showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Living Space for Detainees: The Corte di Cassazione on the Role of the European Court of Human Rights Case Law on Conditions of Detention


The present paper deals with the case law of the Italian Corte di Cassazione on rhe applicability of the European Convention on Human Rights in the domestic legal system.

Settore IUS/13 - Diritto Internazionaleconditions of DetentionEuropean Convention on Human Right

Thermodynamic-based cost allocation in low-temperature thermal grids in presence of distributed energy producers


Thermal grids are well-established technologies that can cover the thermal demands of buildings in a more sustainable way. The lower operating temperature will allow not only for the integration of heat produced by thermal renewable energy sources but also for the storage of surplus electricity from the grid using power to heat technologies. To ensure a wider diffusion of this technology, it is important to propose a method for the cost allocation among producers connected to the grid. In this regard, this paper proposes Exergoeconomics as a possible solution. To show the capabilities of the method, some operating scenarios are compared for a cluster of five buildings in the tertiary sector…

Exergoeconomicexergyexergoeconomic unit costprosumerSettore ING-IND/10 - Fisica Tecnica IndustrialeThermal gridcost accountingwaste heatrenewable energy

Che cos'è la filosofia? L'essenza della filosofia oltre la distinzione fra analitici e continentali


Porsi la domanda che «cos’è la filosofia?» significa già fare filosofia, e trovarsi nella condizione dell’esule, dello spaesato. La filosofia, sostiene Heidegger, è un campo vasto e indeterminato; “indeterminato” significa che il pensatore, non appena viene posta la domanda sulla definizione della sua attività, si ritrova in qualche modo estraniato rispetto all’elemento del suo operare. La determinazione della filosofia è opera di quanti cooperano alla costruzione del sapere, nei suoi ambiti disparati, e preservano, ad un tempo, il senso stesso dell’indeterminatezza. Non esistono ambiti del sapere che non possano essere anche filosofici, né si possono limitare a priori i temi, le linee di r…

Settore M-FIL/02 - Logica E Filosofia Della ScienzaFilosofia Analitici Contienentali. Wittgenstein Heidegger Verità Linguaggio Scienza

Exploring metrics for the characterization of the cerebral autoregulation during head-up tilt and propofol general anesthesia


Techniques grounded on the simultaneous utilization of Tiecks' second order differential equations and spontaneous variability of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean cerebral blood flow velocity (MCBFV), recorded from middle cerebral arteries through a transcranial Doppler device, provide a characterization of cerebral autoregulation (CA) via the autoregulation index (ARI). These methods exploit two metrics for comparing the measured MCBFV series with the version predicted by Tiecks' model: normalized mean square prediction error (NMSPE) and normalized correlation rho. The aim of this study is to assess the two metrics for ARI computation in 13 healthy subjects (age: 27 & PLUSMN; 8 yr…

AdultMaleUltrasonography Doppler TranscranialEndocrine and Autonomic SystemsAutoregulation indexBlood PressureSpontaneous variability; Cerebral blood flow; Mean arterial pressure; Cardiovascular control; Autoregulation index; Autonomic nervous systemAnesthesia GeneralMiddle AgedCerebral blood flowMean arterial pressureYoung AdultCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceCerebrovascular CirculationCardiovascular controlSettore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica e InformaticaHomeostasisHumansAutonomic nervous systemNeurology (clinical)PropofolBlood Flow VelocitySpontaneous variabilityAged

A smartphone-based innovative approach to discriminate red pigments in roman frescoes mock-ups


The characterization of red pigments in frescoes wall paintings has been of great interest for researchers to better understand raw material procurement dynamics, pigment receipts, stylistic evolution and to assess their conservation state. In this study a non-destructive colorimetric approach implementing a smartphone-based method was developed in order to be able to distinguish between three pigments made from minium, haematite and cinnabar minerals, and also mixed pigments, preparing frescoes mock-ups following the roman receipt described by Vitruvius. Portable FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy, portable XRF and visible reflectance spectra analyses were carried out as reference methods for smart…

