showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Elementary Clothoid-Based Three-Dimensional Curve for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
UNMANNED aerial vehicles (UAVs), either multirotor or fixed-wing UAVs, can be used in many fields to solve complex problems in safety [1], communications [2, 3], military applications [4, 5], civilian applications [6, 7], protection of nuclear plants [8], energy efficiency [9], nonlinear control [10, 11], and path planning [12], among others. Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) is by far the most used UAV's configuration [13]. Probably the main reason is that, nowadays, there are lots of low-cost multirotor models. VTOL strategies can be applied to fixed-wing airplanes [14]; however, in normal operation they usually fly horizontally to keep a constant altitude [15, 16], but they need to per…
Preliminary evaluation of a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex for the control of Plenodomus tracheiphilus causal agent of citrus mal secco disease
In this study we evaluated a zinc copper-citric acid biocomplex (Dentamet®) for the effect on citrus mal secco disease caused by Plenodomus tracheiphilus. In vitro tests highlighted an inhibitory activity of the compound on mycelial growth and phialoconidia germination. Independent in vivo trials were performed in a growth chamber inoculating a virulent fungal isolate on sour orange seedlings and young plants of two lines of Femminello lemon, namely ‘Zagara bianca’ and ‘2Kr’, grafted on sour orange and grown in pots. The compound was leaf sprayed three days before the inoculation by wounds with phialoconidia. Overall, disease index and disease progress curve in plants inoculated with P. tra…
I volti della caricatura
Guardare una caricatura significa innanzitutto riconoscere un determinato soggetto ed essere consapevoli che alcune delle sue caratteristiche sono state significativamente esagerate. In questa relazione mi propongo di esplorare la fenomenologia di questa modalità raffigurativa cercando di fare chiarezza intorno (i) al soggetto della caricatura e (ii) al modo in cui l’esagerazione pittorica viene impiegata per raffigurare. Questi due problemi investono grossomodo il cosa e il come di quest’arte. Una loro disamina consentirà inoltre (iii) di tracciare, nei limiti del possibile, una linea di confine rispetto a un genere figurativo affine: il grottesco.
Critical questions in diabetes management: What are the most compelling challenges and how can we handle them?
Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is growing worldwide, showing almost a 10-fold increase in the last five decades. Despite advances in the understanding of the disease mechanisms, preventive measures, and treatment options, morbidity and mortality remain high. Moreover, the burden of uncontrolled glycemia and associated complications have a significant impact on healthcare costs. To be ready for the future and emerging issues in the management of diabetes and related disorders, a holistic approach is essential for the prevention of the next generations. So many challenges in the management of diabetes exist globally, which differ according to the health infrastructure, and cu…
Nonsense codons suppression. An acute toxicity study of three optimized TRIDs in murine model, safety and tolerability evaluation.
Stop mutations cause 11% of the genetic diseases, due to the introduction of a premature termination codon (PTC) in the mRNA, followed by the production of a truncated protein. A promising therapeutic approach is the suppression therapy by Translational Readthrough Inducing Drugs (TRIDs), restoring the expression of the protein. Recently, three new TRIDs (NV848, NV914, NV930) have been proposed, and validated by several in vitro assays, for the rescue of the CFTR protein, involved in Cystic Fibrosis disease. In this work, an acute toxicological study for the three TRIDs was conducted in vivo on mice, according to the OECD No.420 guidelines. Animals were divided into groups and treated with …
Riconoscersi cittadini per vivere da cittadini. Lo Ius Scholae, una via essenziale per una scuola inclusiva e educante
La presente proposta intende offrire una riflessione pedagogica sulla necessità di favorire processi inclusivi, secondo una prospettiva interculturale, per studenti migranti di seconda e terza generazione che frequentano le nostre scuole. Si tratta di una prospettiva, quella dell’inclusione, che nell’orizzonte di ricerca interculturale può essere considerata la migliore ipotesi, dal punto di vista politico e morale, per dar vita a processi di coinvolgimento attivo in un’ottica di corresponsabilità e co-progettazione condivisa tra le diverse agenzie educative. In particolare, questa proposta intende portare alla luce la problematica vissuta da molti studenti con origini familiari straniere a…
