showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

A Chain of Words as an Introduction: Human Dignity, Language, Identity, Citizenship, Values, Human Capital and Urban Spaces


To analyze the issue of cities-migrants interactions, as well as social-monetary values interactions, it is necessary to place it in a “higher” context, in order not to risk losing the necessary connection with universal ethical principles, and in a “broader” one, in which understanding complexity on a global scale interprets local conditions. The study of migration flows and urban dynamics, as well as housing markets, through theoretical paradigms and scientific tools from different disciplines provides an opportunity to learn and compare, dialogue and interface with new keys to understanding the problem, or with alternative interpretations and unprecedented perspectives in the path of mul…

Settore ICAR/22 - Estimotheoretical paradigms interdisciplinarity multiculturalism migration flows valuation appraisal

Human capital and the intertemporal substitution for leisure: empirical evidence for Spain


AbstractIn this paper we provide the first estimate of the intertemporal substitution for leisure in Spain, accounting for the impact of human capital accumulation. This would allow uncovering whether the intertemporal labour supply of Spanish workers is affected by human capital. Our empirical strategy consists of estimating the equation for the intertemporal substitution of leisure with and without accounting for human capital, what allows to detect hypothetical estimation biases associated to omitting the impact of human capital. To that end, we build a pseudo-panel data set combining the Spanish Family Expenditure Survey and the Labour Survey over the period 1987–1997. While the model t…

panel dataEconomics and Econometricseuler equationinstrumental variablesUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASintertemporal substitution for leisureGeneral Economics Econometrics and FinancePortuguese Economic Journal

In the Name of Antigone: Migrants and Human Rights in Contemporary Urban Spaces


Starting from the metaphor of the ethical conflict between dignity and rights in Antigone, the article reflects on the theme of human dignity for a critique of global inequalities. These theoretical assumptions are the basis for reflecting on the theme of contemporary international mobility of populations, which generates significant effects on the production of borders and the right to the city, highlighting new issues of social and spatial justice. In particular, with respect to the “newcomers”, claiming the “right to the city”, after claiming the “right to mobility”, very often coincides with the claim and protection of human rights, in order to build “spaces for survival”. On the one ha…

Settore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaEthical conflict Dignity Human rights Spatial justice Migrants

Molecular and biometric data on Carabus (Macrothorax) morbillosus Fabricius, 1792 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Mid Mediterranean areas


The present study was carried out using molecular and biometric data of Carabus (Macrothorax) morbillosus from mid-Mediterranean areas to determine additional information on basal relationships among its representative subspecies. To this aim, two different kinds of approach were employed, including a morphometric analysis of four morphological parameters (i.e., elytra length, elytra width, pronotum length, pronotum width) of 128 specimens, and a Bayesian genetic analysis of 44 cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) partial sequences (i.e., 38 examined for the first time and six retrieved from GenBank database). Representative populations of C. (M.) morbillosus were sampled in four countries, n…

pronotumInsectaArthropodaSettore BIO/05 - ZoologiaCarabusBayesian analysisCOICarabinitaxonomyBayesian analysis biogeography carabids COI elytra morphometric analysis pronotum taxonomyCaraboideaAnimaliaCarabinaCarabus morbillosusEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematicsbiogeographyelytracarabidsmorphometric analysisCarabinaeBiotaColeopteraSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataAnimal Science and ZoologyCarabidaeZooKeys

Market Values and Socioeconomic Mixité in Palermo. The Role of Migrants in the Commercial Real Estate Market


Socioeconomic and functional mixité has been an objective placed at the basis of urban development to guide the transformation processes of urban areas, associating it with social inclusion as opposed to the morphological and spatial segregation, often caused by monofunctional zoning. The implementation of social mixité involves all social groups and, particularly, migrant communities that, in turn, are formed by groups with different cultures, nationalities, resources and income levels. The location choices of migrants and native residents produce an ever-changing urban geography of residential, commercial and service activities that directly impact on the real estate market. Migrants’ act…

Commercial Real Estate Market Socioeconomic Mixité Migration FlowsSettore ICAR/22 - Estimo

