showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Hyperspectral Imaging for Non-invasive Diagnostics of Melanocytic Lesions
Malignant melanoma poses a clinical diagnostic problem, since a large number of benign lesions are excised to find a single melanoma. This study assessed the accuracy of a novel non-invasive diagnostic technology, hyperspectral imaging, for melanoma detection. Lesions were imaged prior to excision and histopathological analysis. A deep neural network algorithm was trained twice to distinguish between histopathologically verified malignant and benign melanocytic lesions and to classify the separate subgroups. Furthermore, 2 different approaches were used: a majority vote classification and a pixel-wise classification. The study included 325 lesions from 285 patients. Of these, 74 were invasi…
Movies, ethics and accounting: a teaching experience
This research presents an innovative learning experience undertaken in three groups of a financial accounting course at the University of Valencia (Spain). After watching three accounting-related movies, students answered a test based on each movie with questions about the ethical and accounting issues described in them and their satisfaction with the learning technique. Nonparametric tests and a multivariate analysis showed that the students who participated in this experience obtained a higher exam mark than those who did not. Our results evidence a significant effect on the final exam mark for more questions only in one of the movies. Our results are valuable because they show that stude…
The organisational dimension of executive authority in the Global South: Insights from the AU and ECOWAS commissions
The growing importance of executive authority at the international level has fuelled scholarly debate about the level of autonomy enjoyed by international public administration (IPA), that is, the executive arms of international organisations. Insights from IPAs in the West or Global North, such as the European Union, have largely shaped these debates, whereas data from IPAs in the Global South are largely missing in the discussion. This article seeks to remedy this imbalance and contribute to an organisational-theory-inspired conceptualisation of IPA autonomy: We draw insights from survey data from the commissions of the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States …
Lāčplēša tēma latviešu apziņā, literatūrā, mākslā un LU mācībspēku pētījumos
Atzīmējot Andreja Pumpura eposa “Lāčplēsis” 135. gadadienu, kas aprit 2023. gada jūnijā, Humanitāro zinātņu bibliotēkā tika izveidota izstāde "Lāčplēša tēma latviešu apziņā, literatūrā, mākslā un LU mācībspēku pētījumos". Eposs tika publicēts 1888. gada jūnijā saistībā ar Trešo Vispārējo latviešu dziesmu svētku norisēm. Darbs tapis, sintezējot teikas, pasakas un laikabiedru priekšstatus par senatni, saskaņā ar 19. gs. nacionālā romantisma idejām Eiropā laikā, kad eposa esamība tika uztverta kā nācijas eksistences apliecinājums. Izstāde izkārtota 4 plauktos. Pirmajā plauktā izstādīts eposa 1888.gada izdevums. Otrajā plauktā redzami Latvijas Universitātes mācībspēku pētījumi, skatot Lāčplēsi …
Channel Increment Strategy-Based 1D Convolutional Neural Networks for Seizure Prediction Using Intracranial EEG
The application of intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) to predict seizures remains challenging. Although channel selection has been utilized in seizure prediction and detection studies, most of them focus on the combination with conventional machine learning methods. Thus, channel selection combined with deep learning methods can be further analyzed in the field of seizure prediction. Given this, in this work, a novel iEEG-based deep learning method of One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNN) combined with channel increment strategy was proposed for the effective seizure prediction. First, we used 4-sec sliding windows without overlap to segment iEEG signals. Then, 4-sec …
Nabrzeżkowate (Heteroptera: Saldidae) Polski – przegląd faunistyczny / Shore bugs (Heteroptera: Saldidae) of Poland – a faunistic review
This paper is a faunistic review of 23 species of the family Saldidae occurring in Poland. The study was based on the original papers relating to the territory of Poland and on materials deposited in several institutions, i.e. University of Opole (UO), Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (ZMPA), and in Nature Collections of the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (ZPUAM). Over 4000 specimens preserved at the institutions mentioned above have been examined, identified, or their previous identifications were verified. All the localities (with their UTM coordinates) for each of the 23 species occurring in Poland are listed in alphabetical …
Multi-omics HeCaToS dataset of repeated dose toxicity for cardiotoxic & hepatotoxic compounds.