Archeologyspectroscopymock-upChemistry (miscellaneous)pigmentMaterials Science (miscellaneous)colorimetryConservationroman frescoUNESCO::CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICASsmartphoneGeneral Economics Econometrics and Finance



Ideología mujer identidad argumentaciónSettore L-LIN/07 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Spagnola

Nonlinear air dynamics of a surface effect ship in small-amplitude waves


In many existing works, the seakeeping motions and air dynamics of a surface effect ship (SES) were assumed to be linear under small-amplitude waves (wave amplitude to wave length ratio ≤ 5%) to enhance the computational efficiency. However, according to SES model test results, it was found that even in small-amplitude waves, the fluctuating air cushion pressure shows significantly nonlinear effects. To precisely reveal this distinctive feature, the origin of nonlinearity was carefully investigated and the air leakage was considered as the main source of nonlinearity based on mathematical analysis in this paper. The reason is that the variance of clearance height under seals is comparable t…

VDP::Teknologi: 500Environmental EngineeringOcean EngineeringOceanography

Electronic and Optical Properties of Rocksalt Mg1−xZnxO and Wurtzite Zn1−xMgxO with Varied Concentrations of Magnesium and Zinc


The financial support of M-ERA.NET project “ZnMgO materials with tunable band gap for solar-blind UV sensors” (ZMOMUVS) is acknowledged. Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Program H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2. The calculations were performed at the Latvian SuperCluster (LASC) located in Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.

optical propertiesrocksalt Mg<sub>1−x</sub>Zn<sub>x</sub>O; wurtzite Zn<sub>1−x</sub>Mg<sub>x</sub>O; electronic structures; optical propertiesGeneral Materials Science:NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics [Research Subject Categories]rocksalt Mg1−xZnxOwurtzite Zn1−xMgxOelectronic structuresMaterials; Volume 15; Issue 21; Pages: 7689

Metaverso o Multiverso


Esistono già diverse piattaforme di metaverso, ossia di ambienti immersivi, partecipati, condivisi. Ma non esiste ancora l'interoperabilità tra di essi. Questo significa che siamo al momento in una situazione di "multiverso" che potrebbe aprire le porte alla realizzazione di un "metaverso" (accettando la definizione di Matthew Ball per cui esso si può definire tale solo nel caso di una piena interoperabilità).

newmedia digitalmedia metaverse postcinema postdigital

Prospezione speleoarcheologica della falesia «Piana di Sopra» a San Vito lo Capo (TP)


The northern coast of Trapani is characteristed by a series of phenomena linked to Quaternary glaciations. These phenomena have modeled esplanades, terraces, cliffs, leaf grooves and caves of great natural beuaty. The extreme strip of the Peninsula of S. Vito lo Capo, the Piana di Sopra, is made up of parareciphal limestones with Orbitoline and Rudist from the Cretaceous. This area has a strong density of cavities of marine origin estimated at four cavities per kilometer. These cavities are an important anthropological testimonly to a continual human presence from deep prehistory onwards. A fundamental prerequisite for a study of the prehistory of an area is its geomorphologic description w…

AnthropologySettore BIO/08 - Antropologia

La valutazione degli alunni nel primo ciclo dell’istruzione


It describes the procedural process for replacing grades with descriptive judgments in the assessment of the learning objectives of primary school pupils starting from the academic year. 2020-21. This process is compared with the one followed between 1989 and 1993 for the introduction of assessments in middle school. It is believed that project-based institutional action research is the best way to introduce an innovation into the school system. It describes the procedural process for replacing grades with descriptive judgments in the assessment of the learning objectives of primary school pupils starting from the academic year. 2020-21. This process is compared with the one followed betwee…

evaluation of first cycle students research-action with project evaluation judgmentsSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Science case study and scientific simulations for the enhanced X-ray Timing Polarimetry mission, eXTP


The X-ray astronomy mission eXTP (enhanced X-ray Timing Polarimetry) is designed to study matter under extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. Primary goals are the determination of the equation of state (EoS) of matter at supranuclear density, the physics in extremely strong magnetic fields, the study of accretion in strong-field gravity (SFG) regime. Primary targets include isolated and binary neutron stars, strong magneticfield systems like magnetars, and stellar-mass and supermassive black holes. In this paper we report about key observations and simulations with eXTP on the primary objectives involving accretion under SFG regimes and determination of NS-EoS.