Tutkijakollegiumit, tieteidenvälisyys ja huippututkimuksen ideaali


Suomesta ei löytyne yliopistoa, joka ei strategiassaan nimeäisi tieteidenvälisyyttä yhdeksi keskeiseksi keinoksi tavoitella huippututkimusta (research excellence). Tässä tutkimuksessa kysymme, millaisia käsityksiä tutkijakollegiumien johtajilla on tieteidenvälisyyden roolista huippututkimuksen tavoittelussa. Lisäksi tutkimme, miten tieteidenvälisyydelle luodaan tilaa ja mahdollisuuksia tutkijakollegiumien arjessa. Aineisto koostuu tutkijakollegiumien nykyisten ja entisten johtajien (n = 6) haastatteluista. Haastateltavat edustavat kaikkia kolmea suomalaista tutkijakollegiumia. Tutkijakollegiumeja luonnehdittiin turvasatamina suhteessa siihen, mitä nyky-yliopistoissa ei ole enää mahdollista …


A quick review of ethics, design thinking, gender, and AI development


Ethics, artificial intelligence (AI), and design thinking are current buzz words. The threat of bias-riddled machine learning algorithms is represented media-wide. Research and development initiatives are endeavoring to ‘translate’ ethics into processes and machine logic and design thinking as a method is adopted to gauge the interests and values of a vast range of stakeholders. Gender, its framing, reflection, and critical evaluation in relation to design thinking as a means for developing ethical AI appear to be less represented in scholarly discourse. Against a background of critical theory and gender studies that describe and problematize gender, its construction and norms in socio-tech…

järjestelmäsuunnitteluBehavioral Neurosciencekoneoppiminendesign thinkingCognitive NeuroscienceluovuusGeneral EngineeringExperimental and Cognitive Psychologyetiikkatekoälykriittinen teoriasukupuoliInternational Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation

Populism and Immigration: (Re)Inventing Identities Through Language


Populism is one of the hottest topics of the moment and immigration is a fundamental lens for understanding its success, although not the only one. Starting from this assumption, this chapter aims to specify how language can be used as a strategic resource to empower populist platforms. The analysis contributes to the existing analysis by clarifying that language is intrinsically evaluative: the choice of the use of words and the linguistic strategies implemented by any political actor cannot be seen as neutral. Hence, we argue that (radical right) populists do not make a pathological use of language per se. The populist linguistic strategies belong to a physiological dimension, in the sens…

Language Identity Immigration Fear PopulismSettore SPS/04 - Scienza PoliticaSettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi

A neglected cervicovesical fistula diagnosed and repaired by combined hysteroscopy and laparoscopy: A case report and review of literature


ObjectiveTo analyze a case of neglected cervicovesical fistula with intrauterine adhesions caused by cesarean section.MethodsA 36-year-old female patient with a history of two previous cesarean sections complained of the absence of menstruation for the last 18 months. The diagnosis of the cervicovesical fistula was made through hysteroscopy and cystoscopy. The reconstruction of the uterus and bladder was achieved by a laparoscopic repair technique.ResultsThe patient resumed normal menstruation postoperatively without complaining of any complications. Uterine continuity and cavity had been restored to normal at the second look of hysteroscopy.ConclusionsCervicovesical fistula with intrauteri…

SurgeryFrontiers in Surgery

Scavenging in the realm of senses: smell and vision drive recruitment at carcasses in Neotropical ecosystems


Social information, acquired through the observation of other individuals, is especially relevant among species belonging to the same guild. The unpredictable and ephemeral nature of carrion implies that social mechanisms may be selected among scavenger species to facilitate carcass location and consumption. Here, we apply a survival-modelling strategy to data obtained through the placement and monitoring of carcasses in the field to analyse possible information transmission cascades within a Neotropical scavenger community. Our study highlights how the use of different senses (smell and sight) within this guild facilitates carcass location through the transmission of social information bet…

Food ChainhajuaistihaaskatIntra-guild interactionseläinten käyttäytyminenGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biologyneotrooppinen alueInterspecific communicationCadaverHumansAnimalssosiaalinen tietoScavenging assemblagesPublic information transmissionEcosystemFalconiformesGeneral Environmental ScienceGeneral Immunology and MicrobiologyraadotaistitpaikannusraadonsyöjätGeneral MedicineFeeding BehaviorSpecies networksnäkösosiaalinen oppiminenSmellkondoritGeneral Agricultural and Biological SciencesForaging behaviour

Predictors of outcome after a time-limited psychosocial intervention for adolescent depression.