The data currently described was generated within the EU/FP7 HeCaToS project (Hepatic and Cardiac Toxicity Systems modeling). The project aimed to develop an in silico prediction system to contribute to drug safety assessment for humans. For this purpose, multi-omics data of repeated dose toxicity were obtained for 10 hepatotoxic and 10 cardiotoxic compounds. Most data were gained from in vitro experiments in which 3D microtissues (either hepatic or cardiac) were exposed to a therapeutic (physiologically relevant concentrations calculated through PBPK-modeling) or a toxic dosing profile (IC20 after 7 days). Exposures lasted for 14 days and samples were obtained at 7 time points (therapeutic…
Quantum phase transitions for an integrable quantum Rabi-like model with two interacting qubits
A two-interacting-qubit quantum Rabi-like model with vanishing transverse fields on the qubit pair is studied. Independently of the coupling regime, this model can be exactly and unitarily reduced to two independent single-spin quantum Rabi models, where the spin-spin coupling plays the role of the transverse field. This transformation and the analytical treatment of the single-spin quantum Rabi model provide the key to prove the integrability of our model. The existence of different first-order quantum phase transitions, characterized by discontinuous two-spin magnetization, mean photon number, and concurrence, is brought to light.
How to increase company loyalty: using relational variables and sustainable practices to segment the maritime transport sector
Intense competition in goods transportation has highlighted theimportance of understanding customers’interests in order to designsuccessful relationship strategies. This study proposes, through asegmentation approach, to identify customer groups based on theirperceptions of sustainable practices and relational variables abouttheir main transport supplier. From a sample of 122 companies, amultiple correspondence analysis was carried out. The results showthat there are three groups of customer companies, which corres-pond to a high, low, and medium relational and sustainabilityapproach. The identified segments are also significantly different interms of time of operation in the maritime secto…
Educational Needs in Oncology Nursing: A Scoping Review.
Care in oncology requires both technical and psychosocial skills by nursing staff, so continuous learning is necessary. Evidence suggests there are some educational gaps in oncology nursing staff, and continuing educational interventions have been effective in overcoming these deficiencies. Aim: to determine the basic educational lines that a continuous training program should have for oncology nurses. A bibliographic review study was carried out in two phases from October 2020 to January 2021. In a first phase, the main databases were analyzed: PubMed, Web of Science, Dialnet and Medline, following the PRISMA methodology; and subsequently, an analysis of the most important thematic nuclei …
Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancerous Lesions by Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review
Objective: The likelihood of timely treatment for cervical cancer increases with timely detection of abnormal cervical cells. Automated methods of detecting abnormal cervical cells were established because manual identification requires skilled pathologists and is time consuming and prone to error. The purpose of this systematic review is to evaluate the diagnostic performance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for the prediction, screening, and diagnosis of cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. Materials and Methods: Comprehensive searches were performed on three databases: Medline, Web of Science Core Collection (Indexes = SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A & HCI Timespan) and Scopu…
The interplay between the guidance from the digital learning environment and the teacher in supporting folding back
AbstractPrevious studies have proposed that students’ mathematical understanding develops dynamically through the process known as folding back, in which learners revisit earlier forms of understanding and use them to build even deeper levels of mathematical understanding. Digital learning environments, where students can manipulate representations, are often used to enable students to notice properties, patterns, or rules. When working in such an environment, students usually receive support from the environment and the teacher. The interplay between these different sources of support is important according to previous studies. In this study, we examine this interplay in the case of foldin…
Characterisation of the Degree of Musical Non-Markovianity
As an aid for musical analysis, in computational musicology mathematical andinformatics tools have been developed to characterise quantitatively some aspectsof musical compositions. A musical composition can be attributed by ear a certainamount of memory. These results are associated with repetitions and similarities ofthe patterns in musical scores. To higher variations, a lower amount of memory isperceived. However, the musical memory of a score has never been quantitativelydefined. Here we aim to give such a measure following an approach similar tothat used in physics to quantify the memory (non-Markovianity) of open quantumsystems. We apply this measure to some existing musical composit…
A perceptual sound space for auditory displays based on sung-vowel synthesis.
AbstractWhen designing displays for the human senses, perceptual spaces are of great importance to give intuitive access to physical attributes. Similar to how perceptual spaces based on hue, saturation, and lightness were constructed for visual color, research has explored perceptual spaces for sounds of a given timbral family based on timbre, brightness, and pitch. To promote an embodied approach to the design of auditory displays, we introduce the Vowel–Type–Pitch (VTP) space, a cylindrical sound space based on human sung vowels, whose timbres can be synthesized by the composition of acoustic formants and can be categorically labeled. Vowels are arranged along the circular dimension, whi…
"utilladelige Taler til Almuen" : en studie av forsvar og lovanvendelse i rettssaker mot haugianere i Råbyggelaget, Kristiansand stift.