X-raymethods and techniquesdense matterSettore FIS/05 - Astronomia E AstrofisicaaccretionNeutron starBlack HoleAstronomical instrumentation

Development of sustainable ORC applications in the tertiary sector: a case study in the Mediterranean climate


Abstract In recent decades, climate change strong advancement has led many countries, especially the most developed ones, to a greater sense of environmental responsibility. On a global, European and national level, adaptation/mitigation strategies and actions aimed at improving energy-environmental sustainability and resilience in the tertiary sectors have been increasingly intensified. In this sector, therefore, plays a fundamental role the integration/introduction of technologies able to operate an efficient conversion of energy, such as indeed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) plant, other than renewable energy sources, in order to reduce both energy consumption and pollutant emissions. Withi…

efficient conversion of energygeothermal sourceEnergy-environmental sustainabilityGeneral MedicineGeneral Chemistrytertiary sectorrenewable energy sourcesOrganic Rankine Cycle (ORC) plantsolar collectorIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Principaux bio-agresseurs rencontrés ces dernières années (bactériose, pucerons, viroses et bruches)


National audience

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]

Didattica a distanza e approccio clinico-legale: una incompatibilità emblematica


Il saggio guarda all'impatto della pandemia sulla didattica utilizzando come caso studio, residuale ma emblematico, l'esperienza dell'insegnamento del diritto all'Università a seguito dell'introduzione dell'approccio clinico-legale in molti dipartimenti di giurisprudenza degli atenei italiani. Dopo avere introdotto le origini di questo approccio, e raccontato della sua evoluzione in Italia, vengono esplicitate le sue potenzialità dialogando con autori solo apparentemente distanti tra loro, come Paulo Freire e John Dewey. Viene quindi proposto il caso specifico della Clinica legale Migrazioni e diritti dell'Università di Palermo, in relazione al difficile adeguamento delle sue attività alle …

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoPaulo FreireCovid 19educazione progressiva e liberatriceMetodo clinico-legaleJohn Dewey

A low-cost multispectral imaging system for the characterisation of soil and small vegetation properties using visible and near-infrared reflectance


Current Proximal Sensing technologies are based on multispectral imaging systems able to capture images in a few spectral bands, usually centred in VIS and NIR regions, to derive vegetation indices. However, most of such systems lack an internal radiometric calibration to estimate the actual reflectance of the observed target, making them sensitive to the local radiative environment and requiring a per-session calibration against a reference target. To overcome such dependence, the instrument described adopts an active illumination of the target surface, allowing the monitoring of soil and low vegetation surfaces by a radiometrically pre-calibrated imaging camera. The system, driven by a mi…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeMultispectral camera Vegetation Indices NDVI Image analysis Spectral reflectanceSettore AGR/09 - Meccanica AgrariaForestryHorticultureAgronomy and Crop ScienceSettore AGR/02 - Agronomia E Coltivazioni ErbaceeComputer Science ApplicationsComputers and Electronics in Agriculture

Rheological properties of asphalt binder modified with waste polyethylene: An interlaboratory research from the RILEM TC WMR


Funding Information: The RILEM Technical Committee on Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads (TC 279-WMR) and the members of Task Group 1 are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also like to thank Nynas AB and Swiss company Innorecycling for supporting the interlaboratory activity by providing reference neat binder and PE-pellets, PE-shreds additives. The contribution of the Swiss National Science Foundation ( 205121_178991 ) to the Swiss partners is also acknowledged. Funding Information: The RILEM Technical Committee on Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads (TC 279-WMR) and the members of Task Group 1 are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would…