Editorial for the Third Volume of NJTCG
It is with great pleasure that we present the third issue of the Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance (NJTCG). This issue continues to promote exciting articles and researchers at all stages of their careers. nonPeerReviewed
“The Churches overtook politics”. The contribution of religious factors and faith-based initiatives to Polish-German reconciliation
Abstract More than half-century long process of reconciliation between Poland and Germany can be recognized as one the most exceptional contemporary examples of the rebuilding of relations both socially and politically. The fact that the reconciliation process between “eternal enemies”, Poland and Germany, succeeded is considered in metaphysical categories a ‘miracle of reconciliation’. The essence of this process was well summarized in 2015 in the Common Statement of the President of Poland Andrzej Duda and the President of Germany Joachim Gauck in the words “the Churches overtook politics”. This article aims to outline the contribution of the religious element as a significant factor in t…
Can noncomplementarity of agency lead to successful problem solving? A case study on students’ interpersonal behaviors in mathematical problem-solvin…
In student collaboration, purposeful peer interaction crucial for success on the task. Such collaboration requires adequate and purposeful student agency. Theoretically, the between-individual complementarity of agency be-haviors enhances purposeful interaction. However, the level of agency of group members can disrupt the collaborative interactions. We conducted a case study of collaborative mathematical problem solving, where one student's behaviors of noncomplementary agency characterized the group interaction. We examined the video recording of the group by continuous quantitative coding of students' agency behaviors and segmented the interaction process into four phases. We analyzed qu…
Strategic renewal : Can it be done profitably?
Industry transformation requires strategic renewal at the level of individual firms. Executives then face the dilemma of choosing renewal paths in the face of uncertainty over the competitive environment of the future, and hence the profitability of potential strategies. This dilemma motivates us to study industry transformation from the perspective of strategic renewal among 208 large firms in the global pulp and paper industry. The findings of our qualitative comparative analysis show that only a minority of firms in our sample succeeded in profitable proactive renewal. Content-wise, there were similarities in the pursued strategies over the wider population, but only a few maintained sup…
Diversity and composition of the microbiome associated with eggs of the Southern green stinkbug, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).
Although microbial communities of insects from larval to adult stage have been increasingly investigated in recent years, little is still known about the diversity and composition of egg-associated microbiomes. In this study, we used high-throughput amplicon sequencing and quantitative PCR to get a better understanding of the microbiome of insect eggs and how they are established using the Southern green stinkbug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) as a study object. First, to determine the bacterial community composition, egg masses from two natural populations in Belgium and Italy were examined. Subsequently, microbial community establishment was assessed by studying stinkbug e…
HISTORIC CITIES AND INNER AREAS IN SICILY The point of view of the Restoration
The discipline of restoration has long established a cultural background on the subject of historic cities as a heritage area to be safeguarded, beginning with the Amsterdam Declaration (1975), which introduced the fundamental concept of «integrated conservation». The purpose of this contribution is to emphasize the importance of raising an awareness and care for heritage as a community identity card and not just a reason for tourist offer. The territory and cultural heritage thus become a pedagogical challenge in defining a model of heritage enjoyment, for the promotion of local contexts and in the constitution of learning communities in which restoration likewise participates.