Artikkelen bygger på en studie av fem rettssaker fra tidsrommet 1805–1807. Alle sakene har bakgrunn i miljøet rundt haugianernes papirmølle på Fennefoss i Setesdal, der to menn og to kvinner var tiltalt for brudd på konventikkelplakaten. I tillegg ble lensmannen, som ble beskyldt for ikke å ha grepet inn mot ulovlig lekmannsforkynnelse, stevnet for tjenesteforsømmelse. Studien gir innblikk i hvordan motsetninger mellom øvrighet og lekfolk kunne komme til uttrykk i et lokalt rettsoppgjør på et tidspunkt da sentrale myndigheter forberedte den omfattende rettsprosessen mot Hans Nielsen Hauge. Undersøkelsen er konsentrert rundt spørsmål om hvordan tiltalen var utformet, hvordan forsvaret ble la…
Cortical networks show characteristic recruitment patterns after somatosensory stimulation by pneumatically evoked repetitive hand movements in newbo…
Abstract Controlled assessment of functional cortical networks is an unmet need in the clinical research of noncooperative subjects, such as infants. We developed an automated, pneumatic stimulation method to actuate naturalistic movements of an infant’s hand, as well as an analysis pipeline for assessing the elicited electroencephalography (EEG) responses and related cortical networks. Twenty newborn infants with perinatal asphyxia were recruited, including 7 with mild-to-moderate hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Statistically significant corticokinematic coherence (CKC) was observed between repetitive hand movements and EEG in all infants, peaking near the contralateral sensorimotor…
EtG Quantification in Hair and Different Reference Cut-Offs in Relation to Various Pathologies: A Scoping Review
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a non-volatile, non-oxidative, hydrophilic, and stable ethanol phase II metabolite. EtG is produced through ethanol glucuronidation by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), a phase II enzyme. EtG can be extracted from different biological matrices, including keratin ones, such as hair or nails. The purpose of this scoping review is to describe the relationship between EtG levels in hair and some of the most common and frequent pathological conditions and verify whether different reference cut-offs in relation to various pathologies have been identified in the scientific literature. In fact, in-depth knowledge of the influence of pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus…
DIAMIN: a software library for the distributed analysis of large-scale molecular interaction networks
AbstractBackgroundHuge amounts of molecular interaction data are continuously produced and stored in public databases. Although many bioinformatics tools have been proposed in the literature for their analysis, based on their modeling through different types of biological networks, several problems still remain unsolved when the problem turns on a large scale.ResultsWe propose , that is, a high-level software library to facilitate the development of applications for the efficient analysis of large-scale molecular interaction networks. relies on distributed computing, and it is implemented in Java upon the framework Apache Spark. It delivers a set of functionalities implementing different ta…
Experiencing blended learning during COVID-19
Online Guided ACT Intervention for Enhancing the Psychological Well-being of Female Soccer Players in Pre-season
This study investigated whether an internet-based intervention aimed at enhancing the psychological well-being of female soccer players before the competitive season could be effective approach to meet the needs of the players. Players (n= 43; 17–26 years old)on the four separated teams in Finland’shighest league were assigned to either a guided six-week online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention (ACTi) or to a control condition (CON). A between-groups pre–post (ACTi vs. CON) design was implemented before the competitive season. Players in the ACTi were offered three group sessions, performed internet-based tasks, and were individually supported by a guide. The results demonstrat…
How Can Authorities Support Distributed Improvisation During Major Crises? A Study of Decision Bottlenecks Arising During Local COVID-19 Vaccine Roll…
Despite the increased importance attributed to distributed improvisation in major crises, few studies investigate how central authorities can promote a harmonic, coordinated national response while allowing for distributed autonomy and improvisation. One idea implicit in the literature is that central authorities could help track and tackle common decision bottlenecks as they emerge across “improvising” local authorities as a result of shared, dynamic external constraints. To explore this idea we map central functions needed to roll-out vaccines to local populations and identify and classify bottlenecks to decision-making by local authorities managing COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in Norway. W…
Global Real-World Evidence of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir as a Highly Effective Treatment and Elimination Tool in People with Hepatitis C Infection Experi…
HCV elimination; Mental health disorders; Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir Eliminación del VHC; Trastornos de salud mental; Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir Eliminació del VHC; Trastorns de salut mental; Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is prevalent in people with mental health disorders, a priority population to diagnose and cure in order to achieve HCV elimination. This integrated analysis pooled data from 20 cohorts in seven countries to evaluate the real-world effectiveness of the pangenotypic direct-acting antiviral (DAA) sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (SOF/VEL) in people with mental health disorders. HCV-infected patients diagnosed with mental health disorders who were treated with SOF/VEL for 12 w…