G-R parameterEconomics and EconometricsAsphalt binderWasteAsphalt binder; Dynamic shear rheometer (DSR); G-R parameter; Polyethylene (PE) plastics; Rheological property; WasteSettore ICAR/04 - Strade Ferrovie Ed AeroportiDynamic shear rheometer (DSR)Polyethylene (PE) plasticsRheological propertyAsphalt binder Waste Polyethylene (PE) plastics Dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) Rheological property G -R parameterWaste Management and DisposalResources, Conservation and Recycling

Worldwide Techniques and Outcomes in Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (RAMIE): Results From the Multicenter International Registry


OBJECTIVE: This international multicenter study by the Upper GI International Robotic Association aimed to gain insight in current techniques and outcomes of RAMIE worldwide.BACKGROUND: Current evidence for RAMIE originates from single-center studies, which may not be generalizable to the international multicenter experience.METHODS: Twenty centers from Europe, Asia, North-America, and South-America participated from 2016 to 2019. Main endpoints included the surgical techniques, clinical outcomes, and early oncological results of ramie.RESULTS: A total of 856 patients undergoing transthoracic RAMIE were included. Robotic surgery was applied for both the thoracic and abdominal phase (45%), o…

medicine.medical_specialtyEsophageal Neoplasmsmedicine.medical_treatmentAnastomosisBoehmeriaRamie03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineRobotic Surgical ProceduresInvasive esophagectomymedicineIvor lewisHumansMinimally Invasive Surgical ProceduresRobotic surgeryRegistriesminimally invasive surgeryroboticsRAMIEbusiness.industrySurgeryTreatment OutcomeMulticenter studyAnastomotic leakage030220 oncology & carcinogenesisesophagectomy030211 gastroenterology & hepatologySurgeryLymphadenectomybusiness

Evaluation of humoral and cellular response to four vaccines against COVID-19 in different age groups: A longitudinal study


To date there has been limited head-to-head evaluation of immune responses to different types of COVID-19 vaccines. A real-world population-based longitudinal study was designed with the aim to define the magnitude and duration of immunity induced by each of four different COVID-19 vaccines available in Italy at the time of this study. Overall, 2497 individuals were enrolled at time of their first vaccination (T0). Vaccine-specific antibody responses induced over time by Comirnaty, Spikevax, Vaxzevria, Janssen Ad26.COV2.S and heterologous vaccination were compared up to six months after immunization. On a subset of Comirnaty vaccinees, serology data were correlated with the ability to neutr…

COVID-19 VaccinesAd26COVS1vaccines.SARS-CoV-2ImmunologyCOVID-19serologyViral VaccinesvaccinesHumansB-cell memory; COVID-19; cell-mediated immunity; serology; vaccinescell-mediated immunityImmunology and AllergyB-CELL MEMORY COVID-19 CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY SEROLOGY VACCINESB-cell memoryLongitudinal StudiesB-cell memory; COVID-19; cell-mediated immunity; serology; vaccines; Humans; Aged; COVID-19 Vaccines; Longitudinal Studies; Ad26COVS1; SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Viral VaccinesAgedFrontiers in Immunology

Sinergia colaborativa en aulas inclusivas : una experiencia de grupos interactivos con alumnado con discapacidad intelectual


El presente artículo tiene por objetivo describir y analizar el proyecto Aulas Inclusivas, una experiencia de colaboración sinérgica entre el profesorado que imparte docencia a alumnado con discapacidad intelectual y el personal voluntario que participa en las asociaciones de la Federación Síndrome de Down en Castilla-La Mancha. El proyecto se fundamenta en las comunidades de aprendizaje vehiculado mediante grupos interactivos en siete centros educativos ordinarios, tanto públicos como concertados, distribuidos por las provincias del territorio castellano manchego. Con una metodología cualitativa, se han utilizado dos tipos de técnicas para la extracción de datos: una rúbrica con 15 indicad…

Discapacitat físicaEducació especialVoluntariatEducation

"Vierasta korostusta on niin vähän, että arvaan viro" : yleisten kielitutkintojen suomen kielen arvioijien käsityksiä suomenruotsalaisten puhumasta s…