CCTV-FullyAware: toward end-to-end feasible privacy-enhancing and CCTV forensics applications
It is estimated that over 1 billion Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras are operational worldwide. The advertised main benefits of CCTV cameras have always been the same; physical security, safety, and crime deterrence. The current scale and rate of deployment of CCTV cameras bring additional research and technical challenges for CCTV forensics as well, as for privacy enhancements. This paper presents the first end-to-end system for CCTV forensics and feasible privacy-enhancing applications such as exposure measurement, CCTV route recovery, CCTV-aware routing/navigation, and crowd-sourcing. For this, we developed and evaluated four complex and distinct modules (CCTVCV [1], OSRM-CCTV [2],…
How might serious games trigger a transformation in project management education ? Lessons learned from 10 Years of experimentations
While many studies have been published about project management serious games, most of them mainly describe characteristics and features of the games themselves. In those studies, little is found on the pedagogical imple- mentation of serious games and on how they have impacted project management education. In this article, we both discuss how serious games have impacted project management education and how they are implemented from a pedagogical perspective. We used an empirical research approach, based on qualitative observations. Observations included authors’ own usages of a project management serious game (the PM-Game) com- plemented with a synthesis of 10 years of observations and dis…
L’intento è quello di analizzare le affinità e differenze che contribuiscono il passaggio concettuale per gestire la complessità del progetto tecnologico attraverso le sue realizzazioni di nuova concezione, che ad oggi dovranno esser ripensate nel loro atto realizzativo con le conseguenti ricadute responsabili verso l’ambiente ed il territorio. A tal proposito è risultato utile introdurre la “Direttiva Europea 85/384” con i suoi undici punti che delinea la figura dell’architetto. Il progettista dovrà esser una figura consapevole di un sapere trasversale fondato su ‘conoscenze’ e ‘capacità’ ormai dedite al risparmio delle risorse e lontano dalla velleità da palcoscenico. The intent is to ana…
Monitoring of the effect of solar radiation and rain on the building envelope with integrated vertical vegetation
The goal of the present paper is the verification of the improvement of the performance of a building envelope with a green wall also in conditions of high irradiance (≥0.6 kW/m2) and with variable meteorological conditions (sunny, cloudy, and rainy), with a focus on intense rainfall and tempest. The object of the analysis has been the Innovation and Technology for Development Center in the University Campus of the Polytechnics of Madrid, where a modular system of integrated vertical vegetation has been installed on the skin of the South and West prospects. The study is based on the analysis of the effective thermoregulation capacity of the system in different climatic situations and has be…
Innovative and Applied Research in Biology: Proceedings
The collection contains SCIENTIFIC articles on the topics of the LU 80 conference reports. The main focus is on innovative and applied research in biology and interdisciplinary fields.
Survival of the Weakest: Why the West Rules
We study a model of institutions that evolve through conflict. We find that one of three configurations can emerge: an extractive hegemony, a balance of power between extrac-tive societies or a balance of power between inclusive societies -the latter being most conducive to innovation. As extractive societies are assumed to have an advantage in head to head confrontations we refer to this latter possibility as the survival of the weakest. Our contention is that the reason that the West "rules" can be traced back to two events both taking place in China: the invention of the cannon, which made possible the survival of the weakest in Europe; and the arrival of Genghis Khan, which led to the s…
The puzzles of daily life: The temporal orders of families when parents have non‐standard work schedules
This article investigates the temporal orders of families as the daily rhythms and schedules when one or both parents work non-standard hours. Our focus is especially on the often asynchronous times of non-standard work, on one hand, and of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and other institutions, on the other hand. The data consist of semi-structured qualitative interviews of Finnish parents with a four-year-old child. The results show that the asynchronous times generated by non-standard working hours cause a wide range of collisions both in relation to childcare and ECEC and to the division of labour between parents. The parents are ‘wrestling’, not only because of the a…
Emulsions based on fatty acid from vegetable oils for cosmetics
Vegetable oils are sources of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In this work, we studied the suitability of a mixture of vegetable oils and some fatty acids (similar to the those of the human skin) as a cosmetic emulsion. Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L.) – 1 %, thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) – 42 %, linen (Línum usitatíssimum L.) – 1.1 %, wheat germ (Triticum aestivum L.) – 1 %, sesame (Sésamum índicum L.) – 1 %, mustard (Sinápis álba L.) – 2%, pumpkin (Cucúrbita p é po L.) – 5 %, – were selected as vegetable oils. The emulsion based on the proposed mixture of vegetable oils has a higher antioxidant activity (1.623 OD) compared with that based on minera…
