showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Il sacrificio di Ifigenia fra Ditti-Settimio e Draconzio


L’intervento si propone una disamina dell’episodio di Ifigenia nell’«Orestis tragoedia», presentato e analizzato sia in rapporto alla tradizione classica – in particolare, ovviamente, quella latina – tenuta presente da Draconzio nella delineazione della vicenda e nella presentazione della figura della figlia di Agamennone, sia in rapporto con la tradizione tardo-antica, in particolare con la narrazione di Ditti-Settimio. Attraverso l’analisi dell’episodio in questione, si cerca di mettere in risalto i fattori di continuità e di innovazione nel trattamento del mito di Ifigenia (e dei miti classici in generale) da parte del poeta africano. The intervention proposes an examination of the episo…

AgamemnonAgamennoneSettore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaTroian MythDracontiuDraconzioIfigeniaDitti-Settimiomiti troianiDictys-Septimiu«Orestis tragoedia»IphigeniaClassical Traditiontradizione classica

Atti linguistici e agire comunicativo


The article analyzes the relationship between speech acts and the ethics of communication.

Speech acts discourse ethics communicationSettore M-FIL/03 - Filosofia Morale

Boccaccio, «Ninfale fiesolano» 309, 5-8: per la storia di un tópos fra tradizione classica e suggestioni medievali


Questa nota, alla luce della lettura e dell’interpretazione di un passo del «Ninfale fiesolano» del Boccaccio (309, 5-8), ripercorre la fortuna del motivo della “reciprocità” amorosa e, in particolare, dell’intimo rapporto che fa sì che “due” giovani innamorati, legati da affinità di costumi, età, bellezza, siano come “una” sola persona. Un motivo molto antico, questo, che affonda le sue radici nella tradizione biblica e nella letteratura classica, e che conoscerà ampia fortuna nel Medioevo latino e volgare. Fra i testi che vengono proposti e analizzati si segnalano, soprattutto, le «Metamorfosi» di Ovidio, l’«Ero e Leandro» di Museo, il «Narcissus», il «Pamphilus», l’«Alda» di Guglielmo di…

OvidiuSettore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E Umanistica«Ninfale fiesolano»Matthew of VendômeSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparateGuglielmo di BloiWilliam of BloiOvidioClassical and Medieval Love PoetryMedieval Suggestion«Pamphilus»Settore L-FIL-LET/13 - Filologia Della Letteratura Italianasuggestioni medievaliSettore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura ItalianaMatteo di VendômeClassical Traditionpoesia d’amore classica e medievaleGiovanni Boccacciotradizione classica

Application of Hydrogen Peroxide to Improve the Microbiological Stability of Food Ice Produced in Industrial Facilities


This work was aimed to produce an “active” food ice to preserve its microbiological safety over time. With this in mind, ice cubes were processed with the addition of H2O2 to water before freezing. Four food ice productions were performed at the industrial level: one control trial without the addition of H2O2 (0OX) and three experimental trials obtained by adding 4, 8, and 12 mg/L of H2O2 (4OX, 8OX, and 12OX), respectively. After production, all food ice trials were artificially contaminated with 102 CFU/100 mL of water-borne pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Enteroccus faecalis ATCC 29212, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853) inoculated individually. Thawed ice samples we…

Fluid Flow and Transfer ProcessesTechnologywater-borne bacteriaQH301-705.5TPhysicsQC1-999Process Chemistry and TechnologyGeneral Engineeringmicrobiological safetyhydrogen peroxideEngineering (General). Civil engineering (General)Food ice production Hydrogen peroxide Hygiene Microbiological safety Water-borne bacteriaComputer Science ApplicationshygieneChemistryfood ice productionGeneral Materials ScienceTA1-2040Biology (General)QD1-999InstrumentationSettore AGR/16 - Microbiologia AgrariaApplied Sciences

Quo plura possis, plura patienter feras. Agamennone modello di sapienza nelle Troiane di Seneca


The paper deals with the quarrel between Pyrrhus and Agamemnon in the Troades, with an analysis of Greek and Latin antecedents, focusing in particular on the characterisation of the Achaean commander. The character of Agamemnon, who embodies the suffering of the defeated, shows a new model of royalty in line with Senecan ideology.

