showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Psychometric properties of the MOBITEC-GP mobile application for real-life mobility assessment in older adults
Aim of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the life-space measures and walking speed delivered by the MOBITEC-GP app. Participants underwent several supervised walking speed assessments as well as a 1-week life-space assessment during two assessment sessions 9 days apart. Fifty-seven older adults (47.4% male, mean age= 75.3 (±5.9) years) were included in the study. The MOBITEC-GP app showed moderate to excellent test-retest reliability (ICCs between 0.584 and 0.920) and validity (ICCs between 0.468 and 0.950) of walking speed measurements of 50 meters and above and of most 1-week life-space parameters, including life-space area, time spent out-of-home, and action range. T…
Francis De Zulueta, i ‘Dioscuri di Oxford’ e l’edizione dei papiri di Ossirinco
The paper traces a brief overview of the fundamental contribution given to the study of Roman law by the discovery of papyri and reconstructs a fruitful season of research during the so-called Century of Papyrology. In particular, against the broader background of the Wissenschaftsgeschichte of Roman law in the first half of the 20th century, the results proposed in a recently published monograph are analysed and some reflections on the role of modern Juristic Papyrology are proposed in the light of a renewed study of the sources of Roman law.
Il regime e il fascismo di provincia
the essay analyzes the historiographical debate on provincial fascism as a historiographic category
Servizi bancari essenziali: il conto corrente
The work proposes an analysis of the various tools that can be invoked to bridge some frictions of the credit system in areas where the banking "service" is characterized by essentiality, such as in the case of bank account. The inefficiency of the traditional code regulations emerges with particular evidence when the recourse to banking intermediation is imposed by specific rules functionality to public interests, as in case of imposed virtual currency payments. The incidence of the cost of the service, often not adequately remunerated by the price, can cause an indiscriminate selection of customers, permitted by contractual rules that authorize the end of the relationship without requirin…
Thermodynamic-based cost allocation in low-temperature thermal grids in presence of distributed energy producers
Thermal grids are well-established technologies that can cover the thermal demands of buildings in a more sustainable way. The lower operating temperature will allow not only for the integration of heat produced by thermal renewable energy sources but also for the storage of surplus electricity from the grid using power to heat technologies. To ensure a wider diffusion of this technology, it is important to propose a method for the cost allocation among producers connected to the grid. In this regard, this paper proposes Exergoeconomics as a possible solution. To show the capabilities of the method, some operating scenarios are compared for a cluster of five buildings in the tertiary sector…
The osteogenic potential of physical activity
Round Table. Nordic unions and the European Minimum Wage Directive
La street art come motore di recupero e rigenerazione urbana delle aree interne. Un progetto condiviso per lo sviluppo di smart villages nell'area Ma…
The Madonie district, one of the 72 pilot areas of the National Strategy for Inner Areas in Italy in the center of Sicily, is composed by 21 municipalities that really have a great potential, due to their historical background and natural landscape, but it needs new strategies to emerge. Many people from northern cities have returned to their home villages in recent years, to live and work, but they have not found some important and necessary services as there are in smart cities, and to date, these villages do not adopt smart strategies. Many changes need to be made, one solution is to transform them into smart villages through rehabilitation, such as improving the historic center with str…
Che cos'è la filosofia? L'essenza della filosofia oltre la distinzione fra analitici e continentali
Porsi la domanda che «cos’è la filosofia?» significa già fare filosofia, e trovarsi nella condizione dell’esule, dello spaesato. La filosofia, sostiene Heidegger, è un campo vasto e indeterminato; “indeterminato” significa che il pensatore, non appena viene posta la domanda sulla definizione della sua attività, si ritrova in qualche modo estraniato rispetto all’elemento del suo operare. La determinazione della filosofia è opera di quanti cooperano alla costruzione del sapere, nei suoi ambiti disparati, e preservano, ad un tempo, il senso stesso dell’indeterminatezza. Non esistono ambiti del sapere che non possano essere anche filosofici, né si possono limitare a priori i temi, le linee di r…
