showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

The Descent of Man by C.R. Darwin. A continuous debate since 1871


On the Descent of Man by Charles Robert Darwin. A continuous debate since 1871

AnthropologyHistory of SciencesSettore BIO/08 - AntropologiaDarwin

Experimental observation of the M1 scissors mode in $^{254}No$


Physics letters / B 834, 137479 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137479

Nuclear and High Energy Physicsscissors modetransfermium nuclidesγ-strength functionddc:530[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]ydinfysiikka530

School-family relationship: a survey on the communicative and participatory methods of non-indigenous families


Il complesso processo educativo basato sull’educazione delle giovani generazioni comporta un’assunzione di responsabilità da parte delle due principali agenzie educative: la famiglia e la scuola. Per la buona riuscita del processo educativo è necessario che tra le due agenzie ci sia un accordo implicito o esplicito sugli aspetti terminologici e concettuali, affinché si stabilisca una comprensione comune per gli interlocutori e si crei un contesto chiaro e trasparente che non lasci spazio a interpretazioni fallaci (Quaranta, 2019). I cambiamenti socioculturali hanno determinato un pluralismo culturale, religioso e nuove sfide tecnologiche e problematiche comunicative e partecipative (Pati, 2…

Educational co-responsibility non-indigenous families school-family communication participation.Corresponsabilità educative famiglie non autoctone comunicazione scuola-famiglia partecipazione.Settore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia Sperimentale

Imaging standardisation in metastatic colorectal cancer: a joint EORTC-ESOI-ESGAR expert consensus recommendation


Background: Treatment monitoring in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) relies on imaging to evaluate the tumor burden. Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) provide a framework on reporting and interpretation of imaging findings yet offer no guidance on a standardized imaging protocol tailored to mCRC patients. Imaging protocol heterogeneity remains a challenge for the reproducibility of conventional imaging endpoints and is an obstacle for research on novel imaging endpoints. Patients and methods: Acknowledging the recently highlighted potential of radiomics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools as decision support for patient care in mCRC, a multidisciplinary, internatio…

PROTOCOLCancer ResearchPositron emission tomographyArtificial intelligenceConsensusBEVACIZUMABMedizinImagingCancer -- ImagingHumansCRITERIAColon (Anatomy) -- Cancer -- TomographyComputed tomographyScience & TechnologyRadiomicsRectal NeoplasmsAbdomen -- Radiography -- Case studiesColon (Anatomy) -- Cancer -- TreatmentReproducibility of ResultsAbdomen -- Radiography -- StandardsOPEN-LABELColorectal cancerArtificial intelligence Standardisation Colorectal cancer Computed tomography Imaging Positron emission tomography RadiomicsOncologyColonic NeoplasmsSURVIVALStandardisationLife Sciences & Biomedicine

Tra due poli: fonti e caratteri giuridico-istituzionali dei rapporti tra Papato e vescovati siciliani in età normanna (secc. XI-XII)


The aim of this work is to examine the sources relating to the legalinstitutional relations between the Papacy and the bishoprics of the island of Sicily, between the 11th and 12th centuries. The investigation aims to verify in what ways, and according to what forms, each pope directed his action to get in touch with the bishops in charge of the different ecclesiastical sees. On the other hand, it is also intended to examine whether the Sicilian bishops themselves attempted in some way to accredit their action towards the Apostolic See. The two poles evoked in the title – the Sicilian Monarchy and the Church of Rome – represent respectively the two highest authorities for the Churches of th…

Settore IUS/19 - Storia Del Diritto Medievale E ModernoMedieval Sicilian BishopricInstitutional and Legal RelationshipsNorman Italy and Sicily

The system of protected areas as the core element in a new vision of the Metropolitan City of Palermo