The meaningfulness of two curriculum-based national tests of English as a foreign language
This paper addresses the aspect of the meaningfulness of a national assessment in English as a foreign language, applying the fairness framework proposed by Kunnan (2018). We compared students’ performance on two receptive language skills of listening and reading on two subsequent national evaluations in Finland, taken by students at the end of compulsory basic education and at the end of general upper secondary education, respectively. The research questions focus on (1) the relationship between students’ performance on the two tests and their gender, language of schooling and parents’ educational level, and (2) the relationship between the students’ receptive language proficiency at the e…
Una è la forma, molti sono i nomi : scenari del sacro femminile tra la Sicilia e Creta
Nei culti rivolti alle Madonne e alle Sante in Sicilia e a Creta, in particolare in quelli caratterizzati dall’ostensione e dalla manipolazione di fronde vegetali, dall’uso di acque salutifere, dal riutilizzo di antichi spazi cultuali (grotte, cime montuose, boschi), sembra continuino a reiterarsi modelli mitici e simboli rituali propri di un antico pattern del sacro femminile che, di volta in volta, disarticolato e rimodulato, si rivela tutt’altro che inattuale e che anzi continua a conferire senso alle molteplici e rinnovate istanze dell’esperienza religiosa contemporanea. Che si voglia ammettere ovvero respingere l’ipotesi di una relazione storica delle espressioni del sacro femminile e …
Accurate Multilayered Shell Buckling Analysis via the Implicit-Mesh Discontinuous Galerkin Method
A novel formulation for the linear buckling analysis of multilayered shells is presented. High-order equivalent-single-layer shell theories based on the through-the-thickness expansion of the covariant components of the displacement field are employed. The novelty of the formulation regards the governing equations solution via implicit-mesh discontinuous Galerkin method. It is a high-order accurate numerical technique based on a discontinuous representation of the solution among the mesh elements and on the use of suitably defined boundary integrals to enforce the continuity of the solution at the inter-element interfaces as well as the boundary conditions. Owing to its discontinuous natur…
Alla ricerca di un nuovo statuto per l'imputato assente
The article analyses new rules introduced by the so called "Cartabia reform" on the proceedings in absentia
Revisiting the Solid Flux Theory
Several variations of the basic activated sludge process and of the related design procedures for final clarifiers have been developed, which are frequently based on the well-known solid flux theory (SFT). In this paper, by using the Lambert W function and a “virtual” solid flux corresponding to the Vesilind parameters’ ratio, the SFT is reformulated, and dimensionless groups are detected, which highly reduce the number of parameters that are involved in the final clarifiers’ design procedure. The derived dimensionless relationships and the corresponding plots have general validity since they can be applied to all the possible design/verification parameter combinatio…
Incidence of long COVID-19 in people with previous SARS-Cov2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 120,970 patients
The long-term consequences of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) are likely to be frequent but results hitherto are inconclusive. Therefore, we aimed to define the incidence of long-term COVID signs and symptoms as defined by the World Health Organization, using a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. A systematic search in several databases was carried out up to 12 January 2022 for observational studies reporting the cumulative incidence of long COVID signs and symptoms divided according to body systems affected. Data are reported as incidence and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Several sensitivity and meta-regression analyses were performed. Among 11,162 papers …
Age-associated changes in circulatory fatty acids: new insights on adults and long-lived individuals
Long-lived individuals (LLIs) are considered an ideal model to study healthy human aging. Blood fatty acid (FA) profile of a cohort of LLIs (90–111 years old, n = 49) from Sicily was compared to adults (18–64 years old, n = 69) and older adults (65–89 years old, n = 54) from the same area. Genetic variants in key enzymes related to FA biosynthesis and metabolism were also genotyped to investigate a potential genetic predisposition in determining the FA profile. Gas chromatography was employed to determine the FA profile, and genotyping was performed using high-resolution melt (HRM) analysis. Blood levels of total polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) and total trans-FA decreased with age, while the lev…
Hysterectomy for Non-Prolapsed Uterus in Elderly Patients: Predictors of Prolonged Hospital Stay
<b><i>Objective:</i></b> The objective of this study was to investigate surgical outcomes and complications of hysterectomy for benign conditions other than prolapse in elderly patients and to define predictors of prolonged hospitalization. <b><i>Design:</i></b> Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. <b><i>Setting:</i></b> This study was conducted in an academic research center. <b><i>Patients:</i></b> We utilized our institution surgical database to identify patients aged 60 years or more (“elderly”) who underwent hysterectomy for benign conditions other than pelvic organ prolap…