AgamemnonTroadePowerPyrrhuSenecaSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

Un estudio acerca del proceso de aprendizaje de la técnica pianística de nivel avanzado en las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en la especialidad de…


En este artículo se estudian los recursos disponibles a lo largo de la historia del piano moderno para el aprendizaje de la técnica pianística. Se estructura en dos partes. En primer lugar, se recoge la evolución de las obras didácticas de nivel avanzado, desde los primeros métodos del siglo XIX destinados al piano moderno hasta el presente. En segundo lugar, se describe la actualidad del aprendizaje de la técnica pianística en los centros reglados españoles que imparten Enseñanza Artística Superior en la especialidad de interpretación. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo mediante cuestionario. Las conclusiones indican que el alumnado usa textos que datan del siglo XIX y de la…

Cultural StudiesComposició musicalPedagogiaMusicEducació ExperiènciesRevista musical chilena

Disposal of green roofs: A contribution to identifying an “Allowed by legislation” end–of–life scenario and facilitating their environmental analysis


The rapid and widespread deployment of green roofs requires the need to address their disposal and to assess the environmental impact of this phase of their life cycle to understand whether their current large-scale application may pose a problem. A review of the literature on green roofs environmental performance (particularly Life Cycle Assessment studies) has highlighted the lack of a standardized, commonly adopted, procedure for determining the treatments, recovery and/or disposal, to be assigned to waste from the removal of green roofs. In this regard, it should be mentioned that there is a lack of ad hoc legislation on the disposal of this technology (to the best of the authors’ knowl…

Environmental impactDisposalEnvironmental EngineeringRecovery and/or disposal treatmentEuropean Waste CatalogueGreen roofGeography Planning and DevelopmentEnd-of-life scenarioBuilding and ConstructionCivil and Structural EngineeringBuilding and Environment

Optimizing the SYBR green related cyanine dye structure to aim for brighter nucleic acid visualization


In recent years, the studies of RNA and its use for the development of RNA based vaccines have increased drastically. Although cyanine dyes are commonly used probes for studying nucleic acids, in a wide range of applications, there is still a growing need for better and brighter dyes. To meet this demand, we have systematically studied the structure of SYBR green-related cyanine dyes to gain a deeper understanding of their interactions with biomolecules especially how they interact with nucleic acids and the structural components which makes them strongly fluorescent. Herein, five new dyes were synthesized, and their photophysical properties were evaluated. Observations of photophysical cha…

kemiallinen synteesiväriaineetProcess Chemistry and TechnologyGeneral Chemical Engineeringtiheysfunktionaaliteoriafluoresenssinukleiinihapotmolecular dockingcyanine dyeX-ray crystal structureDFT calculationstestausbiomolekyylitnucleic acidfluorescent probesyaniiniväriaineetröntgenkristallografiaDyes and Pigments

«L’antico come principio di nuova architettura». Il tempo perenne delle opere e dei progetti


Nonostante la raccolta degli scritti e dei progetti di Angelo Torricelli copra un arco temporale di oltre trent’anni (dal 1990 al 2021) essa costituisce una straordinaria narrazione coerente e coesa nella quale si ha chiara la sensazione di come l’oggetto della riflessione sia la connaturata dimensione sincronica dell’architettura tesa a essere, inevitabilmente, espressione di valori atemporali. Non a caso i titoli dei testi di Torricelli, ad iniziare da ciò che ne costituisce la sintesi suprema, l’espressione metonimica per eccellenza — "Il momento presente del passato" — tendono ad essere quasi dei voluti emblematici ossimori. Nella lettura interpretativa dell’antico in architettura propo…

Angelo Torricelli Antico Architettura Progetto Rovina vs Archeologia Temporalità Atemporalità Archeologia dell'ArchitetturaSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Insufficienza Celiaco Mesenterica