Un processo di urbanizzazione può certamente essere considerato una delle più significative alterazioni antropiche del sistema ambientale in un territorio. Il presente studio vuole comprendere le caratteristiche spaziali della crescita urbana e i suoi impatti sulle componenti ambientali nella Città Metropolitana di Palermo, un'area in cui i livelli di consumo di suolo inedificato e di pregio, e le conseguenti forme di frammentazione ambientale e territoriale, rischiano di compromettere non solo il valore paesaggistico-ambientale dei territori coinvolti ma anche la loro identità. Partendo da queste premesse, questo contributo esplora il rapporto di reciprocità tra ambiente costruito e territ…

sistema ambientale area metropolitana approccio buoregionaleenvironmental systems metropolitan area bioregional approachSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Challenges and opportunities for citrus wastewater management and valorisation: A review.


Citrus wastewaters (CWWs) are by-products of the citrus fruit transformation process. Currently, more than 700 million of m³ of CWWs per year are produced worldwide. Until nowadays, the management of CWWs is based on a take-make-use-dispose model. Indeed, after being produced within a citrus processing industry, CWWs are subjected to treatment and then discharged into the environment. Now, the European Union is pushing towards a take-make-use-reuse management model, which suggests to provide for the minimization of residual pollutants simultaneously with their exploitation through a biorefinery concept. Indeed, the recovery of energy nutrients and other value-added products held by CWWs may…

CitrusSoilEnvironmental EngineeringSettore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-AmbientaleAgricultural reuse Circular economy model Costs and benefits analysis Extensive wastewater treatment Intensive wastewater treatment Wastewater reuseSettore AGR/13 - Chimica AgrariaSettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleAgricultureGeneral MedicineManagement Monitoring Policy and LawWastewaterWaste Management and DisposalJournal of environmental management

Kopīgo resursu pārvaldība krīžu saplūšanas laikā


Kolektīvā monogrāfija “Kopīgo resursu pārvaldība krīžu saplūšanas laikā” apkopo galvenās pētnieciskā projekta “Gatavi pārmaiņām? Kopīgo dabas resursu ilgtspējīga pārvaldība” (LZP-2019/1-0319) (projekta vadītājs LU SZF SPPI vadošais pētnieks Jurijs Ņikišins) atziņas.

Bioloģiskā lauksaimniecība - LatvijaKlimata pārmaiņasEkosistēmas izturētspējaDabas resursu menedžmentsMežsaimniecība - LatvijaGadījumu analīze:NATURAL SCIENCES [Research Subject Categories]

Integration of lot sizing and safety strategy placement using interactive multiobjective optimization


We address challenges of unpredicted demand and propose a multiobjective optimization model to integrate a lot sizing problem with safety strategy placement and optimize conflicting objectives simultaneously. The novel model is devoted to a single-item multi-period problem in periodic review policy. As a safety strategy, we use the traditional safety stock concept and a novel concept of safety order time, which uses a time period to determine the additional stock to handle demand uncertainty. The proposed model has four objective functions: purchasing and ordering cost, holding cost, cycle service level and inventory turnover. We bridge the gap between theory and a real industrial problem a…

General Computer Scienceinventory managementGeneral EngineeringE-NAUTILUSpäätöksentukijärjestelmätinteractive methodmonitavoiteoptimointivarmuusvarastotoptimointikysyntävarastonvalvontainteraktiivisuusmultiple objective optimizationsafety stockuncertain demand

Latvijas skolēnu morālā rakstura attīstīšana: 1. mērījuma rezultāti (2022. gada pavasarī, 2., 5. un 7. klase)