Research on the predictors of outcome for early, community-based, and time-limited interventions targeted for clinical depression in adolescents is still scarce. We examined the role of demographic, psychosocial, and clinical variables as predictors of outcome in a trial conducted in Finnish school health and welfare services to identify factors associating to symptom reduction and remission after a brief depression treatment. A total of 55 12–16-year-olds with mild to moderate depression received six sessions of either interpersonal counseling for adolescents (IPC-A) or brief psychosocial support (BPS). Both interventions resulted in clinical improvement at end of treatment and 3- and 6-mo…

masennusAdolescentsymptom improvementDepressionPredictors515 PsychologyBrief interventionbrief interventionSchool mental health services3124 Neurology and psychiatrypredictorsschool mental health servicesnuoretSymptom improvementadolescentdepressionoireetmielenterveyspalvelutinterventioGeneral PsychologyFrontiers in psychology

Onko yliopisto organisaatio vai instituutio?


Artikkelissa keskustellaan yliopiston luonteesta kahdesta näkökulmasta käsin, jotka ovat yliopisto organisaationa ja akatemian intellektuaalisten traditioiden kantama korkeakoulutuksen instituutio. Artikkeli analysoi sitä, millä tavalla nämä kaksi näkökulmaa eroavat toisistaan, ja mitä näistä eroista seuraa. Artikkelissa keskustellaan myös siitä, millaisia historiallisia kerrostumia ja niiden tukemia eettisiä koodistoja yliopistoista löytyy. nonPeerReviewed

johtaminenhistoria johtaminen instituutio organisaatio yliopistoarvot (käsitykset)korkeakoulupolitiikkainstituutiotautonomiakorkeakouluhallintoorganisaatiotArtikkelithallintohistoriamanagerialismiyliopistolakiyliopistot

Correction to: Disability assessment using Google Maps (Neurological Sciences, (2022), 43, 2, (1007-1014), 10.1007/s10072-021-05389-7)


Originally, the article has been published online with a spelling error in author name. The correct author name is Paolo Ragonese and not Paolo Raganose. The original article has been corrected.

multiple sclerosis

La libertà di espressione in rete fra content moderation dei social network e regolazione dell’Unione Europea


Starting from the premise that digital society and advances in technology determine the need for adaptation, even if only in an interpretative sense, of the legal categories of constitutionalism, the study analyzes the new dimension of the freedom of expression of thought in the "digital environment". Through the examination of the different jurisprudential approaches expressed to protect this freedom in Europe and in the United States, the work also examines the role of social platforms, their power of self-regulation and that of content moderation, which will highlight the need for regulation of the phenomenon that balances the needs of protection of rights and those of technological adva…

Settore IUS/09 - Istituzioni Di Diritto PubblicoSettore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleFree speech – social networks – content moderation – regulation – digital constitutionalism

Incentive Mechanism for Edge Computing-Based Blockchain: A Sequential Game Approach


The development of the blockchain framework is able to provide feasible solutions for a wide range of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications. While the IIoT devices are usually resource-limited, how to make sure the acquisition of computational resources and participation of the devices will be the driving force to realize blockchain. In this work, an edge computing-based blockchain framework is considered, where multiple edge service providers (ESPs) can provide computational resources to the IIoT devices. We focus on investigating the trading between the devices and ESPs, where ESPs are the sellers and devices are the buyers. A sequential game is formulated and by exploring the…

computational modelingblockchainsInternet of ThingsmininglohkoketjutComputer Science Applicationsedge computingreunalaskentaControl and Systems Engineeringtask analysispricinginformaticsincentive mechanismpeliteoriaesineiden internettiedonlouhintaElectrical and Electronic EngineeringgamesInformation SystemsIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