L’insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica (ICM) è una sindrome clinica in cui il sintomo cardine è rappresentato dal dolore addominale che insorge nella fase post-prandiale, e che è provocata dall’inadeguata vascolarizzazione di uno o più settori dell’apparato digerente. Essa insorge per la presenza di lesioni ostruttive a carico delle tre principali arterie splancniche: il tripode celiaco (TC), l’arteria mesenterica superiore (AMS) e quella inferiore (AMI). Esistono due forme di ICM, una acuta e una cronica, che differiscono dal punto di vista fisiopatologico, oltre che per eziologia e clinica, sottolineando peraltro la possibile evoluzione improvvisa da cronica in acuta, fino all’evoluzione in …

InsufficienzaceliacomesentericaSettore MED/22 - Chirurgia Vascolare

Hydraulic Habitat Structure Impacts Risk of Trematode Infection


Abstract— Variability in infection rates of trematodes Diplostomum pseudospathaceum in 0+ rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss under different hydraulic regimes was studied in the experimental setup with regulated flow rates and environmental heterogeneity. The average infection rate in the conditions of the current was 1.5 times less than that in the stagnant water. An increase of the flow rate from 3.2 to 11.3 cm/s did not result in lower infection rates, while the interindividual variability in the infection rate (coefficient of variation) tended to increase along with changing the still-water conditions (20%) to the high flow rate environments (40%) within the experiment. A decrease in th…

habitat heterogeneitycercariaeympäristötekijätimumadotstream flow ratehabitaattiAquatic Sciencekalatauditinfektiotvirtaamatrematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceumkirjolohiloisetvirtavedetyearlings of Oncorhynchus mykissGeneral Agricultural and Biological SciencesJournal of Ichthyology

Renaissance Itineraries between Nebrodi and Peloritani: Architectural Heritage, History and Technology


Within the general framework of a research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN 2017), entitled “The Renaissance in Southern Italy and the Islands: Cultural Heritage and Technology”, the research unit based at Palermo University focused on the inner area that includes Nebrodi and Peloritani mountains, as a quite unexplored and stimulating environment in the specific field of investigation. The scientific relevance of the investigation on “Renaissance itineraries” in this territory, for a deeper understanding of the overall cultural phenomenon in the island, guided this choice, as well as the opportunity to create cultural networks among small local communities, encouraging their sust…

Southern Renaissance Cultural itineraries Architectural heritage Nebrodi PeloritaniSettore ICAR/18 - Storia Dell'Architettura

Effect of mucilage edible coating on fresh-cut nectarine cultivar ‘Big Bang’


The mucilage (OFI) obtained from cladodes of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) is useful to produce natural edible coatings to improve the shelf life of fruits. Edible coatings could be used to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut for products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of (OFI) on quality of ‘Big Bang' nectarine slices. After cutting, nectarine slices were dipped in three different solutions: 1) distilled water, mucilage, glycerol (MC); 2) distilled water, mucilage, glycerol, Tween 20 (TW); 3) distilled water as control (CTR) and were stored for 3, 5, 7 and 12 days at 5°C and 90% RH, in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packages under passive modified atmosphere condit…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeHorticulturefruit quality phytochemical characters peach fruit Opuntia ficus-indica

Predicting physical activity change in cancer survivors: an application of the Health Action Process Approach.