Latvijas Zinātnes padomes finansētā projekta ietvaros (2022-2024) Latvijas Universitātes zinātnieku komanda veic longitudinālu pētījumu par skolēnu tikumisko izaugsmi. Pētījums veikts Latvijas likumdošanas (Izglītības līkuma 10.1 panta “Izglītība un tikumība” un MK noteikumos (Nr. 480) noteikto vadlīniju par tikumisko audzināšanu) kontekstā, ņemot vērā arī projekta “Skola2030” pamatnostādnes par vērtībām un tikumiem jaunajā izglītības saturā. Pētījuma jautājumi, kas ievirzīja pētniecisko procesu un uz kuriem šajā ziņojumā tiek sniegtas atbildes, ir šādi: Kā skolēni saprot, kas ir un kā notiek morālā izaugsme? Vai viņi ir ieinteresēti un vēlas iesaistīties savā morālajā izaugsmē? Kāda ir viņ…

Latvijas skolasMorālā izaugsmeMorālais rakstursTikumiskā audzināšana:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education [Research Subject Categories]

PNRR, lavoro pubblico e dintorni


La legislazione di attuazione del PNRR contiene misure sul reclutamento e sulla progressione di carriera del personale pubblico, nonche´ sulla dirigenza, dirette allo scopo del rafforzamento della capacita` amministrativa delle istituzioni pubbliche. Esse presentano alcune luci e molte ombre su cui vale la pena soffermarsi. Peraltro, i grandi processi di trasformazione e transizione in atto reclamano un forte coinvolgimento delle parti sociali per garantire una loro gestione e una (auspicabile) crescita economica socialmente eque e sostenibili.

lavoro pubblico reclutamento progressioni di carrieraSettore IUS/07 - Diritto Del Lavoro

Che cos'è la filosofia? L'essenza della filosofia oltre la distinzione fra analitici e continentali


Porsi la domanda che «cos’è la filosofia?» significa già fare filosofia, e trovarsi nella condizione dell’esule, dello spaesato. La filosofia, sostiene Heidegger, è un campo vasto e indeterminato; “indeterminato” significa che il pensatore, non appena viene posta la domanda sulla definizione della sua attività, si ritrova in qualche modo estraniato rispetto all’elemento del suo operare. La determinazione della filosofia è opera di quanti cooperano alla costruzione del sapere, nei suoi ambiti disparati, e preservano, ad un tempo, il senso stesso dell’indeterminatezza. Non esistono ambiti del sapere che non possano essere anche filosofici, né si possono limitare a priori i temi, le linee di r…

Settore M-FIL/02 - Logica E Filosofia Della ScienzaFilosofia Analitici Contienentali. Wittgenstein Heidegger Verità Linguaggio Scienza

Gli Archivi Digitali e l'Antropologia Virtuale. Ricostruzione 3D di un cranio umano mediante la moderna tecnica della Fotogrammetria


Modern digital archives mainly thanks to recent developments in 3D modelling by TAC, Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry are highy useful for easily storing and exchanging large amounts of data for both qualitative and quantitative studies. Photogrammetry is a versatile and inexpensive technique that starting from one or more sets of 2D digital images allows for high-resolution 3D models to be built. The protocol reported here allows users with different backgrounds to easily and quickly built accurate models of human skulls using minimal and inexpensive equipment by simply modifying only some of the default settings of the Agisoft-Metashape software. The photo acquisition and the workflow of …

3D modelhuman skullSettore BIO/08 - Antropologia3D anatomical modelsdigital database

Profilo fitochimico di prodotti naturali e loro derivati emisintetici ad attività antitumorale e acaricida


Attività antitumotaleSostanze naturaliSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaAttività acaricida

Optimal selection of touristic packages based on user preferences during sports mega-events


Sport mega-events, such as the Soccer World Cup or Olympic Games, attract many visitors from all over the world. Most of these visitors are also interested in, besides attending the sports events, visiting the host nation and the neighboring countries. In this paper, we focus on the upcoming FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. As per the schedule of the tournament, a national team can play 7 matches at most. Therefore, a supporter will have six short breaks (of three to five days) between consecutive matches in addition to two longer ones, immediately before and after the tournament, during which they can plan some touris- tic trips. We study the problem faced by a touristic trip provider who wants …