Assessment of Cardiovascular Function in Childhood Leukemia Survivors: The Role of the Right Heart
Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors who underwent chemotherapy with anthracyclines have an increased cardiovascular risk. The aim of the study was to evaluate left and right cardiac chamber performances and vascular endothelial function in childhood ALL survivors. Fifty-four ALL survivors and 37 healthy controls were enrolled. All patients underwent auxological evaluation, blood pressure measurements, biochemical parameters of endothelial dysfunction, flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of the brachial artery, mean common carotid intima-media thickness (c-IMT), antero-posterior diameter of the infra-renal abdominal aorta (APAO), and echocardiographic assessment. The ALL subjec…
Cardenio à la Chartier. Permanencia de la obra, pluralidad de sus textos
Tomando como punto de partida su trabajo Cardenio, el artículo explora el concepto de 'obra' en Roger Chartier, pero con el objetivo de analizar la circulación de su extensa bibliografía la cual no solo incluye libros, artículos, entrevistas, reseñas y distintas instancias paratextuales, sino también numerosas recopilaciones de textos que, tras una labor de edición muy minuciosa, compone y recompone en diferentes lenguas con nuevos títulos y editoriales. Entre la diseminación de los textos y su reunificación sistemática en recueils se produce, en definitiva, una tensión entre la idea de 'libro' y 'obra'. Si, como el propio Chartier afirma respecto de los estudios de caso que ha investigado,…
The aim of this research was to assess the techniques and the materials used to realize the canvas painting Santa Chiara, from the Santa Caterina d’Alessandria Monastery and to verify the state of preservation, the possible decay processes and previous restorations. Consequently, an integrated analytical approach based on the use of non-invasive (diffused, indirect and ultraviolet light investigations) and micro-invasive techniques (optical microscopy, OM, scanning electron microscopy, SEM-EDX, Fourier- transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR spectroscopy) were used. The oil painting on canvas dated XVI century: data suggests traditional painting technique, characterized by two priming prepar…
Suicide and depression in former contact sports participants: population-based cohort study, systematic review, and meta-analysis
SummaryBackgroundTraumatic brain injury is associated with the future risk of depression and suicide, and this raises the possibility that former participants in sports characterised by low intensity repetitive head impact may also subsequently experience an increased burden of these mental health outcomes. Using new data from a cohort study integrated into a meta-analysis of the current evidence, we compared the occurrence of depression and suicide in former contact sports athletes against general population controls.MethodsThe cohort study comprised 2004 retired male athletes who had competed internationally on an amateur basis for Finland between 1920 and 1965, and 1385 age-equivalent ma…
Data supplement for "Land use intensification increasingly drives the spatiotemporal patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary produc…
This data supplements the publication "Land use intensification increasingly drives the spatiotemporal patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary production in the last century" by Thomas Kastner, Sarah Matej, Matthew Forrest, Simone Gingrich, Helmut Haberl, Thomas Hickler, Fridolin Krausmann, Gitta Lasslop, Maria Niedertscheider, Christoph Plutzar, Florian Schwarzmüller, Jörg Steinkamp, Karl-Heinz Erb. For details, please refer to the included readme file and to the publication ( In this new Version 1.01, we changed the file structure to make the data more accessible, we added data on means across modulations as used in the paper, and we inc…
Nitrogen Availability Drives Mycorrhizal Effects on Wheat Growth, Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery under Salt Stress
The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is generally considered effective in improving salt tolerance in plants; however, the advantages it offers can vary greatly depending on the context in which it occurs; furthermore, the mechanisms underlying these responses are still unclear. A study was conducted to investigate the role of nitrogen (N) availability on the effectiveness of AM symbiosis in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plants grown under salt stress. Plants were grown in pots in the absence or in presence of salt stress (soil electrical conductivity of 1.50 and 13.00 dS m−1, respectively), with or without AM fungi inoculation (Rhizophagus irregularis and Funneliformis mosseae), …
Hyaluronan‐coated poly(propylene imine) dendrimers as biomimetic nanocarriers of doxorubicin
A coating technology based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA) and ferulic acid (FA) was applied to the coating of low generation poly(propylene imine) dendrimers through a biocompatible hexa(ethylene glycol) spacer. The ensuing HA-FA-HEG-PPID dendrimeric materials showed interesting loading capability (between 7.65% and 9.08%) regarding anticancer agent doxorubicin, and their interactions with the drug appeared to hamper the drug release in the physiological environment. Thus, the stable nanostructured loaded delivery systems were able to internalize into cells expressing the HA receptor CD44 and to demonstrate high cytotoxicity comparable to that shown by equivalent amounts of fr…
