showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

The adult Prosocialness behavior scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis


The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale (APBS) is most often used to measure adult prosociality. We conducted a reliability generalization meta-analysis to compute the average APBS reliability and examine the heterogeneity among reliability estimations and the influence of moderator variables. An exhaustive search identified 74 articles that applied the APBS with 16 items assessed on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Of these, 58 had reliability coefficients with the current data, and 76 reliability estimates were provided. Random- and mixed-effects models were used. The average reliability coefficient was .903 for Cronbach’s alpha, .896 for McDonald’s omega, and .674 for test–retest. Moderator …

Developmental NeuroscienceSocial PsychologyDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyFiabilitat (Enginyeria)Comportament col·lectiuLife-span and Life-course StudiesSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)Education

Relationship between students' perception of a rubric for oral presentations and their academic characteristics


The use of rubrics in the evaluation of oral presentations has been associated with several benefits for students. However, it is unknown whether students with better academic marks and greater self-regulation find the use of rubrics more useful or not. This paper aims to assess the relationship between how students perceive the use of a rubric and their academic characteristics, and to analyze the congruence between the professor’s and students’ evaluations when using the rubric. Eighty-five students studying for a Degree in Sport Sciences participated in this study. A rubric for oral presentations was used to assess the students’ performance. The students then filled out…

Educació AvaluacióPublic AdministrationComunicació oralDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyComputer Science (miscellaneous)Physical Therapy Sports Therapy and Rehabilitationrubric; assessment; professor–student congruence of evaluation; oral presentation; self-regulation; academic marksAvaluació educativaEducationComputer Science Applications

Lygus rugulipennis on chrysanthemum : Supplemental prey effects and an evaluation of trap plants


The European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis Poppius, is considered a major pest in chrysanthemum nurseries in The Netherlands. Adults puncture plant's apical meristem, after which the growing point splits and growth is inhibited. Flower buds and flowers can also be severely damaged. Both types of damage result in economic losses for growers. Despite the importance of this pest for chrysanthemum nurseries, there is only very limited information about L. rugulipennis development on chrysanthemum plants, Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat., and whether L. rugulipennis can be controlled using trap plants is not known. We investigated whether: (1) L. rugulipennis could develop from egg to…

GTB Bedrijfsbureauintegrated pest managementGTB Gewasgez. Bodem en WaterMyzus persicaeEuropean tarnished plant bugPE&RCEphestia kuehniella European tarnished plant bug horticultural pest integrated pest management Myzus persicae Sinapis albaCrop healthhorticultural pestInsect ScienceGewasgezondheidSinapis albaAgronomy and Crop ScienceEphestia kuehniellaJournal of Applied Entomology

Not just daycare: nordic mothers in research, development and innovation navigating work and childcare


Nordic welfare policies mitigate work–childcare reconciliation; however, they are not enough for mothers working in intensive work cultures. In addition, there are differences among the three Nordic states in both work–family policies and cultural norms as to how they should be used. In this article, we study the resources mothers who work in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) in Finland, Norway and Sweden rely on in their work–childcare reconciliation. Thematic analysis of interviews with 74 professionals resulted in identifying four main resources: father involvement, parental leave system and daycare, flexible working, and grandparent help and networks. Our analysis brings to v…

tekniset alatNordic welfare stateSociology and Political Scienceresearch development and innovationyhteensovittaminenGeneral Social Scienceswork–childcareDevelopmentperhe-elämääiditmothersinnovaatiotoimintatutkimus- ja kehittämistoimintahyvinvointivaltiolastenhoitotyöelämätyökulttuuriCommunity, Work & Family

La parifica dei rendiconti regionali: un caso ancora aperto


The extension of the financial audit to the Regions reveals a physiological distortion between the function and legal regime of the institution that arises several relevant issues: on the one hand, in terms of the legal nature of this form of judgment; on the other hand, on a systematic level, with regard to its insertion in a constitutional structure at least formally characterized by a strong regionalism and a related apparatus of guarantees. In the case law of the Court of Auditors, in particular, it has not been clarified whether the financial audit is a real form of financial control or, in the light of the guidelines of the Constitutional Court, a form of jurisdiction. In the absence …

regions financial statement auditing procedure Court of Auditors audit opinionSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo

Soil Erosion and Deposition Rate Inside an Artificial Reservoir in Central Italy: Bathymetry versus RUSLE and Morphometry