HInformation Systems and ManagementGeneral Computer ScienceModeling and SimulationCombinatorial optimization Knapsack Kernel search Sports mega-events FIFA world cup 2022Management Science and Operations ResearchIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Memristors and nonequilibrium stochastic multistable systems


The main aim of this special issue is to report the recent advances and new trends in memristors and nonequilibrium stochastic multistable systems, both theoretically and experimentally, within an interdisci-plinary context. In particular, memristors are multistable systems whose switching dynamics is a stochastic process, which can be controlled by internal and external noise sources, unveiling the constructive role of random fluctuations. Furthermore, the use of memristors as memory elements in neuromorphic systems with noise-assisted persistence of memory states, chaotic dynamics, metastable chaos and chaos synchronization, new stochastic nonlinear models, noise-induced phenomena such as…

Noise-enhanced stabilizationSettore FIS/02 - Fisica Teorica Modelli E Metodi MatematiciGeneral MathematicsApplied MathematicsConstructive role of noiseNeuromorphic systemsGeneral Physics and AstronomyStatistical and Nonlinear PhysicsMultistabilityMemristorSynchronizationMetastabilityChaosResistive switching



This paper outlines the main findings of the project “DEvelopment and applications of a VIrtual hybrid platform for multiscale analysis of advanced StructUres of aircraft” (DEVISU), which deals with failure of composite structures and noise/vibration reduction, along with investigation of new materials for aerospace applications.

Aircraft structures Composites Failure Optimization vibro-acoustic controlOptimizationAircraft structures; Composites; Failure; Optimization; vibro-acoustic controlAircraft structuresFailureSettore ING-IND/04 - Costruzioni E Strutture Aerospazialivibro-acoustic controlComposites

Il Transformative Learning nei futuri insegnanti di sostegno: un’indagine in laboratorio


Il presente lavoro illustra gli esiti di un’indagine condotta con 2193 corsisti frequentanti i laboratori del VI ciclo del corso di specializzazione per le attività di sostegno didattico dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo svoltosi nell’A.A. 2021/2022. La finalità dell’indagine è stata quella di rilevare il grado di consapevolezza dei taciti assunti e delle aspettative, nonché di quelle degli altri e valutarne la rilevanza a fini interpretativi, dei futuri docenti di sostegno, nel processo laboratoriale che li ha coinvolti per 180 ore. La cornice teorica all’interno della quale si delinea l’indagine è quella del Transformative Learning (Mezirow, 2013), che riteniamo fondamentale per la c…

formazione.laboratory teachingawareneApprendimento trasformativodidattica laboratorialeTransformative LearningconsapevolezzaSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia Sperimentaletraining.

La street art come motore di recupero e rigenerazione urbana delle aree interne. Un progetto condiviso per lo sviluppo di smart villages nell'area Ma…


The Madonie district, one of the 72 pilot areas of the National Strategy for Inner Areas in Italy in the center of Sicily, is composed by 21 municipalities that really have a great potential, due to their historical background and natural landscape, but it needs new strategies to emerge. Many people from northern cities have returned to their home villages in recent years, to live and work, but they have not found some important and necessary services as there are in smart cities, and to date, these villages do not adopt smart strategies. Many changes need to be made, one solution is to transform them into smart villages through rehabilitation, such as improving the historic center with str…

inner rural areas madonie Smart villages street art urban regeneration designSettore ICAR/10 - Architettura Tecnica

Pioneers of Consciousness: hypothesis for a Dyptich


The article is a close reading of two short stories in David Foster Wallace's collection "Oblivion", with particular attention to its philosophical implications and hidden features.