First application of dental microwear texture analysis to infer theropod feeding ecology


PaleontologyEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsPalaeontology

Prospezione speleoarcheologica della falesia «Piana di Sopra» a San Vito lo Capo (TP)


The northern coast of Trapani is characteristed by a series of phenomena linked to Quaternary glaciations. These phenomena have modeled esplanades, terraces, cliffs, leaf grooves and caves of great natural beuaty. The extreme strip of the Peninsula of S. Vito lo Capo, the Piana di Sopra, is made up of parareciphal limestones with Orbitoline and Rudist from the Cretaceous. This area has a strong density of cavities of marine origin estimated at four cavities per kilometer. These cavities are an important anthropological testimonly to a continual human presence from deep prehistory onwards. A fundamental prerequisite for a study of the prehistory of an area is its geomorphologic description w…

AnthropologySettore BIO/08 - Antropologia

Tolemeo di Mauretania. L’ideologia politica e la morte a Roma nel settembre del 40


The paper, through the analysis of literary, numismatic and epigraphic sources, and through the contribution of statuary, aims at investigating the causes that determined first the fall into disgrace, and then the death sentence of Ptolemy of Mauretania. A set of reasons, the main of which have an ideological-political and cultural nature, and can be summarized in a self-congratulatory intention, is behind the death sentence of the king, that we propose to contextualize in Rome, after a period of imprisonment, not before September 40 BC, when Caligula went back from Campania.

Settore L-ANT/03 - Storia RomanaCaligula Early Roman Empire Mauretania Ptolemy Foreign Policy of the Roman Empire

Informal migrant settlements between irregular condition and right to the city. New challenges for planning in cross-border Euro-Mediterranean contex…


Analysing the spatial dimension of the phenomenon, which highlights the inadequacy and insufficiency of reception places, the increase in phenomena of eviction of irregular occupations, as well as the post-COVID exclusion and marginalization effects whose territorial scope we can currently only speculate, with the significant increase in the phenomenon of informal settlements in suburban urban settings. In this sense, the recent results of surveys conducted in Italy in the field of planning on the territorial distribution of the foreign population in suburban contexts show how the traditional focus on urban contexts has left uncovered a relevant field of investigation. Therefore, the resear…

Settore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaInformal migrant settlements Euro-Mediterranean contexts planning

Novel formulations of oral bisphosphonates in the treatment of osteoporosis


AbstractOral bisphosphonates are a key intervention in the treatment of osteoporosis and in reducing the risk of fragility fractures. Their use is supported by over 3 decades of evidence; however, patient adherence to oral bisphosphonates remains poor in part due to complex dosing instructions and adverse events, including upper gastrointestinal symptoms. This problem has led to the development of novel oral bisphosphonate formulations. Buffered, effervescent alendronate is dissolved in water and so seeks to reduce upper gastro-intestinal adverse events, and gastro-resistant risedronate aims to reduce the complexity of dosing procedure (e.g. fasting prior to consumption) whilst still mainta…

AgingDiphosphonatesAlendronateAlendronate/adverse effects610 Medicine & healthRisedronic Acid/therapeutic useDiphosphonates/adverse effectsFractures BoneHumansOsteoporosisAlendronate Bisphosphonates Fragility fracture Osteoporosis Risedronate TherapyGeriatrics and Gerontology610 Medizin und GesundheitBoneFracturesRisedronic AcidOsteoporosis/drug therapy

Buone pratiche e strumenti di analisi per l’apprendimento, l’insegnamento e l’inclusione