This study, using different direct and indirect methodologies, evaluated the sedimentation rate in an artificial reservoir in central Italy. This reservoir is regionally representative and was built in the 1960s for hydroelectric purposes; it has experienced a strong decrease in trap efficiency and a loss of over 70% of the stored water volume. Direct measurements of the lake bottom bathymetry, carried out in 2006 and 2015, and 3D reconstructions performed in a GIS environment, made it possible to calculate the volume of filling material and to verify an increasing trend in the sedimentation rate since 2006. The sample reservoir denudation rate was compared with that obtained using the Revi…

Global and Planetary ChangeEcologyartificial reservoirsSettore GEO/04 - Geografia Fisica E GeomorfologiaRUSLEsoil erosion rate; trap efficiency; RUSLE; sediment connectivity; sediment yield; artificial reservoirssoil erosion ratetrap efficiencysediment connectivitySettore GEO/05 - Geologia Applicatasediment yieldNature and Landscape ConservationLand

Helēnas Ledus dzimtenes mīlestība


Raksts par latviešu botāniķes Helēnas Ledus-Starcas (1915 – 2005) dzīvi, zinātnisko un sabiedrisko darbību.

Helēna LedusHelēna StarcaRietumzemgales floraIndianpolisbotānikabotany:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of science [Research Subject Categories]

Convolution-based ensemble learning algorithms to estimate the bond strength of the corroded reinforced concrete


Reinforced concrete bond strength deterioration is one of the most serious problems in the construction industry. It is one of the most common factors impacting structural deterioration and the major cause of premature decadence of reinforced concrete structures. Therefore, developing an accurate model with the lowest variance and high reliability for the bond strength of corroded reinforced concrete is very important. The current work evaluates the efficiency of convolution-based ensemble learning algorithms. To address these issues, convolution-based ensemble learning models are developed using a database collected from the previous experimental studies of relative bond strength for corro…

Bond strengthCorrosionEnsemble algorithmsSettore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle CostruzioniPull-out testCorroded reinforced concreteGeneral Materials ScienceBuilding and ConstructionDeep learning modelCivil and Structural Engineering

Radiographic Assessment of Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Injury with Different Durations and Types of Fixation


Introduction: There is no consensus among orthopedic surgeons on the number of cortical layers (tricortical or quadricortical fixation) involved or the duration of syndesmotic fixation after a tibiofibular syndesmosis (TFSD)-injury treatment. The purpose of this study was to assess radiographic parameters following the treatment of TFSD injuries, with various time-windows of syndesmotic screw removal and numbers of cortical layers involved. Materials and Methods: Fifty-five patients, aged from 25 to 75 years, were included in the study. The follow-up period ranged from 2 years to 4 years and 2 months. The patients were subdivided into groups based on the duration of the syndesmotic fixation…

radiographic; tibiofibular syndesmosis injury; duration; types of fixationGeneral MedicineJournal of Clinical Medicine

El SandBox, una aplicación de representación espacial de realidad aumentada de interés para el aprendizaje de la geografía


La SandBox est une technologie développée par l’UC Davis qui permet de modéliser des terrains en réalité augmentée. Il s’agit d’un système permettant de sculpter dans le sable un paysage qui va être topographié par l’ordinateur. Une carte d’élévation (2D), composée de courbes et de couleurs, est projetée dans l’espace d’expérimentation (3D). L’opération se fait en direct, ce qui permet une grande interactivité. Les représentations bidimensionnelles (carte 2D) ne permettent pas toujours une bonne perception de l’espace (3D) représenté, cependant cet article souligne comment utiliser la SandBox pour pallier aux difficultés rencontrées lors de la lecture de ces représentations. Il détaille com…

Sandbox[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyGeography Planning and DevelopmentSandBoxdidactiqueaugmented realityrepresentación espaciarealidad aumentadareprésentation spatialedidacticsspatial representationréalité augmentéedidácticaMappemonde

Measuring the sustainability of tourist destinations based on the SDGs: the case of Algarve in Portugal: Tourism Agenda 2030


Purpose A synthetic indicator (SI) is developed to measure the sustainability of tourist destinations according to four proposed dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic, environmental and political. Its purpose is to determine the most appropriate indicators for each type of tourist destination, i.e. which variables should be considered in each territory according to its typology (environmental, social, economic and tourism). To test the usefulness and employability of the SI, it has been applied in the Algarve (Portugal). Three destinations were analysed in this region: Albufeira, Faro and Lagos, all three good examples of the well-known sun and beach tourism model. Design…

Indicadors socialsTourism Leisure and Hospitality ManagementTurismeGeography Planning and DevelopmentTourism Review

Le risorse idriche nel territorio di Alesa


The contribution examines the complex archaeological data produced by the survey carried out in the region of Alesa, in an attempt to recognise the essential elements of the system of collection and distribution of water in rural settlements. The archaeological data are integrated with what can be obtained from the well-known ‘Table of Alesa’, and with other toponymical, environmental, morphological, and geological information. The results are compared with known data in areas with similar characteristics along the northern coast of Sicily.