Settore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparateDavid Foster Wallace philosophy American fiction empathy burnout short story literary critics

Recensione di GIORGIA BANDINI (ed.): Titus Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi (Editio Plautina Sarsinatis), Sarsina Urbino, Argalia Editore 2020, pp. 123


Recensione dell'edizione critica dei Menaechmi a cura di Giorgia Bandini

Menaechmi Plautus Comedy DoubleSettore L-FIL-LET/05 - Filologia ClassicaSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

In house providing e società pubbliche pluripartecipate. Riflessioni sul controllo analogo congiunto nel quadro generale delle società a controllo pu…


L'articolo analizza le nozioni di "controllo pubblico congiunto" e "controllo analogo congiunto" alla luce del Testo unico sulle società a partecipazione pubblica, specie a fronte delle dibattute ipotesi di partecipazioni pubbliche plurime e pulviscolari, giungendo a conclusioni critiche in merito all'attuale dato legislativo ed ai relativi orientamenti giurisprudenziali, italiani ed europei.

società in housein house providingSettore IUS/04 - Diritto Commercialecontrollo pubblicocontrollo societariocontrollo analogocontrollo congiunto

Distribution of ventilation and oxygenation in surgical obese patients ventilated with high versus low positive end-expiratory pressure: A substudy o…


BACKGROUND Intra-operative ventilation using low/physiological tidal volume and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with periodic alveolar recruitment manoeuvres (ARMs) is recommended in obese surgery patients.OBJECTIVES To investigate the effects of PEEP levels and ARMs on ventilation distribution, oxygenation, haemodynamic parameters and cerebral oximetry.DESIGN A substudy of a randomised controlled trial.SETTING Tertiary medical centre in Geneva, Switzerland, between 2015 and 2018.PATIENTS One hundred and sixty-two patients with a BMI at least 35 kg per square metre undergoing elective open or laparoscopic surgery lasting at least 120 min.INTERVENTION Patients were randomised to PEEP…

Positive-Pressure RespirationAnesthesiology and Pain MedicineCerebrovascular CirculationventilationHumansObesityOximetryLungObese

Evaluation of crack-closure by second harmonic thermoelastic stress analysis


The work illustrates a new experimental approach to evaluate crack-closure in samples undergoing Fatigue Crack-Growing. Crack-closure leaves a peculiar signature on both amplitude and phase of the harmonic of the temperature signal at twice the loading frequency (Second Harmonic), due to the periodic nature of the internal elastic compression stresses. Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) is successfully applied to reveal such signatures on Single-Edge-Notched steel samples. A methodology is also proposed to evaluate the Crack-Opening-Load from temperature data. The work finally explores the influence of crack-closure on crack-tip identification and on the evaluation of the Stress Intensity …

Experimental stress analysisExperimental techniquesFatigue cracksMechanical EngineeringThermoelastic stress analysisIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringCrack growth ratesSettore ING-IND/14 - Progettazione Meccanica E Costruzione Di MacchineMechanics of MaterialsCrack closureModeling and SimulationSecond harmonicsFatigue crack propagationGeneral Materials ScienceInternational Journal of Fatigue

Living Space for Detainees: The Corte di Cassazione on the Role of the European Court of Human Rights Case Law on Conditions of Detention


The present paper deals with the case law of the Italian Corte di Cassazione on rhe applicability of the European Convention on Human Rights in the domestic legal system.

Settore IUS/13 - Diritto Internazionaleconditions of DetentionEuropean Convention on Human Right

Buone pratiche e strumenti di analisi per l’apprendimento, l’insegnamento e l’inclusione


Il presente lavoro, nato in seno al progetto di ricerca “Best practices and tools of analysis in schools and community contexts: learning, teaching & inclusion”, avviato su fondi del Dipartimento SPPEFF dell’Università di Palermo, nel marzo 2019 e giunto alla sua seconda fase. La metodologia di ricerca utilizzata – perché ritenuta adeguata a perseguire le finalità fissate e a fornire una visione complessa ed articolata del fenomeno investigato – è stata quella del Mixed Method, con particolare riferimento all’Explanatory Design: Participant Selection Model di Creswell, Plano Clark, et al. (2003). L’«Explanatory Design is a two-phase mixed methods design. The overall purpose of this desi…

qualitative research neuroeducation UDL cluster analysis.ricerca qualitativa neurodidattica UDL analisi dei clusterSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia SperimentaleSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Prospezione speleoarcheologica della falesia «Piana di Sopra» a San Vito lo Capo (TP)