Purpose Previous research has not examined the utility of the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) to predict physical activity (PA) change in cancer survivors. The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of a HAPA-based model in predicting temporal change in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in cancer survivors. Methods Participants enrolled in the Wearable Activity Technology and Action Planning (WATAAP) trial completed validated questionnaires (n = 64) to assess HAPA constructs (action and maintenance self-efficacy, outcome expectancies, action planning, risk perceptions, and intention) and wore an ActiGraph to measure PA at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks later. D…

kuntoliikuntaCancer survivorsPreventionOncology and CarcinogenesisAction planningIntentionSelf EfficacytoteuttamissuunnitteluBehavior changeOncologyClinical ResearchterveyskäyttäytyminenNeoplasmsBehavioral and Social SciencePublic Health and Health ServicesHumanssyöpätauditTheorysense organsOncology & Carcinogenesisskin and connective tissue diseaseskuntoutujatExercisefyysinen aktiivisuusCancer

L’aggravante dello stalking per l’omicidio e le lesioni personali al vaglio delle Sezioni Unite, tra reato complesso e disattenzioni del legislatore


Come si ricorderà, il D.L. n. 11 del 2009 (conv. in L. n. 38 del 2009), introducendo nel codice penale il delitto di atti persecutori (art. 612-bis), ha al contempo modificato l’art. 576, comma 1, c.p., inserendo tra le aggravanti dell’omicidio doloso l’essere stato commesso dall’autore di atti persecutori nei confronti della stessa vittima. Occorre pure tener presente che tale modifica dell’art. 576 c.p. produce effetti anche sull’art. 585 c.p., che stabilisce che nei “casi previsti dagli articoli 582, 583, 583-bis, 583- quinquies e 584, la pena è aumentata da un terzo alla metà, se concorre alcuna delle circostanze aggravanti previste dall’articolo 576”. Con la sentenza in epigrafe le Sez…

delitto di atti persecutori (stalking)Omicidio dolosoSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Effetti benefici degli oli essenziali nel trattamento anti-obesità


Oli essenziali obesità

Nascita e formazione di una banca centrale. Sulla Storia della Banca d’Italia di Gianni Toniolo


Questa nota si propone di presentare i temi principali del recente volume di Gianni Toniolo dedicato alla storia della Banca d’Italia negli anni fra la sua fondazione (1893) e la caduta del fascismo (1943). Riprendendo alcuni recenti contributi sulla storia del “central banking”, si mostra come la contrapposizione fra “evoluzione” e “costruzione” di una banca centrale rappresenta un’utile, anche se parziale, chiave per rileggere la storia della Banca d’Italia. Mentre in età giolittiana si realizza una forte affermazione della Banca nella difesa della stabilità monetaria e nel perseguimento di obiettivi di pubblico interesse, negli anni fra le due guerre si ha un progressivo ridimensionament…

Settore SECS-P/12 - Storia EconomicaSettore SECS-P/04 - Storia Del Pensiero EconomicoStoria della Banca d'ItaliaGianni Toniolo

Più maestri tra i banchi di scuola primaria


Nei Paesi membri dell’OECD, i maestri di scuola primaria rappresentano una minoranza del corpo docente, per la bassa remunerazione, lo scarso prestigio sociale e lo stereotipo di una professione ritenuta femminile. Nella prima parte di questo contributo, si ricostruiscono le ragioni con cui si spiega la mancanza degli insegnanti maschi nella scuola primaria e si presentano i rimedi che alcuni Paesi hanno tentato di applicare per ridurre la dimensione di questo problema. Nella seconda parte, si presentano i risultati di un’indagine svolta nel 2021 sulla professione di maestro percepita da 71 studenti maschi frequentanti il corso di studi in Scienze della Formazione Primaria presso l’Universi…

indaginemaestroprofessional guidancescuola primariamale teacherorientamento professionalesurveystudenti universitariprimary schoolundergraduate studentSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Similarity-Based Virtual Screening to Find Antituberculosis Agents Based on Novel Scaffolds: Design, Syntheses and Pharmacological Assays


A method to identify molecular scaffolds potentially active against the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) is developed. A set of structurally heterogeneous agents against MTBC was used to obtain a mathematical model based on topological descriptors. This model was statistically validated through a Leave-n-Out test. It successfully discriminated between active or inactive compounds over 86% in database sets. It was also useful to select new potential antituberculosis compounds in external databases. The selection of new substituted pyrimidines, pyrimidones and triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines was particularly interesting because these structures could provide new scaffolds in this field. T…