Il presente lavoro, nato in seno al progetto di ricerca “Best practices and tools of analysis in schools and community contexts: learning, teaching & inclusion”, avviato su fondi del Dipartimento SPPEFF dell’Università di Palermo, nel marzo 2019 e giunto alla sua seconda fase. La metodologia di ricerca utilizzata – perché ritenuta adeguata a perseguire le finalità fissate e a fornire una visione complessa ed articolata del fenomeno investigato – è stata quella del Mixed Method, con particolare riferimento all’Explanatory Design: Participant Selection Model di Creswell, Plano Clark, et al. (2003). L’«Explanatory Design is a two-phase mixed methods design. The overall purpose of this desi…

qualitative research neuroeducation UDL cluster analysis.ricerca qualitativa neurodidattica UDL analisi dei clusterSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia SperimentaleSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Limited behavioural effects of ocean acidification on a Mediterranean anemone goby (Gobius incognitus) chronically exposed to elevated CO2 levels


An in situ reciprocal transplant experiment was carried around a volcanic CO2 vent to evaluate the anti-predator responses of an anemone goby species exposed to ambient (∼380 μatm) and high (∼850 μatm) CO2 sites. Overall, the anemone gobies displayed largely unaffected behaviors under high-CO2 conditions suggesting an adaptive potential of Gobius incognitus to ocean acidification (OA) conditions. This is also supported by its 3-fold higher density recorded in the field under high CO2. However, while fish exposed to ambient conditions showed an expected reduction in the swimming activity in the proximity of the predator between the pre- and post-exposure period, no such changes were detected…

General MedicineAquatic ScienceOceanographyPollutionBehaviour Cnidaria CO 2 seeps Global change Gobiidae Predation Risk assessment Shelter use

Gli Archivi Digitali e l'Antropologia Virtuale. Ricostruzione 3D di un cranio umano mediante la moderna tecnica della Fotogrammetria


Modern digital archives mainly thanks to recent developments in 3D modelling by TAC, Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry are highy useful for easily storing and exchanging large amounts of data for both qualitative and quantitative studies. Photogrammetry is a versatile and inexpensive technique that starting from one or more sets of 2D digital images allows for high-resolution 3D models to be built. The protocol reported here allows users with different backgrounds to easily and quickly built accurate models of human skulls using minimal and inexpensive equipment by simply modifying only some of the default settings of the Agisoft-Metashape software. The photo acquisition and the workflow of …

3D modelhuman skullSettore BIO/08 - Antropologia3D anatomical modelsdigital database

Adapting to Dynamic LEO-B5G Systems : Meta-Critic Learning Based Efficient Resource Scheduling


Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite-assisted communications have been considered as one of key elements in beyond 5G systems to provide wide coverage and cost-efficient data services. Such dynamic space-terrestrial topologies impose exponential increase in the degrees of freedom in network management. In this paper, we address two practical issues for an over-loaded LEO-terrestrial system. The first challenge is how to efficiently schedule resources to serve the massive number of connected users, such that more data and users can be delivered/served. The second challenge is how to make the algorithmic solution more resilient in adapting to dynamic wireless environments.To address them, we first…

Signal Processing (eess.SP)FOS: Computer and information sciencesdynamic environmentComputer Science - Machine Learningreinforcement learningmeta-critic learningComputer Science - Artificial Intelligence5G-tekniikkaresursointiMachine Learning (cs.LG): Electrical & electronics engineering [C06] [Engineering computing & technology]LEO satelliteslangaton tiedonsiirtoresources allocationalgoritmitFOS: Electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringElectrical and Electronic EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Systems Science - Signal Processing: Ingénierie électrique & électronique [C06] [Ingénierie informatique & technologie]Applied MathematicstietoliikennesatelliititComputer Science ApplicationsArtificial Intelligence (cs.AI)koneoppiminenresource schedulinglangattomat verkot

Gustavo Guercia, una raccolta inedita


Il testo prende in esame il corpus di acquerelli inediti di Gustavo Guercia, artista italiano attivo tra XIX e XX secolo,

PaesaggismoSettore L-ART/04 - Museologia E Critica Artistica E Del RestauroCollezionismoAcquerelliSettore L-ART/03 - Storia Dell'Arte ContemporaneaPitturaGustavo GuerciaNatura Morta

Recensione a Nunzio La Fauci, Cinema e parole


Review of Nunzio La Fauci, Cinema e parole

Settore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura ItalianaLiterature Cinema