The northern coast of Trapani is characteristed by a series of phenomena linked to Quaternary glaciations. These phenomena have modeled esplanades, terraces, cliffs, leaf grooves and caves of great natural beuaty. The extreme strip of the Peninsula of S. Vito lo Capo, the Piana di Sopra, is made up of parareciphal limestones with Orbitoline and Rudist from the Cretaceous. This area has a strong density of cavities of marine origin estimated at four cavities per kilometer. These cavities are an important anthropological testimonly to a continual human presence from deep prehistory onwards. A fundamental prerequisite for a study of the prehistory of an area is its geomorphologic description w…

AnthropologySettore BIO/08 - Antropologia

Recensione a Nunzio La Fauci, Cinema e parole


Review of Nunzio La Fauci, Cinema e parole

Settore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura ItalianaLiterature Cinema

Minimal Dose of Resistance Exercise Required to Induce Immediate Hypotension Effect in Older Adults with Hypertension:Randomized Cross-Over Controlle…


To determine the optimal exercise volume to generate a hypotension response after the execution of a single strength exercise in elderly subjects with hypertension (HT), a randomized crossover design was performed. A total of 19 elderly subjects with HT performed one control session and three experimental sessions of resistance training with different volumes in a randomized order: three, six, and nine sets of 20 repetitions maximum (RM) of a single elbow flexion exercise with elastic bands. The systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean heart rate (MHR) were tested at the beginning and immediately afterwards, at 30 and 60 min, and at 4, 5, and 6 h after the res…

Exercici terapèuticvolumeCross-Over StudieshypertensionHealth Toxicology and Mutagenesishypertension; resistance training; post-exercise hypotension; volumePublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthResistance TrainingBlood Pressurepost-exercise hypotensionCor MalaltiesHeart RateHypertensionHumansHypotensionresistance trainingAged

Neoformazione esofitica mandibolare in una giovane paziente


Una donna caucasica di 18 anni si presentava all’osservazione presso il Settore di Medicina Orale (Università degli Studi di Palermo) data la comparsa di una neoformazione localizzata in zona trigono retromolare destro. L’anamnesi patologica non evidenziava la presenza di patologie sistemiche attuali o pregresse. La paziente era in buone condizioni di salute, riferiva di non assumere farmaci e di non avere subito alcun intervento chirurgico; dichiarava di non avere mai fumato. La paziente riferiva un lento e progressivo accrescimento della lesione, in assenza di sintomatologia algica. L’esame obiettivo extra-orale non evidenziava linfoadenopatie latero-cervicali o altre anomalie. All’esame …

OrthodonticsOral SurgeryPeripheral ossifying fibroma Oral medicine Oral surgery Reactive lesion Benign neoplasm

Starptautiskā konference "Jauno vēsturnieku zinātniskie lasījumi VIII": Konferences referātu tēzes, Valmieras muzejs, 2022. gada 24.–25. novembris


“The Scholarly Readings of Young Historians VIII” are organised by the Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia and Valmiera Museum, in co-operation with Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, the Lithuanian History Institute and the Institute of History and Archaeology of Tartu University. For the eight year young researchers, whose reports involve topics related to the history in the broadest possible contexts, are taking part in the conference. This year, 35 reports have been submitted, mainly focusing at various aspects of history from prehistory to the present day. The authors represent the University of Latvia, the University of Tartu, Vytautas Magnus University, the Da…

zinātniskie lasījumi:HUMANITIES and RELIGION [Research Subject Categories]Arheoloģija20. gadsimta vēstureJauno laiku vēstureViduslaiku vēsture