School-family relationship: a survey on the communicative and participatory methods of non-indigenous families
Il complesso processo educativo basato sull’educazione delle giovani generazioni comporta un’assunzione di responsabilità da parte delle due principali agenzie educative: la famiglia e la scuola. Per la buona riuscita del processo educativo è necessario che tra le due agenzie ci sia un accordo implicito o esplicito sugli aspetti terminologici e concettuali, affinché si stabilisca una comprensione comune per gli interlocutori e si crei un contesto chiaro e trasparente che non lasci spazio a interpretazioni fallaci (Quaranta, 2019). I cambiamenti socioculturali hanno determinato un pluralismo culturale, religioso e nuove sfide tecnologiche e problematiche comunicative e partecipative (Pati, 2…
Functional correlation of genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in genetic neurodevelopmental disorders
An expanding range of genetic syndromes are characterized by genome-wide disruptions in DNA methylation profiles referred to as episignatures. Episignatures are distinct, highly sensitive and specific biomarkers that have recently been applied in clinical diagnosis of genetic syndromes. Episignatures are contained within the broader disorder-specific genome-wide DNA methylation changes which can share significant overlap amongst different conditions. In this study we performed functional genomic assessment and comparison of disorder-specific and overlapping genome-wide DNA methylation changes related to 65 genetic syndromes with previously described episignatures. We demonstrate evidence of…
Retrieval of carbon content and biomass from hyperspectral imagery over cultivated areas
Prospezione speleoarcheologica della falesia «Piana di Sopra» a San Vito lo Capo (TP)
The northern coast of Trapani is characteristed by a series of phenomena linked to Quaternary glaciations. These phenomena have modeled esplanades, terraces, cliffs, leaf grooves and caves of great natural beuaty. The extreme strip of the Peninsula of S. Vito lo Capo, the Piana di Sopra, is made up of parareciphal limestones with Orbitoline and Rudist from the Cretaceous. This area has a strong density of cavities of marine origin estimated at four cavities per kilometer. These cavities are an important anthropological testimonly to a continual human presence from deep prehistory onwards. A fundamental prerequisite for a study of the prehistory of an area is its geomorphologic description w…
Buone pratiche e strumenti di analisi per l’apprendimento, l’insegnamento e l’inclusione
Il presente lavoro, nato in seno al progetto di ricerca “Best practices and tools of analysis in schools and community contexts: learning, teaching & inclusion”, avviato su fondi del Dipartimento SPPEFF dell’Università di Palermo, nel marzo 2019 e giunto alla sua seconda fase. La metodologia di ricerca utilizzata – perché ritenuta adeguata a perseguire le finalità fissate e a fornire una visione complessa ed articolata del fenomeno investigato – è stata quella del Mixed Method, con particolare riferimento all’Explanatory Design: Participant Selection Model di Creswell, Plano Clark, et al. (2003). L’«Explanatory Design is a two-phase mixed methods design. The overall purpose of this desi…
Disobbedienza civile o lotta per il diritto? Un bilancio di cinque anni di criminalizzazione del soccorso in mare
this contribution traces the main stages of the process of criminalization of non-governmental organizations' search and rescue activities in the Central Mediterranea Sea, to light the paradoxes and the shadows. The theoretical framework is that of the civil disobedience and its counterpart, the obligation to obey the law. This perspective, emblematic for investigating complexity, limits and potential of the law itself, has been used because it can bring out the specificity of the positions assumed by the main players involved in the events, as well as the legal and socio-cultural consequences of their actions, by interrogating the dimensions of legality and justice.
Los anuncios de la prensa franquista y la construcción de la identidad nacional femenina
En este trabajo se aborda la función ideológica que desempeña la publicidad en la España de los primeros años de la dictadura franquista. La prensa vehicula la propaganda del régimen no solo a través del discurso, sino también mediante la publicación de anuncios de productos materiales y culturales que reflejan la voluntad de configurar a una nación gloriosa en la que se asigna una función fundamental a la mujer, concebida, en el universo masculino del poder, exclusivamente como esposa, madre y educadora de las generaciones futuras.