New evidence for an Anatolian bridge: Colonization of Euromediterranean lands by cave-adapted Plusiocampinae (Diplura, Campodeidae), with establishme…
A new genus of Plusiocampinae (Diplura, Campodeidae), Anatoliacampa diclensis Sendra, Tusun & Satar gen. et sp. nov., is described from specimens found in the Southeastern Anatolian Peninsula in Dicle cave (Bozaba village, Dicle district, Diyarbakır province, Turkey). Based on its morphological characteristics and molecular analysis, the new taxon undoubtedly belongs to the well-established subfamily Plusiocampinae and occupies, like most species of the subfamily, cave habitats. Anatoliacampa diclensis has two important features: its unique pretarsus and the abundant distribution of urosternal macrosetae. The finding of this new taxon is of high palaeogeographic interest, as it provides new…
Long-term changes in business models in inland and mountainous areas for the promotion of sustainable food systems
For the management of inland and mountainous areas to be economically viable, business activities in these environments must provide sufficient income for the local population without jeopardising the interests of future generations. In purely economic terms, the management of these areas requires that the production of such goods and services that constitute utility flows for an ecosystem and its local population be economically viable. This management must be able to provide an income for the local population; it cannot only support the costs inevitably incurred for the conservation and production of goods and services provided by the activities that take place in the mountain area. This …
Site-Coded Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Evaluation by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): A Descriptive Pilot Study
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an emerging non-invasive method for oral diagnostics, proving to be a practicable device for epithelial and subepithelial evaluation. The potential validity of OCT in oral cancer assessment has been explored but, to date, there are very few investigations conducted with a systematic comparison between clinical/histological and OCT parameters, especially in strict reference to the anatomical site-codification of the oral mucosa. In this regard, our study performed a two-steps evaluation (in vivo OCT and histological investigations) of suspected OSCCs, progressively recruited, using as references the OCT images of the same site-coded healthy mucosa, to pr…
Perceived challenges living and integrating into Finnish society : A study among immigrants in Finland
The number of immigrants living in Finland has significantly increased since the 1990s. It can be challenging to live and integrate into a new society. This study explores the challenges immigrants face living and integrating into Finnish society. Drawing on data collected from 103 immigrants living in Finland, this study shows that the challenges immigrants face integrating into Finnish society can be classified into four main categories: (1) language barrier, (2) discrimination in employment opportunities, (3) racism and inequality, and (4) fewer opportunities of integration. Implications and recommendations are briefly considered.
Positional transversal release is effective as stretching on range of movement, performance and balance: a cross-over study.
Abstract Background The aim of this study was to compare the positional transversal release (PTR) technique to stretching and evaluate the acute effects on range of movement (ROM), performance and balance. Methods Thirty-two healthy individuals (25.3 ± 5.6 years; 68.8 ± 12.5 kg; 172.0 ± 8.8 cm) were tested on four occasions 1 week apart. ROM through a passive straight leg raise, jumping performance through a standing long jump (SLJ) and balance through the Y-balance test were measured. Each measure was assessed before (T0), immediately after (T1) and after 15 min (T2) of the provided intervention. On the first occasion, no intervention was administered (CG). The intervention order was rando…
Resilience of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) to salinity, heat and drought stresses: A mini-review
Over recent years, the cultivation of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) has spread widely in the Mediterranean, also affecting the southern regions of Spain and Italy with a typical semi-arid climate. Several and recent studies have investigated the responses of this species to the main abiotic stresses, which is an aspect of absolute relevance to the knowledge of the adaptive capacity of hops to the growing conditions of a new cultivation environment. Moreover, given the fact that hops’ phytochemical composition is determined primarily by genetic and environmental factors, and that the species is perennial, the lack of knowledge on the effects of abiotic stress could be reflected in subsequent yea…
Promuovere le character skills per la transizione scuola-università: una ricerca- intervento internazionale
In this contribution, we want to describe methodological assumptions with which to promote some character skills that must be trained in the students attending high school in view of the transition from school to university. These abilities are related to the person’s character, emotional and psychosocial aspects of the personality like flexibility, creativity, open-mindedness, resilience, decision-making skill and self-image. These skills significantly contribute to the construction of the 16-18-year-old student’s identity and support the development of his professional maturity during the school education period. High school teachers can contribute to this development by applying didactic…