Inorganic ChemistryOrganic ChemistryMicrobiologiaMicrobiologia mèdicaFísicaGeneral MedicinePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMTBC; virtual screening; topological indices; linear discriminant analysis; pharmacological activity distribution diagrams; antimicrobial drugs; drug designMolecular BiologySpectroscopyCatalysisComputer Science ApplicationsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences

Due sculture lignee del Settecento tra Napoli e Palermo: l’Immacolata Concezione di Piazza Armerina e il San Michele Arcangelo di Cerami


Oggetto del contributo sono l'Immacolata Concezione e il San Michele Arcangelo custoditi rispettivamente nella Cattedrale di Piazza Armerina e nella Chiesa Madre di Cerami, centri dell'entroterra siciliano. La prima opera è ricondotta per la prima volta ad ignoto scultore napoletano del primo quarto del Settecento, la seconda, invece, è attribuita a Filippo Quattrocchi. I manufatti lignei, restaurati di recente, vengono indagati in riferimento alla pertinente temperie culturale e, pertanto, raffrontati con altri simulacri coevi Subject of the contribution are the Immaculate Conception and the Archangel Michael kept respectively in the Cathedral of Piazza Armerina and in the Mother Church of…

wooden sculpture Neapolitan sculpture eighteenth century Rome Sicily Naples decorative arts simulacrascultura lignea scultura napoletana Settecento Roma Sicilia Napoli arti decorative simulacriSettore L-ART/02 - Storia Dell'Arte Moderna

Religious-Philosophical Articles, XXXIII


Žurnāla “Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti” XXXIII laidiens veltīts Latvijas sabiedrības vērtību analīzei salīdzinošā perspektīvā. Ņemot vērā vērtību jēdziena daudzdimensionālo raksturu, vērtību apraksts, analīze un klasifikācija visos laikos ir izraisījusi diskusijas, strīdus un pat konfliktus. Ideja veidot speciālu žurnāla numuru nolūkā veicināt teorētisko un empīrisko zināšanu attīstību par vērtībām Latvijā, aicinot sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu pētniekus dalīties ar jaunākajiem pētījumiem un atziņām šajā jomā, dzima projekta “Vērtību maiņa nestabilos apstākļos: sabiedrības saliedētība un neoliberālais ētoss” īstenošanas laikā. Pētnieciskā projekta tiešais mērķis bija sniegt jaunu salīdzinošu…

:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Other humanities and religion [Research Subject Categories]kultūras vērtības:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Sociology [Research Subject Categories]eitanāzijapašnāvībaetnolingvistiskā kopienajaunatnevērtības:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Mass communication [Research Subject Categories]:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Social anthropology/ethnography::Social anthropology [Research Subject Categories]starppaaudžu vērtības:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences [Research Subject Categories]lokālā identitātenevienlīdzībaabortsnacionālā identitāteLatvijas iedzīvotāju vērtībasnāvessods

La speciale disciplina urbanistica ed edilizia delle opere pubbliche


Le opere pubbliche costituiscono uno degli oggetti principali e più qualificati della ordinaria disciplina urbanistica ed edilizia, cionondimeno ne sono generalmente sottratte. E’ a partire dagli anni Settanta del secolo scorso che vengono via via introdotte leggi di settore che attribuiscono ai procedimenti di localizzazione e realizzazione di varie tipologie di opere pubbliche l’effetto di derogare sia alle previsioni del piano regolatore generale, evitando la procedura ordinaria di variante al piano, sia alla disciplina generale sui titoli abilitativi. Nella stessa direzione si sono mossi i decreti legge n. 77/2021 e n. 36/2022 con riferimento alle opere, agli impianti e alle infrastrutt…

Public works special regimeSettore IUS/10 - Diritto AmministrativoOpere pubbliche disciplina speciale

Dominating taxonomic composition of the early life gut microbiota and influencing factors in infants up to seven months of age in Latvia


Abstract It has been hypothesised that the establishment of stable adult microbiota is programmed in infancy, and therefore early life gut colonisation may lead to a lifelong microbiota pattern with significant effects on health. The aim of the study was to analyse the composition of gut microbiota and influencing factors in infants up to seven months of age in Latvia. A cross-sectional study was performed at primary healthcare centres. The parents of healthy infants filled out a questionnaire and brought the child’s faecal sample. 16 rRNS gene sequencing was performed to identify the bacterial taxonomic units. The composition of gut microbiota was compared between children with different r…

Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences.