A Short Review of Simple Analytical Methods for the Evaluation of PAHs and PAEs as Indoor Pollutants in House Dust Samples


Studies on indoor air quality are indispensable when considering that people spend approximately 85% of their time in confined environments. This short review mostly takes into consideration research that uses passive samplers to evaluate the quality of indoor environments (houses, school, cars, etc.). This short review summarizes most analytical methods to detect and quantify PAHs and PAEs in house dust used as a passive sampler. The objective of house dust analysis is to identify the presence, amount and distribution of specific hazardous substances in confined spaces and, if possible, to identify their sources. Household dust and the compounds present in it can enter the human body by in…

indoor air monitoringAtmospheric Scienceindoor pollutantsPAHs and PAEsSettore CHIM/01 - Chimica AnaliticaEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)



Mathematics education literature involves studies that sought a way of investigating the mode of reasoning in mathematics textbooks because textbooks are the main resource for teachers in planning their mathematics lessons. In this vein, this study aimed to analyze the ways of reasoning in mathematics textbooks that are currently used in five countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, and Turkiye, as a part of a Horizon 2020 Project. We initially started with a framework that aimed to examine the effect of teachers’ participation in the lesson study on the improvement of students’ mathematical reasoning (Project LESSAM). However, as the textbook analysis of different countries proc…

Mathematics education ways of reasoning mathematics worked examples mathematics textbook analysisSettore MAT/04 - Matematiche Complementari

Sing and Measure: Sound as Voice as Quanta


The universal concept of a “music of the spheres” traverses the history of philosophy, science and art, from Pythagoras to Kepler and beyond. In modern times, a sphere in three dimensions—the Bloch sphere—is used to illustrate the state of a qubit, the basic unit of quantum information. On the same spherical surface, the fundamental components of voice production can be located, so that any utterance can be seen as the evolution of a unit two-dimensional vector having complex coefficients. Indeed, any sound can be analyzed and decomposed into overlapping sinusoidal components, broadband noises, and impulsive transients, which in turn can be associated to fundamental means of vocal sound pro…

voice studiesSettore INF/01 - Informaticasound signal processingQuantum computing

Corrigendum to “Regular and singular pulse and front solutions and possible isochronous behavior in the short-pulse equation: Phase-plane, multi-infi…


Section 7 of the original paper contained several errors which are corrected here. Equations (54) and (55) are incorrect. In the following, the corrected versions of these equations are given and the subsequent results of Section 7 are also revised.

Traveling waveNumerical AnalysisHomoclinic and heteroclinic orbitSPE and generalized SPE equationApplied MathematicsModeling and SimulationSingular solutionVariational solitary wavesSettore MAT/07 - Fisica MatematicaCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Potential feasibility of atezolizumab-bevacizumab therapy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with tyrosine-kinase inhibitors


Background: The combination of atezolizumab-bevacizumab has been proven to be superior to sorafenib for the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to locoregional treatments, be-coming the standard of care of systemic therapy.Aim: This study aimed at assessing real-world feasibility of atezolizumab-bevacizumab in patients treated with tyrosine-kinase inhibitors.Methods: Among 1447 patients treated with tyrosine-kinase inhibitors from January 2010 to December 2020, we assessed the percentage of those potentially eligible to atezolizumab-bevacizumab (according to IMbrave-150 trial criteria), and the overall survival of eligible and non-eligible patients.Results: 422 (…

Atezolizumab-bevacizumabClinical Trials as TopicAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolCarcinoma HepatocellularSystemic therapyHepatologyHepatocellular carcinomaTirosin-kinase inhibitorLiver NeoplasmsGastroenterologyTirosin-kinase inhibitor.Atezolizumab-bevacizumab; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Systemic therapy; Tirosin-kinase inhibitorBevacizumabFeasibility StudieTyrosineHumanDigestive and Liver Disease