La street art come motore di recupero e rigenerazione urbana delle aree interne. Un progetto condiviso per lo sviluppo di smart villages nell'area Ma…


The Madonie district, one of the 72 pilot areas of the National Strategy for Inner Areas in Italy in the center of Sicily, is composed by 21 municipalities that really have a great potential, due to their historical background and natural landscape, but it needs new strategies to emerge. Many people from northern cities have returned to their home villages in recent years, to live and work, but they have not found some important and necessary services as there are in smart cities, and to date, these villages do not adopt smart strategies. Many changes need to be made, one solution is to transform them into smart villages through rehabilitation, such as improving the historic center with str…

inner rural areas madonie Smart villages street art urban regeneration designSettore ICAR/10 - Architettura Tecnica

The osteogenic potential of physical activity


exercisephysical activitybone metabolismbone healthsport

Spectral decomposition of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular interactions in patients prone to postural syncope and healthy controls.


We present a framework for the linear parametric analysis of pairwise interactions in bivariate time series in the time and frequency domains, which allows the evaluation of total, causal and instantaneous interactions and connects time- and frequency-domain measures. The framework is applied to physiological time series to investigate the cerebrovascular regulation from the variability of mean cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) and mean arterial pressure (MAP), and the cardiovascular regulation from the variability of heart period (HP) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP). We analyze time series acquired at rest and during the early and late phase of head-up tilt in subjects developing or…

Endocrine and Autonomic SystemsTime series analysisBlood PressureHeartBaroreflexCardiovascular SystemSyncopeCerebral autoregulationCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceHeart RateAutoregressive modelsCardiovascular controlCerebrovascular CirculationGranger causalitySettore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica e InformaticaHumansNeurology (clinical)Spectral decompositionAutoregressive models; Cardiovascular control; Cerebral autoregulation; Granger causality; Spectral decomposition; Time series analysis;Autonomic neuroscience : basicclinical

The management of sewage sludge: technologies, critical issue and perspectives


The management of sludge produced by urban wastewater treatment plants has long been a problem for plant managers. This is due both to the growing costs for their disposal, and to the possible consequences that incorrect management may have on the performance of the wastewater treatment plant and on the environment. Further difficulties arose following the evolution of the European and national legislations, which regulates the management of sludge and its possible agronomic uses that introduced further checks and restrictions for this use. Several studies have been underway since last decades to reduce the extent of the problem. These focus on alternative objectives being aimed on the one …

Settore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-AmbientaleEnvironmental regulations Sewage sludge sludge minimization wastewater technologies

Divina Instrumenta. Argenti liturgici nelle chiese di Gangi


Il volume, che dimostra l’unicità di preziosi manufatti siciliani dei secoli passati, focalizza, per la prima volta, l’analisi su opere d’arte sacra, che, forgiati in oro, argento e rame ed arricchiti dal corallo, utilizzato con forte valenza simbolica, da smalti policromi e da pietre dure, sono custoditi nelle diverse e ricche chiese di Gangi (Pa), centro delle alte Madonie. Le suppellettili liturgiche sono state realizzate da maestranze siciliane e non, dalla fine del Trecento, quando nell’Isola circolavano opere di origine toscana e ligure, agli inizi dell’Ottocento, secolo caratterizzato dall’avvento del rigoroso e sobrio stile neoclassico. Commissionate da ecclesiastici, nobili e giura…

Sicilia suppellettili liturgiche committenza ecclesiastica arti decorative arte sacra arte moderna Toscana Liguria circolazione opere Ventimiglia Quattrocento Cinquecento Seicento Settecento OttocentoSicily liturgical furnishings ecclesiastical commissions decorative arts sacred art modern art Tuscany Liguria circulation of works Ventimiglia 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th centuriesSettore L-ART/02 - Storia Dell'Arte Moderna

Hydrography and food distribution during a tidal cycle above a cold-water coral mound