Musical identities in action:Embodied, situated, and dynamic


This article provides a critical overview of musical identities as a research topic. A broad distinction between identities in music (IIM) and music in identities (MII) highlights how musical engagement is central to identity construction. These concepts are integrated with recent advances in psychological theory derived from enactive cognition (4E cognition) to propose a new framework for understanding musical identities, Musical Identities in Action (MIIA). This framework foregrounds musical identities as dynamic (constantly evolving, dialogical, and actively performed), embodied (shaped by how music is physically expressed and experienced), and situated (emergent from interaction with s…

musiikkikasvatusmusical tastesminäkuvamusical embodimentmusiikkimusikaalisuusmusiikkifilosofiamusiikkipsykologiaExperimental and Cognitive Psychologysoittolistatruumiillisuuspersoonallisuusself-conceptmusicalitypersonalityidentiteettiMusic

Rapid Assessment of COVID-19 Screening Program for Travelers in Iran: A Qualitative Study


AbstractObjective:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) screening stations set up by Iranian Red Crescent Society have been available for 17 d with the aim of identifying and treating people with coronavirus, reducing road trips, and sensitizing people to the problem. This study aims to investigate the challenges of the procedure.Methods:A qualitative study was used to find the challenges of the COVID-19 screening centers. Volunteers, branch managers, and headquarter managers of the Iranian Red Crescent Society participated in this study applying snowball sampling. Data were collected by means of in-depth semi-structured telephone interviews in April 2020 after completion of the fever screeni…

medicine.medical_specialtyhumanitarian responseCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Brief ReportPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthMental healthlogisticethicsRapid assessmentRed CrescentSnowball samplingvolunteeringFamily medicinemedicineTRIPS architecturePsychologyRapid responsemental healthQualitative research

Il corpo delle regine


La medievistica più recente, sulla scia di nuove questioni volte a indagare la condizione reginale da prospettive diverse e originali, ha tracciato un profilo sempre più sfaccettato delle regine. In questo saggio ci proponiamo di guardare alla dimensione più esterna, materiale, e al contempo più intima, il corpo, che ha una sua storia e fa parte della storia, la costituisce non diversamente dalle strutture sociali, economiche, e dalle rappresentazioni mentali. Il corpo di una regina associa a un corpo reale, fisico, fatto di bellezza, fecondità, cure e pratiche di mantenimento della salute, di sterilità e malattia, un corpo immaginario fissato al momento della morte nel gisant che ne traman…

Regine Sicilia corpo materialità politica culturaleSettore M-STO/01 - Storia MedievaleQueens Sicily body materiality cultural policy

Himera nella seconda metà del V secolo a.C. aspetti della cultura materiale: case, servizi da tavola, riunioni conviviali


After a re-examination of the 5th century BC housing culture at Himera in comparison with the housing culture of the same period in Athens, four Athenian red-figured and black glazed pottery assemblages are examined by comparing them with similar contexts from housing districts in Himera, in order to reconstruct as far as possible, the dinner services for convivial meals that involved the consumption of wine, both in formal meetings, both in everyday contexts. Finally, the stratigraphic context of five red-figured craters found in Himera is taken into consideration, re-examining the associations with other ceramic finds with the aim of reconstructing their contexts of use and the functions …

Settore L-ANT/09 - Topografia AnticaSettore L-ANT/07 - Archeologia ClassicaHimera 5th Century BC Context Material Culture.

Diversity and composition of the microbiome associated with eggs of the Southern green stinkbug, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).