Settore L-ANT/09 - Topografia Anticasurvey Sicily Halaesa aqueduct pipeline

Flow correlations from a hydrodynamics model with dynamical freeze-out and initial conditions based on perturbative QCD and saturation


We extend the applicability of the hydrodynamics, perturbative QCD and saturation -based EKRT (Eskola-Kajantie-Ruuskanen-Tuominen) framework for ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions to peripheral collisions by introducing dynamical freeze-out conditions. As a new ingredient compared to the previous EKRT computations we also introduce a non-zero bulk viscosity. We compute various hadronic observables and flow correlations, including normalized symmetric cumulants, mixed harmonic cumulants and flow-transverse momentum correlations, and compare them against measurements from the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We demonstrate that the inclu…

Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)High Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)Nuclear Theorykvarkki-gluoniplasmaFOS: Physical scienceskvanttiväridynamiikkahiukkasfysiikkaNuclear Experiment114 Physical sciences

Quand la recherche saisit les représentations socio-cognitives de l’espace géographique.


Ce dossier thématique constitue les actes des journées d’étude du réseau Cartotête « Cartes mentales : quelles méthodologies pour aborder les représentations socio-spatiales ». Ce réseau repose sur une trentaine de chercheurs issus de diverses disciplines et rassemblés autour de l’analyse des dimensions sociales de la cartographie cognitive — dimensions probablement les plus oubliées de ce champ de recherche. Rappelons que la cartographie cognitive a pris son essor au moment où le cognitivism...

[SHS.PSY] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychology[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyGeography Planning and Development

Teaching sourcing during online inquiry – adolescents with the weakest skills benefited the most


AbstractSourcing - identifying, evaluating, and using information about the sources of information - assists readers in determining what to trust when seeking information on the Internet. To survive in the post-truth era, students should be equipped with sufficient sourcing skills. This study investigated the efficacy of a teacher-led intervention aimed at fostering upper secondary school students’ (N = 365) sourcing during online inquiry. The intervention (4 × 75 min) was structured in accordance with the phases of online inquiry: locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and communicating information. During the intervention, teachers demonstrated why and how to source, and students practiced s…

lähdekritiikkisourcingmultiple document comprehensioninterventiotutkimusonline inquiryEducationlukiolaisetinformaatiolukutaitoDevelopmental and Educational Psychology516 Educational sciencesadolescentsverkkoaineistotiedonhakuintervention

Attraction of cod Gadus morhua from coastal spawning grounds to salmon farms


Wild fish aggregate at aquaculture net-pens, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. This study examined how salmon farms attract coastal Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from their inshore spawning grounds. Acoustic receivers were deployed at 5 known cod spawning grounds and 6 salmon Salmo salar farms located at varying distances from these grounds in a mid-Norway study site. Cod were caught at each spawning ground annually from 2017-2019, fitted with acoustic transmitters and released (n = 535). A total of 289 tagged cod (54%) were detected at the salmon farms, with more cod detected at farms closest to the focal spawning grounds and at operational farms. The latter result is lik…

VDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Basale biofag: 470Management Monitoring Policy and LawAquatic ScienceWater Science and Technology

Human Ecology and the Southern Iberian Neolithic: An Approach from Archaeobotany and Archaeozoology


Archaeology has long incorporated the methods of the natural sciences and the theoretical principles of the overarching scientific framework. Most archaeologists acknowledge the importance of a systemic perspective in the study of the evolution of human behavior, with emphasis on the contexts in which individuals and populations lived and interacted. This article develops an ecological approach to the subsistence patterns and dynamics of the Neolithic populations in the westernmost regions of the Mediterranean. Methodologically, it implements a systematic quantitative exploration of the structure and evolution of the botanical and zoological taxa documented in a human settlement. Empiricall…

ArcheologyEstratigrafiaEcologia humanaArqueologiaJournal of Field Archaeology

El análisis ambiental y territorial del planeamiento. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana


En las últimas décadas, la perspectiva medioambiental ha adquirido un peso creciente como base del urbanismo y de la planificación del territorio desde criterios de sostenibilidad. La razón de ello es la necesidad de hacer compatible el desarrollo urbano con la protección y preservación de los recursos ambientales, para responder a los desafíos ecológicos asociados al cambio climático. Esta perspectiva medioambiental, combinada con la social, impregna los contenidos de documentos estratégicos de referencia, como las diferentes agendas urbanas derivadas de los ODS de Naciones Unidas, y se encuentra incorporada también en la legislación urbanística europea y española, tanto a nivel estatal co…

políticasmedio ambientegobiernodesarrolloarquitecturaurbanismoUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía económica::Utilización de la tierra

The Ipsilateral Interhemispheric Transprecuneal Approach to the Atrium: Technical Considerations and Clinical Outcome on a Series of 7 Patients


Surgical removal of tumors of the atrium is challenging due to their deep location, vascularization, and to their complex three-dimensional relationships with the highly functional white matter fibers of the region. To assess the feasibility and the effectiveness of the ipsilateral interhemispheric transprecuneus approach (IITA) for tumors involving the atrium and the posterior third of the temporal horn, a retrospective chart review of all patients who had undergone a surgical treatment for intraventricular tumors between January 2008 and January 2017 was performed, and the step-by-step approach is described. Ten patients affected by lesions of the atrium of the lateral ventricle underwent…

superior longitudinal fasciculuintraventricular tumor; interhemispheric approach; surgical management; atrium; superior longitudinal fasciculusGeneral Neuroscienceinterhemispheric approachsurgical managementatriumintraventricular tumorBrain Sciences

The Quality of Teacher-child Interactions and Teachers’ Occupational well-being in Finnish Kindergartens: A Person-centered Approach


Research Findings: The aim of the present study was to identify profiles of kindergarten teachers based on the observed quality of interactions with the children in their classrooms and to explore possible differences between the profiles in terms of teachers’ occupational well-being and teacher and classroom characteristics. Participants were 54 Finnish kindergarten teachers whose interactions with children were observed with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS Pre-K). The teachers also completed a questionnaire about their occupational well-being. Four interaction profiles were identified: Highest Quality, Moderate Quality, Lower Quality with Limited Negativity, and Lower Quali…

vuorovaikutusvarhaiskasvatuksen opettajattyöhyvinvointiDevelopmental and Educational PsychologylaatustressiopettajatopetusarviointiuupumustyötyytyväisyysEducationEarly Education and Development

Green and Integrated Wearable Electrochemical Sensor for Chloride Detection in Sweat


Wearable sensors for sweat biomarkers can provide facile analyte capability and monitoring for several diseases. In this work, a green wearable sensor for sweat absorption and chloride sensing is presented. In order to produce a sustainable device, polylactic acid (PLA) was used for both the substrate and the sweat absorption pad fabrication. The sensor material for chloride detection consisted of silver-based reference, working, and counter electrodes obtained from upcycled compact discs. The PLA substrates were prepared by thermal bonding of PLA sheets obtained via a flat die extruder, prototyped in single functional layers via CO2 laser cutting, and bonded via hot-press. The effect of co…

SilverPolyestersSettore ING-IND/34 - Bioingegneria IndustrialeBiosensing TechniquesElectrochemical TechniquesBiochemistryAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsAnalytical ChemistryWearable Electronic DevicesSettore ING-IND/23 - Chimica Fisica ApplicataSettore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei MaterialiChloridesSettore ING-IND/17 - Impianti Industriali MeccaniciHumansElectrical and Electronic Engineeringelectrochemical sensors; wearable sensor; chloride detection; electrolyte assisted electrospinning; environmental-friendly; laser cuttingSweatchloride detection electrochemical sensors electrolyte assisted electrospinning environmental-friendly laser cutting wearable sensor Humans Sweat Chlorides Silver Polyesters Electrochemical Techniques Wearable Electronic Devices Biosensing TechniquesInstrumentation

Elliptic Harnack's inequality for a singular nonlinear parabolic equation in non‐divergence form


We prove an elliptic Harnack's inequality for a general form of a parabolic equation that generalizes both the standard parabolic -Laplace equation and the normalized version that has been proposed in stochastic game theory. This version of the inequality does not require the intrinsic waiting time and we get the estimate with the same time level on both sides of the inequality. peerReviewed

matematiikkaGeneral Mathematicsyhtälötepäyhtälöt

Epithelial coxsackievirus adenovirus receptor promotes house dust mite-induced lung inflammation.