Artikkelissa tarkastelemme Yleisten kielitutkintojen suomen kielen arvioijien (N = 44) käsityksiä suomenruotsalaisten puhujien (N = 9) oletetusta ensikielestä. Tutkimuksemme aineisto perustuu Suomen Akatemian rahoittamaan Rikkinäistä Suomea: Aksenttien arviointi yhteiskunnallisena portinvartijana (2018– 2022) -hankkeeseen, jossa tutkitaan vieraan aksentin vaikutusta suullisen kielitaidon arvioinnissa. Analysoimme sisällönanalyysin avulla arvioijien kirjallisia vastauksia liittyen puhujien ensikieleen ja siihen liittyviin perusteluihin. Artikkelissa kuvaamme, miten usein ja miksi suomen kielen arvioijat pitivät suomenruotsalaisia suomen kielen puhujia virolaisina puhujina. Arvioijat tunnisti…

Linguistics and Languagesuomenruotsalaiset suomenpuhujatsuomenruotsalaisetSwedish speaking Finns as Finnish speakerskielitaitokielitaidon arviointiäidinkieliensikielen tunnistaminenääntäminenassessment criteriaLanguage and LinguisticsEstonians as Finnish speakersvironkielisetvirolaisetvironkieliset suomenpuhujatL1 recognitionsuomi vieraana kielenäruotsinkielisetlanguage assessmentarviointikielitutkinnot

The composition of data economy : a bibliometric approach and TCCM framework of conceptual, intellectual and social structure


Purpose The data economy mainly relies on the surveillance capitalism business model, enabling companies to monetize their data. The surveillance allows for transforming private human experiences into behavioral data that can be harnessed in the marketing sphere. This study aims to focus on investigating the domain of data economy with the methodological lens of quantitative bibliometric analysis of published literature. Design/methodology/approach The bibliometric analysis seeks to unravel trends and timelines for the emergence of the data economy, its conceptualization, scientific progression and thematic synergy that could predict the future of the field. A total of 591 data between 200…

General Computer Sciencebig datakaupallistaminenLibrary and Information Sciencesdatatalousyksilönsuojaavoin tietodigitaalinen markkinointiyrityksetkäsiteanalyysibibliometriikka

Kehollisuuden merkitys suomalaisjuoksijoiden teknologian ei-käytölle


Informaatiotutkimuksen päivätliikuntateknologiateknologiakritiikkimittausdigitalisaatio []General Medicineruumiillisuus []ruumiillisuusjuoksujuoksijatjuoksu []teknologia []puettava teknologialiikuntaharrastusinformaatio []kehollisuusInformaatiotutkimus

Phenotypical and Functional Alteration of &gamma;&delta; T Lymphocytes in COVID-19 Patients: Reversal by Statins


(1) Background: statins have been considered an attractive class of drugs in the pharmacological setting of COVID-19 due to their pleiotropic properties and their use correlates with decreased mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, it is well known that statins, which block the mevalonate pathway, affect &gamma;&delta; T lymphocyte activation. As &gamma;&delta; T cells participate in the inflammatory process of COVID-19, we have investigated the therapeutical potential of statins as a tool to inhibit &gamma;&delta; T cell pro-inflammatory activities; (2) Methods: we harvested peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from COVID-19 patients with mild clinical manifestatio…

T-Lymphocyte SubsetsSARS-CoV-2 infectionLeukocytes Mononuclearmevalonate pathwaystatinHumansCOVID-19γδ T cells; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2 infection; statin; mevalonate pathwayReceptors Antigen T-Cell gamma-deltaGeneral MedicineHydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitorsγδ T cellsCOVID-19 Drug TreatmentCells; Volume 11; Issue 21; Pages: 3449

The youngest Trigoniida (Mollusca, Bivalvia) of Europe, including new genera and species from the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage


Until recently, only a single species of trigoniid bivalve was known from the upper Maastrichtian Maastricht Formation in the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage (south-east Netherlands and adjacent Belgian and German territories); it was named Trigonia maestrichtiana by Alphonse Briart in 1888. This common, rather small species is here transferred to the genus Oistotrigonia, and a lectotype is designated. In addition, two new genera of very small rutitrigoniids, Wolfgangella and Anniedhondtella, and three new species, W. neilpearti, W. ignota and A. rieui, are erected. Most of the material available is preserved as (paired) external and internal moulds in a nearshore facies of indurated b…