Effects of retrofit in public building schools provided by urban green infrastructure: a case study in southern Italy
Post-pandemic financial efforts have been set by the EU Commission and European governments regarding the renovation of European building heritage. Building schools will be object of interest to be transformed in more resilient buildings through improvement building energy performance which guarantee environmental sustainability; the renovation of building school heritage in Italy aims to ease new students' learning process through adaptation and implementation of new didactic methodologies. In this study is described a multi-scale methodology adopted to evaluate both at urban scale and building scale different scenarios that adopt green infrastructure as vegetation and building integrated …
Distribution of ventilation and oxygenation in surgical obese patients ventilated with high versus low positive end-expiratory pressure: A substudy o…
BACKGROUND Intra-operative ventilation using low/physiological tidal volume and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with periodic alveolar recruitment manoeuvres (ARMs) is recommended in obese surgery patients.OBJECTIVES To investigate the effects of PEEP levels and ARMs on ventilation distribution, oxygenation, haemodynamic parameters and cerebral oximetry.DESIGN A substudy of a randomised controlled trial.SETTING Tertiary medical centre in Geneva, Switzerland, between 2015 and 2018.PATIENTS One hundred and sixty-two patients with a BMI at least 35 kg per square metre undergoing elective open or laparoscopic surgery lasting at least 120 min.INTERVENTION Patients were randomised to PEEP…
Estrategias comunicativas, proyección de imagen y género.
El presente volumen integra una serie de investigaciones que, al amparo del proyecto de investigación “Liderazgo femenino: estrategias comunicativas y proyección de imagen” (US -1263310), financiado por la Universidad de Sevilla con fondos FEDER, intentan dar respuestas a los interrogantes planteados.
The postwar economic order. National reconstruction and international cooperation
Albert O. Hirschman wrote the reports collected in this book while in the employ of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Almost all of them appeared in the Review of Foreign Developments, which ran from 1945 to 1975. The reports, which were usually marked “Confidential” or “Restricted,” are now in the public domain but remain the intellectual creations of Hirschman.*
Positioning flexibly scheduled ECEC in the chain of childcare by parents working non-standard hours
This study examined how Finnish parents working non-standard hours (N=18) positioned institutional flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care (ECEC) as a link in their chain of childcare. Interview data, analysed following the principles of discursive psychology, yielded three discourses on flexibly scheduled ECEC: the discourse of the child’s best interest, the discourse of the labour market, and the discourse of equality of opportunity for the child. Flexibly scheduled ECEC was positioned in these discourses either as the last resort option for childcare, a safe haven for the child, a societal service enabling parents to work during non-standard hours or as a place for children…
I vescovati nella Sicilia normanna (secc. XI-XIII). Potestà normative e competenze giurisdizionali in un territorio multiculturale
In Sicilia, durante l’età normanna (1060-1194), la progressiva costruzione di un rinnovato apparato politico-istituzionale, cominciata a partire dalla conquista dell’isola, si svolse in parallelo con la ricostituzione dei distretti diocesani, definitivamente scomparsi a seguito del plurisecolare dominio musulmano. Questa monografia racchiude i risultati di una ricerca condotta con l’obiettivo di analizzare complessivamente le fonti superstiti relative ai vescovati siciliani, a partire dalla fine dell’XI secolo sino alle soglie del mutamento dinastico che sancì l’avvento dell’età sveva. Nonostante la disomogeneità dei dati a disposizione, emerge come nel corso di poco più di un secolo, il ru…
Architettura per il terzo fragile. I patrimoni di Pizzo Sella fra riuso sociale, sostenibilità civica e giustizia spaziale
Il territorio palermitano è il primo in Europa per presenza di beni confiscati. I casi sono diverse migliaia e compongono una realtà emblematica rispetto ai fattori di fragilità sociali e spaziali dei ter-ritori contesi fra crimine e giustizia, in cui spicca la vicenda iconica e irrisolta di Pizzo Sella. La ricerca di cui quest’articolo restituisce alcuni risultati indaga quindi il rapporto fra la produzio-ne dell’architettura della res publica e i contesti in cui il concetto di Pubblico è in panne, in cui la diversione dalla legge e l’antagonismo esercitato da forze illegali non sono un’aberrazione tempora-nea, ma la regola, e lasciano tracce materiali sui modi di produzione delle forme co…