Cold-water corals (CWCs) are important ecosystem engineers in the deep sea that provide habitat for numerous species and can form large coral mounds. These mounds influence surrounding currents and induce distinct hy- drodynamic features, such as internal waves and episodic downwelling events that accelerate transport of organic matter towards the mounds, supplying the corals with food. To date, research on organic matter distribution at coral mounds has focussed either on seasonal timescales or has provided single point snapshots. Data on food distribution at the timescale of a diurnal tidal cycle is currently limited. Here, we integrate physical, biogeochemical, and biological data throug…

:Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Zoologiske og botaniske fag: 480::Marinbiologi: 497 [VDP]Business Manager projecten Midden-NoordBenthic-pelagic couplingAquatic ScienceOceanographyOrganic matter transportParticulate organic matter:Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Zoologiske og botaniske fag: 480::Økologi: 488 [VDP]Life Science:Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Geofag: 450::Oseanografi: 452 [VDP]Cold-water coralsInternal wavesBusiness Manager projects Mid-NorthDiurnal tidal cycleVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Zoologiske og botaniske fag: 480

Dall’orientamento transitorio all’orientamento generativo: una sfida educativa interculturale


Il contributo offre una riflessione pedagogica, a partire dalla letteratura di riferimento, sulle forme di orientamento formativo, educativo e professionale per gli adolescenti migranti inseriti nel sistema scolastico italiano. Nella nostra società attuale, in cui i contesti educativi e scolastici sono sempre più multiculturali, la capacità di sapersi orientare implica nello studente, così come nell’insegnante, la predisposizione a sviluppare competenze cognitive, emotive e relazionali, atte a sapersi relazionare con i contesti comunitari e di vita la cui trasformazione dipende non soltanto dal processo orientativo ma anche da fattori socioculturali afferenti a valori, tradizioni e culture,…

generative guidance multiethnic and multicultural school migrant students intercultural educationorientamento generativo scuola multietnica e multiculturale studenti migranti educazione interculturaleSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Sociale

Dalla morte la vita. Osservazioni intorno alla sacralità del cibo


Since the appearance of Homo erectus, the consumption of meat has been constitutive of human life. Food is sacred because it is derived from the death of other living beings, but depriving these of life constitutes an offence against the gods, so any deprivation of life must take place according to precise rules. Food represents a symbol, and the occasions of its consumption are elective moments both of mediation between the here and the hereafter and of affirmation of the social body. On this awareness, albeit with specific articulations within each culture, the relationship between human beings and gods, and between men and men, has been founded. In increasingly limited contexts, it conti…

Sacred food ritual food ritual offering sacrificial ritual AnthropologySettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline Demoetnoantropologiche

Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources, Obstacles, and Emotional Implications for Italian Students in Higher Education


The study examined how 807 undergraduate Italian students coped with synchronous, asynchronous, and blended learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strengths and weaknesses of online learning were collected via an electronic platform (SurveyMonkey) and then categorized by grounded theory analysis using ATLAS.ti 8.0 software. The results showed technical, practical, relational, organizational, and transformative features of online learning emerged, differentiated in synchronous, asynchronous, and blended modes. Emotional aspects also affected the evaluation of distance learning because depression and fear were more frequent among the students who found distance learning to be an …

Philosophyperception and emotional response to COVID-19higher educationSettore M-PSI/07 - Psicologia Dinamicaonline teachingDistance learning; higher education; online teaching; perception and emotional response to COVID-19; resources and obstacles of e-learningresources and obstacles of e-learningDistance learningSettore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE

The pivotal role of students’ absorptive capacity in management learning


Within a research context dominated by an increasing interest in innovative learning method- ologies in management education, an individual’s capacity to establish links between existing and new knowledge, that is, absorptive capacity (AC), has been surprisingly neglected in management (higher) education inquiry. This study helps to close this gap by investigating the role of management students’ AC on their academic performance. The study also examines the moderating effect on this relationship of using traditional learning methodologies (such as lectures), innovative learning methodologies (such as interacting with digital platforms), and having a cooperative climate in the classroom. Sec…

innovative learning methodologiesStrategy and Managementcooperative climatetraditional learning methodologiesabsorptive capacityacademic performancemanagement learningUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASEducationThe International Journal of Management Education