any bounded set of finite perimeter, converge with exponential rate to a finite union of equally sized disjoint disks. A similar result is established also for the periodic two-phase Mullins–Sekerka flow.
Activation of a Sweet Taste Receptor by Oleanane-Type Glycosides from Wisteria sinensis
The phytochemical study of Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC. (Fabaceae), commonly known as the Chinese Wisteria, led to the isolation of seven oleanane-type glycosides from an aqueous-ethanolic extract of the roots. After successive purifications by various chromatographic methods, like solid/liquid chromatographic methods, vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC), medium pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC), on normal and reverse phase (RP-18 silica gel), and size exclusion chromatography on Sephadex L, their structures were elucidated by an extensive 600 MHz NMR analysis including 1D and 2D NMR experiments as well as ESI-MS. Among the seven isolated saponins, two have never been reported before : 3…
I servizi socio-educativi nell’era del digitale. Sfide e opportunità
The pandemic has played a catalyst role in the digitization processes of services and relationships between professionals and people, highlighting the existence of a "minimum technological vital" (Campedelli, Toc-cafondi and Vignani, 2021) which can draw the line between social inclusion and exclusion. The measures introduced to deal with the spread of the virus have imposed rapid transformations and, in just a few weeks, digital technologies have been integrated into all aspects of professional life, showing positive and negative effects (Lopez et al., 2020) . The introduction of numerous platforms, the use of which has exploded during the quarantine, has provided previously overlooked, if…
Heritage-making: Written Texts in the Transmission of Traditional Knowledge of Natural Dyeing
Natural dyeing is an element of intangible cultural heritage which is gaining new relevance today. Heritage-making as a set of purposeful activities has become an object of interest for researchers relatively recently, and this study is reflective of that. The paper aims to focus on natural dyeing as a component of cultural heritage, its documentation process, and how written texts have influenced the living tradition of natural dyeing. One of the sources for the study was ethnographic material, which provides insight into the little researched tradition of natural dyeing. To understand how the tradition was described and explained, Latvian press publications on natural dyeing were evaluate…
'Non cado, fundatus enim sum supra firmam petram'. Martirio y constantia en Catharina von Georgien de Andreas Gryphius
El presente artículo analiza la articulación de la constancia neoestoica en el Trauerspiel de Andreas Gryphius Catharina von Georgien (1657). Este ideal lleva a la protagonista a resistir los giros de la Fortuna, ya que comprende que incluso las desgracias tienen su origen en la providencia de Dios, con lo que es capaz de aceptar su propio martirio. Se propondrá un modelo que se aleje de las posturas dicotómicas teología-política o inmanencia-trascendencia con las que ha trabajado la crítica; más bien, se observa un sistema vertical en el que Dios y la religión se encuentran siempre en el plano superior al terrenal, lo cual entra en correspondencia con la cosmovisión de la época barroca. Th…
« Géographies littéraires et espaces sociaux dans La Ferme du Pivert Jaune de Monteiro Lobato (Brésil) »
International audience; Dans les années 1920, les aventures du Sitio do Picapau Amarelo (la ferme du Pivert Jaune) de Monteiro Lobato marquent un tournant dans l’histoire de la littérature de jeunesse au Brésil. Lobato situe ses héros dans une propriété agricole typique des campagnes du début du XXe siècle. Cet espace familier est bordé par une rivière qui permet l’accès magique au Royaume des Eaux Claires que l’héroïne explore dans le premier volume. Étudier la topographie de cette ferme imaginaire est intéressant pour trois raisons. D’abord, les personnages du canon littéraire se rendent à la ferme, et les personnages de Lobato voyagent eux-mêmes entre les mondes – en Grèce Antique aussi …
Movies, ethics and accounting: a teaching experience
This research presents an innovative learning experience undertaken in three groups of a financial accounting course at the University of Valencia (Spain). After watching three accounting-related movies, students answered a test based on each movie with questions about the ethical and accounting issues described in them and their satisfaction with the learning technique. Nonparametric tests and a multivariate analysis showed that the students who participated in this experience obtained a higher exam mark than those who did not. Our results evidence a significant effect on the final exam mark for more questions only in one of the movies. Our results are valuable because they show that stude…
Comparative study between nail retraining with gauze bandaging and the nail remodeling with acrylics as a conservative treatment for stage I and IIa …
Objective: Onychocryptosis is one of the most prevalent onychopathies, being a frequent reason for consultation in podiatric clinical practice. Conservative treatments are the first therapeutic choice, with nail remodeling using clotrimazole gel emerging as an alternative, although its medium-term effectiveness is unknown. The objective of this study was therefore to compare the efficacy of the technique of nail retraining using gauze bandaging with that of nail remodeling for the conservative treatment of stage I and IIA onychocryptosis. Methods: An analytical, randomized clinical trial study was performed following a longitudinal and prospective design. A sample was selected of 20 subject…
The Microbiota Is Not an Organ: Introducing the Muco-Microbiotic Layer as a Novel Morphofunctional Structure
In this paper, we want to refute the notion that the microbiota should be considered an organ, given that an organ comprises tissue of similar or different embryological origin, while the microbiota is a pool of different microbial species originating individually from single replications and not from a common ancestral cellular element. Hence, we would like to propose a new morphological interpretation of its nature, based on the comprehensive context in which these microbes live: a muco-microbiotic layer of hollow organs, such as the airways and the bowel. The above concept should represent not only a new terminological annotation but also a more accurate portrayal of the physiology and p…
New Paradigms for Music Research. Art, Society and Technology
Este libro es el resultado de las aportaciones de investigadores internacionales al I Congreso Internacional: Intersección de Arte, Sociedad y Tecnología en la Innovación Musical, celebrado del 3 al 5 de septiembre de 2021 y organizado por la Universidad de Valladolid y el Instituto de Investigación Artística Katarina Gurska (IKG), este último organismo dependiente de la Fundación Katarina Gurska para la Educación y la Cultura. El evento reunió a destacados investigadores del ámbito de la investigación artística de vanguardia, y de la investigación musical, mentes inspiradoras del siglo XXI que producen conocimiento a través de investigaciones que se centran en la música como eje transversa…
Performance Analysis of Sweep-Spread Carrier (S2C) Modulation for Underwater Communications
In the last decades, underwater acoustic communications have seen a growing development with a variety of research as well as commercial applications, dealing with channel distortions, multipath and Doppler effects typical underwater channels. A very robust modulation able to guarantee connectivity in harsh environments (where spectral efficient solutions such as OFDM can be prevented) is the so called sweep-spread carrier (S2C) modulation, which is based on the usage of a linearly time-varying carrier. Underwater modems based on S2C modulations have been patented and successfully adopted in real-world deployments. In this paper, we analyze the performance of S2C both in simulation and infi…
Investigating the impact of virtual tourism on travel intention during the post-COVID-19 era: evidence from China
This study explores the mechanism that contributes to travel intention in the field of virtual tourism. The overall research method is based on the "Stimulus-Organism-Response" theory. In the research model, the effects of content quality, system quality, and interaction quality in virtual tourism on tourism experience and travel intention are explored, as well as the role of virtual attachment and travel intention. A total of 390 respondents were invited to participate in a virtual tourism experience, and provide feedback through a questionnaire. SmartPLS 3.3.2 was used to validate the causal model, and most of the study hypotheses were supported. The findings show that virtual tourism sig…