Although microbial communities of insects from larval to adult stage have been increasingly investigated in recent years, little is still known about the diversity and composition of egg-associated microbiomes. In this study, we used high-throughput amplicon sequencing and quantitative PCR to get a better understanding of the microbiome of insect eggs and how they are established using the Southern green stinkbug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) as a study object. First, to determine the bacterial community composition, egg masses from two natural populations in Belgium and Italy were examined. Subsequently, microbial community establishment was assessed by studying stinkbug e…

Science & TechnologyPantoeaSodalisSYMBIOSISINSECTSMicrobiologysymbiontSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataPentatomidaeGUTWOLBACHIASodalimicrobial communityLife Sciences & BiomedicineVERTICAL TRANSMISSIONMicrobiologyOpenREFERENCES

κ-Carrageenan and PVA blends as bioinks to 3D print scaffolds for cartilage reconstruction.


3D printing of polymeric scaffolds and autologous stem cells is a promising tool for damaged facial cartilage reconstruction surgeries. To this end, suitable bioinks are needed to generate scaffolds with the required morphological and functional features. We formulated hydrogel bioinks using k-Carrageen (kC) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in three different weight ratios. The kC gives the systems the ability to undergo rapid sol-to-gel transitions upon cooling from 60 °C and above to body temperature, while the PVA is used as rheology modifier and porogen. The latter is crosslinked after molding or printing by freeze-thaw cycling for 1 day (FT1) or 5 days (FT5). To select the most suitable f…

CartilageTissue ScaffoldsTissue EngineeringStructural BiologyPrinting Three-DimensionalHydrogelsGeneral MedicineCarrageenanMolecular BiologyBiochemistryspheroids from human adipose stem cells 3D printing hydrogel bioinksInternational journal of biological macromolecules

Short form of revised two-factor study process questionnaire: Development, validation, and cross-validation in two European countries


Psychometric propertiesExploratory factor analysisSettore M-PSI/06 - Psicologia del Lavoro e delle OrganizzazioniApproaches to learning; Psychometric properties; Exploratory factor analysis; Confirmatory factor analysis; Measurement invariance;Approaches to learningVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Matematikk: 410VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280Confirmatory factor analysisMeasurement invarianceEducationStudies in Educational Evaluation

Ag5 nanoclusters with dual catalytic antiradical activities


Silver nanoclusters of five atoms (Ag5) display outstanding catalytic activities for the deactivation of radicals. Using 2,2-diphenyl-1‑picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical as a model system, we observed a fast radical reduction to DPPH anions using only [Ag5] 3 to 4 orders of magnitude less than [DPPH]. Moreover, nanoclusters remain stable at the end of the reaction, and can deactivate again DPPH radicals at the same rate, indicating that they act as anti-radical catalysts. The radical scavenger catalytic activity of Ag5 proceeds selectively through the oxidation of methanol (used to dissolve the radical) to formaldehyde, which is supported by DFT calculations. The obtained catalytic rate constan…

Anti-radicalsAnti-radicalCatalysisSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsCatalysiBiomaterialsPolymer ageingColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymer ageing.Settore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E InorganicaSilver nanoclusterPolymer stabilizationSilver nanoclusters

Introduction. Into the Translation for Museums, Festivals, and the Stage: Creativity and the Transmedial Turn


With the objective of scrutinising general standards, specific criteria and levels of creativity applied to translation practices, especially in light of recent research in audiovisual consumption and reception, creativity and transcreation, and arts accessibility and translation for the arts, the special issue seeks to contextualise the numerous shifts within the artisitc sector in relation to the theoretical and practical challenges that our increasingly technological culture poses for the modes of translation and accessibility. Contributors shed light upon a variety of cultural areas where translation, often combined with creativity, intervenes to localise aesthetic products under the ne…

creative industries museum translation festivals theatre audio description multimodal translationSettore L-LIN/12 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Inglese

Ernesto Rossi e La Riforma Sociale (1926-1930). La carriera interrotta di un economista politico