AbstractAirway inflammation and remodelling are important pathophysiologic features in asthma and other respiratory conditions. An intact epithelial cell layer is crucial to maintain lung homoeostasis, and this depends on intercellular adhesion, whilst damaged respiratory epithelium is the primary instigator of airway inflammation. The Coxsackievirus Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) is highly expressed in the epithelium where it modulates cell-cell adhesion stability and facilitates immune cell transepithelial migration. However, the contribution of CAR to lung inflammation remains unclear. Here we investigate the mechanistic contribution of CAR in mediating responses to the common aeroallergen, H…

InflammationBioquímicaBiologiaMultidisciplinaryPyroglyphidaeGeneral Physics and AstronomyPneumoniaRespiratory MucosaGeneral ChemistryGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyMiceDisease Models AnimalCardiovascular and Metabolic DiseasesAnimalsHumansCytokinesReceptors VirusTechnology PlatformsLung

Work Stressors and Intention to Leave the Current Workplace and Profession: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect at Work.


The first aim of this study was to determine whether organisational constraints, interpersonal conflicts at work, workload and negative affect at work have a positive relationship with intention to leave a current job or profession. The second aim was to investigate whether negative affect at work mediates the relationship between work stressors and intention to leave a current job or profession. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional design in nature. Data were collected between March and April 2022. The sample consisted of 306 midwives working in the Polish public health service. The theoretical model was tested using structural equation modelling. The results confirmed positive dir…

turnover intentionHealth Toxicology and Mutagenesiswork-related stress; turnover intention; affect at work; stressor-emotion theory; midwivesPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthPersonnel Turnoverstressor-emotion theoryIntentionJob SatisfactionmidwivesCross-Sectional StudiesSurveys and Questionnaireswork-related stressaffect at workWorkplaceInternational journal of environmental research and public health

Search for a massless dark photon in Λc+→pγ′ decay


Physical Review D

Social-, health care and rehabilitation educators’ competence : a cross-sectional study


An educator’s competence influences the implementation of evidence-based education and the overall quality of social and health care. This study aimed to identify distinct competence profiles from Finnish social, health and rehabilitative care educators, as well as describe which personal and professional characteristics influenced belonging to a certain profile. Data were collected from 28 educational organizations located throughout Finland using the Health and Social Care Educators’ Competence instrument. The survey was answered by 422 educators. The performed K-means cluster analysis identified three distinct educator competence profiles, which differed in terms of self-assessed experti…

educatorterveysalacompetencekompetenssisosiaalialakuntoutusnäyttöön perustuvat käytännöthealth caresocial careammatilliset opettajatEducationrehabilitation

Study of the hc(11P1) meson via ψ(2S)→π0hc decays at BESIII


Physical Review D

Representación del medio rural, profesorado y libros de texto


The countryside enjoys a long tradition in secondary and baccalaureate teaching and learning in spite of no research having been done on its use in teaching social sciences. The present study views teaching about rural areas as part of a depiction of society where the countryside and the city are opposed in various ways.
 A study based on the theory of the social representations combines qualitative and quantitative techniques under the interpretive paradigm. A table composed of different categories was designed reflecting a hypothesis of progression that allows an integrated analysis of the data obtained through questionnaires, focus group and textbooks. The information was collected …

Professors d'educació secundàriaEducació secundàriaMedi ruralEducatio Siglo XXI

Disentangling Housing Supply to Shift towards Smart Cities: Analysing Theoretical and Empirical Studies


The search for a pleasant home has concerned people ever since. Paradoxically, people are facing strong difficulties in finding a decent place to settle their lives in cities. As such, the housing market regained momentum in connection with the development of Smart Cities, where life quality of residents is strongly emphasized. Well-being in the metropolis is affected by a wide variety of factors with housing supply being among the most important, hence stirred by financing costs, construction costs, vacancy rate, sales delay, inflation rate, housing stock, price of agricultural land, and regulation. The present article reviews empirical studies on housing supply for a better understanding …

Urban StudiesPrice elasticity of supplyStrategic interaction modelsHousing supplyhousing supply; price elasticity of supply; smart cities; strategic interaction modelsArtificial IntelligenceElectrical and Electronic EngineeringSmart citiesSmart Cities

Effect of Core–Shell Rubber Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Properties of Epoxy and Epoxy-Based CFRP