I paradigmi scientifici della ricerca didattica
The initial positivist paradigm, derived from experimental medicine and experimental psychology, is followed by the empirical research in the didactic field, the phenomenological and the constructivist one. More recently the action research paradigm and evidence-based experimentation have been arisen. The great distinction that should be made today, as regards empirical research in the didactic field, is between the paradigms of reduction and the paradigms of complexity. The reflection on the degree of knowability of teaching practices focuses on some questions: is it pos- sible to identify similarities and coefficients between the results of research on the same theme but carried out in di…
Performance of existing definitions and tests for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in critically ill, non-neutropenic, adult patients: An upda…
Precipitation of potassium as hazenite from washing water of spent alkaline batteries
Hazenite (KNaMg2(PO4)2 × 14 H2O), a new type of struvite mineral, was precipitated from the potassium-rich washing water of spent alkaline battery black mass. Hazenite can be used as a fertilizer, which would be an additional benefit derived from the sustainable recovery of battery materials. Precipitation experiments were performed using different pH values (9.5–12), Mg:K:PO4 ratios ((1.0–1.5):1:(1.0–1.5)) and temperatures (10–40 °C). Based on the results, hazenite precipitated in a wide pH range under alkaline conditions. The precipitation kinetics were fast, and the purity of the hazenite was high. Overall, hazenite can be precipitated at room temperature without the addition of excess c…
Development of sustainable ORC applications in the tertiary sector: a case study in the Mediterranean climate
Abstract In recent decades, climate change strong advancement has led many countries, especially the most developed ones, to a greater sense of environmental responsibility. On a global, European and national level, adaptation/mitigation strategies and actions aimed at improving energy-environmental sustainability and resilience in the tertiary sectors have been increasingly intensified. In this sector, therefore, plays a fundamental role the integration/introduction of technologies able to operate an efficient conversion of energy, such as indeed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) plant, other than renewable energy sources, in order to reduce both energy consumption and pollutant emissions. Withi…
When the Past Makes Saints: The Knights of Malta from Sinners to Martyrs in "Il glorioso trionfo della sacrosanta religion militare di S. Giovanni Gi…
After the fall of Rhodes (1522), the Order of St. John needed to recover its reputation as militia Christi and to redraft its chivalrous ideals within the context of the Catholic Renewal. However, this so-called Religion met this challenge partially and late, although it represented its glorious past as a gallery of saints and martyrs, even if they were not always officially recognised by the Church. This past, since its origin in the Holy Land, casted a shadow of sanctity into the present, confirming this Religion as being semper eadem. Such a representation is found in the book Il glorioso trionfo della sacrosanta religion militare di S. Giovanni Gierosolimitano, published in 1619 in Ital…
Post-COVID syndrome, inflammation, and diabetes
The raging COVID-19 pandemic is in its third year of global impact. The SARS CoV 2 virus has a high rate of spread, protean manifestations, and a high morbidity and mortality in individuals with predisposing risk factors. The pathophysiologic mechanisms involve a heightened systemic inflammatory state, cardiometabolic derangements, and varying degrees of glucose intolerance. The latter can be evident as significant hyperglycemia leading to new -onset diabetes or worsening of preexisting disease. Unfortunately, the clinical course beyond the acute phase of the illness may persist in the form of a variety of symptoms that together form the so-called "Long COVID" or "Post-COVID Syndrome". It i…
Microstructural evaluation and recommendations for face masks in community use to reduce the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases
Funding Information: A.K., H.Y. and R.J. also acknowledges the funding through Academy of Finland BESIMAL (Decision No. 334197) and Aalto University, Department of Communications and Networking. This work has also received funding in part from the EPSRC UK (grant number EP/R012091/1). A.K. would also like to thank Mr. Volkan Kaplan for the fruitful discussions in the early concept generation. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s) Background and Objective: Recommendations for the use of face masks to prevent and protect against the aerosols (≤5µm) and respiratory droplet particles (≥5µm), which can carry and transmit respiratory infections including severe acute respiratory syndrome coro…
Mathematics education literature involves studies that sought a way of investigating the mode of reasoning in mathematics textbooks because textbooks are the main resource for teachers in planning their mathematics lessons. In this vein, this study aimed to analyze the ways of reasoning in mathematics textbooks that are currently used in five countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, and Turkiye, as a part of a Horizon 2020 Project. We initially started with a framework that aimed to examine the effect of teachers’ participation in the lesson study on the improvement of students’ mathematical reasoning (Project LESSAM). However, as the textbook analysis of different countries proc…
Le misure di diritto penale sostanziale nella attuazione della Riforma Cartabia
Il contributo esamina le riforme di diritto penale sostanziale nella attuazione della Riforma Cartabia.
Effects of gender inequality and wealth inequality on within-sex mating competition under hypergyny
Resources are often central to the formation and persistence of human consortships, and to the evolutionary fitness consequences of those consortships. As a result, the distribution of resources within a society should influence the number and quality of mating opportunities an individual of given status/wealth experiences. In particular, in a wide variety of societies, both contemporary and historic, women have been shown to prefer mates of higher rather than lower status and wealth, a pattern known as ‘hypergyny’. Such status-dependent within-sex competition is influenced not only by the preferences individuals express but also by the distribution of resources within and between sexes. Em…
Imaging standardisation in metastatic colorectal cancer: a joint EORTC-ESOI-ESGAR expert consensus recommendation
Background: Treatment monitoring in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) relies on imaging to evaluate the tumor burden. Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) provide a framework on reporting and interpretation of imaging findings yet offer no guidance on a standardized imaging protocol tailored to mCRC patients. Imaging protocol heterogeneity remains a challenge for the reproducibility of conventional imaging endpoints and is an obstacle for research on novel imaging endpoints. Patients and methods: Acknowledging the recently highlighted potential of radiomics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools as decision support for patient care in mCRC, a multidisciplinary, internatio…
Exploring metrics for the characterization of the cerebral autoregulation during head-up tilt and propofol general anesthesia
Techniques grounded on the simultaneous utilization of Tiecks' second order differential equations and spontaneous variability of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean cerebral blood flow velocity (MCBFV), recorded from middle cerebral arteries through a transcranial Doppler device, provide a characterization of cerebral autoregulation (CA) via the autoregulation index (ARI). These methods exploit two metrics for comparing the measured MCBFV series with the version predicted by Tiecks' model: normalized mean square prediction error (NMSPE) and normalized correlation rho. The aim of this study is to assess the two metrics for ARI computation in 13 healthy subjects (age: 27 & PLUSMN; 8 yr…
Valorization of surface-water RO brines via Assisted-Reverse Electrodialysis for minerals recovery: Performance analysis and scale-up perspectives
Reverse osmosis (RO) processes have been recently identified as mostly capable of quantitative removal of salts and contaminants from saline and surface waters, though posing the problem of a concentrated brine to be disposed of and a produced permeate too low in minerals, thus requiring a sometimes expensive remineralization step. In the present paper, Assisted-Reverse Electrodialysis (A-RED) has been proposed for the remineralization of surface-water RO permeate by recovering minerals from its brine. A purposely developed and validated model has been adopted to carry out a parametric analysis for design and optimization of an industrial-scale plant. The techno-economic analysis underlined…