Con questo saggio si intende ricostruire la breve ma intensa fase di collaborazione di Ernesto Rossi con La Riforma Sociale, prestigiosa rivista di economia e scienze sociali fondata da Francesco Saverio Nitti nel 1894 e diretta da Luigi Einaudi dal 1908. Fra il 1926 e il 1930 Rossi è autore di sette lunghi saggi su tematiche di finanza pubblica, economia applicata e statistica economica che sono stati relativamente trascurati dalla storiografia. La rilettura di questi contributi consente di approfondire alcuni momenti centrali nella sua formazione di economista. In particolare: l’influenza di Einaudi e di De Viti de Marco; la predilezione per un approccio empirico all’analisi economica; la…

Politica economica del Fascismo Ernesto Rossi Luigi Einaudi e La Riforma SocialeSettore SECS-P/12 - Storia EconomicaSettore SECS-P/04 - Storia Del Pensiero Economico

The effects of grazing history, soil properties and stand structure on the communities of saprotrophic fungi in wood-pastures


Wood-pastures are threatened anthropogenic biotopes that provide habitat for an extensive group of species. Here we studied the effect of management, grazing intensity, time since abandonment, historical land-use intensity, soil properties and stand conditions on communities of saprotrophic fungi in wood-pastures in Central Finland. We found that the proportion of broadleaved trees and soil pH are the major drivers in the communities of saprotrophic fungi in these boreal wood-pastures. In addition, tree species richness, soil moisture, historical land-use intensity and time since abandonment affected the communities of saprotrophic fungi. Current management or grazing intensity did not have…

semi-naturalmaaperälaitumetEcologybiotooppiEcological Modelingforest pasturesPlant Sciencesemi-openluonnon monimuotoisuusfungal diversitytraditional rural biotopessienetEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematicsdung-inhabiting

Pelkkä ekologinen kompensaatio ei takaa ekologisesti kestävää maankäyttöä


Uudistuvan luonnonsuojelulain (HE 76/2022) myötä ekologinen kompensaatio on noussut Suomessa ajankohtaiseksi aiheeksi. Ekologinen kompensaatio on kiistelty aihe niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Jonne Hytönen ja Anna-Kaisa Tupala (2022) nostivat Alue ja ympäristö -lehden numerossa 1/2022 julkaistussa kirjoituksessaan ansiokkaasti esiin ekologisen kompensaation riskejä ja mahdollisuuksia ekologisesti kestävän maankäytön suunnittelun näkökulmasta. Yksinkertaistaen heidän mukaansa kompensaatio palvelee ”reformistista”, sallivaa suunnittelua, joka voi mahdollistaa ympäristöä heikentäville hankkeille ohituskaistan tai lupa-automaatin. Vaihtoehtoisesti, tiukat reunaehdot huomioiden, kompensaat…

maankäytön suunnitteluekologinen kompensaatiokaavoituskestävä maankäytön suunnittelukestävä kehitysmaankäyttöGeneral Medicineekosysteemit (ekologia)suunnitteluluonnonsuojelulakiympäristövaikutuksetkansantalouden tilinpitoekologinen kestävyyskestävyysluonnonsuojeluekosysteemitilinpitoAlue ja Ympäristö

Interpersonal work resources and school personnel well-being before and after lockdown during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland


This two-wave mixed-methods study used the job demands and resources model to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on school personnel's work well-being (including burnout, work engagement, and sense of belonging) in spring 2020 in Finland in particular with respect to collegial relationships (respectful engagement) and leadership support. A pre-lockdown survey was administered prior to the pandemic (in January–February, n = 437) and a post-lockdown survey was administered after the two-month lockdown (at the end of May, n = 270). At post-lockdown, the school personnel reported, on average, more exhaustion, less work engagement (measured as enthusiasm and energy at work), and a decr…

leadershipwork engagementburnoutetäopetushyvinvointiCOVID-19respectful engagementsitoutuminenuupumusjohtajuusschool lockdownTeaching and Teacher Education: Leadership and Professional Development