Maastricht Formationupper MaastrichtianPaleontologysilicified shellsOistotrigoniinaeRutitrigoniidaeScabrotrigonia vaalsiensisNeues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen

Usefulness of Midline Catheters versus Peripheral Venous Catheters in an Inpatient Unit: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial


Canalization of vascular accesses is one of the most used techniques in hospitalization units. When talking about peripherally inserted catheters, we can differentiate between peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVC), midline catheters, and long peripheral catheters (LPC). Midline catheters are rarely used despite being recommended for intravenous therapies lasting more than six days. This research is a pilot study of a longitudinal clinical trial. It aims to compare the complications associated with intravenous therapy between the control group (CG) with a PIVC and the experimental group (EG) with a midline in an Internal Medicine Unit of a Spanish hospital for three months. In this study, …

midline catheter; peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC); catheter-related infections; phlebitis; patient safetyGeneral NursingNursing Reports

Repensar la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado por normas contrarias a Derecho


El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea ha declarado en su sentencia de 28 de junio de 2022 que la legislación española reguladora de la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado por los daños derivados de leyes contrarias al Derecho de la Unión no respeta en varios puntos el principio de efectividad. La necesidad de revisar y modificar dicha legislación ofrece una buena oportunidad de repensar la regulación de la responsabilidad civil del Estado por los daños causados por normas contrarias a Derecho. Tras analizar el origen, la evolución histórica y los notables defectos de esta regulación, el presente trabajo señala los pilares fundamentales sobre los que debería asentarse el futuro régi…

Ocean EngineeringResponsabilitat de l'Estat

Collaborative Writing in L1 School Contexts: A Scoping Review


Paid open access

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280EducationScandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Reputation-Based Blockchain for Spatial Crowdsourcing in Vehicular Networks


The sharing of high-quality traffic information plays a crucial role in enhancing the driving experience and safety performance for vehicular networks, especially in the development of electric vehicles (EVs). The crowdsourcing-based real-time navigation of charging piles is characterized by low delay and high accuracy. However, due to the lack of an effective incentive mechanism and the resource-consuming bottleneck of sharing real-time road conditions, methods to recruit or motivate more EVs to provide high-quality information gathering has attracted considerable interest. In this paper, we first introduce a blockchain platform, where EVs act as the blockchain nodes, and a reputation-base…

Fluid Flow and Transfer ProcessesblockchainProcess Chemistry and TechnologyGeneral EngineeringreputationresursointilohkoketjutComputer Science Applicationsblockchain; reputation; crowdsourcing; incentive mechanism; vehicular networkslangaton tiedonsiirtojoukkoistaminenincentive mechanismGeneral Materials Sciencecrowdsourcingvehicular networksliikennetelematiikkaInstrumentationlangattomat verkot

Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in children and young people with primary hypertension: Meta-analysis and meta-regression


BackgroundLeft ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is the main marker of HMOD in children and young people (CYP). We aimed to assess the prevalence of LVH and its determinants in CYP with primary hypertension (PH).MethodsA meta-analysis of prevalence was performed. A literature search of articles reporting LVH in CYP with PH was conducted in Medline, Embase, and Cochrane databases. Studies with a primary focus on CYP (up to 21 years) with PH were included. Meta-regression was used to analyze factors explaining observed heterogeneity.ResultsThe search yielded a total of 2,200 articles, 153 of those underwent full-text review, and 47 reports were included. The reports evaluated 51 study cohorts inc…

left ventricular hypertrophy ; primary hypertension ; children ; adolescents ; left ventricular mass indexJovesHypertensionHipertensióPressió sanguíniaCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineInfantsChildren

Health literacy, socioeconomic status and digital device use among older adults


Informaatiotutkimuksen päiväthealth []literacy []older people []digitalisation []terveysosaaminenGeneral Medicinedigitaalinen kuilusocioeconomic status []digitaaliset taidotikääntyneetsosioekonominen asemaInformaatiotutkimus

Plant Growth-Promoting Activities of Bacteria Isolated from an Anthropogenic Soil Located in Agrigento Province


Bacteria producers of plant growth-promoting (PGP) substances are responsible for the enhancement of plant development through several mechanisms. The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the PGP traits of 63 bacterial strains that were isolated from an anthropogenic soil, and obtained by modification of vertisols in the Sicily region (Italy) seven years after creation. The microorganisms were tested for the following PGP characteristics: indole acetic acid (IAA), NH3, HCN and siderophore production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity (ACC) and phosphate solubilization. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that Bacillus tequilensis SI 319, Brevib…

Microbiology (medical)anthrosoilsoil bacteriaSettore AGR/14 - Pedologiaanthrosoils; cultivable bacteria; plant growth promoters; soil bacteriaVirologySettore AGR/12 - Patologia Vegetaleplant growth promotercultivable bacteriaMicrobiologySettore AGR/16 - Microbiologia AgrariaMicroorganisms; Volume 10; Issue 11; Pages: 2167

Nucleus disc replacement : designs and material selection FEA analysis


Study Design. We selected the materials and implant design and performed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) studies. Background. Nucleus disc replacements, implanted since 1960, have undergone continuous evolution in materials and designs, but subsidence, extrusion, and in vivo degradation limit widespread use. Aim. The aim of this study is to create a new nucleus disc replacement that avoids the abovementioned drawbacks. Material and Methods. We created eighteen designs with varied materials and analyzed them with FEA in compression and shear tests in a lumbar spine model programmed in Ansys Parametric Design Language. Results. Bionate® 80A had the closest mechanical characteristics to the inta…

Medicina InvestigacióArticle SubjectGeneral EngineeringGeneral Materials Science

Medioambiente y sostenibilidad en ciudades inteligentes y áreas despobladas de Europa


Las ciudades inteligentes disponen de entornos urbanos que tratan de utilizar las modernas TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación). El objeto de este artículo es valorar cómo se desarrolla la sostenibilidad en ciudades inteligentes y áreas despobladas de Europa. Concluimos que la transformación a ciudad inteligente sostenible requiere de la elaboración de un plan de ciudad consensuado con las distintas formaciones políticas y los grupos de interés.

Tecnologia i civilitzacióHome Influència del medi ambientConstruccióGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesGeneral Environmental ScienceICE, Revista de Economía

Cultural heritage law in the UNESCO Chairs’ activities. The 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme (Prawo dziedzictwa kultury w dzia…


The UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks are recognized as UNESCO’s “extended family” (Doc. 207 EX/11) and their membership brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to UNESCO Programmes, while serving as an important dimension of UNESCO’s comparative advantage for other potential partners. The UNESCO Chairs Programme celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The main celebrations for this achievement will be held in Paris in November 2022. The international conference is organized by UNESCO with the support of the French national commission for UNESCO. At the national level, more events will be held online and in person.

Cultural StudiesVisual Arts and Performing ArtsConservationLawSantander Art and Culture Law Review

Sensory Processing Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Taking Stock of Assessment and Novel Therapeutic Tools


Sensory processing disorders (SPDs) can be described as difficulty detecting, modulating, interpreting, and/or responding to sensory experiences. Because SPDs occur in many individuals with autism spectrum disorder and in other populations with neurodevelopmental disorders, it is important to distinguish between typical and atypical functioning in sensory processes and to identify early phenotypic markers for developing SPDs. This review considers different methods for diagnosing SPDs to outline a multidisciplinary approach useful for developing valid diagnostic measures. In particular, the advantages and limitations of the most commonly used tools in assessment of SPDs, such as caregiver r…

cognitionDunn’s frameworkneurodevelopmentSettore M-PSI/02 - Psicobiologia E Psicologia FisiologicaGeneral Neuroscienceself-report questionnairesperceptionBrain Sciences