Global survival trends for brain tumors, by histology: analysis of individual records for 556,237 adults diagnosed in 59 countries during 2000–2014 (…
Abstract Background Survival is a key metric of the effectiveness of a health system in managing cancer. We set out to provide a comprehensive examination of worldwide variation and trends in survival from brain tumors in adults, by histology. Methods We analyzed individual data for adults (15–99 years) diagnosed with a brain tumor (ICD-O-3 topography code C71) during 2000–2014, regardless of tumor behavior. Data underwent a 3-phase quality control as part of CONCORD-3. We estimated net survival for 11 histology groups, using the unbiased nonparametric Pohar Perme estimator. Results The study included 556,237 adults. In 2010–2014, the global range in age-standardized 5-year net survival for…
Social media use, social identification and cross-cultural adaptation of international students: A longitudinal examination
The mobility experience is an important life event for international students, and achieving successful psychological and sociocultural adaptation is crucial for this experience to be positive. Through a three-wave longitudinal study among international students enrolled at universities in Spain, Portugal, and Poland (n = 233), we examined the relationships between social media use, social identification, and (sociocultural and psychological) adaptation across time. Results of cross lagged panel modeling (CLPM) showed that social media contact with home nationals predicted greater identification with this group. Social media contact with host country nationals predicted poorer adaptation. S…
Tracking the progressive spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Italy, December 2021 to January 2022
Background The SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern Omicron was first detected in Italy in November 2021. Aim To comprehensively describe Omicron spread in Italy in the 2 subsequent months and its impact on the overall SARS-CoV-2 circulation at population level. Methods We analyse data from four genomic surveys conducted across the country between December 2021 and January 2022. Combining genomic sequencing results with epidemiological records collated by the National Integrated Surveillance System, the Omicron reproductive number and exponential growth rate are estimated, as well as SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility. Results Omicron became dominant in Italy less than 1 month after its first detection,…
Stereotactic body radiotherapy in oligoprogressive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer during abiraterone or enzalutamide
Introduction: This monocentric, single-arm, retrospective study investigated the role of stereotactic body radiotherapy in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer who experienced oligoprogression during androgen receptor targeted agents. Methods: We retrospectively enrolled metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer patients treated with androgen receptor targeted agents between December 2016 and January 2022. All patients experienced an oligoprogression (defined as the appearance and/or the progression of ⩽5 bone or nodal or soft tissue metastases) during treatment with androgen receptor targeted agents and received stereotactic body radiotherapy upon oligoprogre…
Guinea Worm Disease: A Neglected Diseases on the Verge of Eradication
Background: Dracunculiasis, also known as Guinea worm disease (GWD), is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) caused by a parasite (Dracunculus medinensis). In the past, dracunculiasis was known as “the disease of the empty granary” because of the difficulties patients had in going to work in fields or to school when affected by this disease. In tropical areas, the condition has been widespread in economically disadvantaged communities, and has been associated with reduced economic status and low levels of education. Methods: we searched PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and WHO websites for literature addressing dracunculiasis published in the last 50 years. Results: b…
Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Insecticidal Activity of Seseli bocconei Essential Oils against Stored Products Pests
In this study, the chemical composition of the essential oils (EOs) obtained from different aerial parts (flowers, leaves, and stems) of Seseli bocconei Guss., a wild species endemic of Sicily, was investigated. Furthermore, the EOs’ biocidal effects towards two pests of stored products, Sitophilus oryzae and Callosobruchus maculates, were evaluated. This activity was evaluated in Petri dish bioassays to establish the survival rate of adults treated with the EOs comparing them with solvent and a commonly used insecticide (pyrethrum). The data obtained from the toxicity bioassay evidenced that stems’ EOs and leaves’ EOs have a contact/fumigation effect towards the two insec…
Conquering the liminal space : Strategic social media influencer communication in the Finnish public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic
Public sector organisations have traditionally used mass media and their own communication channels to communicate urgent matters to citizens. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced these organisations to look for new communication approaches. In Finland, several public-sector organisations collaborated with social media influencers (SMIs) to maximise their efforts in communicating about the measures needed to constrain the spread of the virus. Using a multiple-case study design, this chapter scrutinises four public-sector organisations and their collaboration with SMIs during the pandemic in 2020. We found that public organisations turned to SMIs through influencer marketing and influen…