This research was funded by M-Era.Net project MERF “Matrix for carbon reinforced epoxy laminates with reduced flammability” grant No. from the Latvian State Education Development Agency and M-Era.Net project “EPIC—European Partnership for Improved Composites“ funded by grant No. TH06020001. A.S., K.S. and A.Z. are grateful to funding received from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework program H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2.

tensile propertiescore–shell rubber nanoparticlesepoxy; CFRP; core–shell rubber nanoparticles; tensile properties; fracture toughness; glass transition temperatureGeneral Materials Science:NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics [Research Subject Categories]glass transition temperatureCFRPepoxyfracture toughness

Studi sul testo di Quinto di Smirne


Quintus Smyrnaeutextual criticismgreek epicSettore L-FIL-LET/05 - Filologia ClassicaPosthomericaQuintus Smyrnaeus Posthomerica

Compactness in Groups of Group-Valued Mappings


We introduce the concepts of extended equimeasurability and extended uniform quasiboundedness in groups of group-valued mappings endowed with a topology that generalizes the topology of convergence in measure. Quantitative characteristics modeled on these concepts allow us to estimate the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness in such a contest. Our results extend and encompass some generalizations of Fréchet–Šmulian and Ascoli–Arzelà compactness criteria found in the literature.

equimeasurabilitySettore MAT/05 - Analisi MatematicaGeneral Mathematicsuniform quasiboundednessComputer Science (miscellaneous)convergence (and local convergence) in measuremeasure of noncompactnessgroupgroup; pseudonorm; convergence (and local convergence) in measure; measure of noncompactness; equimeasurability; uniform quasiboundednesspseudonormEngineering (miscellaneous)Mathematics

Surgical treatment of endometrioid endometrial carcinoma - laparotomy versus laparoscopy.


Objective: Recent publications have raised doubts about the oncological safety of a laparoscopic approach in the treatment of endometrial cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the beneficial aspects of laparoscopy versus laparotomy in patients with endometrial cancer, and present oncological outcomes. Material and methods: A retrospective study of patients who underwent surgery for the treatment of endometrioid endometrial cancer was performed. Surgical outcomes and complications in patients who were treated by laparoscopy or open surgery were compared. The patients were followed for 5-years. Patients' characteristics, tumor stage, complications rate and oncologic outcome were an…

LaparotomyComplicationsEndometrial cancerObstetrics and GynecologyLaparoscopySettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaOncological outcomeJournal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association

Digital Twin of HVAC system (HVACDT) for multiobjective optimization of energy consumption and thermal comfort based on BIM framework with ANN-MOGA


This study proposes a novel Digital Twin framework of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVACDT) system to reduce energy consumption while increasing thermal comfort. The framework is developed to help the facility managers better understand the building operation to enhance the HVAC system function. The Digital Twin framework is based on Building Information Modelling (BIM) combined with a newly created plug-in to receive real-time sensor data as well as thermal comfort and optimization process through Matlab programming. In order to determine if the suggested framework is practical, data were collected from a Norwegian office building between August 2019 and October 2021 and used…

VDP::Teknologi: 500Digital TwinMOGABuilding information modellingBuilding optimizationBuilding and ConstructionThermal comfortANN

Nowe stanowisko Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fabricius, 1787) (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Oxycarenidae) na Górnym Śląsku / New record of Oxycarenus lavaterae …


This note presents a new record of the invasive species Oxycarenus lavaterae in Upper Silesia, Poland.

Hemipteratrue bugsdistributionfaunisticsUpper Silesianew recordPolandinvasive species

High sensing potentialities of tetra-tert-butyl-metallophthalocyaninesbased acoustic microsensors for xylenes measurement in air at room temperature


International audience; Xylenes, classified as Volatil Organic Compounds, is a very harmful pollutant for human health that can be absorbed into the body via all exposures routes: inhalation, ingestion, or dermal. As defined by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the occupational exposure limi-tes are set to 100 ppm while the guidelines in non-occupational context are fixed to 50 ppm. For the concentration measurements in the at-mosphere, authorities commonly used sampling methods with post-exposure chemical titration or chromatography. A strong interest remains on the development of low cost, low power consumption and easy implemented microsensors able to deliver real-time indicative m…

[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics]Quartz Crystal Microbal- anceOr- ganic semi-conductorSubstituted phthalocyaninesacoustic sensors[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]Xylenesgas microsensorsVolatiles Or- ganic Compoundspollutant monitoring.